September 2012 Dateline: NH a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association 2012 NHADA Candidate Questionnaire And Legislative Scorecard Are Live on! Daniel Bennett, Vice President Government Relations N HADA is pleased to announce our new service providing members with election information live at www. In time for the September primary election (September 11) and for use during the November general election (November 6), this valuable service aims to inform NHADA members about candidates for elected offices. Our election section on the website provides answers to a candidate questionnaire on issues specific to the motor vehicle industry. It was sent to each of the candidates for the office of Governor, Executive Council, and State Senate. We had a very positive response to the survey and a high return rate from candidates (especially considering this was our first time conducting such a survey). Candidates for these offices were contacted multiple times to respond, and those who chose not to are indicated as such in our reports to you. The questionnaire is accompanied by a matrix comparing the candidates’ responses. This will enable you to see their actual questionnaires with detailed responses. Interactive maps, generously provided for our use by the Live Free or Die Alliance, will help you find your district and Senator for comparison. Elections – continued on page 12 A Message from Your NHADA Chair Donna Gaudet Hosmer, Esq., NHADA Chair I am honored to have been elected as your chair. For those who don’t know me, I’m an owner of the AutoServ Dealerships, a family auto group based in Tilton. I’ve served on the NHADA board for 14 years. I’m an attorney, and married to Andrew, who is currently a candidate for State Senate, and the mother of four young children – a 10-year-old daughter, and 7-year-old triplets. I’m passionate about our association, outspoken on issues impacting our industry, and I look forward to serving as your chairman. With this new title comes a great responsibility to the 570 member businesses and their 14,000-plus employees. Our association is taken very seriously both in Concord and also nationally, and I pledge to continue be a strong voice, forcefully advocating for the rights and best interests of our association and its members. Over the next year, I intend to focus on these specific goals to help carry out our strategic plan: Legal and Regulatory Compliance Given my legal background, I will focus on helping dealers with legal and regulatory compliance issues. NHADA will customize a helpful legal handbook covering national and NH areas of law relevant to our business. This new, legal resource will guide NH dealers in nearly all facets of their business, from buying and selling their stores, employment decisions, franchise laws, to consumer protection laws. The guide will be available in the Chair’s Message – continued on page 10 NHADA Supports Automotive Education In New Hampshire Through Scholarships Over the last 14 years, NHADA has provided $220,000 in scholarships to students studying automotive technology in the state Community College System. Just these last two semesters, the association awarded more than $20,000 in scholarships to students studying motor vehicle trades. Last fall, 13 scholarships amounting to $16,750 were awarded by the NHADA’s QRWIRUSURÀWDIÀOLDWHWKH1HZ+DPSVKLUH Automotive Education Foundation (NHAEF). The following students were recipients: Stephen Bodnar of Nashua, Alisha Brinson of Nashua, Matthew Burrill of Pittsburg, Nathan Fannion of Campton, Eric Giavagnoli of Dunbarton, Jeffrey Hewitt of Manchester, Joseph Langlois of North Haverhill, Jacob Mitchell of Salem, Ahmed Nait Addi of Manchester, David Romanus of Nashua, Sahab Sandhu of Concord, Dylan St. Onge Hudson, and Dhan Timsina of Concord. Created in 1998, NHAEF has been awarding scholarships to promising New Hampshire high school students in automotive technology schools throughout NH. Long ago, NHADA’s members agreed that, by helping to provide better-educated, Scholarships – continued on page 15 Pre-Placement Drug Testing: Bringing it to the Next Level & More – pages 6&7 Dateline: NH Date a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association New Members 2012-2013 NHADA OFFICERS Chairman Donna Gaudet Hosmer 1st Vice Chair Andy Crews 2nd Vice Chair Chris Weiss Treasurer Holly Carlson Secretary Eileen Sleeper President Peter J. McNamara 2012-2013 NHADA DIRECTORS Peggy Proko, Immediate Past Chairman Marc Bourgeois, At-Large Franchised/Independent Michael Cooney, Independent Used Car Roger Groux, At-Large William Gurney, Independent Repair/Service Paul Holloway, Honorary Scott Holloway, At-Large Jim Lagana, Heavy Duty Trucks Mike Kopp, Independent At-Large George Mullin, Motorcycles Ken Plante, At-Large AIADA DIRECTOR Peggy Proko NADA DIRECTOR Jack Tulley This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matters covered. In publishing this newsletter, neither the authors nor the publisher are engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Advertisements appearing in Dateline: NH do not indicate a specific endorsement by NHADA of the products or services unless the NHADA endorsement symbol appears with the advertisement. Published monthly at Bow, New Hampshire, by the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association. Mailing address: P. O. Box 2337, Concord, NH 033022337, 603-224-2369/ 800-852-3372. STAFF Publisher Donna Gaudet Hosmer Editorial Director Peter J. McNamara Managing Editor Nathaniel Stout Design and Layout Advertising Coordinator Lisa Lavoie Photographer Michael Rosenblum ADVERTISING RATES Full Page: Color $700 B&W $575 1/2 Page: Color $450 B&W $375 1/3 Page: Color $375 B&W $300 1/6 Page: Color $300 B&W $250 page 2 GPI NH-TL, INC. dba Ira Lexus of Manchester 18 Kilton Road Bedford, NH 03110 218-3531 Contact: Ed Stockel Londonderry Tires Too, Inc. dba Tires Too 1A Rockingham Road Londonderry, NH 03053 434-2730 Owner: Russell Hilliard Key Auto Center of Portsmouth LLC 2025 Woodbury Avenue Newington, NH 03801 436-5010 Owner: Anthony DiLorenzo Benson Auto Co Inc. dba Benson Auto Quality Pre-Owned of Laconia 718 Endicott Street North Laconia, NH 03246 527-8228 Owners: J. Corey Benson and Jack Benson John’s Wrecker Service Id# 4849 12 Integra Drive Concord, NH 03301 225-6266 Owner: John Dapergolas Inside this Issue Benefits NHADA Partners with Rite Aid for Flu Shots ........................................... page 3 Compliance Pre-Placement Drug Testing: After Four Years, the End Result is Good ............. 6 Pre-Placement Drug Testing: It’s Time To Take It To The Next Level ................. 7 Departments From Your AIADA Director - Ending Summer on a High Note ........................ 4 NADA News - New NADA President Expected By End of Year ...................... 18 Education Efforts Underway to Promote Automotive Careers ............................................ 9 Your Wish is Our Command - Needs Survey ................................................... 15 Feature Transparency Is Not a Dirty Word ................................................................... 14 Powersports Motorcycle Inspection Technician Certification Offered in Concord ............... 12 Safety Grinder Safety - More Than Just Spinning Wheels........................................... 16 September 2012 Dateline: NH Date BENEFITS CORNER a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association NHADA Partners with Rite Aid for Flu Shots Lauri Churchill, Account Producer N HAD Services, Inc. - Insurance Division is pleased to announce that Rite Aid will provide on-site flu clinics and in-store vouchers to all NHADA members and employees this fall. This year any NHADA member is eligible for the flu shots through Rite-Aid. Rite Aid has been administering influenza immunizations for over ten years. They have a comprehensive influenza immunization program, which includes providing immunizations at every RiteAid location as well as providing on-site services to businesses and organizations like ours. Rite Aid is both experienced and qualified to serve your location. September 2012 We are pleased to offer your business two convenient methods to get your employees protected against the flu: t6TJOH B WPVDIFS QSPHSBN ZPVS FNployees may obtain a flu immunization at any of Rite Aid’s locations across New Hampshire without an appointment, on any day and at any time. This year any NHADA member is eligible IRUÁXVKRWVWKURXJK5LWH$LG t" TDIFEVMFE ìV JNNVOJ[BUJPO DMJOJD at your location(s) or at a Rite Aid location: Rite Aid will work with you to schedule a clinic at a date and time that is convenient for your employees and your business. Rite Aid also offers billing flexibility and competitive pricing. t%JSFDU CJMMJOH UP JOTVSBODF DBSSJFST if the flu immunization is a covered service; t%JSFDUCJMMJOHUPZPVSCVTJOFTTPSZPVS employee with vouchers provided instore or during clinics; and tɨSPVHIJUTQBSUOFSTIJQXJUI/)"%" Rite Aid will guarantee that influenza vaccines not covered through an insurance plan will cost only $21! This is a 30 percent discount from our retail price! For details, contact Heather Larch, clinical manager for Rite Aid, at hlarch@riteaid. com or call 401-821-1263, ext 212. page 3 Dateline: NH Date a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association FROM YOUR AIADA DIRECTOR Dear Friends, Summer 2012 is drawing to a close. Dealers are ending the season on a higher note than previous years and are cautiously optimistic Peggy Proko that the uptick we’ve seen so far this year will continue. There are plenty of economic obstacles that stand in the way of complete recovery. However, dealers are an upbeat group of people who have proven our resilience time and again. I am fully confident of our ability to move forward regardless of what we face in the coming months and years. The nation’s political attention has shifted away from Washington, DC, and toward the campaign trail. In early August, Congress left Washington to hit the ground running and meet with their constituents in their districts and states. Although they are expected to convene for a short period in September, the prospects for legislative progress on some of the nation’s pressing issues — including the economy, tax policy, and the federal budget — are dire in the next several weeks. Congress will most likely take up these issues during its “lame duck” session following the November election. Although news from Washington is quiet and dealers are worrying more about getting those last 2012 models off of our lots to make way for the 2013 model year, Ending Summer on a High Note I must remind you of what is at stake as we move toward November. In recent years, our dealerships — as well as the U.S. auto industry as a whole — have become enmeshed in politics. Bailouts, dealership closures, and a slew of “Buy American” sentiment has made the business of running a dealership far more political than most of us probably imagined. Everything from the taxes we pay, to the cars we sell, to the way we provide financing for our customers has been scrutinized. Most dealers I talk to tell me about the red tape they navigate that makes owning and running a successful dealership harder than ever. If this isn’t a wake-up call for dealers, I don’t know what is. It is no longer enough to sit quietly on the sidelines, expecting the clouds will blow over and things will return to how they once were. No matter what side of the political aisle we fall on, we must take note of the issues and look for ways to ensure those in Washington know and understand how their policy and legislation impact our ability to serve as economic catalysts in our communities. My message to dealers this fall is B ronze simple: Get involved! During campaign season, the political debate can reach deafening levels, making it difficult to sort through the rhetoric to find the truth. However, I believe that our elected officials, as well as those campaigning for public office, deserve to hear from us. Who better to share the truth of how policy trickles down than from those of us who live it and invest in it every day? AIADA offers several ways for dealers to educate themselves on the issues and begin building relationships with their elected officials. Visit to find out more. AIADA’s 43rd Annual Meeting and Luncheon is on the horizon. Held during the National Automobile Dealers Association’s annual convention in Orlando, the meeting is a great chance for dealers to connect with other dealers and leaders in the international auto retail industry. This year’s will be held on February 11, 2013. I hope you’ll save the date for the event as registration will soon be available on AIADA’s website. It is truly a pleasure serving the dealer community in New Hampshire. association partner G W Marketing Services Automotive dealership broker and consultant For more information, please contact Gordon Wisbach at 781-899-8509 or 508-395-2500, cell; by email at [email protected]; or view their website at ~ Buy From Yourself ~ page 4 Gordon Wisbach September 2012 ^ƟůůůŽŽŬŝŶŐĨŽƌĐŽŶƐŝƐƚĞŶĐLJŝŶLJŽƵƌ&Θ/ĞƉĂƌƚŵĞŶƚ͍ tŚĞŶLJŽƵůŽŽŬĂƚLJŽƵƌƉƌŽĮƚĂďŝůŝƚLJ͕ĚŽLJŽƵƐĞĞĂŶ&Θ/ĞƉĂƌƚŵĞŶƚƚŚĂƚ ĐŽŶƚƌŝďƵƚĞƐĂƐŵƵĐŚƚŽLJŽƵƌďŽƩŽŵůŝŶĞĂƐĞǀĞƌLJŽƚŚĞƌĚĞƉĂƌƚŵĞŶƚ͕ĂƐĂ ƉĞƌĐĞŶƚĂŐĞŽĨŐƌŽƐƐƉƌŽĮƚ͍/ĨŶŽƚ͕ǁŚLJǁĂŝƚĂŶLJůŽŶŐĞƌ͍dŚĞƌĞŝƐŶŽƐĞĐƌĞƚƚŽ ŽƵƌĞdžĐĞƉƟŽŶĂůƌĞƐƵůƚƐ͘EŽŵĂŐŝĐ͘EŽƋƵŝĐŬĮdžĞƐ͘:ƵƐƚĂƐƚƌŽŶŐĐŽŵŵŝƚŵĞŶƚ ƚŚĂƚǁĞďĂĐŬƵƉǁŝƚŚďĞƐƚŝŶĐůĂƐƐĞŵƉůŽLJĞĞƐƚŚĂƚǁŝůůƚƌĂŝŶLJŽƵƌƉĞŽƉůĞƚŽ ŵĂŬĞLJŽƵĂŵĂƌŬĞƚůĞĂĚĞƌŝŶWZhĂŶĚƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƉĞŶĞƚƌĂƟŽŶ͘tĞŚĂǀĞŶŽƌŽŽŵ ŝŶŽƵƌƉůĂLJͲŬĨŽƌ͞K<͟Žƌ͞ŐŽŽĚĞŶŽƵŐŚĨŽƌŶŽǁ͟ƌĞƐƵůƚƐ͘ǀĞƌLJƚŚŝŶŐǁĞ ĚŽĞŶĨŽƌĐĞƐƉĂƚŚƚŽďƌŝŶŐLJŽƵƌĚĞĂůĞƌƐŚŝƉƚŽĂůĞǀĞůƚŚĂƚǁŝůůŚĂǀĞĂŵĂƐƐŝǀĞ ŝŵƉĂĐƚƚŽLJŽƵƌďŽƩŽŵůŝŶĞ͕ĞǀĞƌLJŵŽŶƚŚ͘tĞĐĂůůŝƚĐŽŶƐŝƐƚĞŶĐLJ͘ &ŝŶĚŽƵƚǁŚLJŽǀĞƌϮϬϬĚĞĂůĞƌƐĐŽƵŶƚŽŶƵƐĞǀĞƌLJŵŽŶƚŚ͕ĂŶĚƉƵƚŽƵƌϭϵ LJĞĂƌƐŽĨĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞƚŽǁŽƌŬĨŽƌLJŽƵ͘zŽƵ͛ůůďĞŐůĂĚLJŽƵĚŝĚ͘ (800) 668-8809 Dateline: NH Date a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association 3UH3ODFHPHQW'UXJ7HVWLQJ After Four Years, the End Result is Good Peter Sheffer, WCT Director F our years have passed since the NHADA Workers’ Compensation Trust (WCT) Board of Trustees mandated that all WCT members perform preplacement drug testing. At that time, the board recognized the impact drug users had on workers’ compensation claims and many other facets of their business. Members believed that it was in our best interest to implement pre-placement drug testing. The mandate required that NHADA WCT members perform pre-placement drug testing and hire no applicants who failed the drug test. Initially the pre-placement drug testing procedure was challenging, but I think we can all agree the end result has been very positive. The number of positive drug results has been eye opening. Keeping undesirable drug users out of our places of We offer more than products. We offer solutions. When you work with Protective you offer customers more than products; you offer solutions – solutions that allow people to embrace all today has to offer by protecting their