Shavuon Newsletter PDF

March 21, 2015
Rosh Chodesh Nisan – Shabbat HaChodesh – Parshat Vayikra
Selling Your Chametz and Giving Maot Chittin
Rabbi Septimus will be available for sale of chametz following the 7:45am Shacharit minyan
and the weekday Mincha/Ma’ariv minyan, as well as at his home, 718 Sherwood Street, on:
(1) Sunday, March 22nd: 9:30am – 10:45pm; (2) Tuesday, March 24th: 8:45pm – 10:15pm;
(3) Thursday, March 26th: 11:30am – 1:00pm; (4) Sunday, March 29th: 8:45am – 10:30am;
(5) Sunday, March 29th: 8:45pm – 10:35pm; (6) Wednesday, April 1st: 8:45pm – 10:15pm.
At that time, Maot Chittin, made out to the YINW, can also be given to Rabbi Septimus. If
none of these times work, please contact Rabbi Septimus directly to set up an appointment.
Completed forms can also be emailed to the rabbi or dropped off in his mailbox; however,
you must receive direct confirmation of receipt from Rabbi Septimus.
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to Gabby and Danny Winkler upon the birth of a baby girl, Liana, this past week.
Mazal Tov to big sister Kayla and to the entire family!
Shabbat Kiddush
1 Nisan 5775
Upcoming Schedule
Friday 3/20 – 29 Adar
Shacharit I
Shacharit II
Plag Minyan @ BKNW
Shabbat 3/21 – 1 Nisan
Rosh Chodesh Nisan
Shabbat HaChodesh
Latest Shema
Rabbi’s Shiur
Shabbat Ends
Kiddush following davening this Shabbat is sponsored by the Steinblatts and the
Rosenbergs in memory of James’ father, Shmuel Yitzchak Ben Yisroel Nisan, a”h, his
mother, Miriam bas Nesanel, a”h, and his brother Yisroel Nisan ben Shmuel Yitzchak, a”h,
and in memory of Ben’s mother, Kreindel bas R. Yaakov Yitzchak, a”h. In addition, Ben will
be gracing us with his words of wisdom.
Sunday 3/22 – 24 Nisan
Shiur For Women: This Shabbat
Shacharit I
Shacharit II
Ramban on Parshat HaShuva
Women are invited and encouraged to attend a shuir given by Lisa Septimus this coming
Shabbat at 5:00pm at the Nof Residence, 784 Park Lane. The topic Lisa will be speaking on
is The Role of Miriam in Yetziat Mitzrayim. Refreshments will be served.
Please Use Caution
Our construction and maintenance is moving forward again this week. You will notice that
all the wood in the shul has been restained and now really shines. You will also notice that
the floors downstairs in the foyer have been pulled and are ready to be retiled, which will
happen next week. Please stay tuned to weekday minyan location changes.
Why You Love YU
Don’t miss a special Yeshiva University Community Melaveh Malkah with Rabbi Lord
Jonathan Sacks, this Motzaeh Shabbat, March 21, at 9:00pm. Please RSVP online at Cost is $54 per community member; $18 per YU student).
Sponsorship opportunities are available that will directly support scholarships for Long Island
YU students. An armchair conversation with Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks will be moderated
by Ben Brafman, with an introduction by President Richard Joel. Topic: The Ethics of
Responsibility: Building Our Jewish Future. The program begins promptly at 9:15pm.
March Meshugaas
This year’s tourney is on with Leor Rosenberg and Zvi Gutman in the lead with Adam Decter
right on their heels. Good luck to all our March Meshuganas!
The Herd’s Locker
The shul’s cubby/locker system is being completely overhauled with new keys, locks and
actual record keeping! We are very excited about this new venture as it has been a long time
coming. At this time, please let Alex Libkind ([email protected]) or Dovi Frenkel
([email protected]) know if you have any sort of locker status at all (i.e. if you rent one or
believe your rent one). The new system should allow you to keep your locker, but you will
most likely be given a new key.
Sign Up for AIPAC Now and Save!
Heed the Rabbi’s passionate call and join our group in DC next year. Please take advantage
of a $200 early bird special to register for the conference taking place March 20-22, 2016,
by visiting The registration fee is completely refundable until
January 8th, but the early bird special ends March 16th, so please take advantage.
Plag Plug
BKNW will be having a plag minyan throughout the spring and summer. It begins today at
5:35pm. We will be carrying future z’manim on the sidebar.
