1 Vol. XII, No. :L WEST VIRGINIA FOLKI.ORE Issued quarle.dy to members of the West Virg-lnia Folklore S'ociety, or 35¢ a copy. Membership dues PElT yaal', $::'.00. Ruth Ann Musick OfeLcers of thl; Wes'!!,Virghd.a Prftsiden'G Folklora Sodet-yg Dr. Wa.Hs;/' &.:t."!les, 1513 Sevl!lilth Ave. W., Bl'adellto , FlO1"lda. Emel':i.tua! Patriek Ga:1.1.le~ .•, Unive:i'fd:!:;y' of West V:i.rg:l.nia, MOl'gantown, W. Va. MJ.tjll Ma.:i'garet PlilJ.l'l:alono, Logan, W. Va. MI.'s. DorotlJY' Qu:l.nt:t'~ll, Fa:1.1.'mont St8:~e College, FaiX'lno:n'~, West Va. ni;'. Ruth Atm. Musink, FaiI,nont State Coll(1go, FairmonJ~, ~ost Va. D.t'. V:i.C;).-Pt'ils:1.dantg Tr{5U~,u'or: (and a~~t. ·tD odi to,.' ) S 1}):''lta.ry...Arch:t ,.rj.~J''l.g TABLE OF CONTENTSs The strode ~ami1y. Contributed. anonymoUB];V m'11.1 War ;in Lewis COUI):!;.\" by R1.chard G. Snrl.th Fortune Telling) .& token of Death Richard G. Sm:!.th The Days in the a. b. S!l.'Voo. Dy a lilaby' Donald Civil Walt DaYI$ Danny Comm:!ssions and Apointments The Di vlded FamiJ"" Locke' Hamil·toll, Joel Hta Fathe:.' The 1Ji'f'ingtt'll Hel'l!rl ~ . (8fl6 p. 16) Baughman Hawkins 7 e Burnsidlt (Copias (, of thl'se) 10 :u ", ..... STORIES 1. Tho Strode OF CIVIL WAR TIMES Fandly,r Note~ This materiaJ, was contribu.tod al1onyraously, several years ago, when I was wr:l.ting nw wea.1c.1y f lklore ()olt1Illl:l, ItThe Old Folks Sayil. Part. of: this •. "'rho Ghost 0:1: t.ho To:uturOO: Spa.1\T(J.;Ii, appeax'tld in myart:tol~ on Wesil Vigin:la ghost ll'tol~lell some yea:rs ago in MIDWES'.I1 FO:LKLORE.) . Mol',') than a. ht1l1dre:l y;"xUi'Sa.go~ before, th0 e::.v'...J. rona when this se'!l'tion mw st';!JJ. a part. of. V:hgWa~ thera ClalUe to t.hese pB.l-t1!J Ii mall from .f.arther south :tn VirgllL'i..9. w:l:I;h his f,'am:tJ.;v -;- hill wife, hill son, Ca1ipLl, wd h:1i:l J!l(,.l.h'lr-:!.n-J.al~. On th" e!J.s·~ side of thE) l?R.iYer-of";!~lling-Bw:~krJ"', l,hier, ~ffilJ tho lInd-ian wo:lx1, ~1on()::lg!\.h<Jllt, thiJ 1000.1 r:l.Vf51.' go',;t-.irJg . :l.tfJ llamo btll:0lB.uoo t;h0 s'"",ep mounta.:1.ns along :tto ea!ri:.ern 8ho1'0fJ were c:,mrtt:L'J.tl)l' sJ.idi!Jg dCWI'. into tho st.roam, wa;:: a ,1JJ.ae~ ·then lmm.J!l as Pa.1a:Mino. The ·v:i.J.1age was lator :!J:lQorporu"tl.)d under that lllanltl whiQh it x'etB.inE>d for l1lal1it yearsp uni,i1 it.was inoorporated with Fairmont, into gJ~eatel' Fairmont. w~, South of Pala Mins and up the Monongahela Ri yer a short distanOG. the man, whose l'lll.lllO was St...'"'Odo, purchased u s"teep and wooded tract of land. Acrose from what is now Filth Sitreetl• on the flat belOW PaJ.!il:t:fuJ.El:Klmb, arid above the ~norJg13J!J.ela~ he b1!d.J.'~ Il. log house.. Nearby he llJullt a smokehouse. had Ir1 the smoiliahOUf.lS', Stroda, who kapt I'llavea some slave huts on his farm, lw.d stored tuo and 00rra1a of salt, a VlUtmb1c eOlJllll6dity in those t:!JUOBo He also hacll =edJ meat hanging in t.llc' smokGhouse~ , Tho buflttU1g was oonstruoted on a field atone foundation.. S1Il'odfi}is Ill.ct)hsr-:!Jl-laWi was sa..i.d to hm.~ :tnse.ns. :au! St.rode was II; man of m ..1 reputo OOC(!J!I) !U1.d f,om.l'.J.a 'temps)', 1!I.\1d.'i;her~ wm~, llllUJY wbiflpl.l1'0Ji! sto~ll that 'bho 011111 WOJlw.n'Ws :oot orazy at ill'Q At mW' l'il.W l)'l;;;roc10iwd hOlr oha:1..noo :lUll the !JIllokohousli)~ (he ooltl wil:lJt;~ night ..', whoo. 'tho rive? was covored m,th :1.00 a,ld -tlm tJl11'l1l 'lrnlf) mox-oilthilJ.:tat roo'" d.)op on the mOUIltB.:b1, the Bl!lOm.htJl.L'J'I O1.1ught i'irG and mu"ned tv the W'o\1ltui. 1ho poopm of M= 1l;1;:!:n'3, mre.kiluOO: b.r tho l:OO glw :11).thQ fJq '00 ths southo h'lJ.',,'ied '1;0 th SC&\o. Wh,Oll thoy !U"fi"1eU the bu:IJd:l1J.g 'w,w des'troyoo.o St:!.'Ix]o and. S;.JlllO of h:l.a vme/:! had bt1l9rl able to rt<U out the two 'bar.rolfJ of fllllt am,~' out much C!'K the moo:t wh:J.c.1:lwas s&'VI'd~ but the mot.hel"""'ttn·,J.uvWtl 1ln.1.'I.'1lJ!lIit to dba3lh. 'l'Wjo coe:.:o,.,,'enoo wIdell f.