Sunday, May 24, 24, 2015 Pentecost Sunday We welcome you in the name of Christ Today: Pentecost Sunday Service Surrounding Our Services Today: 10:30 Morning Congregation Looking Ahead To Next Sunday: Worship followed by Cultivate Art Kingdom:: 7 Seeds of the Kingdom #5: Prayer Exhibit by Tim Dickau 1-4 pm Korean Presbyterian Church 5 pm Evening Congregation Congregation Worship Service followed by FINGER FOOD potluck together in the lower hall. Please bring finger foods to share, to go along with the Cultivate Art Exhibit . 10:30 Morning Congregation Worship 1-4 pm Korean Presbyterian Church 5 pm Evening Congregation Worship Service This Week’s ‘Holy Week’ events: events Mon, 7 pm Streams of Justice in room 8 – See ‘Community Bulletin Board’ for details on Roundtable Discussion Wed, 9:30 am – 1 pm Thurs, 5 pm Open Open Door for Single Mothers and their preschool children. Crossroads Community Meal. Meal All welcome! Doors open 5pm. Seating to dine 6:30pm. Contact Simeon Pang for more details 604 -518-2676 or [email protected]. Upcoming Church Events June 7 Baptisms at Spanish Banks after the morning service July 12 Combined Outdoor Service at Trout Lake – hosted by Evening congregation Aug 23 Combined Outdoor Service at Trout Lake – hosted by Morning congregation Sept 18-20 AM Congregation Retreat in Deroche, BC Sept 25-27 EVE Congregation Retreat in Deroche, BC As part of our commitment to learning together about the history of aboriginal/settler relations on this land, particularly where the Christian Church has been involved in perpetuating injustice, we are beginning each service with words that remind us that the land in and around Vancouver was taken over, sold, and settled without the consent of the Coast Salish peoples who have always lived here and have historic title to it. Church News Spring Sermon Series: Series During the weeks of Easter and into Pentecost) (April 12 through June 7), our sermon series will focus on Seven Seeds of the Kingdom: Kingdom Creation Creation Care, Shared Life, Justice, Corporate Worship, Biblical Reflection, Prayer & Creativity. Creativity Each week will focus on a different ‘seed’, the germination of which grows the Kingdom of God in our midst, which we bear witness to, and which is our way of living out the Vision of GCBC (see below). We sow and tend these seeds in each of our lives, while empowering those who have particular passions to sow particular seeds in our world. In addition, the shaping of sermons around these familiar themes at GCBC will be further contextualized given the course correctives that have come out of the 2014-2015 Regeneration-Visioning Process at GCBC, which are: discipleship, housing, spiritual practices and rest. rest In this integrative sermon series, the pastors appreciate your understanding as metaphors initially used have shifted (ex. ‘7 currents’ replaced by ‘7 seeds’). Knowing that the renewal of vision is not up to us, but is up to the Spirit, we're asking the Spirit of the Risen Christ to fall afresh on our church as we renew our vision together. GCBC’s Vision: “Grandview Calvary Baptist Church is a community of people who receive and extend the radical welcome of God in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit for the transformation of ourselves and our neighbourhood.” **PS: During this sermon series, we welcome the middler children’s classes to remain with us during the sermons – a new step for many of them. Our children’s pastor, Melanie Colenutt, will be offering tips on ‘how to listen to a sermon’. Adults, too, are welcome to pick up these potentially-reinvigorating ¼-page tip sheets from the sanctuary entrance. Pray for: -Farzan Mahdavi, undergoing medical tests -Irene Swift, Fiona Lee’s mother, building back strength from a broken leg; thanks be to God -Rhonda Hall’s dad, with cancer (multiple myeloma) -Wayne Richards, with leukemia -Rosemary Toye’s dad, Dean Toye, with deteriorating health from a neurological condition (progressive supranuclear palsy) GCBC Baptisms at Spanish Banks – June 7 LUNCH: We will be having our June church lunch at Spanish Banks on June 7th. A large, hearty salad will be provided. Please bring something to share, if you are able, as well as a plate and cutlery for yourself. Bring picnic blankets, lawn games, kites and let's spend the afternoon together, celebrating the baptisms and the coming of summer. We will arrange carpooling for those needing a ride. Baptism Service begins at 2 pm. DIRECTIONS: From Grandview Calvary Baptist Church or the church parking lot, drive West along First Avenue, which becomes Terminal Ave, until you come to Main Street. You will see Science