2015 Leadership and Faculty Development Program Conference

2015 Leadership and Faculty Development Program Conference
and Minority Health Policy Annual Meeting
Office for Diversity Inclusion and Community Partnership, Harvard Medical School May 4—8, 2015
REGISTRATION DEADLINE FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 2015 Advancing Diversity: A Critical Role of Pipeline Programs Monday, May 4 | 10:00am – 4:40pm Keynote Speakers: Peter L. Slavin, MD President Massachuse s General Hospital Professor of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School Keynote Speaker: Garth Graham, MD, MPH President Aetna Founda on 6Th Annual Reede Scholars Health Equity Symposium “Crossing the Line: An Interdisciplinary Conversa on on Immigrant Children” 3:30pm ‐ 6:00pm Op mizing Mentor‐Mentee Rela onships to Facilitate Career Transi ons Friday, May 8 | 9:00am – 2:00pm Innova ve Models of Healthcare Delivery and Addressing Health Dispari es Tuesday, May 5 | 8:30am – 4:00pm Joseph Betancourt, MD, MPH Associate Professor of Medicine Harvard Medical School Director, Dispari es Solu ons Center Massachuse s General Hospital Jeffrey A. Parker Chief Execu ve Officer Healthcare Delivery DentaQuest Keynote Speakers: Selwyn O. Rogers, MD, MPH Vice President and Chief Medical Officer Health System at the University of Texas Medical Branch Stacy Blake‐Beard, PhD Professor of Management Simmons College School of Management Panel Speakers: Monica Bharel, MD, MPH Commissioner Massachuse s Department of Public Health Jessica Henderson Daniel, PhD Associate Professor of Psychology Boston Children’s Hospital Anne Klibanski, MD Chief Academic Officer, Partners HealthCare Laurie Carrol Guthart Professor of Medicine Harvard Medical School Reliability, Efficiency and Quality Improvement in Healthcare: Lean Principles and Approaches Wednesday, May 6 | 8:30am – 4:00pm Clifford Tabin, PhD George Jacob and Jacqueline Hazel Leder Professor of Gene cs Head of the Department of Gene cs Harvard Medical School Keynote Speakers: Yve e Roubideaux, MD, MPH Senior Advisor to the Secretary for American Indians and Alaska Na ves Department of Health and Human Services, Indian Health Service Keynote Speakers: 2015 Minority Health Policy Annual Mee ng Thursday, May 7 | 9:00am – 1:30pm Kevin B. Churchwell, MD Execu ve Vice President of Health Affairs and Chief Opera ng Officer Boston Children's Hospital Rafael Portela, MBA, PhD A Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Trainer and Mentor Instructor and Coach Global Con nuous Improvement Teams Intel Corpora on Registra on Link for Conference and Annual Mee ng: h ps://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3C69DX6 See LFDP Conference details below or contact: [email protected], 617‐432‐4697 See Annual Mee ng details below or contact: chris [email protected], 617‐432‐2922 Registra on is available for individual days, or any combina on of days. Space is limited. RSVP by Friday, April 24, 2015. Advancing Diversity: A Cri cal Role of Pipeline Programs Monday, May 4, 2015 The Rotunda The Joseph B. Martin Conference Center at Harvard Medical School | 77 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston, MA 10:00am 10:30am Registra on and Con nental Breakfast 12:00—1:00pm Luncheon Keynote Opening Remarks Peter L. Slavin, MD President Massachuse s General Hospital Professor of Health Care Policy Harvard Medical School 1:00—2:30pm Diversity Program Evalua on Clemencia Cosen no, PhD Senior Researcher and STEM Area Leader Mathema ca Policy Research Patricia B. Campbell, PhD 2:30—3:40pm Panel Two: HMS Affiliated Pipeline Programs: Outcomes and Lessons Learned Amaka Eneanya, MD, MPH A ending Nephrologist Massachuse s General Hospital Instructor of Medicine Harvard Medical School Joan Y. Reede, MD, MPH, MS, MBA Thomas Sequist, MD, MPH Associate Professor of Medicine Harvard Medical School Chief Quality and Safety Officer Partners Healthcare Adán Colón‐Carmona, PhD Associate Professor Department of Biology University of Massachuse s—Boston 3:40—4:25pm Keynote Garth Graham, MD, MPH President Aetna Founda on Joan Y. Reede, MD, MPH, MS, MBA Dean for Diversity and Community Partnership Associate Professor of Medicine Harvard Medical School Associate Professor of Society Human Development and Health Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health 10:35—11:55am Panel One: New Models of Pipeline Programs Moderator: Alden Landry, MD, MPH Faculty Assistant Director Office for Diversity Inclusion and Community Partnership Harvard Medical School A ending Physician, Emergency Medicine Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Patricia B. Campbell, PhD President Campbell‐Kibler Associates, Inc. Brandi Kaye Freeman, MD, MS Assistant Professor of Pediatrics University of Colorado School of Medicine Director of Research, Pediatric Call Center Children's Hospital Colorado John Paul Sánchez, MD, MPH Assistant Dean Diversity and Inclusion, Office of Diversity and Community Engagement Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine Rutgers New Jersey Medical School
