Global Journal of Agricultural Research and Reviews ISSN: 2437-1858 Vol. 3 (3), pp. 151-157, June, 2015. © Global Science Research Journals Full Length research Paper Some aspects of reproductive biology of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758) in Lake Ziway, Ethiopia Lemma Abera1*, Abebe Getahun2 and Brook Lemma2 1 Ziway Fishery Resource Research Center, P.O.Box 229, Ziway, Ethiopia. Departments of Zoological Sciences, Addis Ababa University, P.O. Box 1176, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 2 Accepted 3 June, 2015 Abstract Studies were made on the breeding season, maturation and fecundity of the Common carp, Cyprinus carpio (L., 1758) in Lake Ziway from January 2003 to December 2014. C. carpio has an extended breeding period but intensive breeding takes place between February and May on the nursery grounds around the shore of the lake. On the other hand, most of the fishing gears employed operated from the shore area where mostly very small and spawning fish are found. The sizes at first maturity (L 50) of males were 27cm FL (fork length) while for females it was 28.7 cm FL. The total number of eggs in the ovaries ranged from 75,645 and 356,743 with a mean of 210,538 and C. carpio in Lake Ziway conforms to the general patterns of the relationship between fecundity and length and weight of many tropical fish species. Based on these and related data it is suggested that fishing gears be regulated to safeguard C.carpio stocks for sustainable exploitation Keywords: Breeding season, Cyprinus carpio, fecundity, Lake Ziway, size at first maturity. INTRODUCTION The Common carp, Cyprinus carpio (L., 1758) is a freshwater cyprinid fish that is widely distributed in the world (Vostradovisky, 1973; Economids, 1991; Kottelat, 1997). Since the fish is a fast growing and hardy that can withstand adverse environmental conditions, it has been successfully introduced into fresh waters throughout the world (Welcomme, 1988; Seegers et al., 2003). It occurs in shallow ponds, lakes rich in vegetation and slow moving rivers (Vostradovisky, 1973). The fish are generally considered to be one of the most ecologically detrimental of all freshwater invasive fish species (Crivelli, 1983; Zambrano et al., 2001; Dean, 2003; Koehn, 2003). Their ability to reach high biomass and their feeding behavior have been implicated in causing major environmental degradation in many freshwater *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] ecosystems (Crivelli, 1983; Roberts et al., 1995; Zambrano et al., 1999; Barton et al., 2000; Zambrano et al., 2001).Cyprinus carpio was introduced into Lake Ziway in the late 1980’s by fishery experts of the Ministry of Agriculture, Addis Ababa with the intention of increasing fish production by introducing a macrophyte feeder into the system where the niche was not occupied by any of the indigenous fish (FAO, 1997). At present C. carpio is one of the most commercially important fish species that often forms the basis of commercial fisheries and the most desired fish species by the local community among the commercially exploited fish species in the lake (Lemma Abera et al., 2015). Mathewos Hailu,(2013) suggests that the ecological impact of such an introduction could be undesirable because the species is known to be a potential pest in many countries for which data are available. Various workers have studied the reproductive biology of C. carpio in some European and Asian water bodies Glob. J. Agric. Res. Rev. 152 Figure 1: The Ethiopian Rift Valley lakes and map of Lake Ziway (Vestradovsky, 1973; Laurila et al., 1987) and very little work has been done in Ethiopia, like some reproductive aspects of the fish in Amerti (Mathewos Hailu, 2013). Therefore, scientific knowledge about this fish is required for rational exploitation and management of the resource. Nevertheless, very little is known about this fish species in Ethiopia and virtually nothing is known about the population in Lake Ziway. Thus, in an attempt to fill this knowledge gap, and hence a study was conducted on some biometric measurements (length-weight relationship, condition factor and sex ratio) following the methods used by Lemma Abera et al., 2015. The present contribution of this paper is to investigate some aspects of the reproductive biology (breeding season, size at first maturity and fecundity) of the fish in the lake with the aim of providing preliminary necessary scientific information for proper utilization and management of the stock. METHODOLOGY Lake Ziway: The Lake is found in the Ethiopian part of the Great East African Rift Valley. It has an open water area of 434 km2, average depth of 2.5 m, and an elevation of 1636 m.a.s.l. (Wood and Talling, 1988). The 0 0 Ziway watershed falls in between 7 54’N to 8 55’N 0 0 latitude and 38 14E to 38 56’E longitude covering a total area of about 7300 km2 (Figure 1). It is fed with two main rivers, Meki from the north-west and Katar from the east flowing into the lake and it has an outflow through Bulbula River, draining into Lake Abijata (Figure 1). The mean monthly minimum air temperature in the region ranged from 11.2-13.5oC while the maximum ranged from 21.6-31.5oC. Monthly total rainfall in the region ranged from 2.1 mm to 249.5 mm. As reported by others (Daniel Gamachu, 1977; Amare Mazengia, 2008; Elias Dadebo and Daba Tugie, 2009; Adamneh Dagne, 2010; Girum Tamire and Seyoum Mengistou, 2012 and Lemma Abera et al., 2015) in the same lake, the area is characterized by two peak rainy seasons in a year: mostly February to April (little