BIRTHS DEATHS - Oxford County Library

STooksdale (Ire
hap py to ?nnounce the
birth of their son t\'tiehaet
Will1nm 011 Wednesu;\y,
'December 12, 1!l7'.l lit
Woodstock General Hos ·
and Eri n Bannon are
pleased to announce the
birth of Matthew Tim·
othy On November 26,
1!)79 ~l Woodstock Gen,
eral Ilospitill.
SI': 1.1> ON : Emth Seldoll,
rtcv .
CC1rme.n Hol brough oC
Trinil V United Church
oHiciated lhe Wedflesd<lY
December 26, !97~ (WI '
eral service o( 1zaak viln
der Pyl. \\'ho died Satur·
day. Df~ccmher '22. 1979
ill Vicloria Ilospilal,
MI'. VM der Ply who
was H ·years·old, resided
"arri~ Street
lugC'f'soll. He was born in
l!olland but moved Lo
Canada a numbe.r of
years ngo. He was a
member of Trinity Unit·
ed Dlurch.
Mr. Villi uer Ply is
survived by his wife. the
ronner Willemina Van
H~s. his daullhter Mrs.
Ilonald <MarijkCI Gran·
ger ol Ingersoll and his
granddaughter Chris·
110' " Ann Sireet . Illg~rsoll
(lieel lit the age o( 92
Wednesday De<:ell\ber 2fi
while a' pnlienl in Alex ·
;lOih'a 1J0spilill. Inger·
Born Edith Dundas,
she WilS IHarried to the
laIC' Arlhur S/!'tdon, who
prc<iecellscli her ill 1957.
Mrs . Seldon is survived
by her Son Richilrd of
H.Il.3 [ngeniol!, her sis·
. tN Mrs . n .A, <Ethel)
Hutchison of Vancouver .
~.C. alld by her grand·
chi\cli-cn HolleI'! Seldon of
n.R. J Ingersoll, Mrs .
CI)'de IJllnel) Tomkins
of Erin, 1\1rs . Jack
([1uth) Hutsoll o( IUU
Ingersoll alld J','l rs. Gar.v
IUnn;11 McClay o( Ing·
ersoU . AIso survi vi IIg arc
seven gnat grandchild·
F'lIllcr(l1 services were
o(fici<llcd hy Hev. Cllr ·
men Holbrough of Trinity
United Chw-ch. Thursday
Oecem ber 'rI, 1979, at
Mc{lealh F'uncrlll \-Iolne.
Temporary cntombment
WIIS in Jrlgersoll mausol·
eum lind interment laler
in Ingersoll l1ural Ceme·
YAN p Elt I'YI.. :
The. funeral scrvi.ce
was held al McReath
Funeral \lome December 2S at 2 p.m .
TempOl-III'Y enlombment
is in Ingersoll Ml'Iusol.
P.IUII lind inlel ment is
[Mer al Llle 113 IT is Street
Judi are proud Lo an·
nounce U)e birth of their
daughter Amy Judith on
December 2B. 1979. A
sisler for Jennifer. A
sped a I Ul<lIIks LO Dr.
Simpson , Dr. Palrick and
Ihe sLnC{ at Sl. Joseph's
andra Hospital on Dec-
ember 20, 1979 to Wayne
and Jane (nee Huntley)
Cha Ikley , 336 Tunis St.,
Ingersoll, a son Scott
T'JCIIH o n: AT ALEXan ra Hospi talon Dec·
<:mbcr 30, 1979 10 Don and
Pat Teichrob, 53 wellingIon Stre et, Ingersoll,'
Ontar io, a daughter Amy
WONCJI : AT ALEXANdra Hospi tal on January
2, 1980 10 David and
Palricia Woneh, 103 Merrill SLreet Ingersoll, Ontario, a son David Craig .
andfa Hospi tal on Jan ·
uary 3, 1900, to Kim and
Wall Walker, 87 Canter·
bury Street ingersoll.
Onlario, a son Timothy
Thames ford, died Dec ·
ember 19, 1!n9 at his
home .
Born in East Nissouri
Township, Mr . Mc Donald
worked. as a. farr.ner.
He is S\.lrll ived by hi s
brother Don3 lei of Thames(ord and Dougald of
Ingerscll. He was pre·
deceased by his brother
John in 1978, his sisler
Mrs . Gonion (Mabel>
Robson, i11 1973, his sisler
Mrs . Calvin (Edwina)
Yake in 1923 and sister
Mrs . Bill (Jane) Pearson
in 1972.
ncv . Wesley BaU offic·
iated the funeral service
al the Carrothers Betzncr Funeral Home Friday, December 21 . 1979 .
Intennent (ollowed at the
Kintore Cemelery.
Pallbearers were Ron
Henderson, Bob Henderson, Ross McDonald,
Verne. McDonald, Gordon Pearson, Don Robson and Gordon Yakc.
QSPllaI on December 29
1979 to Don and
Ling, I1 .R.3, IllgersoU a
.s!)n SteyeR Michael. .
St E'!.IIEN SO N :
Xexandl'a Hospital On
December 3) , 1~9 to Jim
and Mary Stephenson a
son Patrick Robert 8ernard. A liute brother for '
MatUlew and Lisa . rourlhgrandchild for Mr. and
Mrs . Robert L. Stephenson and eighth grand·
child lor Mr. and Mrs.
Bernard Dimmers .
TJtlllE :
Augusta (Con ron) are
happy 10 announce Ule
safe an-ivai of lheir first
child. a daughter, Kalhryn Dll'oIine, at Guelph
General Hospital on December 181 h, 1979. Proud
grandparents are Jean
and lV:!g Tribe, lngersoll .
and Dr. and Mrs . Brand on Conroll, London .
Alcx.nnder McDonald G6
De la Ire
llAnow LEItOY
U'IP,QA::t: Rev. Wesley
BaU officiate.d the December 22, 1!r19 funeral
service for Harold Leroy
Wilson or RnA Thames·
ford, who died at his
home December 20, 1979.
Mr . Wilson was 69-yearsold.
80m in SaJ! ord, Mr.
Wilson moved 10 Thamesford in 1945, where he
worked as a farmer Ihen
builcti ng ins peclor {or
ZOfld Township (or 10
years . He was a member
o( Westm inister United
Mr. Wilson was also a
memuer 0( Ihe King
Solomoll l.o<.Ige No. 394
Ap &. AM and was
rn:lsler of IhDt lodge in
1971.110 was IIlso mllslel'
o( the Illdepclt(lcnt Order
of Odd f'cllows No. 258 ,
was fillllllcia I secrelary
01 the IOOIo~ (rom 1957
un til his dea lh a nd \Vas
Noble G ri\J1d in 1955-56 .
As well , he served as
District Dcpuly oC the
Oxford Dislricl No. 19 in
Mr. Wilson is survived
by his wife, Ihe former
Jean DMany : his son
nOllof n.nA Thamesrord
and dnughLer Mrs . Bev
Marlin of
Thameslord_Alsosurviv iug are his brothers
Mor!;)n of London, Cecil
01 lngersoU. Walter of
R. R.l Sa l{ord and Debert
of Athens. Mr. Wilson is
survived by (our grandchildren.
A MaS()nic
~ervicc under the auspic ICS 01 King Solomon No _
394 AF & AM and an
[OOF service under the
auspicies of
No. 258
were held
prior lot he fll nera I
service . The fu neraJ
servic c itscl( was held
Dccemher 22. 1979 ill the
1'h~meo;(ord ,
Carrothcrs-Beltner fUn-
eral Home. Interment
was at Ihe Zion 7(h line
cemeler y. Pal/bellrers
were Joe Chammings,
Fred 0 ellll ison . noss
Hossack, Alwyn Pat .
ience, Ken Payne and
Howard Sims .
I'IIJ LIlH (;;0 no\' I)
Rev . Eri;l CUI'l'3Y oIne·
, i:ltcd the J;o.nuary 24, 19M
rlUlcral service of Mil·
ured Boyd of n .R 2 Ml.
Elgin . ,Mrs. Boyd died
J,lnuary '21 at Alexandra
at the age of 78 .
Born to the late Mr .
Rnd Mrs . Charles Caverhill, R.n . 2 Mt, Elgin,
Mrs . lloyd was a memo
ber of Ihe Ml. Elgin
United Church. She was
also a member o( the
U.C.W. and served as
org:mist of the church (or
"' any yea rs.
Mrs. Doyd is survived
, by herhUiballd William;
her sons David of Itn . 3
, Woorlslock and WiUiam,
R.n . 2M\. Elgin', sisters
Toronlo and Mrs., Groce
Conw~y of Embro slid
granddaughters Deborah
al\d Jenni fer Boyd.
The f ullera I serv ic e
was held at McBealh
Funeral Home and interment is a\ Ole Mt. Elgin
rested al McBeath Funeral Home.
Pallbearers were Ted
Rod Louis,
Phil Scalisi, Harry ShelLon and John Nadalin
\ll(crmen( is al Sacred
lieart Cemetery .
l)';\N GELO
Egnazio (Ed) O' An ·
ge 10, for merl y ()( M
Tha mcs Street South,
died J:muary 20, 1980 al
Ca mbri dge Memorial
Hospital in Gall. Mr.
D'Angelo was in his
eighty-t hi rd yetlT.
Dorn in Termini, \lOlly,
Mr . D'Angelo came to
;. Canada a number of
: years ago and operated a
fruiland grocery slore at
B4 Thames Street South .
He was a member or
Sacred lIearl Church .
Mr. D'A llgelo was predeceased by his wife, the
lale Josephille Orrigo .
He is survived by his
son Ted of London)
daughterMrs.Joe (Ther~a I
Mal'zenolto of Gall
alld three grandchildren .
Msgr: 'J .H. Graspllll of
officialed the
servic e, held
church. Prior
funeral service. the body
funeral 'service (or
Norman C. L.-"I\Y, RR. 2
Mossley, will be held al
Mclleath Funeral Home,
I nersoU. Loday al 3 p .", .
Mr . Law, 78, died January 2\ at 'J\ctoria
Hospi tal, Loudon.
Born 1.0 Mr. and Mrs .
William Law, [l .R. 2
Mossley, he ....'Orkcd as a
farmer. Mr . Law was a
member of the Crampton
United Church.
He is survived by his
brothers Orville or R . n. 2
Mossley and Charles of
Ottawa; sisters Mrs.
L.£ . (IOC2) Bissell of
London, Miss Merle Law
of Lonoon and Mrs . M.H.
(Iva) Ho<.Igins of Lucan.
nev . Vern Prowse will
oHicia led Ihe 3 p.m.
funeral service. Inlerment will follow at the
Dorchester Cem etery .
Katherine Schlichtherle
338 Victoria Street, Ing·
ersoll, died al the age 01
71 on February 6, 1980, at
her home .
Born in Romania, she
was predeceased by her
husbaoo, the laLe Frank
Schlichtherle, in 1%2 .
Mrs . Schlichtherle was Q
member o{ SClcroo Hearl
Roman CathoUe Church
and a member 01 the
local ~Iden Age Group .
She is survived by her
sons Frs nk of Cayuga
and Joe o{ Windsor. Also .
surviving is one sisler,
residing in Romania.
Msgr. V.II . Grespan
olneia led the February
9, 19&0 /u neral ser vice,
held at Sacred Heart
Church. Funeral ar rangements were completed by McBeath F'Lm ·
eral Home and inLerment
was at tile Sacred Heart
Paltbearers were Ken
Dunham , \..e() Klrwin,
Jake Funk , Piebe Kobus,
steve Mura and Alex
Toni Gasparotto
Beachville died at the
age of 73, on February 5,
1980 al his home.
Msgr. V.H. Grespan
o{{icia ted the February
6, 19~ funeral service,
held at Sacred Heart
Catholic Church, after
Ihe body rested first at
McBeath Funeral Home .
Interment was at the
Saere tl Hear t Ceme lery .
Born in Gleris, Italy, to
Ihe late Mr. and Mrs .
Marco Gasp:lroU.o, he ·
was employed at lhe
(ormer Gypsum quarry.
He was a!so a member of
Saered Heart Church .
Mr. Gaspflrol!o is sur·
vived by his wife. the
lormer Mana Soura 1', by
his !;On Marco o( Wood stock, and by his daught·
er Mrs . Joseph (Lily)
O'Neill 01 HlIggersville .
Also surv iving are eight
Pall ben rers were Mar·
co G<lspa rotto , M 8 rk
Gosparotto, Jim Gaspilr ·
olto, Marco In(anti, Joey
O' NeilJ and
Rev. Tom Gril{in of Sl.
James An~ican Church,
of/iested the Feb. 12,
I!JlO funeral service of
Fred Griffin, who died at
his home February 9,
1980, al the age of 59.
Mr. Griffin is survjved
by his wile, the (or mer
Irene McWhirter, by his
brothers Donald and
Orv ill e, both of 1ngerso II,
and by his sislers Mrs.
Msurice (Norm a) 1ssac
and Mrs. Jerry (Jean)
Pullin, both of Wood·
stock .
Born in L/\"::'on, the
late Mr. ana Mrs . Ernest
Griffin 0( Ingersoll, he
wo rked as an auto
meehanit . Mr. Griffin
served in the R.C.O.C. in
the Motor Transport
DivisIon durl"'g World
War II and was II
member of Ihe Roya I
Cal1adian Legion, Oranch II!).
A spec ia I Legion Memorial Service \Vas held
Monday, February 11,
)980 at Mc ~(lth F\Jner~1
Home, wHit Padre Hev.
Tom Gri{{in in charge of
Ihe service.
The funeral service (or
Mr. Griffin was held at
McReath Funerall1ome .
(ntennc1l( Wf\S at the
Ingersoll Rural Cemetery .
Mildred Eunice Harris,
Thamcsford, died Rt the
age o{ 82 on February 10,
1980, at her I-rJme,
[lorn ill North Norwic h
Township, Mrs . Hnrris
was predeceased by her
husba nd, the late John C.
l1arris, in J972. She was
also predeceased by one
son ill 1944 .
Mrs. Harris was a
member of Weslminsler
United Church
1'harncs(ord and a Ji(e long member of the
U.C.w . She resided in [he
SaU ord· Ml. Elgin area
before retiring
Th:uncsforrl in 1!)4').
Surviving are her daughern Mr.;. Cyrus mulh)
Poynl1.of R.R.2 Illgersoll
and Mrs . WaUace (Ellen)
Meadows of Woodsloc k;
her brothers Harle of
Branlfor<! and Earl o(
Bright and her sisters
tvlrs. C.H . (Olive) Thorn·
as of !lamia, Mrs . Gavin
(Grace) Shearer of Tor onto ~Ild Mrs . james F.
(Marie) Taylor of Cnm-
bridge. Also surviving
are five grandchildren
and six great grandchild·
Rev. Wesley BaU oCfie ·
lated the February 12,
1980 (uneral service held
the Carrothers·
Betwcr PuneTaI Home ill
Thamcsforcl. JI\~rmellt
will be al the lIarris
Street Cemetery .
EMlIUHY: Formel- log ·
ersolI r(gidcnl Jenl\ie
Em bu ry, died a l the age
February 16, I gaO while a
patient in Woodstock
General Hospila I.
Born in Woodstock, she
was predeceased by her
hllsb:md [Jill in 1!n1. Mr.
Embury is survived by
her sons Hoy of Anateim,
California lind Lloyd of
London, d~ughlcr Mrs .
Eleanor Millard
of .
WoodSLOCk, brothers David Strickler of Oreslall,
Norm"n Slrickler of
. Woodstock and Charles
Strickler 0( Walerloo.
Also surviving are eight
grandchildren and onc
great grandchild.
Rev. Deane Cnssidy of
SI. Paul's Presoytcrinn
Church officiated the
February 19, 1980 (uneral
service al McBe ... lh-Fun·
eral Home. Intermcnt
was a L Ihe Ox( ord
Memorial Park Cemet ·
ery .
2 Whiting
Street, IngersoU, died
Friday. February IS,
1980 at the age of 27, as'
lhe result of an automobile accident.
Bern in Ingersoll
Catherine and Ed Mathe·
son o{ St . Marys .
. He is survived by his
"wife, Ule former Diaua
Brown, by' his parents.
Mr. ard
M~ .
Ed Malhe-
son of SL Marys, his
grandpo rents Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Malheson of
lngersoll and Mrs . Myrtle Belor e of Ingersoll.
His brother, Pastor Ronald Matheson o( Thed·
ford, and his sisters Mrs.
Mill (Katharynl Lagille
01 WoodSlock .and Mrs .
Doug <SheUe.v1 Pick;ml
01 Greensville, are ~Iso
surviving .
Rev. John Churchill
ollicialed lhe F euruary
M~Bealh PlIJlcral 1101llc.
Temporary entombment
is in Ingersoll M?usol ·
cum and interment l;ller
will be in Ingersoll Huml
Cemetery .
1I0l\lINICI{ : Huby Hom·
1nick, lOG Victoria Strccl.
Ingersoll, died Wcdnesclay, February 13. 1980 at
Ihe age of 55, at hcr
home .
Born ill 51. John's,
Newl o\Ultlland, \0 I hc
latc Mr. !\l\d Mrs . Henry
Dllwc 01 NClVfOUlldlantl,
she i!; !;ul"vivcd hy her
husband Michael Homin·
ick and by her son Paul
Hominick of London .
Also surviving IIrc her
Llovd Dilwl! of
Ingersoll, Boyd, Ernesl
and W"Uer DalVe. :Ill of
St .
NewCOlIII(J· .
land ,mel hcr sis lers Mrs .
LilU~n Snow o( Ingersoll
and MIS . Elsi~ Hannon of
SI. John's, Newfoundland . Mrs . Hominick is
also survivd by her
granddaughter Anrtrci'\ .
Rev . Tom Griffin of ~l.
Jllmes Anglican Church,
officlaled thc February
IS, 19801uner",1 service at
McBeath FUllerill Home.
Temporary entombment .
is al Ingcrsoll M~usol­
eum and in(Clmcnlllller,
will be in Ingersoll Hural
Cemet(>ry .
-,- - - "--" "- --
'-deatlls and funerals
Ro6inson-'I'hornton of 111
Brock Street, Thamesford, died at Ihe age of 86
on March 7, 1900, while a
patient in Vlctoria Hos·
piLal, London .
Rev . Wesley Ball oWe·
jaled the March 10, 1980
funeral service al the
Carrothers-Belzner Funeal Hom e in 'l'haml'~ filrrl
Sle . was predeceased
by her lirs~ husband, the
late Herman ThQrnton, in
1970 and by her second
husba nd, the la I.e I I. E.
Rohinson in 1977.
Mrs. Roblnson-Thornlon was a homem aker and
a member of Westminst·
, er United Church, Tham·
esfort! . She spent many
active years as a m em·
ber of the Banner United
Church as well and was
a member of the United
. Church Women's organ\7.8 uons in both churches.
She was also a member
of the Thamesford senior
.cilizens group.
SurvIving are her sons
MlOTay and Auslin, bolh
of R.R.I Dorchester,
Ralph of R.Rj Ingersoll
and Allen and Gordon,
both of Ingersoll, AIso
surviving is her daughter
Mrs. Frank (lola) Caflyn
of R R. 5 Ingersoll , 26
grandchildren and 31
great gra ndch i1dren.
She was predeceased
by her brother, lhe late
Me'rvin Ingram in 1970.
Interment will be later
al Banner Cemelery.
EMPEY: Elva Empey,i73 king Sireet West,
died at the age of 77 on
· M~\"ch 13, 1980, while a
patient in Alexandra
Hospital. Rev. Deane
Cassidy olfieia ted the
March 15 funeral service,
held at McBeath Funeral
. Home.
Bar n in 1ngC!rsoll to th e
late Mr . · and Mrs .
Charles Foster, soe was
predeceaSed by her husband John in 1972. She
was a member 01 SL
Presbyter la n
Church, Ingersoll.
\\\.c::...'("'" c.:.."'-.
Surviving are her sons
John of Ingersoll and
William of R.R.l Salford,
her trother Bill Footer of
Ingersoll, nine grand·
chlldr en and 17 grea I
grandchildren. Also sur ·
viving ili one great great
graoclchild .
Inlerment is at Ingersoll Rur aI Cemetery.
Slykerman, 50 Victoria
Street, Ingersoll, died
March 12, 19BO at Alex andra' Hospila I. Mr. Slykerman was ro-yearsold .
Born in Holla nd, Mr.
Riverside Concrete and
Building Supplies. He
was a member of Sacred
Heart Church and of the
Knights of Columbus.
He is survived by his
wife, the former Lucy
Wullrns, his mother', Mrs.
Marie Slykerman of Holland, his sons Jerry, Ni ck
and Joe, all at home, Elnd
his daughters Mrs. Keith
(Mar ga ret) Pyett 0(
Regina, SaskatchewRn,
Mrs . Wa Iter (Betty)
Green of Windsor and
Lucy, at home . Also
surviving are his broth·
ers ,Jack of Guelph lind
Peter of Ingersoll and his
sisters Ma rle Klunpkens
of London and NeUie Van
Alp~n of Dorchesler .
Mr . Slykerman is also
survived by hi·s cousin
Greet Clerx of Holland
and two grandchildren.
A special service was
held March 14 by the
Knights of Columbus.
Msgr. V. H. G respa n
' and Father Robert Mor·
rissey officiated the Mar ·
ch 15 funeral service at
Sacred Heart Church.
Funera I arrangement s
were completed by Mc·
Beath Funeral Home.
Pallbearers were Leo
Kirwi n., Len Dynisveld,
Jack Lewis, Sten Shan·
non, Mac Vannatter and
' John Maessen. Inter·
ment is at Ihe Sacred
Hea Ii Cem ete IJ'.
SIIANNON: M.J . (Jack)
R .R .2 Inger·
soil died at lhe age oC 6?
on March 11, \980, at
Alexandra Hospital, In·
Born in NorUl Oxford,
Mr. Shannon was a
farmer. He was a memo
ber of Sacred Heart
Church and a member 01
the Orange Lodge.
Afler resting at Mc·
Beath Funeral Home, he
was La ken to Sacred
Heart Church where. the
funeral scrvice was conducted by Msgr. V.H.
Grespan . Temporary en·
tombment is at the
Ingersoll mausoleum and
interment will follow at
Sacred Hearl Cemetery .
Parish prayers were held
March 19, 1980.
Mr. ShaMon is surviv·
ed by his brolher Stanley
of R.R .2 Ingersoll .
Pallbearers were Ken
McCrury, Joe Haller, Joe
Stephenson, John Han·
len, Jim Gill and Tom
Comisky .
COOP ~ R :
George Coop·
King Hiram
Street, Ingersoll died al
age 96 March 29, 1980 at
Alexandra HClSpital in
Born 10 the lale Mr.
and I'Ilrs . Jaek Cooper, he
was an active member of
Ihe cOmmunity. He \Vas a
member of the Odd
Fellows, LO.O.F . Samaritan Lodge- ' No. ''35:' ·
Ingersoll, and a former
member · of the Hayden
Lodge in Norwich.
Hewsspredeeeased by
his v.rife Nellie Barham in
\961 and brothers Bruce
and John and sislers
Sarah Moyer and Mabel
Surviving are his sons
Winfred Cooper 01 lngersoli, Nonnan Cooper o(
Ingersoll ; daughter Mrs.
Ralph (Maric) Johnson
o{ Harrison, Michigan;
s!slers Mrs . Thomas
(Nellie) Ponling of Ing·
ersoU and Mrs. Zuella
Hicks 01 Cornell . Mr .
er f1
Cooper is also survived
by nine grandchildren
and lL great grandchild·
ren o
A special
t.O .O.F.
memorial service was
held Monday March 3\ at
8 p.rn by Samarilan.
Lodge No . 35.
The funeral service
was held 1\Jesday, April
I at 2 p.rn . at McBeath
Funeral Home and were
conducled by Reverand
George Watt o( the First
Baptist Church.
Temporary entomb·
ment is a t I he in!!' er.~,,11
malf>oleum with inler·
ment later planned in the
Norwich Cemetery .
SA.WYER i Jean Sawyer
200 Wonham Street,
lngersoll. died March 28,
1980 at Alexandra Hospit·
Born to the late Mr.
and Mrs. Waller Cowan,
she was raised in Puslinch Township .
She is survived by her
daughter Mrs.
(Anne) McRae oC l.ugersoli; granddaughter Mrs .
AI CRutJ\) Jackson of
Lonmn and grei'll grand·
daugtlter Sarah Louise.
Mrs . Sawyer was prp,·
deceased by her husband
John Sawyer in 19GO;
brothers AI ex, James,
Tom and Walter; and
sislers Margaret Mc·
Aninch and Mary Blakc.
The fun er aJ services
was Monday, March 31 at
CrieH Presbylerlan Church. O((kialing lhe
vice were Reverend Wm .
Henderson and Rever· .
alld F.N .
of internment .
was CrieH Cemetery.
75 Deaths
..§.ru.!.I!l: V 1CK I AND
~Srnith, Toronto,
are h~ppy to announce
the bi rth of Lhei r daught·
er Tara Marie, born on
April 3, 1980 weighing 8
lbs. It 025. Proud grand.
parents are Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Smith, Ingersoll
and Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Budd, Durham .
aoara Hospital on April
8, IgjO to Bev and Bill
Jones, Box 212, Beachville, a dAughter Linda _
"\ - {\l):._ S
F ULTON - Died .~uddenly at
M ndlM in Bright on Sunday
April UJ, 1980, Ec!ward La Verne f'u Iton in his 48lh yea r .
Beloved husband of Gail Culh·
bertson. Dear faUler or Todd,
Tracy and Lee al home. Also
survived by his (aUler George
Harry Fulton of Bright.
Brother of Mrs . Stanley
Harrislon, Elgin and Earl of
Gall, Robert of P!sLlsville,
Gerald of Dewberry Al~rla,
Walter, Mrs. Earl (Myrlle)
Schweitzer lind Mrs. Donald
(Muriel) Pettigrew. all or
Bright, Mrs. George (Marion)
Hubbard of Blylhe and GAry
of Woodstock. Predeceased by
his mother Mrs . MAry Fulton
119791 and sisler Mona. The
{uners! will be held on
Tue~day April 22 from Ihe
Glendenning Funeral Home,
Plallsville. Service at 2 p.m .
conduc ted by Rev. T. F.:.
Millson of Bright United Chur ch. Interment il. -:'heslerCield
Cemetery. DOMlioH~ (0 the
Ontario !lenrt F'ounoalion will
be appredaled.
At Alexandra
Aosp'Ha l, Ingersoll on Sunday,
April 20, 1980, flmold (Arnie)
Riley age 3t, of 272 Harris
SI reet. Ingersoll. Deloved
husband of Dorolhy Coun·
lrym;\ll. DeAr father of
Michelle and John at home.
Son of Audrey Corey, Stratford, Lloyd Riley, Mitchell.
Dear brolher or Ken. Woodstock , DOll, England, Mrs.
Charles Dietz (Audrey), Mrs .
Ted Chllmbers, /Dehbie} anu
Gary, Stratford . Friends will
be received al Ihe McBeath
"'Ulleral Home, 246 Thames
Slreet, S., Illgersoll, wherc
service will be held on Wednesda y. fI pril 23rd at 2; 00 p.m .
ncv. John Churchill of Hi.Wily
Penlicosla I
ofncillting, [nl{'rmenl in Ingersoll nural Cemetery . III lieu of
flowers remembrances to Ihe
He;}r( Foundalion may be
arranged lor at the funeral
home .
lIi\lmlSj Mary A. (Ma-
mie) Ha n-is of Vcrschoyle died Friday April
II, 19&) at Alexandra
She ~ survived by
several nieces and nephews and was predec·
eased in 1977 by husband
Ira Harris and sister
. Ruby McCraw in 1950.
Funeral services were
Monday Apri} I ~ at
McDeath FU~ral Home
and were officiated by
Rev. Erla Curry.
The deceased was a
member of Verschoyle
United Church.
Temporary intombmenl is at Ingersoli
Mausoleum and intern- ·
mentlatcr will take place
at Ebenezer Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Roy
Bain, Murray Allison,
. Ray Ellis, Russell I-UIrris, Jack Nlison and
Harold Johnson .
er Marjorie Robins in
Arlhur McMillan of lngersoU and is survived by
wife Elnora Brenton,
daugh Ler Mrs . Jerry
(Doreen) Fay · of ingersoll, sisler Mrs. Harold
(Betty) Noble of R.R.2
Ingersoll and two grandchildren.
