LOBBY Workshop Stage Time Workshop Title 10:30 Opening Remarksand Welcome Speaker Workshop Description 11:00 The Great Plant Restoration Stefan Webber- Ecologist and Seed Specialist This presentation will focus large scale restoration and how we are using agricultural practices to grow bulk seed of uncommon Carolinian Plants to return to the landscape. I will also talk about the political and biological barriers to plant restoration and the work we are doing to overcome them. 12:00 Hanging On By A Scale: The Decline of Reptiles in Ontario Scott Gillingwater -Species at Risk Biologist -Upper Thames River Conservation Authority Endangered species are more than just pandas and whales; they are not limited to the oceans or far off continents. Globally, reptiles have experienced some of the most rapid declines of any group of animals. Ontario has over two dozen species of reptiles. Come explore the often overlooked gems of our fields, forests and wetlands, and what you can do to help protect them. 13:00 Flowers and Food: Growing Edible Native Plants. Lorraine Johnson - Author of more than 10 books on Native Plants In this illustrated talk, Lorraine Johnson will combine two timely and popular subjects—food growing and native plant gardening—and inspire gardeners to grow edible native plants in their yards. Garth Pottruff, Robin Tapley and Steve Martin Join us as Garth Pottruff owner/tour guide with Grand River Rafting, Robin Tapley- instructor for Fanshawe's Adventure Expeditions program and Steve Martin - Manager for Long Point Eco Adventures discuss their own Adventure Expeditions in Carolinian Canada and beyond and how this has deepened their personal commitment and respect for the ecological integrity of the areas they explore. 14:00 Get Out and Enjoy It! High Adventure with master guides. 1 15:00 16:00 Landowner Leaders How to Include Native Plants in Your Garden David Ainslie, Denise Shephard, and Steve & Sharon Benishek Graham Buck, Nith River Native Plants Carolinian Canada’s own Landowner Leader program celebrates these landowners who have untaken significant stewardship projects on their properties, and the knowledge and experience they can share with others is invaluable. Join us as these landowners share their experiences in stewardship, offer advice and answer questions from the audience. Graham will share valuable expertise that will inspire your gardening prowess with native plants! He will discuss plants that will adapt to a broad range of conditions; moist to wet, sun to shade, and soil conditions from sand, loam to clay. Learn how to create a native plant garden that will flower throughout the seasons and thrive in any condition. Backyard Birding in Carolinian Canada Cathy Jones/Bird Studies Canada Kathy Jones will highlight 5 great Citizen Science birding options that all Carolinian Canada enthusiasts can enjoy and participate in. Join us and learn about eBird; Project FeederWatch, the Great Backyard Bird Count; the Great Canadian Birdathon and Project NestWatch. 17:00 Sustainable Tourism - Myth or Reality? Steve Martin/Long Point Eco Adventure, Victoria Lawson-Mountain Equipment Coop, Anne Marie Fortner from Explore Pelee, Bronwen BuckCarolinian Canada/Eco Trails. Can sustainable tourism enhance the environment and not just impact it? Panel Discussion Moderated by Brian Craig 18:00 Closing Remarks 16:30 2 ARENA Workshop Space 10:30 10 Native Trees for your Yard Louise Flemington/ Reforest London Learn about why native trees do so well here, and how they contribute to a healthy ecosystem. We will present 10 great native trees for your yard, from small to large, their soil and light conditions, and how they will both beautify your yard and make it a healthier place. 11:00 Lost & Found: The History of the Pawpaw Dan Bissonnette/The Naturalized Habitat Network of Essex County & Windsor This is a look at our indigenous Pawpaw from a historical and cultural perspective. What can be done to restore this species? This presentation will explore how we relate to our natural heritage and our cultural values, and how we might strengthen the ties between the two. 11:30 Native Plants Ten Years Documenting the Return of Wildlife to the City Ben Porchuk /Landscape Native A journey through photos reviewing the transition of his urban property from the typical yard to 40% native landscape, including 200 native species of plants and close to 100 specieis fo birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish! Tree Caching and Tree Monitoring for Climate's Sake Alice Casselman/The Association for Canadian Educational Resources (ACER) a.k.a. Climate's Sake Discover Tree Caching Trails in Ontario to learn more about different tree species in our environment. Users can scan a tagged tree to learn its identity, characteristics and interesting facts. Learn how to measure tree growth and its importance in tracking climate change impacts. Find out how you can become involved in our tree monitoring programs for volunteers, communities, schools and organization 12:30 3 13:00 14:00 Carolinian Canada- Big Picture talk Bring Nature Home 14:30 Our Wisdom Tree Project 15:00 Citizens Toolkit for Nature Conservation 15:30 The Importance of Native Pollinators and Native Plants Jarmo Jalava and Sarah Hodgkiss, Carolinian Canada Coalition A review of Carolinian Canada's "BIG PICTURE" campaign,- advancing a collaborative conservation strategy for healthy ecosystems in Ontario's Carolinian Life Zone. Alan Arthur/Sr. Ecologist- St. Williams Nursery and Ecology Centre The landscape industry has helped create a legacy of simplified landscapes dominated by a few alien species. As a result the typical residential "yard" in much of North America provides little ecological benefit. Allan will discuss the significant ecological implications of our habit for importing non-native plants, and highlight the practicality, beauty and ecological benefits that can be gained by enhancing our landscaped areas with that native plants. Andrew Judge/ Our Wisdom Tree Our Wisdom Tree Project is a bridge to Elders, community leaders and ecological guardians who create real world changes today and opportunities to engage. Our goal is to plant trees in similar ways that Indigenous people did prior to colonization and inspire others to do the same. On the way we want to build a community with similar visions for the future. Joshua Wise/Ontario Nature Ontario Nature's "Citizens Toolkit for Nature Conservation" will equip citizens with information and advice on advocating for environmental protection in their municipalities. It will highlight nature's benefits and how to create healthier, more livable and resilient communities through greenway planning. Vic Bernyk/Native Trees and Plants Native plants support a diversity of species and by bringing native plants into residential and public landscapes we can increase the habitat and support many more species. This discussion will outline the main pollinator groups in Ontario and how in many instances, their very survival depends on native plants. 4 16:00 The Carolinian Food Forest in your backyard Jessica Robertson/ The Carolinian Food Forest The Carolinian Food Forest is located on 1 acre of City of London park land and includes dozens of species of native Carolinian plants. They have purposefully been chosen to provide food and medicine, or to provide ecosystem services to the community, and require little input and care from humans. Come and learn about this unique project, what you may see when you visit the site, and how you can get involved. 16:30 PhragmitesInvasive species and impact on our wetlands Nancy Vidler/Lambton Shores Phragmites Community Group Phragmites is an invasive species that is causing significant damage to wetlands' flora and fauna across the province. Community organizations are working tirelessly to rid drains, ditches, marshlands and beaches of this weed. Learn how one such project is making an impact. Visit our Woodland Jeanne Anne Goldrick/ The Garden Club of Canada A description, with photos, of the development, history and reasons for the Woodland as a restoration project to achieve a piece of Carolinian Forest with in the City of London. 17:00 5 Demo and Interactive Exhibits ALL Day Climbing Wall Junction Climbing Gym All Day Leaf Identification and Colouring Reforest London First climb is free! ‘Parkette’ Workshop Stage 10:30 How to Pack Your Pack! Mike Merritt, Mountain Equipment Coop Become the master of organization and learn exactly what you need and how to store it with the equipment gurus from MEC. 11:30 Meet the Wildlife Ambassadors! Brian Salt/Salthaven Salthaven Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Centre’s mission is to help sick, injured or orphaned wild animals. Meet one or more of their Wildlife Ambassadors (Spirit the bald eagle, Gusss the grey rat snake, Miko Shikoba the red-tailed hawk, and Chaukar the Laggar falcon). 12:30 Tracking Reptiles and Amphibians Tanya Pulfer/ Ontario Nature Calling all Citizen Scientists! Check out this Cool Phone App to track Reptiles and Amphibians across the region and share your data with conservation biologists! Meet Reptiles and Amphibians Jenny Pearce/ Sciensational Sssnakes This programs feature live animals that are safe, friendly and easy to handle. Many of them are native Ontario species, some of which are now endangered in the wild, and rarely seen. Sciensational Sssnakes!! maintains the most complete collection of Ontario reptile and amphibian species in the province, which allows unparalleled 13:30 6 opportunities to learn about these animals and the challenges we face to ensure their survival in the future. GPS, Digital Navigation and Topographical maps Christian Espanol, Mountain Equipment Coop These are the MASTER SKILLS and TOOLS you need to Get Out and really Enjoy It! If you love your gear or you want to go old school......this workshop will help you confidently navigate the back country. 15:30 Tree Caching Association of Canadian Educational Resources (ACER) You’ve heard of Geo Caching....well this is a similar challenging activity. Find these specially marked trees around the region, then scan to learn more! 16:30 Bike Maintenance 101! TBD, Mountain Equipment Coop Learn how to fix a flat, basic maintenance, accessorizing your bike 14:30 7
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