June 7, 2015 Family of Alan Monette Family of Linda Larsen Lane Barton Todd Parks Bob & Melanie Rose Jason, Angela & Carston Rose Kathy Gideon Frankie Weaver Cheryl Martz Jeanne Price Nowlin Allen Cordell Family of Ronnie Symank Morgan James Tommy Bass Sheila Harris Faye Heine Beverly Musil Don Scott David Munden Lenny Todek Ralph Cordell Kevin Nix Lee Stewart Reba Allen Sara Anglin Dolores Rivera Linda Kroll Haley Donajkowski Sally Jo Truhlar Lone Davis McLennan Deke Hall Lions Club is collecting used prescription glasses. You may deposit them in the collection box located in Fellowship Hall. China Spring Cares needs food for this summer. Please see list in the May Newsletter and at the church entrances. Prayer Time St. Catherine’s Virginia Reese Clifton Nursing Home Faye Heine The Regent Patsy Watson At Home Dorothy Garrett Lee Stewart Ridgecrest Buddy Roberts Women’s Bible Study Tuesdays at 9am in the fellowship hall Donations for Flood Relief Victims Checks may be made out to UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) designated for this relief account number #901670. If you are visiting, please designate by marking “visitor”, and putting your name, address and phone number in the red pew pad. If you are interested in joining our church, please fill out the back of the bulletin and give it to Pastor Jane. Sunday Attendance 8:30: 72 ; 11:00: 122 Sunday School: 35 ; Other Groups: 147 Meals on Wheels Ministry: Volunteers:18, Clients: 13 Children’s Ministry: VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL begins TODAY– June 10, 6-8pm Ages Pre-K- 6th grades This year’s VBS theme is Mt. Everest: Conquering Challenges with God's Mighty Power. ALL VOLUNTEERS Please be at the church this afternoon at 5pm! YOUTH MINISTRIES- Retirement Reception Honoring Pastor Allen Grant Saturday, June 13th at 3:00 pm The location will be FUMC Red Oak, 600 Daubitz Dr., Red Oak, Texas 35E north to Red Oak. Take Exit 410. Right on Daubitz. Church is a few blocks down on the right. TODAY at Noon – Summer Parent’s Meeting: we have a couple of new policies that we will need to go over with parents and we will explain our summer events! June 10th – 12:30pm to 5:30pm – Game’s Day. Meet at the church, and please wear appropriate shoes for outdoor games. There will be a concession stand where drinks and food will be sold. June 14th-20th – Senior High Mission Trip – Oakdale, Louisiana. Some Thoughts from Pastor Jane This Sunday evening, our Annual Conference meeting begins with an opening worship service at 7 p.m. at White's Chapel United Methodist Church in Southlake, Texas. The entire Conference will be held there at White's Chapel through Tuesday afternoon of this week. Every Conference in United Methodism holds such an annual meeting for a designated time of worship, study, fellowship, the receiving of reports, and voting on resolutions offered by various boards and committees. Those in attendance at Annual Conferences include all the clergy within that Conference and elected lay delegates from each Church. For our Conference, I will attend as clergy representing our Church. Our lay delegates are Nancy Moore and Patrick Turkett. Anyone can go to Annual Conference and attend all of the business sessions, the teaching sessions, and the worship services. Only elected delegates are allowed to vote, however. If you have never been to Annual Conference, I want to encourage you to attend at least once. Next year's Annual Conference for 2016, is scheduled to be here in Waco at our Convention Center. It will take place once again in early June. We will be selecting our lay delegates for the 2016 Annual Conference this Fall at the time of our Charge Conference. If you are interested in attending next June, please do let me know. *********************************************************************************************** We could not have had a better day for our third annual fish fry - beautiful weather and cool temperatures. We owe a HUGE thanks to Mike and Donna Herbert for providing the fish and preparing it for us all to enjoy. We also owe a HUGE thanks to Nelda Wheeler for her untiring efforts in heading up the kitchen work. To all who helped outside, who helped set up, and who helped clean up - we are very grateful. I already cannot wait for next year's fish fry. *********************************************************************************************** The Summer is traditionally a time for vacations. If you and your family will be traveling during this Summer, I pray for your safety. I would also ask that if you attend Church while out of town (and I hope you will be faithful in your worship attendance no matter where you are), please bring a worship guide back with you. And, if you will be entertaining out of town guests this Summer, I hope you will bring them with you to our worship services. We continue to see new faces in our services regularly. The greeting time in our worship services are intentionally designed to encourage everyone to take note of individuals who might be new to our Church. I trust that all will feel the warmth and love of China Spring UMC as soon as they enter our Sanctuary. I am happy to see you in worship today and I pray that you will know of God's love for you as we sing, pray, and hear God's holy word. Buddy Roberts 100th Birthday is June 30th! Ridgecrest Retirement Center 1900 HWY 6 Rm 126 Waco, TX 76710 Send him a card! For the month of June we will collect the following items: rice, canned meats, macaroni & cheese and peanut butter and jelly. for Caritas. Please bring items to the fellowship hall. We have collected 664 lbs. so far this year. Church Staff Lead Pastor [email protected] Cell phone #: 254-931-4656 Parsonage: 254-836-4431 Choir Director/pianist [email protected] Chime Choir Director [email protected] Children’s Choir Dir. [email protected] Dir. of Children’s Ministries [email protected] Dir. of Student Ministries [email protected] Secretary [email protected] Bookkeeper [email protected] Lay Leader [email protected] Prayer Chain 254-836-1107 Jane Woodward Gail Wade Jim Hyden Jan Holt Angela Ulibarri Patrick Turkett Cecilia Boutwell Nelda Wheeler Donna Hixson Church Office P.O. Box 400 / 262 Illinois China Spring, TX 76633 Ph. #836-1107 Fax # 836-8112
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