tomorrow. Protective provides F&I solutions that simplify the selling process with easy to understand products, advanced training and reliable customer care and claims service. We are committed to your profitability by serving the increasing number of car buyers that are unprotected from the costs of employment has been good for business. NHADA WCT staff continues to receive questions on the pre-placement drug testing process. So now may be a good time to review the basics of the process. To assist WCT members with the legal requirements, every WCT member has been provided with the NHADA Strategic Hiring Guideline disc, which was updated and redistributed in 2010. The hiring guidelines provide guidance throughout the hiring process, from the interview to the conditional offer, to the completion of the Second Injury Fund form. Drug Testing – continued on page 8 Bronze association partner Clean Harbors Environmental Services Environmental Services future mechanical expenses. Like you, we believe in doing the right thing for the customer. Help your customers protect tomorrow and embrace today For more information, please contact Tom Phoenix at 800-522-4645. with F&I solutions from Protective Asset Protection. Learn more at Protect Tomorrow. Embrace Today.™ Vehicle Service Contracts I GAP Coverage I Credit Insurance I Lifetime Engine Warranty Limited Warranty I Dealer Participation Programs I F&I Training I Advanced F&I Technology Contact Protective’s New Hampshire representative, George Spatt at 866 478 9242 Tom Phoenix Lifetime Engine Warranty, Vehicle Service Contracts (VSCs) and GAP are backed by Lyndon Property Insurance Company in all states except NY. In NY, VSCs are backed by Old Republic Insurance Company. GAP and Lifetime Engine Warranty are not available in NY. Credit Insurance is backed by Protective Life Insurance Company in all states except NY, where it is backed by Protective Life and Annuity Insurance Company. page 6 September 2012 Dateline: NH Date a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association PUH3ODFHPHQW'UXJ7HVWLQJ It’s Time To Take It To The Next Level Marta Robbins, Nurse Case Manager The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report that deaths from prescription pain killers have reached epidemic proportions in the last decade. Prescription pain killers are narcotics and opioids; some common drugs include Vicodin and Oxycodone/ Oxycontin. The number of deaths from overdose of pain killers is now greater than the number of overdose deaths from heroin and cocaine combined. In 2010 it was reported that 12 million Americans over the age of 12 reported non-medical use of prescription pain killers. Nearly half a million emergency department visits in 2009 'UXJ&ODVVLÀFDWLRQ Common Name Amphetamines Speed Cocaine Coke Marijuana Pot Phencyclidine PCP As you can see from the chart; the Five Panel does not test for prescription pain killers. Given the vital statistics on opioid and narcotic abuse, the need now to test for additional drugs should be apparent. 'UXJ&ODVVLÀFDWLRQ The testing of choice for post offer/pre-placement drug screening should now be the Ten-Panel Urine Drug Test. This is a screening that now tests for ten classifications of drugs: Common Name(s) Cocaine Coke Amphetamines Speed Methamphetamine Meth Marijuana Pot Methadone Dolphine/Methadose Opiates Oxycodone/Oxycontin/Percocet Phencyclidine PCP Barbiturates Nembutal Benzodiazepines Valium Tricyclic Antidepressants Amitriptyline NHADA-WCT encourages our members to take preplacement drug testing to the next level. Contact your preferred occupational health provider and discuss with them switching September 2012 were due to people misusing or abusing prescription painkillers. Drugs exceeded motor vehicle accidents as a cause of death in 2009; this is propelled by the increase in prescription narcotic overdoses. Nonmedical use of prescription painkillers costs health insurers as much as $72.5 billion annually in direct health care costs. The testing of choice for post offer/pre-placement drug screening has historically been the Five-Panel Urine Drug Test. This screening tests for five classifications of drugs: over to the Ten-Panel test. The cost difference between the Five-Panel and the Ten-Panel at some clinics is minimal while others are charging no increase. page 7 Dateline: NH Date a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Drug Testing – continued from page 6 Members should develop a drug testing policy (NHADA Strategic Hiring Guideline, attachment L). Within that policy the member should outline the ramifications of a failed drug test and the period of time the applicant must wait to re-apply. The NHADA board recommends a waiting period of at least six months. NHADA members must not allow applicants to begin work until the pre-placement drug test has come back and is negative. When the appropriate applicant has been chosen, he or she should be provided with the conditional offer of employment letter, (NHADA Strategic Hiring Guideline, attachment C). The candidate should at the same time be provided with a copy of the NHADA business member’s drug and alcohol policy. The applicant should sign the pre-placement page 8 drug testing policy notice and consent form (NHADA Strategic Hiring Guideline, attachment O). At this point in the process, the applicant should be directed to the drug testing facility of the member’s choosing. The cost of the drug test must be paid by the employer. The drug testing facility should perform at least the five-panel quick test, but preferably the ten-panel (see Marta Robbins’ article, page 7). If the quick test comes back non-negative, it is sent out to a laboratory to be re-tested. If this occurs, the medical review officer from the lab must contact the applicant to discuss the results. This may take up to a week. Members must not allow the applicant to work until the final results are received. A non-negative result on the quick test is not necessarily a failed test result. When the final results are received and the applicant fails the drug test, then the withdrawal of conditional job offer letter should be provided to the applicant, (NHADA Strategic Hiring Guideline, attachment E). If the applicant passes the drug test, then the final paperwork should be completed prior to the commencement of work. The hiring guidelines are a valuable tool to guide members through the hiring process as well as the pre-placement drug testing process. This article has focused on the preplacement drug testing process. Please consult the Strategic Hiring Guidelines for advice on interview questions, background checks, reference checks, fair credit reporting information, and Second Injury Fund information. If you are unable to locate your NHADA Strategic Hiring Guideline, or if you have any questions regarding preplacement drug testing please contact any staff member in the NHADA WCT. “Creating Liquidity in the Automobile Marketplace” Every Thursday 9:15AM Londonderry, NH • Six Lanes 1,200+ Vehicles • Fleet/Lease 275+ Vehicles • Sale Day Promotions! Auto Auction of New England Conveniently Located at Exit 4, Rt. 93 8 Action Blvd., Londonderry, NH 03053 10 min. south of Manchester, NH Tel: (603) 437-5700 Fax: (603) 437-5800 General Manager Controller Dave Blake Linda Griffin Dealer Relations Office Manager Michele Pierog Jim How Ted Finn Omara Casazza Ted Finn Manager Operations Rob Ross Manager Operations Rob Ross Donna Olsen Safety & Compliance Manager Sal Morando Director Fleet/Lease Bill Hoover • Transportation • Full Recondition • Service Department • Guaranteed Checks and Titles Simulcast Auction Services September 2012 Dateline: NH Date a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Efforts Underway to Promote Automotive Careers Peter J. McNamara, NHAEF Executive Director S eniors in a pilot program of the automotive program at the Seacoast School of Technology (SST) will take a Predictive Index (PI) survey. The decision to begin this program was made recently by a newly formed ad-hoc committee of the New Hampshire Automotive Education Foundation (NHAEF). This (PI) tool “provides managers with invaluable information for improved employee retention, coaching, leadership development, talent management, team performance and more. The Performance Requirement Options™ (PRO) profiles the behavioral requirements needed for optimal job performance. Working together, these tools ensure a strong job fit,” according to the website at PI Worldwide (see September 2012 After students learn about the types of careers that best fit their PI profiles, NHADA members will visit their class and talk about the numerous career opportunities in their facilities and the skill sets required for each. Formed to better improve recruitment of promising students to automotive careers, the committee is comprised of NHAEF Board of Directors members Margaret Callahan, principal of Seacoast School of Technology (SST); George Dykstra; Larry Foss of Foss Motors; and Marshall Jespersen of Dover Auto World and Porsche/Audi of Stratham. Programs Administrator Jean Conlon is the NHADA staff liaison. Meanwhile, NHAEF directors and the Community College System of NH, are working together to create an Automotive Technology Education and Career Expo. Set for October 12 at the NH Motor Speedway in Loudon, the expo will feature information on careers in sales and other departments within NHADA members’ dealerships and shops. Students from all high school automotive technology programs will be invited to attend. Noting the expo’s value to the state as well as that of other NHAEF efforts, NHAEF board member Marshall Jespersen pointed out that these developments benefit the economy and well-being of New Hampshire. If the general public understands that a company is a benefit to the community, by supporting these programs, he said, it is more likely to be a place where people want to work, as well as shop. Members are encouraged to make their customers and communities aware of their company’s contributions. page 9 Dateline: NH Date a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Chair’s Message – continued from page1 spring of 2013 and followed up by a series of helpful legal seminars. Grassroots and Advocacy In the area of lobbying, we fully expect that Pete McNamara and his team will continue to be busy at the State House in 2013. We anticipate another antiinspection bill will be filed next year. We effectively trounced that bill in the House this year, thanks to your grassroots efforts and our successful strategy to illustrate the dangers of that bill to public safety. We’ll work to do that again next year if need be. Our Dealer Bill of Rights Law (DBR) needs strengthening, so we’ll continue to monitor the political climate for just the right time to introduce those needed enhancements to the DBR and other laws like those related to Workers’ Compensation. Donna Gaudet Hosmer, Chair Also new this year is a State House “Scorecard.” The NHADA scorecard tells you how your elected officials voted. You will also receive an issues paper, which identifies where political candidates stand on issues that affect our business. Both of these will help you decide which candidate you should support financially and in the voting booth. Advocacy is not just something that happens at the State House or in D.C.; it happens within our own ranks. We must continue to work together to constantly promote what we do and support all of our member dealers and non-dealers, whether franchised or independent, big or small. I will work with you and for you to forcefully advocate, to lobby for positive change, and to effect improvements on the state and national level for all of our members. I’m particularly grateful to my predecessor, Peggy Proko, who proceeded me as NHADA chair, and who, together with our NHADA board, showed courageous leadership in critiquing and redirecting the priorities of our National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) recently. That organization is right now undergoing major changes, some would say in E Exiting your dealership today is commonplace. Doing it right requires expert guidance. How you exit your dealership today will affect the rest of your life. To avoid costly mistakes and optimize the value of your assets, you need a trustworthy advocate with a record of results and a reputation for excellence. From determining your dealership’s true value to orchestrating the many legal, financial and franchise issues in your best interest, Nancy Phillips Associates is a name you can trust. %2%1)=39'%286978`7-2') ;;;%983()%0)6)<-8786%8)+-)7'31 dealership sales · evaluations · liquidations .. · [email protected] · page 10 September 2012 Dateline: NH Date a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association welcome your feedback. We urge you to be as politically engaged as possible. Know where the candidates in your district stand on issues that are important to our industry. Support the candidates and elected officials that support us. Run for office yourself if you can or encourage someone you know and respect to do so. Our association is highly engaged and effective, and your political engagement on any level furthers our influence. Thank you for supporting ADPAC, our Motor Vehicle Industry Political Ac t i o n C o m m i t t e e , a n d D E AC , our Federal Dealer Election Action Committee. Money from both PACs is directed to candidates who understand our business. ADPAC is focused exclusively on NH and DEAC is nationally Chair’s Message – continued from previous page response to dealer pressure by NHADA and others, with NADA President Phil Brady resigning, a restating of NADA priorities emphasizing the unreasonableness of certain manufacturer-imposed facility mandates, and the increasing unfairness created by incentive programs that subvert the Robinson-Patman Act, a federal act that prohibits manufacturers from pricing vehicles differently among dealers but which arguably is happening vis-à-vis ever increasing manufacturer incentive programs. As a member-driven association, NHADA will continue to encourage input from all of our member constituencies. You keep us informed of the issues most in need of our attention, and we focused. These resources have strengthened our effectiveness and helped to ensure our members’ voices are heard loud and clear. Our success and that of our industry is vital to the prosperity of our members and the economic prospects for New Hampshire, and most especially the families of the 14,000 workers we employ. Our responsibilities as small business owners — providing quality, well paying jobs, excellent customer service, and political and community engagement — is what makes NH and the fabric of the communities in this state so strong and so great. I am proud to represent and serve you and I look forward to working with my fellow board of directors and officers to continue to promote what we do. We want to be your Sub-Prime Retail Lender! Floorplan Company! Featuring: M M M M Easy Self Approval Strong Retail Advances Quick