Call for Proposals - Guidelines: Governance and the Law Call for Proposals The World Bank Group is pleased to solicit proposals for the Law, Justice and Development (LJD) Week 2015. Under the theme of Governance and the Law, LJD Week 2015 will be held November 16-19, 2015, at the World Bank Headquarters in Washington D.C. We are looking for innovative sessions with world-class speakers and materials aimed at exploring the role of Governance and the Law in the social and economic advancement of nations, with a focus on the value of law in producing sustainable development outcomes, in expressing justice, and in serving as a catalyst for justice from different perspectives, e.g., justice as fairness, as reasonableness, and as freedom from want and opportunity. GUIDELINES Your initial proposal is intended to be BRIEF, along the lines of the sample on the reverse side. Proposal submissions should correspond to Governance and the Law theme and seek to identify, debate and explore three dimensions of Governance and the Law, as further detailed in the attached Concept Note: (i) the formulation of law; (ii) the content and articulation of the law; and (iii) the application, interpretation and implementation of the law. Innovative formats are encouraged! These might include: - Experts on Call: practical guidance to address pertinent technical questions in one-on-one sessions - Hard talk: fast-paced, personal and highly interactive interview, in a BBC-style hard talk format - Knowledge Café: open discussion on a topic of mutual interest to facilitate knowledge sharing - Master Class: highly interactive workshops to communicate experiential knowledge and know-how - Up Close and Personal: informative, inspiring, energetic, up to 18-minute TED/IGNITE-style talks - Legal Knowledge Fair: exhibition booths to showcase and share knowledge and publications - Other: any other format that is conducive to active debate and knowledge exchange Your proposal should include the following information (see sample proposal enclosed): 1. Name of proposer: 2. Contact information: (Affiliation, Email) 3. Names and emails of proposed speakers (note that it is expected that proposers and speakers will be responsible for identifying the source of funding for travel arrangements and other costs): 4. Name of Session: (Session title should be punchy, accurate and relevant to the theme or day program) 5. Objectives of the Session: (Describe the expected outcomes and achievement of the session - maximum 50 words) 6. Description of the Session: (Maximum 250 words) 7. Chosen Format: (innovative formats are encouraged, as opposed to “talking head” panels): 8. Topic or Day to which your proposal most closely corresponds: [for indicative purposes only] ☐ Governance and the Law ☐Middle East and North of Africa Day ☐Other SAMPLE Proposal 1. Name of proposer: John Doe 2. Contact information (Affiliation, Email): Land Development Associates International. [email protected] 3. Names and emails of proposed speakers (note that it is expected that proposers and speakers will be responsible for identifying the source of funding for travel arrangements and other costs): Mary Doe, Professor of Law, University of the Arctic 4. Name of Session: Hard Talk on Making Laws Real 5. Objectives of the Session: Societies face many challenges in turning laws into reality. This session will explore what it takes to make a law turn into reality, including the structures and behavioral changes needed for its success and contribution to sustainable development outcomes. 6. Description of Session: The presentation will discuss the mechanisms for bridging the gap between the law and reality. By comparing and contrasting experiences in different countries, the panel will extract lessons for the successful design and implementation of laws. Mary Doe will report on her experience in assisting Country Hopeful in changing its taxation laws to increase revenue to be used in the development of public social programs aimed at lifting the poor from extreme poverty. Mary Doe will be interviewed by Elbert Hubbard, the well-known host of the Larkin Radio Hour, on Roycroft Broadcasting Company. 7. Chosen Format: ☐ Experts on call ☒ Hard talks ☐ Knowledge Cafe ☐ Master class ☐ Up close and personal ☐ LJD Knowledge Fair ☐ Other 8. Topic or Day to which your proposal most closely corresponds : [for Indicative purposes only] ☒ Governance and the Law ☐Middle East and North of Africa Day ☐Other
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