\L81 'to the hu'~ll :1l'oJ:t f'Ol' l)'~"O1~,~ Than =til th9 tliv.tl Va."". S''i.\'OO<ll _a, 11. GOl.l;~OO&""" g~0 t·:ynXp.'ltl:!.i:r.,lll' ,lUlt', he !lllIi h:leJ rami)y 1e1't ',th:tIJ ~eot~ton &l.ct 't-rGJr3 n~)'i'Tm' hee2"d. t:J...•fJll), .v.ga.:l.!l~ yea:..'n On the stcrw J:o~JJ:l!1>j, Ll.on of the l1ill'Xt\':r1 tl!OO.\cOOOUlJO, Ja'oo~~,at:"'(,sr 1~h0 \-J'SJ,;' Waf-l OV'f)'q, !lij' :r.,ath61', who RO:-VOO '(;,.!:te'lTluon A1'1ltY ,'l1xdng tho Ch1.J. \flU', bU:l.l'~,I!l. U'3'lJ' SlllOklllas WClJ :flail. lIKi'V&J: ~Unw the old log hot"Ye. Bnt llI!llW C1J.dO".w -th:Lllg;;J Gootll7Q!.l :tn tho fllI1okahOUlJo. One w:tn'fW n::i.ght 1~Owel'~ awak!IDW !::r.r moans end gl'oanfl f:('om thu smoke-houlJla. We jj,lveatj.ga ~ roJdJ :t'om:d '\\118t I/, 0I!IJ1:t h8df :Jgott.ml (;11't @$~' '~hl'.l wtll'N.(\l', fuJd pnshoo in -tho door. of the smOIDD-" ho'w~ 'wbi9h -w.a :linS9rm.tt'6~ :li"aslIenodJ, roW: ~ Milan "1Il:1i1:~ 1:1l1.g~ (fi.uf.ll:y' gromnd foOiID) fNlll il 'Iba..~ U11'~:Utho a.D:!.mal bSglIlYl '1;0 ohoks :t'1'OllJ, the drS" food. 5.n :1. tlJ 'throa',;. It 'oi'B./Ill 'ltlth =clJ, diffioulty -\;hat nw fa'~he:1<' was' a.bleGo savo 'thl\) a.rrllllEl1~ The night this oo,,",;n'ed YI!3' mother alii: sistemJ were greatJ.y- rrightenoo~ The-y did not want 1!IiJ fa·thol' to go 'to tho SInIilkeuousa.. They insist!)'! i't Wll.~lthe gh(~ of S'\ll;'-'..>dlll' B :moth01i"-:l.n-1a1~makLug thfl noil'Jill. ~Jj, l1llUCIClp This waf) but ('1l0 oll'W&W uwidentso A !l1J11lbSl' of. yeaX'D wo moved m:~ the old log hVUiJill. n J.'3!Jl/J.inOOi 11.'100wp:1.oo for a m:anber of Y6!l.I~1o Then Oil anothel' ocwll w:1.J:)'~.a", lllt01' ll.'i.ghil, the old, hQ'Iltls b:1.'oko :tnto fJ.l'lJl10G mid we oomp:J.E"'~OJ:y d"'f;t.:,.'CIyoo r.r,y-, fira. il:'~ '~l11t't tinl1:l there ws no one :l.:lyJ.llg :tr, 't;h", h.:m3c. ,~hErL'0 w<'!o no Ii>~r~in tho hOU!19'9 no olllll!)- 4 tricity, or oth(11' lnoanD of oousing the f:h'e~ ThG old folkG aD; said that StrOOJo I s :mother-in-law Iwd s,,1.:~:lire to 'the liw63 and b111'noo. the hous:! rold the new lJ:mokahouse. caJ.:i.ph S't:l:"0l1.e Wlall as Dl6lUl a young llJECflall '3Va:L' Ii ved. :1.n these par!;s. :Ere ,laO OX~le1 to an:l.mals aJ:1ilJ was 1"l1i1.0 aIld mrerbearing. ]['~ wan disl:l.ked: heal-t:1.Jy by ill. who came :1.11 l)()Ui',ao;j with him. 'I'll,? slaves o.n h.ts i'athm,tcr farm were tel":.'()ri~. by' h:i:m. The aninw.ll3 were abused a:nd m:l.stl.'eate1. One coJiJ. w':1.nter day ClilJipbJ St,mCl' oaught a livo Sp!U:TQw. Rio puJlecl aD. the f.'ott":,ha"J 01'1 t.'J.o hal£~olld bh''l, and them tOS'1ro. it out 1:.1tO tho snOH. Tho b'l.lU =go.'l; to hop nIl on '" 1ml :Limh of a t:l,"co', l.fh'3I."O it M ~ f~ee3:Illlg ro'i1. chh~JP!jjj:lg l-rrtCCl mOr'n.:tng CfUnG t1he 1);1.;.':1 ,.~re.o cJ..:;..ng:Li.:tg' '~f) ~.iha jJ.JjlD or lihs "tl"e:a, fl"l)~1 ntif'Z' Q l) The."l;. &.l:lipln S'U'cx'10 DOCa:l<lG llleanm' than '3Ve~'~ He also b~" lJ.eL'VOun, suJJ.ou, 13.l1!1. ItPJ?Sb.:':-l'l.'l: to bs draidl. It vms rro~;long until 11",;1ll.1il ~ l'liv.l.ng ~ n:\,!l:()o His mothw" '.,ho Wl!.S· e; POOll' dmm,";bea'l:«.\ .t'll!\11m'W~ llald'elm opoTm$ ";l!)].(I sam'!!' 01: tho llo~.gllbOll' =01il\ '.;het'~ '3Very- n;j.gh'li Whlll1 Cal.:l.~ \1/1.1'1sloO'"rJ.ng, tho fl.'Oi.ien .'JpIU':l.'C'" Hon ..l..d. OG'tl1', to .t;.h., lJmh of: 'lJl'il -G!'C9 outsido t.ho wind·;:!\-! cl his '~Qcr.n l!-lld. oh.:l.I.'P~ "C:aJ~" :thn oolrl,l Ca:i.iph, I'm coJ.d:ll1l Th:tB 'iovld o\)nt:1Jmo until lJill)&l' would 1lWSml scroo.ming. He ilii7vttt his ~lOep:ijllg q:tJl1W:'tSl'lrf to anot.'lol' roam but it d:td: no goodJ. ID:l\''m't. T.lp a.U night; bHfol"e the bla~l:tng open coal fh's$ 1J'cr~ when ho 'Iou:i.d dOl't6 :b h:l.f:l '--hair, be woul<1 a"llkon l'll!Xl.'earoing ag!0.l1. :r.t was nO'b long unti.l his mind wa1J gOlle. Uhtn W.e)doa·tJ::t ho wall t01')."Ol,::L~. 