Rod MacIlvaine 6/7/2015 (1523) 10 Questions Most Christians Can’t Answer – Week 1 Is the Christian Faith Narrow-Minded? After all, Christians believe Jesus is the only way to God! – Selected Scriptures Main Idea: Many people say, “It’s too narrow-minded to say Jesus is the only way to God.” Rather, they say that, “God can be reached by many paths. And we’re all searching for the same thing!” But Jesus and his disciples claim something very different. Today we want to look at three options regarding the so-called narrowness of Christianity. 1ST OPTION – Some people claim that Christianity is not narrow. But… 1. A. Jesus claims to be God. Exo. 3:14-15; Jn. 8:58-59; Jn. 18:5; Jn. 10:30-31; Matt. 26:57-62 B. Jesus claims to be the only way to God. Jn. 14:6; Jn. 8:24; Jn. 3:18 C. Jesus’ disciples claim that he is God. Jn. 20:24-25; Jn. 20:26-29 D. Jesus’ disciples claim he is the only way to God. Acts 4:12; 1 Tim. 2:5 Questions: Think back to these various claims that Jesus makes about being God. Did the people who heard Jesus believe he was claiming to be God? How do you know for sure? Based on what you know of 1st century culture (i.e. Jewish culture) how radical were these claims? 2ND OPTION – Some people claim that Christianity is narrow and wrong. 2. A. Reality check #1 – In almost every arena of life, truth is narrow. Consequently… B. Reality check #2 – All religions are different, and all religions are narrow. C. Reality check #3 – Everyone must make a choice based on the law of non-contradiction. Questions: How is truth narrow in the field that you work in? Are people offended by the narrowness of truth in your field? Why or why not? People glibly say that all religions are the same, but what are the major differences between them? How would you state the law of non-contradiction in your own words? 3RD OPTION – Christianity is narrow and true. 3. A. The character of Christ suggests that the Christian faith is true. B. The resurrection of Christ shows that the Christian faith is true. Questions: How is Jesus’ character different from all other religious leaders? What difference does this make? How would you argue for the historical nature of the resurrection with a skeptical friend?
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