G.D. GOENKA PUBLIC SCHOOL, FARIDABAD SUMMER HOLIDAY HOMEWORK SESSION 2015 – 2016 CLASS-III Name: __________________ ENGLISH We are sure that all of you must be enjoying your holidays and many of you must have started making plans to visit your grandparents, join some activity classes or visit any hill station . Students, here we are giving you a variety of fun filled activities and worksheets that you can do in your summer break and submit to your teachers after the vacations. SECTION –A MY CREATIVITY CORNER Students have to make charts on the following topics according to their roll numbers as given below : 1. Roll no. 1 to 8 TOPIC TOPICPIC- PUNCTUATION MARKS Make a beautiful chart of different punctuation marks with attractive pictures along with the usage of each mark in one line . ( For reference, see notebook ). Decorate the chart nicely. 2. Roll no. 9 to 15 TOPICTOPIC-NOUNS(GENDER) Write any five nouns along with their masculine or feminine gender on cut outs of different shapes (for eg; a flower, circle, square, balloon etc.) and prepare beautiful hangings from those cut outs. 1 3. Roll no.10 to 23 TOPICTOPIC- PARTS OF SPEECH The different parts of speech are –Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs, Conjunctions,Interjections, Prepositions and articles. Students have to write these parts of speech beautifully in the shape of a tree (any one shape of the following two) as shown below and colour and decorate the tree according to their creativity. OR 2 SECTION –B COMPREHENSION A. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions: One day, a guru foresaw in a flash of vision what he would be in his next life. So he called his favourite disciple and asked him what he would do for his guru in return for all he had received. The disciple said he would do whatever his guru asked him to do. Having received this promise, the guru said, “Then this is what I’d like you to do for me. I’ve learned that when I die, which will be very soon, I’m going to be reborn as a cat. Do you see that cat eating garbage there in the yard? I’m going to be reborn as the fourth kitten of its next litter. You’ll recognize me by a mark on my brow. When that cat has littered, find the fourth kitten with a mark on its brow and, with one stroke of your knife, slaughter it. I’ll then be released from a cat’s life. Will you do this for me?” The disciple was sad to hear all this, but he agreed to do as he had promised. Soon after this conversation, the guru did die. And the cat did have a litter of four little kittens. One day, the disciple sharpened his knife and picked out the fourth little kitten, which did indeed have a mark on its brow. Just as he was about to bring down his knife to slit its throat, the little kitten suddenly spoke. “Stop! Don’t kill me!” it screamed. Before the disciple could recover from the shock of hearing the little kitten speak in a human voice, it said, “Don’t kill me. I want to live on as a cat. When I asked you to kill me, I didn’t know what a cat’s life would be like. It’s great! Just let me go.” 1. What did the guru foresee for himself in his next life? Ans._______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. How would the disciple be able to recognize the right kitten? Ans._______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 3 3. What preparations did the disciple make to fulfill the promise he made to his guru? Ans.______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 4. Frame sentences with: • Litter________________________________________________________________ • Vision_______________________________________________________________ 5. Why, did the guru change his mind? Ans._____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 6. Find the words from the passage which means • Kill---________________________________________________________________ • Waste---_____________________________________________________________ SECTION –C CREATIVE WRITING Q. Summers are time to relax and spend quality time with family and friends. Describe any place/places that you visited with your family or friends in these summer vacations on an A4 size sheet. Along with it paste pictures of you and your family enjoying in that place. Decorate your sheet nicely. 4 SECTION –D GRAMMAR Q1. Give a proper predicate to the following sentences ::1. The furniture ______________________________________________________. 2. The colour of the walls ______________________________________________. 3. The soldiers are ____________________________________________________. ______________________________________________. 4. The ship is ________________________________________________________. 5. Animals __________________________________________________________. 