11S' till*;) p:l.t:U\ll 0nos of tho nalc~! roi!! fj;'Elazi:ng IolpS.l"l."OW. 2. Tho Days of the C1v::l.l W'sJt' in Lewis County Noto~ This !l18.teda:Lwas oont::oj.bll'~OO b</ R:Le.'lw..m tla1.oy'Sm:l;~h~ FaJ.l'IIlnnt (k)Hoga, IJtUd.S·(l'~, in Feb~, J.962. 5 Tho story was told to h:t:u by M!~s. Bansal! Hardman, as told to her b,r her mothel', who had seen thtl tobaooo pokes on which tho ).ett81'O werE>',Tl":t+:Cc;ll. Mt~,;. Ha..-dman i:3 stu.,- foJ~owso My grandmoth •.~X' ,Tail born ;i..n Scotland.. At the age of thl."90 hoI' parents 'ailfXl from Sootla.nd and. landed. on the coast, of North A:msrtoo at It pIasa ea:Uod PJymonth. Thay travE,led by ,};)veroo wagon to Satn'!; uuirl. lilY' eranibn,)thoo.' ,la, tW31V9 years old wh01' hoI' p<lrent'J dENE,lop8d dNl'Jra end dioo. Sho was sElnt to Ir.Nlu County to live, nElal"Weston on MU.1.1JhY':I Creok. In the fall of J.861 a gJ.'O'.1pof boyl'l f'l'Om. the Murpby1a Cl',3n!: Ill'sa W£"O c~J_IEYlto [J8.t'<r0in th9 1l:.L""llJY 0 It WlJ:l the t1me of' the year 1''11' maktng ll'lOJanses and tho people &'IkOO tho boys t,e' hol:f' thcm. TIl':!", got togethel' am ha::] a 1ittlo p!U.--t-y' for' th'3 boys 1'1110 Hero soon to 'be a. p&"'~ of tho Unior, Al'IW. It eot 000], ol1t,lide e.ud tho yuen a:od womon '11001, :l.r.roo ;',ho h')U<Jo. ThoY" 8110•..••. 1. ·~holI'irg-lnia rf)~JJ. !U'J!.1. then the m~l wont. off tc onD' cor!.lGr t,O tal.k and the women 'W'erl'lj off '00 anoi'rhero The' women d0c:ided to ton" fortunos. Wh:L1o tho,,.. WOl:'O ';;alk;'..ng, G:I."lJ.m11llothel' ,ms tc) lea"/El the roolU and go outfddo ten tim<ls. While outside, she was to' take ~ Imi.fa and out ll. notch in an old. wooden sloo. Then u-ha was to bring the chip in and throw it into the f:b."I!l. On the tenth chip~ whoever the women were talking about was to become her husba.l'ld. = The they '11"1'0 tal1d.ng about was Ir-<rin Simpson. She did not even Imow Mt-. Simpson. She met him later OIl :in tho evening and he asked H he C::lUJil.wt'i te to her w'hile he was away in the~. Grandmother got throa 1ett61'8 in th0 three yeaI'8 he was gone. Two of the threo letters were w.d:tton on toooooo ptlkos. At tho aId of t.he war, ho becam<J 71IY gl."aJ'lll£ather. About three nrlle,j n(1.'cth of \~eston near.' JalJkson's Mill, whifJh :ts "thl3 boyl,oO(l hOID0of. S'f,oll(maJ~ Jaok11011, is a 1:1. Ule -rn:U8Y named Simpsoni s Run. It is r=3.1 ai't.e, .• Irvin Simpsoni s family'. W'8.'o~e SJ:no3 i.t was thR night of the :f't~J_lmoon, whfl!1thQ vlOlfiOll ·~alJ.ing f'O;:-"vU.1l0fl at 1113pa.--!;y', aJ:lot.h·o,.'g:1.1 .•1 (J.e0ided tlhO (, '!,{ould, t.C'lJJ. hoI' fortune. Shs got a lOi:,=r w:it w~:lnt 'to tho ope!;, weJJ.. She was to look oval' hel' left. shoulder into the ImJ1. If she saw' a br,x in til., watm', ,sho, Wl.~ to dio, and i.:f sho saw a fao" in the wat'JlC'. shewm; to get married iJoon. ShE) went 'IA) tho. weJl and 100kOO over her shouldo ". She saw a box in the watero She- d.ropped the :m:1.l'1'Ol's Flta.lvtl'iI. 8'Jl'eallrt:n~, and r",n to the houso·. She ran ;;0 thC1 boy sho W'V.1l"l'lgagoo 1'.c, and told hilD. ,,'hat had happened. She we.nted to giva h1JC bD.'.)k his Y·J.ng. He mJ.y lallgh'Yl at, her and , sill.' IJhG was s1Dy. SiJ: mouths la'\\0r ther.'s VHlOa t.jfphoi~ epidemio and sho died. lII:a ~miJ ktll.,x1 :l.!!a battle Hear HfJ~'P0!"C'S :We:tt'x'Y 0 ~u:rj.r::~, tho '.Jar, ~w'he~1evcr G'rEl1ltlmcl'l:-hGr wi,:nLL:l sco ·::,hatl h9:t" l.UX"rD. '~"aS g'~:.r-.flg '(.0 bo ruld~1, Dha v••luu1.d ·t!hl")o~r her s:l,lver mo:thry in Lhe flour lia\'t'J:'olo ;rho mmv1Y'w'fJIJJii ~:-dJ).1ct.e, ':jh~3 bcr(,'i.i'::J1!lI)f' '011e 'ban"I.l1 !;1n:i lJ\?lUd b0 1;-1 a good hid:tllg pl.ans. Whon Irvin Sm.psc);? CIll!lI,Jhome !,tlld 1118.r:ded.rrw g1"""dmother 1 he broughl\, "j.th hilQ a little (lolo:..'~l oc'Y' ho had f'OUlJd sH,ting aJ,Cl~ th9 l'Oad. 'rlla boy _;oJ a·OJ')l1'!J, five Y'la~'s old, but d:Ldnlt M'Ire' !l muno, so th'3.l" oo.J_l'il hill! Uti;';;.€) Joe. TI,e) slav",>! WIll'O freed, but U:i;tJ.e ;roe "ouId nclver leave thom. Ke stay,:y,l wIth Gl'8.lliJmothel.' and Gl'a!ldfathel" ID"!l1 hel)Xil ra;l.,m slaven childru).).. (Mp. SnrUh ilayfJ, "The superstitions of C:i.v:U Wro.