rains) and June to September (heavy rains). The present meteorological data also show comparable trend. There are six indigenous fish species in the lake comprising Barbus ethiopicus, Barbus paludinosus, Labeobarbus intermedius, Garra makiensis, Garra dembecha and Oreochromis niloticus (Golubtsov et al., 2002; Eshete Dejen et al., 2010). Of these Barbus ethiopicus and Garra makiensis are reported as endemic to the lake (Golubtsov et al., 2002). The lake also harbors five exotic fish species (Tilapia zillii, Cyprinus carpio, Carassius carassius and Carassius auratus) which were introduced to enhance its production and Clarias gariepinus that slipped into the lake accidentally (Golubtsov et al., 2002). Cyprinus carpio was introduced into the lake with the intention of increasing fish production by introducing a macrophyte feeder into the system where the niche was not occupied by any of the indigenous fish (FAO, 1997). Sample Collection and Measurements Samples of C. carpio were collected monthly between January and December, 2013 for the assessment of reproductive biology of the fish. Sampling sites were selected based on geographical proximity and/or habitat Abera et al. 153 Figure 2: Seasonal variation in Gonado-somatic index (GSI) of female () and male (♦) C. carpio from Lake Ziway (January - December 2013) similarity (river mouths, neighboring floodplains, depth and distance to shore). In each sampling site fishing was conducted using gill nets having different mesh sizes (6 cm, 8 cm, 10 cm, 12 cm and 14 cm stretched mesh). The gear was set parallel to the shoreline in the afternoon (05:00 pm) and lifted in the following morning (7.00 am). Immediately after capture, the fish were serially tagged; the total length (TL), fork length (FL) and total weight (TW) of each specimen were measured to the nearest 0.1 cm and 0.1g, respectively. Each specimen was then dissected and its sex determined by inspecting the gonads. Determination of Breeding Season The breeding season of C. carpio was determined from monthly frequency of fish with ripe gonads and gonadosomatic index (GSI). The GSI for each fish was computed as the weight of the gonads as the percentage of total body weight as follows: GSI = (GW/TW - GW) X 100 Where, GSI = Gonado-somatic index GW = Gonad weight in g. TW = Total weight in g. Estimation of Length at Maturity The number of female and male C. carpio caught was recorded for each sampling occasion. The average length at first maturity (L50) has been defined as the length at which 50 % of the individuals in a given length classe reach maturity (Willoughby and Tweddel, 1978). Thus, after classifying data by length class, the percentages of male and female C. carpio with mature gonads were plotted against length to estimate L50 (Tweddle and Turner, 1977). Fecundity Estimation The fecundity of ripe gonads preserved in Gilson’s fluid was estimated gravimetrically (Simpson, 1959). The size of the fish ranged from 32 cm to 46 cm fork length, and their weight was between 600 g to 2270 g. To estimate fecundity the preservative was replaced with water, and the eggs were washed repeatedly, decanting the supernatant. The fecundity estimate was then obtained by weighing the entire eggs, and two sub-samples of 1000 eggs, each of which were all similarly dried. The eggs were counted and weighed using a sensitive balance. The total number was computed using the following ratio: N/n = W/w Where, N = Unknown total number of eggs n = Number counted in sub sample (1000) W = Weight of all eggs (g) w = Weight of the sub sample (g) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Breeding Season Monthly variation in Gonado-somatic Index (GSI) of both males and female C. carpio was evident (Figure 2). GSI values of females ranged from 13.97 (January) to 17.01 (April) and that of males ranged from 2.5 (December) to 6.02 (May) (Figure 2). GSI values of the males increased from January (2013) to the highest value in May (2013) then decreased towards December (Figure 2). Also GSI values of the females increased from the lowest value in January to the highest in April (2013) and then decreased towards December as the same trends as of females (Figure 2). Glob. J. Agric. Res. Rev. 154 Figure 3: The breeding season of C. carpio in Lake Ziway (January - December 2013) Figure 4: The proportion in different length groups of mature females (a) and males (b) of C. carpio from Lake Ziway The frequency of ripe female and male C.carpio ranged from 2-19% and 2-20%, respectively, with high frequency occurring between April and May (Figure 3). The variation in GSI values was also reflected in monthly variation in the frequency of fish with ripe gonads (Figure 2 and 3). Hence, lowest frequency of ripe fishes was recorded at times of lowest GSI values (Figure 3). The result suggests that, while some fish in breeding condition may be present throughout the year; their proportion was lower than in the main breeding season and intensive breeding takes place in between February and May (Figure 3). Several environmental factors could be responsible for the high breeding activity of C. carpio in Lake Ziway during the months of February to May. The beginning of the rainy season, subtle change in temperature, rise in water level and the subsequent lowering of water conductivity were implicated as the triggering factors for spawning of many tropical fish species (Rinne, 1975; Dadzie and Okach, 1989; Elias Dadebo, 2000; Mathewos Hailu, 2013). Length at Maturity Common carp attains first maturity at different age and size in various parts of