online Shopping spree or addiction? The Fight for Every Heartbeat PG 08 Angelica Kenova is a living doll’ PG 16 Page 24 VOLUME 02 | ISSUE 34 MAY 30 - JUN 05 , 2015 PRICE `10 EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW GMC Commissioner OTC VIAGRA SALES INCREASE IN CITY PG 10 Are Coaching Institutes helping city students? With changing lifestyle among the men of the city, there is an increase in the use of drugs like Viagra but most are sold OTC without a doctor’s prescription. Contd. in page 02 PG 06 Several city hospitals flaunting PG health norms 03 Green garbage infuriate LOCALS PG 14 2 G PLUS MAY 30 - JUN 05, 2015 Lead Story OTC VIAGRA SALES INCREASE IN GUWAHATI Rahul Chanda 67% W ith changing lifestyles and modern habits, Guwahatians are facing various health hazards including increasing cases of erectile dysfunction among men. But for someone suffering from such a condition, is it wise to consult a doctor or should one directly go to a chemist and start using Viagra or Sildenafil (the active ingredient contained in Viagra). G Plus talked to chemists, men in the city and experts to know how one can use the potency enhancing drug and are the men using such drugs at all. If yes, are doctors prescribing it and if not, what are the side effects of using such drugs without doctor’s recommendation. The survey G Plus talked to around 30 chemists across the city to find out whether men in the city are buying the performance enhancing pills. Around 19 chemists said there has been an increase in the sale of such pills in recent days and another six chemists said they do not keep them in their shops. The other four did not want to reply to the query. According to city chemists, there are sildenafil citrate pills available in the market like Viagra, Penegra, Coberta, Manforce, Chril pil etc. The Life Pharmacy manager said, “The sale of Viagra is increasing in Guwahati in recent days and most of the people buying Viagra do not men feel it’s because of changing lifestyle come with any doctor’s prescription. There are very rare cases when patients come to purchase Sildenafil with a doctor’s prescription.” He also said that mostly men aged between 30 to 45 years purchase Viagra although there have been incidents where young boys aged between 18 to 25 purchase them for enhanced performance as well. So what are the reasons for increase in the demand for such pills? The reasons G Plus talked to 100 men randomly in the age group of 30 to 40 years and discovered their reasons for the increased use of Viagra in Guwahati. 67 men said that the use of such drugs have increased because of changing lifestyles and another 21 men felt it is used only by people who are childless. Six of the respondents felt that it is increasing because women these days are very demanding while the remaining six men did not want to comment. A city based businessman Biplob Bhuyan said, “I know a friend who has been married for the last six years but till now does not have a child as his wife has not conceived as yet. Someone suggested to him to start using Viagra and he did so without consulting any doctor. It has been around six to seven months that he has been using Viagra and now he has become very weak. I have suggested “Drugs like Viagra should be only used after doctors’ recommendations as there are serious side effects if such drugs are taken under certain conditions. If Viagra is taken with organic nitrates or anti fungal medicines, there can be serious consequences.” Dr Subhash Jain Gynaecologist him to visit a doctor.” Another city based government employee said, “I feel many people use Viagra just to experiment with their sexual life and gradually they make it a habit. Every man wants to be known as a stud and they feel that sexual performance is something that matters the most for his partner. Viagra helps a man to perform better and hence its use is increasing.” There might be various reasons for an increase in the use of drugs like Viagra, but it is also a fact that the drug is mostly bought without any doctor’s prescription. But is it wise to use it without consulting a doctor? The experts City based psychiatrist Dr Nahid S Islam said, “It is not at all advisable to take drug like Sildenafil without doctor’s recommendation as it is not a magic pill and can have some serious side effects. It is just a medicine, which improves erection in men that can be taken if doctor recommends it.” She further said that there is a psychology among the men that to be looked at as sexually virile, they will have to satisfy their wives or partners with a better performance every time and hence the use of such drugs prevail. Some men even do not want to discuss about their potency problems with anyone and therefore, they avoid consulting a doctor who may be able to cure them even without using such drug. Dr Subhash Jain, a gynaecologist said, “Drugs like Viagra should be only used after doctors’ recommendations as there are serious side effects if such drugs are taken under certain conditions. If Viagra is taken with organic nitrates or anti fungal medicines, there can be serious consequences.” He further said that if a person has heart problem, low blood pressure, past history of stroke or anatomical defects on the penis, then the effect of the drug is risky for that person. He also said that people suffering from sickle cell anaemia or myeloma can suffer from disease like priapism if they use Viagra. There are also side effects of such drugs like headache, migraine, flushing of the face among others. He added that in some rare cases, the drug can even cause cardiac arrest if the person using the drug is very weak. He said that any doctor cannot prescribe such medicine and an urologist, gynaecologist or an MD medicine should prescribe such drugs if required after thorough examination. A Delhi based doctor, Dr Manoj Kumar Singh said, “There are various sexual problems which men face like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation etc and drugs like Viagra can only help in erection by causing fast blood flow to that part of the body. It will not help to cure problems like premature ejaculation.” He also said that there are other causes of such problems, like if someone is facing a problem of erectile dysfunction, it can be because of stress, so, if a doctor is consulted and the stress is dealt with, the problem will be cured. But if one starts taking sildenafil without going to a doctor, it will further increase the problem. So, according to experts, it is not wise to use Viagra without consulting a doctor but in Guwahati, people mostly use such drugs without any prescription which needs to be checked. [email protected] G PLUS MAY 30 - JUN 05, 2015 3 In The News Several city hospitals flaunting health norms District admin to act tough against erring institutions Kalyan deb T ightening its hold over private hospitals flaunting health norms, the Kamrup metropolitan administration has placed under scrutiny several such hospitals in the city and a few of them have been found reportedly violating norms. Recently, a team led by Additional DC Fakhruddin Ahmed visited the Midland Hospital during which it was found that the hospital authorities were not following certain norms as per Health Establishment Act, 1993. Various anomalies like not having a morgue, non-display of the services provided in the public domain, not having adequate doctors and nurses as per the number of beds available in the hospitals, lack of parking facilities, etc. were found during the inspection drive. The drive was undertaken after Kamrup deputy commissioner Dr. M Angamuthu formed a team on November 2014 led by a magistrate to conduct inspections in hospitals and verify whether they were following all norms and guidelines. It was found during the inspection that the Midland Hospital has been conducting operations of urology patients without having the requisite section for the department in the hospital. Following the violations, the Directorate of Health issued a show cause notice to be replied within a seven day period. Moreover, the hospital has been ordered not to perform operations for which they have not been It was found during the inspection that the Midland Hospital has been conducting operations of urology patients without having the requisite section for the department in the hospital. Following the violations, the Directorate of Health issued a show cause notice to be replied within a seven day period. Moreover, the hospital has been ordered not to perform operations for which they have not been authorised. authorised. “Although no major violation of norms have been found so far during the first phase of inspection, those found violating the norms have been provided a particular time period to rectify their faults. Since hospitals are organisations that employ several workers, so it will take a major violation of norm to perform strict actions such as cancellation of license,” said additional deputy commissioner, Kamrup metropolitan, Fakhruddin Ahmed. “Whether the rectifications have been carried out or not will be scrutinised in another phase of inspection which will be taking place in due time. The drive will be a continuous process carried out by teams lead by officials”, Ahmed added. On the first day of the inspection, the administration sealed the surgical ward of Sun Valley Hospital located at GS Road. The inspection team found anomalies in the documents. The hospital is recognized by the health department as a diabetic care and research centre and had no permission to carry out surgeries. The surgical section has been sealed till the hospital procures the requisite permission from the health department. The inspection team led by additional deputy commissioner Fakruddin Ahmed also carried out checks on several hospitals across the city such as Agile Hospital, Down Town Hospitals, Dispur Polyclinic, International Hospital, Wintrobe Hospital, Aruna Memorial Hospital, Sun Valley Hospital, Midland Hospital and Dispur Hospitals among several others. Some private hospitals were also evading their responsibility to provide rebate to patients in the out–patient department facilities as well as in–patient department facilities from the economically weaker section category. Questions have been also raised with regards to access to healthcare services, equity, patient’s rights and information sharing among other things. These aspects are linked with concerns for policy and programme in the context of continued policy of the State towards privatisation, public funding for private health sector, etc. “Though there is no such Act to regulate the amount charged by hospitals for various treatments but we are verifying if the hospitals are providing the necessary facilities and rebates to patients from BPL section. The bills and charges of various medical cares are also being scrutinized,” Ahmed informed adding, “Discussions are being carried out at the government level to rate the hospitals like hotels so that the treatment amount charged by the hospital can be fixed to a certain amount.” The administration allegedly had reports that many private health providers in the city are operating in violation of set norms and guidelines. Besides, the inspection will also check the provisions for parking, emergency services, fire fighting apparatus, garbage disposal mechanism and manpower management in the hospitals. It can be noted that earlier in January 2014, the Guwahati Municipal Development Authority (GMDA) had also sent notices to 48 private hospitals and nursing homes in the city, seeking information and documents like building permission for such establishments and Fire and Emergency Services NOCs among others, for scrutiny to ensure that all municipal and safety norms are complied with. The GMDA has sought NOCs and approved drawings of the institutions’ buildings, up-to-date NOCs from Fire and Emergency Services and follow-up compliance reports, up-to-date NOCs from the Pollution Control Board and follow-up compliance report, clearance from competent authority under the Assam Health Establishment Act 1993, details of both liquid and solid waste disposal plans in operation and details regarding the provision of incinerator and any other waste disposal mechanism in operation. [email protected] 4 G PLUS MAY 30 - JUN 05, 2015 In The News New software to tackle human trafficking cases RAHUL CHANDA W hile the state police is trying its level best to become techno savvy with various technological approaches towards policing, for the first time, a non-government organisation is facilitating a move which will ease the process of handling human trafficking cases in entire northeast benefitting even the state police to its maximum. Impulse NGO Network launched the Impulse Case Info Centre (ICIC) software on 28th May 2015 at the Conference Hall of the Police Control Room Ulubari, Guwahati. Mukesh Sahay, ADGP CID, Bhaskar Jyoti Mahanata, ADGP Railways, Jyotirmoy Chakraborty, Commissioner of Police, Guwahati were the chief guest and the guests of honour. The members of anti human trafficking unit of the police force of all the eight states of Northeast were also present during the launch. The software The ICIC software will provide the anti-human trafficking units a fast and systematic communication channel across the country to share case information, documents, and updates on the human trafficking cases. All the anti-human trafficking units have their specific user account in the AHT Software, enabling them to see only the cases that they have registered or cases that have been referred to them. This ensures that necessary confidentiality and privacy standards are followed. However, the software has an alert-feature, enabling different units to realize if any other unit is, or has been, managing a case involving the same human trafficking victim or the same human trafficker. Moreover, the software is automatically colliding statistical information on high prevalence source and destinations areas for human trafficking, the trafficking methods and routes, along with general profile of human trafficking victims and traffickers. CID ADGP Mukesh Sahai said, “To use technology is a force multiplier to improve our efficacy in countering human trafficking which is a serious no risk, high profit organised criminal activity.” The ICIC Software provides the needed national and international link for the anti-human trafficking units to collaborate in reporting and sharing information on human trafficking cases. A trainer demonstrating the software to the police officials The ICIC Software enables • Systematic case documentation for cases of human trafficking • Fast and continuous communication among Anti-Human Trafficking Units nationally and internationally • Centralization of required formats and toolkits for Anti-Human Trafficking • Centralization of stakeholder’s contacts • Platform for statistical information on human trafficking trends nationally and internationally Number of human trafficking cases registered in Guwahati 4 in 2012 7 in 2014 9 in 2013 1 in 2015 (till today) Senior police officials of eight Northeastern states with the members of Impulse NGO pose for a photograph during the launch of ICIC An software important element of the software is that although it is accessible to all anti-human trafficking units (AHTUs), the details of each case are password protected and only the relevant units involved in an individual case can see details of that particular case. Therefore, only those who have reported a specific case, and those to whom the case has been referred to, are able to open and update the information on the specific case. The software is functional offline; the case details can be inserted to the case files in the offline mode. However, the information can be only shared with the other stakeholders once connected to internet. The initiative Impulse chief Hasina Kharbhih said, “After 17 long years of impulse model, it has been in full operation and also replicated in the eight states of the northeast. We have registered almost 72,000 number of cases of trafficking including the child and women and in these years, of course, we have realised that the data bank/ the cases management system was inadequate in actually making it in a systematic approach. So, the whole process of making it in a systematic approach became so relevant that we have to succeed to bring anti-human trafficking unit. In this 17 years we faced the challenges of case documentation, speeding of the intervention or the case management system that becomes so much of a challenging point.” She further said that the concept of getting a software in place where things become easier was brainstormed and the idea of making a software was conceptualised. In 2012 Impulse NGO received the Global Development Network silver prize under the Japanese most devel- opment project and that was where the NGO thought of getting the software. The prize money was $10000 USD and $7000 was used to develop the software which will be shared for free with the AHTUs of all the northeastern states initially and in future the entire nation can start using the software following the northeast. She said that as IIT Guwahati is in northeast she approached the institute to help her make develop the software and under the guidance of Prof SRM Prasanna and Dr Ranbir Singh of IIT Guwahati, Speechwrenet India pvt ltd developed the software. At present the police officials are getting trained on the software and once they are comfortable with the software, they will start working on the software soon. Impulse NGO will be the administrator of the software but will not be able to view investigating procedure of the police. After the two day training in Guwahati, the Hasina will travel to all the eight states to train the officials at their own working place. Interestingly, the software will be managed by an IG level officer of the AHTU of any state and that increases the accountability and responsibility for handeling the software efficiently. Hasina said that it is a milestone move for the police and the NGO which can share data and work together against the traffickers and for the trafficking victims. Along with Impulse NGO, other NGOs can also be a partner of the process by joining the Impulse model which will have various levels of scrutiny. At present Utsah is one of the partner in the process. [email protected] G PLUS MAY 30 - JUN 05, 2015 In The News Assam DGP deposes before riot commission G PLUS NEWS A ssam police chief Khagen Sarma recorded his statement before the one man enquiry commission probing the 2012 BTAD riots in the city on Thursday. Assam police’s slow response in dousing the violence during its initial days had come under severe criticism then. The state government had constituted this commission headed by Mutum BK Singh, retired judge of the Gauhati High Court to find out the individuals or organizations responsible for the violence and fix responsibility. The Commission was also asked to determine the lapses, if any, on the part of the civil and the police administration in tackling the situation. The DGP, however, refused to comment anything before the media after his deposition. Assam police to fill 6000 AB constable posts G PLUS NEWS A “There was an allegation that security forces were not deployed timely. However, the DG said that forces acted timely. Earlier, all the administrative officials and police officials of BTAD had deposed that forces were deployed at least three days after the violence during which it escalated,” said advocate N H Mazarbhuyan who was present at the disposition and represented a minority students’ group before