Benefits of protection forests

Forests for natural hazard risk
reduction: economic benefits and
Luuk Dorren
Principle of natural hazard risk prevention
1. Avoiding / evading (hazard maps)
2. Biological measures (protection forests)
3. Technical measures (protective constructions)
4. Organisational measures
(monitoring, evacuation/closure,
temporal object protection, …)
Benefits of protection forests
Forests simultaneously mitigate multiple
natural hazards
Forests have a higher life expectancy and are
cheaper than technical protective measures
– they reduce maintenance costs of existing
technical measures
Forests provide additional functions such as
biodiversity, water filtering, wood
production, recreation / tourism, etc.
Key figures on protection forests in CH
• Yearly investment ~ 145 Million € (40% by the Confederation)
• Total area: ~ 585‘000 ha (50% of forest area CH)
50 km
Valuating protection forests
1. Avalanche risk reduction Switzerland: 75 Million € / year (~ 100‘000 ha)
2. Rockfall risk reduction: 45’000 € / year (50 ha study area)
3. Protection value ≥ wood production value (~ 500 € / ha * year)
4. Steel avalanche barriers 950‘000 € / ha; wooden avalanche barriers 330‘000 €
/ ha; forest management ~ 20‘000 € / ha
Accounting for infrastructure closure
Quantifying the effect of forests against shallow landslides,
debris flows and floods
Better methods for calculating risk reduction due to the
protective effect of forests
Prevention of negative effects of forests during extreme events
More information
[email protected]
Bern University of Applied Sciences
Tel. +41 31 910 2978
Int. association for natural hazard risk management
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