THE MESSENGER APRIL 2015 - NISAN / IYAR 5775 Our Torah Members These generous individuals have voluntarily chosen to support our Synagogue at a higher level of dues than is required, in order to help other Jews who are less fortunate and in need of assistance. ETERNAL LIGHT MEMBERS These members provide financial assistance and synagogue membership for families who are enduring financial hardship, as well as a full religious education for their children. Martin & Rochelle Carus Steven Schwalbe & Annemarie Krim Marcia Sherman Paul & Arlene Starr Murray Feit “Offerings of the Heart” Harvey & Barbara Fishman David Korn The names of our Torah Members are inscribed on the sculpture in our lobby. Joseph & Tikva Ofeck Adrian Reisel Seligman & Phyllis Rosenberg Jaime & Susan Weiss Myrna Weissman CHAI MEMBERS These members provide financial assistance and membership for families who are enduring financial hardship. Anonymous Joan Alter Ben & Esther Bell Lore Benario Jodi Bergman Alvin & Nili Cohen Mercy Cohen Milt & Doryne Davis Lior & Andrea Elrom Regina Finer Steven Fruchtman Jerome Goldfischer & Lila Mordoh Seymour & Nancy Green Arnold & Alice Grodman Fred & Harriet Hirschenfang Yakov & Vera Kishinevsky Bruce Lager Mark & Lucille Laufer Joseph Lempel Harry Lenson TABLE OF CONTENTS From the Rabbi’s Study Notes from the Cantor Hebrew School News Sisterhood Member Engagement Comm. Birthdays & Anniversaries Dona ons Calendar Lillian Leshinsky Irwin & Karen Meyers Stephen & Merilee Obstbaum Terry Plawker Abraham Ravid & Hanna Atlas Yetta Rosen Fred & Ann Rosenberg Newton & Sheila Scherl David & Donna Schweid Michael & Sally Seymour IDENTIFICATION STATEMENT 4 7 8 9 9 11 12 15 THE MESSENGER April 2015 Published Monthly Jewish Community Center of Fort Lee Congrega on Gesher Shalom 1449 Anderson Avenue Fort Lee, NJ 07024 Volume 4 ‐ Issue #6 2013-14 President’s Council GUARDIAN LEADERS * Herb & Reggie Feuerstein Gifts of $25,000 or more Cong. Sons of Israel CHAI-FOUNDERS 2014-15 Steven & Suzette Kolitch * Gifts of $18,000 - $24,999 Anonymous (1) Gary & Lisa Maier * FOUNDERS Gifts of $10,000 - $17,999 Estate of Ken Feldman BENEFACTORS Anonymous (1) Shmuel Bar-Or * Gifts of $5,000 - $9,999 Irwin & Marjorie Berger Gertrud Buchler Allan Ginsburg PATRONS Gifts of $2,500 - $4,999 * Alvin & Nili Cohen * Randy Ketive Jerome Goldfischer & Lila Mordoh David Korn * Arnold & Alice Grodman BUILDERS Anonymous (2) Martin & Rochelle Carus Renee Gruenspecht * Marvin & Shirley Kochansky Stephen & Merilee Obstbaum Jack & Judith Rosenthal Men’s Club Gifts of $1,750 - $2,499 Michael & Carol Kopelman Bruce Lager Harry Lenson SUSTAINERS Anonymous (6) Mark & Audrey Altschul Naomi Altschul Milton & Doryne Davis Ira & Anna Erlichman Steven Fruchtman * Philip & Judith Gliksman Edith Kantrowitz Jeffrey & Beth Kaplan Yakov & Vera Kishinevsky Mark & Sandy Klein * CHARTER MEMBERS Joseph & Tikva Ofeck Sisterhood Susan Merker * Joni Rosen Newton & Sheila Scherl * William & Helen Tobenkin * Gifts of $1,250 - $1,749 Richard & Jane Koch Ruth Korn Joseph Lempel * Lillian Leshinsky Jerome & Barbara Margolin Roberta Mathes Irwin & Karen Meyers Ann Oster Terry Plawker * Adrian Reisel * Leo & Mary Rettig Yetta Rosen Fred & Ann Rosenberg Faye Salmon Richard & Nancy Schiff * David & Donna Schweid Ivan & Elaine Shore Norman & Florence Silverberg Laurie Singer Heidi Skolnik & Michael Glantz * Alfred & Rose Targovnik Jaime & Susan Weiss Charlotte Winter FROM THE RABBI’S STUDY Yom HaAtz’ma’ut – Israel’s Independence Day – falls later this month. What better time to sign up for the congregational trip to Israel that I announced over the High Holidays? Please join me on a spiritual journey to Israel where we will explore our Jewish roots in a warm, interfaith setting and see sites amazing sites that are off the beaten path. kas Fort Lee Interfaith Explore Israel Tour Led by Rabbi Kenneth Stern June 14 – 26, 2015 Monday, June 15 – Entering the Land Arrive in Israel to be met and assisted by your ITC representative (today’s program depends on arrival time) Ascend to Jerusalem through the