the commission. Sarma has even allegedly failed to clarify how and when the state police would seize all the illegal arms available in BTAD. The commission so far recorded at least 165 witnesses and top officials of home department are likely to depose before it on Friday. iming to add muscle to the acute man power shortage of Assam police, the state police have started one of its largest armed branch constable recruitment process. It will fill at least 6, 748 posts across the state. “There were reports of several incidents of rackets involving taking bribes from candidates in the name of job. But I want to ensure that this recruitment will be completely based on merit,” Assam police director general Khagen Sarma told media. Assam police have opened helpline numbers- 9854077723 and 9854077725 to register complaints of corruption in the recruitment process. “The candidates can even contact us through Facebook page-‘recruitment of armed branch constables 2014-15 or WhatsApp or contact the DGP control room,” the DGP said. Physical tests of hundreds of candidates at 23 out of the 37 venues for the recruitment are finished and the remaining will be over on June 8. “Those who clear the physical test will sit for a written test. So we appeal all the candidates not to go for any such luring,” Sarma added. Naturopathy Educational institutions and yoga help in to become tobacco-free rehabilitation and I reoccurrence of cancer G PLUS NEWS Dr Avantika Saraf G PLUS NEWS T o live a healthy and peaceful life in the midst of a busy and challenging life requires shifting one’s awareness close to nature, moving inwards to oneself and setting the rhythm of life in the right direction. To facilitate this, Dr B Barooah Cancer Institute in association with Jeevandham Foundation conducted a seminar on “Approach to Integrative Oncology” through Naturopathy and Yoga. Naturopathy is a system of working towards the cure of diseases without using medicines. It is an ancient and traditional science which integrates the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of our natural constitution. Naturopathy has the capacity to prevent and in some cases also cure the disease. Naturopathy believes that the reasons and remedies of all diseases are the same—ailments develop due to the presence of intoxicants which are removed by natural means. All levels of the body are treated simultaneously and holistically. The principal aim of Naturopathy is to teach people the art of healthy living by changing their daily routine and habits—this not only cures the disease but makes ones’ bodies strong and glowing. Dr Avantika Saraf, the first Naturopath physician of Assam said, “It is a well know fact that 80 per cent of cancer patient use complementary and alternative medicine treatments in combination with conventional treatment. Integrative oncology has tallied real success in extending mainstream strategies, but its most important advances stem from preventing recurrence once conventional practitioners declare their work done.” Naturopathy and Yoga works effectively in three stages in cancer management. First, it prevents the diseases by lifestyle modification, by working alongside conventional treatment where patients are experiencing side effects and lastly it helps in rehabilitation of the patient who has completed the treatment and minimizes the risk of reoccurrence. Some of the therapies proven useful are Massage Therapy, Hydrotherapy, Reflexology, Diet Therapy and Acupuncture along with Yoga and Meditation. Dr Amal Chandra Kataki, Director BCCI, while speaking on the occasion remarked that the seminar was very effective in knowing the integrative approach which will help lot of cancer patients to reduce the time of rehabilitation and reoccurrence. A programme on Yoga to overcome stress associated with cancer will be organized for the patient in the institute during the first International Yoga day on 21st June 2015. n an effort to save the future generation from the ill effect of tobacco, the Assam Government has recently issued notification to make all educational institutions in the state tobacco-free by this year. A official instruction issued by Additional Chief Secretary, Education Rajiv Kumar Bora to all heads of educational institutions (Principals, Head Masters, Head Mistress/Registrars) requested all to comply with the prescribed criteria for tobacco free educational institutions and submit the status report on the same along with the self-declaration at the earliest, to the concerned district and state officials. The official letter from the Additional Chief Secretary dated May 19, 2015 also mentioned that the Additional Chief Secretary, Education will review the action taken by each institution in this regard on regular basis. The criteria for tobacco free educational institution are • Display of “tobacco free education institution” board at a prominent place on the boundary wall outside the main entrance. • Display of mandatory signage stating “Sale of tobacco products is prohibited within 100 yards radius of this educational institution” at a prominently near the main gate and on boundary wall of school/ institute. • No smoking or chewing of tobacco inside the premises of institution by students/teachers/other staff members/visitors. • All educational institutions shall display prominently at the entrance and exit of the school premises “No Smoking 5 • • • • Area-Smoking Here is an Offence” Signages of 60x30 cm size inside the institution (as mandated by law). Appointment (Selection) of Nodal officers in each educational institution for tobacco control and monitoring activities. Incorporate tobacco control activities/programmes in the educational institutions. Posters with information on harmful effects of tobacco will be displayed at prominent places in the school/institution. Students should be encouraged to write anti-tobacco slogans in school/ institution wall magazine. A copy of the Cigarette and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA), 2003 shall be available with the Principals/ Head of school/institutions. (May be downloaded from the website of the Ministry of Health &Family Welfare— Schools/educational institutions will have to submit tobacco-free educational institution declaration to concerned district heads. The instruction from Additional Chief Secretary also mentioned that the concerned Directorates (Elementary, Secondary, Higher, Technical and Madrassa), RMSA, SSA along with the civil society organizations will be involved in this initiative. The Assam Government has constituted two committees, one at the district level and one at the state level to look after the activities of the educational institutions in respect of achieving the target of the tobacco free institutions. The district committee which will be chaired by the Deputy Commissioner will consist of five members including the Chairman. The Inspector of Schools (IS) and District Elementary Education Officer (DEEO) will submit reports to the district committee about the institutions on infringement of Cigarette and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA), 2003 in respect of educational institutions (section 6-b). The committee will be at liberty to take necessary steps for ensuring compliance of COTPA by educational institutions throughout the state of Assam and to declare tobacco-free educational institutions throughout the state of Assam. The committee will submit monthly status report to the Government which will be placed before the State Level Core Committee chaired by the Minister of Education. Initiating action to stop the growing use of tobacco amongst the students, Assam Education Minister Sarat Barkataki on Saturday last at a programme held at the Dr. B. Barooah Cancer Institute (BBCI) announced that his department issued notification to stop use of tobacco in educational institutions. It is to be mentioned that the Voluntary Health Association of Assam (VHAA), a non-profit organization working in the field of tobacco control in Assam for the last decade or so, initiated the advocacy campaign with the Assam Education Department couple of months back to push for making all educational institutions in the State tobacco free. The advocacy effort of the VHAA yielded results with the education department deciding to launch Tobacco Free Education Campaign in Assam. The VHAA has also been made a member of the State Level Core Committee which was constituted by the Government to review the monthly status reports of the districts submitted in respect of declaration of the tobacco free educational institutions. 6 G PLUS MAY 30 - JUN 05, 2015 City Are Coaching Institutes Juthika Baruah helping CITY students? W ith rising competition among the students across all sectors, numerous coaching institutes in the city have entered the fray in different disciplines, all promising to give the best of education for cracking competitive examinations. But the million dollar question isdo coaching institutions really provide the best education that enables one to crack competitive examination? G Plus talked to a number of students from different institutions and most students expressed satisfaction with the education being provided by such coaching centres in the city. Talking to G Plus, a student of IMS Coaching Centre, Pinky Das said, “The coaching for CAT in the institution has helped me a lot as I was worried whether I could crack the examination or not. But the centre has provided me the best of knowledge and education through which I passed the examination. The faculty members are very supportive and they teach us the tricks to simplify the questions in the limited time given in the examination.” Another student, Rimlee Baruah who is pursuing a course for banking examination said that the coaching has helped her a lot in getting ideas to prepare for the examination. “I am an advocate by profession and I want to sit for the bank examination but as I don’t have the basic idea on how to prepare, I opted for this coaching class. I am not good in Mathematics and through this coaching atleast I came to know about the various techniques used to solve the maths,” said Rimlee. She also said that the faculty members are good enough to get into the concept of the knowledge required to sit in a competitive examination. “Earlier, I was not aware of such concepts like the type of paper we should prepare for or what books to follow but in the coaching class, the teachers help us solve question papers which has helped me a lot,” she said. T.E. Rasul, Centre Director of TIME Institute, Guwahati while speaking to G Plus said, “Most of the students crack the competitive examination and proper coaching is the best way to get an idea about how to prepare for the examinations. We provide coaching for Banking, CAT, NET and GATE and the courses are of four-five months duration but some students may need more depending on the subject.” Rasul said that the faculty of TIME are from the state itself, including IIT graduates and others who have cleared bank examinations. The admission process continues throughout the year but the rush is more before the various entrance examinations. He said that trade licenses and other relevant documents are necessary for opening up a coaching institute. Meghali Das, a parent whose child “I am an advocate by profession and I want to sit for the bank examination but as I don’t have the basic idea on how to prepare, I opted for this coaching class. I am not good in Mathematics and through this coaching at least I came to know about the various techniques used to solve the problems.” A student is also pursuing coaching classes said that there is a very competitive environment now-a-days and coaching is very impotant for getting into Engineerin and medical courses. “We cannot guide our children as we do not have much idea in training them for such competitive exams and the education system has changed a lot since our time. And we cannot deny the children the necessary coaching because we have often seen that students who take coaching get a better idea on how to prepare for the competitive examinations than a student who want to sit in the competitive examination but do not seek any external guidance. It is not that one will not crack the examinations without any tuition but the tuition or coaching may at least give them a better idea on how to efficiently prepare for such examination,” said Das. Another guardian, Rupali Konwar said that she don’t believe that it is only coaching that help students crack competitive examinations. She said, “The coaching is just a gist which could help the students with the minimum idea. Cracking an examination totally depends on the student and their dedication to their studies. The coaching institutes has become a business for the people as well as for the faculties as an extra source of income. And people follow the coaching culture by imitiating others. If someone’s child takes up coaching, they will also send their children to similar classes thinking it will help them. Earlier, there were no coaching and tuition culture but students were much more brilliant than now. It has become a habit to go for tuition and coaching.” [email protected] Weather report for the week SAT 30 May SUN 31 May MON 01 June TUE 02 June WED 03 June THU 04 June FRI 05 June Strong thunderstorms Heavy rain. Mostly cloudy Numerous showers Showery. Morning clouds Rain showers. Morning clouds Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy 23 / 33 °C 23 / 28 °C 23 / 30 °C 23 / 32 °C 23 / 34 °C 25 / 33 °C 24 / 32 °C G PLUS MAY 30 - JUN 05, 2015 7 City Appeal for ‘Freedom Park’ Aditya Gogoi in old jail S enior citizens in the city want the old Guwahati Central Jail to be preserved as a heritage site in memory of those freedom fighters who were lodged in the jail. Though the district administration has plans to turn it into a major commercial complex with underground parking facilities, residents want it to be an open space. The central jail was located in Fancy Bazar area which was later shifted to Lakhra in 2012. Now, many in the city want that the area should be dedicated to the memory of the freedom fighters of the northeast region. “This area is linked to history as many people who fought for the freedom struggle was kept in the jail. So, we want that there should not be any major construction here which would destroy its heritage. We suggest that a column should be raised in the memory of all the martyrs of the NE states that laid down their lives for the nation. It will be great piece of history for the generations to come,” said Ajoy Dutta, a former MLA and working president of civil society group, ‘Citizens’ First’. The jail, which was set up in 1881 covered an area of more than 56 bighas of land. They want that the main building and a few cells should be preserved as heritage site. The Guwahati Metropolitan Development Authority (GMDA) has plans to develop the jail land into a one-stop destination housing an exhibition hall, conference Aditya Gogoi U nruly bikers of the city are making life miserable for pedestrians and in spite of assurances by the district administration of arranging better facility on the footpaths, the city bikers’ riding over the footpaths have become a horrible experience for denizens. It is a familar scene for bikers to ride their two-wheelers over the narrow footpaths whenever traffic is halted on the roads. “The condition of footpaths or walkways in the city are already poor if we compare these to some of the other places of the country. And on top of that, the behaviour of some unruly bikers makes life miserable for padesterians. On some occasions, people walking by the side ways have rooms, theatres and hotels, with the latest disaster response facilities. It will also include spaces for underground parking. The revenue and disaster management department recently issued an allotment order for more than 56 bigha jail land in favour of the GMDA, based on a concept paper submitted by the Guwahati development department (GDD). The citizens are of the opinion that they are not opposing the parking area. “Without demolishing the site, parking arrangement for a good number of vehicles is possible. Instead of constructing huge buildings, the area should be left open so The Guwahati Metropolitan Development Authority (GMDA) has plans to develop the jail land into a one-stop destination housing an exhibition hall, conference rooms, theatres and hotels, with the latest disaster response facilities. It will also include spaces for underground parking. that people can take shelter there in the hour of crisis like an earthquake. We also propose that there should be plantations at the location which will increase the greenery of the city,” Dutta said. Dinesh Biashya, Assam chapter’s founder chairman of Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH) said that there can be a Jail Museum instead at the present site. “They cannot destroy it at any cost. It’s a part of our history. People like Gopinath Bordoloi, Assam’s first state chief, was also kept in this jail during the freedom movement. I would suggest that there should be a Jail Museum in that area where people can come and experience the history of our forefathers. Many countries in the world have such places,” said Baishya. Author Monalisha Saikia said that if the old jail buildings are demolished it will be a blunder. “We are emotionally involved as many of the freedom fighters were kept there. Let’s make it a place of heritage where the children can come and be a part of history. Besides, like many others have suggested, a beautiful park can be made there instead of typical high risers. We need some place within the city to breathe,” she said. Footpaths Where pedestrians fear to tread also been injured. This is a failure on the part of the administration, besides an abject lack of civic sense,” said Dimple Sarma, a city resident. Although, several attempts have been made by the traffic police to curb the menace, including conducting awareness camps and imposing fine on the rule violators, the incidents has not ceased. “We are not yet fully equipped with technology like covering all the roads with CCTVs. We have to work manually but whenever we have found such violators, action was taken against them. We have also conducted several awareness camps in schools and colleges. We need a continuous and holistic approach from all section to get rid of such habits. We are also planning to involve some NGOs in this regard,” said deputy commissioner (traffic) PJ Goswami. Such violations of traffic norms have also led to an increasing number of road accidents in the city. Traffic po- lice records show some 72 people lost their lives in road mishaps, mostly in two-wheeler crashes, since the beginning of 2015. Another 250 sustained injuries in accidents since January. According to records, last year over 1,100 road accidents were registered in the city alone in which some 302 people died and some 690 were injured. In 2014, traffic police recorded over 1.2 lakh non-FIR cases of traffic violations like ignoring signals, drunk driving, riding without helmets, driv- ing while talking on the phone and driving without seat belts. Ajoy Dutta, a former MLA and a senior citizen expressed his sorrow at the lack of civic senses among the residents of the city. “At this age I still ride a scooter but seeing the youths riding in such unruly way, it’s painful. It’s hurtful to see the ever deplorable civic senses and insensitiveness towards others. Besides, our administration has failed terribly to maintain the city,” Dutta said. 8 G PLUS MAY 30 - JUN 05, 2015 City online Shopping spree or addiction? Priyanka Jain What happens when shopping spirals out of control and in some cases, becomes an addiction? From hitting the malls with your girlfriends and boyfriends on a Saturday, to holiday spending on gifts that go under the tree, shopping could be called one of India’s favourite pastimes. For most people, it means some new clothes for work or a small trinket for a friend. For others, however, shopping is much more than an enjoyable pastime and in some cases, it is a real and destructive addiction that can turn into a financial disaster. “Compulsive shopping and spending are defined as inappropriate, excessive, and out of control.” What is online shopping? When we buy a product or a service over the internet, instead of going to a traditional brick-and-mortar store, it is called online shopping. Globally, an increasing number of people are buying over the Internet because it is more convenient. The city is witnessing an unprecedented economic boom. We can see the effect of this boom all around us. Among others, there has been an exponential rise in consumer spending. At the same time, more and more consumers are looking for easy ways to shop since their time is increasingly under pressure. E-commerce or online shopping provides a way out. Guwahati features in top 10 online shopping destinations. G plus conducted a study recently that highlighted the growing prominence of online shopping among the youth in Guwahati. The study was conducted among a group of 30 youths aged between 18-25, out of which 75 per cent were girls and 25 per cent boys. Where 60 per cent prefer online shopping, 40 per cent prefer going out and shopping. Few questions were asked like what do they prefer-going out and shopping or online shopping, how much do they spend on shopping, what products do they usually purchase, where do they get money for shopping etc? Says Komal Rai “I am in 2nd year and my mom gives me Rs 2000 every month and I shop for things like clothes, mobile recharge and I even save sometimes. Actually I prefer online shopping because we get discount all the year round. Rahul Saxena said “I earn Rs 15,000 per month and I don’t need to ask money from my parents. From this, I keep Rs 2500 for shopping which includes clothes. Although I am a male, I consider myself a shopaholic. Since there is no other source of income, I have to manage within my means. I don’t like online shopping. In some cases if something or the other goes wrong, what we see on screen and what we receive in reality is totally different.’’ A new phenomenon which has emerged with the increasing popularity of online shopping sites is that now even boys consider themselves shopaholics and are very updated with all the latest brands and fashion. After talking to few frequent buyers, we found that the products which is most frequently purchased by citizens are gadgets, clothes and personal items. Guwahati is estimated to have a population of about 909,895. So there are choices whether one must go for shopping in person or online shopping. Trade and Economy The 1990s witnessed an explosive growth of electronic markets and the rise of the so-called e-commerce. Online markets are dramatically changing the way products are bought and sold and as the Internet is increasingly taking on a crucial role in the sale of goods and services, it has become essential to better understand the process of in-person shopping and online shopping. There is a huge competition between online shopping and offline shopping. How malls are trying to counter online shopping ports? Shopping malls in the country are going through a transformation to make themselves more of an ‘experiential’ destination, adding more restaurants, spas, salons and even doctor clinics, at least partially influenced by the recent boom in online shopping. When surveyed, the people of Guwahati said that the online shopping would be double by 2016. Many traders and banks have introduced many polices regarding shopping and online shopping. Shiksha Jain said “Rs 5000 is not enough for me. I am part of a peer group where all my friends are rich and we often go out for shopping and dining so I cannot say no every time. It’s kind of peer pressure. I even fight with my mother because of these reasons. So now on I have asked for monthly pocket money. I prefer going and shopping because we get to roam places like malls and so on.” Nowadays, the youth is very much influenced by peer pressure, mostly in cases of where to shop, eat or hang out. But some parents cannot afford to give so much pocket money to children, something which some children fail to understand. Various types of peer pressure inf luence teenagers to buy things, and these pressures also help shape what teens ask parents to purchase. Peer pressure is often thought of as something that only affects young people, especially teenagers, although peer pressure impacts people of all ages and in various aspects of their lives. Peer pressure often has a big inf luence on a large portion of our society’s purchasing decisions. People often feel the need to keep up with the most modern technical gadg- ets, and to keep up with the images that we are exposed to every day in the media. This, in turn, impacts how we spend our hardearned money. Parents view When asked, a parent named Sudhir Patni said, “We, as parents want that our children should achieve all that in life which we could not get ourselves. But when demand is too high, we cannot fulfill all their wants, due to which we feel pressurised into complying so that they don’t feel bad or disappointed. We try to do our best. I think this generation tries to copy and imitate others; children copy their peer group. For example: if a friend is buying an I Phone, that does not mean the other person has to see and buy it. Youth today are very much surrounded by other graded activities like shopping, hanging out in socially ‘cool’ places and aggressively following their own viewpoints. But along with this, there is also the rising competition between peer group regarding lifestyles. BYST conducts Road Shows on Entrepreneurship B haratiya Yuva Shakti Trust (BYST), a not-for-profit organization guiding budding entrepreneurs to create viable enterprises recently conducted Entrepreneurship awareness through Road shows across the State. The Road shows under 100% funding support from Employment Generation Mission, Govt.of Assam were conducted in four major districts of Assam namely Jorhat, Cachar, Tinsukia and Dibrugarh. The primary objective of the Road show was to generate aware- ness amongst the participants regarding the end to end support provided by BYST in a host of business related activities such as finance, training, support, mentoring and networking. The Road shows were also used as platforms to inform the participants about the Business Idea Contest launched by BYST in Assam. Officials and Mentors from BYST urged the participants to participate in the contest by coming forward with creative and viable business ideas. The top 3 business ideas would be awarded with cash prizes worth over Rs. 1 Lakh, apart from district level prizes that shall be given. Over 500 budding entrepreneurs, students from colleges and educational institutions and NGO representatives participated in the road shows and meets held at different venues. Commenting on the seminar Dr. Md. Hasib, Regional Co-ordinator, BYST Assam said “The seminars were aimed at encouraging youths to think out of the box and apply for Business idea Contest thereby, giving a boost to the entrepreneurial culture of As- sam”. BYST mentors namely Mr. Surjya Phukan (Retd.GM-SBI), Advocate V.K. Dewan, Mr. B. P. Bakshi (Assam Productivity Council- Tinsukia),Mr. M. P. Agarwal (AIMO, Tinsukia)and Mr. Masood Khan (Dibrugarh) took part in the meets at different locations and motivated the youths to come forward with their business ideas. Highlighting the opportunities for ancillary units, Mr. Bakshi remarked that there exists a plethora of opportunities for young entrepreneurs to act as feeder and ancillary units for BCPL and other PSUs in Upper Assam area. The meets were also attended by representatives from District Industries Centre (DIC) and LDM of the respective districts. BYST in association with CII and under 100% funding support from Employment Generation Mission, Govt. of Assam helps young entrepreneurs set up business units and has so far, trained more than 2000 entrepreneurs facilitating setting up of more than 450 small and tiny units which are being mentored for 2 years. G PLUS MAY 30 - JUN 05, 2015 9 City PWD violating the norms of road construction Juthika Baruah C onstruction of high level roads in the city has become bone of contention between the PWD and the Guwahati Metropolitan Development Authority (GMDA), besides being the cause of problems to city denizens with the city development body accusing the PWD of constructing roads in violation of norms by not taking prior consent of the GMDA which is the sole authority to permit the department for construction. Speaking to G Plus, GMDA Chairman, Dhiren Baruah said, “The road and drain level should be maintained while constructing the roads so that it does not hamper the the citizens. The PWD should change their perception as they have no authority to take a decision on how they will construct a road or is it necessary to change the drain and road levels. For any kind of construction, they should take the permission of GMDA which, unfortunately, they are not following. We have the list of each and every road and the manner in which they should be constructed, but the PWD, without the consent of GMDA started construction of the roads, as a result of which common people have to face problems.” Baruah urged the department to co-operate and sought a helping hand for development of a better Guwahati. He said, “There are guidelines for construction, repair and renovation of roads, lanes, bylanes, drains, footpaths and no department, whether PWD or GMC, can break the rules. Before starting any construction work, they should consult with the GMDA for proper guidelines so that it do not harass the general public.” The Chairman said that violation of road level norms by PWD or any other department would entail legal action. He said, “There was a road level violation which came into notice while I visited the ongoing road repair work in Dighalipukhuri. Earlier I had issued a circular to the concerned department that no norms should be violated during construction of the roads but it seems that the PWD has repeatedly breached the norms.” Meanwhile, Consultant Engineer J.N. Khataniar said, “As per rule, the city road level cannot be increased by the concerned authority in an uncontrolled manner so that the normal plinth level of the nearby existing buildings could be maintained. Even in case of repairing of roads, the damaged portion is necessary to be repaired instead of changing the entire road by maintaining its original level. This is the guideline and normal procedure of construction and maintenance of city roads which usually seems to be violated in case of construction of the roads in the city.” Khataniar further stated that the city roads are generally constructed based on a master plan and contour of the location. He said that the level of all the roads is not always plain, some roads are wavy and such roads should be constructed in that manner itself without changing the scenario. According to Indian Road Con- GMDA gress (IRC), roads are grouped as Single lane (3.5m), Intermediate lane (5.5m), double lane (7m with kerb or 7.5m without kerb) and multiple lanes (additional 3.5m for each lane) depending upon the width of carriageway. To design and construct roads, standards prescribed in the Indian Road Congress (IRC) specifications and Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MORT&H) specification are to be observed. One of the residents of Zoo Road, Rita Bhuyan said, “Construction of high level roads become a problem for the general people like us because if the road level becomes high, then the level of the houses comes down and during the rainy season, we face problems as water enters our house. The government departments think of their own benefit but the problems which we face is not a concern for them. There are guidelines for the construction of roads but they don’t follow them and construct the roads according to their whims.” Another resident of Bharalumukh, Ratul Das said that the department takes many years for the completion of road construction that it becomes a harassment for the people. On the other hand, they make the road level higher than the original one for which the level of houses go down and results in water logging during the monsoon. According to Das, the contractors do not take any measurement of the roads while constructing them and want to finish the work without following the norms for which the residents face problem. [email protected] G PLUS NEWS Riding for a cause O ne does not need a therapist if you own a motorcycle, any kind of motorcycle. A motorcycle is not just a vehicle for commuting, it also helps relieve stress and provides the sheer pleasure of simply being free. No doubt, people of all ages, all over the world are attracted to motorcycling. There are many biking clubs all over the world, and in Assam, Discovery Bikers is the most popular biking club which has evolved to form Assam xBhp a part of the bigest biking community in India which is around 12 years old. The club operates not just as a recreational biking group, it works for the betterment of the motorcycling community as a whole, promoting safe riding and observing traffic rules and have conducted and actively participated in various social causes and charity programes. The club, keeping in mind the growing road rash and accidents among teenage bikers in Guwahati have immensly guided and educated the youth to follow safety rules and conducts awarness programes through city rides often. Its members consists of all age groups and male and female bikers. The club also encourages safe stunt biking as a sport and provides a legal platfrom for the participants. The club have conducted various ride programes, always with a social theme, be it the ‘Save the Rhino’ ride to Kaziranga National Park and Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary or promoting Assam tourism by riding to the historic and tourist places. The club members also visit the Parijat Academy and chil- dren’s home regularly to distribute gifts and materials among underprivileged children. The club boasts of having the only female bikers wing in north east and the club members have rode and explored all parts of the country besides neighbouring countries like China, Bhutan, Nepal and Bangladesh from Tawang, along the most dangerous roads to the highest road of India, Leh and Laddakh. Co founder and General Secretary, Ansu Basumatary recently rode solo to Tawang, the second highest motorable road to participate the Tawang Festival. 10 G PLUS MAY 30 - JUN 05, 2015 In Conversation Revenue is a big challenge for GMC New Commissioner After the exit of former GMC commissioner S Viswanathan, the new commissioner Narayan Konwar has taken charge of the civic body. G Plus exclusively talks to him about his plans and vision for the new responsibilities in his kitty. RAHUL CHANDA Guwahatians want to know about you. Please tell us a little about your background, your education and the previous profiles you have held before joining GMC? At present you are the commissioner in charge and might take over the post fully, so how many years do you think you require for achieving your goals for Guwahati? I was born in a village in Morigaon and did my schooling and graduation there itself. I did my post graduation in political science from Guwahati University. After my PG, I started teaching in B Borooah College and finally in Nagaon College. I got selected as IAS in 2010. As an IAS, I started my career in Assam from Dibrugarh as an Additional Commissioner, and then I was posted as SDO Civil, Biswanath. In Guwahati, initially I was posted in GDD as Deputy Secretary and then I was posted here as Joint Commissioner and on 15 January 2015, I was promoted as Additional Commissioner, Guwahati Municipal Corporation and now I am the Commissioner in charge. This is a continuous process. Today I am here, tomorrow someone else will be here. This post is a continuous process, persons might change but the post never will. It’s just that the continuity is required. If someone has started an initiative which is benefiting the public, then it should be continued. Guwahati is an upcoming city so you can’t say that you can do everything within a certain period of time, say, 10 years or five years. But yes, it is true that to start and complete a project, you at least require two-three years. What according to you are the most important changes which Guwahati requires now? There is the flood problem which needs to be solved immidiately. Projects are going on, some are complete, while others are yet to be completed. Then there is work on city beautification and many people are still complaining about lack of public toilets etc, which needs to be improved. Solid waste management is happening but there is still a lot of room for improvement. Street lights, electricity, road condition etc also need to be improved. Actually, we are still fighting for all these basic amenities. So first, these basic amenities have to be provided. During your tenure as an additional commissioner, did you come across any corruption issues by anyone in the According to you, which department and if city problem requires yes did you take any immediate attention? action? So far GMC is concerned, revenue is a big challenge for us. For example, we have started the desilting work but not even a single penny has been paid to the contractors as yet. We did not pay any money to the contractors for the year 201415 and even this year. Since no one is going to invest without getting payment, so, getting them paid is a big challenge. Secondly, GMC is a corporation which runs on its own revenue. We cannot depend for everything on the government, so we have to improve our revenue collection process. Also, public grievances regarding building permission has to be improved. Thirdly, we have many projects and people are working on them, but I feel there is room for improvement and somehow we require quality work in whatever we do. I was looking after conservancy and desiltation. For desilting, we have not yet paid anything so, there is no issue of corruption. As far as conservancy is concerned, everything was done in a transparent manner. So, I didnot hear any allegation of corruption. People accuse GMC officials of taking graft for various reasons like building permission, trade license etc. As a commissioner, what will be your initiative to ensure no one takes bribe in GMC? If we talk about building permissions, the first thing we must ensure is that we have to make the procedure transparent and faster. I have seen some people applying for permission nine months ago and still not getting it, so, they get frustrated and offer money to get the work done faster. We have to streamline the entire process and make it transparent and faster so that once you apply for the permission and you get it easily, you will not give bribe. If you think you are not certain whether you will get the permission or not, then the scope arises for offering and giving bribes. I think there is a need for streamlining the entire process, not just as a commissioner but also as a human being. It might require manpower and frequent review of all the activities, but