www.greenfieldlutheran.com Worship Broadcast 11:00 a.m. Sunday mornings on KFIL 103.1 FM and 6:30 p.m. Monday evenings on Harmony Cable TV Channel 9 Sunday - 9 a.m. Worship 10:10 a.m. Fellowship Coffee Sunday School Contact Information: [email protected] www.greenfieldlutheran.com Phone 507-886-3272 Rev. Darby Lawrence, Pastor Mobile phone 507-258-0381 [email protected] Greenfield Lutheran Church We are called to celebrate our life in Christ and share the joy with others 9 a.m. Worship 10:10 a.m. Fellowship, Sunday School April 26, 2015 9:00 a.m. Worship, 10:10 a. m. Sunday School Faith, Love, Care Meeting April 19, 2015 9 a. m. Worship 10:10 a.m. Fellowship, Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Youth Committee April 12, 2015 7 a.m. Worship Coffee 9 a.m. Worship April 5, 2015 7:00 p.m. Good Friday Ecumenical Worship April 3, 2016 7:00 p.m. Maundy Thursday Worship April 2, 2015 Worship regularly and bring your family and friends to praise God for His blessings and peace. Come at 9 a.m. and stay for coffee fellowship after the service. Celebrate our Life In Christ and Share the Joy With Others Greenfield Lutheran Church PO Box 655 Harmony, MN 55939 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #20 HARMONY MN 55939 Address Service Requested Writings from the Pastor’s Desk Pastor Darby Lawrence Had Christ, who once was slain, not burst his three-day prison, our faith had been in vain. But now has Christ arisen, arisen, arisen, arisen! (ELW #391) After Christ’s death on the cross there is no way that any follower of Jesus could have come to any conclusion other than this: We were wrong to think he was the one. There is no way anyone who witnessed a crucifixion could have considered it anything other than complete and utter failure. Crucifixion was absolutely the worst thing that could happen to a person, the worst possible way for your life to end. It is vital that we understand this if we ever hope to understand just how mindboggling and transformative the resurrection really is. The very fabric of reality is changed because Christ is risen. This is just one of many elements of the Christian faith that has been called into question over the years. Some of the others have been whether Jesus was really God, if he was really human and whether or not he even actually existed. But for those who believe that he actually existed and that he did roughly what the Bible said he did, his resurrection is what most often gets called into question. The questioning of the Christ being raised from the dead is as old as scriptures. Some members of the church in Corinth were claiming that the dead would not be raised. Paul meets this head on by pointing out that at the core of our faith is the proclamation that Christ is, in fact, raised from the dead. If there is no resurrection of the dead, he explains, this means that Christ has not been raised. And if Christ has not been raised then both his proclamation of the gospel and the faith of the Corinthians are in vain. He closes this part of his argument with one of my favorite verses in the Bible: If for this life only we have hoped for in Christ, we of all people are most to be pitied. He goes on, of course, to declare that Christ truly has been raised from the dead and since he has been raised, so shall we. The implications of this reality are many. To start with it means that we don’t need to worry about dying anymore. In baptism, as Paul writes to the church in Rome, we were baptized into the death of Christ so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we, too, might walk in newness of life. For, Paul continues, if we shared with him in a death like his (which we have in baptism) we shall certainly share with him in a resurrection like his. But it doesn’t end there! The resurrection of Christ means that there is nothing in all creation – neither life nor death nor things present nor things to come – that can sepa- rate us from God’s love. Whenever we get caught in sin’s snares we can return to the identity we have through our baptism into Christ, dying to the old sinner and rising again to new life in Christ. We can do this every day, every hour and every minute, as needed. In preparation for the celebration of the resurrection we walk through the season of Lent. This season lasts forty days so that we may feel the weight of sin and to prepare us to receive the season of Easter for the joy it is intended to be. So we celebrate the resurrection for fifty days! I hope to see all of you (and any guests you care to invite!) on Easter Sunday. But I hope that you will come back again the next Sunday…and the Sunday after that so that we may share together the joy of the good news that Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Joy and peace in Christ, Pastor Darby Radio Sponsors April 5 Open 12 Open 19 In memory of Tish Burkholder by the Martha Leah Circle 26 Open To sponsor a radio broadcast, call the office and talk to Nancy. April Faith, Love, Care Service Group Coordinators: Charlie and Patty Todd Brent, Brenda Afseth Mary Jane Afseth Lillian Benson Roger, Marietta Buchholz Lee, Colleen Fishbaugher Karla Franzen Wayne, Lynn Grant Howard, Angie Haugerud Georgia Hermanson Roxanne Johnson Heidi Knepper Manferd Nordsving Peter, Becky Olafsen Erik, Renee Olson Jim, Tina Peters Norris, Betty Storlie Andy, Jackie Tieskotter Charlie, Patty Todd Larry, Marge Torgerson Ushers April 5 7 a.m. Charlie, Patty Todd 5 9 a.m. Charlie, Patty, Andy, Keeley Todd 12 Wayne, Lynn Grant Erik, Renee Olson 19 Roger, Marietta Buchholz Peter, Becky Olafsen 26 Wayne, Lynn Grant Roger, Marietta Buchholz Lector/Assisting Minister: April 5 Ron Stevens 12 Mark Wilbur 19 Mary Lou Zombory 26 Anne Detlefsen Deliver CD to Preston April 5 Charlie Todd 12 Lee Fishbaugher 19 Lee Fishbaugher 26 Roger Buchholz Fellowship April 5 Charlie, Patty Todd 12 Roxanne Johnson 19 Roger/Marietta Buchholz 26 Roger/Marietta Buchholz April Birthdays Sunday School Cookies April 5 12 Howard, Angie H. 19 Roger, Marietta B. 26 Howard, Angie H. 2 6 Serve Nursing Home: April 7 Patty Todd Meals on Wheels: April 6—10 Charlie, Patty Todd April 20-24 Roger, Marietta B. 7 8 10 11 12 13 15 17 18 Videographers Schedule: April 5 12 19 26 1 Casey, Erik Olson Matson, Ross Kiehne Cody, Becky Breeser Steve, Laura Donney If these dates do not work, please arrange a trade and notify the church office. Thanks 20 21 23 24 Acolyte Schedule 9 a.m. April 2 7 p.m. Maundy Thursday Morgan, Coltin Wingert 5 Katrina Bergey Carlee Birch 12 Joshua Peters, Alex Love 19 Garrett Aggen Ryli Tostenson 26 Morgan Wingert Coltin Wingert If these dates do not work, please arrange a trade and notify the church office. Thanks 27 28 29 30 Joyce Mikkelson, Sondra Taubert, Roger Hanson, Aiden Reicks Samantha Kiehne Andrew Timmerman, Kristin Dornink, Quinci Kaase Michelle Guttormson Nathan Osmonson Samuel Peters Doug Ofstedal, Carrie Donney, Alex Scrabeck Carson Morem Carolynn DiTrocchio Lynn Grant Nicole Johnson Phyllis Gregerson, Liz Barrett, Matthew Bakken Adeline Peters, Gage Wangen Becky Olafsen, Chase Trouten Arla Hutton, Leanne Kingsley, Kathy Wilbur, Josh Bergey, Coltin Wingert Emma Rahm, Marilyn Norton, Bonnie Bakken Richard Nethercut, Samantha Stevens Alan Bahler, Jacob Masters, Zachary Morem Bob Trouten, Lynell Shanks, Nathan Birch, Nicole Wangen Rachel Gulbranson Youth and Family April Skiing at Mt La Crosse was on the agenda for March 8th. The weather was warm, but there was enough snow left for a fun day on the slopes. Laura Donney, Kiera Olson, Kayla , Krissie and Kelsey Biel, Walker Ward, Cody Breeser, Nate Haugerud, Nate Birch, Alex Lange, Matson Kiehne, Blake Bigalk, Austin and Logan Bahler, Ryli Tostenson, Joshua Peters, Colten Kraeling and Brady Ristau all hit the slopes for one last hurrah of winter. Thanks to Kevin Biel, Gary Ward and Steve Donney for providing transportation to the event and serving as chaperones. Renee Olson and Alan Bahler organized this event. The Men and Youth Ham and Chicken dinner was a success. The youth attending the Detroit Youth Gathering and their parents provided the desserts and also served as wait staff for the event. Between take out orders and meals served at the church, over three hundred meals were served. Positive feedback was received from members of the church and community. A big thank you to the men of the church for undertaking this event. Angie Haugerud and Angie Kaase made sure all ran smoothly. The youth are currently involved in plant sales. The fundraiser runs until April 1st and the plants will be delivered in early May, around Mother's Day. Thanks to all of the church members for so generously supporting the youth. Becky Breeser and Angie Kaase have organized this fundraiser. Lenten soup suppers are provided by the families of the youth, each grade supplying a simple meal each Wednesday during the Lenten season. The students are involved with serving the meal and clean up afterwards. Renee Olson Youth and Family Committee secretary Confirmation 2015 Confirmation Services at Greenfield will be held on May 3rd. at 9 a.m. We have 7 students: Carlee Birch Ashley Haugerud Nathaniel Haugerud Alexander Love Ashlyn Stahnke Ryli Tostenson Coltin Wingert Let us remember them in our prayers as they prepare for this day. LAST YEAR WE TRIED THIS FOR ABOUT 6 MONTHS..........IT WORKED! CAN WE TRY IT AGAIN FOR 6 MONTHS????? WHAT WE’RE TALKING ABOUT IS ADDING AN ADDITIONAL DOLLAR OR TWO EACH WEEK TO OUR CONTRIBUTIONS. WOULD YOU CONSISDER DOING IT ONE MORE TIME. IT’S A FAIRLY PAINLESS WAY TO ADD JUST A LITTLE EXTRA TO EACH WEEKS’ OFFERING. GIVING. LET’S GIVE IT ANOTHER TRY! THE STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE THANKS YOU FOR LISTENING AND HELPING!! 5 WELCA Board meeting Wednesday, April 1, 10:00- a.m. Thank you to all who helped with World Day of Prayer. There was a good attendance and $300.00 was mailed to WDP-USA. Saturday, April 25th, Greenfield Lutheran Church will be hosting the Root River Women's Spring Gathering. Registration begins at 8:15, coffee and treats provided by St. Mathews Lutheran Church. The program begins at 9:00 a.m. Registration fee is $10.00 which includes a delicious luncheon. Preregistration date is April 15th and walk-ins are welcome. The conference is a half-day program. There will be several displays set up that you can visit either before or after lunch. This year's theme is "His Healing Hands." The offering is given to food shelves, Good Earth Village and Lutheran Campus Ministry. Come and enjoy a very special day. Quilting: April 6 April 20 8:30—11:30 a.m. GREENFIELD NEWS “ W e are called to celebrate our life in Christ and share the joy with others ” VOLUME 18 Greenfield Lutheran Church Newsletter ISSUE 4 April 2015 On the inside … Synod news Council Notes WELCA Youth and Family Calendar Faith, Love, Care Word of Hope … You did not choose me, I chose you and I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last. John 15:16 Holy Week Schedule April 2 April 3 April 5 7 p.m. Holy Thursday Worship in Sanctuary 7 p.m. Good Friday Ecumenical Worship in Sanctuary 7 a.m. Easter Sunrise Service 9 a.m. Easter Festival Worship 1 Pastor Darby Lawrence Carol Beastrom 2015 Del Elston 2017 James Harstad 2016 Dave Hoppe 2016 Cliff Johannessen, v. pres.2015 Jim Johnson 2016 Becky Olafsen, sec. 2015 Ron Stevens, Pres. 2015 Deb Swenson 2016 Charlie Todd, Treas. Mary Lou Zombory Youth Members: Alex Love Casey Olson Ruth Delano 2017 2017 Church Council Highlights March 11, 2015, 8:00 p.m. in Church Fellowship Hall In attendance: Carol Beastrom, Jim Harstad, Dave Hoppe, Cliff Johannessen, Jim Johnson, Alex Love, Becky Olafsen, Casey Olson, Ron Stevens, Deb Swenson, Charlie Todd, Mary Lou Zombory, Pastor Darby Lawrence, Pam Hoppe, observer circles. Some specific activities, such as senior quilts materials purchases, may need to be taken over by the church budget. At 7:05, President Ron Stevens called the meeting to order. Mary Lou gave devotions. We welcomed Pastor Darby Lawrence who is busy getting adjusted to Greenfield. The synod has officially approved the confirmation class request to have Pastor Betsy return to officiate at their Right of Confirmation on May 3, 2015. Pastor Darby will coordinate with Pastor Betsy. Carol moved to accept the February Secretary’s Report. Deb seconded, motion passed. Greenfield members assisted in Pastor Betsy’s move to Rochester on Saturday, February 28. Charlie presented the financial report. He will get together with Andy Batstone to review the church accounts and budgeting system. Pam Hoppe presented information about service group procedures. We discussed the need to alleviate overworking some of our members and encouraging more of our members to take part in serving the church. Pam and others will make a list of necessary tasks and responsibilities that the service groups and other individual members are currently performing. This list will be useful in reconfiguring our service groups to better serve the congregations needs. Their preliminary list and possible ideas will be discussed at the April council meeting. Becky presented a recommendation from the Worship committee to look at frequency of communion. After a brief discussion, it was decided that Pastor Darby and the Worship committee will discuss communion practices at the April 1 meeting. Mary Lou reported that Greenfield WELCA hosted a wellattended Root River Conference World Day of Prayer service on Friday, March 6, 2015. WELCA will be disbanded at Greenfield in the future and some of their responsibilities will be continued by Carol moved to accept the submitted committee reports. Charlie seconded, motion passed. The council will be discussing communication needs of the congregation relating to social media presence on our website, Facebook, and email. 4 Jim H. reported on the March 15 ham and chicken dinner in support of the youth. th Deb moved to adjust the interim pastor’s salary base to $29,927 and housing allowance to $32,000 and to include an increase of $520 in social security contribution amount as well as an increase of $63 in pension contribution amount. Jim J. seconded, motion passed. These adjustments are for tax purposes and came from discussion between Andy Batstone and Pastor Darby. Carol Beastrom suggested having a report to the council from the call committee every month. Mary Lou will relay the request to the call committee. Jim J. moved to adjourn at 9:20. Alex seconded, motion passed. We adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer. Next meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 8, 2015, 8:00pm. Respectfully submitted, Becky Olafsen, Secretary Easter Flowers Flowers for Easter Sunday are most welcome once again. They may be brought to the church the week preceding and will be put out for Easter Sunday. Please have them marked with names of people honored, and let us know if you want to pick them up again. Thank you.
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