40TH ANNIVERSARY EVENTS APRIL 12 - JUNE 14, 2015 SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 2015 Pulpit Series • • • 7:30AM - Dr. J. G. McCann 9:30 & 11:30AM - Dr. Jawanza Colvin 6:00PM - Pastor Michael A. Waldron & Congregation 52 SOUTH SIXTH AVENUE MOUNT VERNON, NY 10550 PHONE: (914) 664-2676 FAX: (914) 664-2833 WWW.GRACECHURCHTODAY.ORG WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2015 Community Night • 7:00PM - Town Hall featuring Rev. Al Sharpton SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 2015 Pulpit Series • • • • 7:30AM - Rev. Reginald L. Bachus 9:30AM - Rev. William F. Richardson, III 11:30AM - Dr. Dwight C. Jones 6:00PM - Dr. Adolphus C. Lacey & Congregation SATURDAY, MAY 2, 2015 (May is the Season of Women) Women’s Ministry Honors the First Lady of Grace, Mrs. Inez Richardson • 12:00PM - 3:00PM - 40th Anniversary Luncheon in honor of Mrs. Inez Richardson SUNDAY, MAY 3, 2015 Pulpit Series: Annual Day • Host & Hostess & Birthday Ministries Annual Day FRIDAY, MAY 8, 2015 Women’s Ministry with Honor Our First Lady of Grace, Mrs. Inez Richardson • 7:00pm – 9:00pm - “Steppin’ With Our First Lady” FRIDAY, MAY 15, 2015 Women’s Ministry Hosts Inaugural Jazz Vesper Night • 7:00pm - Special Guest Artist : Rev. Kim Jordan SUNDAY, MAY 17, 2015 Pulpit Series: Convocation Sunday SUNDAY, JUNE 7, 2015 Pulpit Series SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 2014 40th Anniversary Premier Musical Concert SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 2014 40th Anniversary All-White Benefit WE INVITE YOU ALL TO JOIN US! DON’T MISS IT! CELEBRATING W. FRANKLYN RICHARDSON 40 YEARS AS SENIOR PASTOR OF GRACE MINISTRY PRESENT DA15Y DOLW HAAP B SAY JOUR 20 , 23 RI SD , UJAMAA COMMUNITY N & THE GRACE YOUTH RATIO DEVELOPMENT CORPO TH RKPLACE!or ON AT YOURer WO UNG PEingRS a peek inside an industry ST A YOfuture EER TO ofHO the door and giving him/h up VOLUNT open by n’s ort perso Supp this effort! Sign g an extremely positive way! ge the trajectory a youn You can chan at (914) 246-1622. can affect change in in pursing. Together we 898 or Ms. Phyllis Cole-Hollis career they are interested R. Cousins at (646) 245-3 , please contact Ms. Leslie ation inform more For ! today THE SCHOLARS HIP MINISTRY 35 OF GRACE PR ESENTS TH ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP LUNCHEON Saturday, April 25, 12:00 - 3:00 P. DR. W. FRANKLY 2015 M. N RICHARDSO N, SENIOR PASTO RR BECKWITH PO IN TE 770 Davenpor t Avenue New Rochelle, New York 1080 5 Featuring: SILENT AUCTION & ENTERTAINMENT Proceeds fund book scho larships for graduates involved in Grace mini stries. For more information , please contact: Monica Spears, Presiden t at (914) 953-1188 or via email at scholarsh [email protected]. WWW.GRACECHURC HTODAY.ORG YEARS OF GRACE: A PASTOR AND HIS PEOPLE WE WELCOME TO THE PULPIT 7:30AM 9:30AM 11:30AM 6:00PM In March 2015, Reverend Reginald Lee Bachus was appointed Associate Pastor of the landmark Abyssinian Baptist Church in the City of New York. Bachus works under the visionary leadership of Abyssinian’s prolific Pastor, Dr. Calvin O. Butts III, to advance the church’s 206 year mission of advancing causes for positive social change, and Winning More Souls for Christ. Previous to the position at Abyssinian, Reverend Bachus served as Pastor of Mt. Ollie Baptist Church in Brooklyn, NY. During his pastorate there, Reverend Bachus led the church to add a second worship service, doubled the membership and provided insightful guidance over its spiritual, programmatic, and numerical growth. Further, under Bachus’ direction, Mt. Ollie founded its own Community Development Corporation, which made significant change in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn. Reverend William F. Richardson, III, the son of Dr. & Mrs. W. F. Richardson, our pastor and first lady, is truly a son of Grace. William received his early Christian nurturing under the loving care of the people of Grace. He attended Southern University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Virginia University in Richmond, Virginia. William accepted his call in 2006 and was licensed to preach the gospel by Grace Baptist Church. In 2009, he accepted the assignment to provide leadership for a developing component of Grace Baptist Church at its Port St. Lucie, Florida location. Under his leadership, the ministry has experienced consistent and dramatic growth numerically, financially and spiritually. Many souls have been won to Christ. Recently an administrative annex has been acquired and opened, out of which the church operates during the week. In addition, funds have been raised and plans put in place for the erection of a church edifice. William continues to be a vital asset to the Grace Baptist Church family and staff at both locations. Dr. Dwight C. Jones is a dedicated public servant who has worked tirelessly to improve the quality of life for the residents of the City of Richmond and the Commonwealth of Virginia. First elected to the Virginia State Legislature in 1993, Mayor Jones has distinguished himself as a highly effective visionary leader who is focused on results. During his tenure, he successfully championed initiatives and programs designed to protect the most vulnerable, improve and expand educational opportunities, stimulate economic growth, create jobs, and keep Richmond’s streets and neighborhoods safe. In November 2008, he was elected to the Office of Mayor, where he has continued his strong commitment to the City of Richmond. His theme, “Building the Best Richmond,” reflects his promise and commitment to lead Richmond into a Tier One City. Dr. Jones’ service spans 41 years as Senior Pastor of the historic First Baptist Church of South Richmond. The eleventh Pastor of the historic Bethany Baptist Church of Brooklyn, New York, Reverend Dr. Adolphus C. Lacey is a man of letters called by God to serve humanity. A native of Kansas City, Missouri, his mandate is to preach, teach and inspire diverse communities throughout this nation. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in World History degree from Ottawa University, a Master of Divinity degree from Union Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Northwestern University. He also holds a certificate from the Harvard University Divinity School’s Institute for Church-based Community and Economic Development. Dr. Lacey brings to Bethany experience as a pastor-activist, and his ministry aligns seamlessly with Bethany’s 132 year tradition of activism and social justice. He began is his career in ministry as Associate Pastor of Christian Education and Discipleship at Grace Baptist Church in Mt. Vernon, NY. GRACE AT WORSHIP WORDS FROM OUR PASTOR Sunday, April 19, 2015 My Loved Ones, WORSHIP LEADERS James Williams, 7:30a.m.; Torrey Key, 9:30a.m.; Mary Ellen Forte,11:30a.m.; William Finley, 6:00p.m. THE CALL TO WORSHIP How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? As it is written, how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! Praise ye the Lord! THE HYMN OF PRAISE “How Firm A Foundation” THE INVOCATION 7:30a.m. - Deacon Carla Prioleau 9:30a.m. - Deacon Edwina Ramsey 11:30a.m. - Deacon Richard Jones 6:00p.m. - Deacon Richard Thompson *THE RESPONSIVE READING 7:30a.m. - Cudjoe Darkwa 9:30a.m. - Joyce Jackson-Sykes 11:30a.m. - Dylan Castro 6:00p.m. - Candice Phaire *THE INSPIRATIONAL HYMN “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” WORDS OF WELCOME 7:30a.m. - Tye Beharry 9:30a.m. - Jayola Reid 11:30a.m. - Andre Artis, Jr. 6:00p.m. - Christen Smith CONCERNS OF THE PARISH REFLECTIONS 7:30a.m. - Vanessa Youngs 9:30a.m. - Virgie Reed 11:30a.m. - James White 6:00p.m. - Natalee Hill PRESENTATION OF GOD’S TITHES & OUR OFFERINGS *THE OFFERTORY “All Things Come of Thee, O Lord, and of Thine own have we given Thee.” Amen. SACRED MUSIC The Grace Cathedral Choir *THE HYMN OF PREPARATION “Amazing Grace” THE SERMON 7:30a.m. Reverend Reginald L. Bachus Abyssinian Baptist Church New York, New York 9:30a.m. Reverend William F. Richardson III Grace Baptist Church Port St. Lucie, Florida 11:30a.m. Dr. Dwight C. Jones First Baptist Church Richmond, Virginia 6:00p.m. Dr. Adolphus C. Lacey Bethany Baptist Church Brooklyn, New York These days of reflection, during what is an exceptional celebration already, provide for me a source of fresh inspiration and fervent renewal for the days ahead. This profound articulation of love is a source of tremendous encouragment to me, as we stand together with great anticipation, preparing for the bright future God has for us. Throughout this time, I have had the opportunity to revisit, in my mind, the cumulative details that make up the content of my journey over these past 40 years. It is very clear to me that God had done a mighty work in my life and in the life of our congregation. I am more sure than ever that He is not finished with us yet. Therefore, let us resolve to completely surrender to His will and God’s leadership as He guides us through the next phase of this glorious adventure as pastor and people. As we continue this high worship celebration, punctuated by the marvelous music, powerful preaching, heartfelt reflections, delightful flowers and grand coming together of the church, let us be clear that “every praise is to our God.” Thank you, Grace, for your love! I love you so much, Pastor INSIDE GRACE WEEKLY ANNOUNCEMENTS DATE/TIME MINISTRY Sun. 9:30 a.m. New Disciples Mon. 7:00 p.m. Class Schedule Sun, Apr 19 Nursery Angels Ministry Needs Volunteers! Mon, Apr 20 Health Awareness & Prevention Thurs, Apr 23 Youth Ministry: Job Shadow Day Sat, Apr 25 MOCCA & Scholarship Ministry Luncheon THE CALL TO DISCIPLESHIP *BENEDICTION POSTLUDE ANNOUNCEMENT/EVENT Lesson 1: 1st Sun & 1st Mon of the month Lesson 2: 2nd Sun & 2nd Mon of the month Lesson 3: 3rd Sun & 3rd Mon of the month Lesson 4: 4th Sun & 4th Mon of the month The Nursery Angels serves young children ages 0-3 on the first, second, third and fifth Sundays. Volunteers are urgently needed. If you are able to assist please contact Tracy Austin at 347-734-1459 or Tina Harper (President) 914-843-3356. Join Dr. Aisha Primm for Zumba this Monday at 7:00 p.m. Come out and get fit! You can help change the trajectory of a child’s life by hosting a unique opportunity to open the door and give and GBC youth a peek inside and industry/career that they are interested in pursuing! Volunteer today! For more information, please contact Leslie Cousins at (646) 245-3898 or Phyllis Cole-Hollis at (914) 246-1622. This is the last Sunday to purchase your ticket in the Narthex at Grace prior to the 35th Annual Scholarship Luncheon. Reserve your seat today! Don’t miss this opportunity to support the edcuation of our college bound students!
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