it can be done. For tax collection, we have two more IAS officers and they are working on it. The harassment to people can be reduced. So, things will be streamlined soon. Can you compare Guwahati with any other city? I have visited Bangalore and Pune. They are better than Guwahati in certain aspects. Bengaluru has the best practice for property tax collection; whereas, as far as conservancy is con- cerned, we are better than Bengaluru. Similarly, Pune has some best practises but again in conservancy, we are better. So, we are working on their way but it will take some time as we have just started. If there is some difference it’s just because of the time and money. The intention and will to work is there in Guwahati also. In fact, to some extent we are better. There is always a rift between the council members and GMC officials. How will you get rid of this problem? The interest is the same. They are elected members and they want to work for the people just as we do. So I don’t think there is a rift. But obviously if there is any vested interest, we will sort it out accordingly. It has been almost two and half years and it is going smoothly. What would be your message to Guwahati? Please help us make Guwahati better. [email protected] G PLUS MAY 30 - JUN 05, 2015 11 City City cbse results down from last year SHANTANU BARUAH T S Six-string hot-shot he results of Class X and XII of Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) have exhibited a downward trend this year with the pass percentage of Class X declining to 86.55 per cent from 92.63 per cent last year. The decline in pass percentage in the city has become a cause of concern as most schools in the city changed their curriculum to CBSE from SEBA thinking that it will help the students to bring better results and get admitted in reputed colleges in other states of the country. This year, a total of 57,585 students appeared for the Class X CBSE examination from the city out of which 49,732 passed the examination while 47,142 students opted for the board-based examination and the remaining 10,443 registered for the school examination. This year, boys performed better in the Class X exam than the girls with the pass percentage of boys being 86.40 per cent while that of girls is 86.33 per cent. On the other hand, in Class XII examination, girls outshone boys with a pass percentage of 73 per cent than the boys with 68 per cent. The number of candidates who appeared in Class XII exam was 47,480 with the pass percentage of 70.38 per cent. The pass percentage of Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV) was 93.74 per cent, Jowahar Navadoy Vidyalaya (JNV) was 94.3 per cent, independent educational institutions were 71.82 per cent while government schools registered 59.42 per cent in the Class XII exams. An official of the CBSE while speaking to G Plus said, “The reason for decline of pass percentage in the north east is that due to the absence of their own state boards in Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh, the results are not as expected in the Northeast. Students from these two states appear for examinations of Class X under CBSE from the private and government schools. The pass percentage of Assam was 99.15 per cent while that of Sikkim was 84.63 per cent and Arunachal Pradesh was 73.99 per cent which is much less than the state of Assam.” The pass percentage of Class X from JNV was 99.29 per cent with the best results, followed by KV with a pass percentage of 99 per cent, private schools with 98.13 per cent and government run schools with 71.68 per cent. One of the students who passed Class XII from Royal Global Group of Institutions, Priyanka Harlalka said that she was not satisfied with the result as she expected more percentage, especially in Economics where she scored very less marks and recalled the paper for rechecking. She said that she don’t know the reason behind it, whether it is because of the examiner or something else that she got less mark. Moreover, the official of CBSE said that as the government schools cater to the educational needs of a large number of students who are first-generation learners, the results are not up to the mark. According to him, the results of the schools in the city are not that bad but due to the declining pass percentage in Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh, the entire percentage becomes low. Luxury Connect Business School finds immense potential in the region for luxury and retail sector W ith a target to enrol 25 per cent to 40 per cent students from the northeast in each of their courses, India’s first and only luxury business school - Luxury Connect Business School (LCBS), Gurgaon conducted an interactive session in Guwahati onThursday. The session was presided over by Akshay Gupta, Manager Operations, Luxury Connect Business School. “We have ample number of enrolments from northeast for our certified courses. Our first enrolment for the retail and luxury course was from northeast. Students from the northeastern region have a natural affinity towards retail and customer service and with proper training and education, most of them can be converted into wonderful sales ambassadors. The courses offered by us will accelerate growth for candidates who are interested in building a career in the same field”, said Gupta. “While it is not uncommon to see sales persons from North-east in the general fashion, beauty and skin care, wellness, gourmet, hostess, event coordinator categories, it is very rare to see them in the high end premium and luxury stores. LCBS wishes to open up this opportunity to them via its specialised offerings and job assurance”, added Akshay. It has been seen that an ample number of students are going abroad for higher studies hoping for more job opportunities abroad. However, it has been seen that job opportunities abroad are swiftly declining and many people have to return to India to search for opportunities. Therefore, to address the growing need of skilled workforce in the luxury and retail sector in India itself, Luxury Connect has taken the initiative to set up India’s first and only Luxury B School –Luxury Connect Business School which provides international standards of education in luxury sector. Luxury Connect Business School, has been carefully designed keeping in mind the standards and gaps prevalent in the industry. With the expected rising demand, LCBS has customized and designed various programmes to focus education and training in areas like brand management, retail services and skills, customer relationship management and more. The school has collaborated with international universities to provide a global perspective to the students. In their boutique campus, Luxury Connect Business School’s teaching approach is not just restricted to classroom training. LCBS have people from the industry with practical exposure as faculty members. Moreover they invite guest faculty from various segments to take lectures and even have international faculty visiting the campus. As far as placements are concerned, Luxury Connect Business School have signed letters from some of the big names from the industry. LCBS works across industry sub sectors and has a reach in various sub sectors of luxury, be it fashion, health and fitness, travel and hospitality, watches and jewellery, automobiles, real estate etc. The collective, Armani Junior, Citibank, Gucci, Paul and Shark, Burberry, Genesis Luxury, Tommy Hilfiger, BMW, Leela Hospitality, Grand Hotel etc. are amongst LCBS’s top recruiters. LCBS has been featured in the Business World magazine in ‘India’s Best B School’ list in the November 2014. It has also received the “Best International Collaboration in the year 2014” award at the Indian Education Awards This makes LCBS a renowned a trustworthy name in the luxury education sector. Further, LCBS has also been nominated for the ‘Best Retail Institute 2015’ award due to be announced in mid June 2015 hantanu Baruah who is popular as the six string slinger for Zubeen that won hearts of the people, started his musical safari when he was in the fifth standard. Over the years Shantanu has been the main man in creating several melodies strumming his six string and sitting before the mixer board arranging music with renowned musicians. His unique playing and the western nuance in the songs he created and played in, struck a note in the hearts of all. Shantanu’s early years of guitaring started when he used to fiddle with his brother Simanta Baruah’s guitar, trying to make his notes sound clearer. Originally hailing from Tezpur, he started attending guitar classes under Dilip Rasaily from Darjeeling at Tarun Assam Sangha club and gradually learned staff notations and cleared the exams of Trinity Music School. Inspired by the playing of guitar legends Joe Satriani and Vinnie Moore the maestro’s first covers were Let it be by The Beatles, Sultans of Swing and Walk of Life by Dire Straits and several songs by Boney M, Abba, The Carpenters, Uriah Heep, White Snake, Scorpions and the like. “The feel of hard rock and heavy metal was introduced to me during my Higher Secondary days when I started playing songs by Deep Purple such as Burn, and Highway Star and gradually started covering bands like Iron Maiden, Metallica and others,” said Baruah. The journey began as at a young age when he took to stage to accompany musicians in school functions. In the later years, his playing was appreciated with several awards out of which he clinched the first one in the year 1991 in Jorhat. In the same year he was also approved in All India Radio and went on to claim the best bassist award in Mumbai along with the band Durian Platonic in the year 1993-94 and was also awarded The High Grade Artist in ‘94. He has also been parts of several renowned bands from the city such as Friends. “I continued my musical journey after shifting to Guwahati post graduation and got associated with the music industry. I met Zubeen here in Guwahati in a youth festival held at Guwahati University and along with him, we formed a band and took to the studio and started recording. Together we worked on several albums and played in various shows for over eleven years”, he said. In his journey Baruah has contributed his music in many Assamese movies from the 90s era and has reached the audiences through feature films made in various languages of the region. In the later years Baruah took his career further when he started music direction and continued his venture along with Jitul Sonowal and worked in several albums such as Kosto, Muk Aghat Dia Meghali, Nilanjana 1&2, Stoppage, Disha and many more. “One of the most important albums of my career is Dr. Bhupen Hazarika’s book of poems named Bhupen Mamar O Aa Ko Kho that was recorded after Bhupen Da personally gave me the permission to record the album that was voiced by Zubeen and was composed and arranged by me and was released in the year 2007-08. The journey also took me to Bollywood as I also got the opportunity to contribute in some of the movies such as Left Turn, Highway,” the veteran musician said. One of the most memorable events in Baruah’s career took place on December 8, 2014 when he got the opportunity to meet and paly a session with Vinnie Moore and became the first musician form Assam to have attended a master class and certified for the same with the legendary guitarist. He also had opportunities to meet legendary bands such as Smokie, Scorpions and Mr. Big. Among current projects Baruah is working on four albums one of which is set to be released by October this year composed by Baruah himself. He is also working on a Bengali project along with Sunita and a fusion project, blending classic Hindi songs along with Goalparia music, which is voiced by Chandan Das hailing from Goalpara. The guitarist is also working on an instrumental project that will include guitar solos along with Geeta Mech and Tridip Basumatary. 12 G PLUS MAY 30 - JUN 05, 2015 Society Beltola bazaar to be shifted to market complex Juthika Baruah T he Beltola Bazaar which has been a popular market in the city will soon be shifted to the new market complex which is currently under construction as the bazaar creates much havoc and confusion due to its location in the middle of the city. The Beltola Bazaar is a traditional bi-weekly fruits and vegetable market with historic importance. It was traditionally the seat for a small protectorate of Ahom Kingdom, principally assisting administration of the Borphukan and the popular figure in the locality is the Rani or the Queen who still exists. “The Guwahati Municipal Corporation (GMC) called for a tender for running the market by a lessee and the party with the highest rate has been accepted by the authority. The same lessee submit the tender three-four times in different names and at different prices. 50 per cent of the rate should be deposited to the GMC from the rate and the rest should be given monthly wise,” said Manabendra Malla Buzarbaruah, Councillor of Ward No 30 while speaking to G Plus. Buzarbaruah said, “The lessees often harass the shopkeepers by collecting more money than the original price list fixed by the GMC. We urge the authority to make hoardings and banners of the price list public so that the lessee can’t collect additional money from the shopkeepers for which they are forced to increase the price of the fruits and vegetables as they can’t run at a loss. The public are also being harassed with the increasing price of essential commodities.” Beltola has a long history. It was, until about half a century ago, the hub of a small kingdom, the kingdom of Beltola. Close to the site of the famous “Beltola-haat”, where small local vendors sell their agricultural products and other goods of small-scale manufacturing twice a week, lived the royal family of the Beltola kings. He said that the lessee collects Rs. 250-500 per creel from the vendors. He informed that the bazaar was about to be removed from the place as during the market days i.e. on Sunday and Thursday, there is massive traffic congestion as people from many places comes to the market for shopping. “As the bazaar occupies most of the public places, it creates problems for the commuters but if it were removed from the place, it would create inconvenience for the local people as they throng the bazaar, which sells every ingredient from household items to vegetables to clothes, foot ware and other odds and ends. Therefore, we will shift the market into the market complex. The ground and first floor will cover all the vendors num- bering about 300-400. The vendors come mostly from outside the city and also from Meghalaya,” said Buzarbaruah. Beltola has a long history. It was, until about half a century ago, the hub of a small kingdom, the kingdom of Beltola. Close to the site of the famous “Beltola-haat”, where small local vendors sell their agricultural products and other goods of small-scale manufacturing twice a week, lived the royal family of the Beltola kings. Within living memory, there was a royal mansion/palace with the royal gardens. The Beltola-haat has been almost monumental for the inhabitants of greater Guwahati in that it has always been known to everyone here that the items that cannot be found in any other market in Guwahati, are likely to be sold here. Being located at a point convenient to access for vendors who came on foot and animal-transport from far-off places like present-day Meghalaya, this market has retained its distinctive, indigenous character till about a decade ago before the high-rise apartment complexes were built. Even today this character is not entirely lost. One of the vendors, Rasim Ali said, “We find good response from the people but as the lessee collects more fees, we are compelled to raise the price of the vegetables because we remain at a loss if we have to give more money to the lessee than the minimum amount. This is our only business, we don’t earn to be a millionaire. We are earning our daily source of livelihood, so we can’t go at a loss.” Another vendor, Kumud said that it seems that people wait for these two days to shop as every section of the society can afford the items as the price range is minimum. Minakshi Das, a resident of Beltola said that she is a regular customer at the Beltola Bazaar as she finds all the items in the market necessary for day to day life. “I find all the items in the market which I use daily and it is easy to buy household products at a same place rather roam about in different places which become a harassment. Other than that, the vegetables are also fresh and reasonably priced and as the market is nearby, I opt to come here rather than to go anywhere else,” said Das. [email protected] G PLUS MAY 30 - JUN 05, 2015 What will 2016 13 Politicking bring after 14 years? Syeda Ambia Zahan W ith the present three times Chief Minister deciding once again to prove his worth while the AIUDF supremo, Badruddin Ajmal claims to become the next Chief Minister, the assembly election 2016 in Assam is likely to see interesting turn of events. The BJP that is very upbeat with its unprecedented success in the last Lok Sabha and Municipal elections, might snatch a good number of seats in the 126 member assembly, but yes, the key players have to depend on parties like AGP, Ganashakti Party, Aam Aadmi Party and the BPF to form a government. By now, the scene of an alliance government is emerging clear in the assembly polls next year. Let’s have a look at the key players Bhartiya Janata Party BJP won seven parliamentary seats in the state, an increase of three from 2009, and reached its highestever tally in Assam. Its state president, Sarbananda Sonowal says, “The people of the state had pinned their faith on the party and it will work to bring about a positive change here. We are looking forward to 2016 to form the government.” The party has started the task of making the blueprint for economic development of the state which it intends to implement in the next two years. It hopes that the blueprint will assist the saffron party in getting at least 84 seats out of 126 assembly constituencies. Surveys conducted shows that BJP will manage to get 40 to 45 seats in the next assembly polls which means it has to depend on some other party to lend support to get the target of 61 seats. The possible alliance maker here can be the regional party AGP led by Atul Bora and former CM Prafulla Mahanta. As the AGP has not been able to regain its lost support from the people to give an effective fight against its competitors, so joining hands with one of the strong parties can be a smart way out for it to influence government policies. All India United Democratic Front Assam`s principal opposition party, All India United Democratic Front (AIUDF) has already announced it willingness for post poll alliances with like-minded parties to form the government in Assam next year. Enthused by its victory of four seats in the Bodoland Territorial Council elections in Lower Assam, the party has also claimed that its chief Badruddin Ajmal would be the next Chief Minister. The AIUDF was a partner in the UPA government. The chance of AIUDF getting sufficient number of seats to ally with some other party will depend upon the BJP. If BJP tries to play the election on religious lines, the minority voters in the state might choose to vote for AIUDF which is considered to be a party having strong vote bank among the minority population in the Barak Valley and lower Assam. In this case, the possible partner of the party will be the ruling Congress. government. Price hike, Land Boundary Act, dissidence among leaders and resource crunch are some of the major factors that