11:55—12:00pm Break Innova ve Models of Healthcare Delivery and Addressing Health Dispari es Tuesday, May 5, 2015 Pechet Room The Joseph B. Martin Conference Center at Harvard Medical School | 77 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston, MA 8:30am 9:00am Registra on and Con nental Breakfast Opening Remarks Joan Y. Reede, MD, MPH, MS, MBA Dean for Diversity and Community Partnership Associate Professor of Medicine Harvard Medical School Associate Professor of Society Human Development and Health Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health 9:10—9:50am Keynote Joseph Betancourt, MD, MPH Associate Professor of Medicine Harvard Medical School Director, Dispari es Solu ons Center Massachuse s General Hospital 9:55—11:50am Panel One Elna Nagasako, MD, MPH Instructor, Division of General Medicine Sciences Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis Kim F. Rhoads, MD, MS, MPH Assistant Professor of Surgery Director, Community Partnership Program Stanford University School of Medicine LaQuandra Nesbi , MD, MPH Director DC Department of Health J. Nwando Olayiwola, MD, MPH, FAAFP Associate Director, Center for Excellence in Primary Care Assistant Professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine University of California San Francisco San Francisco General Hospital Break 11:55am 12:10—1:15pm Luncheon Keynote Medicaid: Misconcep ons and Groupthink Versus Reality Jeffrey A. Parker Chief Execu ve Officer Healthcare Delivery DentaQuest 1:15—3:10pm Panel Two Judith Steinberg, MD, MPH Deputy Chief Medical Officer Commonwealth Medicine Clinical Associate Professor Department of Medicine and Department of Family Medicine & Community Health University of Massachuse s Medical School Susan Parsons, MD Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics The Center for Health Solu ons The Ins tute for Clinical Research and Health Policy Studies Tu s University School of Medicine Brian Swann, DDS, MPH Chief of Dental Services Cambridge Health Alliance Clinical Instructor Harvard School of Dental Medicine 3:10—3:50pm Keynote Monica Bharel, MD, MPH Commissioner Massachuse s Department of Public Health 3:50pm Closing Remarks Joan Y. Reede, MD, MPH, MS, MBA Reliability, Efficiency, Quality Improvement in Health Care: Lean Principles and Approaches Wednesday, May 6, 2015 Waterhouse Room Gordon Hall | 25 Shattuck Street, Boston, MA 8:30am Registra on and Breakfast 9:00am Opening Remarks Joan Y. Reede, MD, MPH, MS, MBA Dean for Diversity and Community Partnership Associate Professor of Medicine Harvard Medical School Associate Professor of Society Human Development and Health Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health 9:05—9:50am Kevin B. Churchwell, MD Execu ve Vice President of Health Affairs and Chief Opera ng Officer Boston Children's Hospital 9:50—10:00am Break 10:00am—4:00pm Lean Training Rafael Portela, MBA, PhD A Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Trainer and Mentor Instructor and Coach Global Con nuous Improvement Teams Intel Corpora on 10:00 – 10:30am Why Lean in Healthcare 10:30 ‐‐ 12:00pm Introduc on of Lean Concepts 12:00 – 1:0pm Lunch 1:00 – 2:30pm Introduc on of Lean Concepts (con nued) 2:30 ‐‐ 2:45pm Break 2:45 ‐‐ 3:15pm Lean Leadership Ar cle Reflec on 3:15 ‐‐ 3:45pm Ideal State Visioning 3:45 ‐‐ 4:00pm Q & A 2015 M
Thursday, May 7, 2015 The Rotunda The Joseph B. Martin Conference Center at Harvard Medical School |77 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston, MA 9:00am 9:30am Registra on and Breakfast Opening Remarks Joan Y. Reede, MD, MPH, MS, MBA Dean for Diversity and Community Partnership Associate Professor of Medicine Harvard Medical School Associate Professor of Society Human Development and Health Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health 9:35 –10:40am 2014‐2015 Mongan Commonwealth Fund Fellows in Minority Health Policy (MCFF) Prac cum Presenta ons Presenters: Kimberly Chang, MD Mongan Commonwealth Fund Fellow “Policy Recommenda ons to the Health Resources and Services Administra on Addressing the Role of Federally Qualified Health Centers in Caring for Vic ms of Human Trafficking” Ann Elrington, MD, PhD Mongan Commonwealth Fund Fellow “State Perinatal Quality Collabora ve Efforts to