TRAINING DETAILS Thursday 21st May 2015 at Gloucester Guildhall Eastgate Street Goucester GL1 1NS - 10.30am & 2.00pm (see overleaf for full details) ENGLAND ILLEGAL MONEY LENDING TEAM & GLOUCESTERSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL TRADING STANDARDS FREE TRAINING SESSION INVITATION COULD YOU SPOT A LOAN SHARK OR A SCAM? A loan shark is someone who lends money, they rarely give any paperwork and if repayments are missed they often use violence and intimidation to get their money back. Faced with this problem would you or your staff know what to do? A national, dedicated team is cracking down on loan sharks and we’d like to tell you more. The free training will give you more in-depth information about the project background, key things to look out for as a frontline worker, the relevance of loan sharks for your organisation and a better understanding of information and intelligence. We will also show you the impact that loan sharks have on victims and communities which will be your client group. Loan sharks also impact upon crime and disorder. This training will benefit staff who have an involvement with households' finances to raise awareness of how the symptoms of financial distress may present themselves and give an overview of key resources available to your client group. This training is aimed at CAB, Money Advice, arrears collection teams, customer service staff, social workers, community safety staff, police and anyone who is involved in providing a front facing service with customers. The training will be around two hours in length with a Q&A session. The session will also include a presentation from Gloucester Trading Standards who will outline what help they can provide clients who may have been victims of scams in the area. If you would like to book places on either of these training sessions (10.30am or 2.00pm) please e-mail Chris Connor at [email protected] (Tel 07500809341) with the preferred time giving the following information : Name of participant, e mail address, tel number, Organisation and job title. (full venue details and map will be provided upon confirmation of your place).
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