Life-Cycle Environmental Impact Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Buildings Subjected to Natural Hazards Downloaded from by University of Houston on 04/01/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. Kazi Ashfaq Hossain1 and Bora Gencturk, A.M.ASCE2 Abstract: With the occurrence of devastating natural disasters worldwide, even though initially used interchangeably with green or environmental development, sustainability has evolved to possess social and economic implications as well. Therefore, a complete sustainability assessment of any civil infrastructure requires an evaluation of its three major components: cost, and environmental and social impacts. Because the construction industry is a pioneer in the sustainability movement, the civil engineering community at large needs an integrated methodology for conducting sustainability assessment of civil infrastructure. This paper focuses on the environmental impact assessment component of sustainability within a comprehensive framework for conducting a life-cycle assessment of structures subjected to natural hazards. Although environmental emissions and waste generation in the initial manufacturing and construction phases make significant contributions to the total environmental impact, long-term structural performance (including damage resulting from natural hazards) plays an important role in the sustainability of a structure. The damage experienced by a structure in future natural hazards might substantially increase the total environmental impact because of repair activities. In this paper, a life-cycle environmental impact assessment methodology is proposed with specific emphasis on RC buildings subjected to earthquakes. The methodology is applied to a RC building, and the results confirm the importance of the lifecycle environmental impact assessment as an essential component of sustainability in the presence of seismic threats. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE) AE.1943-5568.0000153. © 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers. Author keywords: Sustainability; Environmental impact assessment; RC buildings; Performance-based earthquake engineering methodology. Introduction The term sustainability is commonly perceived by civil engineers as ensuring sustainable sites and water efficiency, minimizing energy and materials, improving environmental quality, and applying innovation in the design process (U.S. Green Building Council 2009). The sustainability movement in the construction industry is mainly motivated by the fact that construction activities produce a considerable amount of harmful effluents and emissions that contribute to environmental pollution (Orabi et al. 2012). In addition, all construction projects lead to high consumption of raw materials and nonrenewable energy (Matos and Wagner 1998) and generation of a significant amount of debris from demolition activities (EPA 2000, 2004). Thousands of new construction projects result in increased environmental and economic impacts on society, which can be minimized through the implementation of sustainability initiatives. At the same time, incidents, such as the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake in Japan and the 2012 Hurricane Sandy in the United States, highlight the importance of incorporating disaster resilience into sustainable design practices. Therefore, it is a necessity to find a compromise between green building design and structural resilience in hazard-prone regions, which often happen to be conflicting objectives. 1 Research Assistant, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Houston, Houston, TX 77204-4003. 2 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Houston, Houston, TX 77204-4003 (corresponding author). E-mail: [email protected] Note. This manuscript was submitted on April 1, 2013; approved on March 11, 2014; published online on April 15, 2014. Discussion period open until September 15, 2014; separate discussions must be submitted for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Architectural Engineering, © ASCE, ISSN 1076-0431/A4014001(12)/$25.00. © ASCE The adoption of effective disaster-resilient and sustainable practices requires an explicit and comprehensive sustainability assessment framework. In other words, sustainability needs to be properly represented in terms of quantifiable units to allow for comparisons and trade-offs among alternative designs. Quantifying the sustainability of buildings is significantly more difficult than quantifying the sustainability of other products or processes for reasons such as the presence of multiple materials, complicated manufacturing and construction processes, complex and changing functionalities, long product design lives in contrast with limited service lives of the components, constant interaction with users and the environment, nonstandardized processes, and insufficient data. Although sustainability was initially concerned mostly with the environment, the term has evolved to encompass three interdependent factors: society, economy, and environment. In a sustainable system, economic, social, and environmental impacts are balanced, which is also known as the triple bottom line framework (Willard 2002). Therefore, quantifying sustainability requires a complete and systematic assessment of these three subcomponents, and a framework should be developed that takes into account the entire life span of the building. All structural systems undergo distinct life cycles comprising several stages, such as material production, construction, operation or use, and disposal. As a result, the life-cycle assessment (LCA), which was originally developed to measure the sustainability of products or processes [Scientific Applications International Corporation (SAIC) 2006], has become popular among researchers and designers for conducting a sustainability evaluation of buildings. Several LCA studies have been performed over the years to measure environmental impacts using different boundary conditions, types of emissions, and environmental impact categories; a complete review of these can be found in Khasreen et al. (2009) and Sharma et al. (2011). Most of the past LCA studies did not take into consideration the damage caused by natural hazards, which