- timeD are still believed b)' some memb81'iiof tl:rl.s fanrlJ.y~) 3. Days of the Civl War -- A TIJken of.j)6ath Thi.s story I{as also contributed by Ri.chal'd Gal'S' as told toJh:Lm by Mrs. BenS0ll Hardmall. The are fictitious, 1 believe. names of the girls Nuteg Smith Anni f; father ';Ia~ home for a coupl'3 of dayfl i rest artsl' a battle. They li ved se'~:(~r8.1nrl.l(~s out in the "otm{,;:t>:{, Her mother' had. b",en dead. fOJ:' abou'~ ~, y"a>.' 7 and a half. It was one of those late evening stolm~ It had started raining hard and had not quit. The' road to ~ house wai:lnot passable bseause of the mud. A h01'a6 and buggy' cou."ldnot move in tha roadl. Thora was II big gate in the road, and a stUe - steps tha'~ went over it ~ to help one in getting over th,~ gate. Ann's cOUfJin, Mary, had "ome to sf,ay with her earq that evening bafor:! the stOl'ln. The roads were intJUoh bad shape that they knew there would not be any sehool the next. day. Th6'J decided they would make candy. later that night~ afl;el' it was vey,'y dark, Ann 'went to thewind01./' to ~cookout, She saw '<1hatlookoo like Ii lalltern oonring up the road. She thought this could not be t1"l.\S. A hO:"'se I)ould. not WE,lktlux'ugh the mtdJ s\U'eJ.y a man. eouldn't. The light came on up the road. just as if a man were carrying it. could not see arry'bod;y'. It !Wvssed the fence All this time An."l Whether this was a warning or not~ Ann nwve:" blew. The next day her father went out in a field that was flooding to get the livestock out, arrd fe11 over dead. Her father never did get to go baok to the war. 4. Saved By a Ba1lJy' Note~ This story was contributed by Donald Baughman, a Fairmont College student, in Febl'uary~ 1962. Many Civ.l.l War soldiers on their way home were out for personal gain. They ransacked houses to find anything of' value. Thes'3 things they took. The story that X have to te:U conce,:nr; th"s0 soldie:ril, a set of silvorware, and a baby', It _iI toJB to me by- rrrygx'andmother, Anna Baughman. He~>ma.idFX!l XlH!TlO was Anna Phillips', It took plaoe in St. Gec,rgo, a small tmm in Tucker County, the to,m in 'lhieh G)~a.11C1.mother gre\" up. The soldiers werc' marohing through, pl1Uldorirog as they' went. Grandlnothel" smother, :nw great-g:"andmother, had a set of sD;veNare upon wh:l.ilhshe plao~Ji\ high valuo. The Goldiers were coming up th\l 1:0H<'l to the house, and she had to think of 80m'>,laY to ,save t,he silvel"\mra. Then ,she thought of the litU" baby. H1.u·)~io')(1J'f, 8he put s. long drf.lfJI!011the baby. As th8 f!olo:J.i"rs 6ntel'OO the' door, 8he put! the chest ()f .;3~.1"l8:t~·w.ca ;~).:: th~) crib~ and H6t. the 'babi all to.t:' (If' :Lt'l) Tho H1J.vel~wart' Ha$ complo-tle:I~f hl,cldentl The fwJ..cl:i.crl."3 88a:::"':11v:u the; house tho~(")·'.lgrJ~~r,:;l,n:l t.ook Erv~);':ith:il1g of valu.0& ,As tht=;y 1.-Ya:.,-') lCjs"J:~~::],g.9 ()n~1 of' them ~~8":1t.hB 'bD.b~" ~ Hf) C("IIIDl'-)UtHd f.i.bo1J'~ !'KIU pr6tty it 't,re,fJ. Qroai',-gJ,·ar1:1m0~:'her';:l hOfirt WH8 :tx. h:31~ throat whon tlv0 1301die:i.-'went t.CI 1~h8m::11o anil tl(.;klu:'1 tho baby" 8 e):lin, but th8 f!ilve:('Wa:'~e1:<?:main(){l UrJl1).D~.overed. they was har.ld6J dmm to lh'an:IShe has the silvfJl"",aro t.oday, and :i:L i,:; still I have used. i.t IDa11Y" tiJnAso The S'3t of silvenraro motheJ}~ in use. 5. Civil: War Days (Contributed by Dem", Bu.1"lls:ldo.,Fai.1.'lJlontCollego st'.1.·· dent, March 5, 1962. The information was given to h:im by his g"i'andmother and his aunt.) Ny great-gl'eat-grandfathe:t", Captain Ja:mes S. law, was born on December 3, 1838, and di<'ld Aprj.,l 12, 1917. As a captain il1 the Civ.il War, Jamsn law fought on thIS side of th€l Union. It was a trend :1.nthose days for the Rf.opublica:ns tel fight for the lbion fm'<;<3sanrl the Demo~:~ats to fight for the Confedel'atelJ. ') Capt,ain James S'. l&w had been a casket, maker and a farmer before he went to 10183.'