Spring 2015 The Official Batchawana Bay Safe Harbours Association Newsletter Ahoy! Greetings from the Batchawana Bay Safe Harbours To promote tourism, community service and safe boating by facilitating access to from and on Association. Batchawana Bay. As you may already know we are a not-for-profit organization ded- BBSHA Mission Statement icated to promoting and maintaining safe harbours and access to Haviland Bay, Harmony Bay, Batchawana Bay and the east shore of Lake Superior. Our other priorities include promoting safe boating and tourism in the area. Last year was our first year of operation, and it was a success in many ways and this year we are looking to build on that success even more… Remember to visit us on our website at www.ggmarina.ca for more info and updates. Gitchee Gumee Marina In This Issue Looking astern at 2014 What's on deck for the 2015 season About Gitchee Gumee Marina Our Structure Annual General Don’t be disappointed reserve your slip today... ABOUT GITCHEE GUMEE MARINA We currently operate the Gitchee Gumee Marina. To access the marina by water we are located in Haviland bay, at the SE end of Batchawana Bay, which is part of greater Whitefish Bay at the eastern side of Lake Superior. We are approximately 50 miles (80 km) north of the Sault Locks. To access the marina by land we are located at 296 Haviland Shores drive, just a 20 minute drive north of Sault Ste Marie. Marina has 30 slips and dockage for up to 40 foot boats. Boat ramp, pump out facilities and public washrooms are available. Gas, diesel, food and lodging are located nearby within walking distance. Current draft in entrance channel is 6 feet or 1.8m Relaxing on the North Sandy Island... Looking Astern at 2014 We can be reached anytime by calling 705-542-6764 or by email at [email protected] Our website, www.ggmarina.ca provides recent updates and is filled with Association information and pictures. excellent progress in getting the Association established there in one season. Substantial repairs were made to the docks and to the launch area prior to opening in the spring of 2014. In addition to this, due to solid support from boaters, the 2014 season was also financially successful: we met all our obligations and maintained a small surplus. As an organization we completed the process of drafting a Mission Statement, a Charter, and a set of Bylaws for the Association. After securing an initial one year lease on the marina, We entered into discussions with the property owner to secure a long-term lease on the property. while the weather was not cooperative, we managed overall a successful boating season, and a positive launch for the Association. Batchawana Island Last year was our first year operating Gitchee Gumee Marina and we made OUR STRUCTURE The Association currently consists of a Board of 8 Directors* A group of voting members (current count: 29 and growing) who have reserved docks at Gitchee Gumee Marina and full participation in Association business In addition there are general members. These memberships are required for seasonal launch privileges as well as for summer or winter land storage at Gitchee Gumee Marina. Day launches are available on a fee schedule for the general public. We welcome both sail and power boaters in the Association. *2014 Directors: David Steele, President Robert Luck, Vice President Brian Curran, Sec./Treas. Mark McKay Bert Ffrench John Johnson Tom Allaway Start of the Trans Superior Yacht Race off of Gros Cap What's on Deck for 2015 This year we plan to build on the foundations that we created last year. We expect to not only increase our membership but continue our work on promoting the area. In 2014 we had applied for a substantial Trillium grant to be used for channel marker upgrades, launch ramp improvements, washroom upgrades and improvements to the pump-out system; unfortunately we have learned that our application was not successful, but we will be in consultation with Ministry representatives to get guidance on ways to improve the application as well as possibilities for future funding. We anticipate submitting another application later this year. We have just concluded discussions with the owner and finalized a five-year lease on the property. We already have some new members, and expect to be filling additional slips. At the time of writing we currently have 29 voting members, and 12 General members. The good news is that there are only 8 slips available for this season if all boaters from last year return. A recent survey of these boaters indicate that most if not all will be returning. Sault College has acquired one of the sailboats at the marina and we are in the process of developing a boaters awareness coarse that may be offered by the College or the Association. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING We will be holding our first Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 7:00 PM, in the cafeteria of the Alexander Henry High School (use rear entrance to the school). All members and prospective members are urged to attend. During the meeting we will reviewing and approving last years financial statements, reviewing last years accomplishments as well as discussing activities for the coming season. There will also be a question and answer session. In addition to this we will also be choosing Directors for the coming year. Contact Us: Please contact us for more info on fee schedules, memberships, marina rules or just general information: BY PHONE: 705-542-6764 Here is how that process will take place... BY EMAIL: Voting Members are asked to submit nominations for potential Directors no [email protected] later than two weeks before the AGM. Please note that the name being put forward (nominee) must be a voting member of the Association in good standing, they must also have the support of at least one other voting member. WEBSITE: The current Board of Directors will compile a slate of the nominees and distribute www.ggmarina.ca it to the membership via email no later than 5 days before the AGM. Members who cannot be present at the AGM may submit their vote in favour/opposition, to the Association by email no later than 24 hours before the AGM. The slate of nominees will also be presented at the AGM for a vote by those voting members present. Please note that in order to vote for the new Directors you must be a voting member in good standing, which means you must have paid your membership fee for this season prior to the AGM start. Once the new Board of Directors has been selected, the new Board will conduct OTHER INFO a vote within themselves to determine the new President, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer. The launch date for this year will rotate around the middle of May since the Victoria Day long weekend is May 16 - 18 we will launch boats who require a crane either the weekend before or after the long weekend. Announcements will be made when the date is finalized. Docks will be put in place at the beginning of May. Please remember that payment for crane service is not included in Association fees and is made directly at launch time. All memberships for the coming year need to be paid before the start of the Annual General Meeting if you would like to vote. VOLUNTEERS ??? Deadline for Director Nominations Since we are a non profit organization dependent at this point) we are always looking for people to help out, if you would like to please contact us. Important Dates to Note April 14, 2015 Deadline for email voting April 27, 2015 (7 PM) Annual General Meeting April 28, 2015 (7 PM) Deadline to confirm your slip from last year May 1, 2015 Tentative date for Haul-in is either May 9th or 23rd (weather 2015 Season Slip payment for confirmed slips due June 1, 2015
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