Royal Canadian Legion
branch 119, of which Ihe
deceased was a me mber,
held a special service
Sunday April 13 at the
Funeral seJV\ces were
April 14 at McBeath
Funeral Home and Zone
Padre Rev. John Patrick
o(ficialed Temporary In·
lombment is at Ingersoll
Mausoleum with inlern·
ment to be later ·at
Be.achville Cemetery .
Pallbearers were Joe
Duffy, Da!Uly Noble, Carl
Summers, John Empey,
Albert Dona and Bill
The funeral service
was held at 2 p.m. April
21 at McBeath Funeral
Home wilh Reverand
George Wall ofliCialing .
Intemment {ol/owed al
(he lIarris Street cemet ·
ery. PaUbearers were
Jim Robins, AI Mach",
Colin Huntley, Rob Riley,
Larry Dickout and Steve
RoulSton Torrance, 192
McCarty Street. Thames·
ford, died April 2(), 1980a t
the age of 56.
Mr. Torrance was born
in Mornington Township,
OnUlrio and was a retired
restaurant owner and
operator of the Town
Lunch in Thames(ord.
He is survived by his
wife Maybelle Keen and
was predeceased by his
falher Byron in 1941 and
his molher Margaret in
R08lNS: Stuart Robins ,
285 Th ames Street North
<Billl McMillan of 403·265
died April t 7 at the ·age of
Thames Slreel NorU.,
24 as the result or ~
IngerSoll died at age 60 · ···- - ·molOi-cyCleaccideiiLl'Vfr.
April II, 198() a l AiexandRobins was borh and
raIsed in Jngersoll. He
ra HO!ipila I.
The dcceilsed was born
was all employee ot
to parents Mr. and Mrs .
DeachviUe Lime Quarry .
lie is survi ved by hi s
father Mac Robins, his
brother, Robert Ede;
sister, Dawn Ede and his
grandmother . Mabel
Legg of Aylmer. He was
predeceased by his moth McMILLAN,:
7'5 Deaths
-------OLIVER- Al the Oxford
Heglonal NursIng Home,
Ingersoll, on Wednesday.
April 23rd, 19B{), Mary <Quinn)
Oliver IIge 95. Beloved wife of
John Oliver, formerly of King
Slret, W., Ingersoll snd
ThamesCord. She ;s survived
. by several nieces and
nephews . Friends will be
received at the McBeath
"'uneral Home, 246 Thames
Street, S., Ingersoll, where
service will be held on Satur·
day. April 26 at 1:00 p.m. nev.
Wesley Ball of Weslminster
Uniled Church ofliciating. In·
terment In Ingersoll Rural
Funeral services were
held April 23 at 2 p.m . at
Cari'Olhers-Belzner FUn -
eral Home in Thames·
ford with Rev~rand D .
P:lUl Critlenden offieiat·
ing . In~nlnlenl followed
at Woodland Cemelel1' In
. PaU bearers were Ron
I.. \\.)G E R. SC L L
Hogg. Bob McFarlane,
llugh lapfe, Don Appel ·
by, Fred Graham and
H;\fIY Foreman.
KNOTT: Jean Knot!, \31
Cherry Street, Ingersoll,
died May 4 a llhe age 0[
(;3, :It home,
Mr.; . Knoll W:lS born ill
Woodstock and was lhe
Bell Streel, She was a
member of the Wesl
Oxford Uniled Church
and also a member of
Keyslone Rebcknh LcxJge
daughter of lhe late Mr.
and Mrs., Ted Bollon of
Ingersoll. She . was a
member of SL. Paul's
Presbyterian Church .
Predeceased by her
husband Ray, ill 1966, she
Is survived by daughters
Ann Allison of Saroia,
Lynda Noe, of R.RA,
Glencoe Rnd Raye Morris
of Slrathroy.
She is a Iso survived by
brother Mack Bolton of
London, England, and
Kay Ashlon of Thorne,
Ontario, and six grandchildren.
Funeral servi ces were
held May 6 al 2 p.m. al
wHh Hev. Carmen HoI-
' brou~h
off\cia tin/! . In·
lernment followed at
Harris Streel Cemetery.
Dclldaire Dairy Dar on
She is survived by her
husband Freddie; dau·
ghters &lsan .Radford,
R,R. I, Woodstock and
Rulh Ann Wilson, Woodslock; brotller Lloyd
Dilse of Dunnville and
sister Helen Farnell,
Por t Colbonle. She a Iso
h;)s foul' grandchildren.
Funcral scrvi ces were
held May 3 al 2 p.m. aL
Mclleath Fu~ral Home
with Rev. Glen McPherSOil officiating,
InLernntellL (oUowed a I Oxford
Memorial Parish Cemetery . Pallbearers were
Neil Trembly, Morris
ment was Ingersoll Rural
Pipe Major Oon Collins
plilyed "My Home" III
the graveside service .
Pallbearers were john
McBride, Norman Greer,
Mike Hominiel, Jack
McGachie , Gordon Ponting, a nd Dr . Lorne
(1 H.R.4 Ingersoll
died at age 57 April 28 at
Alexandra HaspilaJ.
Born in Walsinghnm,
the late deceased be·
came a member of the
United Church a nct was a
laborer on !h e pipe line.
He is survived by sons
R.a y of DUlulV iIle and
John of R. R.4 and
daughLcrs Brenda, nClSe-
mary, Pcggey, Dehbie
nnd Sandra. A\so surviv-
George Powell and Gil-
ing the deceased are
brother.; Jim of '('il\sonburg, CI arence of n.R. I,
Walsingham and sisters
Mrs, Cecil <florence) of
n ,R, 3, Langton; Mrs.
Morley (Mary) Long~
Mrs . Ervi n (Alice) Conklin both of R.R ,I, Willsingham; Mrs.
(Pearl) Smith of R.R.3
Tiverton and Mrs. Melvin (Rose) Graves o{
bert De Hooy,
A special service was
held May 2 at 7 :36 p.m "
auspices of Keystone
Rebekah Lodge 69.
CRANE: Vera Crane,
R.R,2, Ingersoll, died
May I at Alexandra
Hospital at the age of 68 .
Mrs. a-ane originally
from Cdnboro, Ontario,
was an employee at
ThurtcU of 329 Oxford
Slreet, IngersoU died
April 28 al age 57 al
I\le)(;m:l ra Hasp ita I.
\Va s
{ngersolilo pnreuls /. . \rs.
Grace Staples Elnd the
lale Dr. Louis Siaples,
Later she served for
many years as an
accountallt al Ihe Royal
Bank and was a member
of SL PilUI'S Presbyterian Chlu'ch as weU ns a
soloist wi lh the church
She is survived by
husband Ste-.v i1rt arid
daughters Isabel Thom son 1\11(1 Mrs. Da vi d
(Mary) nondi of Sydney,
Australia. AIso surviving
Ihe de<:cased are brolhers LoUIS And ~TRld
Staples 0( 111gel'Soll and
Or. Tom Staples of
flev('r<mJ DI'(I/H' C1\Ssiuy of (icia lcd fl1llcra I
services MilY I al SL_
Church, Place of intern-
grandcJllldren and one
grandcJlild also survived
the deceased.
Reverend Carm!!n Hoibrough offida lcd funeral
services May 2 CIt Me\,lenth f\lIlerlll /lome ,
Plnce of internment is
Harns Slreel Cemetery.
Pallbearers were AUen
Bain, Jack \lain, Drian
NorTie, Gordon Groves,
GMY Mllssel and John
T "1..\\\ E:_ S
FINDLY: James Vernon
Fi ndly, 235 Washington
passed away May 24, 1980
at ti"e agc of 82.
Oorn in WcU<lJld, h~
was a retir~d bank
manager. Mr. Findly
was also a member of the
Graro Chaplcr of Royal
Arch Masons for over 50
years and a member of
Ihe Grand Lodge AF and
AM 0( Canada [or over SO
years. He was also an
aclive member of the
Knox Presby teria n Churen in Embro.
Mr. Findly is 'survived
by his wife, Ule former
Catharine MarshaU . Also
Surviving is his brotherin·law Dr. J.B. Greer of
Don Mills and two nieces
both of Willowda Ie.
A Masonic memorial
sCIvice under the auspicies of King Solomon
Uldge 394 \Vas held
Monday, May 26, 1980,
Rev Gran t Muir, assisted by Rev, Wesley Ball
officiated Ule Tuesday,
Ma927 funeral service at
Carrothers-Beaner Funeral Home in Thamesford. Pallbearers were
Clifrord Marshall, Ray
Marshall, Jim Dornan,
Seaman Glover, Angus
Matheson and Paul Newton.
Interment was at the
Old Log Church Cemet-
funeral at St. James
AngliC<ln Church, Inger soll . Funeral arrangemenls were completed
by McBeath Funeral
Home . ]ntermenL was a L
Ingersoll Rural Cemetery .
Pullocurers were David Mo tUlews, Jeff NUflIlS,
Jack Hunsberger, Mike
Shellon, A nderson Thornlon and Doug Peppiate,
JJALPJN: John Halphin '
275 Wonham Street, Ing-
ersoll, died at the age of
36 at his home, Saturday,
May la, 1980.
Born in Ingersoll to
Mrs. James (HatHe)
Clare o( R.R,} Beach ville, he is survjved by
his mother. Also surviving are his S()rIS Murray
and James, daughters
Catharine and Lori, and
his sister Mrs . Girard
(Isobell Beaudi n of Wawa . Mr. Halpin is also
survived by a n ieee and
nephew, Tanuny and
Rev. John Churchill of
Ihe Hi-way Penticosla I
Church officia led the
Tuesday, May 13. 1960
(uneral service at McBeath Funeral Home_
Intennent was at the
Harris Street CemeteryPallbearers were Ray
Voigt, Louis Voigt. Lewis
WooUey, Ed Matheson,
Cecil To(l1emire and
John Cook.
Thorne, 193 King Hiram
Street, Ingersoll, died at
Alexandra HOSpila I, IngersoU crl thursday, May
22, 1980.
80rn to the late Mr.
and Mrs. Sidney Matthews, she is survived by
her brother, William
MaUltewl> of Wooostock.
Mr.;. Thorne was an
active member of St.
James Anglican ChW'ch
and a member of the'
Alter Guild. She was
employed at C.l.L. for a
number of years. '
Rev. Tom Griffin officiated Ule Monday, May 2ti
WnlGllT; Ernie Wright
67 cathcart Street, lng:
ersoU, died at Alexardra
Hoopllal Saturday, May
10, 1.980. Mr. WrIght was
Rev. Tom GrWln of 51.
James Anglican Church
oWclated the Tuesday
May 13 funeral servIce at
. McBea~ Funeral Home.
Born tn WalthamSlOn
England, he was em:
ployed at !.he former
Morrow Screw and Nut
Company. He was a
member o[ Ule King
Hiram Lodge ~ A,F. and
A.M. and a member 01
the Harris Chapter 41
Mr. Wright Is surviveG .
by his wlfe, the former
Elsie RlcharQlon, Also
surviving are hls daughters, Mrs. Jolvl (Mary)
Cross of Cold ,;lream.
Mrs. Bryan (Florence)
Hutchesoo of H.n.2 Ingersoll and Mrs. David
(Ruth Ann) Sims of
n ,RA Thames( arc!. Mr .
WrighL'a slst.ers Mrs,
Florence Danlels 01 IngersoU am MIss Emlly
Wright of Ingersoll, and
his brother Bill Wright,
also a! Ingersoll, are also
surviving. As .well, he
leaves two graodchUd·
ren, Dean and Marsha.
Pallbearers were Rev,
Dan McInniS, Rev. David
Mcinnis, Larry Wal~B,
Claude Wright, Howard
Wright and Allan Heben. In~rm ent Is at
Ingersoll Rural Cemetery .
Granger of 17!i Bell
Street, Ingersoll, died at .'
the age o{ 6..1 on Saturday,
May 17, 1980, 'whJle Ii
~tienL in Vicloria Hospital, London . .
Born in Dutton, he I~·
survived by his wife, the
former Marion Schnm.
Also survIving are his
children Eugene Granger of Ingersoll, Mr3.
David (Catherine) Ma-
Ci«>rge <Dianne) Harron
of IngersoU and Mrs.
James (Delorisl DB lby 01
Ingersoll; hJs brothers
A.B. Granger of Dorchester and Fred Granger cJ Lobo; his s~ter
Margaret Sharpe of Ingersoll and six grand-
Rev. George Watt ol(\ciat.ed the ' 1Uesday,
Mlly 20, 1900 runeral
service, held at McBeath
Funeral Home, Interment was at Ingersoll
RUJ'al Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Har: ,.
ry Grnnger,
Granger, R0l\81d Grnng.
er, John Swartz, Earl
SWlIrtl And Tom Wardle .
gaur announce, '
the arrival of their
daughter, Andrea Valerie, on Friday, May 23, at
the Kitchener-Waterloo
ward Sexsmilh of R.RA,
IngerSoJr,are pleased 10
announce the marriage
of their daughter Tanis
Marie. 10 Michael §!aX;
chuck son of Mr. and
M~Sleven Slarchuck,
Ingersoll. Marriage look
place May 31. Vows were
exchanged a t the United
ChW"Ch Reclory. Putnam Ontario . Rev. Ver- ,
. non Prowse officialed.
Messenger, Ingersoll and
Mr. and Mrs. E . J . Woods
of Toronto are happy to
alUla.1 oce the engagement of ' their children
Jane A. Messe~ to
John J. ~~]i The
wedding will lake place
at St. James Anglican
Church on July 5, 1980 at
7:30 p.m ,
j Udy (nee Cummings) are
Calherines and four grandchildren.
SHARMAN - How'ard
Sharman, formerly of ingersoll, died 8lthe age of 73
on Friday, JWle 20,1980, at
Caressant Care Nursing
Home in Woodstock.
!lorn in London, Ontario,
to the late Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Shennan, he was
predeceased by his wife,
the late Cora Ki11g Sharman, in 1964.
He is survived by hiS son
Rick Qf Kitchener, an.d
daughters Mrs. Manfred
(Helen) Woolny o{ Lakeside and Mrs. Murray
(L~da) Jenkins of Du~­
das. Also survivng are his
brothers Tom of London
and Ted of Jorden, sisler
Mrs . Mary English of st.
Rev. Carmen Holbrough
of Trinity United Church
officiated the Monday,
June 23, 1980 funeral
service a t McBeath ["uneral Home.
Pallbearers were Greg
Fleming, Mark Wool ny,
Dick Campbell , Reg Slater,
John Muir arid Bill Walker.
Interment was at Ingersoll
Rural Cemel.ery .
DONIF ACE- AI fred Boni·
face Selllor, 334 King Street
West, Ingersoll, died Thursday, June 19, \980 at
Boniface was 86·years-old.
Born I n England, he was
prede~as'ed by his wife,
the late Mary (Nel)
Cooma. BOlliface, in 1964.
He was also predeceased
by a 500 Jack, in 1978.
Mr. Boniface is survived
by' his sons Alfred of
ingersol!, and James of
R.R. 4 Ingersoll: his
daughters Mrs . Winnifred
Scott of Ingersoll , and Mrs.
Ronald !Doris) Baker of
Woodstock, and by his
sister, Mrs_ Nel High of
Wilson, New York.
Also surviving are 12
grandchildren and 22 great
grandch ildren.
Rev . Tom GriHln of SI.
James Anglican Church
officialed the Saturday,
June 21, 1980 funeral
service at McBeath Funeral Home. Interment is Id
the Harris Street Cemet·
ery .
Boniface, Ken Gilbert,
Roger Boniface, Ron Bak·
er, Bert Boniface and Bob
\' -I.... \\"\ £ S
proud to a nnounre the birth
0/ their daughter Sarah
Jane, born June 30, 1980 at
Alexandra Hospital, Ingersoll, weighing 7 Ills. 130'ZS.
Proud grandparents are
Norm and Bern Cummings
of Thamesford and Viola
and Albert Anstee of.
Salford. Special lhanks to
Dr. Dalton and nurses and
staff on se<;:ond Ooor of
Alexandra Hoopilal.
DA Vir)
Veronika M. Hill, 15 Caffyn
Street, lngersoU, Ontario
are proud to announce the
birth of their daughter
Sarah Anne, born June l7,
1900 at Alexa ndra Hospital,
ROBINSON : Gordon RobInson, · 21 Dean Cres ., ·
Ingersoll, died June 30,1080
while II palient Alexandra
Hospital. He was 72-yearsold.
Bom in Halton County,
he was a designer and
worked (or the postal
deparlmenL. 'He was a
member of St. James
Angtica;l Church find of St.
John'::; Lodge 209 AF lind
AM, London.
foIlr. Robinson is survived
by his wife, the former
Helen Dunham, hi~ daughters Mrs. Howard <Barbara) Gri(/in of IngersoU,
Mrs . Donn (Janel O"ker of
Sl. Catharincs And Judy
Robinson of Toronto: hl~
brolh('t' Austin of Hamilton
and his sisters Mrs. Mable
Sanderson of Burlington,
Mrs. Rrme (lv1n) Wingfield of Jlamillon and Mrs.
Jack (Georgina) McCurdy
of Toronto. Also surviving
are six grflndchildren .
!lev. Tom Griffin offici·
ated lhe July 2, I~eo funerlll
service at Mclleath Fun·
eral Home. 'nlennenl was
at Grover Cemelery in
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~: ~~:;.;
t:' ":',
of La.~' AI~~,,!:'les
m~d liu.)g:llcrs i,irs. DQIl . ,
Dro~'.lI (Falricin) nf itc2wnlin: Be\-erby Arm of
Tnr(l\llo md Sylvin i\m·
f"! ....
mille of
sUl'vj1.·i!1fl the' '"
dl2('c; I~~d nle slf;;rdntlr;h~
lel' Uelen Gooch of
Iit~~c."~:bll; step :-~n~ 1\1·
vi:l. David m~d P:,ul
ni11c slep
tZrcJ'. bJ·<JI\(.lcbi~dren nncl "
C::\li f;tl'ry, TI\:,
P(1HJCUl'f!i~ \'i(;re I\hiJl
' t , I) aVHl
.• /'.C I:C'11 ,
Pnul /\cl\:Clt. J\rt pP~!;:;'
WE'll. Leo Kil'win :lIld lkh
J~ If-O
Ad;('i.·l r,f
f l,:l,f~~
..... ~,f !l',rC~.1·\11"\.~t.1t V';'""11i
FI':iri I.I~ (l,'ll(n\ l1\~~r:r:'t'U
gl;:! n-:i d 1ill1.
lip. \':m: b:J11l in Wu('d·:It":l~ til 1:"0 ~\k" il~H!
o[ ClT'(Ill)fOIJ
di~d nt age 7·1 VlI ,luly !.I ~If.
He is slIi-vi"",:1 by wife
Irenc (l\1mr) , f.lJi1li Bl1\l~e
n.h. 1
Vlltnmn ~1l1!1
£l;uq:lltcrs- LIr3 l,'::o'1ard
~,'ftlrti 11 (J..,')iJ) of Thm II'~'~. ford (Inti J\!I'!., CII;trl(!,C;
t'U\'l Y nh~l'i"h III t }.. )",
dll.!il, ....
Herhert :Cll~e. He ;. . : J\/sn ~:11r\"1 .... \111~ IhI.!
SU'H.'tI -in the H(\yol
<.!'~el'a~.(lll arc hrllllJ('W
. of
dtli inr, World
\'.'~J' 1I lIIIt1 ntl.ail1{'[l thc
I i.1II!{ d Sgt.-l\Injor. He
v.-crl:'..?d ns n brol~cc\icr
fUf Lr.iro\'al Tire Com.-
1'n'Wtll1{l \vm::
of 'J'2 DJptist C!wTch l
C;111::1l2.:1 I..R.{j.iOll Urallch
:? C'!:.,'in!in ::md C'!m',d·
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. r:~!;'~;-2~11'=I':!1l~~b of
'~:;11 !;~~~,,(!i:\i1
llcrh1fDernhllll r.:(~lil.l~\
ltnin5(1)l'li of JII[~~'I"':tJ"
and !;islcrs j\it::;, t ~ell
, ~lHlr:'er (EliH~!) 1)1 n.H,·t.
. h'~(TS4,1\; T,lts, I\!!):,~rt
(l\lyrt\(~) (If
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Goodman) a nd Robert
announce G<ld's gift of twin
girls at the Royal Victoria
Hospita 1, Montrea I, on
August 19, 1980. Sisters for
Jenniler. EUiol and Spencer , Gr a ndda ughters for
Rose and David Goodman
of Inkerman Street, Ingersoll, and for Eva Alz of
McDON ALD: The [uneral
service mF""'Pauline Mc- :
Donald, who died at Alel(andra Hqspital Wednesday, August 6, 1980, were
held a t Sacred Hearl Church on Saturday, August 9,
Gilber1. 83 King Street
Eas£. a re pleased to
announce the safe arrival
of tileir daughter Ruth Ann .
She was born at Alex<lndra August 5, 1980.
Mrs. McDonald is survived by her husband' Larry; her sons William of
Woodstock and cia ughlers
Catherine McDonald of ingersoll and Mrs . Harold
(Marie) Crellin of Bramp'
ton .
Evans of RR. 3 Ingersoll,
are happy to announce the
safe arrival of their daughter Amanda Jane, born
August IS, /980 at Alexandra Hospital. IngersoU.
CATIlY Ill~~1 2&8 MUTual Slree , ngersoU, is
pleased to annOWlce the
arrival of her daughter,
April Dawn. April was born
at Alexandra Hosptia I, IngersoU, August 12., 1980.
Also surviVIng are her
brothel'S Edward Hanlon
and Joseph Hanlon, both of
Ingersoll and sisler Catherine Hanlon, also of ingersoll. She is also sur vi ved by
seven grandchildren.
Born In Ingersoll to the
lale Mr . and Mrs_ James
Leo Hanlon, she was predec.eased by her broUlcr
Tom and sisters Mary and
Ru tled&e. 186 John Street,
Ingersoll , arc overjoyed at
the birlll of their daughter,
Angela Cluistine. Angela
was born August IS, 1980 at
Alexandra Hospita I.
Terse a,
Mrs . McDonald was a
member of Sacred Heart
Church and o{ the church 's
women's league .
Parish prayers were held
Friday, August 8, 1980.
McBeath Funeral Home
was in charge of funeral
alT an ge mcn ts.
Pallbearers were John
Stephenson, Joe Stephenson, SLan Shannon, Leo
Hanlon, John Hanlon and
PaUl Crellin .
was at ,Sacred Heart Cem-
Garton of Verner, wish to
anTiOuii'Ce the forthcoming
marriage of their daughter, Karel', of London, La
Manuel Da Fonseca, son of
Mr. andlVtrs . celestino Da
Fonseca of London . The
wedding will take place
Saturday, August 30, 1980
at 4;3(} p.m. at the Hyatt
Avenue United Church,
London, Ontario .
\' 1::. f\, £
- Ingersoll. Predece-ased '-by cha rge offi dating. Inter- I3et20er Funeral Home on
Mrs. George Calder. In the one sister; Mrs. Oliveen' . ment Putnam cemetery.
Thursday ·at 2. p.m., with
Centre, - Clendinning (}96~). Also
PaHbearers were: Gene Rev. Wesley Ball officiating.
Tavistock, on on Tuesday survived by flve grand: Humphrey .. John Hansford, Interment in Princeton
August 10, 1980 FTieda Sch· children, Ron and Terry Ron Kiddie. Larry Hansford, Cemetery .
.midl Calder of RR 1 Embro Clark Mrs-. Gary Wallace Ed Estergaad and RIck
Pallbearers were Ralph'
'in her 76th year, she was (Cindy) and Danielle and Wade. All grandchildren o£ Betteridge, Allan Hulton,
born in Germany June 1,1905. Brent Hainmond and one Mr. Hansford. He was born Allan Slater, Donald Adams
Sne'w8s.a member of Knox gr.ea t
gr anddaughter, in Oxford County. grew up in Wayne. Smith and Eph
Church, Michelle Clark.
Ingersoll.' farmed in the Routh.
Embro and predeceased by
Special Memorial services Crampton area and returned
her first husba nd Ernst were performed the .evening to .the village of Pulnam
of August 21 by Court Banner some thirty years ago. He
S t!9v~ K ~
She Is survived by, her 750 of the Canadian Order of was a member of the PutJoseph Snooks 0 244 Brock
second husband whom she Forester's, o£.which he was a nam United bu l because of Street, ThamesfQrd, In his
married at- Embro on July member.
' il,l heal!h was unable to lake
55th year. At UniversIty
15, 1958 one son, Siegfried
Funeral services
were- part in community ac- Hospital London, Tuesday
and, d aug h t e r -in-I Ii W held Friday August 22nd at 2 tivi{ies.AUl!ust
Margaret_ Mischnick o( pm
.., Rev . Wa yne Myhr e
Mr. Snoeks was born in
Chicago, .!Hinois. Funeral offi9i a tI ng. Interment Ii t
Mr. Fred Siater of 164 . Holland 1926, came to
services .were held at the Ban n e r
Cern e t e r y
nl ey
Stree t South, Canada in 1950. He operated
Francis Funeral Home Pallbearers were: Ron
and formerly of the Cold Springs east farm
'Tavistock Thursday August CI ark, 'ferry Cl ark Bill
East Nissourl - Cor nine years and was with
21. Rev, Grant Miur of Matheson, Jack Haskett,
a way at St, maintenance departmel)t at
Embro officiated. Interment . Doug Kester and George
on Monday the Processing Plant !n the
in Chesterfield Cemetery. Baigent. .
'Augusl 18 1980 In. his 8Jrd village (or the last three
Tne beloved husband of
He was .the son of lhe late
d eneral
At Al exandra Hospital. William and Eleanor Slater. AJida, dear father of Gerald
. Hospita I on ' Tuesday Aug Ingersoll 'I\lesday Augustl9,
Besides his wife Nellie ,01 RR 4 Thamesford,
19 19BO Wilbw-n Hammond 1980, Ernest Hansford of (Bailey) he is survived by Mrs,Fran'k
age 74 of R.R. 3 Ingersoll. ' _Putnam in his 94th year. brothers and sisters - Ray (Trudy) of RR 1 Ollerville,
Born at Folden'~ Corners Husband of tlie late Eva and Waller of RRl LakeSide, Chris and Wilma at home.·
the late Mr. Hammond had Vickers (1976). Survived by Reg. & Mrs: Grace Seaton Also surviving are two
always lived in this area, for three' sons: Wilford Strat- both of LakeSide, Harvey of grandsons Sleven and.
the last thIrty-six: years; on ford, Gordon RR 2 Mossley, Woodstock, Glen, Mrs. Michael, two brothers and
-the (arm near -Banner. He Carl: Putnam. Four Eleanor Sinkins.and Mrs. . three sisters in Holland.
FW1eral mass was held at·
was an acUve member of daughters: Mrs. Loyal Verda Gibb of St. Marys;
Banner United Church. He' Stevenson (Jean) ,J'illson- predeceased by two brothers Sacred Hearl Catholic
Chlll'ch Ingersoll, Friday.
was also ' a great hockey l:Iurg, Mrs. William Kiddie Dr. Frank and Earl.
Fred was a member of the August 22 at 10:30 a.m.
pI a yer, wIth the Banner (Doris) Til!sonburg, Mrs.
F'riends were r ecel ved
South Oxford, Group 2 Elva ESlergaard:' London. Westminster United Church,
(Champions in the 192o.'s and Brother of Albert. Flint Thamesford and the SL Wednesday and Thursday at
30.'s) He_ is survived by his 'Michigan and Mrs. Violet James Lodge, st. Marys.
He served on the E. Funeral Home, Thamesford
Wife Eva Seit2 one son, Jack Jones, Detroit Michigan.
and a daughter, Mrs. John Also by 31 grandchildren and Nissouri .Twp. Council from where prayers were held
Clark (Doreen) both of RR 3 38 greatgrandchildren. 1947, serving as Reeve in, Thursday evening.