biblical Ayalon Valley. She’he’che’yanu/Welcome Ceremony over looking the Old City of Jerusalem. Check in to Mt. Zion Hotel in Jerusalem. Dinner at hotel. Orientation session Overnight: Mt. Zion Hotel, Jerusalem Tuesday, June 16 – Where it all began – Exploring Ancient Jerusalem We'll use archaeology and the Bible to explore The City of David, including its Royal Palace (Eilat Mazar excavations) and ancient water systems. Then discover 1st century Jerusalem at Robinson's Arch, Southern Wall and Hulda Gates. In the cour se of the morning we will uncover Jerusalem of David, Hezekiah, Herod, Jesus and beyond. Lunch on own. Western Wall - Connect with an ancient Jewish legacy. Fascinating underground tour of Western Wall Tunnels Then follow the Via Dolorosa to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Dinner at local restaurant Overnight: Mt. Zion Hotel, Jerusalem Wednesday, June 17 – From the Mt. of Olives to Mt. Zion and the Jewish Quarter Begin touring with a visit to Pater Noster, where Jesus taught his disciples the Lord's Prayer. The look out at Jerusalem's most iconic view from the top of the Mt. of Olives. Hear about its ancient Jewish cemetery and discuss the Mt. of Olives in Jewish and Christian scripture as we walk down its slopes to the Garden of Gethsemane and Church of All Nations. Lunch on own. Tour of Jewish Quarter including Broad Wall, Cardo and a view of the Old City from its rooftops. Visit Mt. Zion, including Oscar Schindler's grave and the Cenacle (Last Supper room), David’s Traditional Tomb (r ight downstair s!), The Chamber of the Holocaust (pr ecur sor to Yad Vashem, acr oss the road). Visit the Garden Tomb – An alternate site for Calvary. Dinner on own. Overnight: Mt. Zion Hotel, Jerusalem Thursday, June 18 – Ascending to Jerusalem Early morning tour of the Temple Mount - See up close the exteriors of the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Participate in hands on archaeological work as we sift construction debris from Temple Mount at Emeq Tzurim and help recover lost artifacts. Lunch on own. Visit Herodian - Herod's desert mountain top palace, which later became his tomb. Drive to nearby Bethlehem to visit Manger Square and the Church of the Nativity. Return to Jerusalem. Encounter Israeli society: BBQ dinner with young Israeli soldiers on an ar my base near J er usalem. Overnight: Mt. Zion Hotel, Jerusalem Friday, June 19 – Holocaust, Remembrance and Continuity Guided tour of Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial and museum, including the Avenue of the Righteous and the Children’s Memorial. Visit the Yad Herzl Military Cemetery and the graves of many of Israel’s Prime Ministers and Presidents. Lunch on own and opportunity to explore Jerusalem's raucous Machane Yehuda Market. See the Nachlaot neighborhoods along the way. Free time to relax and get ready for Shabbat. Friday/Sabbath evening options: Take in Jerusalem's special atmosphere by joining worshipers Greeting the Sabbath at the Western Wall. Option to pr ay together as a congregation in the new Ezrat Yisrael section, where men and women can stand together Traditional Shabbat dinner at hotel Overnight: Mt. Zion Hotel, Jerusalem Shabbat, June 20 – And on the Seventh Day… in Jerusalem Free morning or attend Shabbat morning services at a 4 RABBI KENNETH A. STERN local synagogue. Walking tour to Tower of David Museum next to Jaffa Gate. Traditional Shabbat Lunch at Hotel. Late afternoon walking tour to the histor ic Montefiore Windmill to discover the beginnings of the new city of Jerusalem outside its ancient walls and/ or visit Ketef Hinom, wher e the oldest biblical text ever discovered was found. Havdalah - Conclusion of Sabbath ceremony with Rabbi Stern. Free evening, Dinner on own. Recommendation: Visit the First Station Compound, Jerusalem's restored Ottoman Railway Station turned restaurant-cafe area. Overnight: Mt. Zion Hotel, Jerusalem Sunday, June 21 – Legacies in Jerusalem Free morning or attend church services. Several Jerusalem churches offer mass and other prayer services in English. Visit the