6. The students are ___________________________________________________. 7. My siblings _______________________________________________________. Q2. Write two sentences on each picture ::- ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 5 Q3.. Put a box around proper nouns and underline common nouns in the following sentences:1. The Ganges is the longest river. 2. Mt. Everest is the highest mountain. 3. Ritu is very happy today as she has got good marks in her exams. 4. Sarla broke her leg and was in a lot of pain. Q4. Rewrite the following sentences after changing the nouns into their plural forms :1. The horse is a useful animal. ________________________________________________________________ 2. The mother was scolding the daughters. ________________________________________________________________ 3. The army is marching ahead. ________________________________________________________________ 4. The leaf of this tree is yellow in colour. ________________________________________________________________ Q5. Underline the masculine gender and draw a box around feminine gender :1. The bull and the tigeress were in front of each other. 2. The milkman gave 2 litres of milk to the lady. 3. The soldiers were listening to songs. 4. Her father-in-law is a lawyer. SECTION –E ACTIVITY CORNER Click pictures of yourself doing various activities at home showing your contribution in helping your mother / father and paste them on a pastel sheet. Write 3-4 lines on each activity . 6 G.D. GOENKA PUBLIC SCHOOL, FARIDABAD SUMMER HOLIDAY HOMEWORK SESSION 2015 – 2016 CLASS-III MATHS NUMBERS MADE THE PROBLEM SOLVED GIVEN INSTRUCTIONS:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Use your math skills to figure out which number that is. Are you clever enough to solve the given puzzle? Solve the given foot frenzy. Domino- addition matching game. Solve the given riddles Make the following projects according to their roll numbers. A) Roll no 1 – 8- Best out of waste using waste material like broken bangles, straw, etc. B) Roll no 9 to 16- Numbers collage of 2, 3, 4 digit numbers on a chart paper (Hint:- news paper cuttings, menu card, price list of any shop can be used) C) Roll no 17 – 24 – Decorative cards for rounding off to the nearest 10 , 100 and 1000 (Each child will make 3 cards only for 10 , 100 , 1000) 7. Learn and write tables from 6 to 15. 7 G.D. GOENKA PUBLIC SCHOOL, FARIDABAD SUMMER HOLIDAY HOMEWORK SESSION 2015 – 2016 CLASS-III MATHS NAME:-_________________ ROLL NO:- ______CLASS:- ______ 1. In each square there is one number that is different than the others. Use your math skills to figure out which number that is 8 G.D. GOENKA PUBLIC SCHOOL, FARIDABAD SUMMER HOLIDAY HOMEWORK SESSION 2015 – 2016 CLASS-III MATHS NAME:-__________ ROLL NO:- __________ CLASS:- ______ 2. Can you solve this mathematics number pattern? Study the first row of numbers, find the number pattern and apply this on the other rows. Are you clever enough to solve this puzzle? 9 G.D. GOENKA PUBLIC SCHOOL, FARIDABAD SUMMER HOLIDAY HOMEWORK SESSION 2015 – 2016 CLASS-III MATHS NAME:-__________ ROLL NO:- __________ 3. SOLVE THE GIVEN FOOT FRENZY. 10 CLASS:- ______ G.D. GOENKA PUBLIC SCHOOL, FARIDABAD SUMMER HOLIDAY HOMEWORK SESSION 2015 – 2016 CLASS-III MATHS NAME:-__________ ROLL NO:- __________ 4. DOMINO- ADDITION MATCHING GAME 11 CLASS:- ______ G.D. GOENKA PUBLIC SCHOOL, FARIDABAD SUMMER HOLIDAY HOMEWORK SESSION 2015 – 2016 CLASS-III MATHS NAME:-__________ ROLL NO:- __________ CLASS:- ______ 5. SOLVE THE GIVEN RIDDLES SOLME ME Riddles 1. How can you add eight 8's to get the number 1,000? (only use addition) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Two Fathers and Two Sons Riddle Two fathers and two sons sat down to eat eggs for breakfast. They ate exactly three eggs, each person had an egg. The riddle is for you to explain how ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 12 G.D. GOENKA PUBLIC SCHOOL, FARIDABAD SUMMER HOLIDAY HOMEWORK SESSION 2015 – 2016 CLASS-III EVS EVERYDAY ACTIVITIES (COMPULSORY FOR ALL) • Get up early in the morning and see the rising sun. • Go for nature walk. • Feel the fresh air: Take a deep breath and do breathing exercises. • Hear the birds chirping. • Water the plants and feed the birds. MUST DO 1. Encourage your child to eat healthy food and drink lots of water during summer. 2. Try to speak in English with your ward. Dear Children, Let us all get together to learn and explore something new and interesting while we are enjoying our holidays. Chapters for holiday homework are: 1) Chapter-3. Recreation. 2) Chapter-6. Birds – The feathered animals. 