are going to hamper the party. Many say that the issue of construction of big dam can also play a factor. The Congress’s possible ally is its former alliance party, BPF and the AIUDF. There are also speculations that the ruling party might forge a tieup with the AIUDF in order to keep the BJP at bay. But an over confident Tarun Gogoi says, “There are challenges, especially with some parties engaging in a calculated vilification campaign against our party and government. Yes, it is going to be tough, but we will go to the elections alone and come out once again with flying colours.” Bodoland People’s an impact on the polls. It is likely that Congress’ previous ally, BPF will be approached to help in the forming the new government, provided it manages more than 20 seats in the election. Asom Gana Parishad The Asom Gana Parishad has brought together eight political parties and announced its efforts to constitute an anti-Congress and anti-BJP front with a common minimum programme in order to fight the ‘anti-people’ and ‘anti-Assam’ policies adopted by the two parties. For AGP, the election will be an exercise to bring back its lost support in the state. The party for the past 8 years, has been continuously under-performing in the each of the elections. The party, which once enjoyed the support of a Congress Yes, it’s going to be tough this time for the Congress. At this moment, the three times winning party is dealing with lots of issues. Conflicts within the party and within the government has made it lose its lost its credibility to a great extent in the state if one goes by the results of the Lok Sabha Polls, Municipal polls and the BTAD polls. Though Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi has said that his party will form the government for the fourth consecutive term, challenges within the party clearly indicates a coalition Front After emerging as the single largest party with 20 seats out of 40 in this year’s BTC election, the Bodoland People’s Front (BPF) is setting its eyes for the assembly elections next year. But there are several other aspects which have emerged in this election, a possible indicator ahead of the next year’s assembly elections. The ever increasing gap between the Bodo tribe and non-Bodo people living in the BTAD will also have large section of the people in the state, especially after the Assam agitation in 1985, had formed government twice in Guwahati but gradually seemed to lose their support base for various reasons. Failing to fulfill their poll promises is one of the main reasons. AGP president Prafulla Kumar Mahanta said, “I can sense the change this time. As there is no alternative to regional politics for the development of the region, I feel people will vote for us. This Lok Sabha polls is a run-up for us to the 2016 assembly election. We will try to regain the faith of the people,” But the last Lok Sabha elections have showed that AGP is yet to go a long way to bring back its lost glory in the state. Aam Aadmi Party Buoyed by its spectacular show in the Delhi poll, the Aam Aadmi Party on Thursday said it would emerge as a “strong, honest and alternative” force in Assam to defeat the Congress and the BJP in 2016’s Assembly election. “We will strongly contest the 2016 Assam Assembly polls. The results of the Delhi Assembly election have shown that there is scope for a strong, honest and alternative politics. We will become that force in Assam too,” AAP leader Manorom Gogoi said. According to political experts, the Aam Aadmi Party will manage to get at least 15 seats in semi rural areas of the state. Sources in the party say it might possibly join hands with the Congress. Newly formed parties in the state: The newly formed parties in the state, though may not be able to form the government, but may definitely act as a vote cutter for the major parties. Gana Mukti Sangram Samitee led by KMSS leader Akhil Gogoi has said that it would not fight the 2016 election. But sources in the party have revealed that the party is already on a “market survey”. Likewise, the PCCDR which was able to get eight seats in the last BTC polls will also leave some impact in the elections. So, it is obvious that the year 2016 will witness a coalition government in the state of Assam. Gana Shakti Party led by Mishing leader Ronoj Pegu , Liberal Democratic Party led by former BJP leader Pradyut Bora and other newly formed parties like PCCDR might play the role of reducing votes from the key players and thus influence the political equation to a large extent. Guwahati Railway Station to undergo major renovation Syeda Ambia Zahan F inally, good news for the regular train passengers! Passenger amenities at Guwahati railway station are poised for a major uplift, with the Ministry of Railways entrusting IRCON International Limited, a public sector undertaking under Government of India to bring about a visible improvement in passenger amenities through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) fund. To improve the passenger amenity, it has been proposed to provide Reverse Osmosis (RO) plant of 2000 litres per hour capacity for safe drinking water at platform no. 2, 3, 4 and 5.Two hydraulic lifts are to be provided for easier access to the foot over bridges. Golf carts for use by the elderly and persons with disabilities are also to be provided. Existing toilets in waiting halls, retiring rooms, and dormitory will also be renovated. Flexible steel dustbins will be provided throughout the station for improving the existing garbage disposal system. Circulating area at Guwahati sta- tion will be provided with retro-reflective road marker, solar studs and one way spike breaker. New retroreflective signage will be provided at different platforms for better guidance to passengers. Railway is also trying to improve the platform surface by using Kota stone which will help in mechanized cleaning. Besides, more CCTV cameras will also be provided for improving the security of the station. A memorandum of understanding (MOU) will be shortly entered into by the NF Railway and IRCON for the implementation of these passenger amenity improvement works at Guwahati which is the largest station of the Zone and a gateway to the Northeast. These measures are expected to further benefit passengers and rail users of the region. 14 G PLUS MAY 30 - JUN 05, 2015 Ward Watch Green garbage infuriates LOCALS Kalyan Deb Concentrated area Pamohi Road, Gorchuk Problems Unattended garbage and parking T he vegetable market in Pamohi Road, Gorchuk has become a matter of concern among the local residents and commuters taking the road on a regular basis. Residents allege that the area is now worse off since the vegetable wholesale market was shifted there in the year 2011. Apart from creating piles of garbage that is dumped by the road, the market is also creating inconvinience for the locals due to vehicles being parked on both sides of the road. Situated at the outskirts of the city and adjacent to NH37, the Pamohi Road has emerged as a residential area over the past few years and people of various ethnic backgrounds have settled in the general vicinity of the area. Surrounded by greenery and streams flowing down either side of the road, the area provides the essence of a village in its developmental phase. A further walk down the road surrounded by trees on either side, leads one to the heritage site of Depor Beel. But, amidst the scenic beauty, the vegetable whole sale market that is located on the same road, can be identified from a distance due to the noise and further ahead, with the stink of the pile of rotting vegetables dumped by the road. “The shifting of the market to this locality was strongly opposed by local residents and several applications were sent to the GMC but due to the lack of majority in support of the claim, the residents could not stop the shifting. Since then, the market has been carrying out business in the similar way”, said M.S. Boro, a local resident. “Initially the vehicles were also parked near the cremation ground but later local resident barred any vehicle from trespassing there. However, vehicles still remain parked on both sides of the road. We are now awaiting completion of the ongoing construction following which, a proper parking space will be provided within the market premises”, Boro added. But the biggest problem that remain a concern for the locals is the pile of garbage that is dumped on a regular basis by the road. Ganesh Pradhan, a resident of the Pamohi Road asserted, “The garbage remain piled by the road for several days at a stretch and is only cleaned once or twice a week. As the dumped vegetables gradually starts rotting, it creates a stink that makes it intolerable for anyone passing by. The condition worsens after a shower of rain as the rotting garbage gets mixed with mud, creating an obnoxious malodour.” On the other hand, Ulopi Rongpi, area sabha member of ward number 6(b) asserted, “The area is a major concern for the residents. It creates a very unhygienic environment and is also a reason for spread of several diseases. Since the area is under the authorisation of Panchyat, GMC has no say over the maintenance of the area but the market authorities should take the required initiative in order to maintain a hygienic environment.” Incharge, Pamohi Fruits and Vegetable Market, Tirthanath Sarma said, “The responsibility of garbage collection is given on basis of tenders that is allotted to the applicant for a year, according to which the concerned department should clear out the garbage on a regular basis. However I am not the concerned person to provide further information but the problems should come to an end after the completion of construction of the marketplace. The ground floor which has a capacity of accommodating 94 stalls has already been completed.” “Besides, the market premise is regularly cleaned and the traders are motivated to maintain hygiene at the market place. However the auto drivers are the one that flout the regulations causing traffic congestion in the area”, Sarma added. Sarma also suggested that the garbage can be utilised for several purposes rather than dumping the waste. “It can be used to produce vermicompost and bio-gas through which, if not more, at least a small area can be provided electricity besides several other constructive purposes. People should come forward to take such initiative which will serve in the welfare of the people.” Prior to the shifting of the market to Gorchuk, the traders of vegetable retailers’ association had protested the manner in which the Guwahati Municipal Corporation (GMC) had sought to relocate the vegetable market to another location. It can be noted that the Pamohi Fruits and Vegetable Market is the only official wholesale market of the city and has around 350 traders conducting business. The foundation stone of wholesale vegetable and fruits market at Garchuk on the outskirts of the Guwahati city was laid by chief minister Tarun Gogoi during which Gogoi said that the wholesale market is yet another step by the government to ensure that farmers get better remunerative price for their produce. During the ceremony Gogoi had also announced that the government would launch a new scheme for infrastructure development of markets with cold storage facility across the state. He said that the government would initiate steps to further strengthen the agricultural marketing board in the days ahead. The Chief Minister hoped that the wholesale fruit and vegetable market with cold storage facility would go a long way in providing the much-needed impetus to the farmers to sell their produce and in turn get better remunerative prices. It is to be mentioned that the `15-crore project will come up in 8-bigha land under the aegis of the Guwahati Subdivisional Market Committee. [email protected] 15 G PLUS MAY 30 - JUN 05, 2015 Rain plays major spoilsport in Bazaar city mango sale Kalyan deb W ith summer fruits flooding the market, its bonanza time for fruit-lovers. The fruits are here, their sales are high, and they are all yellow and ripe. But the fruit that stands out, especially during summer are the different varieties of mango that takes over our taste buds and the fruit market every summer. However, with the skyrocketing prices of fresh fruits and vegetables in Assam, prices of mangoes, most of which are brought from outside the state, are also rising exorbitantly, burning a hole in people’s pockets, although it is not keeping consumers from buying the alluring king of fruits. While the mango season starts as early as the mid week of April, it is only around May that many varieties make their entry in the fruit bazaars across the country and lasts up to June. In certain areas, it lasts up to the first week of August. However, the past few soggy days has created concern among the mango traders of the city. May and June being the peak season of selling mangoes has not received the expected footfall of mango buyers yet. By these two months the market price of mangoes remain economical and usually sees large footfall of mango buyers whereas by July, the sale goes down and the rate goes higher due to the continuous demand. “The months of May and June are the peak season but the sale in comparison to last year has gone down due to frequent rainfall. We can only hope that the following month will help in compensating the loss in due time. However, people are equally enthusiastic about mangoes and few sunny days should boost the expected foot- Type Quantity Price Gulabkhas 1kg `60-70 Himsagar 1kg `70-80 Langra 1kg `80-100 Alphonso Set of 12pcs `800 Kesar 1kg `200-250 Madrasi 1kg `50-60 kk 1kg `50-60 While the mango season starts as early as the mid week of April, it is only around May that the many varieties make their entry in the fruit bazaars across the country and lasts up to June. In certain areas, it lasts up to the first week of August. However, the past few soggy days has created concern among the mango traders of the city. fall of consumers”, said Ramnaresh Gupta a mango dealer in Fancy Bazar. Besides rain, the neferous business of artificially ripening fruits using chemicals that had been in news recently has managed to influence the buyers as people are more cautious while buying the king of the fruits. It needs mention here that ripening is a process that involves breaking down of starch into sugar, and the skin cells changing colour from the green of chlorophyll to the edible yellow or red which processes with the right amount of humidity and temperature to initiate proper ripening. The right elements help in the production of ethylene, which reaches the cells, sending a signal to them to produce enzymes that break starch to sugar. The cells in the skin too start their pigmentation. While, the natural process takes its own time and gives the fruit its own shelf life, to create a steady supply in the market, some sellers have started using artificial means of ripening. The unripe fruits are hoarded before their sale, treated for ripening, and then sold in the market. However, according to traders the process of artificial ripening is not in practice any longer and the fruit is wrapped in paper and packed in a box full of hay that causes an increase of room temperature and helps in ripening the mangoes. The process being slower than that of using gases and chemicals, the mangoes requires another couple of days after being brought to the retail market. Being hygienic but slow, it is one of the reason for the delay in satisfying the customers with it mouth watering ripe colour. From mangoes that are as small as a tennis balls to large ones that weigh as much as two to three kilograms each, each one of them is a gourmet’s treat. The markets around the city offer variety of mangoes like Himsagar, Langra, Gulabkhas, kk, Kesar, Alphonso, Tutapani, Dasahri, Chausa and many more of which Himsagar and Langra, being the most selling mangoes, also come at economical rates. In Assam mangoes are mostly brought from states like West Bengal, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Chennai whereas the local mangoes can only be utilised best in its raw and green form. According to veteran mango traders in the city, the prices have come down over this period. Alphonso, known as the king of mangoes, attracts the highest price tag. “The Alphonso is being sold at a very low rate comparatively. This is rare, given that this is the peak season. The prices will soar in the next couple of days, once more demand comes in, but rates will remain lower compared to 2014. This year, profit margins are also a bit lower,” said Suraj Pawar, a mango trader. With different mangoes comes some of the famed dishes, all prepared as seasonal delicacies, be it yummy juice or pickles or the range of special dishes in the vast Indian cuisine. These many sweet, savoury and spicy treats in the regional cuisines use mangoes as the core ingredient, both in its ripe and raw forms. The ‘king of fruits’ provides enough options to keep one satiated. But, one must admit that nothing beats that feeling of biting through a freshly cut mango. [email protected] 16 G PLUS MAY 30 - JUN 05, 2015 Health The Fight for Every Heartbeat When narrow or leaky valves are at the heart of the problem I n India, many people suffer from heart valve damage as a result of rheumatic heart disease. This condition occurs when a bacterial throat infection, especially in children, evokes a defence (immune) response in the body known as rheumatic fever. The body’s immune system may then turn on its own organs, including the heart. Rheumatic heart disease can affect the valves of the heart, which are then unable to function properly. Our heart has four valves. They open during a heartbeat so that the blood can flow from one chamber to another and close to make sure that blood can’t leak back. In valvular heart disease, the person can’t tolerate much exertion and quickly becomes tired and breathless. Without valve replacement, these people risk heart failure and death. The Indian Council of Medical Research has estimated that 6 out of every 1,000 children between the ages of 5 and 15 in the country suffer from rheumatic fever. That way, over one million children in the country, therefore, could be at risk of developing valvular disease. Rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease are closely associated with overcrowding and poor living conditions. As a result, these ailments are more common among the poor, who often have limited access to medical care and cannot afford a heart surgery. How Do Heart Valves Work? Our heart valves lie at the exit of each of our four heart chambers and maintain one-way blood flow through our heart. The four heart valves make sure that blood always flows freely in a forward direction and that there is no backward leakage. Of the four valves in the heart, two are situated on the left side called mitral and aortic valves and two on the right side called tricuspid and pulmonary valves. Most of the valvular heart diseases in adult patients arise from left sided valves that are mitral and aortic valves. Tricuspid valve can also be involved in many cases, mostly in combination with mitral valve, though, in rare circumstances it can be involved in isolation also. What causes heart valve disease? The main causes of heart valve disease include being born with an abnormal valve or valves (congenital heart disease), having had rheumatic fever, cardiomyopathy - a disease of the heart muscle, damage to the heart muscle from a heart attack, getting older, an infection of the heart valve (endocarditis). How is heart valve disease treated? Presence of any valvular disease demands treatment and surgical treatment is usually the ultimate treatment. The treatment will depend on the cause of the problem and the effect that it is having on the heart. Some patients may need only medical treatment during the initial period when the disease is mild but once the disease becomes severe or the damage to the heart has begun, the surgical treatment remains the only option. The two options for surgical treatment are repair or replacement of the diseased valve. In aortic valves, majority of the valves need replacement. Repair is rarely successful and long term results are not good. In case of mitral valve, either repair or replacement can be done depending on the disease process. In case of rheumatic heart disease, which is the most common cause in our country, most of the valves usually need replacement because valves are severely damaged in majority of the cases and long-term results of repair are not very satisfying. What is Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD)? Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) is a heart condition caused due to rheumatic fever that generally affects children and adolescents because of a vulnerable immune system of the body. A throat infection (caused due to the bacteria streptococcus) is the root cause of the disease. The streptococcal bacteria have a genetic makeup similar to the heart muscle. So, the body’s defence mechanism can’t distinguish between the bacteria and the heart muscle and attacks the latter instead. It can particularly target heart valves and heart muscle, causing these to function poorly. The good news is that RHD can be prevented and controlled. A regular antibiotic treatment plan (usually by injections every three to four weeks) can prevent rheumatic fever and patients with rheumatic fever from contracting further infections and causing progression of valve damage. What is the India story? The bad news is that incidence of RHD is much higher in India than the rest of the world. In India, 47 - 59 per cent of all admissions to hospitals because of heart disease are said to be due to Rheumatic Heart Disease. It is thought that incidence of rheumatic heart disease is much higher in India than what is presently believed. RHD among Indian children could be 20 times more than what is believed, the study also said RHD is significantly under-treated in India. In another study done at New Delhi showed that RHD was twice as prevalent among children aged 11-15 years (prevalence of 26.5 per 1000 children) compared to children aged 5-10 years (12.6 per 1000 children). Girls had a higher prevalence of RHD (27.9/1000 girls) compared to boys (13.3/1000 boys). What happens if a valve becomes diseased or damaged? The valves open up during a specific time during the contraction of the heart to allow forward flow through the valve and remain closed during the rest of the heart cycle so that blood does not come back. A diseased or damaged valve can affect the flow of blood in two ways: If the valve does not open fully, it will obstruct or restrict the forward flow of blood. This is termed as valve stenosis or narrowing. This can put extra strain on the heart, making it pump harder to force the blood past the narrowing. Or sometimes the valves start leaking during the period when it should be closed. If the valve does not close properly, it will allow blood to leak backwards. This is called valve incompetence or regurgitation or a leaky valve. This can also put extra strain on the heart as the heart will have to do extra work to pump the required volume of the blood. So the valvular diseases can be broadly divided into two groups: Stenosis or regurgitation. What are the symptoms of heart valve disease? Usually, the symptoms of rheumatic heart disease show up 10 to 20 years after the original illness. Sometimes the patient may not show any symptoms if the heart valve damage slowly progresses as the heart adapts to it, but some of the common symptoms a person may experience are: being out of breath, swelling of the ankles and feet, being unusually tired etc. How is heart valve disease diagnosed? An important part of the diagnosis is the history of rheumatic fever in childhood. During a physical examination, the doctor may look for fluid in the lungs, an enlarged heart, or a heart murmur, which is the sound made when blood moves through a stiff or leaky valve. As already mentioned, sometimes the person may not have any symptoms but the doctor might be able to hear a murmur (an unusual sound) when they listen to the heart. Sometimes when patients believe they have no symptoms, they actually do, but the heart has already adapted to their limitations. A murmur does not always mean that there is a problem with the heart as people with normal hearts may also have murmurs. The doctor may suggest further tests to see how well the heart is working. The most common test advised is an echocardiogram. In this test sound waves are aimed at the heart allowing a detailed picture of the structure of the valves to be formed on the computer screen, allowing the assessment of the valves. The strength of the muscle of the heart can also be assessed. So, the heart of the matter is… Although rheumatic valvular heart disease shows a decreasing trend in developed countries, India and South-East Asia as a whole don’t show this trend. In our country, the health of the child generally remains a priority responsibility of the parents even when the child becomes an adult. Hence, prevention of rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease is possible to a large extent if we can provide the message to the population (parents) that sore throats should not be neglected; that sore throats should be shown to a doctor for treatment to prevent rheumatic valvular heart disease. Radio and television are available for reaching each corner of the country and should be utilised for this purpose. School health education and school health care facilities can also be utilised to control rheumatic valvular heart disease. And hopefully this article will also be of some help to a segment of people in becoming aware a bit about this grave health problem of our state and country. Dr. Bikash Rai Das, Consultant Heart Surgeon, GNRC Hospital G PLUS MAY 30 - JUN 05, 2015 WAKE UP, LUIT! PART 1 I sat in a corner of a coffee shop, the huge bay window giving me a view of the busy city life, while the speakers belted out one of my favourite songs, “Tum Mile”. So very apt for the situation, though I was not with someone special who I could hum this song to while I looked lazily into his eyes. It was drizzling while I munched a really warm sandwich, one of my favourite; a grilled garlic and cheese. People were just not in the mood to work with the weather as romantic as the rain pelting down on the not so romantic rooftops of the high rise buildings of the city. Norah Jones might have had different lyrics in her mind if she had seen the scene here. Yet, Guwahati’s walking population never seems to slow down, come rain or snow, or hail for that matter. Everybody was at their jobs. Persons walking busily as ever with their cells to their ears. School friends huddled together under one umbrella. Mothers tugging their children from school, always making it a point to be on the safer side of the road while the child was brazenly open to the unsafe and roaring city traffic. And when you tell them to take their child to the other side, they will literally murder you with their glare, “What’s your problem, it is my child!” I am sorry but I thought every child is important. Anyway, the rain was creating a totally different ambiance for the young and old alike. The coffee shop, which was initially filled up with only a few young boys and girls from college and some looked like they had bunked school, soon gushed with a lot more people. From where I sat, I saw couples of various shapes, sizes and ages walk up to the shopping mall just next to the coffee bar. I especially liked this pretty girl, of medium height, not very dainty, yet dressed in a soft powder-blue frock with a satin sash. She had a more than harsher look on her face, not commonly noticed at her age and she was talking very seriously about something intrepid that she might have done. She had put on some weight but will have to watch out so as to keep wearing the frilly dresses she must be liking so much. The boy was much taller with a happy-go-lucky look about him, somewhat flirtatious. He was looking around to see who was looking at them and spied me, looking at them through the huge bay window. There was a crack of a smile to tell me how proud of his girl he was. I liked it. I was ravenous and dug anoth- The rain poured even more heavily. And then came the hail stones. Little round white balls which pelted randomly, skidding off in all directions, after hittng the ground. My mind flew back to Shillong. er huge bite into the now lukewarm sandwich dipped in mustard sauce. I sugared the cappuccino, which had a little white heart in the middle. The sugar hung there for some time and then gently dipped through the middle of the warm coffee. I took a sip. Hmmmm…this is bliss! The rain poured even more heavily. And then came the hail stones. Little round white balls which pelted randomly, skidding off in all directions, after hittng the ground. My mind flew back to Shillong. The sky was overcast with dark heavy clouds in the morning. But I thought maybe the weather was going to get better towards the middle of the day. I wore a brown knee length skirt with an off-white polka-dotted shirt teamed with a cropped faded denim jacket and a new pair of fawn coloured moccasins. I wore my wavy hair lose in a brown hair band. I picked up my pink umbrella, kissed Mom and started walking to the main road. There was a light breeze blowing and I felt pretty good about myself. I met my class-mate Pallavi at the appointed place on the way and we got chatting about all and sundry. She started appreciating my new pair of shoes but commented that it might be a bad day to wear it. However, it was too late to think about it as we were by then just two minutes away from college. Class was good. I especially love the English Poetry classes. Takes me to a different realm. And then just as the short-haired, bespectacled, dusky Mrs. Mazumdar, our English teacher was explaining the second stanza from a poem, the rain poured in torrents. Mrs. Mazumdar’s voice could hardly be heard in the din of the rain hitting the tin roofs of the first floor class-room. She stopped and looked out of the door and immediately all of us started talking. The whole room hummed with our low-yet-highly-audible chatter. Only a few minutes had passed and there was enough material in our conversations worth a book. “Keep quiet”, Mrs. Mazumdar shouted at the top of her voice and soon all of us fell silent, except for some stray murmurs. She sat down perplexed while the rain lashed outside, a little harder than the first time. We again started talking, a wee bit louder than before. This time Manisha quipped in with Pallavi about my new shoes and how it will get spoilt in the rain. By then, I was worried. Alright, I told them, it is fine with me to go home bare feet. What? Are you crazy? You are going to get your feet cut. They were aghast! They couldn’t believe I could do that. So we came to a settlement. I will go home bare feet, while they would treat me to an ice-cream sundae and hotdogs at Cafetaria, the restaurant in the Nazareth Hospital compound. Cool! The foodie in me was happy with such a deal. This time the wind ripped at our umbrellas while the rain lashed down severely than before as we started walking along the footpath from Don Bosco Square to Laitumkhrah. The others were all huddled under their umbrellas holding their bags and trying not to get wet. I wrapped my moccasins in paper and stuffed them into my bag slung over my right shoulder and my umbrella in my left hand. I loved watching my red painted toes in the water flowing over the footpath. Pallavi who is the daintiest amongst the three of us stepped carefully to keep herself from getting wet, while I played the spoil-sport. I splashed water on her whenever I found a fairly big puddle on the footpath. She would glare at me, while I laughed in glee. At times, I even removed the umbrella so that I could get wet in the rain. By the time I reached the street near my home, I was soaking wet, with water dripping down my hair and making their way in tiny rivulets down my face. My friends thought I had gone loony and till this day they call me a “madcap”. Never mind the name I earned but I sure enjoyed the simmering chicken hotdogs downed with the ice-cream sundae in strawberry flavour! I was broken from my reverie with the waiter coming to clear the table. It was still raining, though the intensity had lessened somewhat. The sun peeked through the clouds and again went in. Looked like there will be another downpour, I thought. In a way, it’s good. A blessing and why not! Contd. on next issue tinat ATIFA MASOOD 17 Life Ride on The Divine Power T here is so much talk about success. Have you ever thought what success is? Success is simply ignorance about one’s own capabilities. Success is ignorance about the power of the self. We assume that we are capable of doing very little. If there are obstacles, we become clear about our objective. With a calm and serene mind, think of all possibilities. Know that failures are stepping stones for greater success. Actually, there are no failures in life. All the seeming failures are only stepping stones for greater success. If you feel the obstacle is too much, deep prayer can work miracles. The feeling that “I am blessed” can help you overcome any failure. Once you realize that you are blessed, then all the complaints disappear, all the grumbling disappears, all the insecurities disappear, a sense of not being loved disappears, wanting love disappears. Ego is always ambitious and wants to do tough jobs like climbing Mount Everest. Whereas in a simple act like watching a butterfly, watering the garden, watching the birds or the sky, can bring deep relaxation, and relaxation connects you with your source. Seemingly trivial actions open a new dimension and bring in immense peace and rest. Just come out of your little shell and feel free. There is a saying: Behind every successful man is a woman. I will modify this: Behind every success there is the Divine saying “I am behind you”. Prayer is a vital tool to improve your life. It also nurtures values like integrity and honesty. Prayer happens in two situations, or in a combination of situations. When you feel grateful or when you feel utterly helpless. If you are not grateful and prayerful, you will be miserable. In either case your prayers will be answered. What you can do, you do. What you cannot do, you pray for! It is said that the divine dawns in you when you pray for it, when you cry for it, when you sing for it. The divine is only waiting for you to dig a little deeper into yourself. Because, it can then fill you with much more nectar! Divine wants you to create more space in you. Cry from your soul for help. This is for those seekers who are weak. Those seekers who are strongwith the power of knowledge-can sing with that joy of what they have achieved! The moment you sing in gratitude, in glory of the divine, it immediately dawns in you, and fills you up again. One type of people is grateful for all their growth. The other type is helpless and weak. Both will be helped. Spirituality is not some ritual, or an act. It’s a very pleasant, uplifted state of being and being able to see that the whole world is all spirit or consciousness. Use prayer to bring integration in your personality. Whatever you do, know that the higher power has the final say and it will always be for the best. The higher goals in life can only be realized through a few minutes of meditation and introspection. Any joy you experience in life is from the depth of your self, when you let go all that you hold on to and settle down being centered in that space. That is called meditation. Actually, meditation is not an act; it is the art of doing nothing! The rest in meditation is deeper than the deepest sleep that you can ever have because in meditation you transcend all desires. Meditation is letting go of anger from the past and all the planning for the future. Meditation is accepting this moment and living every moment totally with depth. Just this understanding, and a few days of continuous practice of meditation can change the quality of our life. His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji Follow Sri Sri @SriSriSpeaks on twitter 18 G PLUS MAY 30 - JUN 05, 2015 Entertainment Love in Bangkok ready for release on July 10 T he Assamese film ‘Love in Bangkok’ is all set for release on July 10 all over the state. Produced by Bikul Dutta under the banner of Dreams Production, the film is directed by choreographer Ashim Baishya, which is coincidently his second Assamese film after Chandu. The film’s executive producer is Anupam Hazarika. The screenplay by Pranab Kumar Barua is based on a story by Bikul Dutta himself who is a Jorhat Engineering College alumnus. The story revolves around a youth and how through his hard work and determination, had amassed a huge fortune abroad. The movie is about self discovery and how he could lead today’s society towards a better tomorrow. The film has got ingredients of love, romance, action, rivalry etc. The movie was mostly shot in Bangkok, Pattaya and a couple of other exotic locations. The beautiful settings offered breathtaking views for the unit. Apart from its locations, rich culture, people’s warmth and affection, it’s the Thai hospitality that really make it a great reason for attracting filmmakers from Assam and other places. Thailand has been the hub for many big budget Hollywood and Bollywood productions over the years. Producer Bikul Dutta has relished shooting in such places and considers it economically feasible too. The camerawork for ‘Love in Bangkok’ has been done by South Indian movie industry’s KG Prabin. The film’s music has been scored by Pranjal Pradip Bharali and Ajoy Phukan. The film is edited by Moni Rajkonwar and Kailash Duara. Various roles are played by Bikul Dutta, Akashdeep, Sangita Gogoi, Nandita Bora, Prankrishna Mahanta, Pallabi Barua, Zenobiya Konwar, Monalisha Baishya, Karabi Sarma, Suraj Saikia, Mainu Gogoi, Deva Kalita, Guna Saikia, Ujjal Bora, Manas and child artist Raghabi Dutta (Rahi) among others. A couple of songs have found popular appeal on You Tube and other social networking sites. All the songs have been choreographed by Ashim Baishya. Make-up has been taken care of by Bapon Kalita and Bidyut. The film’s publicity designer is Kalyan Kumar Kalita. New Assamese film ‘Du Du Dubai’ Manju borah A new Assamese film, Du Du Dubai, directed by popular choreographer Ashim Baishya and produced by Bikul Dutta under the banner of Dreams Production, is currently being filmed in various locations of Dubai like the Burj Khalifa, Burj Al Arab, Dubai Mall, Desert Safari, Dubai Marina, Gold Sock etc and some beautiful locations of North-East. The film’s story, script and dialogues have been penned by Bikul Dutta. The shooting of the film has been done in Dubai and Abu Dhabi where Akshay Kumar’s ‘Baby’, Salman Khan’s ‘Ek Tha Tiger’ and Tom Cruise starrer Hollywood film ‘Mission Impossible 2’ had been shot. The cinematography has done by C Thapa from Mumbai. The story of the film revolves around a poor boy who despite completing his engineering degree, fails to find a job. But hard work and patience finally pays off one day. His realizes his own