Israel Museum to see the Dead Sea Scrolls and Second Temple model and explore other exhibits on own. Lunch on own. Tour the picturesque village of Ein Karem and its churches dedicated to the Visitation Dinner on own in Mamilla Pedestrian Mall. Watch the Night Spectacular – Sound and light show at the Tower of David. Overnight: Mt. Zion Hotel, Jerusalem Monday, June 22 – Jewish and Christian Beginnings in the Galilee Drive north to the Galilee. Explore ancient Tzippori where Rabbi Judah the Prince sealed the Mishna. Discover its magnificent mosaics, including Mona Lisa of the Galilee and puzzle over what a wheel of the zodiac is doing on an ancient synagogue floor. Lunch on own. Come and see"– Tour nearby Nazareth to visit the " Basilica of the Annunciation and the Synagogue Church to see wher e Chr istianity began. Visit the Yardenit Baptismal Site on the Jordan River. Maimonides’ Grave and Rabbi Akiva’s Grave in Tiberius Dinner on own in Tiberias. Continue to check-in at the Nof Ginosar Hotel on Kibbutz Ginosar by the Sea of Galilee. Overnight: Kibbutz Nof Ginosar, Galilee Tuesday, June 23 – The Sea of Galilee and the Sources of the Jordan Begin the day at Capernaum, where Jesus began his Ministry in the Galilee. Continue on to visit nearby Tabha – Site of the Multiplication of the Fish and the Loaves. Then drive up to the Mt. of the Beatitudes – Site of the Sermon on the Mount. Lunch on own. Visit the Banias – A source of the Jordan River and the site of ancient Caesarea Phillipi, where Jesus gave Peter the "keys to the kingdom of heaven". Return to Ginosar for late afternoon swim in the Sea of Galilee. Dinner at hotel. Overnight: Kibbutz Nof Ginosar, Galilee. Wednesday, June 24 – Exploring the Mediterranean Coast Explore Acco's Crusader Knights Halls in the Ottoman Old City. Visit Acco's Tunisian Synagogue with its remarkable mosaic covered interior. Lunch on own. Tour the ruins of Caesarea, including its Roman theatre and amphitheatre. Major events which shaped J ewish and Christian destinies took place in Caesarea during the 1st Century. Drive to Tel Aviv. Check in to Dan Panorama Hotel on Tel Aviv's Mediterranean Coast. Dinner on own. Comic relief with English speaking Isr aeli comedian Benji Lovitt. Overnight: Dan Panorama, Tel Aviv. Thursday, June 25 - Day of Departure Tour the alleys and hear the tales of Old Jaffa, the ancient port city once known as the Gate of Zion. At St. Peter's Church discuss Peter's vision in Jaffa and its impact on Christian-Jewish relations. Afternoon free for last minute shopping. Farewell Dinner at Maganda Restaurant in Tel Aviv. Transfer to Ben Gurion Airport Friday, June 26 - Ar r ive in USA 5 6 MUSIC NOTES CANTOR PAUL ZIM A SONG TO CONQUER FEAR Over the last few months the world has been filled with fear, confusion and terror. This phenomenon is not entirely new. During every catastrophe our people have lived through and survived similar horrible fears. Reb Nachman of Bratzlav wr ote, “The whole world is like a narrow bridge, but the main thing is not to be overcome by fear.” Another Rabbi and Hassidic songwriter Baruch Chait set Reb Nachman’s words to a song. Here are the words to the song: The whole world is a narrow bridge and we must cross it with courage We all heard about the terrorist attacks several months ago in France. We watched with shock and horror as those events unfolded. First it was the Wednesday massacre at the offices of the French satirical weekly Charlie Ebdo, and then as J ews wer e shopping for Shabbat on a Friday afternoon, four innocent victims were killed at Hypor Cache, a kosher supermarket. We expressed our solidarity with France and its Jewish community. I recall vividly that Shabbat morning listening to Rabbi Stern’s touching words about the events that had transpired and our own Joe Offeck reading the names of the victims. We as a community responded with deep sadness. These attacks really hit home. What happened in France conjures up past memories of this type of suffering. There is something about the festival of Pesach, which we will soon celebrate, that