. After he left, he was not heard of for a long thle. James Iaw$ law !Jy the name the Confedel'ate federate troop, fighting for the Union, had a brother-:l.nof Jonas Me Conka;y, who was fighting for troopffl'o M'J ConkeY', the leadm:- of a Can'was wour~ed and taken prisoner by the Union foreaso He escaped thl.') first wa~ that he WIl prisoner, and camo aIJ. the way fro111 somewhe:l'e in Virginia to, Two l.1ck, West Virginia, where' tho hmua' of' Captain James S. Law was located:. u.:w' (J WU'13 was Me COlJko::r's 8i81:,,1'. Wh9'/l Mo Conkey fina:Lly go1>,to the law houne, he was r:;r. ~ta:J: ..•• 'erJ. tha'~ he stuok his· head :l.n'Go a mr.UJ. ba:l'l:'el an.f[ ~ta:l'1;0d ddrild.ng. He, dl'arlk so much of the slop fl'01n thil ""HI 'bal',:el that he blc8t'Jd. Af~,er. f:tndlng h,Jl'O,s> !.Aw~ s wit!;} pEttchoo up h:ta' '~101JD;':lS and rd.d. hlmo He 8{~aJ"oc1t,hel-e for, th~e ()r fom' mr.)!l.t.hso Or'.I' day, l'lhiia he "niH t.her!), a group nt: lUen who cJa5.Jni'li.!. tl1"·),~Y' were caske~j makers, came to see +ilu;, cae.iket mIiking P;;'{l(J€lS::I. The' UnfS 1.n thotJo daytl l'1<ll'<r 'I;ha c!tl;y' ooflk,,';; mJ8.k= ')1'S :l.X!tha't pal,'1; of the country. They thought that these menWElre f)~om the Union forces, so Me Conkey was hldden :1.n a casket. The men 'went into the room whm-e ther doadl were kept" but turned around Md left. They' sa:td th(1lJT we)'e not inter'Elsted In doad pElC'plQo The:\" t.han locked. at som<l of the caskets and went on the!ir "ray. Mo Conkey was never suspeoted. He stayed about an.other tl,o weaks and. then went back to bilt Conf.edere:Oie troops. In t,b.,se days oaskets warlit made \JUt of B.!Wk:tnd or lumb31', and were made to nt the shcl1llders or tho dead. The casket was tapered toward the feet in a V-shape. After about two year~ of. being awa3' at wa~> Captain Jall16S S. law caIne home, H<:lwas not re(Jogni.~ed by his children, or by some> of his fl'ieDd:~. 6. Commissions and Appo:tntm'3ut./il (next pagc') 10 a. THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA~ To James S. Law Greeting I KNOW YOU~That fX'om special trust and confidence reposed in your fidelity, courage and good conduct, ou.,:-GOVERNOR, i.n'plll'Sll8.nCe of thH authori.til vested in him by the Constitution and laws of this Commonwealth~ doth cOlmnission you a FIRST lJEUTENANTin the 137th Reg:1Jnent of the lOth Brigade and 3d Div1.Rion of the VIRGINIA HIL.1TIA, to rank as such from the 14 day of June 1858 In Testimony wh6reof~ J' have her"ullto signed ltW name as Governor, and caused, the Soal of the Commonwealth 1,0 be affixed, this L~ day of JulY' 1858 b. Henry V. W.i.sa THE C0I1HONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, To Jamer; S. Uaw I!Xreetinga KNOW YOU, That from Special trust and confi~ denee' reposeO. in your fideHty, couraga and goed (Jor.duct, our GOVERNOR, in pursuallil.e of the authority vested in him by the Constitution and l,aws of this Commonwealth, doth commission you a CAPr:ADIin the l37th Regiment of the lOth Bi·i.gada and .3d Division of the VIRGINIA HI&J'TIA, t6 rank as such from the: 22 day of Octobe:\" 1858. In Testimony Whereof ~ ] have hereunto signed name as Governor, and caused the Seal of the Comlllonweal'th to be affixed, this 17th day of M9.rch 1859' 1tW Henry V. Wise THE COMMANDING OFFICEROF THE Third REGIMENTOF yrrginia Volunteers TO ALL WHOSHALLSEE THESEPRESENTS,GREETING a KNOW YE, Tha'\; reposing the patl'j.otism, valor, sp6cial trust and confidence in fidelity~ and abl1ities "f Ja.;"')J~ II §.,,__~:!'r I do hcr(~b.r appoi.nt h:lJn !:.Q..uri;.h §OlT..-'l'!1!o..11 j.n CIJlllp.m;,v.1i of the 3_ feg:Lment of 1/1,.• Vol'M!:t{)F.l:t·~ :Ln the 8erv1.~e of the Unitel Si;d'ls to Tank al.i such from the ]LOth day of _ June ., 0116 thonsand. ei.ght hundy'oo ffild .J>J.E':L.9.lli> _. He is therefo:('o ca1.'efull:r and d:lligeni;ly to discharge the dut)' of [g.lQjJl..