What is a middle schooler? I was asked one day. I knew what he was, But what should I say? He is noise and confusion.,He is silence that is deep. He is sunshine and laughter,Or a cloud that will weep. He is swift as an arrow. He is a waster of time. He wants to be rich, But cannot save a dime. He is rude and nasty.He is polite as can be. He wants parental guidance,But fights to be free. He is aggressive and bossy.He is timid and shy. He knows all the answers,But still asks why. He is awkward and clumsy.He is graceful and poised. He is ever changing,But do not be annoyed. What is a middle schooler?I was asked one day. He is the future unfolding,So do not stand in his way. Source: The Essential Middle School “The Walker” Last Day of School/Talent Show video 2014 https://vimeo.com/127068129 “Oh the Places You’ll Go” video 2013 https://vimeo.com/127068547 GIBBONS PARENT GROUP Co Presidents: ■ Jennie Bogaert ■ Roz Arneth Gibbons Middle School Transition Evening 2015-2016 JF Tonight’s Speakers ■ Jack Foley, GMS Principal ■ Mimi Johnson and Pamela Pellegrino GMS School Counselors ■ Lois Antonio, GMS Foreign Language Dept. Chair ■ Lynn Sullivan, GMS Math Dept. Chair JF Middle School Transition Evening SY 2015 - 2016 Presentation’s Goal ■ ■ ■ JF To provide a general overview of our academic program and curricular offerings, leveling and placement As well as sharing information regarding our sports, clubs and activities In an effort to ease the predictable anxiety associated with transitioning between grades and schools Middle School Transition Evening SY 2015 - 2016 Agenda Welcome to the Middle… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Course Selection timeline and process Course selection iParent “How To” Academic Program Overview Foreign Language Selection Placements and Leveling Creating the right balance: GMS athletics, clubs, activities 7. Transition support 8. New District Initiatives 9. Questions JF Middle School Transition Evening SY 2015 - 2016 In the Middle Similarities w/ Mill Pond Academic Teams Grades in separate sections of building Later start/end of school day Trimester Standards based Similarities w/ WHS Same start time Ride bus together A-B-C-D Report cards Academic levels Reading Recess / LIne up Classroom cubby holes Morning meeting JF Foreign Languages Team snack time / WHS am ‘Break’ Student lockers Homeroom Competitive athletic teams Middle School Transition Evening SY 2015 - 2016 SARAH W. GIBBONS MIDDLE SCHOOL Physical Education: GIRLS LOCKER ROOM Mr. Jyringi & Ms. Robichaud GYMNASIUM PARKING 20 FISHER STREET 35. Ms. Choate WESTBOROUGH, MASSACHUSETTS 45. Fine Arts 48 REST ROOMS WOOD SHOP Conference Room TEACHER PREP TEACHER LUNCH CONF. Room NURSE SCHOOL OFFICES Middle School Office: Mr. Foley, Principal Mr. Fournier, Asst. Principal Ms. Rosol, Secretary NO PARKING BUS LOADING / FIRE LANE BUS LANE 39. Mrs. Rodger 40 GUIDANCE 42. Mr. Stillitano 43. Ms. Forrest, Mr. Denmead 44. Ms. Burgoyne Stage/ Auditorium Ms. Chartier 39 2 3 NO PARKING 23. Mr. Powers 22. Comp Lab Mrs. Boucher 21. Computer Lab 20. Mrs. Hannon 20A .Ms. Horgan Library Mrs. Kimball LIBRARY 4 Guidance: Ms. Johnson, Mrs. Pellegrino, Ms. Inzer, Ms. Livens, Mrs. Sciacca 2. Ms. Antonio 3. Mrs. Anderson 4. Ms. Fillmore 5. Ms. Greenwald 6. Ms. Corron 7. Mrs. Thomas 8. Mrs. Shafer 9. Ms. Casale 10. Ms. Avery 11. Ms. Nottingham 12. Mr. Kennedy 13. Mrs. Carr 14. Mrs. Patrick 15. Mrs. Shaughnessy 16. Ms. Weiss 17. Mr. McNeil 18. Ms. Dooley 19. Mrs. Swets ONE WAY ONLY SHORT TERM VISITOR PARKING NOT TO SCALE PLAN ROOM 21 40. Ms. Collins 24. Mrs. Lamothe 25 34 Speech: Ms. DiRuscio Nurse: Mrs. Southard Speech REST ROOM