Pallbearers were: Emile
I ngersoli three brothers ' Funeral service was held at 1957-58. Also on the BlanRoss, RR 4,' Ernbro, Stan: McBeath runera I Home ,shard Municipal Telephone Strydonck, Bill Brekelmans, '
Ingersoll, \ Harley
RR:l- Ingersoll" August 22, 1980 1f Commission.
,Ingersoll, one sister; Mrs.
_William Bruce (Lena) "toul. Belmont. Harrietsville- held from the Carrothers - and Allen Thoma:isen.
75 Oealhs
75 Deaths
ZYLSTRA.- Suddenly as the POLLARD - Suddenly as the
result 01 an automobile ac- result of an automobile accident on Oxford County Road cident on County Road 6, on
6, on Saturday September 13, Saturday September 13. 1980,
.1980, Louella (Lou) Zylstra, Mark Pollard, age 18, of 115
age 14,' of 145 Canterbury Carnegie Street, Ingersoll .
Street, Ingersoll:'. Loved Beloved son of Sheila and Gor·
daughter of Evelyn and don Pollard of R R 1 Mount
Robert Marriage and Gerald Elgin . Dear brother of Mrs .
Zylstra. Dear sister of Cindy, Randy George (Alison).
Tammy, Sandra.. Steven, Ingersoll,
, Tammy and Michael. 'Dear McKaay (Vickey), Wood. granddaughter of Mr. and stock, Neal, lngers'oll. Sally
Mrs. Jim Adams, Ingersoll, and Susan at home. Dear
Mr . and , Mrs . Robert grandson of Mrs . Alice Ben- .
Mrs .
Helen nett, SI. Thomas. Friends will
Marriage, London, Mrs. Jean be received at the McBeath,
Zylstra, Norwich, Dear great· Funeral Home, 246 Thames
, granddaughter of Mr. and Street South, Ingersoll until
Mrs. Ben Daines Sr .• Inger-' Tuesday at 11 a.m. Funeral
5011. Mr. and Mrs. Ashton
service at Trinity United'
Centreville. Church at 2:00 p.m ., nev. Car·
Predeceased by grandfather men Holbrough olliciating. In·
, Donald Blancher . Friends will terment in Ingersoll Rural
be received at the McBeath Cemetery. Remembrances to
Funeral Home, 246 Thames the charily of your choice.
Street South, [ngerso\l until 11 : -a.m. Tuesday. Funeral ser- .
vice ,at Trinity United Church
at 2:00 p.m., Rev. Carmen
Holbrough officiating . Interment in Ingersoll . Rural
Cemetery . Remembrances to
WELI,A ¥ - Suddenly as the
Lhe charity of your choice. .
resu l 0 an automobile acnABI~E~U- At his residen·
cident on Oxford County Road
ce onuo ay September 11th,
6, on September 13, 1980, Rae
1980, Lloyd 8. Babineau of
Wellar age 22. Beloved son of
1008 Vanier Ave, Woods lock in
Dorothy and Howard Wellar of
his 52nd year. Beloved
271 Jura Lane, Ingersoll, Dear,
husband of Elfreda Janel
brother 0( Mrs. Michael Slraw
Babinea u. Dear fa ther of
(Kathy) . Ingersoll, Larry,
Doug Myers and Chris
ScoLt, Lendrs and Tracy at
Babineau, both of Woodstock,
home. Dear grandson of Mrs.
Andy, Peter and Paul
Estella Wellar of lngersoll.
Babineau, all at home. GrandFriends will be received at the
father of Laurie Myers,
McBeath Funeral Home, 246'
Thames Street South, IngerBabineau. Friends will be
soll until 11 a.m. Tuesday.
received at the M. D. (Mac)
Funeral service at Trinity
Smith Funeral' Home, 69
United Church at '2 :00 p.m.,
Wellington Street, N., Wood·
Rev. Carmen Holbrough of·
sLock. where the funeral serficiating. Interment in Ingervice will be held 11:00 a.m.,
soll Rural Cemetery. Remem ,
Wednesday, September 17th
brances to the crarity of your
. with Father K. Keena of SI.
Rita's Church officiating. In·
terment will be in SI. Mary's
Cemetery, Woodstock. A '
prayer service will be held at
the funeral home 8:15
UARPER: Norman Harper , 242 T hames
Norlh, died al ·the age of 77
Wednesday, September 10,
1980 while a patient in
Ale~ndra Hospita I, Ingersoll.
Born in Woodstock, he
was predeceased by his
wife the late Georgelta
SUlh'erland, in December
PaJlbearers were Ted
Sexsmith, Don Heald, Mike
Starchuck, Harvey Bourgeois, Rocky Bechard and
Peter Bechard.
Street, Ingersoll , died at
Alexandra Hospital Tuesday, September 9, 1980. He
was 59-years-old.
Born in North Dorchester, he is survived by
his wife, the former Mary
Rossiter ; his sons Wayne of
Calgary , Chris of Centr~
ville: Alan of Ingersoll;
Norman, Patrick aocl Danny, all at home . .Also surviving is his brother Herb
Johnston Dr Dereham Centre and two s [siers Mrs . Neil
(Ethel) Muterer of R.R. 2
Ingersoll ann Mrs. Albert
(Myrtle) .Flemin~
Mr. Johnston is also survived by five grandchildren.
~v . Carmen Holbrol.lgh
officiated the ThW'sday,
September ll, 1980 funeral
service at McBeath Funeral" Home. Internment
was at Dorchester Cemet-
Mr. Harper is survived
by his son Gordon (Stub)
Harper of Woodstock.
Rev, George Watt officiated the .Friday, Seplember 1.2, 1980 funeral service
at McBeath Funeral Home,
Ingersoll. lnternmenl is al
Ingersoll Rural Cemetery .
J IEALD: Ruby Heald of
RR. 4 Ingersoll died at 63
September 5 at AJeJi:andra
Hospital, Ingersoll .
The deceased was born to
the late Mr. and Mrs.
~rge Savage in Ingersoll. She was employed at
Ingersoll Paper Box Company.
She is survived by sonS
Dona ld of IngersoU, Reginald or Toronto, daughter
Mrs. Ted (Marna ) Sexsmith of ·R.R. 4 Ingersoll
and sister Mrs . Ewart
(Mary) Bancrofl of Ingersoll. Also surviving are
nine grandchildren and one
great grandchild .
She was predeceased by
husband Donald in 1959.
U. Ernie Reid officiated
funeral services September 8 al McBeath FUneral
Home . Place of i nternm enl
was ·Ingersoll Rural Cem- .
Pallbearers were Ralph
Johnston , Jim Mutercr,
, Tom Brown, Bruce Johnston,' Brian Fleming and
. Keith Fleming .
POllARD : Mark Pollard,
U5 ca rnegie Street, Ingersoll . died suddenly Saturday, September 13 , 1980 as
the result of a car accident.
He was lS-years-o\d.
Born in Sarnia to Sheila
and Gordon Pollard now of
R.R . 1 Mt. Elgin, he is
sur-vived by his parents and
by his grandmother Mrs.
Alice Bennett o{ St. Thom85. Also surviving is his
brother Neal of lngersoll,
and sisters ' Mrs. Randy
(Allison) George of Inger·
soil , Mrs. Henry (Vickey)
McKaay of Woodstock and
Sally and Susan at home.
Mark ..... as employr:ed at
Ingersoll Machine and Tool
. Rev . Carmen Holbrough
oUiciated the Tuesday ,
September 16, 1980 funeral
service at Trinitv UnitP.(\
Church, at2 p.m . He rested
at McBeath FWleral Home
prior to the .service.
Internment is a I Ingersoll Rural Cemelery.
Pallbearers were Frank
. McCormick, Jerry Danlel
Sr., Jerry Daniel Jr ., Drian
Hulska, Jim CheceUo and
Gre8 Court.
¥er~' ERIN ELIZa
aUItTlter for Jack
and Jackie Habkirk .and
sisler for Margaret, was
born September 10, 19BO.
Proud grandparents are
Mrs . Helen Habkirk and
Mr. and Mrs . Joseph Halt·
er 0 f Ingersoll. Grea I
grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull,
Brussels and Mrs. Neille
Slephenson, Keswick.
~Q Cfi l ~ .I N;
cmse i occUin of BB Can·
lerbW'y Sll'eet, Ingersoll,
joyfully announce the birth
of U1Cir son Nicholas Jos·
_ eph. He was born September H, L980 a t Alexandra
Hospi tal. A special thanks
to Dr . Lawson, .Dr. Mayberry and the nursing slaff
at Alexandra .
lVirs. 4iJnuel Loultel, 285
Thames SlJ'eet North, happily announce the birth of
their daughter Mary-Joe
Samantha . She was born
September 18, 1000 a t Alexandra Hospital.
5R ft5 M~N " FRED AND
Ie eeman 285 Thaare
mes Street North,
pleased to announce the
safe arrival of their son,
Scott Kenneth . Hewas born
at Alexandra Hospital
September 20, 1980.
eb 1
Area deaths
f~ ! WkN. : John Baigent,
orrungton Ave., Lon ·
ray RuUedge, Ben Leslie,
Jim Marsh and Bill Marsh .
don, and formerly of Tham ·
es(ord, died at Ule age o( 84
September 20, 1980, at Victoria Hospital, London.
Born in North Oxford
Township. he farmed on
Banner Road (or about 35
years . In 1965 he reUred in
Tha mes ford.
UfE Nn u~: Peter Roden Urg, 60,0 Ki ntore, died
at his home September 27,
\980 . The funeral service
was held a tthe Carro thers Belmer Funeral Hom e,
Thamesford, Septemer 27,
Mr. Ba.igent is survived
by his wife, the former
Elma C. Rickard; his son
Alan of Thamesford; dau·
ghter Mrs. J . K . (Margaret)
Hermann of Detroit and
sister Mrs. A. R. (Sarah)
Clarke of R.R . 3 Ingersoll.
Heisalsosurvived by five
grandch ildren.
, ,
Mr. Baigent was pre·
by two brothers
and one sister .
Rev. F. MacJUnnon ass·
isted by Rev . Wesley Sal,
officiated the
September 23, 1980 funeral
service at the CarrothersBet·m er Funeral Home in
Thamesford .
lnternmen 1
·:"""",a5 at the Zion 7th Lion
Pallbearers were Ed Bai gent, Phillip Clarke, Mur-
Rornin Ratlcrdam, HolI ·
and , he worked as a dairy
farmer . He was a member
of the Emmanuel Reform
Church in Woodstock.
Mr. Rodenburg is survived by his wife, the
former Lena Olieman; his
sons Adri.:ln or R.R. 4
Thames{ord and Jack o(
R.R . 1 Woodstock; daught·
er Mrs . Frank )paula) Toth
of TEX:umsch; brother Paul
of R.R. 4 Thames(ord and
sisters Mrs. Paul (Adriana) Van Mannekus and
Mrs . Adrian (Elizabeth)
Zewew, both of Holla nd and
Mrs. Leen (Anna) Donker
of RR. 3 Embr().
Also surviv ing are 10
grandchildren .
. Rev . Cornelius Bonus ofHeiated the funeral service . Jnternment is at Kin·
tore Cemetery. PaUbearers were Ron Hogg, Cecil
Pearson, Herman Van Sorlen, Rinus Van Deloevering, Herman Hoogkamp
and Waller Van Wyk.
~1\1'Jr= Waller
ml , 139 CheIlJ' Street,
Ingersoll, died Friday, Aug·
ust 22, 1980 at Alexandra
Ho!;pital. Mr . ~mith was
68·years <lId .
IY. 20
Born in England, he was
employed with the parks
bORrd .
Mr. Smith is survived by
his wile, U\e former Elsie
German .
Rev. Tom Griffin of St.
James Anglican Church of·
ficiated the Monday, Augus t
25. 1980 funeral service at
McBeath Funeral Home.
lote rrun ent was at
Memorial Park Cemelery.
Pallbearers were John
Roe,Dllnny RM, .John Morley, Jac.k Thiboutot, Fred
PlelVes, and Elgin Morris .
. Sherry (nee Minogue) are,
proud to announce the birth
of their daughter, Sonya
Yvonne, 9 Ibs. 13 oz. on
. September 27, 1980. A b ea utiful . granddaughter
Eric and Marlene Minog.ue.
and Ted Rickard are happy
to announce the arrival of
their son Douglas Jason, 8
Ibs. 1 oz. on September 21,
Victoria Hospital.
Proud grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Rickard
or MossJey and Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Flewelling of
Nancy (nee Armour) House, are happy to announce
the birth of their son,
. Donald Murray Archibald,
born September,28 at Alexandra Hospital. A brother
for Beckie and
Grandparents are Mr. and·
Thames{ord and Mr. and
BOWMAN: Herbert Bowman, 149 King Street East,
died at Westminster Hospital, London, September
23, 1980. He ,was 77·yearsold ...
. Rev. Carmen Holbrough
officiated the September
26, 1980 funeral service at
McBeath Funeral Home.
Internment' was Ingersoll
Rw'al Cemetery.
r', ~
Mrs. GOrdon Bruce, IngersoU. Speciallhanks to nurses who delivered Donny
and tJr. Simpson.
Born in Wllllace township
he was employed as a.
'baker at Zurorlgg's Bakery
Gill (nee Sampson) are
announce the
arrival of Amy Christina
member of TrInity United
Church and active' in both
the Ingersoll Curling Club
and the Ingersoll Lawn
Bowli ng Club.
Gillon Monday, September
29, 1980 at 5:40 p.m. at
Alexandra Hospital, Ingersoll. A wee sister for Julie.
and ~errie weighing 7Ibs.,
to oz., 20 'h" long. Grandparents are: Mr. and Mrs.
Grant Gill, of Embro and
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sampson, Kirkland Lake, Onl-
ario. Greal Grandparents
are Mr. and I'rlrs. Cecil Gill
of Ingersoll. Specia I thanks
to Dr. P. Rae and all
AT ALEXANon October 2,
19BO to ' tUchard'and Janet
Nea ve of R. R. 2. Ingersoll, a
dra Hospital,
daughter Vanessa Jean.
Haspi talon October 2, t980,
lo Mrs. Todd, 15 Teeple
Slreet, Woodstock, a son
Derek Brian R,oberl.
anara Hospliai on October
I, 19RO to El(anne and
FiopeTt Ketchabaw, 320 0)(ford St., Ingersoll a son
Charles Gordon.
for ma.ny years. He was a
Mr. Bowman is survived
by his wife,· the former
Mary McKee; his son Bud
of Ingersoll; brothers Victor of Sardis, B.C., Elmer
of Atwood: Grant
Frank ListnweJ and Les of
Preston, Also surviving are
his sisters Mrs. Etta Cooper of Lislowel and Mrs.
Jim (Marjorie) Donnelly of
P~lbeare~s were Fred
Kimberley. Norrru\n Moul·
ton, Linn Johnstone, Gerald Clark, 'F:rank York and
Floyd Bowman.
dia Hospital on October 6,
1980, to Ken and Shelley
'Baskett, 10 Witty Ave.,
Ingersoll a daughter Kendra Leigh .
ara Hoopltal on October 7,
19ro, La Mr. and Mrs.
Arlhur Leney, Box 181.
Springfield, a daughter
Janet Ann.
andi'a Hospital on September 20, 1980, to Fred and
Freeman,' 285
Thames Street North, Ing·
ersoll, a son Scott Kenneth.
Cathy welcome with love,
the birth of their fourth son
Adam Patrick, born on
October 9, 1980, at SL
Joseph's Hospital, London.
Excited Big Brothers are
Brad, Chris and MatU,ew.
Nevin sfiadaock of 228
Hamilton Road, Dor. chester, died aI, age 72
Tuesday, October 14 at
Victoria Hospital in London.
The deceased was born in
West WI lHams TownshIp to
parents· Enoch and Rose
Shaddock. He {armed in
East Nissouri Township lor
many years before retiring
in 1966 in Dorchester.
He is survived by wife
MyrUeE. Noble; sons John
and Dale of Ingersoll
Also surviving the deceas-.
ed are brother Les of
Parkhill; sisters
Bruce (Bertha) Harmer of
Parkhill; Mrs. Ken (Gertie) Rock of Parkhill; Mrs.
Frank <Clara) Vincent of
. Detroit and Mrs. Beatrice
Hildebrand of Detroit.
Grandchildren, Darrell,
Paul, Jan, Jennifer And
Jane Ann also survive the
He 'was predeceased by
son Larry in 1938.
ReverendJ.G. Van Slyke .
officiated funeral services
Friday, Odober 17 at Carrothers· Betzner Funeral
Home in
Place of Inlernment was
Parkhill Cemetery, Parkhill, Ontario.
PaHbearers were Ralph
Shaddock, Norman Shad·
dock, Ted Harmer. Charles
Thompson, Ralph Sleeper
and Ronald Luther.
STARCHUCK: AT ALEXandra Hospital on October
'n, 1980, to Karen and
Gerald Starchuck, R.R. 3
Ingersoll, a son.
Alexandra Hospttai on October 28, 1980 to cas e and
Aida Van HLyderveen, R.R.
I, Burgessville, a daughler
NeUlana Mae.
anam Hospital, on October
30, 1980 to carolyn and
John Veldhuis, 178 Stanley
Street, Thamesford, a son
WaITen Jeffery.
~ o£
Llndon. are
announce the
birth of their daughter
Sandra Lee Michele. Proud
grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs.- Gordon Bishop of
ptea:S'ea-- to
Sutherland of Pulnam are
pleased to announce the
arrival of their grand..daughter Laura Elizabeth,
born to Mr. a nd Mrs. Larne
Hansford of Crampton.
reJony of Holbrook are
. appy
0 announce the safe
arrival of their son John
Derrik. Prouq grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
John Klingenberg of Putnam.
Susan North are pleased to
annrunce the birth of their
son, Thomas Norman, on
<?ctober 20, 1980,
P ElLOW: Clark Pellow, 63
Kmg Street Wes t. Ingersoll.
died at Alexandra Hospital,
Ingersoll, October 24. [980.
He was ?O·years-old.
Born in Ingersoll to the
late Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Pellow, he is survived by his
wife Bonnie; his sons Jon of
Cochrane, Alberla and Mike
of Ingersoll; daughl.ers Mrs.
WaITe'n (Mary) McGinnis of
SI. Jacobs and Mrs. Jim
(Heather) Walker of London.
He is also survived by his
brother Jack of Calgary,
Bill and Jim, both of Woodstock, and sisters Mrs, Robert (Helen) Douglas
Woodst.ock, and Mrs. Roger
(Margaret) neeves of London. Mr. Pellow is also
survived by his grandchild·
ren Marcand Kim Pellow of
Mr. Pellow was office
manager at the Ingersoll
Cheese Company and was a
member of Sl. James Anglican Church. He was a Iso a
B.A.C" past warden of St.
Rev. Tom Gri (fin officialed the October 27, 1980
funeral service at McBeath
Funeral Home. internment
is at Ml Hope Cemetery,
Pallbearers were
Roddy, Bill Garratt, Gordon
Henry, Rob Hamilton, Bill
Douglas and Dr, Clayton
Lafferty .
lYPPW;! Victor Woods of
RR. 4 St. Ma rys di ed a t the
age of 00 October 26, 1980, at
the Oxford negiona! Nursing Home, IngersolJ.
Rev. Gwyn Tucker officiated lite Wednesday, October 29 funeral service at
the ' carrothers - Betmer
Funeral Home. Internment
was atlhe Kintore Cemetery.
Mr. Woods was born in
-West Nissouri Township and
was a farmer. He was also a
member of the Chalmers
United Church, Kinlore, He
was a honorary elder of the
,Areadeaths and funerals
Rev. Deane Cassidy officiated the October 22, HISD
funeral service of Ann MacKen2ie ,hmitl.. Mrs . Sch·
mit! died October 17, 1960 at
Memorial Hospital, South ·
bend, Indi ana.
She Is survived by her
mother, Mrs . Alberta MacKenzieofJngersoU; stepson.
JamesSchmittof Ml. Clemens MI c.higa n I; brot her J .
Go;don MacKenzie of Simcoe and sisler Mrs. Goorge
(lsabelJ) Sulherland of R.R ..
2 Thamesford.
Mrs. Schmitt was pre·
deceased by her husband,
the lale Gilbert Schmitt.
The funeral service was
held at McBea!h Funeral
Home. Internment ;n Ingersoll Rural Cemetery.
WULDElt: ~auke Mulder, .
.R. 2 Massley, died at the
age of 69 November), 1980,
while a p:llient in London's
Rev. William Veenstra
officiated the November 4,
1980 funeral service al !he
Christian Reformed Church . Funeral arrane:emenls
were cQ.mpleted by Mc- ·
Be.a th runer 81 Ham e.
Born in Holland, Mr. MuI·
del' was a farmer on lot six,.
concession three of North
Dorchester. He was also a
member of Ihe Chrislian
Reformed Church.
Mr. Mulder is survived by
his wife, the former Hillje
Veenstra; SOM Oakie and
Allen of (ng~.r.:;oll and William of Brownsville; daugh-'
Lers Mrs. Evert (Fimke)
Bergsma of R.R. 2 Mossley,
Mrs. Luke (Nelda) Tenhor
of R.R . 4 Aylmer and Mrs .
(Joa nne) Kilngen ·
berg of Redc.liff. Alta. Also
surviving are his brolhen;
Tjeerdol R.R..I Beachville,
Wie/seollngersoll and Bart
of Burgessville; sisler Mrs.
John (Jantje) Eising of
Simcoe, t6 grandchildren
and one great gralldchild.
Pallbearers were Allen
Mulder, Oakie Mulder, Will·
iam Mulder, Luke Tenhor,
Evert Bergsma and Brian
Bergsma. Internmenl Is at
Ingersoll Rural Cemetery.
FTcderlck M.
:~,!g1as, 155 Charles Street
West, died at Ale)(3.ndra
Hospital October :ul, 1900.
He was 82-years-old .
Rev. Carmen Holbrough
and Rev. Hugh Moorehouse
oHicialed the October 'n
funeral sel'1lice al McBeath
Funeral Home. Internment
is at lngersol\ Rural Cemetery.
Bocn in Ingersoll to the
Isle Mr. and Mrs . S.M.
Douglas, he was an 0 per a tor
at S.M. Douglas Furniture
Slore, Paint and Wallpaper
on King Street East. He was
also a member of 1'ri nity
Unit.ed Church.
Heissurvived by his wIfe,
Ihc (ormer Mary E. Doug·
las; his sons Ted of Windsor
and Jack of Toronto; daug- .
hters Marjorie of Toronto
and Mrs . Robert (Helem) G.
Smith of London; sIsler
Mrs. Mary Payne of Ingersoll. Also surViving are
eight grandchildren and one
great gra ndchild.
and Mary Inee Greer)
·thank God for the sa (e'
arrival of their firstborn, a
son, Christopher TImothy,
Sibs. on November 11,1980.
A grs ndson for M r. and
Mrs. Roger Malcolmson of
Hamillon and Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Greer of Ingersoll.
Special thanks to Dr. Webster and maternity slaff of
SL Joseph's Hospital for
their love and care ..
. Winnifred Harris of 169
Canterbury Street, Irgersoli, joyously announce the
safe arrival of their daug· Mer Kimberly Marie, born
at Alexandra . Hospilal,
November 12, 19ro.
and Ameba Borntreger of
RR.l Mossley are pleased
to annoWlce the birth of
Iheir son David at Alexandra HospItal, Novem ber 11,
Smils of Ml.
Elgin happily announce the
birth of theIr son Sheldon
Jacob. He was born November 11 at Alexandra
BONIFACE: Alfred Bonl{ace', 400 Wellington Street,
, Ingersoll, died at London's
University Hosp\(~I, November 12, 1000. He was
65-y €a rs-o Id.
Born in Ingersoll to the
late Mr. and Mrs. Alfred.
Boniface, he operated Boniface's Variety Store (now
Ledgley 's) on Tham es Sire· et South, for many years.
He served In l he Ca n; -Han
Army during the World -Nar
II and was a member ( ~ St.
James' Anglican ChuTt ',.
Mr. Boniface is survj ved
by his wile, !.he forn:cr
l~bel. O:4iari; .pis. son· E ~I·).
,I'ph of' Woodstock; d(l u;;~. c:r .
, Mrs. Michael (Ma ry) Hull
· of Ingers 011; sisters M1'.5_/
Winnifred Scott of Ingersoll
and Mrs. Honald (Dor's)
Baker of Woodstock: ! .d
grandchildren, J anine, Till'othy, Pa uta, Becky a,\d
, Rev. Tom Griffin oHiclated the November l~, 1980
· funeral semce at McBealh
. Funeral Home. Inlernment
was at the Ha rris Street
iJ uiterwor tiJ , br,!01 Thames Street South, lngersoU,
died at Weslminster Hos·
pital, London November 15,
, t980.
Hev. Deane Cassidy offie·
iflled the November 18, 1980
funeral semce at Mcllea Ih
Funeral Home. Internment
was at the Harris Street
Born in Sa \ford, England,
he farmed at Dickson's
Corners in Norl h Ox ford. He
was a member of S t. Pa ul 's
Presbyterian Church and
served in the 1681ll baltalion
duri ng World War I.
Mr. Butterworth is survived by his wife the former
Helen Colyer; his sons
Lloyd or Ingersoll, Lyle of
SalliSaw, Oklahoma, David
of Kite hener, Wa rren of
London; daughters
Edwards of London and
Mrs. Da vid
Krowchuk of Georgelown.
Also sumv\ng are 20
grandchildren and
great grandchildren.
BUHTON: Harry Burton, 71
Catherine Street, IngersoU,
died at Alexandra Hospital
Nouember 17,1980. lie was
8!)..y ea rs -old.
Born: in England,
moved to Ingersoll find
worked for the Ingersoll
PubUc Ulilities Commis·
sion. He was
member of
St. James Anglican Church.
Mr. Burton was predeCeAsed by his wife, the
former Kathleen Holmes,
who died in August 1980.
He is sur.rived by hIs sons
Harold of Edmonton, A1berla, aJld Walter of Tillson·
burg: his daughter Mrs.
Thomas <Doris) F'leming of
Ingersoll, 10 grandchildren
a nd four great gra ndchi Id·
Rev. 'Tom Griffin will
orricia le the II a.m. service
today AI McBeath FWleral
Home. Internment is fit the
Harris Sb'eel Cemetery.
Taylor) and Don are pleas·
ed to announce (he safe
arrival of a son Matthew
Burton, born November 25,
1980 at Victoria Hospital,
l.ondon. Grandson (or Mrs.
Elinor Taylor and Mr. and
Mrs . David B. Daniel of
Woodstock .
~lJl 8E tt: AT ALEXAN·
a lIa;pll!ll, on November
30, 1980, to John and Diane
Luyben, R.R. 4, Thames·
ford, Ontario. a daughter
Nicole JAnne\le.
Alexandra HospItal,
November 29, 1980, to Mr.
and Mrs. John Harkken·
berg, R.R. I Sal(ord, Onto
ario a daughler Lori N\C·
GALL: Suddenly at his
home- In Pacific Palisades,
California, on Friday, Nov·
ember 28, 1980, William
Norman GaU, loving hus·
band of Mary Elizabeth
(Wagner), dearly Joved fat·
her of Peter and Pirie both
of Washington, D.C., fond
grand/a \her 01 four and
dear brother of Marjorie
(Mrs. J . C. McCuUBugh)
Toronto. He W£\s predeceas·
ed by e. sister, Jean, In 1965.
The son of the late Nora
and William Gall, he grad·
uated (rom Ingersoll Colleg·
iate and entered the Univer·
sity of Michigan, Ann Ar·
bor, gradual ing In law He
praclised law in Detroit,
later transferring to Call·
fornia in the firm of Ernst
and Emsl.
The funera I service was in
California on Monday, Dec·
ember 1, with a Memorial
service in Washington D.C.
, are pleased to announce
the arrival . 0/ their lirst
- childl a son, Kyle M8lth~ . \
Gral'\l.. He was born Dec~
ember 11 and weighed 7 lb.
1401. Proud graooparents
, are Mr . and Mrs. John
Steele and Mr. and Mrs.
, Tom Todd of Ingersoll.
anaratta;pilal on December 10, 198() (0 Rob and
Margaret Messenger, R.R.
