Read more - Our Lady Of Hope Greenwith Campus Outside School

Friday 12th June 2015
Issue 2
Greenwith Campus
OSHC & Vacation
Care Program
Dear Families
Welcome to our second newsletter for the year.
Director…………………………………………….…...Diane Griguol
Assistant Director...................................Jack Griguol
Qualified Staff Member………..……..…Teagan Littler
Qualified Staff member...................Joanna Watson
Qualified Staff member.............................Erin Dunn
Qualified Staff member.............................Alyce Ahl
Qualified Staff member..................Sarah O’Connor
Qualified Staff member................Jarrod Copeland
Qualified Staff member........................James Allen
Maintenance………………………………...............Jim Sloman
New Staff
Alyce Ahl has rejoined our team. The last
time Alyce worked for us she was acting assistant Director when Emma was on maternity leave the first time. Alyce is a qualified
psychologist who has decided to study for
her masters in Teaching.
In addition to Alyce we also employed 3 new
staff members. Kylie Lowe is a first year uni
student studying who is studying a Bachelor
of Education (Primary and Middle), Bianca
Cutler is a first year uni student studying
who is studying a Bachelor of Education
(Early Childhood) and Carlo Librino is a second year uni student who is studying a Bachelor of Education (Primary and Middle).
Cook…………………………..………….....................Cole Tanner
Staff member……………………..……….......... Ann Harker
Departing Staff
Staff member…………………..…………..Nathan Czernich
Emma Linke has resigned as she has decided
she wanted to stay home and concentrate on
her young family. It is an understatement to
say that Emma will be missed. She has been
working here for a decade and it won’t be the
same without her and we wish her all the
best for the future. The staff and children
did not get a chance to say goodbye to Emma
as she has been unwell. When she feels up to
it we will schedule a time where families can
say farewell.
Jack had been sharing the
assistant Director’s role with Emma and now
will continue in the role 5 days a week.
Staff member…………………………..…………..Emma Jones
Staff member……………………………..…….Daniel Luciano
Staff member…………………………………..……..Amy Evans
Staff member…………………………………..….Carlo Librino
Staff member……………………………………..Bianca Cutler
Staff member…………………………………..……..Kylie Lowe
Advisory Committee
Secretary……………………...............………..Kerry Richter
Treasurer……………....……Liz Morris/Kendall Popping
Assistant Director
OLOH Board Delegate.....…...........….…… Kevin Blake
Jack has now taken over the role of Assistant Director and is currently been supported by Teagan in his absence on days when he
is relief teaching.
Service Representative………..……...….Diane Griguol
Staff Representative…………..…………...Jack Griguol
Family Representative…………..……….........Gill Howes
Family Representative………….........Jane Hendricks
Family Representative………….............Paula Glacken
Family Representative…………..............Phoebe Youd
Cnr The Golden Way
& Golden Grove Rd
Greenwith, SA 5125.
Ph: 8289 9751
Fax: 8288 1593
[email protected]
Inside This Issue
Policy Review
Vacation Care II
Advisory Committee
New Staff
Departing Staff
Assistant Director
Vacation Care I
Building Refurbishment
Community / Sustainability Day
Cancer Council’s Biggest Breakfast
Happy Snaps
Diary Dates
Friday 3rd of July: Early Finish
(OLOH 12:30pm, Greenwith
Monday 20th July: OLOH Pupil
Free Day
Friday September 4th: Show
Day OLOH & Greenwith
Website (Important)
Vacation Care
Please regularly check our website for updates and information that is relevant to
every family in particular Vacation Care updates.
July 6th-17th
Program Online
From 12th June
Bookings taken
From 15th June
Vacation Care
The Vacation Care program is now available on our website.
Please take the time to go through the menu with your children so that they are aware what they will be having for
their lunch prior to Vacation Care. Some children can become quite upset if they are ordered a lunch that they are
unsure about or do not like. Remember Greenwith Primary
School children still require hats if the UV rating is 3 and
over. Please remember to book carefully as you will still
be financially responsible for your child’s place whether
they attend or not.
