PHONE : 022-25595791/2467/0605 F A X : +912225505151/255196131 Email: pnraju eebarc.qov.ln I ~~ ~ 1. . ~" ~; ~~"~ Vf'Q ffl;rq RLG Building TROMBAY, MUMBAI - 400085 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA BHABHA ATOMIC RESEARCH CENTRE Hot Lab Utility and Engineering Services Section Ref: HUES/RE-118/2015/149 23/03/2015 Notice In viting Tend er Name of Work : Supply, fabrication, installation, testing & commisioning of 32 windows annunciation panel along with annunciator, wiring & cable laying wo rk for existing LT Panel at RLG sub station BARC, Mumbai-85. On behalf of President of India, Head HLU & ESS, NFG, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre quotations are invited from Electrical contractor in sealed envelope for the work given in enclosed annexure- I (Schedule of quantity) and annexure- II (Specification). General Instructions & Clauses : 1. The complete quotation shall reach to the undersigned on following address on or before 09.04.15through speed/registered post. The quotations will be opened on 10.04.2015 at 3:30 pm. Address : Head, Hot Lab Utility and Engineering Services Section, RLG building, BARC, Trombav, Mumbai-85 2. The quotation envelope cover shall be superscripted with the description of the job as mentioned above and the tender enquiry no. HUES/RE~118/2015/149 dated 23/03/2015 Validity: Validity of the offer shall be 60 days from date of opening of quotation. 3. 4. Vendor shall clearly indicate applicable taxes and duties in their offer.Offer of those vendors who do not submit their quotation as per annexure -I shall be rejected. Income tax: Income tax @ 2% will be deducted from your bill . 5. Incomplete quotations in any respect shall not be considered. 6. 7. If any of the employee, consultant, or partner of the company is an Ex BARC employee, the same must be stated in the quotation clearly. 8. Penalty: Any delay which attributable to the contractor,penalty @ 0.5 % per week (max 5 %) will be imposed on contractor. 9. The department reserves right to extend the date of opening the quotations. 10. Police Verification Certificate: It would be the responsibility of the contractor to arrange police verification certificate for his workers/technicians/engineers deployed to site and to complete security procedures/ clearances to enable carrying out work inside the BARC premises. Photo passes shall be issued in lieu of producing police veri fication certificates for all workman which shall be employed by the contractor for this work. Each photo pass issued to employee / supervisor or any other staff upon the completion of this work has to be surrender to the issuing authority and obtain a "No Demand Certificate" to that effect from S&MIS section of Personnel Division of BARe. 11. Sales Tax Registrat ion Number, PAN number of the firm, service tax registration number etc. shall be furnished with quotation. 12. Quotation shall be sent via speed post/registered post only 13. COMP LETION PERIOD: 60 days from the date of issue of work order. 15. CRITERIA FOR CONTRACTOR: The contractor shall have experience of more than 3 years in electrical work. The , contractor shall submit a list of the works they have carried out in last 3 years along with the completion certificates. They shall also submit valid electrical Contactor license. 16. TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR PAYMENTS: a) No advance payment shall be made. b) Full payment shall be made after satisfactory completion of job. The vendor shall submit the Bill along with the duly signed advanced stamped receipt and work completion certificate from the engineer incharhge. c) ONLINE payment (through RTGS/NEFT) will be made by the Accounts Officer, BARC d) The Department shal l provide water and electricity at free of cost, if necessary. 17. SAFETY RULE & SECURITY RULE: The vendor shall follow all the safety procedures as per the normal industrial practice during the execution of the job at site. Any mishap occurring during the work due to unsafe workmanship shall be the vendor's liabilities. Security and transportation rules at BARC, Trombay premises shall be strictly followed . 