BAND ROOM REST ROOMS ^ AUDITORIUM STAGE MUSIC ROOM MUSIC OFFICE S 42 45 46 47 32 26 COURTYARD KITCHEN 43 ART 31 DINING ROOM METAL SHOP 44 REST ROOMS 27 27 33 38. Ms. Nummelin 35 36 37 38 48A 47. Mr. Hagberg 28 37. Mrs. Alcusky 28. Mr. Richard 25. Mrs. Paquin 32. Mr. Barca 24 23 22 BOYS LOCKER ROOM 29 30 29. Mr. Paulhus 26. Ms. Gerstenzang 31. Mrs. Sullivan 34. Mr. Brennan REST ROOMS 30 A 30A.Dr. Lopes 27. Ms. Borden 30. Mrs. Ryan 33. Ms. Leonard 36. Mrs. Reinstein 20 A 20 REST ROOMS 5 6 7 8 9 10 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 Course Selection Calendar May 6 Sixth to Seventh Grade Transition Evening May 8 iParent Portal Opens for grade parents to: - Enter or verify Foreign Language selection - Enter or verify Music ensemble selections - Verify Math and English level placement for 8th grade May 11 May 22 June 8 GMS counselors begin teaming process for 2014-2015 7th grade math placements released Move up day GMS Admin and Counselors visit each 6th grade team Dates to be determined and published to our Website and via Connect5: ■ Math Summer Placement test ■ Math Placement Waiver deadlines ■ Open Door Day: typically Tues/Thurs before school starts Middle School Transition Evening SY 2015 - 2016 JF Middle School Transition Evening SY 2015 - 2016 Middle School Transition Evening SY 2015 - 2016 GMS Course Catalog English Math Spanish French Mandarin Chorus Orchestra Concert Band Wind Ensemble 8th grade English level 1 8th grade English level 2 7th grade Math 7th grade Math Honors 8th grade Math Algebra 1 Honors Key Concepts of 8th grade Math 7th grade Spanish 8th grade Spanish 7th grade French 8th grade French 7th grade Mandarin 7th grade Mandarin MS181 MS182 MS272 MS271 MS282 MS281 MS283 MS571 MS581 MS572 MS582 MS573 MS583 MS781 MS782 MS783 MS784 Middle School Transition Evening SY 2015 - 2016 JF Academic Program Overview ■ All students are assigned to teams ■ GMS operates on a Trimester Academic Calendar ■ Academic Teams are composed of English, Math, Science and Social Studies teachers ■ Team classrooms are located in immediate proximity to one another ■ All – – – – students will take 5 major academic subjects every day: Math English Science Social Studies – Foreign Language MJ Middle School Transition Evening SY 2015 - 2016 Academic Program Overview (continued) ■ The ‘Specials’ program rotates on a six day cycle A – F. Students attend ‘Specials’ class during four of the six days and attend PE during the other two. ■ Reading, General Music, Art, Tech, Health and Physical Education will rotate on a trimester basis. ■ All students will have Reading for a trimester in both 7th and 8th grades. ■ General Music, Art, Tech, Health will be assigned to a specific grade: 7th grade - General Music and Art 8th grade – Tech and Health MJ Middle School Transition Evening SY 2015 - 2016 Overview of 7th Period ■ Currently 53% of the school is involved in Band / Chorus / Orchestra. – Music ensembles meet at 7th period ■ 7th Period consists of – Academic Skills classes which are curricula driven – Academic Support Classes which follow the study skills model of our special education support classes – Additional off-year ‘specials’ classes will be available for students who are not enrolled in Band / Chorus / Orchestra. MJ Middle School Transition Evening SY 2015 - 2016 Sample Student Schedule Middle School Transition Evening SY 2015 - 2016 Curriculum Program Overview Social Studies: Grade 7: World History Grade 8: Civics and Government English: Grade 7: Grade 8: Science: Grade 7: Grade 8: Reading and Writing to the Text Level 1 Level 2 Life Sciences Introduction to Physical Sciences Math: Grade 7: 