This term Teagan has taken over programming and has done a
fantastic job of preparing a program that incorporates the
children’s interests and learning needs. This term’s themed
weeks include South American, Circus, Winter, Superhero
and Motor Racing.
Refurbishment to Original OHSC Building
During the holidays the original OSHC building will be having
new flooring installed. The office will also be refurbished to
allow for a more constructive work environment. During this
time only the kitchen will be utilised the rest of the building
will not be in use and my office will be relocating temporarily
to Craft area. As this is a work site families will not be able
to access this area. All communication will need to go via
phone, email or staff members supervising the children.
Community / Sustainability Day
During Vacation Care on the second Wednesday (Garden Explorer’s Required) we are going to be exploring our very own
garden and school community. We are going to continue the
success of last years ’National Tree Day’ and get children to
plant fruits and vegetables as well as creating their own
plants to take home. We will also explore the natural flora of
the school community as well as incorporate aspects of ’Clean
Up Australia Day’ by contributing towards maintaining the
school community’s grounds. This day is really important as it
helps build connections between children and their community
and natural environment in hope of helping the forge lifelong
During our 2 week closure from Monday 21st December
2015 to Friday 1st 2016 January this building will be having
the ceiling replaced as well as being painted.
Policy Review
If you would like to view any policy and offer any input the
policies can be viewed on our website or we have a policy
folder available for parents to view next to the OSHC office. If you wish you can request a copy of a policy. Our
most recent reviewed policies are online and if you would
like to read and make a comment I encourage you to do so.
We have just reviewed the Child Safe Environment, Child
Protection, Sun Protection and the Delivery and Collection
of Children. They will be updated shortly on our website.
Please read them and if you would like to make a comment
please do so. We find your feedback very informative.
Next term we will be reviewing the First Aid, Infectious
Diseases and Infestations, Incident, Injury, Trauma and
Illness and Medical Conditions Policies. If you wish you can
view the current policies on our website and send feedback
to us.
Diane Griguol
Alysha Tan
Josh Tanne
Zac Skewes
Larissa D om
Mia Dom inic
Bastian Mas
Koby Mason
Ethan Baye
Hudsen Gilg
Chelsea Gilg
Scarlett Tur
Brody Soutt
Oliver Soutt
Jacob Davie
Charlotte A
Jaimie Mar
Amelia Tyler
Jayden La ng
Melodie Sta
Ethan Dicks
Riley Dicks
Welcom e B
Shanelle Bay
Aleisha Mas
Tahlia Alesi
Svetlana Ro
Vacation Care
We are very excited about the upcoming Vacation Care program for the July holidays. We are going on two excursions
during the program including the Monarto Zoo and Adelaide
Ice Arena. We are also having two incursions including Sumo
Wrestling Suits (Japanese Star Festival) and a Jumping
Castle (Welcome to Jurassic Park).
We have also re-programmed OSHC Cup Day due to the
popularity of it in the last holidays. We have also allowed for
children to bring in their own electronics on Mega Games
Meltdown. We are going to finish off these holidays with a
relaxing day where children can wear their pyjamas, eat pizza and watch movies on Pyjamas, Pizza and Movies Day.
On the last page of this newsletter is attached our complete
program for the July holidays, if you wish to book your children in for Vacation Care you can go to our website to download the booking forms.
Cancer Council’s Biggest Breakfast
Due the popularity of last years event, we are currently
looking at having another biggest breakfast during the early
stages of term 3. Last year we raised $71 and we will hoping
to raise a similar amount again. Many staff members have
had family members suffer from various forms of cancer
and feel passionate about positively contributing towards
helping all sufferers of cancer. We will once again be looking
for donations from families for the event, this includes
things like eggs, bacon etc. We also hope that more families
are able to stay in the morning and eat breakfast at the
service with their children.
Donations for Vacation Care/OSHC
We are always looking for donations of everyday materials
to help make our program more successful and hands on. For
the upcoming holidays and subsequent OSHC period we are
looking for empty cereal boxes, toilet rolls and bottle
Donations would be
greatly appreciated