Churchbridge Public School Newsletter April 2015 "Learning Without Limits ... Achievement For All" Principal’s Message – Mrs. Alisa Leidl The month of April will be highlighted by Parent-Student Interviews, Bully Prevention Activities and the start of spring activities. Farewell & Welcome We will soon say farewell to both grade 4/5 teachers-- Miss Schlamp will complete her internship and Mrs. Clarke is ready to go on maternity leave. We wish them both all the best! We will welcome to Miss Pennell to CPS, she will be replacing Mrs. Clarke. Celebrate the Power of Pink April 1! The CPS Bully Prevention Group has arranged presentations for our Gr. 1-12 students. Bully Prevention Group members will present to students in Gr. 1-5 and an RCMP member will speak with the Grade 6-12 students on responsible use of technology. Reportcards Reports have gone home and interviews are well underway. Did you know that reports we send are the cover page only? Detailed mark sheets are available for you to view on-line. The Maplewood Connect Ed portal is found on our school webpage under ‘links’. Students and parents have unique passcodes. Please contact Carmal at the office if you require a user/passcode. Drumming Clinic Be sure to check out the Stickman Drum Experience to be held at CPS on Saturday, April 4 @ 1:00. See the poster for details—this looks to be a great free opportunity for our community! Assembly Our next school assembly is on Earth Day- Wednesday, April 22 @ 11:10. All parents and community members are welcome to attend. Have a Bowl—for Kids’ Sake Your SCC will be holding a noon lunch sale to support Big Brothers Big Sisters In-School Mentoring program. A choice of chicken noodle or beef barley soup and a bun will be available for a cost of $5.00. All proceeds will go to support this valuable CPS program. Ordering will be open from April 13-21. Watch announcements for more details regarding this sale—including of our first pay on-line hot lunch project! SCC The next meeting of our School Community Council is on Monday, May 11 at 7:00 in the library at CPS. All parents and community members are welcome to attend. Kindergarten Registration We are currently accepting registrations for Kindergarten 2014-2015. Please call Carmal at 896-2712 (carmal.kittler@ and leave your contact information so we can give you details regarding the Kindergarten Orientation tentatively scheduled to be held at 3:00 pm on Thursday, June 4. Did You Know that plantar warts are extremely contagious? We have observed a number of students with plantar warts (in particular our middle grades). What to look for: If you see a bump on the sole of your foot that changes over time you could suspect plantar warts. Both plantar warts and common warts (those occurring on other areas of the body) may be flesh-colored, white, tan or pink. Plantar warts are often grey or brown. Some warts may develop an uneven surface and a cauliflower-like texture over time, or they may acquire black spots or streaky lines. The black dots or lines are characteristic of plantar warts, and are caused by the bleeding of small blood vessels into the tissue. Warts also can bleed profusely when accidentally scratched or cut. Warts start as small bumps, but can grow to an inch or more if left untreated. They can spread to other parts of the body, or form clusters. How can plantar warts be prevented? The best way to prevent a plantar wart is to keep your feet clean, and to keep them away from surfaces on which the virus might be lurking. Avoid walking barefoot, and wear sandals or some kind of foot covering at pools and in locker rooms and other warm, moist communal areas where people go barefoot. Change your shoes and socks daily, and allow your shoes to dry thoroughly between each wearing. Do not wear the shoes or socks of others, not even those of your closest friends. Wash socks after each wearing. Ministry Assessments We will be administering the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) survey to Grade 4-12 students for the second time this year. The survey window runs from the last week of April 27- May 8. We look forward to comparing responses fall and spring responses. Once again all kindergarten teachers in Saskatchewan will implement the Early Years Evaluation (EYE) to assess outcomes for our youngest students. The EYE provides accurate data that helps teachers organize their instruction, increase learning time, and monitor each child’s progress. Handbooks 2015-2016 We are finding that many of our high school students are choosing to use digital organizers and we are finding many of our printed handbooks in the recycle bin. All students in Kindergarten – Grade 6 