3) Chapter-8. Looking after our body. 13 The given three activities have to be done roll number wise. Roll number 1 to 7 Activity -1 Roll number 8 to 14 Activity - 2 Roll number 14 onwards Activity - 3 Activity– 1 Alice met a bird named Dodo in the story ‘Alice in Wonderland’. Dodo is an extinct bird. We should protect endangered animals so that they do not become extinct. Some of the endangered/extinct Animals are: a. GreatAuk b. Quagga c. Bengal Tiger d. Giant Panda Paste the picture of any two of the above mentioned animals on coloured A4 size sheet. Write few lines about them keeping the following points in mind. (a) Where is/was this animal found? (b) Why is it endangered / extinct now? (c) Any other fact / information. Activity – 2 Let us all get together to learn and explore something new and interesting while we are enjoying our holiday. It’s too hot to play outside – so be creative and design your own indoor game and make a model of it. On an A-4 size sheet neatly write the rules for the same. Decorate it and make it attractive and presentable. Refer to chapter -3 for any assistance. 14 Activity – 3 Make a pamphlet for maintaining cleanliness at home and in school. This pamphlet should include a poster and a jingle. (A jingle is a song that conveys a message). Make your child more independent by teaching him/her various activities like: • Buttoning and unbuttoning the shirt. • Laying the table. • Folding mats and clothes. • Arranging their toy shelf. • Learn how to wear shoes and socks. • Learn how to zip your school bag and cloth. • Sorting and pairing household items. • Segregating various sizes of buttons for sequential knowledge 15 G.D. GOENKA PUBLIC SCHOOL, FARIDABAD SUMMER HOLIDAY HOMEWORK SESSION 2015 – 2016 CLASS-III HINDI 'pRqvaI hmaaro jaIvana ka AaQaar ªÀ ' maa~a &ana ¹ BaaYaa kI phcaana ª ¡Anauk`maMak 1−7 £ • baZ,tI hu[- AapdaAaoM ko karNa pRqvaI xaitga`st hao rhI hO . hala hI maoM Aae BaUkMp nao Baart AaOr naopala kao bahut haina phuÐcaa[caaT-- ka inamaaaa[- hO, [saI sao saMbaMiQat ica~aoM saiht ek sauMdr caaT inamaa-NaNa kroM . ¡Anauk`maMak 8−16 £ • saBaI maa~aAaoM ko 5¹5 Sabdao SabdaoM sao ek sauMdr rolagaaD,I ka inamaainamaa-NaNa kro kroM .rolagaaD,I ka inamaainamaa-NaNa ek maa^Dla ko $p maoM kroM. ¡Anauk`maMak 16 16−23 £ • vyaakrNa ko iknhI dao ivaYayaaoM kI sahayata sao jaIvaaMt Aqaa Aqaa--t 3 DI maa^Dla ka inamaainamaa-NaNa kroM . • paz\\yapu yapustk ko Aitir@t pRqvaI AaOr pyaayavarNa sao sambaMiQat kao[- BaI dao kivataeÐ smarNa kroM . pyaa-yavarNa • saulaoK pRYz 5 −15 pUNa-a- kroM . • ga`IYmaavakaSa maoM p`yaasa kroM ik Aapko Gar maoM [sa AmaUlya inaiQa ka ]icat p`yaaoga ikyaa jaae¸ kao[- BaI nala ibanaa iksaI karNa vyaqavyaqa- na Kulaa rho . 16 G.D. GOENKA PUBLIC SCHOOL, FARIDABAD SUMMER HOLIDAY HOMEWORK SESSION 2015 – 2016 CLASS-III COMPUTER Roll No. 1-10 : a) Make a chart on ‘Uses of Computer in day-to-day life’. b) In MS Word, type any story of your choice and paste relevant picture(s). Decorate the page using WordArt, ClipArt, Page Colour, Page Border etc. options and take a printout. Roll No. 11-20 : a) Make a chart on ‘Computer Lab Manners’. b) In MS Word, type any poem of your choice and paste relevant picture(s). Decorate the page using WordArt, ClipArt, Page Colour, Page Border etc. options and take a printout. 17 G.D. GOENKA PUBLIC SCHOOL, FARIDABAD SUMMER HOLIDAY HOMEWORK SESSION 2015 – 2016 CLASS-III G.K. 1. Cut and paste at least 2 news weekly under the column a. National News b. International News c. Sports News 2. Note down the maximum & minimum temperature of one month, highlight the day with maximum temperature (weekly). 18 G.D. GOENKA PUBLIC SCHOOL, FARIDABAD SUMMER HOLIDAY HOMEWORK SESSION 2015 – 2016 CLASS-III ART Printed collage card To make a card, cut a rectangle from thick paper and fold it in half. Then cut another rectangle cardboard. Tape the end of string to the cardboard, then wind the string roughly around and around. Wind the string all along the cardboard, and then cut it. Tape the end on the same side of the cardboard as the other piece of tape. Paint the string with yellow paint, so that it is covered. Then press it onto the folded card, to print yellow lines. Print more lines on the card, adding more paint as you go. Continue until the card is covered with lots of yellow lines. Cut a square from yellow paper, smaller than the card. Then cut an even smaller square from light green paper. Wrap string around around another piece of cardboard. Then print green lines on the green square, as you did before. Glue the yellow and green squares onto the card. Then cut out a white paper flowers and a yellow middle and glue them on. Try cutting out lots of small flowers. You can add some paper leaves and a stalk. 19
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