could have a significant A4014001-1 J. Archit. Eng. J. Archit. Eng. Downloaded from by University of Houston on 04/01/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. effect on the total lifetime environmental impact (Björklund et al. 1996; Jönsson et al. 1998; Guggemos 2003; Junnila and Horvath 2003; Scheuer et al. 2003; Johnson 2006). Such an assessment requires the evaluation of lifetime structural performance. On the other hand, some studies have recently been conducted on the environmental loss assessment of structures under seismic hazards. For example, Arroyo et al. (2012) introduced environmental loss within a seismic structural design. The Applied Technology Council (ATC) has developed a methodology for assessing environmental impacts associated with seismic damage (Court et al. 2012). Time-variant sustainability assessments have also been performed under multiple hazards, such as simultaneous earthquake and deterioration, and the results have been presented in terms of energy consumption and environmental emissions (Tapia and Padgett 2012; Dong et al. 2013). However, a comprehensive methodology that relates the seismic structural response and structural damage to the environmental losses or impacts has not yet been developed. The first goal of this study is to develop a comprehensive framework for a LCA of RC buildings with due consideration given to three primary components: cost, environmental impacts, and social impacts. The second goal is to use this framework to evaluate the environmental impacts resulting from seismic damage repair of the structural components of buildings and thereby use the quantifiable total environmental impact in selecting a more sustainable design. The main contribution of the paper is that the authors have developed an approach that converts structural damage caused by natural hazards to quantifiable environmental impacts by using a probabilistic analysis for a more transparent sustainability assessment. The methodology is further extended to incorporate structural optimization for a comparative analysis of alternative optimal structural designs. As an example, a life-cycle environmental impact assessment (LCEIA) of a RC building located in a highseismic region is performed using the proposed methodology. Sustainability Assessment Framework A comprehensive framework for conducting a sustainability assessment of structures subjected to natural hazards is introduced in this section. Economic impacts are the results of the monetary losses incurred during different life-cycle phases of the structure, whereas environmental impacts take into account environmental inputs (resources and energy) and outputs (emissions and wastes). Examples of social impacts are deaths and injuries. The LCA framework outlined in Fig. 1 is proposed for a seismic sustainability assessment of typical RC buildings. This framework merges all three sustainability factors by adopting three interactive functions: life-cycle cost assessment (LCCA), life-cycle structural performance assessment (LCSPA), and LCEIA. Each of these components comprises various subcomponents, which are briefly described in the following sections. To functionalize this framework, inventories are first made of resources, energy, and monetary inputs, and then the LCSPA, LCCA, and LCEIA are performed to obtain the outputs (i.e., the impact quantities). Finally, the environmental, social, and economic impacts are assessed to assist decision makers in considering trade-offs between alternative designs. Life-Cycle Phases The RC buildings undergo a number of life-cycle phases, such as raw material extraction, material production, construction, use, and end of life. The material production phase includes transporting raw materials to the manufacturing plants, manufacturing the materials, and storing the finished materials. The construction phase consists © ASCE of activities such as transporting the finished materials and other products to the project site, fabricating the structure on site, and using construction equipment and tools. The use phase includes all the activities that occur during the service life of the building, including operation, maintenance, repair, replacement, and retrofitting. The activities in the end-of-life phase of a building are demolition of the building, transportation of building debris to the sorting plant, sorting, transportation of the sorted debris to the recycling plant or disposal site, recycling the recyclable materials, and disposal of nonrecyclable materials to the landfill site. Sustainability Assessment Functions Among the three LCA functions, the LCSPA is a precursor of the LCCA and LCEIA because the resilience of the structure directly affects both the life-cycle cost and life-cycle environmental impact. The structural damage predicted from the LCSPA helps in selecting the repair or retrofitting schemes, therefore influencing the repair cost and environmental load by the repair activity. However, the details of the LCCA are not included here because an LCCA is not directly related to the objectives of this paper. In addition to the repair cost, structural damage results in indirect losses, such as the loss of rental income, inconvenience, and potential loss of lessors. These indirect costs may vary substantially depending on the location and use of the structure, although evaluation of these costs is outside the scope of this study. The LCSPA can also be used to quantify certain social impacts, such as death toll and number of injuries, which the authors are currently studying. A general structural performance assessment for RC buildings involves investigating the effects of all sources that result in deterioration of the intended use. These sources include aging-induced deterioration along with structural and nonstructural damage from manufactured and natural hazards. The focus here is solely on the structural damage incurred by future earthquakes. Earthquake hazards are properly modeled when they account for different magnitudes and return periods. To assess structural performance in response to a seismic hazard, several performance metrics, such as stress, strain, deformation, and length of the plastic hinges, are obtained by conducting a nonlinear structural analysis. These quantitative