18. CONFIDENTIAL CLAUSES: (i) Confidentiality No party shall disclose any information to any third party concerning matters under this contract generally, In particular, any inform at ion identified as "Proprietary" in nature by the disclosing party shall be kept strictly confidential by the receiving party shall not be disclosed to any third party without the prior written consent of the original disclosing party This clause shall apply to the sub- contractors, consultants, advisors, or the employees engaged by a party with equal force (ii) "Restricted information" categories under section 18 of the Atomic Energy Act , 1962 and " Off icial secrets" under section 5 of the of the Official Secret Act, 1923 : Any contravention of the above mentioned provisions by any contractor, sub- contractor, consultant, advisor or the employee of a contractor will invite Penal consequences under the aforesaid legislation. Prohibition against use of BARe's name without permission for any publicity Purpose. (iii) The contractor or Sub contractor, consultant, advisor or the employees engaged by the contractor shall not be use any public purposes through any media like press, TV, or internet, without the prior written approval of BARe. 19. The firm shall submit their quotation on their printed letter head . Computer generated Forms will be construed as invalid and rejected. 20. All tools and tackles required for the execution of this job shall be arranged by vendor. 21. All the required manpower shall be arranged by vendor. 22. Transportation charges for material and any other tools and tackles are in the scope of the bidder. 23. Procedures for dealing with ambiguities in rates: i. ii. iii. When the re is a difference between the rates in figures and in words, the rates which correspond to the amounts wor ked out by the bidder shall be taken as correct. When the amount of an item is not wo rked out by the bidder, or if it does not correspond with the rates wr itten eith er in figu res or in words, then the rate quot ed by the bidders in words shall be taken as correct . When th e rate quoted by th e bidder in figur es and in wo rds ta llies, but the amount is not worked out correctly, the rates quoted by the bidd er shall be tak en as correct and not th e amount. Enel: Annexure- I & /I \, , ·r-r~3 I:s ) Head HLU & ESS, NFG ANNEXURE-I Schedule of Quantity Name of work: - : Supply , fabrication, installation,testing & commisioning of 32 windows annunciation panel along with annunciator, wiring & cable laying work for existing LT Panel at RLG sub station BARe, Mumbai-85. i ; ! SCHEDULE Item no . I Description Unit rate (Rs) Unit Qty Amount (Rs) J J I I I SITC of 32 window annunciation panel 1 along with Annuciator and all necessary accessories as per clause no. lof specifications. i J 1 Job J I I I SITC for Inter panel wiring in existing LT switchgear panel with l.S sq mm FRLS 2 single core stranded Cu conductor wire with 60 nos. elmex/ connectwell connector with base mount as per clause no. 2 of specifications .. I conductor Armoured PVC/XLPE Insulated I Job 1 I I I I I I SITC of of 24 core l.Ssqmm straned Cu 3 , . 100 J Mtrs. j I cable as per clause no. 3 of specifications. ! i I 4 End Termination of 24 core l.5sqmm stranded Cu conductor Armoured PVC/XLPE Insulated cable as per clause no. 4 of specifications. , J 4 ; No. r I Total Amount (Rs)= I Amount in words: I I I Taxes/duties applicable: Validity of Offer: i I i I J i , J i i I I Signature of Contractor I I Ii ! I i ~ I I I I ! I I j ANNEXURE-II Technical Specifications Name of work: - : Supply, fabrication, installation, testing &commissioning of 32 windows annunciation panel along with annunciator, wiring & cable laying work for existing LT Panel at RLG sub station BARC, Mumbai-85. Item no. 1: SITC of 32 window annunciation panel along with Annunciator (one no.) and all necessary accessories such as hooter (one no.l.test-rnute- accept- reset push buttons, ON/OFF selector switch (one no.), disconnecting glass fuse type connectors (60 nos.) with end plates, FRLS wires (for internal wiring) etc. Following are the technical specifications for annunciator: I) supply voltage :110VDC+/- 10% II) fault contacts : potential free type III) response time : 40msec. IV) Output contacts : lNO+1NC V) No