7th Grade Math and 7th Grade Math Honors Grade 8: Algebra 1 Honors, 8th Grade Math, Key Concepts of 8th Grade ( Pre-Algebra) Foreign Language Grade 7 and 8: Spanish, French and Mandarin MJ Middle School Transition Evening SY 2015 - 2016 Foreign Language ■ It is an expectation for most students to study foreign language in their two years at GMS ■ Students will have a choice of studying French, Spanish or Mandarin LA Middle School Transition Evening SY 2015 - 2016 Things to Consider When Choosing a Foreign Language ■ Your selection for foreign language is a two year commitment ■ Grade 7 students will be expected to continue with the same language in Grade 8 ■ At the end of Grade 8, students who have successfully completed French I, Spanish I or Mandarin I will transition to French II, Spanish II or Mandarin II at the high school ■ Mandarin I is not offered at Westborough High School. Students interested in taking Mandarin need to begin at the Middle School ■ We will offer one section of Mandarin next year for approximately 25 students ■ If necessary, a lottery will be held to determine which students will be placed in the class ■ Students who elect to study mandarin will need to select an alternative language choice just in clase they do not get their first choice Middle School Transition Evening SY 2015 - 2016 Leveling and Placements Our goal in leveling and placement in ability grouped classes is to balance: providing student opportunity and access to high levels of study with maintaining an appropriate level of rigor for fast paced courses. We want to ensure a good fit for the student such that he or she has the best experience possible and leaves Gibbons with a sound foundation to build up in high school. JF Middle School Transition Evening SY 2015 - 2016 Massachusetts Curriculum Framework for Mathematics in incorporating Common Core State Standards (2011) ■ Algebra 1 is a very different course under Common Core State Standards but still is the foundation course for higher level math courses ■ Increased rigor across all grades, some content formally Algebra 1 has been moved to Grade 8 ■ We must be careful to ensure there will be no gaps in student learning - no skipping of content and therefore need for compacted courses ■ Honors courses demand a faster pace for instruction and learning ■ Interpreting, conceptual understanding and modeling are emphasized much more in the Common Core Algebra Course Mill Pond and Gibbons Math Overview Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 7 Honors Algebra 1 Honors Algebra 1 standards plus ½ of 8th grade Covers all of Grade 7 -----------------------------------standards plus ½ of 8th Grade 8 Math grade standards ------------------------------------- One Level Grade 7 Math Grade 7 standards CCSS Grade 8 standards CCSS -----------------------------------Key Concepts Grade 8 Math Grade 8 standards CCSS Goal of Math Leveling Goal of levels - to appropriately challenge students where each can be successful and ultimately better prepared for high school, college, and careers Please keep in mind...students in middle school grow and mature at different rates, academically, socially, physically and emotionally Teachers have flexibility to make adjustments as learners mature academically, socially, physically and emotionally. All courses cover the math standards as outlined in the Massachusetts Curriculum Framework for Mathematics, March 2011 Sixth to Seventh Grade Transition Evening 2014 - 2015 Meet two Students Alex Morgan Ready for Grade 7 material Ready for a challenging, fast paced math class Works at a pace typical of 7th grade Can handle 1.5 years of