measures are eventually used to assess the probable damage state (DS) of the building elements, which is characterized by the type and extent of cracking, spalling, or crushing of concrete and the yielding, buckling, or rupture of the steel reinforcements (Elnashai and Di Sarno 2008). A LCEIA, which is the focus of this paper, is performed to evaluate the environmental loads at different life-cycle stages. First, the consumption of raw materials and energy, and emissions of by-products, are listed for each activity through an input-output diagram. Next, the input-output flow of the entire product or process is obtained. These flows are represented in terms of functional units. Appropriate boundary conditions are used to define the scope of the study. Resource depletion or emission results are then classified based on their potential impact on the environment. Each emission result is characterized according to its contribution to the impact category in question. Finally, the environmental impact of a particular stage or the entire product is obtained by adding weighted values. The life-cycle impact is represented by an environmental impact indicator through the normalization of individual impact categories. The environmental impact indicator is then used to compare the environmental performance of alternative designs. The detailed methodology is described in the following section. The LCEIA for a RC Building This section discusses in detail the LCEIA function of the proposed framework for sustainability. Traditionally, a LCA has been A4014001-2 J. Archit. Eng. J. Archit. Eng. Downloaded from by University of Houston on 04/01/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. Fig. 1. Proposed LCA framework for RC buildings defined as an integrated tool that provides a quantifiable investigation and evaluation of the environmental impacts of a product, process, or service associated with all the life-cycle phases (SAIC 2006). The methodology used here is organized around the concept of environmental impact quantification proposed by ISO 14040 (ISO 2006a). The ISO guidelines are presented in two documents: ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 (ISO 2006a, b). Because other sustainability components are incorporated in the proposed LCA framework to avoid confusion, the term LCA presented in the ISO documents corresponds in this paper to LCEIA only and not to the entire LCA framework. The general LCEIA as outlined in the ISO documents can be divided into four interacting stages: goal and scope definition, inventory analysis, impact assessment, and interpretation as depicted in Fig. 2 and discussed in the “Goal and Scope Definition for the LCEIA” section. Goal and Scope Definition for the LCEIA The goal and scope definition, as defined in ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 (ISO 2006a, b), is the first phase of the LCEIA. It involves identifying the product or process being analyzed and developing plans for conducting the assessment. The goal and scope mentioned here are not to be confused with the goal and scope of this paper. The goal summarizes the reasons for conducting the study, the expected application of the outcome, and the prospective users and audiences of the study and is previously described. The scope provides ways of © ASCE Fig. 2. LCA according to ISO 14040 (data from ISO 2006b) achieving the intended goals by defining a functional unit, system boundaries, and impact assessment methodology. The functional unit is the functional equivalence or quantitative reference of a product or process, which can be used as a basis for comparison of similar products or services. Generally, the functional unit for a building is taken as the total usable floor area or the amount of material used for construction. Here, the scope of a LCEIA has been limited to the structural components of the total building (i.e., functional unit). A4014001-3 J. Archit. Eng. J. Archit. Eng. Downloaded from by University of Houston on 04/01/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. The system boundary includes or excludes different life-cycle stages and their subunits, depending on their relevance to the study outcome. For example, if the objective of the study is to optimize construction practices, then the use or operation phase might be excluded from the system boundary. The data required for subsequent steps are also defined in the goal and scope definition stage. Here, the system boundaries (Fig. 3) are defined as cradle to grave, excluding operation and maintenance, which are not directly affected from the structural performance of a building under an earthquake. The extraction of raw materials is considered the starting point, whereas the boundary ends with recycling the recyclable materials (i.e., steel and coarse aggregates) and disposal of the remaining materials (i.e., fine debris). Because our study focuses on only the structural aspects of buildings, the contribution of the nonstructural elements is not taken into consideration within the system boundary. Operation (i.e., energy used during the service life), although contributing to a significant portion of the total environmental impact, will produce the same amount of impact for alternative structural designs; hence, it is also excluded. The periodic maintenance is not taken into consideration because environmental deterioration is expected to be more or less independent of the structural design and seismic performance of the building. Therefore, the probabilistic structural assessment methodology makes an intrinsic assumption that the structure will be in pristine condition throughout its lifetime when an earthquake hits. Given the system boundary previously described, the data required for conducting this study are the material consumption, energy (i.e., fossil fuel and electricity) used, and environmental emissions corresponding to each life-cycle stage previously defined. No single database of environmental impacts includes all the relevant information for environmental impacts; therefore, several databases are merged here, as described in the “Environmental Inventory Development” section. Environmental Inventory Development In this step, inflow and outflow data are collected that correspond to different processes of the