World at this Tintersection – a big glitzy-globe-of-a-building. Turn left on Main Street and then soon turn right on 2nd Avenue which then becomes 6th Avenue. At the Granville Bridge, 6th Avenue becomes 4th Avenue, and you continue on. You will cross several major intersections. Soon after you cross Alma Street, a major intersection, the road forks, and you should follow NW Marine Drive which forks right. This road will take you along the beach. On your right will be Spanish Banks. Park in the last parking lot on your right before the road climbs towards UBC. Near the beach and just north of the parking lot, you will see an anchor laying on a platform. See you there for lunch & baptisms! Bring shoes for soccer if the weather permits. Staff Away: -Joy Banks: May 21–June 5 -Melanie Colenutt: May 22- Jun 9 -Tim Klauke: June 8-15 Planners needed for Fall Retreat for Morning Congregation: For the Sept 18-19 morning congregation retreat at Deroche, Retreat, people are needed to help on the planning team which will be meeting June 9, 8 pm at Helene Berry’s house, 1843 E. 16th Ave. If interested contact Helene ([email protected] / 778-329-1387) or Hannah Klassen ([email protected] / 604-716-9908). Global Worker Visit: Visit: Craig Greenfield who is one of our Global Workers writes: " I will be visiting Vancouver soon (May 28th to June 9th). Speaking at Tenth Church (May 31st) - [5 different service times see for service times and locations] and hosting an Alongsiders Dessert and Info Night (June 5th 7-9pm at Tenth). " We at Grandview have also scheduled Craig to give a Presentation & prayer time Thursday May 28th at 7 pm. pm Come hear about his work with Alongsiders in Cambodia and with doors opening in several other countries working with local churches and also with "little brothers & sisters" growing up and taking on other vulnerable kids just like themselves. For more info email: [email protected] or [email protected] Bookkeeper wanted: wanted: GCBC is looking for a highly motivated, energetic and professional individual to join our team as a part time bookkeeper. This position is up to 2 hours/week and an additional 2 - 3 hours/month or approximately 110 hours/year. A job description is available through the church office or by contacting the church Treasurer, Bob Parsons ([email protected]). If you wish to apply for this position or have qu’s, contact Bob Parsons. JOB AD: Work with your hands at Grandview Calvary! GCBC is seeking to fill the staff maintenance position with a self-motivated and resourceful DIY’er. The position requires 20 hours per month on average and includes maintenance of the church building and property, community houses and parking lot property. Skills needed for the position include communicating with user groups and contractors, using email, working with hand and power tools, and being a general handy person (only basic understanding of plumbing, building and electrical). Having a license, and means to a vehicle is an asset to the position (for making trips to the Hardware store/dump etc.) To apply for the position, get in touch with the stewardship committee chair (Geoff Rousseau) to discuss your interest and any relevant experience you have. The job is available immediately. email: [email protected] call or text Geoff: 604-652-1859 Pottery Studio: Would you like to cultivate community while making pottery? Experienced and new potters welcome. The GCBC basement pottery studio is looking for people to be part of the welcoming community on Thursdays, midday; this time slot provides creative space for people who typically do not have access to such spaces. ([email protected]). Contact Dana Vallee Stillpointe Update: Update The Wednesday morning prayers and Thursday evening Taize services are finished for the season, and will resume mid-September. Thanks to everyone who participated and assisted in these rhythms this year. The Stillpointe space will be open until the end of June for private bookings, on Sabbath in July, and then open again in August for private bookings. For these bookings, contact Mary Dickau 778-998-5436. Community Bulletin Board Postponement: The Salsbury Community Society board has decided to postpone their May 30th Make Ready: Building Community Together meeting. Future date TBD--stay posted. Please continue to keep us and the project in prayer. We are still committed to updating and sharing our progress with you all. For a variety of reasons, we feel the timing for this gathering is better suited to the fall. PUBLIC LECTURE: LECTURE: IN WHOSE IMAGE? FROM GODGOD-CENTRED TO PEOPLEPEOPLE-CENTRED WORSHIP - Monday, May 25, 2015 at 7:30pm 9:00 pm