S.O.S TEAM - Clarke High School

Stomping out Stigma
Mental Health Focus for May
Healthy Relationships
Relationship ABCs
The ABCs guide to Evaluating Relationships
A = Awareness
Having knowledge of all aspects of a relationship. This
knowledge can be gained through talking with trusted
teachers, counsellors, family, and older friends. The
internet and books can also help you find the information you need.
Healthy Relationships: a relationship is
healthy when it involves kindness, mutual
respect, trust, honesty, support, fairness,
equality, and good communication.
Unhealthy Relationships: A relationship
is unhealthy when it involves mean, disrespectful, controlling, or abusive behavior.
Need to Talk to Someone
B = Balance
Balance means being in sync and having a relationship
that is not one-sided – meaning that one person has
more control or power than the other. Communication
is the key to staying in balance.
Bethesda House: 1-800-338-3397
Denise House: 1-800-263-3725
Family Services Durham: 1-866-840-6697
John Howard Society: 905-623-6814
Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868
C = Choices
Choices mean being able to take control. Conscious
choices include being able to decide what the next step
in the relationship is – don't allow things to "just happen."
School Supports: Guidance Counsellor, School
Board Counsellor, Student Retention Counsellor,
or Teachers.
A Healthy Relationship should bring happiness
to your life
Respect Yourself, Eat well, Exercise often, get Sleep, Be kind to
yourself and Appreciate your uniqueness.
Mindful and consistent self-care is central to preventing or
reducing stress, burnout, and compassion fatigue and also to
maintaining and enhancing your wellbeing now and in the
May 13 - Friendship Bracelets
May 27 - Guest Speaker
Love Should Not Hurt