This is kind of a big deal!
Group’s Church Volunteer Central is a unique online resource that will help you on your journey
to lead volunteers effectively. We understand the church and know how hard it is to find, keep,
and train good volunteers. That’s why Church Volunteer Central was created—to give you one
place to find loads of helpful trainings, assessments, job descriptions, articles, and more.
Who is Church
Volunteer Central for?
How does Church
Volunteer Central help me?
Anyone who works with volunteers! Pastors, children’s
ministers, youth leaders, team leaders—you name it!
With just one Church Volunteer Central membership,
everyone on your team can benefit from the resources.
We cover five main areas of volunteer management:
Recruit, Retain, Train, Lead, and Protect. All of the resources
that you’ll find in Church Volunteer Central are designed to
help you in one of these five areas.
Recruit—We know this is a tough one, so we provide
articles, step-by-step guides to inviting volunteers, real-life
examples, and more.
Retain—You get in-depth help for keeping those volunteers
you worked so hard to get! You’ll have access to ideas for
appreciation, guides, and, of course, a lot more.
Train—You’ve got to keep your volunteers up to speed.
Our training tools let you send a training article to a
volunteer, have them complete a questionnaire, and you’ll
see the results. Pretty cool, huh? You’ll also get a great
spiritual gift assessment tool, too.
Lead—We offer real, practical help from experts on how
to lead your volunteers effectively. You’ll get support and
encouragement to help you be the best leader you can be.
Protect—When you’re a Church Volunteer Central member,
you’ll gain access to Shepherd’s Watch, our backgroundcheck service. You’ll be able to run background checks on
your volunteers to protect the people you serve.
What do I get with Church
Volunteer Central?
We know there are no quick fixes for volunteer management. But there are proven best
practices and methods. Our online site will give you those tools as well as free phone
consulting to guide you through the processes of being a more effective leader of volunteers.
We’ll also provide case studies of what’s worked in churches across the country.
Church Volunteer Central also includes:
Customizable handbooks, interview forms, super helpful
articles, letters of appreciation, a monthly newsletter with
professional advice, and so much more!
For just
you get a y e Church
ip to th
membersh entral site.
That’s just h!
$10 per mont
In addition to an online community, CVC offers regional
networks so like-minded ministry professionals, just like
you, can connect and share stories, encouragement,
and fun!
WGetow!started today!
Visit to join now. Or call 1.800.267.9040. We’d love to talk to you!