enables us to be confident in our faith in God that ultimately good prevails over evil, and light over darkness. As we sit at our Seders and read in our Haggadah about our emancipation so many years ago, we hope and pray that we will soon be freed from the fear of vicious terror in our own day as well. A Joyous Passover On the nights of the Seder, we read the comments of the Rabbis that show the intensity of God’s responses against the Egyptians at the Red Sea with great immeasurable tenacity. The Song of Moses (fr om Par shat B’shalach) that we once again read during the last days of Pesach is one of confidence, and inspires unending faith that all matters of any consequence will see the light of day by redemption. One of our early masters and Rabbis, 7 Chag Kasher V’sameiach MYRA LONDON & ZEEVA SKLAR CO-DIRECTORS HEBREW SCHOOL NEWS PASSOVER IS COMING! Here are some new activities to do at your Seder table to keep everyone engaged! You will need Passover trivia questions. Get your kids to prepare questions (and answers) from the Haggadah and write them down, put them in a hat or box. Here are some suggestions to get you started. This humorous game reveals how creative and clever participants can be. The game can be played at different intervals throughout the Seder, in between reading the text. It requires very little preparation. Collect a bag full of small items from around a house, almost anything will do. i.e.: Lego man, plastic animals, toy car, an envelope, a cup, pajama pants, stuffed animals, etc. Q. Why do we eat Matzah on Passover ? A. To r emind us of the dough that didn’t have time to rise as our forefathers were rushed out of Egypt. Pass the bag filled with the items around the table and get people to pick one without looking. Now each person has to connect the item in his hand to the story. Q. Name the Four Sons? A. The wise, the wicked, the simple, and the one who doesn’t know how to ask. Here’s an example of what someone might say who selected Lego man from the bag: “You are probably very curious who I am? Well, many years ago, our people were enslaved in Egypt by a very powerful King called Pharaoh. One day God appeared to me at the burning bush and told me to remove my shoes. That’s why I don’t have any shoes on. God then told me that I was going to lead the Jews out of Egypt." Q. What things connected with Seder night ar e associated with the number four? A. Four sons, four cups of wine, four questions. Q. What is the second plague? A. Fr ogs. This game gets young and old involved and is a lot of fun. Q. Why do we dip in the Char oset? A. The Char oset r epr esents the cement that the Jews used to cement the bricks together in their slavery. Today we dip as a sign of freedom. Q. Can you say all ten plagues in or der ? A. Blood, fr ogs, ver min, wild beasts, pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, plague of the firstborn. You could use a simple plastic toy telephone that doesn’t make noise, or any object that you can pretend is a phone, and lots of blocks on the floor next to the Seder table. Q. Who am I? I am one of the key figur es in the story of the going out of Egypt. I lost my whole army and half my country in my stubbornness. A. Phar oah. At any time during the Seder, you make a pretend ringing noise. There is a hushed silence and you pick up the phone. It is Pharaoh on the other end. After the Mah Nishtana, you ask one of the kids to blindfold one of the guests or family member. Then the blindfolded one is to pick a card out of a box or hat. Someone is chosen to read the question. If the blindfolded one answers correctly he or she gets a point/ sweet/nut/small prize. The game can be played at different intervals during the evening. According to your improvised one-sided conversation, it becomes clear that all children under 8 have to get down from the table and start building a pyramid. You can get one or two of the older children to be the task masters and shout out orders to work faster, etc. Children love doing this. If you have several children at the Seder, you can do a competition who can build the tallest tower/pyramid. 