math content in one year Occasional review, reinforcement, and support needed with math skills Has already mastered computational skills. Ready to apply knowledge to novel situations Homework completed, may lack details/support May need extra time to get good grades Diligent, independent worker who attends to details. Looks to go beyond and extend Excellent time management. May have difficulty grasping more abstract concepts Consistently able to apply higher order thinking skills Grade 7 Placements Alex Criteria Morgan MCAS Grade 5 252 (Proficient) 260+ 278 (Advanced) Skills Exam 75% 85% 95% Standardized Exam 77% 88% 90% Report Card 2’s and 3’s 3’s 3’s and 4’s Teacher Comments - Work on attention to detail - Difficulty with time management - Average student - Capable if given time - Good independent worker - Excellent Problem Solver - Detail Oriented - Does Challenges Placement Grade 7 Math Grade 7 Honors Let’s Meet Two Students (continued) Alex Criteria Placement for Honors 7 MCAS Grade 5 252 < 260 must (Proficient) meet 3 out of 4 criteria: Skills Exam Standardized Exam Report Card Teacher Comments Morgan 278 (Advanced) 75% 85% 95% Grade 5 MCAS - 260+ Skills Test - at least 77% 82%85% 90% Standard Test - at least 88% Report card/Classroom 2’s and 3’s 3’s 3’s and 4’s performance - Work on attention to detail - Difficulty with time management Remember - the Goal of levels - Average student challenge students where - Capable if giveneach time - Good independent worker - Excellent Problem Solver appropriately -Detail Oriented to can be successful. Let’s Meet Two Students (continued) Alex Criteria Morgan MCAS Grade 5 252 < 260 278 (Advanced) Skills Exam 75% 85% 95% Placement for Algebra 1 Honors 8 (Proficient) must meet all of the criteria: Average Grade Standardized 77% (YTD)- B+ 82%or Exam Skills Test - at least 80% Classroom performance 3’s 2’s and 3’s Report Card Teacher Comments - Work on attention to detail - Difficulty with time management Remember - the Goal of levels - Average student challenge students where - Capable if giveneach time better 90% 3’s and 4’s - Good independent worker - Excellent Problem Solver appropriately -Detail Oriented to can be successful. Mill Pond and Gibbons Math Overview Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 7 Honors Algebra 1 Honors Algebra 1 standards plus ½ of 8th grade One Level Covers all of Grade 7 -----------------------------------standards plus ½ of 8th Grade 8 Math grade standards ------------------------------------Grade 8 standards CCSS -----------------------------------Grade 7 Math Key Concepts Grade 8 Math Grade 8 standards CCSS Grade 7 standards CCSS Guidelines for 8th grade English Placement Teachers will focus on four areas when making recommendations: 1. Year-to-date grade average 2. Work Habits 3. Comprehension & Analysis of Literature 4. Writing – assessment tools used include in-class writing assignments, formal essays and writing conferences JF Level 1 ■ 7th gr average B+ or higher ■ utilizes all steps of the writing process & does so independently ■ uses uses a variety of complex sentence structures and rich/mature language ■ writing is well organized ■ is able to understand more complex literature ■ applies context clues when reading ■ unfamiliar vocabulary can independently uses a variety of reading strategies JF Level 2 ● 7th gr average B or below ● benefits from guidance & support in the writing process ● needs teacher direction & support when editing/revising ● writes using basic sentence structure and vocabulary ● needs support with the grammar and conventions of written language ● can read & understand complex material