life-cycle stages within the system boundary. Inflow typically involves the consumption of energy and raw materials, whereas outflow consists of environmental emissions to the land, water, and atmosphere. The life-cycle stages are subdivided into processes. The flow of raw materials and partially finished products from one unit of the process to the subsequent unit is also considered during the inventory development. The inventory for material manufacturing, construction processes, repair activities, and end-of-life phases for a particular study is sometimes presented in terms of functional units different from the ones defined in the goal and scope. For example, the inventory for material production is usually represented in terms of the total volume or weight of the finished material. On the other hand, the inventory for concrete crack repair activity is more closely related to the surface area of the cracked region. Therefore, the inventories of individual processes need to be normalized and validated for the functional unit of the final product. The outcome of an inventory analysis is a lifecycle inventory, which lists the environmental input-output flows of the various life-cycle activities. In this study, a structural design is first performed based on regulatory documents (i.e., building design codes), and the material quantities required to construct the building are assessed. Next, an inventory is constructed of all the inputs and outputs for each process. For material manufacture and construction, the Fig. 3. Life-cycle phases and selected system boundary © ASCE A4014001-4 J. Archit. Eng. J. Archit. Eng. Downloaded from by University of Houston on 04/01/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. Berkeley Lab Building Materials Pathways (B-PATH) spreadsheets developed by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Masanet et al. 2012) are used. This database provides complete life-cycle inventories for the production of concrete and steel and for on-site construction activities, such as the placing of concrete and fabrication of rebar and formwork. The inventory for the end-of-life phase is obtained from the EcoInvent 2.0 database (Frischknecht et al. 2007), which consists of demolition, sorting, disposal, and recycling activities. Transportation distances between different units of the production, construction, and end-of-life phases are determined based on realistic assumptions. During the inventory development, it was assumed that 70% of the raw materials used for rebar fabrication come from recovered scrap steel. The recovery and recycling process produces environmental emissions. In contrast, material recovery reduces the consumption of virgin raw materials, resulting in positive environmental performance. Because the database incorporates environmental emissions and resource recovery in the material production phase, recycling of steel is not included separately in the end-of-life phase. It is assumed that after demolition, building debris is transported to the sorting plant, which is the usual case for RC buildings. Steel and coarse particles are sent for recycling, and fine particles are deposited in landfills. The Emissions and Generation Resource Integrated Database provided by the U.S. EPA (2006) is used to obtain emissions resulting from electricity production. Impact Assessment In the impact assessment step, the authors introduce environmental impacts to evaluate the potential hazardous effects of emissions and resource consumption on the ecosystem and human health globally or locally. The inventory inputs and outputs are processed to translate the resources and releases to environmental impacts by incorporating the classification, characterization, normalization, and weighting steps. First, resources or emissions that contribute to the same environmental impact category are grouped. The impact categories proposed by EPA, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, National Institutes of Health, and Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability (BEES) are taken into consideration as listed in Table 1. Each inventory flow has a different relative contribution to the impact categories. The characterization factors recommended by the EPA in the Tool for the Reduction and Assessment of Chemical and Other Environmental Impacts (TRACI) is used for converting input-output flows into impact categories (Bare 2011). For example, greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, contribute to global warming; hence, they are classified under the global warming potential impact category. Again, methane has 23 times more global warming potential than carbon dioxide, which is taken into consideration by using an appropriate characterization factor. Similar relationships are used for other impact categories, which are omitted from Table 1 for brevity. The mathematical formulation used to quantify impacts based on inventory modeling is adapted from Bare and Gloria (2006). The site-specific potential impact, I, of all chemicals, x, for a specific impact category, i, is I¼ PPP s x m i i Fxms Pixms Mxms (1) i i , Pixms , and Mxms 5 fate, potency, and mass of chemical where Fxms x emitted to media m at site s. For generalized non site-specific categories, characterization factors are used instead of the fate and potency factors. The environmental impact can be represented in terms of a single index, which takes into account the effect of all impact categories. Because different impact categories are expressed in terms of various emission equivalents, the impacts need to be normalized and weighted before they can be translated into a performance index as the last step. In line with TRACI, normalization data for impact categories were proposed by the EPA (Bare 2011). The normalized impacts are comparable because they are dimensionless and have a common basis in terms of environmental flows in the United States per year per capita. The BEES recommends converting normalized impacts into an environmental performance score (EPS) (Lippiatt 2007). To obtain an EPS, weighting factors are selected based on the relative importance of the impact categories on the long-term and short-term environmental effects. Here, the purpose of using a single index is to simplify the LCEIA output and make equivalent designs easily comparable, therefore aiding the decision-making process. Some of the impact categories, such as fossil fuel depletion and water intake, are not available in TRACI; therefore, the weighting factors recommended by BEES for the remaining categories are modified by multiplying by a constant value of 1.36. This modification is done so that the sum of weighting factors becomes equal to 100 as shown in Table 2. The cradle-to-grave LCEIA considers the interaction between the structure and environment at all life-cycle stages. As previously described, when the environmental inventory is used, these interactions Table 1. Characterization of Life-Cycle Inventory Data (Data from Bare 2011) Global warming potential Carbon dioxide (CO2 , net) Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4 ) Carbon tetrafluoride (CF4 ) Dichlorodifluoromethane, Freon-12 (CCl2 F2 ) Chloroform (CHCl3 , HC-20) Halon 1301 (CF3 Br) Difluoromonochloromethane (CHF2 Cl) Methane (CH4 ) Methyl bromide (CH3 Br) Methyl chloride (CH3 Cl) Methylene chloride (CH2 Cl2 , HC-130) Nitrous oxide (N2 O) Trichloroethane (1,1, 1e CH3 CCl3 ) Note: eq. 5 equivalent. © ASCE CO2 (kg eq.) 1 1,800 5,700 10,600 30 6,900 1,700 23 5 16 10 296 140 Acidification potential H1 (kg eq.) Eutrophication potential N (kg eq.) Ammonia (NH) Hydrogen chloride (HCl) Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) Hydrogen fluoride (HF) 95.49 44.7 60.4 81.26 Ammonia (NH3 ) Nitrogen oxides (NOx as NO2 ) Nitrous oxide (N2 O) Phosphorus to air (P) 0.12 0.04 0.09 1.12 Hydrogen sulfide (H2 S) Nitrogen oxides (NOx as NO2 ) Sulfur oxides (SOx as SO2 ) Sulfuric acid (H2 SO4 ) — — — 95.9 40.04 50.79 33.3 — — — 0.99 0.05 0.05 0.24 0.32 0.99 7.29 — — — — Ammonia (NH1 4 , NH3 , as N) Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) Chemical oxygen demand (COD) Nitrate (NOe 3) Nitrite (NOe 2) Nitrogenous matter (unspecified, as N) 2e e Phosphates (PO3e 4 , HPO4 , H2 PO4 , H3 PO4 , as P) Phosphorus to water (P) — A4014001-5 J. Archit. Eng. 7.29 — J. Archit. Eng. Table 2. Normalization Values and Weighting Factors Weighting factor Downloaded from by University of Houston on 04/01/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. Impact category Normalization value a BEES This study 29.3 Global warming 25,582,640.09g CO2 equivalents Fossil fuel depletion 35,309.00 MJ surplus energy 9.7 Criteria air pollutants 19,200.00 microDALYs 8.9 Water intake 529,957.75 L of water 7.8 7.6 Human health cancerous 158,768,677.00g C7 H7 equivalents Human health noncancerous 5.3 Ecological toxicity 81,646.72g 2,4-D equivalents 7.5 Eutrophication 19,214.20g N equivalents 6.2 Habitat alteration 0.00335 threatened and endangered species count/acre/capita 6.1 3.5 Smog 151,500.03g NOx equivalents/year/capita Indoor air quality 35,108.09g total volative organic compounds 3.3 3.0 Acidification 7,800,200,000.00 mmol H1 equivalents Ozone depletion 340.19g CFC-11 equivalents 2.1 Note: CFC-11 5 trichlorofluoromethane; DALY 5 disability-adjusted life-years; 2,4-D 5 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. a Normalization values are per year per capita for the United States unless indicated otherwise. are presented in terms of emissions and resource consumptions and are finally translated into environmental impacts. For the material production, construction, and end-of-life phases, these steps are directly related to the amount of material used for construction, which is governed by the initial structural design. Fuel consumption for transportation and construction, which are subunits of these life-cycle stages, are also functions of the structural design because a higher material demand leads to more trips and greater use of machinery. The service-life environmental impact, on the other hand, cannot be readily assessed using the available inventory, especially when the structure is located in a hazard-prone region. Because operation and routine maintenance are omitted from the system boundary, the only contribution of the service-life environmental impact is the activities associated with the repair of damage to structural components during extreme events. The extent of damage is evaluated through the LCSPA function of the framework. Because the seismic hazard, structural response under the hazard, and subsequent damage all possess inherent uncertainties, a probabilistic methodology is used to assess the seismic damage. To facilitate this assessment, the performance-based earthquake engineering (PBEE) methodology developed by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) (Deierlein et al. 2003; Porter 2003; Moehle and Deierlein 2004) is adopted here for the LCSPA. In PBEE, the outcome is presented in terms of various decision variables, such as dollars, deaths, or downtime, which are easily perceived by stakeholders, policymakers, and others users. In this study, this methodology is extended to consider the total environmental impact (including that caused by seismic repair) as a decision variable. Interpretation In this step, results from the inventory analysis or impact assessment are interpreted to make the necessary recommendations. The environmental impacts of different life-cycle stages are evaluated herein for RC buildings. The results are presented for the individual impact categories in the form of a performance index. The rigorous evaluation of the environmental impacts of the service-life phase resulting from postearthquake repair that is incorporated in the methodology is the main contribution of this paper that links disaster resilience to sustainability. This linkage allows for a joint assessment of the lifetime sustainability and resilience of buildings with quantitative indicators of the environmental impact for decision making. Once © ASCE 39.9 — 12.1 — 10.4 7.2 10.2 8.4 — 4.7 — 4.1 2.8 combined with the other two outputs of the sustainability assessment framework, one can assess alternative designs in terms of environmental, social, and economic impacts. Case Study In this section, a LCEIA is performed on a case study RC building. First, a finite-element model of the building is developed to evaluate the structural performance using nonlinear dynamic analysis for various hazard levels. The initial and end-of-life environmental impacts are