dream after settling down in Dubai. The key roles of the film have been essayed by Bikul Dutta, Mayuri Borkakoty, Kalpana Kalita, Hima Kakati, Popi Kakati along with Amirul Hussain, Lachit Deka from Dubai. Dubai’s Assam Society also helps and takes part in this film. The music for the film is by Pranjal Prodip Bharali. The film has five tracks, of which four have been written by Somiran Malay and one by Tulika Das. The choreographer is Ashim Baishya, and the editor is Kailash Duara. Make-up has been done by Bapan Kalita, while still photo is by Rajiv Rabha. The film’s publicity designer is Kalyan Kumar Kalita. Nipon Dhalua’s Morisika to hit theatres soon N ipon Dholua, director of the critically acclaimed film, “Me and My Sister” is ready with his next directorial venture, Morisika, starring Kopil Bora and Munmi Kalita in lead. The plot of the film is based on state sponsored killings. The pain and horror of the holocaust during the second World War is fresh in the minds of people across the world, where millions of people were killed like animals by the tyrant, Adolf Hitler. But while it was then the result of the deranged machinations of a single man, now it is sponsored by the state. The court of the state takes the decision to eliminate people who are not interview required for the state. Its a state of survival of the fittest. In the background of this transformation, the film is a love story between the protagonists, Raj and Nila. Raj is an industrialist, while Nila is the daughter of a farmer. The music video Xoru Xoru already has 2000+ hits on YouTube. Apart from Kopil and Munmi, the film also stars Nipon Goswami, Minu Baniya, Indra Baniya, Taufique Rahman, Madhurima Goswami, Arun Hazarika and Trishna, besides, child artists Disan Dholua, Pooja Bejbaruah and Katrin Dhalua The music directors for the film are Kalyan Baruah and Bappi, while the cinematography has been done by Prithviraj Dutta. B orn in Assam, Manju Borah’s films explore the region’s culture and its impact on the person and society as a whole. Her last movie was a Mising language film called Ko:yad (A Silent Way) is her first in a language other than Assamese. The film received National Awards for Best Mising Film and Best Cinematography in 60th National Film Awards besides many other accolades. In a small interview with Manju Borah, she told us about her upcoming projects. Her latest film is Dau Huduni Methai (Song of The Horned Owl) in Bodo language. The movie is a socio-political commentary on Northeast Assam. Her son, Aniruddha Borah provided the background music to the movie. The other project is an animated movie about ‘Sarvagunakara Srimanta Sankara’. Her reason for taking this project is because she wants to reach out to a younger audience. “The new generation is unaware of the 600 year old revolutionary of this region”. This movie is supposed to be a reminder for them. We asked her about what plagues the Northeast movie industry. She had more than one issue she wanted to address. She says there is no cooperation from the government for such projects. Movies are difficult to release, given that they allow only one showtime and one theatre. There are producers willing to invest but it all sums up to a pointless effort. She specifically said that there is no dearth of good Assamese films, but a lack of audience. Given that show timings are so stringent, the possibility of a good crowd becomes null. special segment for NE Flims in International Film Fest T he Woodpecker International Film Festival (WFF), known for its focus on issue-based cinema, has announced the call for entries for the 3rd edition of the festival this year. Apart from films and documentaries on wide ranging socio-economic, ecological and cultural issues like environment, livelihoods, gender, health, children, art and culture, the festival will also showcase films and documentaries from North-East. The 3rd edition of the festival will be organised from September 17-20 at Siri Fort Auditorium, New Delhi. Last date for submitting entries is July 06, 2015. According to Narender Ya- dav, Founder Director, Woodpecker International Film Festival (WFF), “We look at the festival as a mission to promote issue-based cinema globally and explore the power of storytelling through films to create a better world. In its 3rd edition we have introduced several new issues and thematic areas as well as a new segment only on films from North East. North-East constitutes one of the most culturally vibrant, ecologically rich and socially dynamic parts of the country. At the same time the region has witnessed several phases of insurgency and violence. Films depicting various aspects of life in North-East are invited under this category. Overall, this year the festival will showcase documentaries, short films and social advertisements on 11 contemporary themes.” According to Festival Advisor, Dr. Ashish Chopra, a renowned TV host, culinary historian and someone who has travelled and documented North-East extensively, this is going to be an exciting segment and one of the major highlights of this year’s festival. “India is a nation of diversity with many stories and stories within stories. Some stories are happy and some are sad. Each of these stories have some message to convey. The Woodpecker International film festival and forum, in its third edition promises to portray such short films and documentaries. This year we have a special focus on the North East part of India - a land with diverse culture, tradition, music, cuisine beliefs, myths biodiversity and home to almost 100 tribes and sub tribes. The film makers from the North East are highly talented and WFF is going to be a fantastic platform to watch and appreciate their work”, he said. Entry forms along with guidelines are available on the festival website, while deadline for submission is July 06, 2015. Official selections for this year’s festival will be announced in the month of August. The selections will be made by a 20-member selection committee, headed by Avijit Dutt. Other members of the jury include Oscar nominated director-producer, writer and actor Ajita Suchitra Veera, Nigerian writer and filmmaker Onyeka Newuele, journalist Mihir Shrivastav and Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) member, Ashieem Kaisthaa. It needs mention here that the Woodpecker Awards are aimed to inspire creativity and recognise the talent of Indian filmmakers who are focusing on alternative ways of filmmaking and experimenting with new ideas and issues. A trophy, citation along with a cash award will be presented in a gala award ceremony during the festival. G PLUS MAY 30 - JUN 05, 2015 Couture for two Fashion A look at Payal Chadha’s wedding wear collection G PLUS FEATURE T he brides-to-be now have a perfect destination after the latest bridal collection was revealed recently in the city. The curtain raiser of the collection was conducted through a recent event that took place in the city at Hotel Conture, Platan Bazar. A complete wedding, life style and fashion exhibition aptly named: Wedding Premier was held over two days with over twenty designers across the country and top fashion and lifestyle designers from the country including Ritu Kumar, Queen Dody, MNC, and Smitten from New York. In the event concepted by Gallery 2000, models donned some classic bridal wears and designer apparel of some of the esteemed designers who participated in the gala event, to give a feel of a wedding shoppers’ paradise. Covering all the occasions of an Indian wedding like shagun, mudda, mehendi, sangeet and bachelor’s party, the event showcased the latest bridal wear such lehenga, sarees, western gowns, midriff dresses and full bridal gowns. A wedding will always remain incomplete without a groom, so the grooms too had sundry options to 19 browse through. The event also showcased Indowesterns, sherwanis, tuxedos, and three-piece suits. A one of its kind event that transpired for the first time in Assam, the set up of the event was made as a wedding reception. R.K Chadha, chairman, Gallery 2000 group co. said, “We made a wedding reception stage with live models acting as bride and groom and their friends in our wedding dresses made exclusively by Payal Chadha and the participating designers.” When we talk about wedding, it’s not only bridals, in fact it’s a package of gold and diamond jewellery, caterers, DJ, photography experts, make up artistes and holiday packages cosmetics which makes it a complete collection and Wedding Premier covered all of these under one roof. The event also showcased attire of an Assamese wedding such as Mekhla chador with contrast coloured thread-weave borders for events like juron, bidai presenting the entire bridal set. 20 G PLUS MAY 30 - JUN 05, 2015 Reviews u Yo LD TEN SHOU LIS GAME IEW REV Album: English Graffiti Artist: The Vaccines W The Witcher 3 wild hunt W Mov Revi ie ew Cast: Jackky Bhagnani, Arshad Warsi, Lauren Gottlieb, Dalip Tahil Director: Ashish R Mohan W elcome to Karachi is supposed to be a comedy but sadly it does not succeed in giving you even a single good laugh. It is sad to see writers time and again rely on stereotypes to bring the comic quotient out and this film does exactly that. Showing Gujaratis who wear flowery shirts, crave for US visas and are stingy is actually passe. Most of the jokes fall flat making this supposed funny ride a boring one. The comedy is slapstick and using any logic would be a crime. Even for a no brainer, this film does not suffice. The Pakistani’s are also portrayed in quite a cliched manner. Recently, we have seen films like Filmistaan too which had a similar plot of an Indian being stranded in Pakistan but thanks to its intelligent content, the film worked well. Welcome To Karachi goes on the opposite as it fails to entertain you because of its mediocre content. Too many characters are crammed in a warped plot and none of then leave any impression on you. Also, in a scene where the duo are shown a picture of Barrack Obama and asked if they know him, I fail to understand why they would not recognize him even when Shammi is shown to be an ex-navy official and thus it may have to be assumed that he is well read. The makers cannot rely on such content to make us laugh and in fact I could not even manage a fake laugh on that. Jokes such as Taliban toh Khaliban ban gaya are cracked and we are expected to have a hilarious laugh at a series of them which keep coming in a row. Welcome to Karachi promises nothing but slapstick humor. There is not one moment in the film where you get a good laugh and sadly not even a satirical one. ild Hunt, CD Projekt Red’s saga has grown into something magnificent. It’s a game of truly epic scale that still displays an eye for every detail. It’s one that sees its hero, Geralt the Witcher, fully transformed from the swordswinging Mr Loverman of the first Witcher into a mature, reflective hero, and one where story, systems, art, music, action and lore all seem to mesh together into one dazzling whole. It’s the best fantasy RPG of its type since The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and sets a new benchmark for the genre. To be honest, that’s all you really need to know. All the same, you’re probably expecting more from a review than just breathless hyperbole. Well, imagine a game that takes everything you love from The Witcher 2: Assassin of Kings, Skyrim, The Legend of Zelda from Ocarina of Time to Twilight Princess and Red Dead Redemption. Speaking personally, I’m also not a huge fan of having to repair weapons regularly, and having to travel back to the nearest blacksmith to get my gear fixed up is one chore I could do without. Still, repair kits are easily available, ith two albums of real rock under their belts, the Vaccines take a left turn toward trashiness on their third record, 2015’s English Graffiti. Back on their 2011 debut What Did You Expect from the Vaccines?, the bandmembers affected a studied detachment, a conscious decision to keep themselves at arm’s length from either their hooks or their attitude. Four years later, they don’t hesitate to embrace the tackier elements of being in a rock & roll band. English Graffiti spills over with fuzzed-out glam guitar and the neon glare of new wave synthesizers, all channeled through a post-punk filter pilfered from the Strokes. Where the Strokes remain concerned with indie cred even at this late date, the Vaccines are happy to settle for the surface, finding excitement in the basics of a big hook and an overly stylized surface. Such simple pleasures make English Graffiti an appealingly trashy little rock & roll record, one that does find room for the spaciness of the closing “Undercover” but is better understood by the walloping stomp of “Dream Lover” and the nervy cool of “Minimal Affectation,” an ‘80s homage titled with either extreme or no irony. and some people like that sort of authenticity. In fact, Wild Hunt makes it palatable by placing accessible limitedtime weapon and armour buffs for you to use while you’re there. The big stuff here is absolutely brilliant – and brilliant in a way that leaves you wishing that more games could be both this ambitious and this well executed without failing one way or the other. Sure, The Witcher 2 isn’t something you can pick up casually, requiring time, commitment and – well, a lot more time – but it’s hard to imagine anyone without a hatred of RPGs and fantasy regretting the countless hours they’ll put in. With commiserations to Bioware and Bethesda, Wild Hunt is the new RPG by which all other RPGs should be judged. Not only has CD Projekt Red deliverered the largest and most convincing fantasy open-world we’ve ever seen, but a storyline, quests and systems that make it an incredibly compelling place to run, ride and sail around in. It’s the GTA 5 or Red Dead Redemption of sword and sorcery sagas and the biggest, most breathtaking time sink you’re likely to play this year. Book: The House that BJ Built Author: Anand Neelakantan T You SHOU Rea LD d he mahabharata endures as the great epic of india. While jaya is the story Of the pandavas, told from the perspective of the victors of kurukshetra, ajaya is the tale of the Kauravas, who were decimated to the last man. From the pen of the author who gave voice to Ravana in the national bestseller, asura, comes the riveting narrative which compels us to question The truth behind the mahabharata. As the Pandavas stake their claim to the Hastinapura throne, the Kaurava Crown Prince, Suyodhana, rises to challenge Krishna. As great minds de- bate dharma and adharma, power hungry men prepare for an apocalyptic war. The women, highborn and humble, helplessly watch the unfolding disaster with deep foreboding. And greedy merchants and unscrupulous priests lie in wait like vultures. Both sides know that beyond the agony and carnage the winner will take all. But even as gods conspire and men’s destinies unfold, a far greater truth awaits. The dark age of kali is rising and every man and woman must choose between duty And conscience, honour and shame, life and death… NOW SHOWING Welcome To Karachi Tanu Weds Manu Returns San Andreas Ishq E Dariyaan Apsara Cinema Daily at 11.00 AM & 8.00 PM Daily at 2.00 & 5.00 PM Anuradha Cineplex Daily at 8.15 PM Daily at 5.15 PM Daily at 9.15 AM & 2.30 PM Fun Cinemas Daily at 3.30 PM Daily at 1.00 & 8.45 PM Daily at 10.30 AM & 6.00 PM Gold Cinema (Paltan Bazaar) Daily at 11.00 AM, 2.30 & 5.00 PM Daily at 11.30, 5.30 & 8.00 PM Daily at 2.00 PM Gold Cinema (Fancy Bazar) Daily at 11.00 AM, 2.30 & 5.00 PM Daily at 11.30, 5.30 & 8.00 PM Daily at 2.00 PM Gold Cinema (Narengi) Daily at 11.00 AM & 5.00 PM Daily at 2.00 & 8.00 PM Chor Bazari Piku Daily at 11.45 AM Daily at 8.30 PM Daily at 8.30 PM Telebooking numbers: Anuradha Cineplex; 03612656968, 9954544738, Fun Cinemas: 9864800100, 9864800200, Gold Cinema (Fancy Bazaar): 03612735367, 9854077177, Gold Cinema (Paltan Bazaar): 9854066166, Gold Cinema (Narengi): 8811001898 G PLUS MAY 30 - JUN 05, 2015 COMING SOON! 21 Tech Watch Some of the hottest gadgets that will be hitting the markets soon for you to lay your grimy hands on. Check these hotties out! ASUS ZENFONE ASUS LENOVO Y50 ZENWATCH A sus Zenfone 2, is the latest flagship series of the Taiwanese tech giant. The phone was announced in the CES 2015. The Zenfone series took the markets by storm when they came out with Zenfone 5 in January 2014. There were pre bookings, queues at retailers, and the usual online shopaholics. They flooded the forums with reviews, pros and cons alike. The Zenfone 2 comes with 4GB RAM, first in its class. Powered by Intel’s Z3580 Quad Core Processor and Hyperthreading technology, this phone will never lag. I know the gadgets these days shouldn’t even worry about lags because they all come with 2GB RAM or more but the key lies in the optimal utilization of the ram and not just the number. For example a phone powered with an Intel chipset and 1GB RAM will definitely perform better than a phone powered with an MediaTek(MTK) processor with say, 2GB RAM. It’s all in the optimization and architecture. They announced the phone with multiple variants with lower specs to attract the smaller markets. Sold out like candy, this phone has been available for online purchase with Flipkart since April 2015, but it is finally hitting the stores in Guwahati on 16th June, 2015. For those who’re wary about purchasing gadgets online, this is your chance to pounce. T **The variants of the ZenFone 2 smartphone are:ZenFone 2 ZE551ML with 4GB RAM, 64GB storage priced at `22,999 ZenFone 2 ZE551ML with 4GB RAM, 32GB storage priced at `19,999 ZenFone 2 ZE551ML with 2GB RAM, 16GB storage priced at `14,999. ZenFone 2 ZE550ML with 2GB RAM, 16GB storage priced at `12,999. **prices available on Flipkart PROS CONS S mart-watches have been the buzz word for every tech giant for the past few months. Ingenuity and precision crafted into one nifty device. The watch seemed to have gone out of fashion since the arrival of smartphones and everyone turned to their phones to check the time. But integrating an OS in a watch and giving it an HD screen has turned the tables in favour of the old time telling device. After Moto360 and the Apple iWatch, Asus announced its ZenWatch. The Zen-Watch has already been received brilliantly by critics and customers alike. Unfortunately, the only way to get your hands on one is online, through sellers like eBay who priced the gadget at `22,000(approx.). The cost to feature ratio seems unreasonable, but people can’t stop talking about it. Water proof (IP55), AMOLED Display, 1.2 GHz processor, voice commands and that list goes on. Asus has been on a roll since the last quarter of 2014. This is just another weapon in its arsenal. Now you can look at your watch even if you don’t have an urgent meeting, just because an HD screen on your wrist is simply amazing. And oh, did I mention it also works as your fitness tracker? Excellent form factor Battery backup Excellent performance Although it comes with f/2.0, camera quality is average Authorised service centres in Guwahati Dull display Form Factor Touchscreen (Capacitative) Model Zenfone 2 Dimensions 152.50 x 77.20 x 10.90 Android Wear Weight 170.00 Memory-512 MB RAM Screen Size(inches) 5.5 Storage-4GB Processor 2.3GHz quad-core DisplayAMOLED 1.63” Processor make Intel Z3580 RAM 2GB and 4GB variants Sensor-9 Axis Sensor/Bio sensor Internal storage 16GB, 32GB, 64GB and 128GB Bluetooth V4.0 Expandable storage Yes Expandable storage type Micro SD USB Ports-Micro USB on Charging Cradle Expandable storage up to (GB) 128GB Rear camera 13 Megapixel Audio-Built-in microphone Flash Two-tone Front camera 5 Megapixel Features-Cover Lens 2.5D curved Corning® Gorilla® Glass 3 Sensors Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Proximity, Compass Water Resistance IP55Top of Form Processor- Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 [email protected] his week we dedicate a column for the gaming enthusiasts. Yes, we know how playing games makes you a ‘bad boy’, but you wouldn’t really care when you’re using this beast. Let me introduce you to the Lenovo Y50 Touch 4K. As the name suggests, this bad boy comes with native 4K display (a non UHD version is also available). This fresh release by Lenovo is already up for grabs online. For Guwahati, the tentative launch date remains foggy, but we can expect it to hit the stores by the end of June. It comes with the latest NVDIA GeForce GTX 860M, a whopping 8GB RAM and expands upto 16GB. It is powered by Intel Core i7 (no questions there), and JBL speakers, so you don’t have to carry around extra speakers to be loud. Priced between Rs. 80,000-1,15,000 on Snapdeal, Flipkart and Lenovo’s official site (depending on variants), this should be something to look forward to if you’re willing to splurge. This laptop falls under ‘extreme’ gaming category, so unless you have that 99% on your report card, it’s pointless asking your parents for it. Nokia N1 T his device is Nokia’s elephant killer, the magnum, its weapon to get back in the game. After being bought by Microsoft last year and being rebranded as Lumia (selling it with that small ‘Windows” logo), everyone thought it was the end of the Finnish giant. But Nokia’s N1 tablet, (that sold out in seconds in China) is looking to enter Asian markets, yes that includes India too! The device is powered with Intel’s Z3580, a 2.3 GHz processor with 2GB RAM and Android 5.0 Lollipop out of the box. The tab features 2 cameras 13MP and 5MP for rear and front respectively. Now the flaw is in the fact that there is no place for sim card. Nokia cannot enter the smartphone business again because it’s not allowed to place a sim slot in its devices until 2016, which means the device does not come with GSM connectivity. In this age of phablets and Fonepads, not having sim connectivity is a big downer, but for those happy with ‘official’ (WiFi) usage only, this is going to be an excellent choice. It is rumoured to enter the Indian markets at about `15,000-17,000. Lightning charge, USB-Type C, excellent form factor, premium metal finish, and this device offers everything else. And did I mention? It comes with the Z-launcher! Of course it is optional whether you want it or not. But it’s pretty nifty if you have a screen full of apps. PROS Excellent form factor, technically sound CONS no GSM connectivity, no flash, no expandable memory **The device is expected to hit Indian markets by end of June, 2015 22 G PLUS MAY 30 - JUN 05, 2015 Fun TIMEPASS Your weekly dose of Gemini Taurus Aries This week can be a lot of fun, with plenty of interaction and opportunities to relax in good company. Enjoy a lunch with interesting people or spend time with a significant other. However, there’s a chance of mixed messages and misunderstandings. It could be too easy to get the wrong end of the stick, even if you make an effort to be as clear as possible. Energy levels could drop, too, which means you’d be wise to lighten your schedule. This week it could be easy to grow complacent and forgo tasks and activities that are necessary to your progress. Trying to meet deadlines or reach targets could seem like paddling upstream. Potent energies can coincide with escapist tendencies that could see you dreaming of exotic shores or craving a duvet day. Your best bet may be to cut out activities that aren’t strictly necessary and leave plenty of time to relax and rejuvenate. Libra Virgo Leo Be careful when discussing work or closing deals. With Mercury retrograde and Neptune’s influence, things may not be as they seem. Read the fine print on any documents you need to sign, and keep your financial and personal information safe. Double-check facts given to you by others, as they may have dubious origins. Even so, it’s possible to make progress if you keep your wits about you. In romance, remember that all that glitters isn’t necessarily gold. Sagittarius Unexpected events could disrupt routines this week - just about anything could happen. Effective solutions may be only a phone call away if you’re willing to ask a friend or expert for advice. If you need a second opinion, check that it comes from a reputable source before you share it with others. A situation at home might need attention, although it would be unwise to make any major decisions this week. A loved one’s attentiveness can boost your spirits. SUDOKU Art, music, culture, and other fun activities could be delightful and inspiring this week. You can harness your imagination and use it to your advantage, particularly through visualization and creative activities. If you haven’t dabbled in a favorite hobby or pastime lately, doing so can be very fulfilling. Where romance is concerned, someone may be more of a taker than a giver. Watch for hidden agendas or too many little lies. Let your intuition be your guide. Though your best qualities may be on display at work, someone’s incompetence could spoil your time in the limelight. Disruptive and unsettling influences can cause misunderstandings, missed appointments, and mixed messages. If you want something done this week, it’s best to do it yourself. Leaving it to others could undermine your reputation. While there may be many romantic opportunities open to you, choose carefully. Someone could take advantage of your willingness to help. It’s unlikely this week will go as planned, as someone may have to break a promise or cancel an outing. You’ll also need to keep your wits about you at work, as nebulous influences might cause you to make a mistake or neglect an important task. Writing down a daily to-do list and ticking off each item in turn can help you navigate a maze of activities. That said, grab any chance you get for a new experience or travel adventure! Aquarius Capricorn The secret to getting the most out of this week is to delegate wherever possible. A strong Neptune focus could not only sap your energy but also cause delays and confusion. The less work you take on, the better the chance of dealing with it efficiently. Don’t believe everything you hear, especially if it comes from the lips of someone with a tendency to embellish the truth. Regular workouts can go a long way toward helping you stay positive. This isn’t the best week for financial matters, particularly if you’re thinking of buying or selling big-ticket items. In fact, you may be better off waiting until Mercury turns direct on June 11 to ensure a smooth transaction. A lively Gemini focus could keep you busy in the realm of romance. You seem to be the life and soul of the party, so you shouldn’t lack invitations. But beware of someone who’s too friendly or flattering for their own good. Useful Life hacks Shoes too small? Put on three pair of socks, put the shoes on, blow dry for 10 minutes. They’ll fit perfectly. HOROSCOPE Cancer With the Gemini focus, you’re in a natural phase in which it’s a good idea to slow the pace. This is one time of year when you’ll benefit from a lighter schedule. Allow more time to meditate, reflect on life, and decide what’s best for your future. You may notice that you’re more sensitive than usual to other people’s moods and feelings, which you can use to your advantage. You may crave peace and quiet after spending time in crowds. Scorpio Business matters and joint finances may need careful handling this week, as the blend of energies will only add to the confusion. It’s unwise to invest money in schemes about which you know very little or that have dubious designs. In fact, it’s probably best to postpone important financial decisions until next week. You’ll have more clarity and more information at hand. Although your love life seems to be sizzling, someone could undermine your confidence. Stay strong. Pisces There’s pleasure to be had in sprucing up your home to make it cozier and happier. Your creative skills and talents come to the fore this week, helping you devise delightful color schemes or bright ideas for new curtains or soft furnishings. Have a clear plan before you invest in paints or materials. There’s a chance you could change your mind halfway and lose out in the process. There’s potential for romance with someone who’s been a supportive friend. JUST FOR LAUGHs A man kills a deer and takes it home to cook for dinner. Both he and his wife decide that they won’t tell the kids what kind of meat it is, but will give them a clue and let them guess. The dad said, “Well it’s what Mommy calls me sometimes.” The little girl screamed to her brother, “Don’t eat it. Its an a**hole! A panda walks into a bar, sits down, and orders a sandwich. He eats, pulls out a gun, and shoots the waiter dead. As the panda stands up to go, the bartender shouts, “Hey! Where are you going? You just shot my waiter and you didn’t pay for the food!” The panda yells back, “Hey man, I’m a panda. Look it up!” The bartender opens his dictionary to panda, “A tree climbing mammal of Asian origin, characterized by distinct black and white coloring. Eats, shoots, and leaves.” Solution (Last Issue) G PLUS MAY 30 - JUN 05, 2015 classifieds VACANCY Required Sr. Sales Executives, Showroom Sales, Accountant, Marketing Executives (F) , Office Executive. Contact-90850-78728 Hair Styler required in an Unisex salon For details contact 97076 35294 Peon Required Qly-H.S.L.C. 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Contact: 9093196925 TO-LET 2 BHK With 2 Bathroom , Parking, Balcony And Lift At G.S. Road Rent-12,000 Ph No.-98644-31944 3 BHK 2nd Floor Flat At Ghy Club, Rent18,000 Call-76630-59321 3 BHK Newly Constructed Flat At Jayanagar, Rent14,000 Call-83999-65686 3BHK Independent House At Jonali, 2Bathroom , Parking, & Kitchen, Rent10,000 Contact-76630-59321 3BHK 3Rd Floor Flat With Bathroom , Parking, Balcony And Lift Rent-12,000 Contact-83999-65686 3 BHK At Ganeshguri Rent-15,000 Call-7663059321 Any type of Rented House Available At Zoo Road, Chandmari Contect-98647-39316 2 BHK Flat With 2Bathroom, Parking & Balcony With Lift At Chandmari Rent-10,000 Ph No.- 83999-65686 Any type of Flat Available At Zoo Road, Chandmari Contect-98647-39316 Any type of Office Available At Zoo Road, Chandmari Contect-98647-39316 3BHK Flat At Second Floor With 2 2 / 4 WHEELER Discover 2014 Model For Sale, Colour : Black And Red Ph.- 98599-10119 Alto LXI 2011 Model Colour: Maroon Contact-88110-91965 Yamaha FZ – S Year of Manufacturing04/20111, Colour B. Green Contact-95778-21645 Bathroom , Balcony , Parking With 3 Wardrobe And Lift. Rent- 15,000 Ph No.98644-31944 3BHK Flat With 2 Bathroom, 3rd Floor , Parking, Balcony & Lift in Beltola Rent- 14,000 Pn No.-76630-59321 720sqft showroom with toilet in athgaon suitable for boutique/ computer classes etc. Contact- 98641-59713 5 Room Flat In Maskhowa For Rent. Contact-98641-59713 3BHK New Flat With 2 Bathroom , Parking , Balcony , Lift At Dispur, 2nd , 3rd , 4th Floor, Rent16,000 Call-9864431944 400 sqft Rcc godown available At opp.Nichols school, Chatribari. With Shutter and road facing facility. Ph.No.- 9864159713. 200 sqft Rcc shop inside market. Available and nearby godown. Suitable for any type of CNF work. Ph.No. - 9864159713. 3 room residential flat on third floor 1300 sqft in Krisna Nagar, Chatribari. Ph.Nos. - 9864159713. FOR SALE 3 bigha land in Thakurbari Road , Rangapara with clearcut title & sale deed. Contact- Gopal Das Phone No088768-59216 For immediate sale. Brand New Flat at Kahilipara Road, 3BHK with car park and all modern ammeneties. 1560 sq.ft, 8th floor. Contact: 94351 15098 2 WHEELER / 4 WHEELER Vento (D) Top Model 2011 Colour: White Ph-88110-91965 EMERGENCY NUMBERS Ambulance 102 Arya Hospital, Ulubari 2606888, 2606665 Downtown Hospital 9864101111, 9435012669 GLP Social Circle 2737373 GGUMTA (Mirza) 03623-227109 Marowari Yuva Manch 2542074, 2547251 BLOOD BANK Arya Hospital, Ulubari 2606888, 2606665 Ganga Blood Bank 2454742, 2455029 Lion’s Club of Ghy Central 2546611 Marwari Yuva Manch 2546470, 2547251 Saharia’s Path Lab (24 hours) 2458594 Honda Activa 2004 Model Colour : Black Call- 88110-91965 Bajaj Pulsar 135 2010 Model Colour – M.BLK M. 98540-91738 Scorpio For Sale 2010 SLX Colour – Silver Ph.- 98599-10119 Pulsar 150 2009 Model, Colour: Black Contact- 88110-91965 Scorpio 2010 LX Colour: Black (D) Contact-98641-06333 Honda Dio 2013 Model, 2013 Model Colour: P.T. Yellow Contact-98640-21414 TVS Apache RTR 08 / 2011 Model Colour : Red 98544-01660 Scorpio Model: SLX 2004, Colour: Silver Contact- 88110-91965 Honda Activa 2012 Model, Colour- Blue Call-95773-69908 Wagon R For Sale 2009 Model Colour : Maroon Contact-98599-10119 Hundai i20 Sportz ABS CRBI Price – 5.20 Lacs Colour – Grey 88221-41557 Swift Dzire: 2010 Model, Colour: White (D), Ph- 98599-91965 Activa, Colour: Black 2012 Model Contact: 98641-06333 Mahindra Duro 2011 Model Colour : Maroon Contact: 88110-91965 Public Notice I, Neelakshi Bordoloi, have changed my name to Neelakshi Bordoloi Saikia by an affidavit before the Notary Public Kamrup (Metro) dated: 19-02-15 Citypedia AMBULANCE Splendor 2013 Model Colour Black Call- 98641-06333 Swift VSI 2012 Model Colour: Silver 4.50 Lacs Fixed Call:88221-41557 23 HOSPITALS Arya Hospital, Ulubari (2606888, 2606665) B Baruah Cancer Institute (2472364/66) Brahmaputra Hospital Ltd (2451634/678) Chatribari Christian Hospital 0361-2600051, 9207044374 Downtown Hospital 2331003, 9864079366, 9435012669 Guwahati Medical College (2529457, 2529561) Guwahati Medical College Emergency (2263444) International Hospital 0361-7135005 Mahendra Mohan Choudhury Hospital (2541477, 2543998) Marwari Hospital & Research Centre 0361-2602738/39 Marwari Maternity Hospital 0361-2541202/01 Nemcare Hospital 0361-2528587, 2455906, 2457344 Pratiksha Hospital 0361-2337260, 2337183/84 Basistha Military Hospital (2304617/0351) Railway Central Hospital Casuality (2671025) Redcross Hospital (2665114) Sri Sankardeva Netralaya 0361-2233444, 2228879, 2228921 TB Hospital (2540193) Wintrobe Hospital 0361-2519860, 98647-77986 IHR-Institute of Human Reproduction 0361-2482619,09864103333 GNRC Hospital 0361 2227702 GNRC Life First Ambulance 9401194011 24-HOUR PHARMACIES Arya Hospital, Ulubari (2606888, 2606665) DEAD BODY CARRYING VAN GLP Social Circle 2737373, 9435047046 Marowari Yuva Manch 2542074, 2547251 GGUMTA 98640-16740 ELECTRICITY SUPPLY Call Centre – 9678005171 OTHERS Fire Emergency 101 State Zoo 2201363 GMC Carcass Pickup 9435190720, 9864047222 LPG Emergency/Leakage 2385209, 2541118 RADIO TAXI SERVICES Prime Cabs 0361- 2222233 Green Cabs 0361-7151515 My Taxi 0361-2228888 Cherry Cabs 8876222288 Cinema Hall Anuradha Cineplex – 0361-2656968, 99545-44738 Fun Cinema (HUB)- 98648-00100, 98648-00200 Gold Cinema (Paltan Bazaar) – 98540-66166 Gold Cinema (Salasar) – 0361-2735367, 98540-77177 Gold Cinema (Narengi) – 88110-01898 police station SP, Kamrup District: Ph- 2540278 DGP Control Room: Ph- 2540242 SB Control Room: Ph-2261511 Police Control Room: Ph-2540138, 2540113 Azara PS: Ph2840287 Basista PS: Ph-2302158 Bharalumukh PS: Ph- 2540137, 2731199 Borjhar PS: Ph-2840351 Chandmari PS: Ph- 2660204 Chandrapur PS: Ph-2788237, 2785237 Dispur PS: Ph-2261510 Fancybazar PS: Ph- 2540285 Fatasil Ambari PS: Ph-2471412 Geetanagar PS: Ph-2417323 Hatigaon: Ph-2562383 Jalukbari PS: Ph-2570587 Jalukbari Out Post: Ph-2570522 Jorabat: Ph-2896853 Khanapara: Ph- 2281501 Khetri PS: Ph-2787699, 2787220 Latasil PS: Ph-2540136 Noonmati PS: Ph- 2550281 North Guwahati PS: Ph-2690255 Paltanbazar PS: Ph-2540126 Panbazar PS: Ph-2540106 Pragjyotishpur Ps: Ph-2785237 Women PS Panbazar: Ph-2524627 24 G PLUS MAY 30 - JUN 05, 2015 Catching Up Kenyan lawyer offers ‘50 cows’ for marrying Obama’s daughter Angelica Kenova ‘I’m a living doll’ A Kenyan lawyer has asked for President Barack Obama’s elder daughter Malia’s hand in marriage, and is ready to offer the US First Family 50 cows , 70 sheep and 30 goats as bride price. Kiprono said it was in 2008 that Maila S had caught his eye, and he hasn’t dated anyone as a promise to be faithful to her. He wanted to put his “dream request” in front of Obama when he visits in July, He added that his love was real and even his family was onboard, totally backing him in offering more price. Just like humans dolphins too are choosy about friends A new study has revealed that dolphins form highly complex and dynamic networks of friends. Scientists at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute (HBOI) at Florida Atlantic University took a closer look at the interactions between bottlenose dolphins in the Indian River Lagoon (IRL) and discovered how they mingle and with whom they spend their time. The team found that individual dolphins exhibited both preference and avoidance behavior, so just like humans, they tep aside Valeria Lukyanova, there’s a new Human Barbie in town, and extraordinarily, she’s been raised as a living doll since she was born. Angelica Kenova, a 26-year-old model from Moscow, Russia, still lives with her hyper-controlling parents, who have been honing her drastic look all her life - dictating her diet and exercise programme so she can maintain her miniature sixstone frame. ‘Growing up, my parents raised me like a princess and never let me go out, date boys or have the usual adult experiences,’ Angelica says. ‘As a result, I am not fit for real life - I’m like a living doll.’ have dolphins they like and associate with and ones they avoid. The study also found that IRL dolphins clustered into groups of associated animals, or “communities,” that tended to occupy discrete core areas along the north-south axis of the lagoon system. Researcher Elizabeth Murdoch Titcomb said that one of the more unique aspects of the study was the discovery that the physical dimensions of the habitat, the long, narrow lagoon system itself, influenced the spatial and temporal dynamics of dolphin association patterns. Indian origin 11 yr boy with three college degrees A n Indian-American home-schooled boy has surprised one and all by graduating from a US college at the age of 11 with three associate degrees in maths, science and foreign language studies. Tanishq Abraham, a native of Sacramento, California, graduated from American River College in Sacramento (ARC), California, alongside 1,800 students. Abraham is the youngest person to graduate from American River College this year. “The assumption is that he’s the all-time youngest”, said American River College spokesperson Scott Crow. Abraham last year became one of the youngest ever in the US to graduate high school. Home-schooled since the age of 7, Abraham passed a state exam in March last year that certified he had met the appropriate academic standards to receive his high school diploma. His achievement last year had earned the attention of President Barack Obama who had sent Tanishq a congratulatory letter. Abraham joined MENSA, the prominent high IQ society, when he was only four-years-old. Abraham told a local TV station that the milestone of graduating from college was not “much of a big thing for me.” Streetside selfie: Getting ready for customers, let’s see how I look. Photo: Adib Zamali PIC OF THE WEEK Printed & Published by Sunit Jain on behalf of Insight Brandcom Pvt. Ltd. and Printed at Arkashish Publications (P) Ltd., Katahbari, Garchuk, Guwahati and Published at H/No. 34, K. C. Choudhury Road, Chatribari, Guwahati - 781008, Editor: Koushik Hazarika. Phone: 0361 2737737, Email: [email protected], RNI No: ASSENG/2013/52641
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