but ● may need support to do so ● needs practice when applying context clues ● needs guidance and reminders in using reading strategies Making Decisions to Create a Healthy Balance Academics ■ Homework time ■ Sports commitments ■ After school clubs and activities ■ PP Sports, Intramurals & Clubs ■ Middle School Sports and Academic Teams: ▪ All Year Math Team ▪ Fall Cross Country ▪ Winter Girls Basketball, Boys Basketball ▪ Spring Boys Track, Girls Track, Baseball, Softball PP Sixth to Seventh Grade Transition Evening 2014 - 2015 Music - Theater - Intramurals ■ Music Jazz Band Concert Choir String Ensemble ■ Theater Fall Play Spring Musical ■ Intramurals PP Fall - Floor Hockey Winter – Basketball Spring - Volleyball Sixth to Seventh Grade Transition Evening 2014 - 2015 Getting Involved Clubs and Activities Anime Art Club Community Service Homework Club Friend to Friends Game Club Scratch Video Club Politics Club PP GMS Clubs and Activities – Student Council - – Homework Club – Science Fair – Yearbook – Community Service Club – Art Club – Anime Club – Stock Club – Scratch Club – Video Club – Pottery Club – Game Club – Friends To Friends PP Middle School Transition Evening SY 2015 - 2016 6th - to- 7th Grade Transition Support To ease the predictable anxiety associated with transitioning between schools, we will offer the following formal and informal programs: ■ GMS Administration and Guidance to meet with each 6th grade Team. ■ 6th Grade Move Up Day field trip, Monday, June 8th. ■ August “Open Door Days” PP Middle School Transition Evening SY 2015 - 2016 th 8 Grade Transition Support ■ Counselor transition with the students to provide consistency ■ Open door days: Week before school starts in August Tues/ Thurs ■ Teacher/counselor collaboration highlighting students skills and areas of strengths ■ September team meetings focus on assisting teachers in getting to know the students quickly and efficiently ■ Counselors work with students to adjust to the differences in rigor as well as the social emotional changes that happen throughout the year PP District Initiatives for 2015-2016 ■ Gibbons Middle School Renovation Project, tentative start date February 2016. Timeline to completion 18 months. - Exact phasing still uncertain, project now in “detailed design” phase, - We have advertised for and will soon be interviewing Construction Managers. Construction Manager will be a pivotal component of a phasing plan that minimize the impact of construction on student learning. ■ 1:1 Technology implementation next year for 8th grade, in two years for whole school. ■ Transitioning to new Student Information System: Powerschool. New parent accounts need to be created for new system. JF SARAH W. GIBBONS MIDDLE SCHOOL Physical Education: GIRLS LOCKER ROOM Mr. Jyringi & Ms. Robichaud GYMNASIUM PARKING 20 FISHER STREET 35. Ms. Choate WESTBOROUGH, MASSACHUSETTS 45. Fine Arts 48 REST ROOMS WOOD SHOP Conference Room TEACHER PREP TEACHER LUNCH CONF. Room NURSE SCHOOL OFFICES Middle School Office: Mr. Foley, Principal Mr. Fournier, Asst. Principal Ms. Rosol, Secretary NO PARKING BUS LOADING / FIRE LANE BUS LANE 39. Mrs. Rodger 40 GUIDANCE 42. Mr. Stillitano 43. Ms. Forrest, Mr. Denmead 44. Ms. Burgoyne Stage/ Auditorium Ms. Chartier 39 2 3 NO PARKING 23. Mr. Powers 22. Comp Lab Mrs. Boucher 21. Computer Lab 20. Mrs. Hannon 20A .Ms. Horgan Library Mrs. Kimball LIBRARY 4 Guidance: Ms. Johnson, Mrs. Pellegrino, Ms. Inzer, Ms. Livens, Mrs. Sciacca 2. Ms. Antonio 3. Mrs. Anderson 4. Ms. Fillmore 5. Ms. Greenwald 6. Ms. Corron 7. Mrs. Thomas 8. Mrs. Shafer 9. Ms. Casale 10. Ms. Avery 11. Ms. Nottingham 12. Mr. Kennedy 