Mechirat Chametz @ Septimus
Monday 3/23 – 25 Nisan
Tuesday 3/24 – 26 Nisan
Shacharit I
Shacharit II
Mechirat Chametz @ Septimus
6:30 am
7:45 am
5:35 pm
6:48 pm
6:55 pm
9:00 am
9:59 am
6:00 pm
6:35 pm
7:40 pm
7:49 pm
8:00 am
9:30 am
6:50 pm
6:20 am
7:45 am
8:30 pm
6:55 pm
6:30 am
7:45 am
6:55 pm
8:45 pm
Wednesday 3/25 – 27 Nisan
Shacharit I
Shacharit II
Thursday 3/26 – 28 Nisan
Shacharit I
Shacharit II
Mechirat Chametz @ Septimus
Friday 3/27 – 29 Nisan
Shacharit I
Shacharit II
6:30 am
7:45 am
6:55 pm
6:20 am
7:45 am
11:30 am
6:55 pm
6:30 am
7:45 am
6:56 pm
7:00 pm
From YINW Security
If you see something, say something!
Please remember to report anything
suspicious to [email protected].
Take a Byte
If you are interested in contributing a Torah
Byte for a parshah/week of your choosing, or
sponsoring a Torah Byte in someone’s honor
or memory (18$/Byte) please contact Rabbi
Septimus at [email protected].
March 21, 2015
Rosh Chodesh Nisan – Shabbat HaChodesh – Parshat Vayikra
Karate Chopper
Mazal Tov to Aaron Book, who earned his black belt in Shotokon Karate after seven years of
training. He is the youngest recipient of this prestigious honour in his dojo.
Batter Up!
Gavriel Glass is organizing a spring softball/t-ball league for boys one grade younger than 1st
grade. Anyone interested should contact Gavriel at [email protected].
Israel Update – Top Ten Israel Hikes – Nahal Katlav
Completing another tremendous countdown. Here’s number 1 Hike in Israel.
This lovely four-hour hike starts at the Bar Behar restaurant and ice cream stand, a short drive
west from Jerusalem in the Bar Giora area (the restaurant is on the road to Nes Harim). The
path descends, winding past a spring until you reach the nahal – Hebrew for a dry riverbed;
in Arabic it’swadi. The walk along the nahal takes less than an hour. While there’s no water
anymore, it’s still very shady, a place of beauty and solitude close to the big city.
Eventually, the trail reaches the abandoned Bar Giora train station, a good place to stop and
eat lunch as Jerusalem-Tel Aviv trains pass nearby. After the station, the trail climbs steeply,
passing an abandoned Arab village, before looping back to the starting point. Nahal Katlav
is popular in part because you can look forward to a frozen treat at the end, especially
welcome in the hotter months.
Tuvia Book is a licenced Israeli Ministry of Tourism Guide.
Click here to check out Tuvia’s blog which deals with contemporary issues in Israeli society
and acknowledges important people in the Zionist pantheon.
Welcome to the YINW Advertisements section. There are two sizes to choose from. Listed
to the right are the price amounts:
1 Nisan 5775
Contact Information
Rabbi Septimus:
cell – 646.418.1633
email – [email protected]
Alex Libkind:
cell – 646.300.1936
email – [email protected]
Rebbetzin Lisa Septimus:
cell – 516.900.2109
email – [email protected]
Note: The eruv can be checked on Friday
afternoons by calling 516.295.0150.
Refuah Shlemah
Our best wishes for a refuah shlemah to:
Barbara Agular
Marlene Hoffman
Jerry Agular
Tehillim List
Yehoshua Asher ben
Baila Rivka
Leyzer ben Leah
Reuvain ben Zelda
Luba bat Sima
Dovid Yosef ben
Sara Rivka
Aviva Leah bat Esther
Ezra Aviel ben
Hertzelia Shandel
Yoel Moshe ben
Tzalya bat Miriam
Hershel Tzvi ben Faiga
Shmuel Meir ben
Chayah Itta
Shmuel Lemuel halevi
ben Bayla
Frimit bat Dreizel
Sheina Beila bat Rachel
Esther bat Margalit Sara
Avigayil Yakira bat
Rivka Leah
Leah Tobah bat Hinda
Dovid Meir ben
Devora Malka
Yaakov Leib ben Meira
Yitzchak Moshe
ben Malka
Gittel Bayle bat Freyda
Benjumin ben
Lea Rachel
Feivel Leib ben
Sarah Reesha
Ruchama Shaindel bat
Henya Gittel Miriam
Chana Tova bat
Esther Shoshana
Dov Ber ben Leah
Mazal bat Leah
Avharam Shmuel
ben Eliezer
Yosef Shmuel ben
Bayla bat Esther
Eliezer Yuri ben Esther
Yenta Etel bat
Malka Gitel
Rachel Miriam bat
Shifra Yenta
Chaim Nachman ben
Nechama Rus
Baruch ben Dorit
Advertising Price List
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Please contact Sarah Cohen at
[email protected] if you would like to
advertise in the Shavuon.