and Reliable Funding All Retail Advances are Non-Recourse [email protected] 800-873-2907 September 2012 M M M M M Featuring: 100% Auction Advance 120 Day Extendable Term Lien Payoff Programs Checkbook Program for Non-Auction Purchases On-line Auction Purchases page 11 Dateline: NH Date a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association 0RWRUF\FOH,QVSHFWLRQ7HFKQLFLDQ&HUWLÀFDWLRQ2IIHUHGLQ&RQFRUG Space is Limited! NHADA, in partnership with the New Hampshire State Police Troop G and Eileen Sleeper of Heritage Harley-Davidson and the NHADA Secretary, is pleased to announce that on Monday, September 17, from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., we will host an “all-inRQHµLQVSHFWLRQFHUWLÀFDWLRQIRUPRWRUF\FOH technicians. The event is intended for experienced technicians who plan to receive their motorcycle inspection license. It will be held at Heritage Harley-Davidson, 142 Manchester Street, Concord, NH (see the website at Interested technicians must pre-register B ronze a s s o c i a t i o n partner JPMorgan Chase Bank Photo by Dan Bennett Special thanks to Eileen Sleeper of Heritage Harley-Davidson for hosting the September certification class. The picture above was taken during a day-long training session for NH Department of Safety staff on motorcycle laws at Heritage H-D as well. Thanks Eileen, Service Manager Kevin Snow, and all the Heritage staff! with Dan Bennett, vice president government relations at NHADA. Please contact Dan via email at [email protected] to register or with any questions. Elections – continued from page 1 Indirect lending and commercial banking solutions For more information, please contact: Chase Dealer Commercial Services Brian Berard – Relationship Manager Phone: 978-805-1055 page 12 Another important item in the election section is our Legislative Scorecard. The scorecard looks at the past two legislative sessions and identifies six priority bills that NHADA supported or opposed. It identifies how your Senator and House Representatives voted on issues of importance and major impact to NHADA member businesses. Representatives and Senators in the legislative scorecard are listed alphabetically, and there will be a “Who’s My Legislator” link to help you determine your representative if you are unsure at present. NHADA urges you to be as informed as possible for the upcoming elections; these candidates have such a direct impact on our industry here in NH. These two election services from NHADA will help to educate you as you head into the polls and choose whom to support. We believe that your local representatives should do exactly that; represent your local issues and businesses. NHADA has long believed “we support those who support us.” We hope these two new legislative services are of great importance and value to you and that you take advantage of them. If you have questions on the candidate questionnaire and legislative scorecard projects, please contact Dan Bennett, vice president for government relations, by email at [email protected] or call Dan at 800-852-3372. September 2012 Dateline: NH Date a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Transparency Should Not Be a Dirty Word Jim Radogna, Dealer Compliance Consultants S hortly after I began writing this post, an article popped up on my Google Alerts about another dealer group, accused of deceptive marketing by their state attorney general’s office, having to pony up a six-figure settlement. But this post is about “transparency.” It’s about the big picture. It’s about opening your mind and stopping to think about the absurdity of old school tactics. Not from a legal or ethical mindset, but from a common-sense business perspective. I realize that “transparency” is the latest, and perhaps most over-used, buzzword in the car business. But please bear with me for a few moments while I pose a few questions. Hopefully, it will stimulate some “outside the box” thinking. First, what is the upside of hiding page 14 information from your customers? Sure, you have to do whatever it takes to stay ahead of the competition. Sure, that’s what the legendary automotive sales trainers taught us. Sure, the chances of getting into a legal bind are pretty slim. Sure, everybody else is doing it. Sure, if you give customers too much information they’ll just use it to shop you. Sure, there are ways to “manage” your online reputation, even if you have some unhappy customers. I get all that. But is the “anything it takes to make a deal” mentality really a sensible way to do business in today’s world? Do you really think this will lead to customer satisfaction and retention? Just think about it. I realize that you may feel that this post is just more nonsense from an ex-car-guyturned-consultant who doesn’t get it — and you may be right. Only time, and customer sentiment, will tell. But you may still want to ask yourself just how long are customers going to put up with business as usual? Consumers have access to much more information, and choices, than they ever did. You can hate the internet and all its information. You can hate the idea of “transparency.” You can hate all the regulations that dealers have to contend with. You can hate the consumer advocates. You can hate the media and all of its anti-dealer sensationalism. But guess what? None of it is going away. The “But We’ve Always Done It This Way” mentality just doesn’t hold water anymore. Reprinted by Permission. Jim Radogna is president of Dealer Compliance Consultants. Reach him at jradogna@ September 2012 Dateline: NH Date a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association <RXU:LVK,V2XU&RPPDQG Jean Conlon, NHAEF Programs Administrator L ast spring the New Hampshire Automotive Education Foundation (NHAEF) Board of Directors sent an education and training needs survey to NHADA members. This fall, we will fulfill the needs indicated by that survey. Not surprisingly, compliance was at the top of the list of requests for education. Close behind were service advisor training and employment law. Other topics of interest were NH title regulations, service management, hazardous materials certification, intermediate and advanced accounting, Internet Scholarships – continued from page 1 well-trained professionals, stronger partnerships would be forged between NH’s motor vehicle retail, manufacturing, and educational institutions. The scholarships are intended to attract the best students to careers in the motor vehicle trades. Members also value the education and social media, customer service, and parts training. We are working to meet all those needs! The list of seminars will be provided in an upcoming Dateline: NH. Also, watch for updates in your weekly NHAEF email, sent every Wednesday to members and managers; it lists all seminars, webinars, and other education-related information. If you are not on this list but would like to be, please contact Lisa Lavoie at [email protected]. Visit to register. If you have any questions, please contact me at 800-852-3372 or [email protected]. received by students attending NH’s community colleges — where they receive a well-rounded education and typically graduate with associate’s degree. NH students looking to further their education in automotive technology, collision repair, and mobile equipment technology at one of the state’s com- munity colleges, are encouraged to DSSO\IRUÀQDQFLDODLGWKURXJK1+$()DW Students in these programs can also “earn while they learn,” through an internship set up between their respective technical school and