Reduce Preterm Birth” Ross Jones, MD Mongan Commonwealth Fund Fellow “Crea on of a Disparity Evalua on Tool for a Federal Qualified Community Health Center” 10:40–11:10am Break and Poster Viewing Junior Inves gators Poster Session Sponsored by: Dana‐Farber/Harvard Cancer Center Ini a ve to Eliminate Cancer Dispari es; Harvard Catalyst/Program of Faculty Development and Diversity Inclusion; Harvard Medical School Office for Diversity Inclusion and Community Partnership 11:10–12:15am Presenters: 12:30–1:30pm Speaker: 2014‐2015 Mongan Commonwealth Fund Fellows in Minority Health Policy (MCFF) and Joseph L. Henry Oral Health Fellow in Minority Health Policy (JHOHF) Prac cum Presenta ons Marshala Lee, MD Mongan Commonwealth Fund Fellow “Role of the Community Health Workers in Addressing Mental Health Dispari es: Policy Recommenda ons for Expanded Care” Chris na Rosenthal, DDS Joseph L. Henry Oral Health Fellow “Implica ons of Policy in the FQHC Dental Se ng” Deonza Thymes, MD Mongan Commonwealth Fund Fellow “Pilot Project: Decrease ED Use by Frequent U lizers Through Commercial Insurance and Care Coordina on” Luncheon and Keynote Address: Yve e Roubideaux, MD, MPH Senior Advisor to the Secretary for American Indians and Alaska Na ves Department of Health and Human Services Indian Health Service THE 6th ANNUAL REEDE SCHOLARS HEALTH EQUITY SYMPOSIUM “Crossing the Line: An Interdisciplinary Conversa on on Immigrant Children” Pechet Room 3:30–4:30pm 4:30–6:00pm Recep on Panel Discussion Op mizing Mentor—Mentee Rela onships to Facilitate Career Transi ons Friday, May 8, 2015 Waterhouse Room Gordon Hall | 25 Shattuck Street, Boston, MA 9:00am 9:30am Registra on and Breakfast Opening Remarks Joan Y. Reede, MD, MPH, MS, MBA Dean for Diversity and Community Partnership Associate Professor of Medicine Harvard Medical School Associate Professor of Society Human Development and Health Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health 9:40—10:10am Keynote The Dash: Rumina ons on Mentorship, Your Personal "Brand", and Legacy Selwyn O. Rogers, MD, MPH Vice President and Chief Medical Officer Health System at the University of Texas Medical Branch 10:10—11:30am Panel One: Experiences of Career Transi ons: Challenges and Opportuni es Thomas Sequist, MD, MPH Associate Professor of Medicine Harvard Medical School Chief Quality and Safety Officer Partners Healthcare Jabbar Benne , PhD Associate Dean, Graduate School Associate Dean, Division of Biology and Medicine Director Office of Diversity and Mul cultural Affairs The Warren Alpert Medical School Brown University Corey Harwell, PhD Assistant Professor of Neurobiology Harvard Medical School 11:30—11:40am Break 11:40am Luncheon Keynote Op mizing Mentor—Mentee Rela onships to Facilitate Career Transi ons Stacy Blake‐Beard, PhD Professor of Management Simmons College School of Management 12:40—2:00pm Panel Two: What Can Leaders and Organiza ons Do to Support Faculty through The Process of Transi on? Jessica Henderson Daniel, PhD Associate Professor of Psychology Boston Children’s Hospital Anne Klibanski, MD Chief Academic Officer, Partners HealthCare Laurie Carrol Guthart Professor of Medicine Harvard Medical School Clifford Tabin, PhD George Jacob and Jacqueline Hazel Leder Professor of Gene cs Head of the Department of Gene cs Harvard Medical School The 2015 Leadership and Faculty Development Program Conference and the Minority Health Policy Annual Mee ng are Co‐sponsored by: Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Office for Academic Careers and Faculty Development, and Office of Diversity and Inclusion | Boston Children’s Hospital Office of Faculty Development |Brigham and Women’s Hospital Center for Faculty Development and Diversity, Office for Mul cultural Faculty Careers | California Endowment Scholars in Health Policy at Harvard University | Cambridge Health Alliance Department of Medicine, Division of Minority Affairs | Dana‐Farber Cancer Ins tute Office for Faculty Development | Dana‐Farber / Harvard Cancer Center, Ini a ve to Eliminate Cancer Dispari es | Harvard Catalyst / Program for Faculty Development and Diversity Inclusion, and Health Dispari es Research Program | Harvard School of Dental Medicine Office for Diversity and Inclusion | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Division of Policy Translation and Leadership Development| Harvard Medical School MFDP Visiting Clerkship Program | Joseph L. Henry Oral Health Fellowship in Minority Health Policy | Massachuse s General Hospital Center for Diversity and Inclusion | McLean Hospital Office of the Chief Academic Officer| Mongan Commonwealth Fund Fellowship in Minority Health Policy.