§§X!!.§J.,"t_, _ by' doing and peI'forming all JllElE~ ner of things thermmto b(~1or.,gil1g, And! do FJtrictly reqUire aD. Nvn-collllldssiono-J. Officers and. Soldier;,) und8l" h:Ls C0Illll1B.nd to 'be ()berlioni; t·) his ~)rd,,'''s as f.~rth Sel1'9an'l!-. And h(~ 1.s to Obf:H~n':;~ and .fol](Hof 8110h f)rder~ i:l.Jld dir0i)tioJ:".ls, froJn t:iJne to tj.l1le, as he sha.1J. 1'''H1e1.·r.'1 from me, O!' the nl.tU1'<; Command.ing Of'fi<Jl;r of th" Reg:l.1nont, m:' other SllpEtJ~Lol' Cf.r·:i.~e:c.·sand Nt."m-c •.')xmlt1.8Ai011~1 Off:te8!~S C:I.ct, oye!' him., aeoord,ing to the Ru.1.a:1 aDd D:t,oipJ5.:r.') of W~:L', This WKt'Tlil.nt to ()ont:b:.u\Jin foroi3 dnr:tng the ploasnra o.t' the G:'lnnnal1ll.ing0.1:'1':l.eex' .~1' i;h~; Rog:Lllllmt. 1'01' thfJ t,imo lloing. GIVENunder my hand at tb6 H"'iatlquart8J.'n of thB Reg1,. Cr~J:~lf'rjlll~~ __$ th:t~~ ....:llt.Ql!:_tX...2t'!_c211(L___ da:~t of l.i':~!f~:l:::;t. .•, :in th.e yoa,:..' of CH.U:> Lord onG thousartd eigrrL hw1d:too and Pl:.~!;~0~._ .• ~;'!LOJ.rt~,a.t •...!2.•..L __H0.lli'"s..-9..'iL" CClllIllanding 151the C0I111l11mdiug Oft'icG}~S 7. The Dividoo the Reg:l.lnent. l!'amiJ~ (Contributed by Joel A. Hawkins, March 5, 1962.) Fairmont CoD-ege stud.ent, During the 0iv.i.l War, there were a rlUmbcl;' of ViI'ginia fam:Uies who did not know for sure on which sid8 they should fight. Also the:~e W81'13 a number of families 'who were di'vi.ded. wi.thin themselves on this same point. Some members W(lre fighting foI' the North, whne some members 'were fighti.!)g for the South. This is a story about just that k'cnd of situatloI:l.o TMs parti C'll.lal' in,;ident. took pJ.a.ce in Ii heavil.y· 'Wooded forrlst, 'wherf)a small battle was going or. between a.. group J2 of Union soldier;] and a group of Confederate soldiers, On both sides were members of the same family. ThI"J father and two sons were on (lne side, whi..le th.1'ea sons "ere on the other. Als() in the battle ar"Ja was a \10man, the mother of the family, As the battle went on through the night, this 'woman, pregnant at the timf), craw'led. ,?n her hands and knees back and forth bo/Gween tho two si..des, oarlng for the si!Jk and woundoo.. She 'was II\'{ gI'eat-great~gI'andm()ther, 8, Looke Hamilton, H~cll FathE'll' and the (Contributed by Vanial Morris, dent, in the faLl of 1961) Union 1:roops Fail'lIlcmt; CoD-ego s't.u- Shortly ai'ter Jones! &Jil h; Fail.'mOrl't, West V:1rg:!.ni!l:, Union ·t:i.'OOpS 'were bl"l'llght ;1,11 fi.'OlJl Oh5.o to guJiU'd ra1..ll'olld inwGE\J.1ations al1J1 1.;0 prevent ru:\'thar dmnago, Looke Hamilton anC'. ld,s f'athror \lel'G standing 'biBiJ:!.ne the road watching tho sc:WierfJ mat'Q'1 into 'GOVIll wher, some of the 'I;,.'oopo oolled '1lo +.he oJ.del' RtaJKUton. As the IlIBJll and his son cl:"ell near, he ,m,s simmd l'Ulfl !l.:.:".'SstEiJ:. Mlr. ltwll:Uton W'6.I1· maJ:'(,hedoff' towat'd '~own at bayone"l; point Fmdi his son wall allowed 'to, f'oLlml a:Long at h:i..:t llidGl. looke fjaid he oouJ.!'l sun l"0lJlembel" fleeing lJlooOJ 80aktng thJ:'Ollgh Un fathm."s shirt, ali the soo't'p pO~.llts pricked Us back. They found out later' the reason for the ~~est. ,A elose f'l-:lend. of the flJJll.tly had. turned Hamil ton in as a Confederate spy, Although he had been a Clonf"lde.1'B.ta sympathizer, he wan never a spy~ bllt. the Union troops had no way of Ima,ring th.ttl. t=, Whett they IlX'rlvoo. in Mr, &milton waH forced, at pistol point, to sW',~al'a1leg.i.anc6 to the Unton and Locke HanrUton was told '1;0 cheer fo!' Aoo LJ.MOln, but he ropUErl w:t1;,.'1a cheel~ 1'011" J'eff Dav.t!t, At this the UrdcIl Gl1ptaill. oro.B1'ed a to 'behead hllD, Tho soldie):fJ ·went. {;h,~,)UghIt illollk Elxo(mtio!l. just to have R lJ.ct'~lo :f.'un~but th ;young boy didn 't floa the fun of:!.t. Tho fdoJf.liel'fJ the;1 tUl~ned to the 810.01' Ham!.lton again, axil. decided :i,Xl = dead seriousness to put hUn before the firing squAd. The squad lined 1.tp :tn front of tho marl and 1>TOral'OOdy. to i'll'S when some townspeople that he had saved from !J. 0011federate executlon a fow woww beforo$ t..":u!mr th61nsel'16o in front of. him. night hO' that 9. Mter 13; wh:l.le he was r:l1aased, but le:~el!' takon agaim and sent to Chic, '1;<0 prison. WIl The Uff1ngl'ol1 Hf)l~dt (Contdbuted by' Dm)j.el Mol':i~o$ iJt1ll1ent ,Tan. 8, 1962.) at Fai:!."I1lont CoUage, Vcry J.1 ttlo is mcr,m of' DootOl' Hezekiah A,lsop I S 00l1]y lit'"" and ho WllS n0"lElJ:' h."