SERVICE FOR SUNDAY 19th April 2015: The four Gospels include in their accounts of the Easter story a series of episodes related to the appearances of the risen Christ to his disciples. In these episodes the disciples, after passing through a period of doubt, unbelief, trouble, confusion and astonishment, come to the point of believing that Jesus had risen indeed. There is, however, a special episode only written of in John's Gospel, which we read today, and which stands out from the post-resurrection scenes. This is the incident of the appearance of the risen Lord to Thomas. The speciality and importance of this event lies in the fact that it presents the relation between seeing and believing in a splendid formulated manner. It shows the significance of believing after, or because of, having seen the risen Christ and believing without having seen him as is the case for the millions of followers in the years since the Resurrection. The story of Thomas continues to be relevant and speak to doubters today. PRAYER FOR THE WEEK Alan Jesus answered, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me” (John 10 v27) Thank you so much for the reassurance that you know us. Help us to open our hearts to you more and more, so that we may see you more clearly and follow you more gladly. Amen Today’s stewards are: Vestry Steward: Keith Rowling Duty Steward: Muriel Clark (stewards are the people to ask, if you need help before, during or after a service) Our CLOSED LOOP SYSTEM requires hearing aids to be switched to ‘T’ and you can borrow a disc of our Morning Worship. Please ask a Steward or sign the loan book at the back of the church. The Church operates a system of covenanted, planned giving (details may be obtained from Nicola Garriock). There is a children’s area available at the rear of the Church which parents and their young children may use during the service. 9.00-10.15am eMerge (Fairtrade Sunday breakfast) 10.30am MORNING WORSHIP Led by: Revd Paul Hulme Music: David Hartnell Sound System: Malcolm Wilson Projection Steward: Julie Rowling Call to Worship Hymn (H&P) 192 Christ the Lord is risen again! Responsive Psalm 4 (p835) and Gloria Prayers Page 160 sections 3, 4, and 5 Hymn (H&P) 191 Good Christians, all rejoice and sing! Weysider's Time and Prayer Reading: John 20 v19 - 29 (p1090) read by Jackie Beale Reader: This is the word of the Lord Congregation: Thanks be to God Hymn (H&P) 697 Just as I am, without one plea (Tune Maunders) Sermon Music for Reflection Prayers and Lord's Prayer Page 165ff Offering and dedication (congregation to stand) Hymn (H&P) 230 There's a wideness in God's mercy (Tune 'CORVEDALE' from SINGING THE FAITH 416) The Blessing -------------Everyone is welcome to join us River Room -------------- ----------------for coffee, tea or a cold drink in the after the service ----------------- The Flower donation box will be on the River Room counter after the service today. Would you like to put flowers in the Church to celebrate a family, or friend’s birthday, an anniversary, or in remembrance of a loved one Wendy Weston will be happy to do an arrangement for you (01483 414143) ‘Face to Face’ Sunday, 19th April 6.30pm Speaker: The Bishop of Southwark, The Rt Revd Christopher J Chessun Organist: Keith Nye Hymn (H&P) 213 This joyful Eastertide Hymn (H&P) 648 The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended, -----------------------------DIARY FOR THE WEEK UP TO SUNDAY 26th APRIL 2015: 10.15am 2.45pm 5.00pm Holy Communion (Chancel Room) Ladies Fellowship Brownies Wed. 22nd 10.00am Toddlers (Jacky 01483 423768) Thur 23rd Rainbows Tues 21st Fri. 24th 4.30pm 6.00pm 10.15am 12 -1.30pm 2.00pm 6.00pm 7.30pm ------ Minor Chord singing group Prayer Fellowship (Chancel Room) Friday Lunches Hobbies Group Music Kids Choir Practice ------------------------- Sunday, 26th April 2015 9.00-10.15am eMerge (Fairtrade Sunday breakfast) 10.30am Revd Paul Hulme ------------------------------ECUMENICAL PRAYER BREAKFAST Saturday, 25th April, 8.30am St. Nicholas Church, Compton Co-ordinated by Revd Caroline Burnett ------------------------------ADVANCE NOTICES White Chapel Mission A visit to the Mission has been arranged for Tuesday, 28th April For information about transport by train and to book a place contact Eileen MacDonald 01483 420459 ------------------------------- ‘Face to Face’ Sunday, 10th May. 6.30pm Speaker: Baroness Virginia Bottomley, Formerly Secretary of State for Health LUNCHTIME FELLOWSHIP Come and join us for fellowship over lunch at the Jack Phillips, Godalming High Street. Wednesday, 13 May. 12.15pm for 12.30pm. Contact: Sylvia Kelley. ------------------------------The SERVICE OF THANKSGIVING for Revd William Strawson will be held at WESLEY'S CHAPEL LONDON SATURDAY 16 MAY. 3pm Conducted by Revd Leslie Griffiths, Preacher Revd Colin Morris. Music by the National Methodist Youth Brass Band. Transport will be organised if there is sufficient demand (A charge will be made to cover the cost). Pick ups in Cranleigh, Godalming, Guildford, Merrow and West Horsley. Contact Alan Steele 01483 860683 for information ------------------------------S.W.S. Parliamentary Constituency. HUSTINGS IN GODALMING SUNDAY 26th APRIL, 2.30pm to 5pm. GODALMING UNITED CHURCH. PROSPECTIVE PARLIAMENTARY CANDIDATES: Conservative - Jeremy Hunt MP. Green Party - Dr Susan Ryland. Labour - Howard Kaye. LibDem - Patrick Haveron. NHS - Dr Louise Irvine. Something New - Paul Robinson. UKIP - Mark Webber Candidates will have no prior-knowledge of questions, but they have to be submitted by Friday 24th April to Penny Rivers <[email protected]> ------------------------------FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT THE CHURCH PLEASE CONTACT: Minister Church Secretary Pastoral Assistant Senior Steward Lettings Web site address Rev Paul Hulme Sylvia Eileen Alan Jennifer 01483 414 709 01483 423 261 01483 420 459 01483 860 683 01483 420 025
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