of window :32 VI) windows dimensions : 30mm x 30mm vII) Color of Window : RED, super bright high efficiency low power LED VIII) Communication : RS 485 communication facility IX) power consumption : 1.5 watts /window (maximum) X) Flash rate : Fast -60 flash /min, slow- 30 flash /min XI) Response time : 40 msec XII) Facia type : Individual window lens front replaceable. Annunciator shall be similar to model No. 40B32SMPO of MBAS 0600 series of M/ s Minilec. Following are the technical specifications for Annunciator Panel: Annunciator panel shall be fabricated out of 2mm thick CRCA sheet steel. The sheet work shall be subjected to 7 tank chemical treatment prior to painting by powder coating. Earthint~ point shall be provided in the panel. Suitable fixing frame arrangement of M.S. with painting fO I;' mounting the panel on wall/floor shall be provided by the contractor. A sketch for the panel shal I be submitted to Engineer-in-Charge for approval before taking up fabrication. Panel dimensions shall be suitable for housing & mounting of annunciator module, disconnecting glass fuse type connectors (Elmex or Connectwell makes, hooter (with volume control) etc. Connector\l; grad,l!~ propell~ inside panel shall be interconnected to annunciator module's all output terminals with 1.1 KV single core 1.5 sqmm FRLS insulated stranded copper conductor wires as per IS 694 with lugging. Accessories such as Test-Mute-Accept- Reset Push buttons, ON-OFF selector switch (for contr i ll supply ON/OFF) shall be mount on face of Panel for control operations. The panel shall be provided powe"r On indication to monitor the status of power supply of annunciation panel. Item no. 2: Supply, installation, testing and commissioning (SITe) of 1.1 KV grade single core FRLS insulated stranded copper conductor wires as per IS 694 for inter panel wiring (LT Switchgec1lr Panel). Supply of suitable lugs and connector (Elmex or Connectwell make disconnecting fuse type Wit" base and end plates) for end termination of wires with proper lugs will be in scope of bidder. THe approx. length of wires will be 220mtrs.Thewires shall be properly dressed with cable/wire tiE~s and all necessary accessories. II Miniature relays shall be supplied in 3 nos. (coil voltage 240VAC, Contact rating 5amp, 2 contacts) with mounting base & installed and 1.5 sqmm flexible Cu conductor FRLS wiring between relays ari'd I connector shall be in scope of contractor. Miniature relays shall be similar to model MPC with 2 contacts of Pia make. The e x i ~ting LT panel consist of Three nos of incomers, Two nos bus couple rs and Eighteen nos of outgoing feeders. Sixty nos of connecters and t hree nos of Relay are req uir ed. Item no. 3: SITC of 24 core 1.5sqmm stranded Cu conductor Armoured PVC/XLPE Insulated cable of wo rking voltage llOOvolts t o 15:1554 (part-1)/7098(pa rt-1) . Cables shall be supplied with single layer armouring of galvanized steel wire/strip. Cable shall be laid in existing t rench /wall/M5 support/sleeve/slab/beam and all necessa ry accessories fo r installation such as GI sadle/ clamps / screw/ nuts & bolts etc shall be supplied . Routine tests certi ficate as per IS shall be submitted. Item no. 4: End jo inting of 1.1 KV grade, 24 core 1.5sqmm stranded Cu conductor PVC/XLPE armoured cables with supply & installation of all jointing materials including supply of double compression type glands, crimp ing type suitable size copper lugs of reputed make, insulation tape etc. of sizes as deta iled in schedule of quantity . Cable gland shall be grounded with supply & inst allation of 14/ 12 SWG Cu wire. General: A: PREFERED MAKE I 1 FRLS Wires Finolex I RR Kable I Uniflex I Polycap (Daman)/LAPP 2 LT Cables Finolex I Fort Glostar I Uniflex I Polycab IRPG/KEI 3 Cable gland Braco I Comet 4 Push buttons 5 Selector switch TEKNIC or equivalent Kaycee/Siemens/alstom/technique/L8.T 6 Connector (terminals) Elmexl Connectwell 7 Annunciator 8 Miniature Relay Minilec Pia Note: Any oth er make su bject to approval of competent authority. B: Test certificate from manufacturer s hall b e s u b mitted. c: Panel shal l offered for inspection at works of panel manufactu res .
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