\otffi '1\0 :rpook d: :tt b:iIru:J~:r. Xt io gana:l'a].J¥ bal:t~!lI!'~ 'Lhat; sinoe tho lWJllIa of: AJ.B011 :1.13 pl'O",d.rmnt ill V:l,rg:l.niJi$ ho 00.'1l11 fl'OIll tl:Jat pat't of' tho South. It :1.0 a130 b9l:t:l"'-;'Jd i'J'J.Il:~ he grw:l1med with h:1,gll hml0l'(! f'L'ttQ Joffa-:''';;,m:: Mfilioal 80ho01$ lilt,hovgh no 1".3001:':113:'Cim be i'O'.1l:Jd ox i'Go Horgantmm shl)l7"v1y <liter 'l'ho,1J1vJc.l praetioe m~!io1no. He baCWllO good f.~cettffiQ ';Fl:r,ll the Me Clro190, tho D':lll':tng3$ tho DO:\'"deyn, axii lJJ1J,n;r othe~ l'3ad:Lng citizeno' of ·th$ tOlin. Dr~ AJ.ilOp 00lU0 to ~~ 8zvl osgauto While ho WI.! praet:1<l:l1lg ll'loo.:teille 113 always ltad a '101" neat. appoarane,"" d:~ess 1 :in Ii f.'ooli: llclat Ill1!l high s:iJYhat, and oarrying a gold headed OOIlS1 liB was tho fash:ton of pbysJ,ciane in those <!aye. Ho WI'! a !IlfUill with 11 VfJl';/' gentle lla'M'Ill9 althoug.h 50'10," 1la:td he had1 '1u:1'eo Ii v.l,e~,otul 'eampar whon 1 t wan fll'OUll00. The doetol' was aooopted, by tho co'I!IlllUlli'1:;3' an 11 llJB.D of. ~ UimaJ. abilLty and pram:l,!'.lo. He p11.lL'~~ba!3edau :csland :111tho Monoro.gahala R1'ler near tho oOllllllUnit-y of Ucr-:mgtoll at the D~ui;h of Boothia ~eek. Ufr:tngton :U1 thuse da;VrJ' was qUJ.til rol ilnpor",;a.,"li; 1:t'bUo The rai:J..roarl! !Ulfl tha l'l",1(J1' mafIa th., t010TLl Ii, tal'l!lixl!l.l for v:lCc,ba:nge. :l1ho p"oplf') for ml1F,lIJ !ll'OlLU,'l hauJed logs to t:lw sal-mrnl th'l1'$1 a:oil b:I,'()'~g.ht iAu.: beft to bo ID,3il.0'1 CJll ten, •.,. J)~ b083~1JJand hauJ.ad 011 the river. DootOl' Alsopll:l ir;J.anQ. \{Sa V<lr;r fert:Llo1 ltmt since H floodro whon t.ho '.':i.vel.' was highg :I.t 'was unsllitabll'l for Pf)='~)ll·t residenooo The a.octo;: f01l."ld ,J; placo 'i',(> Uvo j.n the (Jommunit;, and he farliloo. IilJ'ld gra~od his lslar.l!loEv,mtuaJJ~' an a:~gLtlJl~mt. arose O'\J011 r':l.ght'lJ ':;Q the J.alr.xu::l. A nlB.l:~ !1lilJJlOO Shutt,lef1worlh C:l.e.:bll~:'f g-~'azing J.'.~ght~ to the iHJ.a:nd, and. t;urJliY'l his oo'u+'lc :t11 {~o :l.'"sOt'l on the d:)1rC01,ls: Cl'Opl$.. A long M.rna qU!ll'l'81 evolved. :el:'UlJlJ. :L!lo:l.d'lntrr vi +,h Shuttlssw'Dl-i;hg arii ·the men bOOtillIlO \1011 knmo1n enelJli~lS~ '"ho' n:L,tuatiOll t)'JoaJn€lc WQrH6 as tiw3 wen;; by~, and the dOO~;Ol'l n t3JJlpc::r 1':i.)),a1J.;r r\1l!l.choo :its bo:J.:U.ng pC'ir!'~o J!J1J."1.~~r'tIlg he :to.:ul05! b.:j.Il·'.'l£lG BlJiIl s~t out. to look 1'01' h:ts lmf',,':tort1~·n\)~.ghbm\'. IJ?hstwo mon lltS1:i ~tn R SlMl."ll !,"a'J:tno~, bfllcr..,r \.rh!it ~IB.O thelID the 1':('.'1.0'9 f.iilJ:'lJlo What took place thero 00.11on);v ·110 J.8f:t to the i1l1!ig1ruJ.t~.unl>1";00011[>0 r:mJ:;y' one 1Illl:!< ll'l.:U,m out of. the ).'S5T.).!1Cl. n:". AI/10}¥ wont k tho 1T:l.00 house and: 88k',;O' foll' Ml.'. 1'rleill'~ rf.lt sinoe '1<3 wau no''; at hOlOO, 11'.'n. Pr:J.C\'l J.t'leidOOi to retum tn tho :I:(l':810 lIrlth h:b.1J.. Upon orOflsing tho road, they lOOt another woman 'who Wlt$ returr~i.ng fil'oln th3 Ilt,Ol'O m, tho nearlby village of Uff:i.ng'ton. T'1gether tho 'two women returned to tho ).'&.v'..no "vI"hm:'!l 'I::hey fOUXli1 tho ·bod.;r of Shl.lttleswoM;h. 11h'31 roUed him 0 fe~ on his DIl.