. 4, Inger-soli, a son Jason
Edward .
~\lAN OS ~h
dra Hospital on December
lO, 1980 to Bill and Els Van
Oss, R .R . 1, Salford, a son
dra Hospital on December
. 9, 1900 ID Robert and Susan
Seld~, R.. R. 3, lngersoll a
son Richard Warren .
proudly announce the '
early ani val of !heir son,
Trent Thomas, 6 lb ., 19'11"
long. on Nov . 14, 1980, in
.... bie
37·years~ld .
Born in Italy 10 Mrs .
, Valentina Dona and the lale
: Luigi Dona, he was II mem, ber c:i Sa cred Heart Church.
He Is SIR"vl ved by his wife,
the former Gail York; his
brotheffi Albert and Marlo,
both of IngersoU and his
sisters Mrs . Sylvano (Wan ·
da) Battiston of Woodstock
and Mrs. Franco (Dina)
Robles of Ingersoll.
Father Charles Campbell
offlclBled the December 15,
1980 funeraJ service at Sac·
'red Heart Church . Funern I
arrangematls were com·
pleted by McBeath Funeral
'Home. In'l erment was at
Ingersoll Rural Cemetery .
Pallbearers were Ossie
Dona , Ray Taylor, David
'Dunn, J OM Bot, Terry Hook
and Glen Blair.
Hospital On December 8,
. 1980 to Randy aud Lori
Smith, IA King St . East ,
~ I nge.rsol I, a daughter Nic·
ole EJiUlbeUJ .
, ~E LP0tl i
. DONA: George Dona, 263
~treet East, Ingersoll,
died December H, 1980 at
" Alexandra Hospital. He was
a ndra Hospitru, Jilgersoll
on Monday, December 8.
19S0, Mrs. Claribel <McLeI Ian) Sherlock. of IngNsoll ,
formerly o( London, Wile of
, the late Joseph Sherlock
(1978) . Dear sister o( Marg·
arel, Jessie, Lvella, aud
Mrs . Elfie Dewar illl of .
London, and Gordon Mc~
of Tor onto.
survived by several nieces
' and ·nephews . Predeceased
by first husband Robert
Thompson and brothers
Hugh and Kenneth. run·
eral servIce was held at the
Needham Memorial ChaJ;
el, 5~ Dundas Street. Lon ·
don. where the funeral and
commillal service \vas condueled, Thursday, Decem ~
ber n. at 11 o' clock, wilh
Rev . Carmen J. Holbrough,
Trinily United Church of·
fica ted. Intennent was m
Fingal Cemetery.
Osborne-Warde n
At si-:"""Afoysuls Church,
Klkhencr, on Friday. Dec~
ember S, 19&0. Carol (Pt1.herick) 05borne, daughter 01
Lloyd Pelherlc\c, London, 10
John C. Warden. son
and ' Mrs. Jack Warden,
Ingersoll . Rev. Father Rob· :
eft Wardefl. uncle 01 the
groom, officiated .
Atlcndanlnf lhe bride wefe
her ·slslU'i. Mrs. Carla
Thompson 01 undon as
m alron of honor,
bridesmaid . Mrs. Mardi
Friesz 01 Toron to. j 11J\l0r
bridesmaids were Patti and
Tammy Osborne, daughter
of th'e bride. Captatn Anlln
Warden dolh milton was his
brother' B best III an. Ushers
were David Warden of London and Thomas Warden of
Kltchener. elso brothers 1)1
the groom. Margaret Anne
warden 01 HamUlon Bister
01 the groom. was lay
reader for the Nuptial Mass .
are happy.lo announce ffie
birth of their daughLer
Margaret Leandra at Henderson Hospital, Hamilton,
November 7, 19M.· A baby
sisler for fan . .
are happy to announce the
birth of their son David
Hsrold, born November 15,
1960. A wee brother for
Shella (nee Harvey) wei·
'come with love and joy the .
sale arrival of their first
born Brandon R()bert, at .
Victoria, NovefTlber 18, 1980 at 0249 a.m. Th e
elrst grandchlld for our
parents Russell and Thelma Harvey of Salford and
Ross and Donna Beacom of
Ingersoll, arrived weighing
a healthy 8 lhs. 14 oz.
Special thanks to all OLlr
family and friends.
OI;l~ HT:
OOPltal, on Novem-
ber 20, 1980 to Steve and
. Karen Albright, R.R. I, Mt.
Elgin, a daughter Karen
Ffv' AT ALEXANaHospital,
on November
21, 1980 to Scott and Dlane
Hanley. 166 John. Street,
. Ingersoll,
Michael .
sister Dorothy Heffler of
SutherJa nd 0 26
Cross . London. an~ five grandchildren.
SITeet, Ingersoll, died November 17; 1980 while a
Rev. Gordon GilLngham
patient in Alexandr~ Hos· . oHicia ted !he Novem ber 20
1980 fWH~ral service, at Me:
Born in Lak~ide, he Funeral Hom e. In·
ternment was at the Oxford
worked as a mex::hanic' at
Memorial Park Cemetery.
C.l.L. He was a member of
Trinity UniLed ChUrch, IngCZEREWATV: Mary :'zero
ewa [y (CoOk), a res id ·n l of
Mr. Sutherland is survivthe Oxford Regiona I Nur-,
ed by hi<; wile. the former
sing Home, died FI .day!
Vera Meadows; his ion
November 21, 1000 al her
Kenneth of Wawa; da.ughter
home. She was 8&-years old:
Mrs. Alan (Bev) Birtch of
Barn in Poland, she w 's a
Kelowna, B.C.; 8J'ld grandmember of Sacred H,,3rl
children O1risli>pher . and
Andrea . Birlch.
!,. .' He was predeceased ' by
She was pr~deceased by'~
two sisters, <;tladys Oliver. her husband Harry in 1%1. '
Mrs . Czerewaty is ··ur·
who died in 1976. and Anna- .
belle Lloyd who died in 1978. vived by her children lick
Rev. Carmen Holhrough of EUio(t Lake, Mrs . Vvray
(J\lary} SIms of Port Ritwill officlale the fUJIeral
serviceal McBeath Funeral chie. Florida, Mrs. Albert
Home today at :2 p.m. (Catherine) Barker of OakInternment wlU be at Kin- ,ville, and Mrs. Frank
/(Anne) Todd of Ingersoll.
lore Cemetery .
Also SLlrviving are 15 grandchildren and 2l great grand·
MOON: Betty too Moon, children ,
~r(ord Street, Wood·
Father Charles Campbell
stock. died at Woodstock officUil.ed the Monday. Noy·
~encral Hospital at the age
ember 24, 1980 lunera] seT· '
of 45, November 18, 1980.
\Ike. at Sacred HEart ChurOorn in Calgary, Alberta, ch. Funeral arrangements -:
to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rour· were completed by Mc·
ke of London, Ontario, she Beath F\ineral Homc. A
was a member of the United Catholic Women's League
Rosary was held Sunday,
She is survived by her November 23.
husband Bob; her parents;
Pallbearers were Jolul
her son J Dim of S t. Th ames' Kogut, Walter Longlade,
daughters Mrs. Jim (Wen~ Ted Messenger, Gus Lojew.dy) Ekins of Woodstock
ski, John Smith and Joe
Mrs. Don (Vicky) Knox o( DLlffy . ,
, Fort MaCMurray. Alberta,
Intern ment wa 5 a t Sacred
and KeUy, at home; her Heart Cemetery .
}SUJ)I): Charles
MASIE!.§: AT ALEXANdi"aHospilal on November
3, 1980, to Doug and Lee
Masters, ')72 John Street,
Amanda Lee Anne .
LEWICKi; AT ALEXANdra Hospital, on November
3, 1980 to Mr. and Mrs.
George Lewicki. 368 Ox ford
Ave., Ingersoll, a Son Richard Johnathon.
..IjQUIN§~ Leonard I ")binson, ) 105 Jalna 131 d.,
London, died Thursc IY,
November 6, 1980 a l Viclt'ria HospiLal, London. lie
6~years-{)ld .
Born in Bradford, I1:n,3land, to the late Harry n ::1
Florence.. (Ross), Hobillsoll,
he lived in London, Onlario
for the l:-lsi year. He liv 'd
in SI. Thomas for 23 years
and in Ingersoll for (i'le
yeal'5 .
Mr. Robinson was are·
tired employee of Weatherhead Co . Dlnadil amI served overseas in World War
II, ill lIre urny .
Surviving is his wile, lhe
former Margaret Moon.
AJsosurviving is his daugh·
ler Lynn Knol;,\ of R. n. 2
Kingston and his SOI\5 Br·
ian of R.R. 3 SI. Thomas
and Roherl of SL. Thomas.
Mr. Robinson is a Iso
survived by his sis lers Mrs.
LUian Southwart and Miss
Ivy Gascoinge, bolh of
Engla lid. five gra ndchUd·
ren and one greal grand·
daughter. A number of
neices and nephews are
also sur vi ving .
The funeral service .was
held al the Williams fun·
eral Home, St. Thomas, on
Saturday, November
1980. l.n te)11m enl al El mdale Cemetery.
Rudd of 81 . Earl's Courl
Crest., Woodstock, died al
Woodstock General Ilospi~lThursday. November6
1980 at the age of 68.
Born i n England, he came
to Canada SO·years·ago. He
farmed in the Putnam area
and was 11 resident of Inger·
5011 for five years before
moving 10 Wootlslock in
He WilS employed as ass·
istant farm manager aL lhe
Oxford (legional Centre . He
was a member of lhe Chur·
ch of the Good Shephard,
Woodstock, a very worship.
ful brolher of King Hiram
Lodge No. 37 AF' and AM
the Woodstock Lodge of
Perfection, fhe Centennial
chapter of the Rose Croil(,
and the Moore Consislory in
Surviving is his sisler
Mollie RUdd. Cll home.
ThE: (uner" I servi ce was
held MondilY, November 10
1980 at the 1\'1.0. (tl1ac)
SllIiUl FUneral lIome in
Woodstock , with nev. Mich.
ael FaU o((icialing. Follow.
ing cremation blD"ial was
made in Oxlord 1I'lemo!'i;)I
Park Cemetery A masonic
",entad <II service was held
al Ule[ulleral home Sunday,
November 9, 1980.
Mr. Woods is survIved by
his wife , the former Ruby
HerOfi; his son Clarence of
Kinlore; daughlers Mrs.
Clark (Doris) Hodgins of
Parkhill and Mrs.
(Marjorie) MarUn of ingersoll . . Also surviving is his
brother Norman of Brant·
ford; sisters Mrs. Ralph
(Hazel) McCartney 0.1 La
Peer, Michigan, Mrs . Milton (Verda) Brough 01 Ban·
croft and Mrs. Mel (Esther)
Brady of Sea for th.
Mr. Woods is also survived by II grandchildren Bnd
four great grandchildren.
Pallbearers were
Brady, Kevin Hodgins, J OM
Masseheleln, Bob
John Vermunl and Gary
Father Charles CampbeU,
Father James Williams and
Father R . WardenoCficiated
the November 1. 1980 funeral service at Sacred Hearl
Church. Parish
were held Friday, Oe!l)ber
I, )980. Funera I arrangements were made at MeBe.11h Funeral Home.
Internment Is at Sacre<1
Heart Cemetery. PaUbeArers were Bll! Warden, 1'00
Pye. Roy Newman, Jack
Sleele. John Stephenson and
fhllph R iena rclson.
EASTON: Florence Easton,
2169Uunibs Street, London,
and formerly of Thamesford, died Oclober 28,1980 at
95-years. She died while a
patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. London .
KELLNER: Joseph KeUner, 51 Charl es Street West,
Ingersoll, died November 2,
Rev. Phil Rusch oHicia led
the October 31, 1980 funeral
service at the Carrothers l3elwer Funeral Home. Internment was at the 7.ion 7th
Line Cemetery.
He is the son of Mrs.
Hermine Kellner of Inger·
5011 :md tne late Felix
KeUner. He is survived by
his wite, the former Kathleen Bl:lir .
Dr. KeUner was a physician and a surgeon .
A brief service was held
following cremation.
Born in London, England.
she was predeceased by her
husband, Ihe late Harry J .
East.on. in 1966. S1e was a
sUver cross mother and she
was also predeceased by
her two sons, Thomas and
Bill, three daughters, Connie, Evleen and Josephine,
three brothers and lhree
Mcoe rM o~i78 Earl Street,
Ingersoll, died Wednesday,
Octoher 29, 1980 at St.
Jooeph's Hospital, SMn ia.
Born in Wesl
Township, she was a member of Sacred !-leart Church
and an honorary member of
the Catholic Women's League.
She was predeceased by
her husband, the .late Will-: ., :
:iam McDermott. in 1974.
Mrs . McDermott is survived by her sons WiUiam of
Ingersoll and Peter of Londoni daughters Mrs . William (Marie) Sanders of
Sarnia and Mrs.
<Joan) Levesque of Petrolia: brother-in-law Basil McDermott of Delcware and
sister·in·law Mrs. Marie
McDermott of Ingersoll .
Also surviving are
grandchildren .
Mrs . Easlon Is survi vee!
by her sons HalTY and
Norman, bolh of London,
Jaek 0( Sudbury, Bert of
TIllsonburg, Russell
Ajax. and Keith of Home·
Mrs .
payne i daughters
Grant <Edith) Ruperl 01
Florida, Mrs. CU(f (Pal)
!3l1ckley of Barrie, Mrs. Dar
(Wanda) When! of Homepayne; brother Leonard o!
Sudl>ury. She is also surviv
ed by 28 grandchildren,. 5(
great grandchi tdren line
two great great grandchild
Mrs . Easton's grandsor
acted as pallbearer.
"\ T.\\"\k..
I5e"6bt'e (nee':
thank God {or the safe
arrival of their first born
cl1ild, a daughter. Teri
Elisha, was born 'a t Sl.
Joseph's Hospital, in Lo·
don, Ontario, on October 5,
19M, weighed 8 \bs. J~ OZ .
Proud grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Waud
of Lakeside and Mr. Bnd
Mrs. Dan Shearon of Ingersoll. Proud great-grandparents are Mrs. Clara
Fleming of SlraUord and
Mr. James Fleming, Mt.
Elgin and Mrs.
Shearon, Ingersoil.
Mrs. Granl
(nee 'Nyenhvis) are pleas- .
ed t.o announce the safe
arrival of their daughter.
Sarena Dora on October 15,
1980 . Proud grandparents
. are Mr. and Mrs . WaUace
Hammond, Thamesford,
Ontario and Mr and Mrs.
Frank Nyenhvis, Sebring·
ville, Ontario.
CHA~!f RS:
{ Chambers are
thrilled wilh the arrival of
Uleir bouncing baby boy ~
Richard Lucas on Tuesday,
October 21, 1900. Playma.te
. fOr GilUan. Special thanks
to Dr. Tom Mayberry ,
Sylvia Mayberry, and nurs·
ing staff at Alexandra Hospital.
ra Hospital, On October 2:2,
1980, to Bob and Sue Fuller,
Beacl1ville, a
Carrie-Ann .
dra HospItal, on October..
25, 1900, to Doug and Ann
McClay. 271 Thames Street
North, a daughter. Jennifer
~t\X~!ii§,: AT ALEXAN- '
a ooPltaJ, on October
25,1980 to Glenn and Debby
(nee Peters) Lavigne, 126
Charles Street East, Inger- .
soil, a son Anthony Bryan .
fJOSpital, on October 23,
1980, to Steve and Dianne
Mann, 330 Oxford Street,
Ingersoll, a son Micl1aeJ
i 1iIiiIiliiiiO;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;:=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
I,, mona
very happy to announce the
Ml\rgaret are
safe arrival of Mark An. drew on Saturday. October
4, 19ro. al.Victor\a Hospital
, London.
KERR : William George
~ll Kerr, formerly of
Ingersoll, died in his r~id­
enceSunday. October!2 at
the age · of7S In Flint,
Mr. Kerr ,was the eldest '
son 01 the late Mr. and Mrs.
James Kerr of Ingersoll.
Besides his . wife. the
former Thelma Gordon'
Lhedeceased is survived b~
sons WiUiam James Kerr
and Rkhard Gordon Kerr: '
The deceased is also sur·
vived by his daughter Jud·
Ith, (MT:s . James Shurte) of
Flint, Mich ., and brother
Donald F. Kerr of RR. 5
Ingersoll. ... Numerous
'grandchildren and 'great grandchildren. also sur, vive.
Mr. Kerr was predeceased by hjs brother J ames in
The funeral service was
held at Brown's Funeral
Home in Flint, Michigan.
on 1\iesday, Octo ber 14.
~AZPo Nn x ·
Ethel Lazet}YJOrmerly of ingersoll,
died at age 80, Sunday,
October 12 in Kingston.
She is survived by Mughler Mrs. John (Betty) Banand
nister of Kingston
grandch ildren Mrs. Brian
(l>atli) Cox; Sally ' and
David Bannister and great.
g~al1dchildren Christopher
Cox . Also surviving. the
deceased Is her sister Miss
Louise O'DeU of Woodstock.
.' . .
She was predeceased by
her husband George Stanley Laumby.
Internment service is
Wednesday, October 15 in
Sl. C8tharines at Pleasanl
View Memorial Gardens.
lIACI<.Im . Hugh Iia ('ker,
389 Nor
Town Line Road,
Ingersoll, passed
October 4, 1980 at WoodsLock General Hospila 1. He
PHILLl2 : HarryPhiUips,
' 28 Eroa way, Ridgelown,
died September 29, l~SO At
the age of 76 .
Rev. Tom Griffin of(jdaled the Oclober 1. 1980
fUrlers I service a t'McBeath
Funeral Home. InLernmenl
was at ingersoll Rural
Mr. Phillips was a member of the Anglican church.
He Is survi"ed by his
wife, the former Jane Stacey,; daughters Mrs. Robert
(Donna) Hunler of Ingersoll and Mrs. John (Judie)
Salmon of London; brolher
Arthur of ingersoll; sisters
Mrs . Dora Minshall of Putnam and Mrs. Kenneth
(Mabel) McConkey of R.R.
2 Mt. Elgin. Also sW'viving
are four grandda ughters.
Pallbearers were Bill
Phillips, Gerald PhUlips,
Ken McConkey Jr., David
Taylor, Ken West and Bob
was 67-years-{)ld .
Born in Beachville lo the'
lale Mr. a nd Mrs . Edward
Hacker, he operat.ed a gen'
eTal store in Beachvill e. He
{armed north of Ingersoll
and drove a school bus for
WiLty Bus Lines, fOT many
years. Mr. Hacker was a
member o( Trinity UnHerl
Church .
Rev . Carmen Holbrough
officia ted the October 7,
1980 funeral service at
McBealh FUneral Home.
Internment was at Beach·
ville Cemetery .
Mr. Hacker is survived
by his wife, the former
Christina Wright; his daughlers Ja nel of Thamesford, Mrs. Donald (lsa·
belle) Ling of R.R. 3 Ingersoll and Mrs. Edna Mont.
gomery, R .R. 3 lngersoll .·
Also surviving is his sisler
Miss Bessie Hacker
Beachville, and his grand·
children Susan. Jeff, Tim
and Sleven Ling .
.. Pallbearers were James
All en, Ke n Willy, John
fosler, Ralph Fleuelling,
Jerf 'Dlom and Slanley
~c~~nlI~n~9nN: M~u-
e c ermer orn, a reSld·
ent at Victoria Lodge RetiremenL Home in Ayr, died
October 3, 1980 atlhe age of
Rev . Tom Grilfin offici ·
a ted lhe Oc Lober 6, 1980
funeral service at McBeath
FUI1(J'al Home. Internment
was at Illgersoll Rural
Mrs . Schermerhorn was
pred~ceased by her first
and second husbands, the
late Daniel Schermerhorn
and the late William HoustOll. She was also predeceased by her son William Housloll who di(X} in
Surviving are her dau -
. ghlers Mrs . William (Bernice) Smith of Ingersoll,
Mrs . Frank (Jean) Yowor·
ski (York) of Ingersoll, and
Mrs. MAl'ion Lichty of Ed·
monton. Also surviving are
six grandchildren and ' to
great grandchildren.
Heather Freeman are happy Lo announce the arrival
of their daughter Carrie
Lynn, 7 Ibs, 12V~ 02S. on
September 24, )980,
Alexandra Hospi[al. Proud
grandparents are Fred and
Leotta Freeman, Mt. Elgin
and Bob and Helen CoUins,
Anne ~ (nee:
lAnsbary), a son MichaeL David, 7 lbs . 13 Ot., bom
Seplember 14, 1980, In Collingwood Hospital. Brother
for Christopher John. Four
grandchildren for Mr . and
Mrs . Jack Lake, Clarksburg and sixth grandchild
for Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Lonsbary, Ingersoll.
i9iYMAtf{ Herman Bowan. i r ing Street East,
died at Westminster Haspilal, London, September
23, 1960. He was 77-yearsold.
Rev . Cannen Holbrough
officiated the September
26, 1980 funeral service at
McBeath Funeral Home.
Internment was Ingersoll
Rural Cemetery.
Born in Wallace lownship
he was employed as a
baker at Zurbrigg's Bakery
for many years . He was a
member of Trinity United
Church and active in both
the Ingersoll Curling Club
and the Ingersoll Lawn
Bowling Club.
Mr. Bowman is survived
by his wife, [he former
Mary ~McKee; his son Bud
of Ingersoll; brothers Victor of Sardis, B.C., Elmer
~ Atwood; Granl
Frank Listowel and Les of
Preston. Also su rviv ing are
his sisters Mrs . Etla Co-
oper of Listowel and Mrs.
Jim (Marjo(ie) Donnelly of
Pallbearers were Fred
Kimberley, Norman. Moullon, Lion Johnstone, Gerald Clark, Frank York and
Floyd Bowman.
DALE; Harry Dale of Turkey Point and formerly of
Ingersoll, died at Alexandra Hospital September
29 1980. He was 68· years-old .
Funeral service will be
helu Thursday, October 2,
1980 a t Sacred }{eart Church . Parish prayers will be
October I.
Born in Woodstock to the
late Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Dale, he was employed at
the Morrow Company for
rna ny yea I"S, then opera ted
a fur buying business. lIe
was a member of Sacred
Heart Church.
Mr. Dale is sw-vived by
his wife, the former Margaret McCarty ; his sons
John of Clarksburg, Peter 0
of Burgessville, Da vid of
Embro and Donald of Lady
SmiUl, B.C.:
Mary of Ingersoll, Mrs.
Fred (Joan) Kimberley of
Atikokan, Anne of Ingersoll
and Ruth of Stratford .
Also surviving a re his
(Sally) Copp of Sherrill,
N.Y. Mrs. Earl (Dorothy)
Gordon of Bossier, louisiana i and si x grandchildren.
He was predeceased by
his sisler Mrs. Donald
(Ruth) McKay.
let Merrill of Woodstock
and Mrs. Mildred Gregg of
Woodstock .
Also surviving are his
and Bradley.
He was predeceased by
IWo broUlers, Samuel in
1954. and Fred in 1961Rev. John Huether officiated the Saturday, Sept.
ember 13, 1980 (uneral ser\lce at McBeath Funeral
Home, Ingersoll. In tern.
ment is the Harris Street
WEli.AR : [lee WeUar, 271
Jura Lane, Ingersoll, died
as the result of a car
accident Saturday. September 13, 19OO at COWlty
Road 6. He was 22-yearsold.
. 'f1Ie son of Dorothy and
How~rd Well~r, he is sur·
vived by his parents and
his grandmother, Mrs. Es·
tella We liar of Ingersoll.
Also SurJiving are his
brothers Larry and Scott,
at home, and sisters Mrs .
Michael (Kalhy) StrCiw of
Ingersoll and Lendra and
Tracey, at home .
Rev . Cannen Holbrough
officiated the
September 16, 1980 2 p.rn .
(Mera! service at Trinity
Uniled Church. Prior to the
(Meral service, he rested
at McBeath Funeral Home ,
internment is at Inger·
soli Rur a1 Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Alen
Smith, Mike House, Bill
Kirsh, Dan Staples, Paul
Mabee and Steven Pearson.
~.~~ : Beulah Wjlson of
~.~rngersoll died at S6
September 5 at her home .
She was born Lo the late
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mil .
ler In Burford Township .
She was active in Foldens United Church. Canadian- Order of Foresters,
Court Zenda, and served in
Ihe RCAF in the second
Irorld war.
She is survived by hus·
band John, sons Jerold of
Woods lock, Douglas
Ml'S. Jim (Shirley) ~x of
Mt. Elgin and Marlene and
Frances at home. Also
Surviving is her sister ·Mrs.
Sherwood (La Vona) Goodlng of Plattsville and seven
Rev. Rass Hargreaves
o(ficialed funeral services
September 8 at McBeath
Funeral Home. Place of
internment was Burgessville Cemetery.
WILSQN: Mae Wilson of
Foldens died Thursday,
Seplember 11, 198{) while a
patient in Alexandra Hospital, Ingersoll. She was
n-years-{)Id .
Born in West Oxford to
the late Mr. and Mrs. John
SheltDn, she was predeceased by her husband,
the la te Lorne Wilson, in
He is survived by his son
SlaNey Wilson of R.R. 4
Ml. Brydges and by his
brother Ross Shelton of
Ingersoll. sisters Mrs. Vic-
I.\'UG L ~
Pallbearers were David
WUson, Harry Reeves, Al.
Ian Thompson, Don Jansen, Lloyd PeUow and Eugene Miller.
Canadia n Order of Por.
esters auspices of Court
S CYL \_
e.~-t~\\\ ~~\"
Zenda Lodge held II special
service for the deceased
Sunday, September 7.
Audrey Smith of
am street, Inger·
soll , died at the age of 63
September /) at University
Hospital, London .
She was bom to the late
Mr. and Mrs . John Fulker.
son, in Dereham Township.
She was active at SL
Paul's Presbyterian Chur·
ch and was involved in the
ladies' f eder atlon there .
She is survived by her
husband John, and daughter Mrs. Donald (Suedeanl
Pirie 0( R.R . 3 Ingersoll .
Also surviving CIre her
broUlers Douglas of Wood·
stock, carl of Kirkland
Lake. Paul or Peter·
borough, Robert of Guelph
and sisters Mrs. Tr-eva
Bond of Tillsonburg and
Mrs . Murray (Madge) of
Mt. Elgin . Three grand·
children also survive the
She was predeceased by
brother Ray a nd sister
Leta .
Rev. Deane Cassidy of(.
ic\al.ed the funeral service
septembe.r 8 at McBeath
Funef"al Home. Place of
internment was Ingersoll
Rura! Cemetery .
Pallbearers were John .
Newman, Norman Moul.
ton, Lorne Moon, Anderson
Thornton, Gerald Pirie and
Larry Bood.
ZYLSTRA: Louella 2yl.
·sGa, 145 ~ nterbury Street, Ingersoll, died I'll !.he
yotmg age of 14, Saturday,
September 13, 1980 as the
result of a car accident on
Counly Road 6.
Louell a is I he da u gtl ter 0 f
Evelyn and Robert Mar.
riage and of Gerald Zylstra . Born in Ingersoll, she
was a S bJdent al Ingersoll
District Collegiate Instit.
She is survived by her
grandparents Mr. and Mrs.
Peacefully at her
orne in Royal Oak, MichIgan, Edith Mc.KUlen Pugh,
74, beloved wife of the late
Harley Pugh. Loving mother of Jack and Tom. Lovingly remembered by five
grandchildren and rour
great-grandchildren. Also
survived by sisters Mrs.
Ernest Grant (Grace) of
Aylmer; Mrs . Uoyd Phillips (Margaret) Ingersoll;
brolhers Garfield (Ben)
McKiUen Dexter, Mich.;
Ralph McKiUen, Toronto i
Robert McKIII en , Ingersollj and DonaldMcKiUen,
. Woodstock.
Predeceased by her -husband Harley, parents Benjamin Bnd Rachel McKillen
and sister Ila McKillen
Funeral arrangements
by William SulUvan Funeral Home Royal Oak.
For SE:ptember 16. .