derived from the design parameters of the building. The PBEE is used to obtain the seismic environmental loss. Finally, the results are presented to show the contribution of the service-life environmental impact on the total environmental impact of the structure. Description of Structural Frames and Selection of Optimal Designs A 4-story 3-bay special moment-resisting RC frame is used as the case study building. The building is assumed to be located in downtown San Francisco, California, with coordinates 3746929:6799 N, 12225910:1299 W. The site is categorized as Class D (FEMA 2003), and the location has several active faults, namely, the San Andreas, San Gregorio, and Hayward Faults, in the vicinity of the location. The earthquake magnitude that could be generated by the faults, fault-to-site distances, and soil conditions of the site govern the seismic hazard modeling and selection of ground motions, which are later used for the design and structural performance assessment. The heights of the first story and the second to fourth stories are assumed to be 4.57 and 3.96 m, respectively, with all beams having a span length of 6.10 m. A 60-year service life is assumed for the building. The material used for design and construction is concrete with an ultimate strength of 34:5 N=mm2 (5 ksi) and rebars with a yield strength of 414 N=mm2 (60 ksi). The finite-element modeling of the frame is performed using a fiber-based approach (Elnashai et al. 2010). A suite of seven spectrumcompatible ground motions that comply with ASCE 7-10 (ASCE 2010) requirements is obtained. Structural optimization of the frame is performed to minimize the dimensions of the structural elements and reinforcement ratios (decision variables). Alternative designs are obtained using a multiple-objective structural optimization A4014001-6 J. Archit. Eng. J. Archit. Eng. © ASCE A4014001-7 J. Archit. Eng. 1.90 0.39 58,529 140,141 0.01 0.025 508 381 0.015 0.005 381 762 381 381 0.03 0.06 508 1,016 LCLP HCHP 0.03 0.04 Maximum interstory drift (%) Total initial cost (dollars) Reinforcement ratio of top 2-story beams Depth of top 2-story beams (mm) Reinforcement ratio of first 2-story beams Depth of first 2-story beams (mm) Depth and width of columns (mm) Design type Fig. 4. Results of structural optimization and selection of two optimal designs for comparison Reinforcement ratio of external columns Reinforcement ratio of internal columns Design variable As mentioned earlier, the environmental impact assessment is based on the assumption that the buildings are restored to their original structural state every time they experience damage from an earthquake. The DS of the buildings after the earthquake is determined from the LCSPA following the PEER PBEE methodology. Appropriate repair measures are assigned to each DS as shown Width of beams (mm) Quantifying the Environmental Impacts of Postearthquake Repair Table 3. Properties of the Selected Optimal Designs Downloaded from by University of Houston on 04/01/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. technique in which the two objective functions are the initial cost (comprising the production and construction costs) and the maximum interstory drift ratio during dynamic analysis. A Pareto-optimal set of solutions are obtained for the two competing objective functions. For such multiple objective optimization problems in which all objective functions are minimized, a point on the Pareto front is obtained when all the objective function values of a feasible solution are less than or equal to the corresponding values of other feasible solutions, and at least one value is strictly less. The feasibility of each design combination is checked with regulatory documents [International Code Council 2009; American Concrete Institute (ACI) 2011] by using a linear elastic analysis. The detailed structural optimization procedure is presented in Gencturk and Hossain (2013a). Among the Pareto-optimal solutions, two equivalent optimal designs are selected for the LCEIA in this study as shown in Fig. 4. These two designs are selected for their distinctly different characteristics: one having a high initial cost and high performance (HCHP; i.e., low maximum interstory drift) and the other having a low initial cost and low performance (LCLP; i.e., high maximum interstory drift). One could have selected another two designs with contrasting objective function values. The other intermediate optimal designs fall between these two designs in terms of cost and performance. By analyzing only the extreme cases, the range of life-cycle environmental impacts for the intermediate optimal designs can be predicted. Each dot in Fig. 4 is a combination of the design variables in the solution space and indicates a feasible solution; that is, the frames comply with the regulations of ACI 318-11 (ACI 2011). The design parameters for the two selected frames are provided in Table 3. J. Archit. Eng. Downloaded from by University of Houston on 04/01/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. Results of the Environmental Impact Assessment in Table 4. The structure does not experience any damage when it is in DS0; hence, it does not require any repair. In DS1, the concrete surfaces of the beams and columns experience minor (hairline) cracks, which are repaired by injecting epoxy resin. The environmental emissions for epoxy injection are obtained from the EcoInvent 2.0 database (Frischknecht et al. 2007). The DS2 is defined as the further opening of cracks and slight spalling of the concrete cover, which is patched by applying shotcrete. The environmental impact of patch repair is obtained from Årskog et al. (2004). In DS3, the structure suffers significant damage in the form of excessive spalling and crushing of concrete and yielding of reinforcing bars. In this case, RC jacketing is used for repair. The steps involved in jacketing are removing the damaged concrete, preparing the interface surface, applying the bonding agents, installing the longitudinal and shear reinforcement, and applying the new concrete. It is assumed that the thickness and ratio of the rebar to the gross concrete area of the jacketed beams and columns are 50 mm and 0.05, respectively. The environmental emission data for concrete jacketing is obtained from