<Jkrom. found a bullet wound :!.n.h18 ches·~. H0 had beeD. .Bhot thVO~1 the heart and was quite deaa. On. the, adVioa of' m.s fj~iends" Dr.. Alaop sta1>1:.ed t()wa~r.d Morgantown t.o 'G1.1:t'l:t h:i.mself:· :tn to the !t1!rt-.hoT'l t:1.63. He mat the shel':l.fJ:,wpo 'o1as .on. h:ht WEXS''' to il1'vestd.gato the shooting, and. was arrestOOJ. Th~ dootor pl(le:led:s~l~",,:iefeli13~, and cJ.a:lmoo, tha'l; Slnrl;;;J.asworth lilide:t'l;aokaDli h:Jm vlt.h a t:r.lone iUJ a 'fo!8apo14 Doll;;OJ~ H0:1'1ktah E. AJ.~10pwas 'lon,n"te-J. pi' ll!lIJ(';1ex' :i.l:\ 'the . seconi d~agree, !JJ?dwas sentenced the penitentiary. to sorve t-.mlva yoo.rs in After serving hi.s omnplete s<lntence, he retllrnoo. to Uffington and starl8fl livlng in a natural cave 1l!ldor fi. :mck not :liar f:rOlll the fill:1.ng station at the bottom of' Ui'fing'von Hill on Route 73. Ho had lost the j_oland bocausa he had used it, for payment t,o his a%ornoy, PhiJ.:l.p KO'lk, a distingui.shoo la.wyOl' of Mclrgroltoun, for services rSJ.Jdered :ir. tho defense of the llllm10r charge. 'rhro1.lf!,h the ktl'ldneSB of KGok, "DoOill W.S permitt<ad to i'a:r.m the island. ))('ctor Alsop was a fwniJ.im' visitol' to MOl'glUl'tJ..m~ knew 1dJll. Althmtg.'J. hin rCm.Ol' cloan.1:l.nss1.l ~w.(-J a -thing of tho pna't, 11:1.3 be8.1:/l:1 and. bn.:tr 111Jkompt, ld.s OlOUV3S f:1.1th;Y. ho rota:1.n,9d hi:l statura lm'1 ):1;1.5 rof:ln:x'. .-rn.yllo Fo still d~()i;1 U,e !'ospoct of. tho (d.ti~{'GnnQ whore ~_:bllO(rb ovaryono Fo? tha Jl'GH't of biG da:yl~ Itt Uf:i\':l..llgton, "D00Q1l e.d:m..wi8ta1'oo till tho sick of tho canmn.u'lity'. Ho gathered herbs, ='0-:1 th(.l\l'l~and made hi;> mmlllooiolnes. He was usua.1J¥ f01illld at the hlJl110 of someone too poor to affol'il: an;r k.1.lld of.' a doctor, roJd he waR seJ.dOl1lpaid for hilT 'droubllll< He Ii val on his crops Ilhd the p:NrieillOO *tr1buted by peoplo he attended. When age made ii; :l.mpollsibJ.e f.'or bim to taka care of hj.mself~ he was taken to thl!) county ][Joor whera he soon died. Ire was bu..-ied behind tho buil.d:1.ng whlch hOlUJed the 1.1rJ.fort.unato irunatell~ ram, Fw are left '>.iliait haVlil heard of Doc1;or Alsop, an.'!. hal'd1;y any evidence of h:l.a life e:rlsts t.olay. ]fiB cavs WD dr,st.royod when the pl'osent location of Rout.a: 'i.3 WIl built, and hir~ isIan.l ia now Ulldel' water, duo to the> system of looks now on the Monongcl1e1e,. 16 10. Falling ( 1) Pioture Ail Token of Death (This story was contributed by' Richar.'d G. Smith, Fairmont College student, March 12, 1962. His' informant wished to remain anonymous.) Larry volunt8sred for the ar~ and was sent to a coastal tow. H:i.s sister, Ann, <lid no;; receive many letters from him, and there wer,) Y.'ather lor,.g periods of M.me between these letter8. lIe ,ra(J tl'ansferlx-ed fJ.'om the tow where he was., to soma plac3 :lin the South. He had pIotures for' the fam:lJy paht9l1l of bJ.msr,lf before he 'went sout,h. Aim Ii'lEl:l :tn a small houso _,n t;hs erlg'l of tmltl. She htr.ng thfJ p1.,,.tcol'e of w.'l.';y on I). mt:lJ. O'\raJ~ H. do~ One cold J,1.1gU,r\; day she went·;;,;, town. ~erle housl'Jr 'tiI!lO oOJlljplot'3:q e:.1.ws(1: np end thm78 W-'lJ.'·3not wry d:r.afts :1.):1 the house. Wh.onsh'l l'Gtl1t"noo. :31'10fotlJ:r. :Ln~,;oyt fl p:t~ t,m'~ ly1.ng :bJ. th13 ohah', fao(l ~1.p. ThEfY l:uaiiJ not, h?8.xd from I61Tif for quite a while. A few days later Anu went to -\;ak13oaI'!J' of III s:'l.ok person in UJW!l. Wh'3rl she returned t,.'w.t "lvemng, 8ho, found the picture, face upp...:I.:n the middle of the, floor. She oaUOO: out, OlLa1'T.Y, what I s happenEd to you?1I' Then, only two days later, Larry T~BLE OF CONTENTS:(Continued 10. she got word the.:'~ had! been 10.11000 Falling Pioture from Page J.) as Token R. Smith Page 16 ANNOUNCEMENTS ANDNOTES8 I have been asked to coUeo~ and. c1assif.y 1110 w.•.. W fJUpel'stlt:tona: and POpuJ.a.r llaHafr.t lmown:\.n We;lt 't:i.1'.~J.r.dA ~l:! possible. bel!ef-a .- incluiLtng urrusual Olll'es s oto., WJJl elW0ne who lQl0W3 su.dh ~reather and planting lli:~o, a.rul please sond th6lll :1.1\ to me'( RAM
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