Weekly Bulletin - Grace Baptist Church

Welcome to Grace Baptist Church
March 22, 2015
__ AM
In an effort not to interrupt the work of the
Holy Spirit during the worship service, please silence all
pagers and cell phones. Unless an emergency arises,
please do not leave the Sanctuary until the invitation has concluded
Thank you for your consideration!
__ PM
Welcome to
We’re So Glad You’re Here!
How to Join Grace Baptist Church
Address __________________________
At the end of the Worship Service, we will sing a hymn of decision.
During this time, you are invited to walk to the front of the Church
in response to the leading of the Holy Spirit that you sense
in your heart or mind. Our Pastor and a counselor will
be at the front to talk with you about your decision.
State ______________ Zip ___________
Email ____________________________
One of the decisions you may wish to make is to become a member of
Grace Baptist Church. You may do so by telling the
Pastor or Staff Member one of the following:
Marital Status: __Married __Single __ Single Again
Phone ___________________________
Are you a member of a Church? __yes __no
What Church? __________________________
City & State: ____________________________
What grade/age does your family represent?
1st-5th grade
6th-8th grade
9 -12 grade
Do you know for certain that you have eternal life
and that you will go to Heaven when you die?
__yes ___no ___not sure
I would like:
___Information about Grace
___To receive today’s Sermon on CD
(please pick up your CD in the Fellowship Hall)
(Sermons are also available on www.gbce.net)
___To participate in a Bible Study
___A phone call or visit
___To know Jesus
Decisions made today:
____Prayed to receive Christ as Lord & Savior
____Recommit my life to Christ
____I desire Believer’s Baptism
____Would like to join Grace Baptist
I am a guest of __________________________
I want to trust Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, but don’t
understand how. I need someone to help me.
I have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and desire New
Testament baptism.
I have previously received Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. The
Church I joined did not practice New Testament baptism, so I
want to be baptized and join Grace Baptist Church.
I am a member of another Baptist Church and want to join
Grace Baptist on a promise of letter from that Church.
I have previously received Christ and was baptized into a Church
by New Testament baptism, however, the record of my Church
membership is unavailable, or I have been a member of another
denomination and wish to return to a Baptist Church.
If none of the above are an expression of your desire,
you may schedule an appointment with
Pastor Hilley or a Staff Member
by calling the Church Office at 706-868-9729.
Pastor & Ministerial Staff
Contact Information
Minister of Students
4945 Hardy McManus Rd
Evans, GA 30809
Bill Hilley
[email protected]
Bryan Carter
[email protected]
Minister of Music
Brent Odom
[email protected]
Minister of Education
and Missions
Children’s Ministry Director
Mark Otstot
[email protected]
Tricia Mason
[email protected]
Preschool Ministry Director
Lisa Wamack
[email protected]
From Your Pastor
March 22, 2015
Dear Grace Family and Friends,
Spring is here. The transformation that is taking place in plant life is
unmistakable. One week everything is the color of death; dull and drab.
It's hardly recognizable as "living." The next week everything has burst
forth with color and life. I realize not everyone is happy to see winter go.
Summertime in the Augusta area can be pretty oppressive if you aren't
used to the heat. But how can we not rejoice in the beauty of God's
creation? When I see the life bursting forth all around us I'm reminded
that we serve an awesome God. Evolutionists would have us believe this
is all the result of "dumb luck;" a cosmic accident that occurred billions
of years ago. I may not be "the sharpest knife in the drawer" but I'm
smart enough to know the majesty of this world isn't "accidental" at any
level. There is a clear design. And if there is a design there must also
be a "Designer." I'm blessed to know His name, and to call Him my
Friend. Jesus Christ is the author of creation, and His handiwork is
magnificent. Keep in mind that we are the crowning jewel of His
creative genius. How ironic that the lower life forms tend to be more
faithful in declaring His glory than we are. That ought not to be. Having
been created in His image, everything about us should reveal God's
glory through every season. Nothing more is required to be effective
witnesses for Christ. But do we even think about that on a regular
basis? Many are so "self absorbed" we rarely, if ever, think of anyone, or
anything, but ourselves. That's a sin against God. Jesus came and lived
and died and resurrected "for others." Before leaving He challenged us
to live similarly. That doesn't happen automatically. But it can and must
happen if we are to accomplish His intended mission. Think about that
as you reflect on the beauty of God's creation. Make sure we are
reflecting God's majesty as surely as nature does. Doing so will be a
huge blessing to our great God. I love you and am honored to be your
Pastor. God Bless You!
Changing our world by loving God & loving each other!
Week at a Glance
Sunday - March 22
Prayer Time......................................................................................... 7:45 am
F.I.S.H. Market Coffee Shoppe ....................................................8:15 am
1st Morning Worship Service ..................................................9:00 am
1st Hour Sunday School/Bible Study.....................................9:00 am
2nd Morning Worship Service ..............................................10:30 am
2nd Hour Sunday School/Bible Study ................................10:30 am
K-Church ............................................................................................10:30 am
Kids Alive! ..........................................................................................10:30 am
Preschool & Children’s Choir .....................................................6:00 pm
Evening Worship and Communion ...........................................6:00 pm
Monday - March 23
Burn Center Breakfast ..................................................................7:30 am
Weekday Preschool ........................................................................9:30 am
Upward Practice...............................................................................6:00 pm
Trail Life Meeting ..............................................................................7:00 pm
Pick Up Basketball ...........................................................................7:00 pm
Tuesday - March 24
Ladies Morning Bible Study ......................................................... 9:30 am
Weekday Preschool ........................................................................9:30 am
Upward Practice...............................................................................6:00 pm
Wednesday - March 25
Men’s Prayer Time (Cracker Barrel) ......................................6:00 am
Weekday Preschool ........................................................................9:30 am
Youth Café/Games .........................................................................5:30 pm
Financial Peace Class .....................................................................6:00 pm
Children’s Programs.......................................................................6:30 pm
Bible Studies .......................................................................................6:30 pm
Adult Choir ........................................................................................... 7:45 pm
Kids Alive! Rehearsals ....................................................................7:45 pm
Thursday - March 26
Burn Center Breakfast ..................................................................7:30 am
Weekday Preschool ........................................................................9:30 am
Upward Practice...............................................................................6:00 pm
Baby Shower.......................................................................................7:00 pm
Friday - March 27
Weekday Preschool ........................................................................9:30 am
Upward Games..................................................................................6:30 pm
Celebrate Recovery .........................................................................7:00 pm
Saturday - March 28
Upward Games...............................................................................10:00 am
$ 5,694.04
$ 38,509.23
$ 38,509.23
$ 377,424.93
Give online at www.gbce.net
$ 35,772.17
$ 94,320.54
$ 76,038.45
$ 288,472.67
$ 278,807.69
* Greg Usry
Welcome to our New Members:
Tim Gass
Michael Walden
Cliff Payne
DeWayne Smoak
Ed & Desiree Velez
Travis & Katherine Wilson
George & Beverly Whitmire
Teresa Damron
Jim Ford
Songcha Kazen
Janis Pryor
Bob & Ann
Donna Duke
Edward C. Smith
Jerry Vaughn
Mary Martha
Donna Farkas
*Team Captain
Andy Farkas
Glenn Griffith
Jonathan Judson
Eddie LeBlanc
John Marzano *
Chris Ridlehoover
Tommy Rogers
Lowell Thomas
Pete Weitz
Dewand Jones
Terri Thomas
Carlye Pankey
Nicole Rushin
Angie/Chris Holland
Brandi Bodie
Teddi Lynce
Holly Barnes
Bill Davis
Nancy/Dale Jones
Rachel Carter
Leila Hilley
John Brittain
Michelle Young
Ann Kerley
Brooks Ford
Tawny Eley
Kristen Davis
Patty Limon
Paige Lozano
Matt Moschera
Teena Ridlehoover
Shaun Kobert
Ed McCaslin
* Lee Roland
Gary Steele
Attention Ladies!
Live Simulcast with
Priscilla Shirer here at GBCE.
(Ages 16 and up)
April 25, 2015 10am - 5:30pm
Cost is $20 which will
include your ticket, lunch, snacks
and conference materials.
Register in the foyer on Sunday,
March 29th or online at
Deadline is April 12th!
Call the Church Office for details.
“Friend Ship” Summer Program
Kristine McGahee
Sharon Bell
Linda Barber
Donna Farkas
Adryan Usry
Rachel Carter
We are now accepting registrations
for Summer 2016!
The Program runs from
May 26th through July 16th for children
two years to completed K5!
Forms are located at the Preschool
Welcome Desk and online at
Contact Lisa Wamack at
[email protected] for more details!
Nicole Rushin
Don Sutherland
If you would like to have your child
dedicated on Mother’s Day, please sign
up in the Preschool Hall or contact the
Church Office at 706-868-9729.
Wednesday Night Suppers
will start back again beginning this fall.
If you would be interested in helping,
please contact Kim Jones at
706-305-3545 or email her at
[email protected].
A Baby Shower
for Brie Cantrell will be
Thursday, March 26th at 7pm at
the home of Trisha Burks.
Brie is having a Boy and is
registered at BabiesRUs.
Contact the Ashley Walden at
706-836-0135 for more details.
A dinner of hotdogs, chips and drinks will be
served at 6:00pm. We ask that you bring
cookies, brownies or cupcakes to share.
Candy Collection bins are available in the
Fellowship Hall for donations of wrapped
candy for the Children’s Egg Hunts.
5:00pm - Team sign-ups are posted at the
Welcome Desk and Fellowship Hall.
6:30pm - Walkers to 3yr olds
(grassy area between playgrounds)
6:45pm - 4 & 5yr olds
(front lawn under the flag pole)
6:30pm - 1st & 2nd Grade Egg Hunt
(Meet in the Gym)
7:00pm - 3rd thru 5th Scavenger Hunt
(Meet in the Church Foyer)
6:30pm - 8:00pm (Soccer Field)
Back to Basics 101
Join us beginning Sunday, March 29
at 10:30AM in room 201 for
Family 101: Back to the Basics to help
us bring back a Biblical focus to our
lives. The nine sessions will take us
step-by-step through the key New
Testament passages on how to live out
the "one another" verses in family life.
Contact Mark Otstot for more details.
If you are available to help with any of the
following activities, sign up here!
You can also sign up in the Fellowship Hall.
Preschool Inflatables
2015 VBS will be
June 8th - 12th this year!
“Journey Off The Map”
Mark your calendars to join us for
Vacation Bible School this year.
Contact Melissa Olson for details.
Graded Activities (1st - 5th Grade)
Save the Date!
Connie Clifford
Mindy Prichard
Kerri King
Sara Cellon
Blair Cellon
Virginia Smelts
Mother’s Day Baby Dedication
Inflatables for Graded Students and up
Please call the Church Office at
706-868-9729 for more information!