Årskog et al. (2004) for hydrojetting, from the EcoInvent 2.0 database (Frischknecht et al. 2007) for application of epoxy resin as a bonding agent, and from B-PATH (Masanet et al. 2012) for application of concrete and steel as a jacket. Finally, DS4 corresponds to severe damage experienced by the structural components. In such a case, the entire element needs to be replaced, and the environmental impact associated with the replacement is the same as the initial preuse environmental impact (i.e., material production and construction). However, replacement requires removing, demolishing, and discarding the damaged materials. Hence, the initial environmental impact is increased by 15% to account for the impact of these additional activities (Chiu 2012). For simplicity, the recycling of damaged products in the use phase is not considered. The results are simplified and represented in terms of index factors. These indexes represent the ratio of the environmental impact from repair activity to that from one or more of the initial life-cycle stages as indicated in Table 4. To find the environmental impact of a component of a certain repair activity, the total environmental impact of the relevant life-cycle stage is multiplied by the index factor. The authors acknowledge the considerable uncertainty in evaluating the environmental impacts of repair activities. However, information in the literature was insufficient at the time of writing of this paper to quantify this uncertainty. Therefore, when the assessment here was performed according to the PEER PBEE methodology, the environmental impacts of repair are treated as deterministic variables. As mentioned before, the lifetime environmental impact assessment is conducted by following the PEER PBEE methodology and accomplishing four successive steps: seismic hazard analysis, structural response evaluation, damage assessment, and loss analysis. In hazard analysis, a suite of seven ground motions are selected and scaled for each of the three earthquake intensity levels having return periods of 75, 475, and 2,475 years. The average values of the seismic hazard parameters are given in Table 5, whereas detailed information regarding the characteristics of ground motions is available in Gencturk (2013). Nonlinear inelastic analyses are performed using the selected ground motions to obtain the engineering demand parameters, such as the strains and interstory drifts for different members of the frame. These demand parameters are used to evaluate the probability of the structure being in a certain DS. The steps to obtain the DS of the structure are essentially the same as those in most other studies that use the PEER PBEE methodology (Deierlein et al. 2003; Porter 2003; Moehle and Deierlein 2004). Each DS is assumed to require a certain repair action as previously mentioned, which is then used to evaluate the environmental impacts of the damage. For a detailed step-by-step description of the LCSPA methodology used here, refer to Gencturk and Hossain (2013b). Damage assessment provides results in terms of probabilities that an element will be in a certain DS for a given hazard level. By assigning the appropriate repair measures and unit repair environmental impact from Table 4, the total repair environmental impact of a facility is calculated. The environmental impact values conditional on the occurrence of different DS corresponding to the repair phase of the structure are shown in Table 6 for the previously selected suite of seven ground motions at the 75-year return period (YRP) hazard level. These conditional values do not account for the probability of the components being in a certain DS or the probability of the occurrence of a 75 YRP earthquake; therefore, they are considerably larger compared with the mean annual EPS values subsequently presented. Nevertheless, these results provide a midline solution and help demonstrate the overall environmental impact assessment procedure. Calculations similar to those in Table 6 are also made for ground motions having a 475 and 2,475 YRP. The data for the probability of exceeding the repair environmental impact at different hazard levels fit to a lognormal distribution. Finally, loss curves are developed by integrating the complementary cumulative distribution functions of the lognormal distributions over the hazard curves as shown in Fig. 5. The loss curves are a probabilistic representation of the Table 4. Relationships between DS, Repair Method, and Environmental Impact DS Repair method Index factor Life-cycle stage DS0 DS1 DS2 DS3 DS4 None Injecting epoxy resin Patching Concrete jacketing Replacement 0 0.05 0.10 0.30 (beams), 0.40 (columns) 1.15 — Concrete production and construction Concrete production and construction Concrete and steel production and construction Concrete and steel production and construction Table 5. Parameters Used in Selection of Ground Motion Records for Different Hazard Levels Hazard level 75-year return period 475-year return period 2,475-year return period © ASCE Magnitude (Mw ) Peak ground acceleration (g) Shear-wave velocity of at the recording station (m=s) Distance (km) 6.48 7.05 6.63 0.24 0.51 0.66 322.56 364.70 331.79 20.52 12.06 7.52 A4014001-8 J. Archit. Eng. J. Archit. Eng. Table 6. Sample Calculations for Environmental Impact of the Repair Phase (Conditional Values) Element type Downloaded from by University of Houston on 04/01/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. Beams DS Index factor DS0 0 DS1 0.01 DS2 0.05 DS3 0.30 DS4 1.15 Columns DS0 0 DS1 0.01 DS2 0.05 DS3 0.40 DS4 1.15 Total repair environmental impact (EPS) Amount of materials requiring repair (kg) for 75 YRP ground motions Unit environmental impact (EPS/kg of materials) 0 36.71 36.71 45.43 48.28 0 36.71 36.71 45.43 48.28 GM1 GM2 GM3 GM4 GM5 GM6 GM7 0 0 4,779 52,572 0 0 10,742 42,966 3,581 0 873,177 0 0 0 57,351 0 0 10,742 39,386 7,161 0 988,038 0 0 14,338 43,013 0 0 10,742 46,547 7,161 0 832,086 0 0 19,117 38,234 0 0 0 50,127 7,161 0 778,349 0 0 19,117 38,234 0 0 14,322 32,225 10,742 0 815,812 0 0 4,779 52,572 0 0 3,581 50,127 3,581 0 883,693 0 0 9,558 47,792 0 0 7,161 50,127 0 0 763,575 Fig. 5. Loss curves: (a) LCLP; (b) HCHP design environmental impact, and they express the mean annual rate of exceeding a given EPS. The