Christine Longhurst has spent the past thirty years in worship ministry as pastor, worship leader and teacher. She is on faculty at Canadian Mennonite in University in Winnipeg, and offers workshops on worship in churches across Canada. She is curator of the popular re:Worship blog for pastors and worship leaders. This talk is part of our Summer Lectures 2015 series. Location Regent College Chapel CityCity-wide worship and prayer -United in Prayer/United in Mission Join the church of Metro Vancouver on Pentecost Sunday May 24th at 6pm on the Global Day of Prayer to pray for our cities, nation and world. Sponsored by Missionsfest. Sun, May 24, 6-8 pm, Calvary Worship Centre, 11125 124 St., Surrey What does JUSTICE have to do with FAITH? Photo credit: M.T Sullivan Streams of Justice invites you to come and enjoy another roundtable discussion, this time looking at migrant justice to explore the connection between our faith and caring for refugees, migrant workers and undocumented people. This evening is for anyone interested in engaging in a dialogue about connecting our Christian faith with justice issues. WHAT? FAITH AND JUSTICE ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION WHERE? GCBC, 1803 East 1st Ave, Vancouver, Unceded Coast Salish Territory WHEN? 7:00 PM Desserts @ 6:45 PM / Discussion @ Monday, May 25th, 2015 *The space is wheelchair accessible* For more information: [email protected] or AllAll-Handmade Sale Coordinator Needed: Are you an organized individual with an interest in local artisans and their products? Are you passionate about supporting artists and welcoming our community to do so? We are looking for you! GCBC is currently looking for someone to take on the role of co-ordinator of the All Hand Made Sale. The AHMS takes place at the end of November. If you are interested or know someone who might be and would like to know more about what this very exciting role will entail, please contact Jayme Cline ([email protected] or 778-889-1948) Camping: invite to folks from the evening congregation Come join us for Group Camping(tenting) on July 1010-12 at Mount Seymour Provincial Park. There are a maximum of 44 spots, sign up is on a first come first serve basis. Please [email protected] to reserve your spot. If around 40 people signup, the cost will be around $10 per person. More details and information will be coming soon. Organized by Brian Lee and Brian Vandegriend. Engage – Together – GCBC Representatives are needed for the denominational CBWC-organized ‘Celebration Dinner’ which explores how faith communities can engage neighbourhoods. Guest speaker is Rev. Shannon Youell. Royal Oak Ministry Centre, 7175 Royal Oak Ave, Burnaby, Tues, May 26, 2015, 6-8:45 pm. RSVP by May 18 at or 778-242-2598. Please let one of the pastors know if you are interested. An Ecumenical Service of Prayer for Reconciliation and Healing” Healing” at 2:30pm on the 31st of May at First Baptist Church, corner of Nelson and Burrard, Downtown Vancouver First Baptist Church (FBC) has the honour of hosting the service in our sanctuary! In our morning services, I have invited Dr. Terry LeBlanc to preach. Dr. LeBlanc writes and teaches in the area of Indigenous Theology and Mission, and is Director of NAIITS: an indigenous learning community; he also teaches courses for Tyndale Seminary in Toronto, and Ambrose in Calgary. I know you will be blessed by the Word he brings! From noon until 2:30, 2:30 there will be “a street fair” over at the Wall Centre, with food trucks lined up on Burrard Street. This promises to be a memorable day as we pray with believers from other churches of our city. quoted from Darrell Johnson. Online Education: Education Mustard Seed Associates, as part of the Nurturing Communities Project - headed up by Tom and Christine Sine. MSA is excited to offer a new online learning opportunity through our school Mustard Seed E-School. Go to: Some titles available: -Returning to our Senses: Reimagining how we pray with Christine Sine -How to Simplify your Life with Mark Scandrette author of Free: How to spend your time and your money on what matters most. -Faith 1 Exploring Life's Big questions of God, Jesus & Religion with Brian McLaren and others -Faith2 What does it mean to be "saved" and what does the corss have to do with it? -Faith 3 Why read the Bible? and Why go to Church? -Economic inequality and taking our common humanity seriously, led by Bishop Julio Murray, Episcopal Bishop of the Diocese of Panama. -Economic inequality and Christian responsibility, led by Rachel Held Evans. You may take as many or as few classes as you like and may take them at your own pace – just be sure to