8 SISTERHOOD ETHEL CHESEN, PRESIDENT Strike up the band… Clang the cymbals … Spread the word . . . We are feverishly working on several programs of interest to fill out our spring calendar. Watch your mail for further details. *********************************** With Purim behind us and Passover rapidly approaching, may the holidays be times of joy spent with your loved ones. Our Mischlo’ach Manot project went over the top! The financial support of our congregation and staff in our Purim Project was overwhelming. Members of long-standing and very many of our newest members were more than generous and we are truly delighted with the results. Most of all, everyone pitched in from day one to delivery day to make this fund raiser move along at a smooth and easy pace. We extend our heartfelt thanks and a resounding round of applause to all of you. Sisterhood Book Group Wednesdays at 8:15pm April 22nd “Daughter of the King” By Sandra Lansky Our synagogue is the major recipient of the profits from this project. In next month’s column we will list the causes in Israel and the U.S. that we also support. Refreshments will be served. Chairpersons Kathy Grazian & Naomi Altschul A NOTE FROM THE MEMBER ENGAGEMENT COMMITTEE Hachnasat Orchim (welcoming guests) is a core Jewish value. We encounter it in the Book of Genesis as Abraham and Sarah graciously welcome unexpected visitors to their tent, make them comfortable and feed them generously. We have the wonderful opportunity to fulfill the mitzvah of Hachnasat Orchim every time visitors come to our synagogue. The Member Engagement Committee hopes that all “Gesher Shalomites” consider themselves ambassadors of our shul. Be part of the mitzvah, say hello and make sure that visitors to our Congregation do not stand or sit alone at the Oneg or Kiddush. Please introduce them to those at your table, and to Member Engagement Committee people. And, as always, if in your travels you meet someone who is looking to affiliate with a synagogue, point the person in our direction, and let our committee know so that we can reach out as well. 9 YOM HASHOAH SERVICE & PROGRAM Rabbi Stern interviews Holocaust Survivor, Judith Auerbacher As a young child, Judy was sent to Auschwitz twice . . . But that is not the beginning or end of her fascinating and harrowing saga. Sunday, April 19, 2015 - 7:00pm BIBLE STUDY Every Friday, 11:30am with Marvin Chertkoff & Mike Seymour THE CHRISTIAN BIBLE Have you ever said, “Turn the other cheek” in an awkward situation or heard a mother exhorting her child to “Go the extra mile "or heard a doctor say ”Faith can move mountains” encouraging a sick patient? Without realizing it, these sayings and philosophies from the Christian Bible as well as hundreds of others are embedded in our daily lives. Its pervasive impact on our culture is startling. Join us on Friday, May 22nd, when we begin a study of the Christian Bible and its relationship to the Jewish Bible from a theological, historical and literary approach. We will see the origins of what will become Christianity when a portion of Jews accepted Jesus as the long awaited messiah. All Synagogue members and friends are welcome to join us. Bring a copy of the Christian Bible to each class (the New Revised Standard Version is preferred), since our approach will be close reading of the text. If you need to buy a book call Marvin at 201-969-2456 and he can advise you and answer any questions 10 2015 Passover 5775 Service Times and Activities Thursday evening, April 2 Search for Hametz Friday morning, April 3 7:00am 10:38am 11:38am Fast/Feast of the Firstborn Last “opportunity” to eat Hametz Burn Hametz (if not earlier) Please note: If at all possible, the Seder should begin each night after dark. We begin Counting the Omer at the Seder on the Second Night. First days: Saturday, April 4 9:00am Minchah at 1:00pm, following Kiddush Sunday, April 5 9:00am 8:30pm Minchah at 1:00pm, following Kiddush Ma’ariv 7:00am 7:45pm 7:00am 7:00pm 9:00am 7:00pm Minchah & Ma’ariv 9:00am 7:00pm Sanctuary Service & Yizkor Minchah & Ma’ariv Intermediate days Monday - Wednesday April 6, 7 & 8 Concluding days: Thursday, April 9 Friday, April 10 Saturday, April 11 11 THANK YOU TO OUR SYNAGOGUE CONTRIBUTORS DONOR IN HONOR OF Alice & Arnold Grodman Alice & Arnold Grodman Nancy Schiff’s Birthday Rabbi & Mrs. Spielman’s Anniversary Rabbi Spielman’s Birthday Florence Silverberg’s Birthday Nancy Schiff’s Birthday Milton Breit’s Birthday Rabbi & Mrs. Spielman’s Anniversary Rabbi Spielman’s Birthday Nancy Schiff’s Birthday Speedy Recovery Eshrat Baradarian Speedy Recovery Eshrat Baradarian Aliyot Murray Feit & Margalit Pashayan’s Marriage Alice & Arnold Grodman Alice & Arnold Grodman The Davis Family The Davis Family The Davis Family The Davis Family Laurie & Ira Smilovitz Marilyn Saposh Evelyn Baer Evelyn Baer Diana & George Allen Our Condolences to . . . HANNA ATLAS On the loss of her beloved father, JOSEF ATLASOWICZ DONOR Yetta Rosen Sisterhood Laurie & Ira Smilovitz Naomi Altschul Rochelle & Martin Carus Lynda & Alvin Sussman Joan Luks Rebecca & Buck Schleifer Kristin & Howard Luks Judith & Phillip Gliksman Mary & Leo Rettig Alice & Arnold Grodman Martha Shemin Florence & Norm Silverberg Shirley & Marvin Kochansky Deena Zimmerman Deena Zimmerman Marilyn Saposh Sisterhood Edith Kantrowitz Marilyn Saposh Judy Turkell Sally Aaron Leatrice Weiss Karen & Ned Steiner Alma & Bill Katz IN MEMORY OF Ben Kless Ben Kless Ben Kless Ben Kless Ben Kless Ben Kless Ben Kless Ben Kless Ben Kless Ben Kless Ben Kless Ben Kless Ben Kless Ben Kless Ben Kless Susan Weintraub Herb Beskind Adam Rosen Adam Rosen Marilyn Rothenberg Frank Weiss Gene Schlein Bertha Berkowitz Martha Halper Martha Halper Paul Ohringer ROSE LEDERMAN On the loss of her beloved mother, RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND BETTY LEDERMAN DONORS Shmuel Bar-Or IN HONOR OF Rabbi Stern DONORS Joan Alter IN MEMORY OF Harvey Jolt YETTA ROSEN On the loss of her beloved grandson, ADAM ROSEN The meaning of the word T " zedakah Tzedakah is the Hebrew word for the acts that we call "charity" in English: giving aid, assistance and money to the poor and needy or to other worthy causes. Our Sages taught: The giving of tzedakah is as great as all the other mitzvot together. All listed donations were received in February 12 APRIL BIRTHDAYS & ANNIVERSARIES 1 1 1 5 7 8 9 9 11 11 Paul Cohen Josephine Landman Shari Whitman Donna Neuhaus Steven Fruchtman Shira Feuerstein Ian Gilenson Alex Gilenson Barry Sussman Karen Meyers 3 6 7 16 18 12 12 13 13 15 16 16 16 18 18 18 21 21 22 23 24 24 24 25 25 27 Lillian Leshinsky Suzette Josif Laurie Small-Levy Lynn Weksler Lorelei Schwartzman Doryne Davis Terry Gensler Tobey Lyden Henry Cummins Joshua Kaplan Rachel Geller Leo & Mary Rettig Steven Schwalbe & Annemarie Krim Marvin & Janet Chertkoff John & Tobey Lyden Martin & Rochelle Carus 18 18 19 23 Hugh Gilenson Bruce Weksler Judy Geller William Lowe Frances Aguilar Vera Kishinevsky Casey Danoff Larry Pick Hanna Atlas Mark Kamin Irving & Ethel Plutzer Paul & Arlene Starr Robert & Andrea Millner Michael & Susan Vardy Our celebration service will be Saturday, April 25th - 9:30am. If your birthday/anniversary is not listed, please call the Center office and we will update our records. 201-947-1735 Congregation Gesher Shalom Jewish Community Center of Fort Lee GIFT SHOP Beautiful gifts to show your love and usher in important times of the year. Deborah Marcus, MS, CCC-A NJ Audiology Lic. #435 NJ Hearing Aid Dispensing Lic #778 Diagnostic audiological testing. Hearing aid evaluations & consultations Medical referrals Cutting edge digital hearing aid technology Follow-up care and counseling Hearing aid repairs Custom ear molds, swim plugs & musician plugs Quarterly cleanings & maintenance Up to 3-year warranty & loss insurance 30-day trial period Financing available Phone 201-947-1735 PLACE YOUR AD HERE LOCATIONS CONTACT KATHY GRAZIAN 201-592-0463 185 Cedar Lane U5 Teaneck, NJ 07666 1530 Palisade Avenue Fort Lee, NJ 07024 Call to schedule your appointment today! 