Programme of International Conference on Information Management

Programme of International Conference on Information Management ICIM’2015
Day 1
May 20th, 2015 (Wednesday)
15 –
Dariusz Samól, SAP, Directions of digital
transformations in the contemporary business
The transition from technological thinking to
innovative thinking
8 00 – 9 00
9 00 – 9 10
Welcome/Opening Pro-rector for Development and
Financial Affairs, Prof. Mirosław Szreder
645 - 1730
Keynote speeches
18 30 – 20 00
Conference Dinner
The Opening Session, Part I
Chairman: Prof. Bernard F. Kubiak
20 30 – 22 30
Artistic Programme, Musical performed by Gdańsk
Baltic Philharmonic Artists
Pro-rector for Scientific Affairs, Prof. Grzegorz
Węgrzyn, ” Why does biology need informatics, and
does informatics need biology?
Day 2
May 21rst, 2015 (Thursday)
Paper Session 2, Cloud Computing and Cognitive Computing the
Ways into Innovations
Chairman: Prof. Nikhil Agarwal
Prof. Janusz Wielki, Opole University of
Technology, "The opportunities, impediments and
9 – 10
challenges connected with the utilization of the cloud
computing model by business organizations"
Paweł Gajda, SAP, From Big Data to Smart Data –
10 – 10
Digital Business Transformation
Maciej Modrzejewski, IBM Polska, "The Era of
10 30 – 11 00 Cognitive Computing is Coming with IBM Watson
Coffee break
11 00 – 11 30
Paper Session 3, ERP System and Mobile Platform
Chairman: Prof. Wojciech Piotrowicz
9 10 – 9 30
9 30 – 10 00
10 00 – 10 30
10 30 – 11 00
11 00 – 11 30
Keynote speaker, Prof. A Min Tjoa, The Vienna
University of Technology, „Use of Semantic WEB and
Linked Opened Data Concepts for Management,
Business and Society”
Keynote speaker, Prof. Narcyz Roztocki, State
University of New York at New Paltz, "Publishing in
International IS Journals: Opportunities, Challenges
and Strategies for Success”
Keynote speaker, Prof. Wojciech Piotrowicz, Saïd
Business School, University of Oxford, "Information
Systems research in the Visegrad Group of countries
(Czech Rep., Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) - current
status, gaps and opportunities"
Coffee break
The Opening Session, Part II
Chairman: Prof. Narcyz Roztocki
11 30 – 12 00
– 12
12 30 – 13 00
15 00 – 15 45
15 45 – 16 15
Keynote speaker, Prof. Klaus Brunnstein,
University of Hamburg, „Advances, Opportunities
and Risks in Business Applications of Cloud
Computing and Big Data Analytics". Lunch
Prof. Nikhil Agarwal, "The 'Internet of Things (IoT)
is a next significant development in Internet space"
Paweł Jakubik, Microsoft, „Digital Analitycs – how
to remove Big Data”
Paper Session 1, Chairman: Prof. Narcyz Roztocki
Keynote speaker, Dr. Kurt Weiss, "Change
Competency and Success - The Art of Unlearning."
Tomasz Przybyszewski, ORACLE, „The Time is now
for Big Data"
11 30 – 12 00
12 00 – 12 30
12 30 – 13 00
13 00 – 13 30
13 30 – 14 00
14 00 – 15 00
Prof. Witold Chmielarz, PhD student Konrad
Łuczak, University of Warsaw, „Analysis of the Use
of Mobile Operators’ Websites in Poland”
Prof. Przemysław Lech, University of Gdansk ,
“Implementation of an ERP system: a case study of a
full-scope SAP project”
Jarosław Olejniczak, Ph.D., Military University of
Technology in Warsaw, "Economic Diagnostics in
Automated Business Management Systems"
Adam Becht, Ph.D., Microsoft, IT Systems
Prof. Bernard F. Kubiak, Andrzej Sieradz Ph.D.,
University of Gdansk „Measuring Bank Branch Sales
Performance Improvement
– 15
16 00 – 16 30
16 30 – 17 00
19 00 – 22 00
Day 3
Prof. Jakub Swacha, University of Szczecin,
"Supporting Knowledge Transfer in Oceanographic
Kuligowska Karolina Ph.D., University of Warsaw,
Kisielewicz Paweł,_Rojek aleksandra,_Automated
Translation Systems: faults and constraints
Gabryelczyk Renata Ph.D., University of Warsaw,
Jurczuk Arkadiusz, Comparative Analysis of
Business Processes Notation Understandability
Bartłomiej Dessoulavy-Śliwiński Ph.D., University
of Warsaw, Adam Penkala, Velis IT Systems,
„Facility Management Information Systems. Building
Capabilities for R&D Clusters Performance”
Conference Dinner
May 22nd, 2015 (Friday)
Paper Session 5, Information Systems Applications
Chairman: Prof. Janusz Wielki
9 00 – 9 20
9 20 – 9 40
Marcin Kraska, Ph.D., Institute of Logistics and
Warehousing, „7 Sins of e-Government”
Ceglarek Dariusz, Ph.D., An Overview of IT Tools
Protecting Intellectual Property in Knowledge-Based
9 40 – 10 15
Michał Kuciapski Ph.D., Bartłomiej Marcinkowski
Ph.D., Daniel Golicki, University of Gdansk,
"Assessment of SCRUM Project Management
Approach for Mobile Applications Development"
10 15 – 10 50
Coffee break
Paper Session 6, Information Systems Applications
Chairman: Adam Becht, Ph.D.
10 50 – 11 10
11 10 – 11 30
11 30 – 11 50
Piotr Wróbel, PhD, „Computer mediated
communication as a threat for
Work–Life Balance?”
Jacek Maślankowski, PhD, Big Data in Business
Informatics studies
Wojciech Truszkowski, PhD student , University of
Gdansk, Employment restructuring after the ERPclass system deployment,
Panel Discussion
Chairman: Prof. Przemysław Lech
Paper Session 4, Efficiency of IT Investment and Quality
Chairman: Prof. Jakub Swacha
15 30 – 16 00
11 50 – 12 50
14 00 – 15 00
15 00
Panel Discussion and Closing Session
End of Conference and departure
The Programme of
The 12th International
Conference on
Media Patronage:
Gdańsk, May 20-22, 2015