complete the class(es) before you cancel your subscription of $25/month Personals: Contact Update: Ann-Marie Rattray’s new telephone number is 778-953-5090. Please adjust your directories / digital phone registries. Ride to Church Needed for Valerie Fielding from the Main & 1st area, for evening worship. Call Val at 604-620-8900. Free Van with any contributions going to Crossroads: OWN A PIECE OF HISTORY - 2003 Ford Windstar - Major item of GCBC celebrity memorabilia on offer! This well-loved vehicle is basically in working order and was kindly bequeathed to us by our very own Juno award-winning rapper and dear friend. This vehicle is available to anyone who can drive it to a province where it is legally insurable (as it has recently failed its Ontario to BC, ICBC exam for change of ownership - the bill would be $2000.00 to do the upgrades in province for various minor problems). If you know of anyone who is moving East or who is road-tripping in that direction and would like to take a large piece of Vancouver Canadiana with them, please get in contact. Or if you have other ideas regarding how to get this car to a good new home on the cheap - please get in contact - Simeon & Celeste [email protected] OR 604-518-2676 Housing needed - July 31-August 6: Jonathan Wilson's daughter Leah WilsonHargrove, her husband, and their three children (10, 5, 1) need a place to stay during their visit to Vancouver this summer. If you can help out or know of a place, contact Jonathan ([email protected]; 604-842-5981). Hosting Needed: Needed Soohwan Park and Jonathan Wilson are looking for some people to host 1 or 2 Japanese artists who have created art to bring hope surrounding the Fukushima triple disaster. Their art is in the Lookout Gallery at Regent College. The artists are coming in June for several days and they will meet people at Regent June 10th at 12-1 pm. They are planning to meet with other artists for a retreat and to work together for urban renewal in the DTES (Downtown Eastside) and with Art as Soul Sustainability, bringing imagination to stimulate hope through art. Check the website and events listing. They are also encouraging people to pray for reconciliation with creation, each other/peoples and nations. Please contact:[email protected] Room for rent for female in house by Garden Park. $550 per month. Contact Mary Sue for the details: [email protected] **Urgent Housing need** - One of our Open Door families has lost their home and all of their belongings to a fire. As a result, they are seeking a 3-4 bedroom rental home for 3 kids and 1 or 2 adults, preferably in Vancouver, Burnaby or New West. The family's mom would love to find something for $750 monthly, but could afford up to $1200. Please contact Trina Morin at 778-919-3332 with any possibilities. For more information or questions, speak with Fiona Lee at [email protected] Housing Need: Need Mother and young daughter through Open Door looking for a 2 bedroom home with rent and utilities of no more than $1000 a month; hoping to find housing near her childcare at Fraser and 62nd. Pass leads to Open Door Coordinator Fiona Lee at [email protected] / 604-347-2345. Tithing Donations: All that it takes to run GCBC and its programs is financed by Tithing / Donations members & adherents. Charitable tax receipts are issued once yearly (~Feb.) unless requested earlier. Donation envelopes are in the pews & sanctuary foyer racks. If desired, by emailing [email protected] you can receive a donor number which you can mark on your donations. This assists both with record keeping and your confidentiality. For the convenience of arranging direct transfers to GCBC’s Van City Account, or pre-authorized debit from another financial institution, email [email protected] to request help to set this up. Bulletin Posting Posting: To post news or announcements, please have submissions to Tim Klauke by Thursday noon ([email protected]). Use: To minimize building-use conflicts, ensure you contact Tim Klauke for Building Use booking church space for church-related or private use. List: To subscribe to the GCBC email list for periodic communication GCBC Email List updates, contact Tim Klauke (Teak) in the GCBC Office ([email protected]) or fill in the prompts on the right sidebars of the webpages. For the ‘Fine Print’ on our Worship Services, and for Helpful Info on Church Life, take one of the blue cards from the sanctuary pew pockets. Grandview Calvary Baptist Church 1803 E. 1st Ave, Vancouver, BC V5N 1B2 email: [email protected] Tel. 604-255-1411 Fax. 604-255-0414 GCBC Office Hours: 10 am - 2pm, Tues – Thurs
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