Go Girl Poster Design Competition flyer

Go Girl Go for IT
Poster Competition
May 2015
What is Go Girl, Go for IT?
The Poster
The declining number of females studying business/IT or IT
at a tertiary level indicates that too many girls just aren’t
The A3 poster must include the following:
a computer generated design (we are about IT after all)
the date & location of the 2016 event
the original Go Girl Head logo
the original Women in IT logo
a hashtag line to help promote the Go Girl showcase
event in social media e.g. #ITisit was a past hashtag
margins of 2.6in/8cm on an A3 size layout
The poster may be either portrait or landscape
aware of the opportunities a career in IT can bring – or the
important skills they have to bring to this industry. “Go Girl”
aims to debunk the myth that a career in IT will be boring and
is only sought out by “nerds” with no personality!
Go Girl, Go for IT is a free IT career showcase run by the
Victorian ICT for Women network for all Secondary School
Girls to experience the incredible range of vocational
avenues that are available in IT.
The next Go Girl showcase is to be held at:
The Fine Print
Deakin University, Burwood Campus, August 2016
At Go Girl, 2016, students will hear from and have the
opportunity to talk to talented young and well established role
models with ICT careers. There will be access to a wealth of
information that will assist students in making informed
decisions about a career in IT.
The Competition & Prizes
Go Girl are looking for a poster design, theme and tagline to
use to promote our 2016 event and we need your help!
A $1,000 donation will be awarded to the school of the
winning team / individual. The school will be eligible to
receive a school visit from an inspirational ICT woman
speaker. The winner/s will also receive a small prize.
Entries are open from May 1 to 5pm June 1 2015.
Prizes will be announced via email in June.
Who can enter?
We are inviting high school students from year 7 -12 to work
individually or in teams on their poster submission. Team
sizes are a maximum of 4 students with a minimum of at
least one female in any team.
The Brief
We are looking for a winning digitally designed A3 poster that
can be displayed around schools and companies to promote
our 2016 Go Girl showcase. The primary audience is female
high school students, teachers and parents. The winning
poster should express when and where our 2016 event is
and generate a buzz with a fresh and eye catching design!
No proprietary logos are to be used in the design e.g.
the Nike tick
No changing of original Go Girl and Women in IT logo
design, fonts and/or colours
With the exception of the logos, any fonts and colours
may be used in designing the poster
Entries that are not designed for A3 size with 2.6in/8cm
margins will be invalid
Entries that do not contain both the Go Girl logo &
Women in ICT logo will be invalid
Students in Year 7 to 12 are eligible
Entries can be individuals or teams. Teams can be up
to 4 people in size. Teams can be all girl or mixed but
MUST include at least one girl!
No entries will be accepted after 5pm June 1
Judging will take place in June and the winners will be
advised by email.
Entries must be in PDF format. Every entry must complete
the attached form as part of entering the competition. Entries
must be emailed to [email protected] and must be
received no later than 5pm Monday 1 June.
Need help?
In the information pack provided to the school, we have
included a copy of last year’s poster and logo designs. This
should help guide you as to what has worked in the past.
If you do have any other questions please email
[email protected] and we will respond to you.
Good luck and we look forward to receiving your entry!
Competition Entry Form
Design a poster to advertise the Go Girl 2016 Showcase
STUDENT NAMES: ________________________________
NAME OF SCHOOL: ____________________________________________________________________
SCHOOL CONTACT: ____________________________________________________________________
GO GIRL POSTER DESIGN (Up to 50 words):
2016 SOCIAL MEDIA EVENT TAGLINE IDEA: # ___________________________________________
Return this entry form along with a PDF file attachment of your A3 poster design via email to
[email protected] before 5pm Monday 1st June. Good luck!
A big thank you to our major prize sponsor Australia Post.