Jim Adams 0/ Ingersoll
Mr . and Mrs . Robert Mar:
riage of London. Mrs. Hel.
en M4IlIiage of London and
Mrs . Jean Zylstra of Nor.
wich . Also surviving are
her grea t grandparents.
Mr . and tl1rs . Bell Daines
Senior of Ingersoll and Mr.
and Mrs. Ashlon Blancher
of CenlIevilJ e.
Louella is survived by
her brothers Steven and
Michael and sisters Cindy,
Tammy. Tammy and San.
She was oredeceased by
her grandfather, the lale
Donald 8lancher.
Rev . Carmen Holbrough
o{{j cia Ie d I h e
Tuesda y
September 16, 1000 funerai
service al 1'r t.llity United
Church ilt 2 p.m. Prior to
the fU/1 eral ser\'ice she
rested at Mc8edlh Funeral
September 6, 1980 at Vic-
toria Hospital, London.
pleased to
dMounce the birth of Lorie
ChrisUne, on Septembe~ 5,
1980. Sister for Dwaine.
GranddJIughter for Ester
MacIntosh of rngersoll and
Charles and Mary Scott of
and ary are
ate'Very happy to announce the arrival of their
daughter "Kyla Marie,"
born at Sl Joseph's Hospit.a~ London, on S~day,
August 31, 198(,1 at 3:51 p.m. :
weighing 6 Ibs . W~ 025 .
and 19~" long.
grandparents are Murray
and Hughena Daniels, and
Adrian and Anne Bes) all of ·
Tillsonburg. Proud great grandparents are Aseph
and Grace Daniels of Ing- :
ersoll and Hugh and Ellen ,
Doyle o( Woodstock. A long
8wait~ sister (or Jeffery I .
Gray, of Bol- ' .
ton, are happy to announce
the arrival o( their daughter IWary Ann. She was
born, September 10, 1980 at
Etoblco General Hospital, .,
weighIng 6 lbs . 14 01.. First
grandch ild for Mr. and ,
Mrs . Carl Bunch and Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Gray Sr. of
WillowdaJe. First great
grandchild for Mrs. Thel ma Telfer and first great,
great grandchild Co~ Mrs .
Annie Hawkins of London.
Internment is at lnger-
Rural Cemetery.
PaJlbeCirers were John
Blancher, Wayne Knight
Gary King, Vernon Blan~
ener, Roger Fiek, and WaysoU
ne Blancher.
..L (\) G:,
Cathy are pleased to announce the birth of their
daughter Marcy Lynn, on
August 2J>, 1980 at Alexandra Hospital, Ingersoll. Sister to Amy. S~ial thanks
to Dr. T. Mayberry. Dr. J .
Tasker, Dr. J . Kirk"Dr. J.
Lawson and Dr. D. Simp- ;
nee Schreurs) are
. pleased to 8IU1OWlce the
saIearrival of Amy Lynn, 6
pounds, 6 oz., on Saturday,
S ~~~"'\ ~\'\\ \) e. \'
\ -',
: Noe, 91 Thames
· South, TngersoU, died Sunday, August 24, 1980 at
Woodstock General Hospital. He was 7S·years-old.
Born in Ingersoll to the
· late Mr. and Mrs. John
Noe, he is survived by four
· nieces and one nephew. He .
was lX"edeceased by his
hrothen; CecU and Bill and
his sisters Mrytle·Harrison
and Pearl Piper.
·Rev. Tom Griffin oC StJames Anglican' Church,
officiated the Wednesday.
August 27, 1900 funeral
service at McBeath Fun·
. eral Home. Interment was
· at Ingersoll Rural Cemet- ,
CUlda Ulch are pleased to
announce the safe arrival
of their daughter, Pamela
Lynn born August 21. 1980 -' ,
at" Sl. Joseph's Hospital In
A memorial service was
staged Tuesday , August 26,
· 1980 by the Royal Canadian
Legion, Branch 119.
. Pallbearers were Ralph
Parker, Jim FH2patrlck,
~rald Pirie, John Minard
and Don McCrae.
! YRTON: Kathleen Burn, 71 ta therlne Street,
Inger~~I~ ~ed while a pat- _
lent in Alexandra Hospital,
Wednesday, August .
1980. She was 87·years-old.
Mrs. BUrton Is survived
her' husband, . HalTY
Burton; her 80ns Harold of
Edmonton, Alberta and
Waller oC Tillsonburg; h~r
daugther Mrs. Tom (Doris)
Fleming of Ingersoll, 10
grandchIldren and .four
.great grandchildren . . '
Born in 'Norwich, England to the late Mr. 'and
Ml'fI. Walter Hoimes, Mrs.
Burton was 8 member of
St. James AnglJcsn Chur·
ch. .Rev. Tom Griffin offici·
, ated the Xhursday, August
. Ut, 1980 service at
. Mc~eath Funeral Home.
Interment was at the Harris Street Cemetery.-
~L 't ll:
ospilal on August 20,
[980, to Mike and Marg
Ellah, R. R. 2, Ingersoll, a
jaughter Karen Kim.'
flO'Spi'l'al on Augusll9, 1980,
Michael and Shirley
Jones, 285 Thames Street
'Iorth,. Apt 28, Ingersoll, a
iaughter Teresa Louise.
:-'EOPOLD: AT ALEXwdra Hospital on August!.2, 1900, to Gunter and
,haron Leopold, 150 King
~iram Street, Ingersoll, a
:Oll Christopher Dale.
-a HospItal on August 25,
~980, to Kendrick
\.manda Coates, 145 Park
{ow, Woodstock, a son
:;(even Kendrick Eli.
TIi'i\ £ S
2\ u.~'--'- ~.,"\-
1'\ '6 C)
Mrs. Jack Barnlll1 passed
away at her home in Ot·
terville on Saturday, August
23, 1980, in her 74th year.
She was the former
Blanche Minnie Willett.
Survi ving arc three sons,
Allen Barnim of RR I,
Burgessville, George Barnim and Don_aId Barnim,
both of Otterville; two
Sisters, Mrs. Clara Boulton·
and Mrs. Ethel Woodard,'
boU) of Florida; one brother,
Nelson Willett of RR I,:
Norwich; two half-sisters,
Mrs. Hubert (Florence)
Hussey of Otterville and
Mrs. Clarence (Margaret)
Robbins of Tillsonburg: 30
grandchi Idren; 23 great·
grandchildren; a friend.
WiU3rd Wilson; and two
Barnim of Springford' and
Lillian Earnim of OtLervHle.
She was predeceased by a
daughter. June, and by three
sons, Alex, CliHord and
Rested :al the Nelson F.
Gleason Funeral Home,
Otlervil Ie. whe re service
. was heJd Tuesday, Augusl
26, at 2 p.m. conducted by
Rev. Earl Moore.
Memorial donalions to the
Hearl Fund would be ap·
preciated by the family.
Hanunond. R. R. 3 Ingersoll, died at Toronto Gen·
era) Hospital Tuesday 19,
1980. He was 74-year,s·0Id.
Rev. Wayne Myhre officiated the Friday. August 22
funeral service at McBea t.h
, Funeral Home. The Canad'ian Order of Foresters,
:. Court Sanner No. 750 under
~ the direclion of Mr. EUis
"Wallace, part chief ranger
assisted by Mr. Gordon
llath parI chief Ranller.
Mr. Hammond is survived by his wife, the former
Eva Seitz, his son Jack
Hammond of R.R. 3 Inger.
soH and daughter Mrs.
John (Doreen) Clark of
R.H. 3 Ingersoll. Also surviving are his grandchildren
Ron Clark, Terry Clark,
Brend Hammond and Mrs.
Gary (Cindy) Wallace, a~d
one great·grandchild MIChelle Clark.
11/\ YES: Phyll is Hayes,ISB;
Mr. Hammond is surviv.
ed by his brothers Ross
Hammond of R.R. 4 Ern·
bro, Stan Hammond of,
Ingersoll a nd Harley Ham·
mond of R.R. 3 Ingersoll
and his sister ;>1(5. Wi Ilia m
(Lena) Bruce of IngcrsoU.
Pallbearers were ROll
Clark, Terry Clark, Bill
Matheson, Jack HasketL.
Gary Wallace and George
Interment was at Banner
HANSFORD: Ernest Hansford died at the age of 93
on Tuesday, August 19,
1980. The Pulnam resident
died while a patient in
Alexandra Hospital, Ingersoll.
Born to the late Mr. and
Mrs. John Hansford, he
worked as a farmer. He
was a member of Ole
Putnam United Church.
Mr., Hansford was predeceased by his wife, the
late Eva Vickers.
He is survived by his sons
Will ord of StraLIord, Gordon of R.R. 2 Mossley and
Ca rl of Putnam; daughters
Mrs. Layal (Jean) Steven·
. son of Tillsonburg, Mrs.
William (Doris) Kiddie of
Tillsonburg, Mrs. Ra Iph
(Alice) Humphrey of R.n..
2 Delaware and Mrs. Elva
Estergaard of London.
Also sur vi ving is his brother Albert oC Flint, Michigan and sister Mrs. Violet
Jones of Dell'oit, Michigan;
:n grandchildren and 38
_great grandchildren.
Rev. Elgin Rintoul oHicialed Ule Friday, August
22, 1980 (uneral service at
McBeath Funeral Home.
Pallbearers were
Humphrey, John Hansford.
Ron Kiddie, Larry Hansford, Ed Estergaard find
Rick Wack
lnt.ermenl was at Put·!
nam Cemetery.
King Slrc(~l West, ingcr.c;o\l,
died Monday, August 18,"
1980 at Victoria Hospital,
London. at the age of 74.
Born'in Montreal, she'
was predt.'Ce<lsed by her
husbaud, the late Henry
Hayes, in 1963.
Mrs. Hayes is survived
by her sons Arnold H!l.yes
of Los Angeles, California
and Rick Hayes o{ London.
Also surviving are five
grandch ild ren.
Rev. George Watt offici·
ated the Wednesday, August 20, 1980 (uneral service
at Mclkath Funeral Home.
A special service was held
by the Eastern Star under
the auspicies of the Avalon
Chapter 220, 'J\tesday, August 19.
Pallbearers were Jan
Mulsaers, Ed I\lutsaers,
Merv Haycock, Jim Mathews, Granl Brady, and Don
Int.emlent was at the
Harris Strcet Cemetery.
SNOE!{S; Joseph Snoeks,
224 Brock StreeL, Thamesrord. died at the age of 51
August 19, 1980, while a
patient UI University Hos·
piUl I, l<lndon.
Born in Bolland, he was
employed at the
Springs Farms, Thamesford, for 10 yea rs. He was a
member of Sacred Heart
Catholic Church.
Mr. Snoeks is survived
by his wife Alida along WiOl
his sons Gerald of RR. 4
Thamcs(ord and Chris, at
home, and daughters Mrs.
Frank (Trudyl Verberne of
R.R.I Otterville, and Wilma, at home.
Also surviving are two
brolhers and three sisters.
all ill Holland, and two
grandch ildren, Steven and'
Failler Campbell officio.
ated the FrjdClY, August 22,
1980 funeral servIce at
Sacred Heart Church, illgersoll. Funeral arrange-'
Il1cnis were completl:'d hy
the C::l rrothel's . Hetzn er
Funeral Home.
PallbeArers were Emile
Slrydock. Bil! Brekelmans,
Nick Slockman,
Wttrner, Huber! Vcr Meren
and Allen Thom~ssen.
SJ'E 1N !JOFE i Stella
(nee Moore) are
10 announce Ihe
of their son DenGerard, on JuJy 28,
1980. Proud grandparents
are Mr. and Mrs. John
Maessen and Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Moore, Ingersoll.
dra Hospital on July 25,
1980 to Mr. and Mrs . Harold
Piggott, R.R. 2 Thamesford, a son Paul Elton.
Alexandra Hospital on July
29, 1980, to Ray and Pat
Vander Woude, 220 FifU, .
Ave, WOodsLock a daughter, Krista Diane.
221 Thames Slr.he.Ll
. North, Ingersoll, died'; at '
the age or 76 on Thursday,
August 7, 1980, at,sity ~[aspilal, Lllndon : !~ ;
Born ill TIlisotlburg 10 lhoe
late Mr. and Mrs . Georg'r
Wh.i leroH, s he was pmcleceaselj by neT h usLJand,
the late Clarence Steinhofr,
in 1960.
. ': I
She is SllTvivCl/ h '
sons Reg of Barrie, Eu~n~
of SI. Thomas, anol MorriS
of lngersoll ;
WI ught,er~
Mrs . Jack (Dorothy) Ch isnail and Helen Dan'id, both
of lngersoll, and J~nnir
Donmoyer of Woodstock ,
Also suriviving i~ ' a ~is ·
ter, Eva MaclnlYJ'e, I Q1
Aylmer, II grandch iluren
and lh(ee greal grand'ch.ild· .
, ..
Rev. Hugh Moorel""Mlse
officialed the
August 11, 1980 (urlcral
service at McBeath fun·
eral Home. Inlermellt was
at the Harri s Streel C'e metery.
WI\l G IlT : Funcral Service
was hela Wednesd:ty, Aug·
ust 6 a t til c Carrothers8elmer Funeral Home in
Thamesford for the lale
Terry M. WaigllL
Mr. Waighl, a resident of
SI John, New Brunswirk,
and a former Thorndale
resident, died at the age of
38 August 2, 1960, following
a car accldenL in Lewiston,
Maine, U.S.A .
He is survived by his
wife , the former Karen
Slrome; his parents Waller
and Joan Waight of R.R. 2
Thorndale', daughlers Shel ·
Iy and Angela, at hon~:
and brolher Michael' !of
n.R . 2 Thorndale .
Born in England, . Mr.
Waight worked as a supervisor (or Pulmon KeUogg
I .:
Rev. Detvlyll Docken Of-.
ficiatcd the 2 p.m . senli~e.
In(ennent was "t Robin's:
HUI Cemetery. Pallbearcr!s :
included Clive Marsderi,
l.)EL ntANe : Fedora Del
ianco 0 R. i. 2 Illgenioll,
died at age 48, Sun Ui'lY ,
Augll"t 3, 19BO <It Viclo ria
lIospi Lill, Londoll.
She is survived by Ioer
h\lsba nd John: her sfns
Lorenzo, a.t home, rind
Gilbriele o{ London . AIso
surviving is her sisler Mrs.
Silverio (Silvana) Pap.•~ is
01 Ingersoll anll brothers
anrl sisters in Hal}, .
Mrs . Del Bianco was
born in Haly. Nlcr moving
to Ingersoll she becat\\(' an
active member or !:)aered
I\Ci'lrt Catholic Church and
tne church's wornell's lea·
Parish praycrs
Tuesday, August ~, j900
and the tuner,,[ SClvlce was
Wednesday, Aug~st 6, i980
al Sacred Heart ::;hurch .
Ron Nadalln,' Si\\(!rlo Nad·
a.lin, John Nadn\iI :' R omeo
PDpaiS: Rick kdigonda
and Lucio Odoreo . Inter·
ment was ::It Sa 'red lIear'!
Cemetery . ;. , ,
Ron Vandenburg, Ted HaU ;
RoberL Duffin, James Cole
and James Eden .
~ . :, : 1:
M(}() GACII : Sund.<!y, July
"20, l!iio, Bonnie Moggoch 0/
110 King Solomon Street,
Ingersoll , passed away at
Alexandra Hospital at age
Mrs. Maggach was born
in Oxlord COllJ'ty La the late
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Welt.
She was a member al
TI'inity United Church.
Mrs. Moggach is survi 'Jed
by her hwband,
<Dutch) Moggach . She was
predeceased by her brolher
Milton Welt and her sisters
Marie Reagan and lda Riddler.
Rev _ Deane Cassidy will
offic ia I.e the funera I serv Icc
today at McDe.alh Funeral
Home at 2 p.m . Interment
will be at the Oxford Memoria I Pa rk Cern elery .
l\'l aur een are happy to an·
1l0W1Ce the safe arrival oC
(heir son, Gerald Joseph, 7
Ibs II
on July 16, 1980
ill SI. Joseph's Hospilal in
London, Grandparents 11 re
1\1r. and Mrs. John Stephcnson of Ingersoll and Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert Fuss of
~ orman, 1§3 J{ing Street
West, fngersoll, died al
Alexandra Hospila! Thurs·
day, July 17, 19110. He was
62-yea rs-olu.
Oorn in Ingersoll, he was
predeceased by his wife, the
former Betty House, July
'1:7, 1919_
Mr. Van Norman is sur·
vived by his son Danny 01
Ingersoll and
Mrs . Gordon (Verna) Verge
of frlgersoll and Juice, at
home. Also surviving are
two grandchlldren, Billy
and Tammy ,
A special Masonic serv Ice
was held i"ridAY, July 18
under the auspices of King
Hiram Lodge No. 37 af and
am ,
R.ev . Dean Cassidy officiated the Saturday, July )9,
1980 fWlcral service at Mc·
Beath Funeral Home . lilt·
erment was at Dorcliester
Thurlell, Tom M!'Ii>ee, LlIr-ry lJouse, Pele Clark, Frank
Toud, and Clarence Woodman ,
!tOIlOTlI'\/\I; .July 2. I !1I1O
of 60 Laurel Crescent Ul
IngersoU are pleased to
announce the arrival of
their daughtcr Sarah Jane
who was born on June 30
COPUQr of R.R. 1, Salford
arc proud 10 announce Ihe
happy arrival of their son
Joseph Alien John who was
born on June 28. 1980.
y a n Boeke! of 236 Wonham
Street are happy 1.0 an·
nounce the arrival of
francis Adriana who was
born on J ltb' I, 1<)80.
FULTON : Mrs. J. Prank
FUlton of 76 King Street
West, IngcrsoU, passed
away on Monday, June 30.
1980, al Ale xandra Hospital, IngersoU, in her 89th
The fOlmer ThirUl Alice'
Downing, she was bort! in
Brownsville, May 10. 1892,
daughter of the lale Charlie
Downing and the former
Hesler Davies.
Surviving are her hus·
band and several nieces
and nephews.
She was prede~ased by
two brot hers, /l!rred Down·
ing and Henry Downing.
She rested al her resid·
ence, 76 King Street West,
rngesoll, until Thursday
noon, thence \0 Trinity
United Church, Ingersoll.
for compiele funeral ser·
. vice al2 p.m. com]ucled by
Rev. Ralph' E. King of
In{enncn( was ill Delmer
Bome, Tillsonburg. \Vas in
ch:u-ge of arrllllgell'lcnts.
U't lm i tJ nMer \'1ood. 225
Charles S{ reet Ens!. died al
1I1cagc of 70 Oil July 3, 1980.
al her home,
Born in Norlholll pIon,
England Lo the la te Mr. l'o Ild
Mrs. Josl~h Ol(lc\{well, she
was predccea~cd by her
husband lIarold ill 1974.
She is survived by her
sisters Mrs. Colhcrillc
reick of SI. Marys and
Mrs. Larry (Elsie) McIntosh, also of S1. M<lT)'s,
Mrs. Underwood was an
active member of the
Salvation. Anny and' ,0.
member o( the home
U. Ernie Heed of Ii cia ted
the July 7, J960 funcral
service al Mcl3eaLh Funeral [-Jome, Intermcnt was
at logersoll Rl1 r(l I Celllet·
ery. Pallbcal' ers were Lar·
ry McIntosh, Dill Mc·
Intosh. DOII~ Pillock, Mue
Pillock, &ldie Underwood
and Charles IngllillYl.
llALA 7S ; WilliLim Bal·
Ll2S of 5 Princess Pa rk,
Ingersoll, died at age 51
on JulY 6 at Victoria
Hospital in London.
The deceased is SUT'lived by wile Mary
Moriez, daughters Mrs.
Norman Naisbitt (C(lro·
Iyn) 01 London and Mrs.
Chris 'nlOTll ton (Dar·
lene) (j, Embro.
He is also survived by
pLlrCl1 ls Mr. and 10.'11'5.
Frank Ba1a2S of Tillson·
burg; broUlers Frank of
Til1sonburg, George of
Bellc vllle a nd sisters
Mrs. F'rank Fulop (Margaret) of Till SOil LlUrg and
Mrs. Phil Cbrke.( Emily)
of Durlingtoll.
dcce.:lscd W;\s born
in llungary and laler
worked \\~ til Canada
Cement La farge Ud. and
was a member 01 Sacred
Heilrt Church.
Father iUlberl Morrissey offick1tl'(]' (uner.. J
services July <) al the
Churc h 01 (he Sacred
I!earl. PI ace of intern·
menl was SI. Ln.dislous
Ccme tery, CourUand.
Pallbearers were How·
ard DUllhfln' Marlin
Dunham, Joe' Slurdick,
Joe DI'OLos, Scoll Nllisbitt lind Lloyd Dawe.
HObett HObolha III 01 IlIgcrsoH, died IVhile a pal ient in
Ale)(A lid 1'3 Hospital. lie
was in his 93rd, yea r.
norn in Worcliester. Eng.
land, he came to Canada in
1911 and operatcd a garage
III Toronto. I n 1!J2(; he
moved In Inger'soll where
hc opcr.:llcd gnrnges for
many yea rs. lie has spell[
the past several winlers ill
Florida, although Ingersoll
remaincd his
Mr. H.obolllam was pre-'
deceased by his wife, the
former Ad:! Harvey, in
1!l&4 .
He is sW'vived by his sons
Bob 01 Porl Howan and
Harold o/Ingersoll, <I nd his
(hree grandchildren.
Rev. Tom Griffin officiated t he July 4. 1980 funeral
S-('rvtcc al M cBcalh f:<'l1n·
erN Home. Interment was
. at Ingersoll Rural eenle!·
F L EMING : Elwin Plcm·
mg. 122 eli" rlrs Strccl
EllSl, died <It his home July
2, 1!J80 a I the agc of GO.
Uorn ill Derehllm Town·
ship to Mrs. Mable Pic ming ;'Inri lhc !:-lte !"(:lnk
'F'tcillillg:. hr o"nl( tetl n
roofing bliSillCSS ill Ing~r·
so\l lor many YC.1rs, lie
IVllS :tIso n lllcmher of
TrinHy Uililed (Jlurch.
Mr. FlelDillg is survivcd
by his mOlhcr. his hrolncl'S
l3urton o( Ingersoll !Iud
Wilbert of London, <lull his
sislcrs ~1j'~. Earl (Doris)
Swartz and I\lrs. Keith
(U .. rb:lr<l) Pellil, both of
[tev. Hoher! \V il!iLl Il IS
ofli<;inted (hc July 5, 19~O
fUller;!t servicc :>.ll\'1e Oeath
rllllcr::ll HOlllc. Illlermenl
at Ehenezer Cemet·
PallbcMcrs wcre Gll ry
P"lcmiug. lX!nnls rlemin~.
r:I'IC Wi Ison. Keith Cullioll.
Rick Moccllin. Cnl1l Hob·
erl" alld Jolin Itull.
AIso surviving Is on e
eh arIes
Thamcs[ord, and one sister, Helen Waring 01
Mrs. Miller was predecC<"lsed by one sister,
Louise (Mrs. M. Bartindale) and one brother, Dr.
Arthur W. Waring.
Burial was in the Redeemer Lutheran Church
Cemetery, Sl. Petersburg.
WAn NER : Lillian Warner
'01 ~s itlng
Slreet East,
died aL the age of 62 on June
6, 1980 at her home.
Born i n Montreal she was
predeased by lather James
Montgomery in 1979. Her
mother Mrs. Eli2.abeth
Monlgomery, presenlly resides in Ingersoll.
She is survived by
husband Donald Warner
son Wayne of Misslssauga
and grandchi Ielren L eJ!-A nn
and Gemma-Kay.
She was aIso predeceas·
ed by her sister Isabel in
Kcverend Tom GrifCin
oHkia Led funeral services
Junc <) at McBe.a th Funera 1
!lome. TIle deceased was
EMORY - Annie M. Emory
who was a rormer Ingersoll
resident, died June II, 1980
al Bailie Ground, Washington. She was 8s-years-old.
Born F'ebruary 4, 1892, in
Ingersoll, she is survived
by a son, Donald C. Emory
of San Jose, California, and
a daughter, Janice E.
Lindgren 01 DatUe Ground.
Also surviving is her
brother Dlester Caddey of
Ingersoll, four grandsons
and lour great grandchildren.
Graveside services and
burial will be held in
Nelson, B.C.
Michael - Law of
Ingersoll died
suddenly a t age six on June
II, 1900.
Born in Ingersoll lhe
deceased was a grade one
student <"lnd a member of
lhe Putnam United Church
Junior Choir.
He;s survived by parents
Janll.ic and nonald Law
and sisler Melanie. Also
surv; vi ng are grandparen Ls Mr. and Mrs.
Orville Law of RR. 2
fieverend Vern Prowse
of ncia Le d Iuner al servi ces
June 14 at McBeath
Funeral Home. Place of
intemment was Pulnam
Pallbearers were Carl
Langford, Terry Ay IWin,
Grant Erwin and George
n .R.
bourne m alle) Hollands.
82, Asta bJla, Florida,
passed away, May 2.
1980. Born (n Ingersoll,
Onlario, Can?da,
moved (0 Astatula from
Detroil in [964. He was a
retired alic machine o~ra lor. He WilS
remembered in h)gersoll
as a goal lcnder in the
Ingersoll Hockey Circle,
back in the J 920'5. He is
survived by his wi fe,
Dor('llhy a nd sisler Mrs.
Helen Taylor, Ingersoll.
(Waring) Miller, died in St.
Petersburg Hospilal, ,"'lorida, on Saturday, June 11,
She is ~urvi ved by her
husband. Ihe Rev. Harmon
Miller, and two daugh\(!rs,
Rulh Marie and Sylvia.
,.. lcGI NN IS: irene McGin·
nis of 302 King Street West,
died June 14 at age 73 at
Vlctori"l Hospital in Lon·
Born in Woodgreen England the deceased was a
lJI('mber of Sl. James
Anglican Church in Inger- '
soli ::111<1 was acU ve io th e
Ladies Awtiliary Drallch
119 of the Royal Canadian
Legion. She had been
president for m:my years.
She is survived by
husband Daniel, son Ronald McGinn is; brolllers
Ruper Wallace of London,
England, J.J (Jack) Wallace, and sisters Mrs.
Cecicil Smith (Margaret)
of IngersoU, Mrs. Clarence
McMillan (Anne) of Ingersoll, Mrs. WilUam Messanger (Florence) of Ingersoll,
Mrs. Gail Croker (Gerlrude) of Calgary, Alberta,
and Mrs. Max Jackson,
(Jeanette) of Ingersoll.
Also surviving are grand·
children Mrs. Terry Bulcher (Joanne) of Galt, Mrs.
Donald Lemp (Nancy) of
Ingersoll and great grandchildren DflTee, Ronald,
Christie and Jamie.
She was predcC€ased by
her parents Mr. and Mrs.
James Wallace of Ingersoll.
The Ladies Auxiliary
Branch 1\9 of the Royal
Canadian Legioll held a
special S<!rvice June 15.
flcverend Tom Griffin
officia I.e d the (uner 31 sertrice June 16 al St, James
Anglica n Church. Place of
inlernment was Jngersoll
Rural Cemetery.
Pallbearers were ~'rank
Miller, BiU Wallace, Jim
Fit2.~triek. Bruce Weston,
Jack McMUlan and Fred
SII ELTON,.: W;,\!ter Shellon
of 198 Victoria Street. died
at age 76 June 9 ai his
Born in Tollenha.m, Eng1?lId, he was a longlime
employee at Ingersoll Cheese Company.
He is survived by wilc
Lydia (Hazel) Tarr~ nt;
sons Bill and Harry 01
Ingersoll and daughters
Mrs. Mel>lyn
(Mary I of R. R. 2 Ingersoll,
Mrs. Bruce Innis (Marg·
aret) of J, Ingersoll
ann Ann Putnam.
Also surviving are his
brothers Thotn;)s ;:tnd George 01 H.R.3 Ingersoll;
sisters MI'5. Fr~ UI;lCkmore (Alice) 01 Pori
Col borne:. Mrs. Roy MeMalion (Nelliel 01 R_H.3
Ingersoll, 10 gra ndchil(lren
and nine great gr.l ndchildreno
A' memorial service was
held Wednesday June I L
and was offieialed by
Reverend Tom Griffin at
McDeath FUneral Home,
The deceased was ('rematoo.
