Exploring Careers Goal Example

SMART Goal Action Plan Template
Goal Area:
Action and
Time Line
Career: Explore Careers
Explore at least ____3_____ (amount) career option(s) by _ October 15_____ (enter date).
Complete a job shadow or other related experience in one of the career fields that I explored
by __ November 15_____ (enter date).
I will be able to plan my education better if I know which career path I may to pursue.
Action Steps
1) Complete a career interest, skills, personality and values
assessment to confirm my career path and learn more about
my strengths and areas for development. Use links for
assessments at GPS LifePlan>Career>Learning About Yourself.
Support Network
Time Line
Within next 4 weeks
Date: ___ October 1-__
2) Talk with 2 people in this career using the informational
interview process at GPS LifePlan>Career >Exploring
Careers>Information Interviewing.
Within the next 6 weeks
Date: ___ October 15__
3) Complete the Summary of Results Worksheet. Discuss
worksheet with school counselor and family.
Within the next 6 weeks
Date: ___ October 15__
4) Complete a job shadow or gain other experience related to at
least one of these career areas. Use links for assessments at
GPS LifePlan>Career>Exploring Careers>Gaining Experience.
Within the next 8 weeks
Date: ___ November 1__
My family, home room teacher, school counselor, and mentor.
I may procrastinate and not complete my tasks on time. I may have difficulty with finding
information or finding a meaningful opportunity to gain experience.
I could learn more about time management and procrastination at
GPS LifePlan>Education>Study Skills and Strategies>Time Management and Motivation. I can
talk with my family, home room teacher, school counselor, and mentor if I am having
Career and Life Planning Workshop - SMART Goal Setting – Adapted from MyMilitary GPS LifePlan
Developed by Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (Partially funded by a 2008 congressionally directed grant,
P116Z080299), MN ARNG Deployment Cycle Support,
and Higher Education Veterans Program of Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs