The Economics of Social Networks Paolo Pin Universit` a di Siena Siena – May 5th, 2015 Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 1 / 76 Examples of networks Examples of networks Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 2 / 76 Examples of networks Basic definitions Nodes and links Nodes: a set of elements that may pairwise have or not a specific relations Links: there is a link between nodees i and j if there is this relation between them Links could be directed or undirected, may have different weights, may or may not be reflexive, let us stick with the simple intuition Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 3 / 76 Examples of networks Exogenously designed netwoks Saccharomyces cerevisiae Nodes are the proteins of the monocellular Saccharomyces cerevisiae, there is a link between two proteins if they interact in at least one chemical reaction in the cell Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 4 / 76 Examples of networks Exogenously designed netwoks Hardware networks Nodes are computers, printers, servers. . . there is a link if they are directly connected. Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 5 / 76 Examples of networks Endogenous networks The World Wide Web Nodes are webpages in the internet, links are (directed) web-links Webpages .edu in the US Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 6 / 76 Examples of networks Endogenous networks Coautorships Nodes are researchers, if they wrote a paper together there is a link Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 7 / 76 Examples of networks Endogenous networks Airports Nodes are airports, if there is a regular flight there is a link Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 8 / 76 Examples of networks Endogenous networks Co–board memberships Nodes are Italian firms in 1972, there is a link if there is at least one common member in the boards (right is FIAT alone) Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 9 / 76 Examples of networks Endogenous networks International trade Nodes are countries, there is a link if there are reciprocal exports above a certain threshold Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 10 / 76 Examples of networks Endogenous networks Friendships Nodes are students from a US High School, there is a link if in a survey one cites the other as his/her friend Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 11 / 76 Examples of networks Addhealth Data AddHealth data The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) 1994 survey in 84 American high schools and middle schools, by the UNC Carolina Population Center They could nominate their friends from a list of all the other students in their school We consider a link whenever at least one of the two students nominate the other one Students were self–reporting a lot of other information in a huge survey Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 12 / 76 Examples of networks Hybrid cases A genealogic tree Nodes are historical characters, a link is a parental relation or a marriage. Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 13 / 76 Examples of networks Hybrid cases Citations Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 14 / 76 Examples of networks Common characteristics What do these things have in common? The examples we have seen span very different contexts, and there are many more (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube. . . ) Nevertheless, the share many common characteristics (expecially the endogenously generated ones): There are a few nodes with many friends, and many with a few friends Two friends of mine are likely to be friends together There is always a short path between any two nodes If nodes are heterogeneous for exogenous reasons, it is more likely that “similar” nodes are friends Hubs are likely to be connected together So, understanding the structure becomes important to study and understand all of them: Complex Social Networks Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 15 / 76 Importance of networks Importance of networks Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 16 / 76 Importance of networks Networks as a constraint Standard economic assumptions Completeness of markets: anyone can trade with anyone else but most markets are not centralized there are communication costs and asymmetric information risks when changing partners this is not only the case in undeveloped markets but it is also not the case in international economics Efficiency of markets: prices summarize all the information the 2007/2009 crises is a good example of how limited communication flows moved prices away from the fundamentals Homo economicus in taking decisions, economic agents are not influenced by peers Externalities: public goods and bads are global concepts most of the externalities are instead local: because of geographic, but also cultural, distances Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 17 / 76 Importance of networks Networks as a constraint Only frictions? We observe networks in trading, information passing. . . But is a just by chance? Is the cost of changing partners just a negligible friction? Can we exclude any path dependence from the links that have been in place in the past? If the answer to those questions is always ‘yes’, then networks are not important for economic theory If some answer are ‘no’, then it is important to study how this constraints work, and what are their implications Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 18 / 76 Importance of networks Networks as a constraint A classical historical example: centrality Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 19 / 76 Importance of networks Networks as a constraint Peer effects: apps Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 20 / 76 Importance of networks Networks as a constraint A recent macro example: path dependence Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 21 / 76 Homophily Homophily Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 22 / 76 Homophily Empirical facts Illustrations of homophily National Sample: only 8% of people have any people of another race that they “discuss important matters” with (Marsden 87) Interracial marriages U.S.: 1% of white marriages, 5% of black marriages, 14% of Asian marriages (Fryer 07) In middle school, less than 10% of “expected” cross- race friendships exist (Shrum et al 88) Closest friend: 10% of men name a woman, 32% of women name a man (Verbrugge 77) Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 23 / 76 Homophily Empirical facts Back to the school example: AddHealth and a Dutch school Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 24 / 76 Homophily Evidence Chicago New York Los Angeles Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 25 / 76 Homophily Evidence Reasons for homophily Idea of reduced form communication costs frictions opportunities choices It is important to distinguish between choices and opportunities Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 26 / 76 Games on networks Games on networks Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 27 / 76 Games on networks Introduction Why networks games? Decisions to be made: not just diffusion – not just updating Games with mutliplayer agents are defined naturally So what is the role of networks? “Strategic” Interplay: – Inter-dependencies are shaped by the network others’ behaviors affect my utility/welfare others’ behaviors affect my decisions, actions, consumptions, opinions... others’ actions affect the relative payoffs to my behaviors Or, in more complicated games: information passes through the network Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 28 / 76 Games on networks {0, 1} actions Preliminary definitions for 2–actions games Each player is a node of the network Each player i chooses action xi in {0, 1} Payoff will depend on how many neighbors a player has di how many neighbors choose action 1: mi So ui = (xi , di , mi ) Nash equilibrium: Every player’s action is optimal for that player given the actions of others Often look for pure strategy equilibria – May require some mixing Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 29 / 76 Games on networks {0, 1} actions Some examples Coordination games u(0, di , mi ) = di − mi and u(1, di , mi ) = mi The efficient equilibria are those where all do the same Network Prisoners’ Dilemma u(0, di , mi ) = 2 ∗ mi and u(1, di , mi ) = 2 ∗ mi − di Only one Nash equilibrium: all 0’s Anything can be extended from a classical 2 × 2 game: stag–hunt, BofS. . . What is the 2 × 2 payoff matrix of the two cases above? Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 30 / 76 Games on networks {0, 1} actions Simple complements Example: agent i chooses action 1 iff at least t of her neighbors do the same u(0, di , mi ) = 0 and u(1, di , mi ) = mi − t Two equilibria: Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 31 / 76 Games on networks One shot game Local public goods An exogenous network, in a pure–strategy Nash equilibrium each node i (Ni is the neighborhood) plays xi ∈ {0, 1} according to best–response 1 if xj = 0 for all j ∈ Ni , bi (~x ) = 0 otherwise. Example: Five drivers and a network of relations – car sharing Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 32 / 76 Games on networks One shot game Multiple equilibria The number of contributors may vary a lot Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 33 / 76 Games on networks One shot game Multiple equilibria The number of contributors may vary a lot... even on a regular network Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 34 / 76 Games on networks One shot game Maximal Independent sets Independent Set: a set S of nodes such that no two nodes in S are linked, Maximal: every node in N is either in S or linked to a node in S The equilibria of the best shot game are maximal independent sets Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 35 / 76 Complements and substitutes Complements and substitutes Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 36 / 76 Complements and substitutes Two important classes Definition Strategic complements – for all d, m ≥ m0 Increasing differences: u(1, d, m) − u(0, d, m) ≥ u(1, d, m0 ) − u(0, d, m0 ) Strategic substitutes – for all d, m ≥ m0 Decreasing differences: u(1, d, m) − u(0, d, m) ≤ u(1, d, m0 ) − u(0, d, m0 ) Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 37 / 76 Complements and substitutes Two important classes Examples Strategic complements Choice to take an action by my friends increases my relative payoff to taking that action (e.g., friend learns to play a video game) education decisions – care about number of neighbors, access to jobs, etc. – invest if at least k neighbors do smoking & other behavior among teens, peers... technology adoption – how many others are compatible... learn a language... cheating, doping Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 38 / 76 Complements and substitutes Two important classes Examples Strategic substitutes Choice to take an action by my friends decreases my relative payoff to taking that action (e.g., roommate buys a stereo/fridge) information gathering – e.g., payoff of 1 if anyone in neighborhood is informed, cost to being informed (c < 1) local public goods (shareable products.. ) local municipalities: library, swimming pools... competing firms (oligopoly with local markets) Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 39 / 76 Complements and substitutes Informal job market Drop out decision – A case of strategic complements Labor Participation Decisions (Calvo–Armengol & Jackson 04,07,09) Value to being in the labor market depends on number of friends in labor force Drop out if some number of friends drop out Participate if at least some fraction of friends do Some heterogeneity in threshold (different costs, natural abilities...) Homophily – segregation in network Different starting conditions: history... Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 40 / 76 Complements and substitutes Informal job market Real data Drop-Out Rates & Labor Force Participation Rate (Chandra (2000), DiCecio et al (2008) – males 25 to 55) Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 41 / 76 Complements and substitutes Informal job market Example with homophily Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 42 / 76 Continuous actions Continuous actions Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 43 / 76 Continuous actions Bramoull´ e and Kranton (2007) Again public good contribution: strategic substitutes xi ∈ [0, 1] (information acquisition) Payoff: Πi = f xi + X xj − cxi with f concave j∈Ni Equilibrium: minimum xi such that X xi + xj ≥ x ∗ where f 0 (x ∗ ) = c j∈Ni Two types of equilibria distributed: where for some i we have 0 < xi < x ∗ specialized: where for each i either xi = 0 or xi = x ∗ Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 44 / 76 Continuous actions Bramoull´ e and Kranton (2007) Two types of equilibria distributed: where for some i we have 0 < xi < x ∗ specialized: where for each i either xi = 0 or xi = x ∗ Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 45 / 76 Linear quadratic models Linear quadratic models Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 46 / 76 Linear quadratic models Ballester, Calvo–Armengol and Zenou (2006) A case of strategic complements There it is applied to contagious behaviors (smoking, studying. . . ) X b ui (xi , ~x¬i ) = axi − xi2 + wij xi xj 2 Best response to ~x¬i is xi∗ = a+ P wij xj b In matricial form (if Iˆ − w ˆ /b is invertible) ~x = −1 1 ~ a1 + w~ ˆ x = Iˆ − w ˆ /b b a~ 1 b Note: you can obtain the same best responses from many other utility functions (question: what is it that characterizes a game?) Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 47 / 76 Linear quadratic models Bramoull´ e, Kranton & D’Amours (2014) Does a solution exist? −1 a ~1 ~x = Iˆ − w ˆ /b b Remember that xi ∈ [0, 1], or at least xi > 0, so the solution to this may not be feasible. What happens if not? solution may explode multiple equilibria, where some agents contribute 0 Bramoull´e et alii (2014): there is an interior equilibrium only if −1 Iˆ − w ˆ /b is positive definite ⇔ minimal eigenvalue |λmin (w ˆ )| < b Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 48 / 76 Linear quadratic models Bramoull´ e, Kranton & D’Amours (2014) What is minimal eigenvalue about? Left–network has λmin = 3, right–network has λmin ' 2.24 More local links (i.e. higher clustering, longest paths. . . ) make it easier to have unique interior equilibria Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 49 / 76 The case of incomplete information The case of incomplete information Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 50 / 76 The case of incomplete information GGJVY (2010) How can we analyze things? If all agents know the complete network, things can be computationally hard each agent has to compute spectral analysis of the network it is easily the case that equilibria are multiple The solution is obtained reducing knowledge the agents know only some statistics about the network typically degree distribution – but also degree correlation and then they play a Bayesian game another interpretation is that first they choose the action, and then a random network is realized Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 51 / 76 The case of incomplete information GGJVY (2010) Results In the case of no degree correlation – under some specific assumptions In the case of strategic complements action increases with degree In the case of strategic substitutes action decreases with degree When there is degree correlation (assortativity) the trend depends on the sign of the externality: positive or negative Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 52 / 76 Repeated games on networks Repeated games on networks Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 53 / 76 Repeated games on networks Prisoners’ dilemma – Dall’Asta, Marsili & Pin (2012) 2 players case Example: prisoners’ dilemma game c d c d 1, 1 0, 1 + x 1 + x, 0 x, x , discount rate δ 2 players tit–for–tat: iterated cooperation possible if ∞ X 1 1 1+ δt x = 1 + x≤ ⇒ x ≤δ 1−δ 1−δ t=0 What happens with three nodes in a complete network? Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 54 / 76 Repeated games on networks Prisoners’ dilemma – Dall’Asta, Marsili & Pin (2012) Networks make a difference What happens with three nodes in a complete network? Start from full cooperation suppose that k deviates, because x ≤ δ is the punishment by one from i and j always credible? what if: 1 1 1≥1+ 2x ⇒ x ≤ 2δ ? 1−δ 1−δ If δ ≤ x ≤ 2δ we have that a coalition of only two cooperators is stable under tit–for–tat This can be extended to a general network: cluster of cooperators satisfy geometric conditions Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 55 / 76 Market applications Market applications Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 56 / 76 Market applications What is the value of a network How big are online social networks? Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 57 / 76 Market applications What is the value of a network What can a network do? Indignados Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 58 / 76 Market applications What is the value of a network Can we detect it? Other media detect too late Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 59 / 76 Market applications What is the value of a network A network helps coordination Arab spring Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 60 / 76 Market applications What is the value of a network A network can be used Electoral campaigns Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 61 / 76 Market applications What is the value of a network What is the value of a network? It is priced by the markets Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 62 / 76 Market applications What is the value of a network Decentralized markets Many markets are not centralized: not only small trading – over–the–counter markets are huge General economic theory assumes completeness of markets: everyone can trade with everyone else but also Walrasian assumptions are against decentralized trading because price is decided ex–ante by the Walrasian auctioneer in equilibrium, all prices must be the same if the network is connected (why?) but the path to equilibrium can pass from different prices This is a fundamental aspect that is still poorly studied Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 63 / 76 Market applications Bertrand competition – Nermuth et alii (2013) Competition on a network The model one good, n homogeneous firms, constant marginal cost (c = 0) mass 1 of buyers, one unit of good per capita q1 of them see a single price at random q2 of them sample two prices, . . . q n are totally informed P n ~ is the search distribution q i=1 qi = 1, consumers buy at lowest price, if not above r firms compete on prices ~ (marketing surveys) they know only distribution q any p ≥ 0 is in the strategy profile Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 64 / 76 Market applications Bertrand competition – Nermuth et alii (2013) Extreme cases Lemma 1 (Bertrand competition) If q1 = 0, each firm will set p = 0. Idea of the proof to charge alone maximal price p¯ gives null profit at least two charge the same price p suppose p > 0 ⇒ p − is better Lemma 2 (Monopoly) If q1 = 1, each firm will set p = r . The interesting case is 0 < q1 < 1 Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 65 / 76 Market applications Bertrand competition – Nermuth et alii (2013) Price distribution ~ with q1 ∈ (0, 1): Proposition 3 Take q no equilibrium in pure strategies unique symmetric equilibrium in mixed strategies price distribution function f~q (p) R cumulative distribution F~q (p) = f~q (p) dp support on [pmin , r ] q1 r pmin = Pn j=1 jqj Fq~ (p) = 1 − Paolo Pin Φ−1 ~ q q1 r p , with Φq~ (x) ≡ Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 n X iqi x i−1 . i=1 May, 2015 66 / 76 Market applications Bertrand competition – Nermuth et alii (2013) Comparative statics (1/2) Prop. 5: if we let some uninformed buyers search more more search is beneficial for all other buyers more competition → smaller expected prices q0 r expected profit of firms decreases ( n1 < qn1 r ) Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 67 / 76 Market applications Bertrand competition – Nermuth et alii (2013) Comparative statics (2/2) Proposition 6 ~ take a search distribution q 0 = q − ∆ and q 0 ~ 0 where qm consider q m m+1 = qm+1 + ∆ (m ≥ 2) there is a i ∗ ≥ 2 such that pi0 > pi for i < i ∗ , and pi0 ≤ pi for i ≥ i ∗ . Idea of the proof there is no stochastic dominance we apply Riemann definition of integrals p10 > p1 , pi0 /pi decreases in i and limi→∞ pi0 /pi < 1 Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 68 / 76 Market applications Bertrand competition – Nermuth et alii (2013) The digital divide From Prop. 6, if we let some already informed buyers search more firms will simultaneously move probability weight on extrema monopoly price p = r and competitive price p = pmin even if the average of charged prices increase, more sampling is beneficial from a certain point on the externality of more search is bad for low–informed and good for highly–informed the aggregate expected profits of firms will not change Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 69 / 76 Market applications Goods with peer effects Consumers’ choices Consider an exogenous directed (maybe weighted) network gˆ of consumers they buy continuous quantities ~x of a single good that has complementary peer effects (e.g. a videogame) a monopolist can perfectly price discriminate the utility for consumer i is X gij xj − pi xi ui (xi , ~x¬i , pi ) = ai xi − bi xi2 + xi j if, for all i, 2bi > P j gij (in the discrete case: degree), then xi = ai − pi 1 X + gij xj 2bi 2bi j Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 70 / 76 Market applications Goods with peer effects Monopoly on a network – Candogan et alii (2013) Optimal pricing for the monopolist cal Λij = 2bi if i = j, and 0 otherwise the optimal pricing scheme for the monopolist is t ˆ − gˆ )(Λ ˆ − gˆ + gˆ )−1 ~a p~ = ~a − (Λ 2 2 It follows, that if gˆ is symmetric (i.e. gˆ = gˆ t ), then the optimal pricing scheme is p~ = ~a 2 there is no discrimination due to peer effects there is no gain for the monopolist in knowing the network Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 71 / 76 Lab experiments Lab experiments Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 72 / 76 Lab experiments Charness et alii (2014) Theory works All results are confirmed in the lab when the network is known and in best shot games, the refinement of stochastic stability also works when only degree distribution is known Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 73 / 76 A field experiment in Ghana A field experiment in Ghana Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 74 / 76 A field experiment in Ghana Microfinance A field experiment in Ghana Microfinance has proven itself not to help innovative entrepreneurship: too risky? not enough diverse social contacts? We run a controlled field experiment in rural Ghana, under a more ambitious microfinance program for entrepreneurs, run by a local NGO We use the optimal local internet infrastructure. . . Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 75 / 76 A field experiment in Ghana Microfinance The treatment . . . to provide an enlarged virtual social network with an ad–hoc App with the help of Facebook, Airtel and NGO Village Exchange Ghana The pilot (financed by CEPR) is starting now with 200 subjects (50 under treatment) in 10 villages The ERC grant is intermediate to reach National Ghanian level Paolo Pin Microeconomics II – Lecture 18 May, 2015 76 / 76
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