TUlIN EI~: Audrey Turner
of Beachville died at age 18
June 7 a tAle xand ra
The deceased was a
member of the. United
Church and worked at Ihe
Neilson plant in Ue?chv;lIe.
He was married to the
late Agnes Moggach who
died in 1952 and the late
Helen Crumback (Luno)
who died ill 1979.
lie is su rv iv cd by n cphews Ronald Swartz of
Dundas, Uruce Swarlz of
Sl. Calha rines, Donald
Fillmore of Toronto Fred
Fillmore of Forl Erie and
nieces Mrs. Eric Torrens
(Donna) of Toronto and
Mrs. Nayland Tea; (Verna) of Hiogeway.
He was pre-deceased by
slepchild Wray LWlO, who
died in HJ79. and ~isters
Ruth Nunn, Winnifrco FiUmore and Gladys Swartz.
Reverend Glen MacPherson officiated funeral
services June to at McBeath F\llleral
Place or intcrnment was
l3eacllYi lie Cemetery.
Pa IIbea rer s were nona Id
Swartz, Bruce Swsrtz, Eric
Torrens. Fred FiJ \more,
Nnylan<l Tea I and Ga vin
ry l and Steve ( nee
Parker) are happy to
announce the lITn val or
their son, Shawn Clark,
born May 22, 1980. Proud
grandparenLs are Edilh
and Uoyd Bullerworth
and Marge and Carl
~ ruc;::. R SC.LL
\ I. fi'. £:. S
andra HOsPItal, on May
S, 1!I80, to Brad and Sue
Coveni.ry, R. R.I, Salford,
a daughter Amy ' Kath·
anara Hospital, on May
-I, U8(). to F'red and
Terrie Thompson. 911
Cherry Stree t, Ingersoll, .
a daughter Leslie Kath-
"ryTa nd
" Steve
are happy to
/lnnounce the arrival of
their son, Shawn Clark,
born May 22, 1980"Proud
grandparents are Ed!th
and Uoyd Butterworth
Bnd . Marge and Carl
Parker. .
andra HospItal. on May
. 4, 1!I80 to Ben and Elsie
Heibuurt, R.R.2. Mt.
Elgin, a daughter Tam·
my Michelle.
andra Hospital, on May
3, 1980, to David and
Kathy Walker,
Thames Street South,
Ingersoll, a daughter
Jennifer Kathleen.
andra Hospital on May 2.
1980, to Larry lind Mary
Bannon, 29CaHyn Slroet.
lngersoU, a son Slephen
and1a Hospil.<ll, on May
13,1980, to G len and Isobel
Shenton, 210 BeU Street,
Ingersoll, a son David
tURn Y: FrtJ::D AND
t:liida."Tnee Fa rreU) wis h
to Ilnnwn~ fhe birth or
Sarah's !lew brotlier,
Andrew George, born
A"~fIH6, 1000; weighing 8
His:· B' ens, at St: Joseph's
. llospiLaI, London. Proud
grandpa rents are Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Farrel!
of Ingersoll and Mr. and
Mrs. Leslie B. CUlT'Y of
-\\"\ E '.
\ );.
SIIARPE: Mary Sharpe,
~~6 6XIon.l Street, togcr .
soU, passed away May
24, 1980, at Victoria
Hospital in l.on~on. Mrs .
Sharpe was 63·years .old .
Dorn in Ingersoll, she
was 'a member of the
Salvation Army.
She is survived by her
husbarxl Earl, her Son
Larry of Edmonton, dau.
ghler.> Mrs. Clyde «(lose.
mary) MiUs of Ingersoll
and l\1rs. Wilson (Sharon) George 01 Ingersoll,
and her [}rolhcrs , Ted of
Ingersoll and Cha rles o(
Pembroke. Also surviving is her sister Irene
!lulson of Ingersoll, eighl
grandchiJdren and one
great grandchild.
Lt. Ernie Reid o((iciat.
ed the (uneral service
held at McBeath FUllern.J
Home Interm en
Ingersoll Rural Cemet.
r \vas ail
ery .
Pallbearers were Ron·
aId Walker. Ihy Walker,
Jerry Tobin, .John HUI.
son, Alec MiUs, Gerald
Local 0 hituaries
': \ BIRtHS
: -
, ., ..... . ,. ,;>:,::"
, "
,,' ".
-" ", at· - fd.<Unden.
, an noun ces-d he . blr In of
," ",Lh~l!:-,'son .~'~,BI":eIL John
, ' ..l,-!oyd ~on AprD 10"
• '.
" .... :;
' ': .
1~. '
:':' ; MCDiARMID,:
:. ; and ::Bev "r McDiarmid,
: :'~:Forl :',Frances Onlarlo
,:~ are happy' jj) 8nnounc~'
.- ~,the b)rlll,-;', :soO'!
. ',: Qhsd : Alexa!lde r, ;'. born ;
.' .i'_Apru ~O, 1~.,W.etgtilrig:6, ':
, . '":lbs,, l~ OZ:l~ E'r6ijd 'grarid-':'
':' :"pp.,:ents arid-4~l,grand­
,-., Child,!of 'Mr,',-and Mrs.
· '-:- C1ar-k~ MCDhirmlp,' lng" ;.'ersoll!and fourt,h grilridc' ,
Mrs . ·.
· _"; GWrge Vandei1drlesache
r~ ,'Weybilrn
;:11):> r:'." "
:-_ '.iri\MJ\10NB;.AT ALEX··_
·" ,~: a:.dra { Hospital on April' ,\- .~ 17; 19BO to' Mr. and Mrs.
'.1 !~,J_oseph 'Hammond" '144
: ; ~,Wblting street, Ingersoll,
" \!i:,~n.' William Edward
:»~~,tci9,r, _ ,':'-:.'. ,
. ;": ~ - ' :-: ~.
.' ','.: ",-,,'
, ' ..
_:};'UND8J4NQ:. 'I; ': ,AT ..
" !. i\Jexafldra . Hos pltal" on.-,.-~ A'pril-,18. 19S(i'l6 Mr. and
- ; MrS, -. Rene i;' u,mdbland,
:111 O'Iarle,l. Street Weill, '
·.lngeraoll; : a-1; son - Troy ..
)Anthony .. ::" ~:
,";:. ,J ::~ ~
. ': ': \" .
i -,--
:.'MIL~PN-= :,fiT'>ALEX.,,·
,'- imd?a,-·Hosp.!,tal' on Aprll'.;
9-, ;-:ffi80 -to ::.; Kevin and -.'
~al(nee CUffordl Millson; 252 VictOria Street,
Inger~oll "
Vera Jeanne
R.R.Z, Lakeside,
died ApliJ 19 at Victoria
Hospi lal, London, at the
age of 64.
She was born in
Niagara Falls. Ontario.
Mrs. Edey was an
active member of the
Eastern SIs rand a
specia I memoria I service
was held April 21.
She was
by her husband Thomas
in Hn9. She is survived
by her son Ri cha rd of
London, her brot.her Jos·
eph Marsh of Millon and
her sisLer Gerttude Mar. sh of London.
FWl e.ra I services were
held April 22 at ?rp,m, at
Carrothers·8etzner FUneral Home, Thames(ord,
with Reverand G, Tucker
offici aUng. InLer nlllen t
(oHowed at tile Kinlore
Pallbearers were Jim
Borland, Gran t Gregory,
Lawrence Moore, nay
Dion, Aloc~t Marsh and
Bill nudy.
eJle,' his son John, his
parenls Audrey Corey of
SLratford and Lloyd Riley of !Vii I.e 11C U, brot her s
Ken of Woodslock, DOll of
England and Gary of
Stratford a nd his sisters
Audrey Dietz of Stratford
and Debbie Chambers of
Funeral services were
held April 23 at 2 p.m. at
McBe<Jth Funeral /-lome
wi th Reverand John
Churchill presiding. Jnternment followed at JngersoU Rur~1 Cemetery.
Pallbearers were Mike
ThibouloL, Charles Dietz,
Bill Harrison, Malcolm
Sullivan and Murray
He was predeceased by
Olle sister. EdHh Bow-'
man, two brothers Roy
and SLanley and one
Funeral servi ces were
held April 22 at 2 p.m. at
McBeath Funeral Home with Reverand John
Huelher oHici aling. Intern m ent followed at
Harris Street Cemetery .
FEHGUSSON: Elizat>elh
Fergusson of Cuyahoga
Falls, Ohio alld former
resident of [ngersoll died
April B, l!)BO at age 79 in
Cayahoga Falls, Ohio.
The deceased is survived by sons James
Fergusson of Darien,
Conn: and Douglas of
Dublin, Ohio and sisLer
Claribel Richards of
Toronto. She was predeceas~d by her husband
Charles DOllglils Fergus·
son who died in 1953.
She is also survived by
Dougla'\, Hobert, Carole
and ElizabeLh,
FunerAl services were
held April H at McBeath
Fune('al Home with Hev,
Dan Mclnnis officialing.
Place of illtertlment is
Illgersoll Hural Cemet·
w ere
James Fergusson, Douglas F'ergussol\ James E.
Fergusson, Hugh Mc·
Corquodale, Ross MeCor·
qll oda Ie and Murray
HowAR!.): Gordon \lowStreet,
Woodlock. died April 19'
at Woodstock Gellcra I
Hospital a tthe age o( 71.
ard, 331 flu rOll
Mr. Howard was born
in Weslminster Township
and farmed at Foklens
He was a member of
Foldens United Church.
He is survived' hy Ilis
HlLgy: Arnold RUey,
272 Har ris SLreeL, died
April 20 at Alexandra
Hospi tal at the .age of 31.
Mr. Riley was born In
Stratford, Ontario and
was all employee of
Ingersoll M;tchine,
He is survived by his
'w i (" DOI'OtilY Counlry. his daughter Mich·
wife Emma Haycock, his
daughter Belly May
Brown of Woodstock, his
brot hers Cecil o( Por t
L:lmblon, and his sisters
Helen Mealherall, n.RA,
Ingersoll: [rene Hughes
o( Woodstock and Mrs.
Jack H:lskett of Innerkip.
He has two grnnddaught.
_, Sa~e Mar,le;
SO l- l._
\\ \:J ,,' \ \
"I "I.. .\ \::: S
>:s G
.J UNES' Mabel Ir('JIc
(GJeason) JOfl(!S of H..I:U
Thornda Ie died at age 71
on April 22 a t her home.
Born i /I Bl a nchard
Township. she later be·
came an active member
of, Thorndale Unlled
The deeeased is sur·
vivcO by her husband.
Waller; daughter Mrs.
Jack (P hyll i3\ Treanor
of SI. Mary's; brother
Nelson Gleason of Olter·
ville and sisters. Mrs.
Howard (Ethel) Jones
and Mrs. Reg (Edna)
Murrel both of R.R.2
Thornda Ie. Also survivIng are I hree grandchildren.
Reverend Murray Bannon of Thorndale United
Church ofliciated funeral
services April 25 at
Carrothers· Bet21ler Fun·
eral Home in Thames·
ford. Place of internment
is Ziol'> 7th Line Cemet·
Pallbearers were Rea
JOlles, Allan Arthur,
Murray Jones, Don Jon·
es, Brian Murrell and
Doug Jones.
IlEATTY : HlUel Beatty,
formedy of lugersoll
.. <.lied Apl'il25, a.t ilge as at
SI. Joseph's Hospital in
The deceased was born
In Ingersoll fo late
parenL~ Mr. aod
John Lynch.
She is survived by son
David of· Rexdale; dnughler Mrs. n, H. (Callier·
ine) Frick of Don Mills:
sisters Mrs . Kathleen
Thome of London, Miss
lIelen Lynch of Ingersoll
and Mrs. Laura Wi! !ker
Of lngersoU. Also sUfviv:
iug Ule deceased are
eight grandchildren and
si x grea t gra ndchildren.
She was predeceased
by husband Bert BeaUy
who died ill 1936 .
Rev. Deane Cassidy
o((jciatcd funeral . services Apn 128 a l McBealh
Funeral Home. Place of
inlennent is Ingersoll
nural Cemetery.
EI)l\101 OS; Glen Ed.
monds 0160 Clarke Side
East, Ingel'soll died a I
age .'(0 on April 25 at
Alexandra 1IospitaL
Born in Fairfield, Ontario the deceased later
opera ted G and G Auto
Wr~kers .
HOlliNS : Sluart Robins,
2sS Thames
Street North
died April 1.7, 1980, a l the
alleof24 aslhcresult of a
mOlorcycleaccidenl. Mr.
H.obins was bam and
raised i ri lrIgersoll , He
was an employee of
Beaclwi lie Lime Qua ITY .
He is s urv i ved by his
parents Mac and Leola
Robins, his brother, J1ob·
c-rt Ede, si ster, Dawn
Edc and his grandmother
Mabel Legg of Aylmer.
lie was predeceased by
his mother Marjorie
nobins in 1969.
The funeral service
was held al 2 p.rn: April .
Home wilh Rev-
erand George Watt offic·
inting, I nlerment follow·
ed l\t Ule Harris Street
were Jim Robins, AI
Mach, Coli n Bu uUey.
[lob Hiley, Larry Dickoul
and Steve Marciniak .
He is sllrlived by wife
Margaret Killg and brot.hel' Dooald Edmonds of
Lakeland, F'lorida .
SI. John's Lodge No. 68
AI-' and A N held a specia I
service for the deceased
April Z7 at 7:30 p.m .
!lev. Carmen Holbrough offici aled funeral
services April 28 at
MclJ.ealh Funeral )lome .
Place of inl~rllmelll is
Pioneer Cem~tel'y in
P<lllllearers lVere Guy
JOIle'), 1I0w(lnJ La Hose,
George Wesl, Mike Pel·
low, Dlrl Lang(ord aod
John Woolcox.
Mary Oli~er
rormerlY o( KinA Street
West in Ingersoll and
Th;\lllCSford dicd at age
% on April 23 a I the
Oxford llegioJlal Nursing
Born 10 parents Mr .
and Mrs . Rober! Charles
Quinn of Dereham Town ·'
ship, the deceilsecl was
Inter active with West·
minster United Church
and the U.C .W.
She is survived by
husb."lnd John and many
nieces and nephews .
Rev. Wesley Ball orricis ted (I1ner aI ser vices
April 26 ?ol McBeath
Funeral Home. Place of
internment is Ingersoll
Ilural Cemetery .
Pallbearers were Keilh
Quinn, Harley Quinn,
Charles Wilson , Stuart
McPherso[l, D<lvid Wal·
I ~cc. and nil! fI'l anur.
Mr. Nadalin is survived
by his wife, lhe former
',' . .DEATHS·
'nl j\lASSON- Trueman J.
IOmasson, 229
King Street East,lnge~oU,
died. at th e age 01 56 011
April 6, 1900 al Alexandra
Hospital, lnge~oll . .
Bom in Toronlo, he was a
graduale 01 lhe University
or Guelph with a 8.S.A.,
and he laught rugh school
at Q,ckrane, Leamington,
and Richmond Hill. He was
vice· principal of lhe
Thorndale High Schoo! and
was principa I o( lhe
Sydillham High &hoo! (or
two years and the Wallace-'
burg high school (or five
Mr. Thomasson was head
of the Science department
At IngersoU District Col·
legiate lnstiLu le for Ihe
past LO years.
Mr. Thomasson is sur·
vived by his wife, lhe
(ormer Joyce Graham, his
mOlher·ln-law rvlrs . Ftan·
cis Graham of Dundas
Ont., his son Dr . Bruc~
Trueman Thomasson alld
his daughters Mrs . Clarke
(Laurie Kathleen) Miller o(
1I;t milton, Mrs . Dav id
(Barbara Joyce) Piggins or
Guelph and Mary Beth of
Red Deer, Alberta . Also
?ur vi yin g
his daughter·
In' law Belly Thomasson of
Rev. Carmen Holbrough
and Rev. Wesley B;tll
officiated the Thursday,
April 10, 19S0 funeral
service at McBeath FWl'
eral Home. Interment is at
Illgersoll Rural Cemetery.
NADALIN· Gioatla (John)
~aaalm 01 BeachvilJe, died
at ilie age of 78 Oil Tuesda y,
April I, \!)80 al his home,
Born in Marsona, Italy,
he was employed a 1
Domlar for a number of
He was also a member of
S(lcred Heart Catholic
Palmira Mior, hiS son John
of Woods !.o ck, daughter
Rose a I home. and daughter
Jean Jamieson o( Wood·
stoc\( , Also surviving is his
brother Luigi of lIaly :lnd
one gr andchi ld, Kerry
Nada Un o( Woodstock.
Funeral arrangements
were completed by Me·
Bea lh F\Jnera 1
Hom e,
Temporary inlombment is
at Ule IngersoU mausoleum
and interment will be held
laler OIL the Sacred Heart
Parish prayers were held
April 2, 1900, at McBeath
Funeral Home.
Pallbearers were Joe
Danellizzi, Jim Riddick,
John Simons, John Bol
Valentino TesoJat and Joh~
S. Nadalin.
Msgr. V.H. Grespan
oHicia ted Ihe April 3, 19S0
funeral service at Sacred
Heart Catholic Church on
April 3, 1990. FUMral
arrangements were com-
SIIA NN ON; M.J. (Jack)
H,R.2 Inger·
soil died II t the aBe of 62
on March 17, 1980, a\
A.Iexaoora HOSpitAl, In·
Born in North OJdord ,
Mr. Shannon was a
farme'r. lie was memo
ber of Sacred Hearl
Chun::h and a member of
KnighLs o( Columbus.
After resting at McBeath ~'uneral Iiome, he
was laken to Socred
Hearl Church where Ihe
funeral service was con·
ducted by Msgr. V.H.
Gre~an . Temporary en·
·lombment is at Ihe
Ingersoll mausoleum And
intennenl will follow at
Sacred HeArt Cemetery .
Parish prayers were held ,
March 19, 19BO.
Mr. Shannon is survived by his brother Stanley
o( R.R.2. Ingersol.l.
Pallbearers were Ken
McCreery, Joe Haller,
Joe Stcphenson, John
Hanlon, Jim Gill and
Tom Q,miskey .
BEIIDAN- ArUlette Berdan
178 Earl Street, died
March 9,1980 at Alexandra
IInspital. Mrs. Berdan was'
82·years-<>ld .
Rev. Deane Cassidy ofHciated the March 11, 1980
funeral service at McBeath
Funeral Home.
A special serJice was
held March IOby lheOrder .
of the Easlern Sthr, Avalon
60rn in Glasgow, Scotland to the late Mr. and
Mrs. James Hughes, she ·
was a member of Sl. Paul's
Presbyterian Church and a
member of the O.E.S. 220.
Mrs. Berdan was predecc.ascd by her husband
Frank in 1955.
Surviving is her son
James o( R.R . 3 Port
Rowan, and her daughters
Mrs . R.D. (Martha) H(}over of London, Mrs . H.W .
(&ina) Foster o{ London
Mrs. Grelta Greenaway
. Mrs . Gretta Greenaway.
Greenaway, passed awny at
I ngersol!, on Februa ry 20th,
t9(10, in her 61s1 year. Dear
mot her of Arlene (Mrs.
George Hughes) of London,
and son Bob, of 'fhamesford,
Mrs .. GreenawayiS also
survived by three loving
grandchildren and two
Private {uneral service was
he Id on Thursday, Fe bruary
21st at the McBeath I"uneral
Home in Ingersoll, with Rev.
Hugh Moorhouse of lie ialing.
Mrs. Greenaway was the
descendant o( early seWers
In the Thamesford area.'
Gretta Bartle(t spent her
early liCe in thevillage Bnd
(ollowing her marriage to
Il.ussell Greenaway. The
Greenaway family resided in
Ingersoll for some years
whet'e Mr. Greenaway
operated a family store
before returning to the
Bartlett homesite. Following
the demise of her hLlsband,
Mrs. Greenaway made her
relirement home at Charles
Street East, Ingersoll in 1964.
In her earlier years Mrs.
Greenaway had been active
in her lodge and church. She
was an adherent of Trinity
United Church, Ingersoll.
and Mrs. Ralph
Adam of I.ngersoLl. Also
surviving are 14. grandchildren-. and 10 great
Interment is in Putnam
Florence Dodge, 76 Canterbury Slreet. IngersoU,
died at the age o{ 92 March
5, 1980, at Caressant Care
Nursi ng 110 me.
Born in West Oxford
Township to the late Mr.
and Mrs. Edmond Dodge,
Miss Dodge was a member
of Tri oily United Church
and of lhe U.C.W .. Miss
Dodge resided in Ingersoll
since 19L4.
She is survived by a
numb er 0( COU$ins.
Rev. Carmen Holbrough
o£ficialed lhe March 7, 1900
funer al servic~, held at
McBeath Funeral Home .
Interment is in the West
Oxlord Cemetery .
Leola HRrris, 58 Welli ng·
ton Ave., Ingersoll, died
March 4, 1980 at the age of
Born in Paris, Ontario.
she was a member of St.
Paul's Presbyterian
Mrs. Harris Is survived
hy hcr husband George,
her daught~r Mrs. Nelson
(Jean) Valdron of Charlo,
N.B., hcr brolher Harold
Wilson of Wilmingt~n, Del.
and her sisler Mrs . Fred
(Nolma) Naplhell o( Ing·
ersoU. Also surviving are
her grandchildren Darlene
Valdron and Mrs . Terry
(Linda) Cable, of Pontiac,
Michiga n.
Rev . Deane Cassidy
officiated the March 6, 1980
fUlleral service aL McBea th
funeral Home . Intelment
is in Ule Anglican Church
Cemelery, Woodstock .
Huntley, Il4
Duke SI reel, Ingersoll, died
at the age of 84 on March
10, 1980 al Alexandra
( Rev . Carmen
Hoi:Ibrough officiated the Mar·
i,ch Ll, 1~ funeral service
, at McBeath Fw\eraillome.
Born in Crampton to the
late Mr. and Mrs . James
Rowse, she was a member
of Trinity United Church
and of the U.C W.
Mn>. Hun II ey Is s urvi. ved
by hersoo James of R.R. 1
Salford and by her daughter Mrs. Dor"IS Hut.ehesoo of
Ingersoll. A1sosurvivlng is
a sisler, Mrs . Frank
(Dorris) Butler of R.n. 1
Salford, 10 grandchildren
and seven great grandchildren.
Interment is in Putnam
alla m iios pilill, on Feb·
ruary 22, Hl80 to Mr. and
Mrs. Kevin Cornish, NorWich, Ontario a
son Christopher Arthur.
dra Hospital, on Feb·
ruary 14,1980 to Don and
Janel Ward, t17 King
Solomoo Street, ingersoll, a daughter Angela
Ellen Marie.
!l0GG' George Gordon
Hogg. R.n.. 4 Thnmeslord, died February 18,
t979 while a pallent in
University Hospital, Umdon. Mr. Hogg wa's
79·y ea rs -0 Id.
Bornat R.R.2 Thameslord, Mr. Hogg was a
retired (armer. He fann·
ed his enli re b[ e in the
Thamcsford area and
was a member of Thamesford's Westminster Un·
iled Church.
Mr. Hogg is survived
by his wife, the (ormer
Gra.ce McKay, lind his
two sons, Ken of n.R. 2
Thames(ord and Mac of
R. R. 4 Thamesford. Ajso
surviving are his grand·
children, Mr.L Micheal
(Barbara) Wilk ins 0{
Swea burg, Mrs. Tim
(Marilyn) Fleischer of
R.R.2 Th~mesiord, and
Bob Hogg of R.R.2
Tna me; ford. Also survi vfng is one gre.a t grand·
He was predeased by
his broLher Murray in
Rev. Wesley Ball officiated the Thursday, February 2J, 1980 funeral
service, held at the
Carrothers·Betzncr Fun·
eral llDme in Thames·
ford. lntcrmcol was at
the Zion ?lll Line Cemet·
Pallbearers were Jack
Daniels, Kjeld Mikkelsen. Murray Rutledge,
Ross MacDonald, George
Hogg and Bruce Hogg.
MCKAY; Mary McKay,
173 Kmg Street West,
Ingersoll, died Th llrsday,
February 21. 1980 at the.
age of 71. Mrs. McKny
died while a patient in
Alexandra liospital.
Bev. Deane cassidy or
Sl. Paul's Presbyterian
Cllllrch oc!iciated the
Sabm:lay, February 23,
1980 fUlleral service at
McBeath Funeral Home.
Temporary entombmenL
is in the IngersoU Mausoleum and interment will
be la ler in .1 ngersoll
Rural Cemetery.
Born in Ingersoll. Mrs.
McKay is survived by
her husband Bums McKay. Also surviving is
her brother William Fos-'
ter of Ingersoll and sisle I'
Mrs. Elva lo":mpey of
bert McCorquo a e,' 132
Holcroft Street, Jnger·
soll, at the age of 73.
Born in East Nissollri
Township, Mr. McCor·
quodale is survived by
his wife the former Eva
Mastcnnan (Ruddick).
Also surviving are his
SOliS Ken of Sudbury and
Hay of M ississa uga;
daughter Mrs. Roberl
(Audrey) Wisson of IngersoU and sleflchildrcn
Mrs. Ken (Irene) lloare
of IngerSOll, Mrs. Jack
(Mary) McClllcheon of
Ingersoll, Donald Ruddi ck of Illgerso II and
Douglas Ruddick of Bel·
monl. Mr. McCorquodale
is also survived by his
brother Lloyd of Wood·
stock, nine grandchild.
ren and one great
He was predecea sed by .
his firs t wile, the late
Alice Matheson, his sec·
ond wife, the lale Mahala
Kalbfleisch, his sisters
Mrs. Hal! (Mae) Newell
and Mrs. Adrrlin (SteUa)
Ball, and one brother,
Frank McCorquodale.
nev. carmen Holbor·
ough of Trinity United
Church ollicia Lcd the
Saturday, Februilry 23,
t980 fun ertl I service at
McBeath FUJleral Home.
Temporary entomnmenL
is in Ingersoll Mausoleum and interment will
be later in the Harris'
Street Cemetery.
GHBE NWt\ Y: FUlleral
servIces [or Greltil Gre-
ena way, 145 Charles
Street East, were held at
McBeath Funeral Home
on 'Thursday, February
21, 19S0 with Rev, Hugh
Moor ehouse offiCiating
the private ceremony.
Mrs. Greenaway died
February 20, 1980 at
Alexand I'll Hnspilal, Ing·
Born in Thames(ord
she was predeceased
her husband Russel! in
1956. Surviving is her son
Bob Greenaway
Thamesford, daughtcr
Mrs. George (Arlene)
Hughes of London, three
grandchildren and lwo
great grandchildren.
Entombment is in Inger·
sol! Mausoleum.
1. ruG E JQ.
s (YU_
·TI.{~ E.S
\\' t\ 'ITS
;ClIlda rec aTe lhrilled to
:"nllcu nee til e blrUI of
;lheir firs! child, Leigh
:Annc weighi ng 8 Ibs. 13
:oz., Jan uar)' 24, \960 a l
·Slo Mary's Ha;pilal, Kit·
·chener. Prolld grand ·
parents for lhe firsltime
are George and Elmaric
'Cushnie of Milton and
Jim a nd Helen Matthews
Ingersoll. FI r st neice
for PhyUis and Tom
Matulews of Ingersoll.
ill'a Hospital on January
19, 1900 10 Mike and
Marlene Kirwin, R.R.2,
Mt. Elgin a soo Richard
David .
f,L EISCIIEH : I\TRELLvil le Genera l Hospi(al on
Jnl\lIary S, IORO to
Moniquc llIld Philip, a
500 Wolfgang
Hospital 01) January 25,
1980 to John and Nerina
Way, ~ Kirwin Drive,
Ingersoll a son Michael
Itcv. Maxwell
Jolm;oll, Hev. Wesley
llltllNICE (i1HONlA)
sU.'Mx,J.p w:
<Sronla) Wasykiw, RR.
2 Thorndale, died a t the
age of 86 January Zl,
1980, al llie Bonnie-Brae
Nursing Home in TaviSlock .
Born ill Polland, Mrs.
Was)' Ie iw \Vas pre·
deceased by her husba nd
Nickolas in 1968 .
