ENEL HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY Protection of employees’ physical and psychological integrity is a top and strategic priority for Enel as well as profitability. It represents a core value of its own way of doing business and managing relationships with who works for the company and with the company. Protecting the health and safety for Enel in not just fulfilling legal obligations, but it represents a moral responsibility towards who works with us and for us. The challenging goal, which company pursues, is a work environment at “Zero accidents”. For Enel, in fact, no work is so important to accept his execution isn’t carried out safely and each injury is unacceptable, without any distinction between Enel employees and contractors workers. Enel is strongly and consistently committed to promoting and consolidating a culture of safety and respect for people in all Countries where it operates, developing awareness of risks and promoting adoption of responsible behaviors by all employees. The fundamental principles of Enel Health and Safety policy are the following: •
compliance with legislation on health and safety at work, in the belief that this represents the minimum level of adequacy; realization of a continuous analysis of risks to health and safety of workers associated with working processes, assessing every material and organizational items which may affect, individually or in combination, the level of risk for workers; adoption of a system to eliminate all risks at source or, where not possible, minimize them, ensuring the priority of collective protection measures over personal protection measures; adoption of the best technologies, combined with monitoring and updating of work methods, in order to ensure continuous improvement of safety and health standards at work; provision of equipment and tools complying with the requirements of health and safety and the respect of ergonomic principles in organization of work and in design of workplaces; promotion of training and information initiatives in order to spread and consolidate a culture of health and safety at work; recognizing the key role of each worker, by giving the example and by active participation and promotion of improvement initiatives; commitment to promote among contractors/suppliers constant attention to health and safety and to ensure safety standards equivalent to theirs for own workforce; constant attention to promotion of safety culture also against communities and third parties who come into contact with our infrastructures. To this end, Enel requires all contractors working on behalf of Group companies to adopt a conduct in line with the principles of its policy. ENEL HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY