1 and demonstrate your Christian faith through love and example to the campers in your care and through interaction with your fellow staff members. Working within the Cairn Family is both challenging and invigorating as one strives to make the campers’ time at our camps a lifetime experience. Please give some thought and prayer to the completion of this application and may it lead you to where God wants you to serve this summer. Hired applicants will have the opportunity to work at two of Cairn’s camps: Glen Mhor Camp and Camp Iona. Qualified staff will also have the opportunity to work at Cairn’s other camp, Presbyterian Music Camp, for 1 week of the summer. COUNSELLOR RE-APPLICATION 2015 The Cairn Family of Camps is a part of the on-going camping ministry of the Presbyterian Church in Canada within the Synod of Central Northeastern Ontario and Bermuda (CNOB). The Cairn Family of Camps is a set of four Christian camps looking for summer staff members who are committed to the teachings of Jesus Christ and who are interested in serving others. As Cairn staff, you have an opportunity to express STAFF INFORMATION Last Name: First Name: Present Address -- Street: City: Telephone: Email: (please note: all staff correspondence will take place via email) Postal Code: Cell: Permanent Address -- Street: City: Postal Code: Home Church & City: Minister: Will you be 17 years of age by Dec. 31, 2015? ❏ Yes ❏ No Birthdate (dd/mm/yy): Are you currently attending school? ❏ Yes ❏ No School Attending: Highest grade/diploma/degree completed by June 2015: Program (if applicable): Will you be attending post-secondary school in September 2015? ❏ Yes ❏ No EMPLOYMENT DATES Are you available for the entire camp season for which you are applying? (note dates below) ❏ Yes ❏ No Spring Staff: April 27 to May 15 Outdoor Centre Staff: May 19 to June 23 Resource Staff: June 24 to September 2 or 3 Sr. Counselling Staff: June 27 to August 30 Jr. Counselling Staff: June 28 to August 30 Please note: Preference is given to those who are available for their entire camping season. CAIRN Counsellor Application 2015 2 EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE NON-CAMP EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE Employer’s Name: Type of Work: Dates of Employment: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CAMP EXPERIENCE Camp Number of Years Attended Camp Number of Weeks/Years Attended AS LEADER-IN-TRAINING AS CAMP STAFF Camp Director Position Year(s) CAIRN Counsellor Application 2015 3 PROGRAMME EXPERIENCE & QUALIFICATIONS Please detail the programmes, activities and areas of interest in which you have significant experience and/or qualifications. Consider activities or areas for which you could prepare and lead a session on your own, as well as activities and areas that would be of benefit to camp as a whole. Some examples might include: Standard First Aid, NLS, acting, piano accompaniment, astronomy, specific sports, computer skills, electrical wiring, car maintenance, sewing, ORCKA, creative writing, 2nd language, etc. Be as specific as possible. Please include expiry dates for any qualifications. Programme/Activity/Area of Interest Expiry Programme/Activity/Area of Interest Expiry EXTRA-CURRICULARS & AWARDS Please list any additional organizations, recreational or extra-curricular activities with which you are currently affiliated, such as Sports Teams, Choirs, Bands, Clubs, Student Council, Volunteer Work, etc. Please note those in which you have a position of responsibility and any awards you have received. Organization Activity/Award Position Date(s) CAIRN Counsellor Application 2015 4 CAIRN FAIMLY OF CAMPS: SPRING & SUMMER POSITIONS Job descriptions are available online at gmi.ilovecamp.org/staff/job-descriptions. Please indicate the positions in which you would be interested. Rank 1 to 5 (1 being the highest, 5 being the lowest). Legend: (*)Secondary Application to fill out, (+)NLS Qualification required, (++)Swim Instructor Qualifications required, (Ad)Adventure experience, (At)Arts experience, (T)Trip experience, (K)Kitchen experience PROGRAMME TEAM (counselling experience and a minimum age of 18 will be an asset towards acceptance in these positions). Glen Mhor Programme Director (*+ recommended) Iona Programme Director (* + T) GM Daily Programme Coordinator/Floater (+ Ad) Iona Resource Counsellor (2 positions) (+ T, Ad) Head Counsellor CYOB Coordinator (At) Leader in Training Director (2 positions) (+ recommended) MADD Coordinator (2 positions) (At) Integration Coordinator (+ recommended) Head Adventure Programmer (Ad, Level II Ropes Course Qualified) White Water Tripper/Outdoor Living Skills Coordinator (+ T) Adventure Programmer (2 positions) (Ad) Flat Water Tripper/Outdoor Living Skills Coordinator (+ T) Waterfront Coordinator (2 positions) (++) OPERATIONS TEAM Administrative Assistant Head Cook (* K) Site Manager GM Assistant Cook (K) Head Maintenance Iona Cook (K) COUNSELLING TEAM Note: Sr. Counsellors’ jobs will include working as a residential counsellor, working one-on-one with children and young adults with special needs and being part of the CYOB team for 1 week. GM Senior Counsellor (1 year+ of previous experience) Iona Senior Counsellor (1 year+ of previous experience) GM Junior Counsellor Iona Junior Counsellor Babysitter Trip Counsellor (2 positions) (* T) SPRING STAFF (counselling experience, resource experience, and a minimum age of 18 will be an asset towards acceptance in these positions). Spring Staff Outdoor Centre Staff (+ recommended) Outdoor Centre Director (+ recommended) ADDITIONAL POSITIONS The following positions are open to any staff members and are available for 1-2 weeks of the summer, depending on the position. These roles are filled in the summer, after the CAIRN staff is hired, and work consecutively with the jobs listed above. If you are interested in filling any of the following positions please place a check in the appropriate box. NLS Guard (+) Music Camp Lifeguard (+) CYOB Counsellor Maintenance Assistant Kitchen Counsellor Integration Counsellor CAIRN Counsellor Application 2015 5 CAMP, COMMUNITY & FAITH QUESTIONS CAMP & COMMUNITY Please take time to answer the following 4 questions on a separate piece of paper and attach it to your application. 1. Please let us know why you would like to be a counsellor this summer. 2. What makes you invested in working within the Cairn Family of Camps, rather than another camp? 3. In what ways do you think counselling will be challenging? How will you excel facing those challenges? 4. Tell us about something you bring to camp that will help others to develop and grow. FAITH Please take time to answer the following 3 questions on a separate piece of paper and attach it to your application. 1. Tell us about an experience at camp (if applicable) that helped to foster and/or nourish your faith. 2. What do you want to explore this summer to help develop your faith? 3. What aspects of faith do you want to share with children during their time at camp? CREATIVE PROJECT To be completed by those who are applying to counsel for their 1st or 2nd summer within the Cairn Family of Camps. The tagline for the Cairn Family of Camps is, “live the extraordinary.” For the Creative Project this year, we would like you to find a way to answer this question: What does it mean to “live the extraordinary” at camp? To complete this creative project you may use whatever means you wish, so long as it can be sent along with your application in a digital form (ex. essay, poetry, art, photography, original song or music, video, website, prezi, etc.). If your creative project is something tangible (ex. a drawing or sculpture) please take one or two photos of your project and hand it in that way. Be as creative with this project as you like! Your creative project must arrive at the same time as your application. INTERVIEWS All applicants will be interviewed as a group during a Leadership Hiring Day (please see page 7 for more information on hiring days). Counselling applicants may be asked for an individual follow-up interview with a Director after Leadership Hiring Day; Directors will personally contact applicants if this additional step is deemed useful for the hiring process. CAIRN Counsellor Application 2015 6 REFERENCES Please indicate the three people (one being a minister/pastor/priest/clergy member) who will be acting as your references (do not list any relatives). These persons should have observed you in positions of leadership and working with children. Name Phone Email Occupation Relationship to Applicant Name Phone Occupation Relationship to Applicant Minister’s Name Phone Email Email Relationship to Applicant PAYSCALE WAGES All wages in the pay scale are in dollars per week. All staff wages, other than Assistant Directors, Nurse, Site Manager, Head Cok and Assistant Cook(s) will be decided according to the following pay scale: Years Experience Prior (Including a Leader in Training Programme of at least 3 weeks) Year of PostSecondary School Entering in Sep 2015 $ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 103.17 113.49 124.89 138.03 157.69 183.97 216.87 256.3 1 113.49 124.89 138.03 157.69 183.97 216.87 256.3 302.23 2 124.89 138.03 157.69 183.97 216.87 256.3 302.23 3 138.03 157.69 183.97 216.87 256.3 302.23 4 157.69 183.97 216.87 256.3 302.23 5 183.97 216.87 256.3 302.23 6 216.87 256.3 302.23 LIFEGUARD/INSTRUCTOR BONUS Cairn will award a $100 bonus to those staff members that have their NLS and use this qualification as a lifeguard while at camp. Alternatively, Cairn will award a $125 bonus to those staff members that have their Instructor’s (in EFA, SFA or Bronze Med/Cross) and use it to teach campers/staff throughout the summer. Applicable bonuses will be added to qualifying staff members’ paycheques at the end of the summer. This bonus is meant to help offset the cost of obtaining/re-certifying these qualifications. CAIRN Counsellor Application 2015 7 APPLICATION & LEADERSHIP DAY INFORMATION APPLICATION DUE DATES Counselling Applications are due on Friday, February 20, 2015. You do not need to mail in a hard copy of your application. Please just send a digital copy to: [email protected] and [email protected]. Cairn must receive a digital copy of your application (and creative project, if applicable) by the date that it is due. If this will be a problem, please contact Rebecca at [email protected]. LEADERSHIP HIRING DAYS We will be hosting a mandatory Leadership Hiring Day. Those applying for a counselling position will spend the day with us on Saturday, March 7th from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Armour Heights Presbyterian Church. Please bring a bag lunch (**Allergy Alert: Please no nut products) and running shoes. The day will include games, initiatives, problem solving