She is survived by her
children Tony of R.R,2
Tholl1dale and Mrs. Stel·
la (Waller) Bent of R.R.2
Thorndale, by
grandchildren ano five
grC'al RrillllkhilOrcn.
Hev . Harry Brydon
o((iC! a Ie d lhe funera I
seIVice al the Carrothers
Betzl1C1" Funeral Home in
.1311[1<111' 25, t980. Inter·
ment of the cremated
remains in Woodlalld
Cemetery in London .
Dall, Hev. J .P . Cooke and
Pastor J . A. fwab
ollicialed the Wednesclay, January 23, 1980
funeral service of Rev .
lIarUey W. Walts of
Wood lngf ord
Woodstock and formerly
of 1>0 Delalre Street,
nev . Walls died Jan·
uary21, 1980at his home ,
at !he age of 92.
Born in Clinlon, Rev .
WlItts was ordained in
1916 at Avenue Road
Melhodlst Church in
TorontO. He served m~ny
ye!ll"s in the Ham ilton
conference and laler at
Brighl in the London
He retired and s~tlled
ill Tha.mes(ord in 1955.
Hcv. Walts is survi~ecJ
by his wife Katheryn; his
SOIlS liarley of Simcoe
and Fred o( WillowcJale.
seven grandchildren and
five great grandchildren.
The funera I service
was conducted at the
Carrolhers·13eIZllcr Flln·
eral Home . Intermenl is
al [he Oakwood Cemelery in Simcoe.
30dm Ho'spital on JMuary 23, 1980 to Colin and
Linda Parker, 1\6 King
Solomon Street, [ngersoll
a daughter
January 27,
aocl Sarah
R.R.2 , Mt.
Hospit<ll on
1980 lo John
Bonltreger, '
Elgin a SOil
CANNl';1.1 ,:
ondra Hospital
01\ January 7, 19110, to Dav~ and
Liz Calln~U, lG(j DUlldas
Slrccl, 'fha m~rord, a
daughter, Jessica Dawn ,
'Alexand ra HosPilal on
January 8, 1980, Lo
Clemens and Sarah Bor·
nll'cger,, MO$ley,
a son Phineas C.
and I«'ll hy a re pleased Lo
811T100llce U\e sale arrival
01 their twin daughLers,
Amanua I(al her ine, :, Jbs .
10 oz. !Iud l(ryslal Marie,
q Ills . 14 m . 0/\ DI.'Ccmbcr
271h ., 1!'l79 al 1~llsonburg
Disllicl Memorial Hos·
pita I. Proud gra ndrar·
enls !lrc Mr. and fl1rs .
Pal Joh IIson Sr . O( Ml.
l::lgio. Special \h:lI1ks to
Dr. Hevenor and Or.
Quinlyn aud nw-ses on
third noor 0.0 .
ANtm EW ('001'''11
COql'E.ll: Hcv . Oeane
ftmeral service of Andrew' Coopcr of 1\ . H. I
Salford, who dieu at the
Oxford !tegional NW'sing
Home, Ingersoll, Monday
Janua ry 7, 1!l80 . l\-[r .
.Cooper was 86·years-old,
The 1huJ'!\uay , Jasl '
liMY 10 funeral service
was held al M{'Uealh
FWleral Homc wilh lem ·
porary en\ombemenl in
Ingersoll mausoleum and
interment laler 111 lhc
Dorchester Cemetery .•
Dorh ill AllcruCX!) lsilirc,
Scotlanu, 10 Ihe lille Mr .
and Mrs, James Cooper,
he came to Canad., in
1!l10 .
He worked On Ihe
I\-IcVicker farm at a ·am·
pion ror several years,
t:ller ma rT yin g Ihe rorm ·
cr Plora McVic.:kcr.
Mr. Cooper 1':1 r mcd on
lhe first concess ion or
Dereham for over 45
years. He IV:lS il memher
of St. Paul's Presbyter ian OIUJ'ch, Inger soll .
Surviving is his wife
flora ; his son 1\1 I\lcolm
of London; his brothers
Peler and Harry , both o{
Aben.leenshire , Scotland,
and his gra nduaIJghter
Carol Cooper of Toron/o .
i\1 r. Coopel' was prc ·
<lcce3sed by h;3 SOil
Pelp.r in 1957 .
bert Hyan . forillerly of
!t.11 J Aylmer, riied at St .
Thomas Continuing CMe
CellLrc Oil Saturday. January 5, J 980 . lie had been
in hospilDI for Ule ptlSt
five years . ~orn in ill his Mlh .
year. A relil'cd gencral
fanner . Member of Mal·
allied United Olurch,
member of l.O .O.F . Lod ·
ge TillsOIlblirg alld the
- oLher of F'olTesle I~ in
Ingersoll. He is survived
by his \\life Ule former
Margarel Long , II son
Sidney R. nyan, of St.
Thomas, and ·three dau ·
ghters, i\·1I' s . Marion
CarvtlIIl1., 51 . Thomas :
l\iI'S . David (Joan) Woorts cJ. Whilecourt, Alucr·
La, and l\1rs. William
(Es lher I IIllerbur y of
Ingersoll. A/so survived
by three brothers, 110'.11<lrd of London, Carl of
Courtland , Donald of
Bra nlford. AIso survived
by I Ggrllndchildrcn and
lhree grealgrandchild·
reno A private [alllily
service was conducled
from Ihe H,!\ .I(ebbel
FIUleral Home, Ay ~ncr
on Monday J!lnuary 7,
1981l. Cremal i011 al Wood ·
land Cremnloriam.
. ~:
George J . Quinn
IU U SlllJonJ. clicd Dec·
emhe r t2, Hl79 <II his
h(lI1l~. Mr. Quinll was in
his aJrd. yeilr.
Born ill Salford to Ihe
late John and Annie
Qllillll, ii'll'. Quinn sp(!nl
his clilire life iulhe area,
world ng ill S alford as a
farmer .
IIc was a meml)er of
_ I.he United Church there,
as weU .
Mr. quinn is survivecl
by his wife, Ule (orlller
GI:I(!ys welt ; his SOilS
I Jade)' or Salford and
3url011 o( Wildwood ,
1\1;)lIilob;!; his daughters
M:lriollo{JngersoU, M~r·
guerire of A ilsa era ig,
ilnll JUIIC, at home.
AIso sun;v iJlg ilre J 5
gra IIdch Odt-en a lid 16
grt',l l grandchildren.
1\(1'. Quinn was pre.
dcc(>~scd h)' iI cla ughlcr ,
I::: II !I i\1 :I .v. ill 1977. iIIld by
a son G orriOIl in I!l79.
fl.ev. JolIll Jluelhcr
011 Icia ted I he (ullcrnl
service a! ~1cUc"th FUll·
crililiome, friday , Dec-·
emh!'r H t!17!l. Pollbear·
(,I~ "er e On'ill Nl1nC'C·
kivell , £':lIlI'oou N;Jllcc ,
kil'cll, Peler Tops , Keith
Quinll . Andrew Eml)CY
:llId Gerry Oggol~ by .
11I1(,l"lIIelll lI'ilS ;; Illig·
(>rsoll Hl~ 'ill Cemelery .
)6 ,
G ":II()lt (.ETT,\
111\11." 10:1\ :
Ilupcr , 242 Tha mes
~lrCel· 'N.:~lr~crso\l, (Iicc\ .
WeiliJesuIIY. l)eecmbc r
t!l79, :t I Vic loria
lIosp itill, LOlldon. '''lrs.
l1:1rpcr, who was born
and rfliscll in Ingersoll,
was in her sevenly·fourLh
Born 10 (he lale Mr .
;'Ino MI'$ . George SULher-
lilnd, she was mMrir.d 10
Norman llarper.She WIIS
well kn ()\\'11 Ihroughout
Ihe com lUunlly lor her
involvement as a me ·
mh~ of the l.O.D.E. ami
tlte LiOiletles.
Mrs . Harper is suniv·
~d by her husband.
Hev . Carmen Hal·
brough 01 Trlni(y United
Church officiated Ihe
Friday, December · ~,
1979 funeral service, held
ill i\'lcUcalh Funerill
Ilollle . Tem para ry en·
lomblnen( is in the
Ingersoll mausoleum and '
inlermenl will be latN ill
hll~Cr5(t1l nUT:l1 Cemel·
(',r}' .
i\ru~ .
EI.,\lElt l'!o:I\IICE
i\h ' ~ , 1'; "111'1' (lc_H~ 01
I 'ller ville paSSf:c.1 :llI'ay 1)1
Till so \I b Ill' ~
n I,S / ric t
i\knHII' i;t1
Itosp; I a I 011
1··rida ,I' , D('CI' IIIi)l'l' 21 . 1!l7H,
III hl'r 7~lh ye<ll' ,
Tlte f"!'Iller Elsie Pal'T},.
dallt:!hler or Ihp.
l;oIe Mr . <Inri Mr., Otis
~lol' lI'as ;1
l';lI"'~' ,
Hel' hll~h;\ll(I.
Ehll('I ' ,
pn'dl'l:cilsed her ill 1%2 ,
Survil' jng IS Olll! si!O/er.
Mrs , (:harlp.5 I {)orOl.llV 1
of !til ~, IlIgcrSoil :
all(1 l;('l.'erill nieces ;\lId
lI('pht,\\,s ,
, ~1rs ,
PC ;I n."C
IV ; I~
pn·c.Ic(:e.1 ~ccJ
sisl crs. M1''; A /It ;,<: (Ida)
/I-Ir~ ,
I\Ivrl(on (Cora)
Showers and i\fr's . Dcr/
IStella) Taylor ; and by nll~
1I1'011l('r. Sianley P(lrry ,
Hesl('d nl lhe NcI~(\l1 F ,
Gl,'as on Funcral 1I0mc,
'Ollel'l·illc . where !he <:11111'
1,1('1 ('
Stllld;,\y . I>('cculilcr 23 , ;'II J '
p . III , ('ullducl('d by Hev , l':"r!
illoN'c. ~Irs, Vii lIinm ~'Ic·
iI'llIllell plarcd hYllllIS bcrorc
allii afler Ill(' s('I'vice.
Hev. John HUl"
t cr of Salforc\ Unilcd
Church o((icill led U1<'
MondilY, lJcccmber 24,
1919 fUllera I service of
Alberl Quinn . R, LL I
S(ll(ord, who died Salurday. Decemher 22. 1979,
at Alexandra' Hospital,
Mr, Quinn is survived
by his wue, the former
Minnie lIarrison , He was
the (a lher o( son Lorne 01
port McMurray, Alberta
and Keith of fUl . l
Sallord, dilughlers IVlrs ,
Ed (I/<:Ien) Coward of
£tR.1 Salford and Mrs ,
Micha el <Oo,;s) Br iI nson
o( Toron/o ann was lik e a
f:llher to fred I!enrv of
SI. Thomas ,
Also surviving is his
sisler Mrs. Cecil (MJ) bel)
Howard of Porl Lamliion
13 grandchildren
(our great grandchild ren . I\1r, Q.,Iinn W;\S
pr('dece:1~d by his sis ,
IuS [va lIooper ilnd
AIII1:1 Quinn <tnd by his
brOlhers Wilbur I\nd
T('lllpOr<.lI' Y
ill IIl~cl's(>11 /I1;IIlS01r.Hlll wllh
illlertllcnl l:.tler ill Dc\mer
Cc nil!" ,\' y ,
1\1 ('Ill ori;'ll
iii' liolls '.\l!\'e
made 10 Ihe Olll:ll'jn lIearl
foundatIon. Ihe Ctll<ldiilll
C,.lIeer Socit'ty , TiH~ollhurg
,\ lr!l)vri:tI llo<~il;ll, Thc
: Uuilc<l Chllreh 1\1lsSillllS :md
,'\1/"1"-; lie' IllIil (0(1 ('hure h
l\1 :\HY J)OBSON
M;try \C,Q\l£.h.!. -').~~~
passen away suddenly
Chrislmas Day, age 12,
al her home in Ponliac .
Michigan. One dAughler,
Miss Sht rlcy Dobson.
sUI-vives. Severa I cousins
ill this dislrict :lIsa '
Her husb:lnc\ Willillm
Dobson died in february
Shc was rt rnember 01 the
First U,l pll~t (.1lUl'Ch,
Ponli:tc , FUller:l1 service
"'as Saturday , DC~lllber
29, \ 979, irt Ierm~n( in
nochesler , Michigiln .
Tllr, Quilln was bOIll in
Ingersoll ;\nd worked "s
l\ dai ry flV'mer in Oerc ,
hiln1 Towll'illlP, He W:lS a
active melll1>er of Ule
S"l{ord commullity, ser ,
ving as a member lind
elder of Sl\lrord Uni led
Church , He sang in Ihc
chw'ch choir ;'Illd laugh!.\
Sunday, school Ulcre (or ,
s(>l'eral yQal's .
He w<tsalsO\\,e11 known ·
as II noled violinist.
I'\meral scrvicel; were ,
held at Mdle:llh F'uneral
Home Doce mber 24 with '
temporary enlombmenl
ill Ihe IllgersoU m:lu.~ol­
cum and interment lD.lCT
in Ihe tllgersoll !lura I ,
Cemetery .
H~r~~' ERIN ELIZaUWlter for Jack
and Jackie Habkirk ,and
sister for Margaret, was
born September 10, 1980.
Proud grandparents are
Mrs. Helen Habkirk and
Mr . .and Mrs . Joseph Halter of Ingersoll. Grea l
grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs . Wilbur Tumbull,
Brussels and Mr.; . Nellie
Stephenson, Keswick.
'DenIS e Mocellin of 88 Canlerbw-y Street, Ingersoll,
joyfully announce the birth
of their son Nicholas Jos_ eph. He
born September 11, 1980 at Alexandra
Hospital. A special thanks
to Dr. Lav.son, ,Dr. Mayberry and the nursing staff
at Alexandra .
Mrs. Samu'el Loutlet, 285
Tha.mes Street North, hap·
pily 81m ounce the birth of
lheir daughter Mary-Joe
Samantha . She was born
September IS, 1000 a t Alexandra Hospilal.
e bleFTe'eman
285 Tha-
nles Street North
pleased to announce Ihe
safe arrival of their son,
Scott Kenneth . Hewas born
at Alexandra Hospital
September 20, 1980.
, Area deaths
~ l rN~
John Baigent,
drmngton Ave., London, and /ormerly of Thamesford, died at the age oC 84
September 20, 1980, at Victoria Hospital, London.
Born in North Oxford
Township, he farmed on
Banner Road for about 35
years. In 1965 he retired in
Mr. Baigenl is survived
by his wife, the former
Elma C. Rickard; his son
Alan of Thamesford; da ughter Mrs. J. K. (Margaret)
Hermann of Detroit and
sister Mrs . A. R. (Sarah)
Clarke of R. R. 3 Ingersoll.
He Is also survived by fi ve
grandch ildren.
Mr. Baigenl was predeceased by lwo brothers
and one sisler.
Rev. F . MacKinnon assisted by Rev . Wesley Bal,
o((iciated the
September 23, 1980 funeral
service at the CarrothersBellner Funeral Home in
'~ 'was al the Zion 7th Lion
~.£emetery .
Pallbearers were Ed Baigent, Phillip Clarke, Mur-
ray Rutledge, Ben Leslie,
Jim Marsh and Bill Marsh.
UfENBUr : Peter Rod-
ertUrg, 60. 0 Kintore, died
at his home September 27,
1980. The funeral service
was held a t the Carrothers Belmer Funeral Home,
Thamesford, Seplemer?:l,
Born in RatterrlClm, HolI!lnd, he worked as a dairy
farmer. He was a member
of the Emmanuel Reform
Church in Woodstock.
Mr. Rodenburg IS survived by his wife, the
former Lena 01 iema n; his
sons Adrian of R.ll.. 4
Thamesford and Jack of
R.R. 1 Woodstock; daughter Mrs. Frank lpaula) To\h
of Tecumseh; brother Paul
oC R.ll.. 4 Thamesford and
sisters Mrs. P au! (At! riana) Van Mannekus and
Mrs . Adrian (Elizabeth)
Zewew, both of Holla nd and
Mrs . leen (Anna) Donker
of ll..R. 3 Embro.
Also surviving are 10
. Rev. Cornelius Bonus officialed the funeral service. Internmenl is at Kin·
lore Cemetery. PaUbear·
ers were Ron Hogg, Cecil
Pearson, Herman Van Sorlen, Rinus Van Deloeverjng, Herman Hoogkamp
and Walter Van Wyk.
SMITH: Waller (Wally),
~lntUl . 139 Cherry Street;
Ingersoll, died Friday, August 22, 1980 at Alexandra
Hospital. Mr. Smith was
Born in England, he was
employed with lhe pa rks
Mr. Smith is survjve<! by
his wife, the former Elsie
German .
Rev . Tom Griffin of Sl.
James Anglican Oturch 0('
ficiAt.ed IheMonday, August
25, \980 funeral service al
McBealh Funeral Home.
Internment was at
Memori al Park Cemetery .
Pallbearers were John
Roe, Danny Roe, John Mor·
ley, Jack Thiboulol, Fred
Plewes, lind Elgin Morris.
ShelTY (nee Minogue) are _
proud La announce the birlh
of their daughter, Sonya
Yvonne. 9 lbs. 13 oz. on
September Z7, 1980. A beautiful granddaughter
Eric and Marlene Minogue.
and Ted Rickard are happy
to announce {he arrival of
their soo Douglas Jason, S
Ibs, I oz. on September 21,
1980, at Victoria Hospital.
Proud grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Rickard
of Mossley and Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Flewelling of
Nalley (Hee Armour) House, are happy to announce
the birU) of their son,
. Donald Murray Archibald,
born S eplem ber. 28 at Al exandra Hospital. A brother
for Beckie and Beth.
Grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs .
Thamesford and Mr. and
Mrs . cOrdon Bruce, IngersoU . Special thanks to nur·
ses who delivered Donny
and Dr. Simpson ..
Gill (nee Sampson) are
pleased to announce the
arrival of Amy Christina
Gill on Monday, September
29, 1980 at 5 :40 p.m. at
Alexandra Hospital, Ingersoll. A wee sisler f or Julie.
and Kerrie weighing 7 Ibs.,
10 oz~, 20 III." long . Grandparents are; Mr . and Mrs.
Grant Gill, of Embro .and
Mr. and Mrs . Thomas Sam·
pson, Kirkland Lake, Onto
ario. Great Grandparents
are Mr. and Mrs . Cecil Gill
of Ingersoll . Special thanks
to Dr. P . Rae and all
ara Hos pital, on October 2,
1980 to ' Richard"and Janet
Neave ofR.R. 2 Ingersoll, a
nOWMAN: Herbert Bowman, 1411 Ring Street East,
died at Westminster HospiU:ll, London, September
23, 1980. He .was 77-yearsoJd . .
Rev. Cannen Holbrough
officiated the September
26, 1980 funeral service at
McBeath Funeral Home.
Inlemment was Ingersoll
Rural Cemetery .
,' I
Born in Wallace township
he was employed as a .
'baker at Zllfbrigg's Bakery
(or many years. He was a
member of TrInIty United
Church and active'in both
the Ingersoll Curling Club
and the Ingersoll Lawn
Bowling ,Club.
Mr. Bowman is survived
by his wife, · lhe former
Mary McKee ; hi!! son Bud
of Ingersoll ~ brothers ' VIclor of Sardis, B.C., Elmer
of Atwood; GranL
Frank Listowel and Les of
Preston. Also survivIng are
his sisters Mrs. Etta Cooper of Listowel and Mrs.
Jim (Marjorie) Donnelly of
Pall~are~s were Fred
Kimberley, Norman Moulton, Linn Johnstone, Gerald Clark, 'F:rank York and
Floyd Bowman.
daughter Vanessa Jean.
Hospital on Odober 2, 1980,
to Mrs. Todd, '15 Teeple
Street, WoodSlock, a son
Derek Brian Rpbert.
~ n&a on October
1, 1980 to E~anne and
Ro,bert Ketchab;tw, 320 Oxford St., Ingersoll a son
Charles Gordon ,
STARCHUCK! AT ALEX·anara Hospital on October
27, 1980, to Karen and
Gerald Starchuck, R.R. 3
Ingersoll, a son.
Alexandra HospItal on Oct-
ober 28, 1980 to Case and
Aida Van Alyderveen, R.R.
I, Burgessville, a daughter
Nelliana Mae.
andIa Hospital, on October
3D, 1980 to Carolyn and
John Veldhuis, 178 Stanley
Street, Thamesford., a son
Warren Jeffery.
~ of
to announce the
birth of their daughter
Sandra Lee Michele. Proud
grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs." Gordon Bishop of
Sutherland of Putnam are
pleased to annOlDlce the
arrival of their gra nddaughter Laura Elizabeth,
born to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Hansford of Crampton.
DeJont of Holbrook are
happy 0 announce the safe
arrival of their son John
Derrlk. Prouc! grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
John K1lngenberg of Put-
. nam.
Susan North are pleased lo
annoonce the birth of their
son, Thomas Norman, on
October 20, 1980.
PELLOW: Clark Pellow, 63
King Street West, Ingersoll,
died a t Alexandra Hospital,
Ingersoll, Ocwber 24, 1980.
He was 70-years-old.
Born in Ingersoll to the
late Mr. and Mrs. Charles
PeJlow, he is survj ved by his
wife Bonnie; rus sons Jon of
Cochrane. Alberta and Mike
of Ingersoll: daughters Mrs.
Warren (Mary) McGinnis of
51. Jacobs and Mrs. Jim
(Heather) WaJker of London.
He is also survived by his
brother Jac k of Calgary,
Bill and Jim, bolh of Woodstock, and sisters Mrs. Robert (Helenl Douglas
Woodstock. and Mrs. Roger
(Margaret) fieeves of Lon·
don. Mr. Pellow is also
survived by his grandchild·
ren Marcand Kim Pellow of
Mr. Pellow was office
manager at the Ingersoll
Cheese Company and was a
member of S 1. James Ang·
liean Church. He was also a
B.A ,C., past warden of SL
Rev. Tom Griffin officiated the October 27, 1980
funeral service at McBeath
Funeral Home, inlernment
at Mt. Hope O:metery,
Pallbearers were
Roddy, Bill Garratt, {;{lrdon
Henry, Rob Hamilton, Bill
Douglas and Dr. Claywn
Lafferty .
Victor Woods of
R.R. 4 St. Marys died at the
age of 00 October 26, 1980, at
the Oxford Regional Nursing Home, Ingersoll.
Rev. Gwyn Tucker officiated the Wednesday, October 29 funeral service at
the Carrothers - Betzner
Funeral Kome. Internment
was at the Kintore Cemet·
Mr. Woods was born in
-WeslNissouri Township and
wasa farmer. He was also a
member of the Chalmers
United Church, Kintore. He
was a honorary elder of the
IAreadeaths and funerals
Rev. Deane Cassidy oWeialed the October 22, tSBO
funeral service of Ann MacKenzie ScbmittL Mrs. Sch·
mitt died October 17, 1gaO at
Memorial Hospital, SoUlh·
Gerry (Joal'\l1e) Klingen'
berg of Redc1iff, AlIa. Also
bend, lndi ana.
surviving are his brothers
She Is survived by her Tje.!!rd of n .R. t Beachville,
mother, Mrs. Alberta Mac· WieLseof Ingersoll and Bart
Kenzieofingersoll; stepson . of Burgessville; sister Mrs .
James Schmjtt of Mt. Clem· John (Janlje) Eising of
ens, Michigllfll; brother. J . Simcoe, 18 gr-andchiJdreo
Gordon MacKenzie of Slm· and one great grandchild.
PalJbea rers were AlIeo
coe and sister Mrs. George
(lsabeU> Sulhcrl.:lnd of RR . . Mulder, Oakie Mulder, WIUiam Mulder, Luke Tenhor ,
2 Thameslord.
Mrs. Schmill was pre·
Everl Bergsma and Brian
deceased by her husband,
Bergsma. Interrunenl Is B I
the late GUberl Schmilt.
Ingersoll Rural Cemelery.
The funeral s~v\ce was
held at McBeath PuncTal
Home. Internment in loger- EOUQ,1,ASj Frederick M .
. soU Rural Cemetery.
ougJas, IS5 Charles Street
Wesi, ' died at Alell:andra
HOSpital Oclober 25, 1900.
~ UlJ)ER: Bauke Mulder, . He was al-years-()Id.
~R . 2 Mossley, died at Ihe
Rev . Ca rTn en Holbrough
age of 69 November .1, 1980,
and Rev . Hugh Moorehouse'
while a patient In London's
of\icia ted !be Oclober T/
Victoria Hospita I.
funeral service at McBeath
Rev. William Veenslra
Funeral Home. Internment
orfidated the November 4,
is at Ingersoll Rw-al Cemet198() funeral service at the
Christian Reformed ChurBa- n in Ingersoll 10 the
ch. Funeral arran{!emenls
late Mr . and Mrs. S.M.
were c~pleled . by Me-· Douglas, he was anopera~r
Beath Funeral Home.
at S.M. Douglas Furniture
Born In Holland, Mr. Mul·
Siore, Paint and Wallpaper
der was a farmer on lol six, . an King Sireet East. He was
concession three of North
also a member of Trinity
Dorchester. He was also a
United Church.
member of the Christian
Hcis survived by his wife,
Reformed Churcb.
Ihe fonn c.r Mary E. Doug·
las; his sons Ted of Windsor
Mr. Mulder is survived by
and Jack of Toronto; daughis wife, the former HiJtje
hters Marjorle of ToronLo
Veenstra; SaM Oakie and
and Mrs. Robert (Helen) G.
Allen of Ingersoll And Will·
iam of Brownsville; daugh·' Smith of London; sIster
Mrs. Mary Payne 01 Ingerlers Mrs . Everl (Fimke)
soll. Also surviving are
Bergsma of R.R. 2 Mossley,
eight grandchildren and one
Mrs . Luke (Nelda) 1'enhor
gr£!st grandchild.
of R.R. 4 Aylmer and Mrs.
BOMFACE: Alfred Boni·
lace~ 4(6 Welling10n Streel,
. Ingersoll, died at London ',9
University Hospita,l, November 12, 1!XI0. He was
and ~ ary (nee Greer)
,thank God for the safear,; val oC their firstborn, a
son, Christopher Timothy.
BIbs. on Novem ber 1 t, 1980.
A gTandson for Mr. and
Mrs. Roger Malcolmson of
Harnlllon and Mr. a nd Mrs.
Norman Greer of IngersoU.
Spccia I thanks to Dr, Webster and maternity staIC of
SI. Joseph's Hospital for
their love and care ..
,Winnifred Harris of 169
Canterbury Street, Inger-
soll joyously annourice thl!
saf~ arrival of their daug·
hter Kimberly Marie, born
al Alexandra -Hospital,
November 12, 1900.
and Ameha Bornlreger of
n.R. 1 Mos<>ley are pleased
to announce the birth oC
their son David at Alexandra Hospital, Novem ber 11,
Born in Lngersoll to lhe
late Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Boniface, he o~rated Boni-
face's Variety S!A)re (now
Lec\gley's) on Tham es Street South, for many years.
He served in the Can. 'Han
Army during the World Nar
IT and was a member ( " SL.
James' Anglican Chun 1.
Mr. Boniface is survj "cd
by his wii e, the forn
l!\1lbel, O:lt41ri; ;./lis son· bl-;,
;\ph of'Woodstoc\(; d(luo~ c:r .
, Mrs. Michael (Mary) Hull
, of Ingersoll; sisters 1\ll"s,/
WinnHred Scolt of lngersoll
and Mrs. Ronald (Dor's)
Baker of Woodstock; ! d
grandchildren, J anin€', Timothy, Paula, Becky a.\d
, Rev. Tom Griflln officlat·
ed the November 15, t980
. funeral service at McBeath
, Funeral Home. lnternment
was - at the Harris Slreet
BunTON: lIarry Burton, 71
Catherine Street, I ngersoU, '
died at Alexandra Hospital
November 17,1980. lie was
Born 'in England,
moved to Ingersoll and
worked for the Ingersoll
Public Utilities Commission, He was Ei member of
SI. James Anglican Church.