a local automotive-related business, thus creating obvious economic advantages for all concerned. BUSINESS CAN’T WAIT TO REACH THE CLOUD FASTER. Access the Cloud up to 66 times faster than DSL and T1 with Comcast Business Class Internet. With our flexible Ethernet solutions, businesses can quickly scale bandwidth from 1Mbps to 10Gbps. It’s cost-effective, too. Don’t wait. See how much you could save over the phone company when you switch to Comcast Business Class. Go to or Call 888.849.1750 Restrictions apply. Not available in all areas. Speed comparison between Comcast 100Mbps service and standard 1.5 DSL or T1 (downloads only). Actual speeds vary and are not guaranteed. Savings may vary depending on your level of service. Call for details. Comcast © 2012. All rights reserved. September 2012 page 15 Dateline: NH Date a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association LOSS PREVENTION Grinder Safety – More Than Just Spinning Wheels Brian Duplessis, Loss Prevention Coordinator A ir grinders are useful and often a necessary tool for automotive technicians, yet they also pose an inherent risk to the operator, especially if the machines are used and maintained improperly. Pneumatic grinders spin abrasive, reinforced grinding wheels at extremely high RPMs. If there is any defect in the wheel, or if the grinder is used improperly, there is a potential for the grinding wheel to explode sending jagged pieces of the broken wheel flying through the air at extremely high speeds. If one of these pieces hits the operator or a bystander, there is a potential for serious injury or even death. There are several ways to minimize risk while using these pieces of equipment. For Grinding Wheels: t.BLF TVSF UIF HSJOEJOH XIFFM CFJOH used is rated at or over the RPMs your air grinder produces. For example, using a grinding wheel rated for 12,000 RPMs on an air grinder rated for 23,000 can overstress the wheel causing it to break apart. Do not use the wheel if you’re unsure of the rating. t*G UIF XIFFM IBT CFFO ESPQQFE replace it with a new one. t(SBEVBMMZXBSNVQUIFHSJOEJOHXIFFM on the material you’re grinding, this will ensure that the wheel expands gradually instead of rapidly. Rapidly heating up the wheel could cause the wheel to expand too quickly and break apart. t1FSGPSN B SJOH UFTU PO UIF XIFFM periodically. To perform this test, tap the wheel with a non metallic object such as a screwdriver handle. If the wheel produces a metallic sounding ring when tapped with the screwdriver handle, the wheel is good. If the wheel produces a dead and dull sound with no clear metallic ring, it may have a small crack in it and should be replaced. t8IFO DIBOHJOH B HSJOEJOH XIFFM disconnect the air grinder from the air source. t7JTVBMMZ JOTQFDU UIF HSJOEJOH XIFFM before using it. If any chips, cracks, or other defects are noticed replace the wheel immediately. BTire Warehouse/Monro Muffler Brake ronze association partner Tires, wheels, auto parts, and accessories For more information, please contact Bobby Shlosser at 352-4478 or at [email protected]. For Air Grinders: t"MXBZTFOTVSFUIBUUIFHVBSEJTJOQMBDF on the air grinder. t"MXBZTPQFSBUFUIFHSJOEFSBUPSCFMPX the recommended PSI. t&OTVSFUIBUUIFNPVOUJOHOVUJTUJHIU and never over-tighten the nut. t&OTVSFUIBUUIFXPSLBSFBJTDMFBSPGBOZ flammable or combustible materials to prevent a spark from igniting them. t*G UIF HSJOEFS JT WJCSBUJOH FYDFTTJWFMZ or making unusual sounds stop using it immediately and inspect the grinder and the wheel for damage. t"MXBZT SFDFJWF QSPQFS USBJOJOH PO correct use of the air grinder. t"MXBZTLFFQCPUIIBOETPOUIFHSJOEFS to ensure a firm grip. t4FDVSFUIFNBUFSJBMUPCFXPSLFEPOJG necessary to ensure it does not move while operating the grinder. t,OPX IPX NBOZ 31.T ZPVS BJS grinder produces so you can select the appropriate grinding wheel. t0JM UIF HSJOEFS BDDPSEJOH UP UIF manufacturer specifications to keep it in proper working conditions. SA S AV A VE THE VE TH HE ED ATE ATE AT SAVE DATE September 2012 18 NH Title Regulations NH DMV, Title Division 26 Advertising Regulations Greg Holmes, Esq., Holmes Law Office; David Rienzo, Esq., AG’s office October 2012 17 Preventing Fraud at Your Company Ernest Tyler, Tyler, Simms & St. Sauveur, CPAs 23 Hazardous Materials Compliance Certification, Chip Brackett 24 Uniform Financial Statements Kevin Carnes, O’Connor & Drew, P.C. See the 2012-2013 seminar schedule in your NHAEF weekly email and at page 16 September 2012 Dateline: NH Date September 2012 a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association page 17 Dateline: NH Date NADA NEWS a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association New NADA President Expected By End of Year NADA Retains Search Firm To Identify Candidates for President NADA has formed a search committee to identify candidates for NADA’s next president. Former NADA Chairman John McEleney will lead the search committee. Additionally, NADA has hired a search firm to assist with the process. The move follows the July resignation of Phil Brady who accepted an executive position with Phillips 66. NADA is expected to announce its next president by the end of the year. The search committee includes NADA’s current Chairman Bill Underriner; Vice Chairman David Westcott; past chairmen and current NADA board members Stephen Wade, Ed Tonkin, and Annette Sykora; other board members Don Chalmers and Forrest McConnell; Kyle Treadway, past chairman of the American Truck Dealers; and Loy Todd, chairman of the Automotive Trade Association Executives. The NADA executive committee named NADA’s chief operating officer and chief financial officer, Joe Cowden, as interim president. NADA Convention Registration Now Open with ‘Early Bird’ Special Online registration and housing for the B ronze NADA Convention and Expo is now open. NADA members (dealers and managers) who register by Sept. 14 will receive a $100 discount off the onsite registration rate. The 96th annual NADA convention will be held in Orlando, FL, at the Orange County Convention Center from Feb. 8-11, 2013. The ATD Convention and Expo will once again run concurrently with NADA. “With several conferences scheduled in Orlando next February, we expect hotel rooms to sell out fast,” said NADA Convention Chairman Mark Scarpelli. “Convention attendees should register early to avoid missing out on booking the hotel of their choice.” Keynote speakers include John Krafcik, president and CEO of Hyundai Motor America; inspirational speaker Mark Kelly, former NASA astronaut and space shuttle commander of Endeavour’s final mission; NADA Chairman Bill Underriner; and incoming NADA Chairman David Westcott. Visit http:// for the full story. House Appropriations Subcommittee Preserves Service Advisors Overtime Exemption A House appropriations subcommittee association partner Willis of Northern New England, Inc. voted July 18 to reinforce that service advisors, the frontline employee-salespersons in the service department, remain exempt from overtime pay requirements. In 2011, the Department of Labor (DOL) attempted to reverse its own 1978 opinion and roll back the longstanding exemption. DOL is currently prevented from enforcing any change due to an identical restriction in the department’s current funding law. “House appropriators clearly recognize that it is counterproductive to alter existing overtime requirements for service advisors and then expect dealers to create more employment opportunities,” said NADA Chairman Bill Underriner. “Reversing years of existing practice could NADA – continued on page 20 CAT CA ATCH TH THE T HE EXPER RII E N C E | 500+ Exhibits | Bonus Workshops on Friday and Monday ||| Social Connection Zone on the Expo Floor ||| Dynamic Speakers || || SHARE | Knowledge at workshops and franchise meetings ||| Your views with peers and OEMs ||| At this, your Automotive Industry Event of the Year || Commercial insurance and bonding For quotes or questions, please call Colleen Rioux, CPIW, in the Bond Department at 800-464-1203. convention & expo 2013 693(5+6c-,)9<(9@ Colleen Rioux page 18 September 2012 :+2/(6$/( ',9,6,21 ZZZVXOOLYDQWLUHZKROHVDOHFRP ([SUHVV:KROHVDOH7LUH&HQWHUV 6:LQGVRU&7 7ROO)UHH 6DJDPRUH0$ 7ROO)UHH 6XGEXU\0$ :%ULGJHZDWHU0$ 7ROO)UHH :REXUQ0$ 7ROO)UHH %DQJRU0( 7ROO)UHH 6FDUERURXJK0( 7ROO)UHH 0DQFKHVWHU1+ 7ROO)UHH 3RUWVPRXWK1+ :/HEDQRQ1+ 7ROO)UHH :DUZLFN5, 7ROO)UHH (48,30(17',9,6,21 6HUYLFLQJDOORI1HZ(QJODQG ZZZOLIWZRUNVQHW 7ROO)UHH /RFDWLRQVLQ/HH 1+:%ULGJHZDWHU0$:DUZLFN5, Dateline: NH Date a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association NADA – continued from page 18 force dealers to make potentially costly compensation and staffing changes.” Visit for the full story. Congressional Bill to Repeal ‘Obsolete’ Government Mandate On Dealerships Passes House The House of Representatives on July 23 passed legislation (unanimous voice vote) repealing a federal mandate that requires dealers to provide car buyers with a booklet comparing vehicle insurance repair costs upon request. The bill eliminates a potential $1,000 fine, which dealers currently face for not providing copies to their customers. “The federal government has spent more than $1 million over the years to distribute largely irrelevant insur- Bronze ance information,” said Bill Underriner, NADA chairman. “We’re looking for other ways to reduce regulatory burdens on dealers,” Underriner added. Visit for the full story. Dealers Urged to Connect with Congress on Major Tax and Spending Concerns over August Break When Congress returns from its annual summer recess in September, a major legislative battle over taxes and debt reduction is likely to extend through a post-election session. “With Congress at home, dealers are urged to contact their Representatives and Senators to warn them that unless federal action on taxes and debt reduction is taken there may be local economic consequences,” said ATD Chairman Dick Witcher. Prior to the annual August recess, the House passed legislation extending the current individual tax rates through 2013 and maintaining the estate tax at current levels ($5 million per spouse exemption and a 35 percent rate). Visit Ov8toI for the full story. Toyota’s Jim Lentz to Address NADA/ J.D. Power Western Automotive Conference in Los Angeles Jim Lentz, president and chief executive officer of Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc., will provide keynote remarks at the first-ever Western Automotive Conference in Los Angeles in November. The half-day conference, presented by NADA and J.D. Power and Associates, will be held at the Biltmore Hotel on Nov. 27. Press days at the Los Angeles Auto association partner Sanel Auto Parts Co. Serving NHADA members throughout New Hampshire For more information, please contact Bobby Segal at 225-4000. page 20 September 2012 Dateline: NH Date NADA – continued from previous page Show run Nov. 28-29. The conference begins with a luncheon and remarks by Lentz, who will provide his perspective on the U.S. auto industry and how changing consumer behavior will impact the types of vehicles produced and sold. He will also discuss how emerging technologies will influence vehicle design. Highlights of the conference, hosted by the Los Angeles Auto Show in association with the Greater Los Angeles New Car Dealers Association, include a cross-section of speakers and panel discussions that will include manufacturers, dealers and suppliers, as well as media, advertising, and marketing. Early-bird registration, which includes discounted rates, ends Oct. 26. Visit to register. Navistar’s Troy Clarke to Provide Industry Keynote Address at 2013 ATD Convention Troy A. Clarke, president of truck and engine operations for Navistar, Inc., will provide keynote remarks at the 2013 ATD Convention and Expo in Orlando, FL, next February. The full lineup of keynote speakers for the 50th annual ATD convention, which will be held Feb. 8-11 at the Orange County Convention Center, includes Clarke; Bob Costello, a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association chief economist and vice president of the American Trucking Associations; Dennis Snow, a former Walt Disney World consultant, who now trains executives how to improve customer service, develop employees, and establish leadership goals; and ATD Chairman Richard Witcher. The ATD convention will once again run concurrently with the NADA Convention and Expo in Orlando. Visit for the full story. NADA: Incentives and Declining Used-Car Prices to Boost Auto Sales New-vehicle incentives and rebates as well as declining prices on used vehicles are a couple of factors pointing to steady auto sales as the summer months come to a close. “The end of summer is typically a good time of the year to shop for new and used vehicles,” said Jonathan Banks, senior analyst with the NADA Used Car Guide. “Dealers and manufacturers are offering incentives and rebates to sell remaining inventory at dealerships and to make room for new model year vehicles arriving this fall,” Banks added. For consumers shopping in the usedvehicle market, average prices for used cars and light trucks up to five-years-old experienced the greatest monthly decline this year, dropping 3.8 percent in August, says the NADA Used Car Guide. Visit for the full story. Tennessee Auto Dealer Establishes Family Legacy of Giving Ted Russell leads by example when it comes to supporting his community and giving to others. Since 2007, Russell has named seven Ambassadors of the National Automobile Dealers Charitable Foundation. They include his wife, Drama, their five grandchildren, Joshua, Andrew, Ashley, Phillip, and Katherine, and one for himself. Russell, a new-car dealer in Knoxville, TN, wants his grandchildren to get in the giving spirit, develop an attitude of giving to others, and make a decision on a worthwhile cause where to NADA – continued on page 22 Bronze association partner Mike’s Equipment Repair Specializing in automotive lifts & garage equipment repair Mike Macenas For more information, please contact Mike Macenas at 582-6628 or at [email protected]. September 2012 page 21 Dateline: NH Date a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association NADA – continued from page 21 contribute the money. For more information or to become an Ambassador, contact the NADA Foundation at 703-821-7102 or [email protected]. Visit http://bit. ly/Ov9r4p for the full story. Academy Graduates, 20 Group Members Recognized in Automotive News’ Inaugural 40 Under 40 List Seventeen out of 40 “high-achieving auto dealership owners and managers” recognized by Automotive News in its first 40 Under 40 list are NADA University Academy graduates and/or 20 Group members. “Regardless of formal education and experiences, lifelong learning is key to achieving success at the dealership,” said Marilynn Youngs, senior director of NADA University. “It’s not surprising that nearly half of the 40 Under 40 list attended NADA Academy. And many of those continue their career development through NADA 20 Groups.” Visit for the NADA story. Visit for the Automotive News article. Dealership