area below the curve gives the annual EPS of the structure resulting from postearthquake repair, giving values of 3.38 and 1.13% for the LCLP and HCHP designs, respectively. In other words, the repair activities of the LCLP and HCHP designs contribute to, respectively, 3.38 and 1.125% of the © ASCE annual per capita environmental impact in the United States. Multiplying these values by the service life of the structure gives the total life-cycle repair environmental impact. The breakdown values of the total environmental impact of the two structures are given in Table 7, whereas the relative contributions of different life-cycle phases of the LCLP and HCHP designs to all the environmental impact categories are shown in Figs. 6(a and b). The results look significantly different for the LCLP and HCHP designs. The LCLP design uses fewer materials for construction; therefore, the environmental impacts during the initial and endof-life phases are less, whereas the opposite is true for the HCHP design. Although both structures are designed to comply with seismic design codes, the low structural performance of the LCLP design requires excessive repair after small to moderate earthquakes and complete replacement after strong earthquakes. These repair activities result in a considerable amount of environmental impact during the use phase of the structure. The environmental impacts in the use phase for the LCLP design are as high as 48% of the total impact for certain categories, such as global warming, acidification, eutrophication, and photochemical smog, confirming the importance of including the use phase in the assessment. In contrast, the HCHP design results in two to four times less environmental impact during the use phase for different impact categories compared to the LCLP design. However, because of the greater material usage and increased construction effort, and the consequent increase in initial and endof-life environmental impacts, the HCHP design produces an environmental impact that is 1.8 to 4.0 times greater in different categories compared with the LCLP design. Hence, the LCLP design provides a more sustainable solution in terms of environmental impact between the two designs. As previously described, the EPS is used as an indicator for comparison of the lifetime environmental impacts. The relative contribution of different life-cycle phases to the annual EPS of each optimal design is shown in Fig. 7. The LCLP and HCHP designs contribute 10.12 and 28.02%, respectively, to the total annual per capita environmental impact in the United States during a service life of each structure of 50 years. Although the actual values provide useful information regarding the global impact of the structure, they do not directly facilitate the selection of the most sustainable or environmentally friendly design, which is one of the purposes of the case study presented here. In contrast, a comparison of equivalent designs assists in the decision-making process by facilitating the selection of the design that has the least life-cycle environmental impact but at the same time meets other performance objectives. The results indicate that the EPS of the HCHP design exceeds that of the LCLP design by almost 2.75 times. This is mainly because of A4014001-9 J. Archit. Eng. J. Archit. Eng. Table 7. Environmental Impacts of Selected Optimal Designs: LCLP and HCHP Material production Impact LCLP HCHP Construction LCLP HCHP Use LCLP End of life HCHP LCLP HCHP Downloaded from by University of Houston on 04/01/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. 1 22,597 90,129 16,036 48,002 33,020 8,912 1,392 5,421 AP-a (H mol eq.) ET-a (kg 2,4-D eq.) 244.28 916.83 3.15 9.41 109.43 53.15 677.80 3,291 ET-w (kg 2,4-D eq.) 23.14 83.97 0.05 0.16 10.39 5.24 0.07 0.26 E-a (kg N eq.) 11.68 41.73 14.09 42.22 25.81 6.32 1.50 5.83 E-w (kg N eq.) 0.96 4.08 0 0 0.41 0.20 0 0 77,635 285,428 36,274 108,783 88,038 27,104 2,421 9,431 GWP-a (kg CO2 eq.) HHC-a (kg benzene eq.) 5,760 20,656 6.90 20.58 2,429 1,198 0.09 0.35 HHC-w (kg benzene eq.) 372.30 1,277 0 0 166.60 85.18 0.05 0.18 HHNC-a (kg toluene eq.) 555,014 1,902,413 29.71 88.63 248,758 127,416 84.08 327.47 HHNC-w (kg PM2.5 eq.) 18.15 92.16 2.62 7.83 10.51 3.65 0.09 0.33 ACP (kg toluene eq.) 890,700 3,117,696 968.51 2,889 397,532 201,984 180.24 702.02 OD-a (kg CFC-11 eq.) 0.08 0.43 0 0 0.03 0.013 0 0 338.32 1,241 395.51 1,185 727.48 178.36 45.82 178.47 Smog-a (kg NOx eq.) Note: a 5 air; ACP 5 air criteria pollusion; AP 5 acidification potential; CFC-11 5 trichlorofluoromethane; E 5 eutrophication; ET 5 ecological toxicity; GWP 5 global warming potential; HHC 5 human health cancerous; HHNC 5 human health noncancerous; OD 5 ozone depletion; PM2.55 fine particle; w 5 water; 2,4-D 5 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Fig. 6. Environmental impact broken down into life-cycle stages: (a) LCLP; (b) HCHP design © ASCE A4014001-10 J. Archit. Eng. J. Archit. Eng. proposed framework helps the decision-making process in terms of facilitating the selection of the most sustainable solution that causes the minimum life-cycle environmental impact. Downloaded from by University of Houston on 04/01/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved. References Fig. 7. Comparison of the EPSs of the two designs the high environmental impact in the initial and end-of-life phases. However, the HCHP design results in a lower EPS in the use phase because of its better structural performance during earthquakes. Nevertheless, the improved service-life environmental performance of the HCHP design cannot be justified because of the exceedingly high total EPS when the environmental impact is the only criterion for assessment. Conclusions Sustainable design and construction has received considerable attention over the last decade; although, sustainability has mainly been thought of in terms of environmentally friendly practices. However, the recent devastating natural hazards have demonstrated the vulnerability of infrastructures and the necessity of incorporating economic and social aspects into a sustainability assessment. This paper presented a framework for a comprehensive sustainability assessment of RC structures subjected to natural hazards. 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