activities and group discussions. Anyone wishing to work at Camp this spring or summer MUST attend this hiring appropriate day. Exceptions will be made ONLY for those currently living out of province. STAFF TRAINING EVENTS All applicants must commit to attending all staff training events if offered a job at Cairn. With prior permission of the Co-Directors, exceptions will be made for those with scheduling conflicts due to examinations. Any other failure to attend staff training events may result in the dismissal of the applicant or staff member. STAFF TRAINING EVENTS for 2015: Staff Orientation Weekend May 8, 2015 (9:00 p.m.) to May 10, 2015 (2:00 p.m.) Leadership Training: Trip Counsellors June 26, 2015 (7:45 a.m.) to July 4, 2015 (3:00 p.m.) Sr. Counsellors June 27, 2015 (11:00 a.m.) to July 4, 2015 (3:00 p.m.) Jr. Counsellors June 28, 2015 (11:00 a.m.) to July 4, 2015 (3:00 p.m.) In-Service Training July 30, 2015 (12:30 p.m.) to July 31, 2015 (2:00 p.m.) All successful applicants will be required to provide Cairn with: 1. A current criminal reference check (not older than one year) before commencing work. 2. A copy of their current Standard First Aid / CPR C certification before commencing work. 3. A social insurance number prior to being paid. QUESTIONS? Please feel free to contact one of our Co-Directors: Rebecca “Palais” Jess 416-557-4790 [email protected] Chantal “Match” Jackson 705-783-2853 [email protected] CAIRN Counsellor Application 2015 8 CONFIRMATIONS Please confirm the following statements (✓): ❏ I understand that Cairn must receive my applications including my Creative Project (if applicable) by February 20, 2015. ❏ I understand that Cairn requires a digital copy of my application by the date it is due. ❏ For those who need to complete a Creative Project: I understand that my project must be sent in a digital form along with my application. ❏ I understand that the Counselling Leadership Hiring Day will be held on March 7, 2015. ❏ I understand that Staff Orientation is a mandatory training event and will be held May 8, 2015 (9:00 p.m.) to May 10, 2015 (2:00 p.m.) at Cairn’s Glen Mhor site in Baysville. ❏ I understand that Staff Training is a mandatory training event and will be held on June 26, 27, or 28, 2015 (depending on the counselling position) to July 4, 2015 at Cairn’s Glen Mhor site. ❏ I understand that In-Service Training is a mandatory training event and will be held July 30, 2015 to July 31, 2015 at Cairn’s Glen Mhor site. ❏ I understand that a current criminal record check, current Standard First Aid/CPR-C, and copy of my social insurance number are required to be on file with Cairn by May 10, 2015. ❏ I understand all other components of Cairn’s Staff Application. ❏ I understand that false statements made by me will disqualify me from employment or, if employed, will be sufficient for termination. SIGNATURES All applicants must sign this applications. Applicant’s Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: __________________________ If applicant is under the age of 18, please obtain the signature of a parent or guardian. As parent or guardian of the above applicant, I endorse this application for a staff position at Cairn. Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________ CAIRN Counsellor Application 2015 9 **Please DO NOT RETURN the following information with the rest of your application. This is information to be kept by the applicant** Counselling Applications are due Friday, February 20, 2015. All applications can be sent to: [email protected] and [email protected] _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Counselling Staff Leadership Hiring Day will be held on Saturday, March 7, 2015 at Armour Heights Presbyterian Church in Toronto. Directions to Armour Heights: From the 401-- Exit at Avenue Rd. Head south and turn left (east) onto Wilson Ave. (the first set of lights). East on Wilson for a couple blocks. Church is on the south side. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ All applicants must commit to attending all staff training events if offered a job at Cairn. With prior permission of the Co-Directors, exceptions will be made for those with scheduling conflicts due to examinations. Any other failure to attend staff training events may result in the dismissal of the applicant or staff member. STAFF TRAINING EVENTS for 2015: Staff Orientation Weekend May 8, 2015 (9:00 p.m.) to May 10, 2015 (2:00 p.m.) Leadership Training: Trip Counsellors June 26, 2015 (7:45 a.m.) to July 4, 2015 (3:00 p.m.) Sr. Counsellors June 27, 2015 (11:00 a.m.) to July 4, 2015 (3:00 p.m.) Jr. Counsellors June 28, 2015 (11:00 a.m.) to July 4, 2015 (3:00 p.m.) In-Service Training July 30, 2015 (12:30 p.m.) to July 31, 2015 (2:00 p.m.) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ All successful applicants will be required to provide Cairn with: 1. A current criminal reference check (not older than one year) before commencing work. 2. A copy of their current Standard First Aid / CPR C certification before commencing work. 3. A social insurance number prior to being paid. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ QUESTIONS? Please feel free to contact one of our Co-Directors: Rebecca “Palais” Jess 416-557-4790 [email protected] Chantal “Match” Jackson 705-783-2853 [email protected] CAIRN Counsellor Application 2015
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