201-928-0808 13 PLAWKER REAL ESTATE, INC. 601 Palisade Avenue, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632 Terry Plawker Licensed Broker/Owner Business: 201-567-5335 Cellular: 201-788-8451 [email protected] Residential - Commercial - Condos - Coops - Rentals Property Management - Appraisals Land BRIDGE OPTICIANS 301 Bridge Plaza North Fort Lee, NJ 07024 201-944-6440 Harrison L. Rosenberg Danny Lim David Mandel Lila Mordoh Joseph or Tal Mizrahi Phone 201-384-7100 Fax 201-384-0303 Home Made Kosher Delicacies Appetizers, Delicatessen & Party Catering 469 S. Washington Ave. Bergenfield, NJ 07621 Washington Ave & New Bridge Rd Specializing in Kiddush Luncheons PLACE YOUR AD HERE CONTACT KATHY GRAZIAN 201-592-0463 These Adver sers are contribu ng to our Center. Please tell them you saw their ad in The Messenger. 14 Daily Service Times Mon ‐Thur 7:00am & 7:45pm Friday 7:00am & 7:00pm Saturday 9:30am & Minchah Sunday 9:00am & 7:45pm APRIL 2015 Nisan - Iyar 5775 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 12 Nisan THURSDAY 2 13 Nisan FRIDAY 3 14 Nisan Firstborn Service 7am SATURDAY 4 15 Nisan Service 9am Minchah 1pm NO EVENING SERVICES Search for Hametz 5 16 Nisan Service 9am Minchah 1pm Ma’ariv 8:30pm 6 17 Nisan Services 7am & 7:45pm 7 18 Nisan Services 7am & 7:45pm 12 23 Nisan 19 Nisan 9 Services 7am & 7:45pm 20 Nisan Services 7am & 7pm Intermediate Day 13 24 Nisan Intermediate Day 14 25 Nisan Intermediate Day 15 16 26 Nisan 27 Nisan Rabbi’s Class 10:30am Yom HaShoah 30 Nisan 20 1 Iyar 21 2 Iyar Yom Hashoah Program 7pm 22 3 Iyar Sisterhood Book Club 8pm 21 Nisan Service 9am Minchah and Ma’ariv 7pm 26 7 Iyar 27 8 Iyar 28 9 Iyar 29 10 Iyar 11 22 Nisan Service 9am Minchah and Ma’ariv 7pm 23 4 Iyar Rabbi’s Class 10:30am Yom Haatzma’ut 30 11 Iyar Rabbi’s Class 10:30am YIZKOR 7:11PM Passover 17 28 Nisan Passover 18 29 Nisan Bible Study 11:30am MINCHAH 7:00PM SHEMINI 7:19PM 24 Bible Study 11:30am PC Reception 6pm Yom Hazikaron Passover OFFICE CLOSED Intermediate Day Sisterhood Board Meeting 1pm HEBREW SCHOOL CLOSED 19 10 HEBREW SCHOOL CLOSED HEBREW SCHOOL CLOSED Passover 8 7:04PM First Seder 5 Iyar 25 6 Iyar GPS & Birthday/ Anniversary Service 9:30am Club Shabbat & Torah Tots 11am 7:26PM MINCHAH 7:15PM TAZRIA-METZORA NON‐PROFIT ORGANIZATION PAID PERMIT NO. 3225 SO. HACKENSACK, NJ 1449 ANDERSON AVENUE F ORT L EE, NJ 07024 2014 - 15 BOARD OF TRUSTEES CLERGY & DIRECTORS Co ‐ Presidents . . . . . . . . . . . Arnold Grodman Marvin Josif Vice Presidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Andrea Elrom David Korn Mark Laufer Richard Schiff Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alvin Cohen Secretaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wayne Koby Hennie Ostrower Mark Altschul Shmuel Bar‐Or Ethel Chesen Mark Klein Marvin Kochansky Carol Kopelman Lisa Maier Avri Ravid David Sarnoff Ivan Shore Ira Smilovitz Alan Stern William Tobenkin Rabbi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kenneth A. Stern Cantor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paul Zim Execu ve Director . . . . . . . . . . Martha Dawson Rabbi Emeritus . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irving Spielman Messenger Editor . . . . . . . . . Debbie Mulholland AUXILIARY Sisterhood President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ethel Chesen Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Edith Kantrowitz Financial Secretaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ann Bloch Shifra Ruda Corresponding Secretary . . . . . . . . . Evelyn Davis Recording Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . Rochelle Carus Men’s Club President/Treasurer . . . . . . . . . William Tobenkin Recording Secretary. . . . . . . . Marvin Kochansky Corresponding Secretary. . . . Marvin Kochansky CONTACT US JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER OF FORT LEE / CONG GESHER SHALOM 1449 ANDERSON AVENUE FORT LEE, NJ 07024 PHONE: (201) 947-1735 FAX: (201) 947-1530 HEBREW SCHOOL: (201) 947-1654 EMAIL: [email protected] VISIT US: @CGSJCC /JCCFortLee
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