13. Mrs. Carr 14. Mrs. Patrick 15. Mrs. Shaughnessy 16. Ms. Weiss 17. Mr. McNeil 18. Ms. Dooley 19. Mrs. Swets ONE WAY ONLY SHORT TERM VISITOR PARKING NOT TO SCALE PLAN ROOM 21 40. Ms. Collins 24. Mrs. Lamothe 25 34 Speech: Ms. DiRuscio Nurse: Mrs. Southard Speech REST ROOM BAND ROOM REST ROOMS ^ AUDITORIUM STAGE MUSIC ROOM MUSIC OFFICE S 42 45 46 47 32 26 COURTYARD KITCHEN 43 ART 31 DINING ROOM METAL SHOP 44 REST ROOMS 27 27 33 38. Ms. Nummelin 35 36 37 38 48A 47. Mr. Hagberg 28 37. Mrs. Alcusky 28. Mr. Richard 25. Mrs. Paquin 32. Mr. Barca 24 23 22 BOYS LOCKER ROOM 29 30 29. Mr. Paulhus 26. Ms. Gerstenzang 31. Mrs. Sullivan 34. Mr. Brennan REST ROOMS 30 A 30A.Dr. Lopes 27. Ms. Borden 30. Mrs. Ryan 33. Ms. Leonard 36. Mrs. Reinstein 20 A 20 REST ROOMS 5 6 7 8 9 10 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 Questions ■ Reminders: – Log in select the appropriate courses for your child’s Foreign Language and music ensemble – Review Math placement and summer test / appeal process – This presentation, as well as iPass directions, will be posted to both Mill Pond’s and Gibbons websites. JF Middle School Transition Evening SY 2015-2016 Book Fair ■ The Gibbons Middle School Library will be holding a Book Fair from May 27, 28 & 29. The book fair will be open on Wednesday - Friday after school till 4:00 for students from Mill Pond to purchase suggested summer reading books. JF Sixth to Seventh Grade Transition Evening 2014 - 2015 BACKUP SLIDES SARAH W. GIBBONS MIDDLE SCHOOL Physical Education: GIRLS LOCKER ROOM Mr. Jyringi & Ms. Robichaud GYMNASIUM PARKING 20 FISHER STREET 37. Dr. Jordan 30A.Ms. Carpenter Ms. Gerstenzang Ms. Leonard 32. Mr. Barca 48 Middle School Office: Mr. Foley, Principal Mr. Fournier, Assistant Principal Ms. Rosol, Mrs. Burnell WOOD SHOP 45 46 NO PARKING BUS LOADING / FIRE LANE BUS LANE 39. Mrs. Rodger 40 39 24. Ms. Lamothe 22. Comp Lab/Ms. Balliett 20. Ms. Tritone 20A.Ms. DiRuscio Lib. Ms. Kimball LIBRAR Y 2 2 0 1 0 A 91 GUIDAN REST CE ROOM Guid. : Ms. Johnson, Ms. Hurley, Ms. Inzer, Ms. Livens S 2. Ms. Antonio 3. Ms. Sullivan 4. Mr. Richard 5. Ms. Greenwald 6. Ms. Dickman 7. Ms. Marcotte 8. Ms. Ragounath 9. Ms. Casale 10. Ms. Denny 11. Ms. Carr 12. Ms. Alcusky 13. Ms. Benbenek 14. Mr. McNeil 15. Ms. Paquin 16. Ms. Weiss 17. Mr. Kennedy 18. Ms. Thomas 19. Ms. Swets 2 NO PARKING ONE WAY ONLY SHORT TERM VISITOR PARKING 38. Ms. Collins 21. TBA 21 TEACH ER PREP TEACH ER LUNCH CONFE RENCE ROOM NURSE 40. TBA SCHOOL OFFICES 42. Ms. Cooper, 43. Ms. Forrest, Mr. LeFebvre 44. Ms. Harrison Stage/ Auditorium Mr. Hagar NOT TO SCALE PLAN ROOM REST ROO MS ADJC R E ST R O O M S STAGE ART BAND ROOM 25 34 ADJC: Ms. Livens Nurse: Mrs. Southard AUDITORIUM 42 MUSIC ROOM MUSIC OFFICE S 44 32 26 COURTYARD C O N FE R E N C E R O O M KITCHEN 43 REST ROOM S 31 DINING ROOM METAL SHOP 47 48A 48. Mr. Parsons 27 27 33 26. 33. 23. Mr. Powers 35 36 37 38 REST ROOM S 28 27. Ms. Fillmore 31. Mr. Boyd 30. Ms. Ryan 24 23 22 47. Mr. Hagberg 29 30 28. Ms. Borden 29. Mr. Paulhus 25. Ms. Hannon 34. Mr. Brennan R E ST R O O M S BOYS LOCKER ROOM 36. Mrs. Reinstein WESTBOROUGH, MASSACHUSETTS 30 A 45. Fine Arts 35. Mr. Choate 3 4 5 6 7 8 91 0 81 17 16 15 14 13 12 1 7th Grade Foreign Language French/Spanish Students will begin the study of French I or Spanish I in our comprehensive program which includes the four communicative skills aligned with the State Strands and Standards for Foreign Language: ■ Listening: teacher-directed activities, dictation, CD/DVD program ■ Speaking: paired and small group activities, class discussions, skits Reading: comprehension, story books, authentic sources (menus, newspapers, magazines) ■ ■ Writing: short answers, guided essays, autobiography The French I/Spanish I course is covered over 2 years. At the end of 8th Grade, students who have successfully completed French I or Spanish I will transition to French 2/Spanish 2 at the high school. Sixth to Seventh Grade Transition Evening 2014 - 2015 Why study French? ■ A global language spoken on 5 continents ■ Language of the United Nations, NATO, UNESCO, the European Community, the International Red Cross ■ More tourists visit France every year than any other country ■ 51% of our English vocabulary is of French origin ■ Learning French improves spelling ■ Insight into the structure of English Sixth to Seventh Grade Transition Evening 2014 - 2015 7th Grade Foreign Language - MANDARIN ■ We will offer one section next year for approximately 25 students. ■ If necessary, a lottery will be held to determine which students will be placed in the class. ■ Students who elect to study Mandarin will need to select an alternate language choice. ■ As with the French and Spanish program, Mandarin I is a 2-year sequence begun in 7th grade and continuing in 8th grade. Sixth to Seventh Grade Transition Evening 2014 - 2015 7th Grade Mandarin The major components which students will study in 7th grade Mandarin include the 4 communicative skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking Mandarin Chinese. ■ Reading: a solid foundation for learning characters ■ Writing: comprehend readings of interactive dialogues, simple sentences, and short paragraphs containing the characters in the textbook, write characters with the correct stroke order ■ Listening: learning Chinese pronunciation in sounds and tones ■ Speaking: ask questions and carry on simple conversations about such topics as numbers, family, animals, sports, friends, and food. Share likes and dislikes regarding animals, food, and sports The Mandarin Chinese I course is covered over 2 years. At the end of 8th grade, students who have successfully completed Mandarin Chinese I will transition to Mandarin II Level 3, or 4 Honors at the high school. . Sixth to Seventh Grade Transition Evening 2014 - 2015 READING 7th Grade Reading Program Program will… ■Expose all students to a Reading Curriculum that allows for the practice of reading strategies and skills to improve comprehension, thought process, discussion and writing ■Practice the skills through the reading of short motivating informational topics i.e. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Electronic Waste, and Factory Farming ■Focus on the skills of text coding, questioning, visualizing, making claims and supporting with evidence ■Incorporating the skills into the writing of short answers, single paragraphs, and longer compositions ■Link to the ELA Curriculum: building on the learned Grade 6 strategies and acting as a foundation for Grade 8 Sixth to Seventh Grade Transition Evening 2014 - 2015 Foreign Language Selection ■ It will be an expectation for all students to study foreign language in their two years with us at Gibbons ■ Students will have a choice of studying French, Spanish or Mandarin over the next two years. ■ Please enter your students choice of Foreign Language into IParent for scheduling purposes. – Grade 6-7: Parents will add their students choice into IParent – Grade 7-8 : Foreign Language teachers will be adding placements into IParent ■ Students who are enrolled in specialized programs or for whom it is not developmentally or academically appropriate will have alternate scheduling opportunities. Sixth to Seventh Grade Transition Evening 2014 - 2015
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