Mr. Burton was pre-
S ullerworffi , Uf, '!TO t Thorn·
es Street South, rngersoll,
died at Westminster Has·
pila I, London November 15,
, 1980.
Hev. Deane Cassidy offic·
iated the November 18, 1981)
funeral service at Mcllca Ih
Funeral Home. Internment
was at the liarTis Street
Born in Salford, England,
he farmed at Dickson's
Corners in North Oxford. He
was a member of St. Paul's
Presbylerlan Church and
served in the 168th battalion
during World War f.
Mr. Butterworth is sur·
vived by his wire the former
Helen Colyer; his sons
Lloyd of lngcrsoll, Lyle of
Salli Saw, Oklahoma, David
of Kitchencr, Warren of
London; daughters
Edwards of London and
Mrs. David
Krowchuk of G eorgctown.
Also surviving arc - 20
grandchlldrcn and eight
great gre ndc hi ldren.
deceased by his wife, the
Maiiilret Smits of Mt.
Elgin happily announCE the
birth of their son Sheldon
Jacob, He was born Nov- ,
ember 11 al Alexandra
former Kathleen Holmes,
who died in Au gus 1 1980.
He is survIved by his sons
Harold of Edmonton, Alber·
ta, and Wa Her of Tillson·
burg: his dau ghl er Mrs.
Thomas (Doris) Fleming of
Ingersoll, 10 grandchildren
and four great grandchild·
Rev. Tom Griffin will
officiate Ule t l a.m. service
today at McBca th Funeral
Horne. Intern ment is at the
Harris Sb'eet Cemetery.
Taylor) and Don ere pleas·
ed 1.0 announce the safe
arrival of a son Matthew
Burlon, born N(wember 25,
1980 at Victoria Hospital,
London . Grandson (or Mrs.
EHnorTaylor and Mr. and
Mrs . David B. Daniel of
dra Hospital, on Noyember
30, t980, 10 John and Diane
Luyben, R.R. 4, Thames-ford, Ontario, a daughter
Nicole Jannetle .
.!!a!.llSKENBERG :
AlIiXandra Hospl£al,
November 29, 1980, to Mr.
and Mrs . John Harkken·
berg , R.R. 1 Salford ~ O~t·
ana a daughter Lon Nlc,
hole .
GALL: Suddenly al his
}iomc ln Paclfic Pdsades,
california, on Friday, No ... ·
ember 28, 1980, William
Norman GaU , \()ylng hus·
band of Mary EIi2.abeth
<Wagner), dearly loved fat ·
her 01 Peter and Pirie boU,
of Washington, D.C., fond
grandfather of (our and
deAr br{)ther {)( Marjorie
(Mrs. J . C. McCuUaughl
Toronto . He was predeceas·
ed by a sister , JeAn, in 1965.
The son of the late Nora
and William Gall, he grad·
uated from IngersoU Colleg·
iate and entered the Uni ver·
sity 01 Michigan, Ann Arbor, graduating in law. He
practised law in Detroit,
later ll"ansferrlng to Caij ·
fornia in lhe firm of Ernst
and Ernst.
The fu neral s er vice was in
CatHomia 01\ Monday, Dec·
ember I, with a Memori al
sa-vice in Washinglon D.C.
following .
-r\ .-.L '\\'\ .;=;
,_ C'
[ .
are pleased 10 announce
Ihe arrivat of their first
· childl a son, Ky leMa lth eY.1 .,
Graft. He was oorn December 11 a nd we ighed 7 lb.
14 oi. Proud gra ooparenls
· are Mr . and Mrs . John
Steele and Mr . . and Mrs.
· Tom .. Todd of Jngersoll. .
ii'T'l'OF.ilIarprraron Dfcem·
ber to, 1980 10 Rob and
Margarel Messenger, R .R.
4, lreersoll, a son Jason
dra Hospital 00 December
10, I~O to Bill and Els Van
Oss, R.R . I, Salford, a son
iiospi tar on Decem ber 8,
' 1980 to Randy and Lori
Smlth , tA King St. East,
-Ingersoll, a daughler Nic ·
ole EliUlbeth .
dra Hospital on December
9, I9$) to Roberl and Susan
Seldon, RR 3, Ingersoll a
son Richard Warren .
""Sle proodly
announce !.he
early arrival of their son,
Trent Thomas, j) lb., 19Y~"
long, on Nov. 14, 1980, in
. DONA : George Vona, 263
""Rrilg'gtreel East, lngersoll ,
died Oe~rnber 11 , 1980 at
.' Alexandra Hospital . He was
37·year.l ~Jd.
Born in Italy to Mrs.
'. Va.lentlna Dona and the late
: LuigI Dona, he was 1\ memo
. bel" cJ. Sa CTed Hea rl Church .
Heis slR'vived by hIs wife,
the fonner Gail Yorl<; his
brothers Albert and Marlo,
both of Ingersoll and his
sisters Mrs. sylvana (Wan da) Battiston of Woodstock
and Mrs. Franco (Dina)
Robles o{ Ingersoll.
Father Charles Campbell
o{fleia ted the December 15,
1980 funeral service at Secred Heart .Church. Funeral
arrangements were completed by McBeath Funeral
. Home. mlermenl was at
Ingersoll Rural Cemelery .
Pallbearers were Ossie
Dona, Ray Taylor, David
'Dunn, John Bot, Terry Hook
and Glen Blair.
andra lIospital, Jngel'soll
on Mon&y, December B,
J980, Mrs. Claribel (M cLel ·
Ian) Sherlock, o( Ingersoll,
formerly o( London. Wile of
the late Joseph Sherlock
(979) . Dear sisler al Margo
a reI, Jessi e, Lvella, 11 nd
Mrs . Effie Dewar ill! of
LQndon, and Gordon Mc·
LelIan 01 Toronlo, Also
surv.illoo by selleral nieces
' and nephews . Predeceased
by first husband Robert
Thompson and brothe rs
Hugh and KCllneth . run·
era! service was held at the
Needham Memorial Chapel, 5~ DWldas Street, lAln·
dan, where Ihe (uneral and
committal service \vas con·
ducted, Thursda y. De cern·
bel' 11 , at 11 o'clOCk, with
Rev . Carmen J . Holbrough,
Trinity United Church or·
Cleated. Intennent was ill
Fingal Cemetery.
I<Iu:hener-, on Friday. December 5, 1980. Carol (Peth·
erick> Osborne, daughur of
Lloyd Pel1lerlck, undon, to
John G. Warden, son of Mr.
and ·Mrs. Jack Warden,
Ingersoll . Rev. Father Rob- :
ert Warden. untie of the
groom, officlaled .
Attendantm the bride were
her 'Rlsters, Mrs.
' Thompson of London as
malron 01
brldesmeld, Mrs. Mardi
Friesz of Toronto. Junior
brIdesmaids were Patti aJ'Id
Tammy Osborne, daugtlter
of th'e bride. Captain J\ nan
\Vuden ~ lIamllton was his
brother's besl man. Ushers
were David Warden 01 London and Thnmas Warden 01
KItchener, also brolhers 01
the groom. Margoret Anr"~
Warden of HlinI Ulon &lster
of the groom, was lay
reader for the Nuptial Mass.
sIster Dorothy He!fler of
London, and five grandchildren.
Rev. Gordon GilLngham
ember 17; 19BO while a
pati ent in Ale)(andrll Hos- . oHicla ted the Novem ber 20
19S() fWleral service, a I Mc:
Beath F'uneral Home. Inhe
Born in Lakeside
worked as a m'echa;.uc · at' ternm('l)t was at the Oxford
Memorial Park Cemetery.
C.I.L. He was a member of
Trinity United Church, IngersolL
CZEREWATY: Mary :'zercwaLy (CoOk), a resid 'nt of
Mr. Sutherland is survivthe Oxford Regional Nur-,
ed by his wife, the former
sing Home, died Fl dayl
Vera Meadows; his 80n
Novemb~ 21, I~ allier
Kenneth of Wawa; da,ughLer
home. She was 8&-years old.
Mrs. Alan (Bev) Birtch of
Born in Poland, she Yo' 'S a
Kelowna, B.C. ; and grandmember of Sacred Hyart
children O1rlstopher . and
~, . He was predecells~" by
She WAS predeceased by';iJ
two sisters. Gladys Oliver. her husband Harry in 196). .
Mrs. C2erewaty is urwho died In 19'76, snd Anna· .
belle Lloyd who died in 1978. vived by her children lick
of .Elliotl lAke, Mrs. Vi~ay
Reli. Carmen Holbrough
(Mary) Sims o( Port Ritwlll officiate the funeral
service at McBeath Funeral chie, Florida, Mrs. Albert '
Home today at 2 p. m_ (Catherlne) Barker o( OakIntemment wiU be al Kin- . ville, and Mrs. Frank
-'(Anne) Todd of Ingersoll.
lore Cemelery.
Also surviving are 15 grandchildren and Z3 grea t grandMOON: Betty Lou Moon, children ,
1rrir1rarford Street, Wood"'ather Charles Campbell
stock, died at Woodstock officia ted !.he Monday, Nov·
9cneral H<xspiLal at the age ember 24, 1980 funeral ser01 45, November lB. 1980.
vice. at &lcred Heart ChurBorn in Calgary, AIberLa, ch. Funeral arrangements
to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rour- were completed by Mcke of London, Ontario, she Beath FUneral Home. A
was a member of the United Catholic Women's League
Rosary was held Sunday.
She is' survived by her November 23.
husband Bob; her parents;
Pallbearers were John
her son John of SI. Thomas; Kogut. Walter Longlade,
daughters Mrs. Jim (Wen· Ted Messenger. Gus Lojew.dy) Ekins of . Woods!.ock, ski. John Smith and Joe
Mrs. Don (Vicky) Knox of Duf(y. .
Fort MacMurray, Alberta,
Internment was al Sacred
and KeOy, at home; her Heart Cemetery .
SuffierJand 0 26
Slreet, Ingersoll, died Nov-
are happy 10 announce ihe
birth at Ihelr daughter
Margaret Leandra at Hen·
derson Hospital. Hamilton,
November 7, 1980. A baby
sisle\:' for Ian.
.are happy to announce the
birth of their SOIl David
Harold, born November IS,
1980. A wee brother for
Sheila (nee Harvey) wei·
come with love and joy the :
safe arrLval of their (irst
born Brandon Robert., at :
Victoria Hospital, November 18,t980al0249a.m. The
(irst grandchild for our
parents Russell and Thel·
rna Harvey of SaUord aod
Ross snd Donna Beacom of
Ingersoll, arrived weighing
a healthy 8 lbs. 14 M.
Special thanks to all our
family a nd friends.
C6p,lal, on November 20, 1960 to S\.eve and
K sren AIhright, R. R. 1, Mt.
Elgin, a daughter Karen
dra Hospital, on November
21, 1980 to Scott and Diane
Hanley, 186 John. Street,
Ingersoll, a son David
.JlQl!INS Q N j Leonard 1 ~b·
inson, 1105 Jalna BI d.,
London, died ThursG IY,
FaHoopital on November
3, 1980, to Doug and Lee
Masters, '172 John Street
Amanda Lee Anne.
dra Hospital, on November
3, 1980 to Mr. and. Mrs.
George Lewicki, 368 Oxford
Ave., Ingersoll, a son Rich.
ard Johnalhon .
November 6, \9BOat Vickr·
ia HospilaJ. London. He
was 68-years-old.
Born in Bradford, 8n3land, to the lal(! H arfY a :-J
Florence. (Ross), Robinso II,
he lived in Lo'ildoll, Ontario
for the last year. He Ii ... ·d
in S1. Thomas (or 23 years
and in Ingersoll {or (i'/e
Mr. Robinson was a retired employee of Weatherhead Co. Canada llnd served overs(!3S in World War
11, in ttre army.
Survivillj{ is his wife, the
lormer Marg"rel Moon.
AJsosurvivillg is his daugh·
ter Lynn 1<oola of R. n. 2
Killgston and his SOIlS Ur·
ian of n.H . 3 S1. Thomas
and Robert of SI. Thorn as.
Mr. Robinson is also
survived by his sisters Mrs.
Lilian Southwart and Miss
Ivy Gascoinge, both o(
England, five grandchild ·
ren and one great grand·
daughter. A number of
neiees and nephews are surviving.
The funeral service was
held at the WiUiams Fun·
eralllolJ'te, Sl. Thomlls, on
Saturday, November
19S(). Inlemmenl al Elm·
dale Cemetery ..
.HUI>D: Charles Edward
Rudd of 81. Earl's Court
Crest.. Woodstock, died at
Woodslock General Has·
pita I Thursday, November 6
1980 at the age of 68.
Born in England, he came
(0 Canada 50-years·ago. He
farmed in the Putnam area
and was a resident 01 Ingersoll for (ive yea rs bcfore
moving to Woodstock in
1961 .
He \VIIS employed as ass·
istant farm manager at the
Oxford Regionfll Centrc. He
was a member o( the Chur·
ch of the Good Shephard,
Woodstock, a vel'Y worship.
ful brolher of King Hiram
Lodge No. 37 AF' and AM.
the Wooostock Lodge o(
Perfeclion, Ihe Centennial
chapter of the Rose Croix
and the Moore Consistory ~
Surviving is his siSLer
Mollie RlIdd, at home.
The funera I service was
held Mond~y, November JO,
J9110 at the M.D. (Mac)
Smith I'\Jllcral }lome in
Woodstock, with Rev . Michael FaU offiCiating. Follow.
ing cremation burial was
made ill Oxford Memorial
Park Cemetery. A masonic
memorial service was held
nt UlefUIICl'ill home Sunday,
November 9, 1980.
thOOl!l)on of 23 Caffyn
IlEl\'!) ERSON j
and Wendy (nee Me·
Niven) are thrilled 10
announce the birlh. of
thei r second daughter,
Jenni(er Allison (Jenny>.
A sisler for Meghsn Lee.
Jenny was bor n a I '
Victoria Hospital on Mar·
eh 19, 1980 at 9: 17 &,m ,
I);Ss r:;LTIN & non AND
Ellen (nee Hanson) are
pleased 10 announce the
safe arrival 01 their
second son, Christopher
Seoll, 6 Ibs., 13 oz. on
Wednesday, March 26, al
SL Mary's Hospital, Kil·
chener. A brother for
Eric. Proud grandpar·
enLs are !liT . and Mrs
eli {( Essclline, Mt. Elgj~
and Mr. and I'vlrs. Archie
Hanson, Salford.
ra Hospi tal, on Mareh27
l!lBO, to Jasper and
Wilma Zinke, R ,n .5,
Ingersoll, a daughler
Daniellc Maria .
andra Ilospital, on Mar·
ch 213, 19BO, to Mr , and
Mrs . , Steven Czuper,
R. n.5, Ingersoll, a son
Sleven William.
Clarence N.
Wahl of R.R. I Arden
died at the age of 79 on
Saturday, March 15, 1980
at lhe LW . Blak e Memorial Hospi tal in Bradenton, Florida. The funeral
service \Vas held March
21, 1980 at McBealh
Funeral Home with Rev .
John Huether o{(iciating .
Temporary entombment
is at Ingersoll Mausoleum and interment will
be held 'Jater at the
Harris Streel Cemetery .
Sorn in Bu{{i110, New
York, he was a member
o{ lhe Charles W. CUshman Lodge No. 879 FM
and AM, U1 Buffalo. He
owned a candy company ,
Mr. Wahl was married
to lhe fanner Mallie
Haycock. Surviving, along with his wift are his
sons Clarence Wahl Jr. of
Clarence Cenlre, New
York, MUlon 6f Bowman·
sville, New York , Rich·
ard Ri.chard of Broman5ville, New York, and
Neil of &In Jose ,
California . His daughler,
Mrs. Richard (Rita)
Kane of Pheonix, Arizona
and SlCpson Irwin Haycock of ,Ingersoll, are
also surviving. As well,
Mr. Wahl is survived by
his sisters Mrs. Caroline
Weber of Alden , New
York, Mrs. Evelyn Elli·
otlol De Pew, New York
and Mrs . Matilda' Schulls
of Genesee, New York, 13
grandchildren and five
greal l1randchildren .
A special ' Masonic
memori al service was
held Thursd ay, Ma Teh 20
at McBeath Funeral
Home, under Ule, aus·
pices of SI. John's Lodge
No. 68.
Streel, Ingersoll, died
March 23, 1980 at the age
of 57.
Born in No~vich to the
late Mr. and IVlrs. Robert
Thompson, he worked as
a JinelTlan for:lhe .Ontario
Hydro, in Bcach"iIIe. He
was a member ' of the
Royal Canadian begion,
Branch 119, and served
overseas during World
War n in the Royal
Canadian Navy.
Mr. Thompson is survjved by his wife, the
former Marion Morden
by his daughter Mrs:
Tom (Barbara) Cl'ane of
Ingersoll, his brother
Stanley orneachville "nd
his sister Mrs , Harry
(Violet) Nellis of Scar· '
borough. Also surviving
are lWo grandchildren,
Darryl and Melissa .
He was Dredeceased by
lwo brothers, George and
Rev . Ca rmen Hol brough oflicia ltd the
March 26 funeral service,
held at McBeath Funeral
Home . Temporary en·
tombment is al'lngersoll
mausoleum and inler·
ment will follow in the
Harris Street Cemelery.
A special Legion memorial service was held
Tuesday, Mnrch 25, 1980
at McBe<llh Funeral
Home under Ule auspices
of Branch 119.
Nev in Shaaaock of 228
Hamilton Road, Dorchester, died ell. age 12
Tuesday, October 14 at
Victoria Hospital in London.
The deceased was born in
West WiUiams Township to
parents· Enoch and Rose
Shaddock . He farmed in
East Nissouri Township for
many years before retiring
in 196B in Do~hesler.
He is survived by wife
Myr Ue E. No ble; sons John
and Dale of In~ersoll
Also surviving the deceas··
ed are brother Les of
Parkhill; sisters
Bruce (Bertha) Harmer of
d ra Hospital on October 6,
.1900, to Ken and Shelley
Baskett, 10 Witty Ave.,
Ingersoll a daughter Ken·
dra Leigh .
dia Hospital on October 7,
1900, to Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Leney, Box 1111,
Springfield, a daugh ter
Janet Ann.
ParkhiJI; Mrs. Ken <Gertie) Rock of Parkhill; Mrs.
Frank (Clara) Vincent of
. Detroit and Mrs. Beatrice
Hildebrand of Detroit .
Grandchildren, Darrell.
Paul, Jan, Jennifer and
Jane Ann also survive the
He ·was predeceased by
son Larry in 1938.
Reverend J .G. Van Slyke .
officiated funeraJ services
F:riday. October 17 at Carrothers· Behner Funer al
Home in
Place o( inlernment was
Parkhill Cemelery, Parkhill, Ontario.
Pallbearers were Ralph
Shnddock, Nonnan Shad·
dock, Ted Harmer, Charles
Thompson, Ralph Steeper
and Ronald Luther.
anCIi'a Hospital on Septemb€r 20, 1900, to Fred and
Freeman, .' 285
Thames Street North, Ing·
ersoll, a son Scott Kenneth.
cathy welcome with love,
the birth of their fourth son
Adam Patrick, born on
October 9, 1980, at St.
Joseph's Hospital, London.
Excited Big Brothers are
Brad, Chris and Ma Uhew .
~ (nee':
thank God for the safe
arri val of lhei r firs L born
chUd, a daughter, Teri
Elisha, was born 'a t Sl.
Joseph's Hospital , in Lodon, Ontario, on Oclober 5,
1980, weighed 8 Ibs. % oz.
Proud grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Waud
of Loakeside and Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Shearon of IngersoH . Proud great·grand.
parents £Ire Mrs . Clara
Fleming of Str alford and
Mr. James Fleming, Mt.
Elgin and Mrs.
Shearon, Ingersoll.
Mrs. Granl
(nee Nyenhvis) are pleas- -,
ed to announce the safe
arrival of their
Sarena Dora on OcLober 15,
1980. Proud grandparents
are Mr. and Mrs. WaUace .
Hammond, Thamesford,
Onl1lrio and Mr . and Mrs .
Frank Nyenhvis, Sebringville, Ontario.
and J
Chambers are
thrilled with the arrival of
their bouncing bab~ boy,
Richard Lucas on Tuesday,
October 2.1, 1980 . Playmate
. {or Gillian. Special thanks
to Dr. Tom Mayberry ,
Sylvia Mayberry. andnursing staff at Alexandra Hos·
ra Hospital, on Oclober 22 ,
1980, to Bob and Sue Puller) ,
BeachviUe, a
dra Hnspi taJ; on October_ .
25, 1980, to Doug and Ann
McClay, 271 Thames Street
North, a daughter, Jenni fer
- AT Al.EXAN-·
a oopiW, on October
2S,1980toGlennand Debby
(nee Peters) Lavigne, 126
Charles Slreet East, Ingersoll , a son Anthony Bryan.
f1OsPITal, on October 23,
1980, to Steve and Dianne
Mann, 330 Oxford Sir-eel,
Ingersoll, a son Michael
KERR: William George
MarSfiall Kerr, formerly of
Ingersoll, died in his resid·
enceSW)day. October !2 at
the age of "76 In Flint,
I• 'mond
very happy
MACDONALD: RAVM~rgaret are
to announce the .
safe arrival of Mark An-
drew on Saturday, October
4.1900, at.VlcU,ria Ha;pital
Mr. Kerr.was the eldest '
son ci the lale Mr , and Mrs .
,James Kerr of Ingersoll.
Besides his . wi fe, the
former Thelma Gordon;
the deceased is 8w'vi ved by
sons WilHam James Kerr
and Richard Gordon Kerr:
The deceased is a Iso survived by his daughter Judith, (Mr:s . James Shurte) of
Flint, M ich " and brother
Donald F. Kerr of R.R. 5
Ingersoll. . .. Numerous
I grandchildren and 'great grandchildren . also sur'
, vive.
Mr. KelT was predeceas·
ed by hj s brother J ames in
1973 .
The funeral service was
held at Brown's FlUleral
Home In Flint, Michigan,
on Thesday, October 14,
Ethel Lazen,
y'ormerly of Ingersoll,
died at age 80, Sunday.
October 12 in Kingston .
She is survived by daugh ·
ter Mrs. John (Belty) Bannister of Kingslon
grandchildren Mrs. Brian
(Patti) Cox; Sally' and
David Bannister and great.
grandchildren Christopher
Cox. Also surviving the
deceased is her sister Miss
Louise O'DeU of WoodSlock.
She was predeceased by
her husband George Stanley Lazenby .
Internment service is
Wednesday, October 15 in
st. Catharines at Pleasant
View Memorial Gardens.
389 Nort h Tovm Line Road,
Ingersoll, passed
October 4, 1980 at Woodstock General Hospilal. He
was 67·years-{)!d.
Born in Beachville to the '
late Mr. and Mrs . Edward
Hacker, he operated a gen eral slo(e in Beachville. He
fanned north of Ingersoll
and drove a school bus for
Witty Bus Lines, for many
years. Mr , Hacker was a
member of Trinily United
Church ,
PIlI'" ! ~/ Harry Phillips,
,28 Broa ay, Ridgelown,
died SepLember 29, 1980 .Ill
lhe age of 76,
Rev . Torn Griffin offit:ialed lhe October 1. 19M
fun era I service at McBeath
Funeral Home. Internment
was at IngersoU Rural
Cemetery .
Mr. Phillips was a member of the Anglican church .
He is survi"ed by his
wife, the former Jane Stacey; daughters Mrs. Robert
(DoMa) Hunter of Ingersoll and Mrs. John (Judie)
Salmon of London: brother
Arthur of Ingersoll ; sisters
Mrs . Dora Minshall or Putnam and Mrs. Kenneth
(Mabel> McConkey of RR.
2 Ml. Elgin . Also surviving
are four grandda ugh ters.
Pallbearers were Bill
Phillips, Gerald Phillips,
Ken McConkey Jr., David
Taylor, Ken West and Bob
Rev . Carmen Holbrough
officia ted the October 7,
1980 funeral ser""ce at
McBeath Funeral Home.
Internment was at Beachville CemeLery .
Mr. Hacker is survived
by his wife, the former
Christina Wright; his daughters Janet of Thames- .
ford, Mrs . Donald <lsa·
belle) Ling of R,R. 31nger·
soU and Mrs . Edna Montgomery, R.R. 3 Ingersoll . '
Also s urvi ving is his sister
Miss Bessie Hacker of
Beach ville, and his grand·
children Susan, Jeff, Tim
and Steven Ling.
" PalJ~arers were James
Allen, Ken Willy, John
Fosler, Ralph FI eue 1\ i ng,
Jeff Thorn and Stanley
~ClltIDNEB"QnN: M~u.
eSc ermerhorn, a res)d·
enl al Victoria Lodge Retiremenl Home in Ayr, died
October 3, 1980 atlhe age of
93 .
Rev . Tom Griffin offici-
a ted lhe Oc tober 6, 1900
{wleral service at McBeath
Funeral Home, Internment
was at Ingersoll Rural
'Cemetery .
Mrs . Schermerhorn was
predeceased by her fi rst
and second husbands, the
late Daniel Schermerhorn
and the lale William HousLon. She was also pre'
deceased by her son William Houston who died in
Surviving are her dau ·
, ghLen; Mrs. William (Bernice) Smith of Ingersoll,
Mrs . Frank <Jean) Yowor·
ski (York) of (ngersoU, and
Mrs . Marion Lichty oC Edmonton, Also surviving al'e
six grandchildren and ' 10
greal grandchildren.
~OWl\iA /Il: Herman Bow-
an, i4fKing Slreet East,
died at West'rpinster Hospital, London , September
23, 1980. He was 77-yearsold.
Heather F reeman are happy to announce the arrival
of their daughter Carrie
Lynn, 7 Ibs, 121h o'ZS. on
Seplember 24, 1980,
Alexandra Hospital. Proud
grandparents are Fred and
Leotta Freeman, Mt. Elgin
and Bob and Helen Collins,
Anne ~ (nee : Lonsbaryl, a son Michael David, 7 lbs . 13 oz., born
September 14, 1980, in Col·
lingwood Hospital. Brother
for Christopher John . Four
grandcllildren (or Mr . and
Mrs . Jack Lake, Clarksburg and sixth grandchi ld
for Mr. and Mrs . Harvey
Lonsbary, Ingersoll .
Rev . Carmen Holbrough
officiated the September
26, 1980 (unera I service at
McBeath Funeral Home.
Internment was Ingersoll
Rural Cemelery .
Born in Wallace township
he was employed as a
baker at Zurbrigg's Bakery
for many years. He was a
member of Trinity United
Church and active In both
the Ingersoll Curling Club
and the Ingersoll Lawn
Bowling Club.
Mr. [lowman is survived
by his wile, the former
Mary ~McKee; his son Bud
of Ingersoll ; brothers Viclor 0( Sa rclis , B.C., Elmer
ot Atwood ; Granl
Frank Lislowel and Lcs of
Preslon, AIso su rvivi ng are
his sisters Mrs . Etla Cooper of Listowel and Mrs .
Jim (Marjorie) Donnelly of
Pallbea rers were Fred
Kimberley , Norman Moulton , Linn Johnstone, Gerald Qark , Frank York and
Floyd Bowman.
DAtE i Harry Dale of Tur·
key Point and formerly of
Ingersoll, died at Alex·
andra Hospital September
'29, 1980. He was 68·years·old .
Funeral service will be
held Thursday, October 2,
1990 at Heart Church. Parish prayers will be
October I .
Born in Woodstock to the
late Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Dale, he was employed at
the Morrow Company for
many yea rs, thell operated
a (ur buying business. lie
was a member of Sacred
Heart Church.
Mr. Dale is survived by
his Wife, the former Margaret McCarty; his sons
John of Clarksburg, Peler 0
of Burgessville, De vid of
Etllbro and Donald of Lady
SrniUl, B.C.: daughters
Mary of Ingerso!l, Mrs .
Fred (Joan) Kimberley of
Atikokan , Anne of Ingersoll
and Rulh of Stratford.
Also surviving a re his
Mrs .
(Sally) Copp of Sherrill,
N.Y. Mrs. Earl (Dorolhy)
Gordon of Bossier, Louisiana:. and six grandchildren .
He was predeceased by
his sister Mrs . Donald
(RuUl) McKay.