
Graphic Communications Week
2016 Poster Design Contest
Sponsored by the Graphic Communications Education Association, Inc. (GCEA)
• Theme: The poster must be designed for Graphic Communications
Week which typically revolves around Benjamin Franklin’s birthday
(January 17). The theme could encompass anything that symbolizes
the power and importance of printed communications.
A CD must be submitted with the artwork, labeled with the software
program(s) used and the entrant’s name. A color proof should
on the CD. Please make sure that your CD is securely attached to
your artwork.
• Eligibility: Students from any secondary or post-secondary
• Prizes:
school are eligible. Work must be submitted through a Current GCEA awarded for second and third place prize winners. If more than one
student created a winning design, the prize money will be divided
among the students.
• Design Area: 11”W X 14¼”H vertical format.
• Colors: Four-color process will be utilized to produce the winning
• Time Schedule: Poster entry must be received by July 1, 2015.
color build.
• Send Entries To: Harold Halliday, GCEA 2016 GCW Poster
Design, University of Houston Sugar Land, Digital Media Program,
George Building #104, 14000 University Blvd,Sugar Land TX 77204
PLEASE Mark on the outside of the package -2016 GCW Posters!
• Text: All text referring to “Graphic Communications Week”, and
not part of the design, is to be
presented on the lower portion of the poster (2¾H X 11W). The design
area will eventually be used on the cover of the Visual Communication
Journal (81/2x11) without the bottom text information.
Please see the layout diagram.
11”W X 17”H including the required GCEA
information at the bottom.
The following GCEA information must appear in the bottom
2¾H X 11W area of the poster, see the layout diagram.
• Judging: Winning entries will be selected by the GCEA board
of directors and displayed during the GCEA Annual Summer
Conference. First prize poster will be printed in full color and
distributed internationally by GCEA shortly before Graphic
Communications Week.
• Number of Entries: An GCEA Member Instructor may submit up
to three (3) poster entries from their students no exceptions.
• Entry Form: A completed entry form and disk(s) must be attached
to the back of each entry. Submissions without an entry form attached
Graphic Communications Week
January 17-23, 2016
GCEA logo**
Sponsored by: Graphic Communications Education Association, Inc.
Designed by: (designer’s name), a student of (teacher’s name) in the
(name of the program) at (name of designer’s school, city & state)
Additional information will be added at the
time of printing.
• Ownership: All entries will become the property of GCEA; they
will not be returned. All rights of use is granted to GCEA as a
condition for accepting the entry. GCEA reserves the right to make
minor revisions to accommodate use or production techniques, and
to use for other purposes, such as the cover design for the Visual
Communications Journal.
• Electronic Files: The poster must be created electronically and
** the GCEA logo may be downloaded from the GCEA website at
• Original Works: All entries must have the designer’s signature
indicating that no copyright violations have knowingly occurred; the
entrant must verify that the design is the entrant’s original design.
GCEA 2016 Graphic Communications Week Poster Contest Entry Form
Please Print or Type: This form (or photocopy) must be completed for each entry and attached to the back of the art.
Submit all parts proof, disk(s) of each entry in a separate envelope.
First Name
School’s Name
Last Name
Instructor’s Name
Home Address
Home Phone
School Address
e-mail address
Local Newspaper’s Name
Instructor’s School Phone
Newspaper Address
I authenticate that the design submitted with this form is my original design and
that no plagarism has knowingly occurred. I understand that the submitted art
will not be returned, and that all entries, including the winning entries, become
the property of GCEA with exclusive rights of use granted to GCEA.
you may make copies of this form
Student d esigner’s Signature
Instructor’s Home Phone
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