the world, for instance, in Central Europe (Schaeperclaus, 1933), in Japan (Matsui, 1957), in Israel (Sarig, 1966) and the condition is thus comparable to that in Ethiopia. The smallest male found with ripe gonads was 16 cm FL and weighed 95 g while the smallest female in breeding condition was 17 FL and weighed 100 g. The 50% maturity length (L50) was estimated to be 28.7 cm FL for females and 27 cm FL for males (Figure 4). The result of this study, in the sizes at Abera et al. 155 Figure 5: Relationship between fecundity and fork length of C. carpio in Lake Ziway Figure 6: Relationship between fecundity and total weight of C. carpio in Lake Ziway 50% maturity of C. carpio, were comparable to the tropical water bodies in Ameti (Mathewos Hailu, 2013) while, lower than that of Lake Naivasha where it has a total length 34 cm for males and 42 cm for females (Britton et al., 2007). This may be related to the preparation of females to sustain large number of eggs and also due to the difference in fisheries activity. For instance, in Lake George (Uganda) size at maturity of tilapia (O. niloticus) was lowered following years of intensive fishing activity (Gwahaba, 1973). On the average, males appeared to attain sexual maturity at a relatively smaller size than females. In Asia and Far East, also Common carp was found to attain maturity in ponds when six to eight months old, the males about two months earlier than the females and at a relatively small size (Alikunhi, 1966). Males attaining maturity at a smaller size than females are also reported in both temperate and tropical aquatic ecosystems (Britton et al., 2007; Tempero et al., 2006). Fecundity Estimation Fecundity was estimated for 93 ripe females whose fork lengths and total weights ranged from 32 cm to 46 cm and 600 g to 2270 g, respectively. The estimated absolute fecundity ranged from 75,645 and 356,743 with a mean of 210,538, which was slightly higher than the same species in Amerti, 170,937 oocytes (Matheows Hailu, 2013) and 114,000 oocytes in Iran (Yousewfian, 2011), while lower than New Zealand (Tempero et al., 2006) which accounts 299, 000 oocytes. High fecundity of C. carpio in L. Ziway could be due to its high body condition and growth as compared to the species in Amert Reservoir, which in turn is a reflection of high favorable biotic and abiotic factors (Lemma Abera et al., 2015). Fish in poor body condition are reported to have less fecundity than those in better condition (LoweMcConnell, 1959). The relationship between fecundity with fork length, total weight and gonad weight were described in Figures 5, 6 and 7. The fecundity showed an increase with the increase in size of the fish and ovary weight (Figures 5, 6 and 7). Fecundity increased in proportion to 4.16 power of the length and 0.98 power of the weight (Figure 5 and 6). In many tropical freshwater fish species, fecundity is increased in proportion to 2.81-3.96 power of total length (Lowe-McConnell, Glob. J. Agric. Res. Rev. 156 Figure 7: Relationship between fecundity and Gonad weight of C. carpio in Lake Ziway 1975). Bagenal and Braum (1978) reported that the value of b (slope of the fitted line) is about 3 when fecundity is related to the length and about 1 when it is related to weight. In reality, however, C. carpio in Lake Ziway conforms to the general pattern of relationship of fecundity to length and weight of many tropical fish species, there is variability that other factors may also be involved in affecting fecundity, in addition to morphometric measurements of fish, such as availability of food and egg size. In summary, C. carpio conforms to the general pattern of breeding in tropical environment where relatively higher proportions of fish were in breeding condition during the early rains. Low conductivity of the water and changes in temperature may be implicated as possible factors affecting reproductive activities of the fish. Hence, experimental studies are needed to identify the comparative importance of these factors as reproductive signals. Prior to the start of this study there was very little catch of C. carpio as compared to other commercially important fish species (Lemma Abera et al., 2014). Then afterwards the catch has increased and is now comparable to the other commercially important species in the lake. This may be because of the fact that fishing by the local population has intensified or any other factors that need to be identified. In any case, large number of small sized fish was being exploited (personal observations). While development of the fishery is possible, proper management actions are required to protect the immature fish. Particularly, capture size of the stock should be determined taking into consideration the size at first maturity of females, which is 28.7 cm FL. Therefore, the fishery management plan such as prohibiting fishing on spawning ground during the breeding season is needed for the lake before the fishery resource is overexploited. In addition to the studies mentioned above, stock assessment study of the fish is strongly recommended to estimate optimum fishing level and sustainable yield, since the stocks have become abundant in the lake very recently and it is currently commercially important around the area. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This study was supported by fund from Addis Ababa University, Water Resources Management and Sustainable Use in the Ethiopian Rift valley region Thematic Research Project and Oromia Agricultural Research Institute. 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