Workforce Study To Provide Individualized Data Participants in NADA’s Dealership Workforce Study (DWS) will be able 2012 Unemployment Rates by Area to compare their own dealership with aggregated data from other dealerships, both regionally and nationally. The individualized DWS Basic Report will allow dealers to make competitive compensation and benefits decisions and enhance recruitment efforts. Participants will also receive the DWS Industry Report, which contains an overall analysis of the study results. Both documents will be released within the dealership’s NADA University account at The documents will be located within Resource Toolbox under a new tab, NADA Dealership Workforce Study, and will be accessible only to user accounts authorized to receive dealer access. NADA University will work with participating dealerships to ensure access is authorized, and will provide advance notification when the report is available. Participating dealerships will have the opportunity to purchase the Enhanced Report, which will provide even more comparative data for a nominal fee. Dealerships that did not participate may purchase the DWS Industry Report. For more information, contact NADA University customer service at 800-557-6232. NADA University’s ‘Webinar Wednesdays’ Schedule for August Upcoming “Webinar Wednesdays” include both MarketINSIGHT and Learning Hub webinars. The informational MarketINSIGHT mini-webinars are free and may be viewed live or on-demand in NADA U’s Resource Toolbox. Learning Hub instructional webinars are available for purchase ($199 for members) in the NADA U Store — they are included in the NADAvt subscription — and may be viewed live or on-demand for two years. All legal and regulatory webinars are free for NADA and ATD members. In addition, members may include their contracted 6DIHW\2%',,,QVSHFWLRQV6WDWLVWLFV Safety Inspection Results Jul’12 % of Total YTD ’12 % of Total Total * 126,042 100.00% 868,664 100.00% Passed 99,834 79.20% 682,936 78.60% Corrected 14,601 11.60% 104,159 12.00% Rejected 7,226 5.70% 49,545 5.70% Untested 4,381 3.50% 32,024 3.70% 2%',,,QVSHFWLRQ Results (1996 and newer) Apr May Jun United States 7.7% 7.9% 8.4% New England 6.6% 6.7% 7.0% Connecticut 7.5% 8.0% 8.4% Total 108,029 100.00% 754,670 100.00% Maine 7.4% 7.5% 7.2% Passed 93,461 86.50% 650,054 86.10% Massachusetts 5.9% 5.8% 6.3% Rejected 9,846 9.10% 72,234 9.60% New Hampshire 4.7% 4.9% 5.4% Rhode Island 11.1% 10.4% 10.3% Untested 4,722 4.40% 32,382 4.30% Vermont 5.0% 4.4% 5.1% * Total numbers include OBD II Inspections Statistics provided by Gordon-Darby page 22 September 2012 Dateline: NH Date a publication of the New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association NADA – continued from previous page professionals as users within their NADA University accounts — thus enabling these professionals to view these member resources to better serve their dealer clients. Week-Long Parts Seminar To be held in October Coming this fall, the Advanced Parts Management Seminar will be held at NADA’s McLean, VA, headquarters from Oct. 15 to 19. NADA Academy instructor Chris Bavis will help attendees transform their parts department from the “black hole mystery” to improving profitability. Each main topic on the following agenda encompasses a host of detailed subtopics, such as perfecting the mix, profit centering, know the customer needs, personnel techniques, deep dive into the DMS, case study, and SWOT analysis and best practices. To register, contact NADA University customer service at 800-557-6232 or log into NADA University and go to the NADA U Store. in any individual class week. Call 800-557-6232 for more information. Visit to download the schedule and applications. All-Star or Rising Star, NADA U Wants Your Story! Did a webinar or workshop, Driven guide or online course help improve Reserve Your Seats in Academy 2012 business operations? We want to you to Here’s the schedule for upcoming classes: tell your 60-Second Success Story. NADA t%FBMFS $BOEJEBUF "DBEFNZ %$" University is looking for YouTube-quality Sept. 10 and Oct. 22; and videos with real-life examples. Go to t(FOFSBM %FBMFSTIJQ .BOBHFNFOU to learn Academy (GDM): Sept. 17 and “how-to” and see examples from manOct. 8. agers, dealers and staff. You can be an Department managers may enroll All-Star too! 15% Savings On These Items All Of October 2012 Keep your demos and service customer’s vehicles pristine. Floor Mats Parts Bags (NH-126-2) (NH-112-W) Steering Wheel Covers Seat Covers (NH-107-W) (NH-100-W) YYYPJCFCEQOUVQTGŐ Title Statistics Report Ending July 31, 2012 New Hampshire Department of Safety, Division of Motor Vehicles Jul ’12 Jul’11 ’12 YTD ’11 YTD Titles Issued for New and Demo Vehicles: 8,868 8,723 63,218 62,734 Titles Issued for Used Vehicles: 17,440 21,510 126,652 139,041 TOTAL TITLES ISSUED: 26,308 30,233 189,870 201,775 Titles Issued with a Lien: 11,948 11,452 84,452 84,980 Titles Issued with no Lien: 14,360 18,781 105,418 116,795 Salvage Titles Issued: 697 749 6,218 6,806 Salvage Tags Issued: 168 232 1,387 1,598 Titles Issued for Heavy Trucks More than 15 Years Old: Titles Issued for Heavy Trucks 15 Years Old or Less: 29 34 236 256 101 125 860 932 Titles Issued for Trailers: 936 1,114 5,571 5,905 1,793 1,995 10,623 11,315 76 84 375 408 Titles Issued for Motorcycles: Titles Issued for Motor Homes: September 2012 page 23 2012 NHADA Association Partners (as of August 23, 2012) DIAMOND Comcast Business Class/Comcast Spotlight PLATINUM F & I Resources NHAD Services, Inc. - Insurance NHAD Services, Inc. - Products Division Bank of America Merrill Lynch Gordon-Darby NHOST Services, Inc. Albin, Randall & Bennett American Fidelity Assurance Company Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in New Hampshire Devine Millimet Enterprise Rent-A-Car NHADA Workers’ Compensation Trust WBIN-TV WMUR-TV/ New Hampshire GOLD SILVER BRONZE Admirals Bank Aftermarket Specialists American Financial & Automotive Services, Inc. Amy Martineau – Motorists Commercial Mutual Auto Auction of New England Auto Use Bedford Strategies and Solutions Bellwether Community Credit Union BG Products/Warehouse Distributors of New England Clean Harbors Environmental Services cm&b CompPartners (BOAC, MVOH, SOAC, St. Joseph’s B & H) Cook, Little, Rosenblatt & Manson, p.l.l.c. CUDL Vero Curran EasyCare Inc. DealerTrack Inc. EnergyNorth Propane Fairpoint Communications G&K Services GeoInsight, Inc. Global Payments G W Marketing Services Holmes Law Offices PLLC Huntington Auto Finance Jewett Automotive Design & Construction New Hampshire Union Leader O’Connor & Drew, P.C. Integrated Building Energy Associates Bruss Construction Inc. Northeast Delta Dental Southern Auto Auction St. Mary’s Bank Wells Fargo Dealer Services Windward Petroleum/ExxonMobil JM&A Group JPMorgan Chase Bank Lift Works Corp. / Sullivan Tire Inc.® Lynnway Auto Auction Macdonald Page & Co LLC Manheim New England Mike’s Equipment Repair Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Nancy Phillips Associates, Inc. Protective Rath, Young and Pignatelli, P.C. Resources Management Group Sanel Auto Parts Co. ScanPoint Seacoast Media Group STAPLES® Advantage Strategic Benefits Advisors, Inc. TD Auto Finance Tire Warehouse/Monro Muffler Brake TR2 Corp/LSI Industries Tri State Fire Protection Trivantus, Inc. Tyler, Simms & St. Sauveur, CPAs, P.C. Willis of Northern New England, Inc. Zurich Direct Underwriters To become a 2012 NHADA Partner, please call Jean Conlon at 800-852-3372.
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