will continue to receive an agenda. Students in Grades 7-12 may opt to receive one or not. Homeroom teachers will be asking students to state their preference this week. If you find the agendas useful parents are welcome to call the office and order an agenda on behalf of their child. First Aid & School Fees Beginning next year we have decided to make First Aid certification a requirement in Wellness 10. Students who require certification will cost share the school and our Wellness 10 will indicate a $50.00 fee. Our Thanks To - The folks at Saltcoats School for inviting our Gr. 3 & 4 students to participate in their annual floor hockey tournament and to LHS, Gillen and Saltcoats for attending our tournament. -Family and Friends Foundation for supporting our outdoor classroom initiative. -Our SCC for supporting our storage solution and curling jacket purchases. Kindergarten – Mrs. E. Badowich Welcome Spring! As we begin the month of April, we hope we will all be able to enjoy warmer weather and many beautiful spring days. This month we will focus more on our lovely season of Spring and things that are associated with Spring; such as different types of animals, rain, flowers, and insects. In Math we will explore more about shapes and will begin working on recognizing and describing 3D shapes. Kindergartens are continuing to work hard in blending sounds and reading sight words. Many thanks to their parents for the continued support in taking time to listen to their child read their first alphabet sentences! For their next set of reading assignments your child will be bringing home a set of ‘Sight Word Sentence’ sheets. These sentences are based on common sight words that your child will frequently read and write. Repeated reading of these sentences will be very helpful as your child develops early literacy skills. Grade One - Mrs. C. Haacke March, In like a lamb out like a lion!! Let’s hope for a warm spring break! Presently grade ones are learning about 2D shapes and 3D objects. They are practicing their skills of sorting according to the attributes of the shapes and objects. Later in science they will use the objects to create structures as they learn about Materials and Objects. In social they are learning about diversity within a family and amongst their peers. The students have learned about the heart and lungs and how to keep them healthy and will move into a unit on The 5 Senses. Thanks to all the parents who listen to their children read nightly. The reward is evident in the student’s growth with their reading skills. From the Grade One Class! Grade 2 - Mrs. P. Werle Happy Easter from the Grade 2 class! On Thursday the Grade 2 class will be painting Easter Eggs. Each child is asked to bring 4 hard-boiled eggs to class that day. During the month of March we had a couple of field trips to accompany our Community Unit. Thank-you to the Photo-Archieves volunteers, Eileen Depape, Gloria and Ed Worth for the tour of the Photo-Archieve. We had a great time viewing photos from the past. We expecially enjoyed seeing how some our parents and grandparents looked in the "olden days". Thank-you also to Carla Kaeding, Mayor Gallant and the Town of Churchbridge Workers for allowing us to visit the board room to learn all there is to learn about Churchbridge! Our next two unit in Grade 2 will be A Healthy You and Water and Air. We are just finising up our calculations unit in Math and will be moving on to Shapes and Geometric Solids Grade 3 - Ms. Kentel Another month has quickly passed and we are ready to start some new units. In Science we are beginning to learn about Forces and Magnets. In Social Studies we are researching different countries and comparing them to Canada. We have just begun learning about fractions in Math. And we are reading Fables in Language Arts. Our Grade 3 students are becoming very good readers!! I am proud of the progress our class is making as their behaviour in class is improving! I still am hoping to see the students become better friends to each other, only saying positive things to each other, and not making everything a competition!! Grade 5 News - Mrs. N. Clarke Well it looks like spring has sprung, and Easter is just around the corner. First of all, we would like to extend a warm welcome to Miss Pinnell. Miss Pinnell will be teaching the 4/5 class until the end of June. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to give her a call at the school. We would also like to wish Miss Schlamp all the best in her future as a teacher. It’s hard to believe how fast her internship has gone. We have enjoyed having her in our class and we will miss seeing her warm and welcoming smile every morning. Make sure to come back and visit!! I would also like to thank the grade 4/5 class for a great year. I have really enjoyed teaching this group of kids. It’s rewarding as a teacher to watch your students grow and turn into confident, caring, and mature young individuals. I can’t wait to hear all the stories when I come back in a year from now. Grade 6 - Miss J. Sherstabitoff March was a busy month in the grade 6 room!! We were extremely active with the track meet, Asessippi ski trip, and the floor hockey tournament. The track meet in Yorkton was a blast, we had 3 students (JJ, Joel, and Reece) compete in the showcase event. We had beautiful weather for the ski trip, and had so much fun at Asessippi. The floor hockey tournament was a great success, the girls won gold and the boys won chocolate milk!! Grade 6 students really stepped up to the plate to help in the canteen and prepare meals. Way to go grade 6!!!! Math 9 and 10 Due to some outstanding assignments I will be updating the marks with zeros if there are not handed in. Please check your Maplewood to see if you have anything outstanding. Math 10 - we are finishing payroll in WAM 10 and SOLE in FPC 10. Very practical math in both. Grade 9 - Just finished up surface area, now we will be working on exponents. Don’t forget to join the Remind service for the class and get updates right to your phone. Math 9 - send to number (306) 993-4396 the code @394192 Math 10 - send to number (306) 993-4396 the code @math10d CPS School - send to number (306) 993-4396 the code @cpscharger PAA 9 - Mrs. Kornaga On February 27th the PAA 9 class went to Round Lake on an ice-fishing trip. The students learned a variety of key elements from the curriculum including: The types of fish in the area and their distinguishing characteristics Safe practices for fishing and engaging in related outdoor activities. Characteristics, use and care of common fishing equipment. The nature and purpose of different angling techniques. How to filet a fish Even though there were a lot of bites and minnows lost as a result, only two Jack fish were caught that day. Despite the lack of fish that actually made it to the surface, everyone had a great day! Thank you very much to Mr. and Mrs. Hawcutt for all of the accommodations. Not only did they let us use their ice-shack but Mr. Hawcutt also set up his fish camera, created a luxury toilet, untangled numerous lines, drilled all the holes and even gave away a few of his fish whispering techniques. SRC The SRC celebrated St. Patrick's Day with a Lucky Charms Cereal Sale. Proceeds are going towards the School Dance which will be taking place May 22. We are looking for a goat! As a part of our We Day fundraising commitment, the SRC will be raising money to purchase goats for Third World communities. To help us with our fundraising, we would like to borrow a goat for a few hours sometimes in June. If you have a goat we could borrow, e-mail us at: [email protected] or [email protected] . Stay tuned for details! Guitar Club Due to some equipment problems we are down to 2 guitars in the classroom. The schedule for guitar will be very week to week but I hope to go Day 2 - Older students Day 3 and 5 - Younger students We will keep it up. Thanks and keep rocking Band Notes: Mrs. McIntyre Congratulations to all of the participants of the Music Festival. Some really fine performances were given and many awards were won by our Band students, as well as those in Piano and Voice. Please take note of the award recipients in the local paper. Thank you to the students for their hard work and to the parents who encourage and support their children in preparing for the festival. Thank you also to the staff of CPS and parent chaperones for their help in getting the students to the festival. Please be reminded of the Band Concert on Tuesday, May 5 at 7:00. Students should be at the school by 6:15 for set up and should be dressed in their uniforms. Please be sure you have let ball coaches know this date, so they can schedule accordingly. Thank you to the parents and students who helped to sell the Easter bunnies for the Lions Club. The next Band Booster meeting is Monday, May 4 at 7:00. Drama: Mrs. McIntyre We have been rehearsing our play, “Alice @ Wonderland”. Please be checking the calendars in the band hallway and upstairs near the couches for rehearsal times. All cast should be memorizing their lines, as May will be here before we know it! Grad: Mrs. McIntyre and Mrs. Kaminski We would like to have a meeting on Wednesday, April 15 at noon to make some specific plans for grad. If you are wanting to order any of the Grad cap and gown/casual pictures, orders can be turned into Mrs. McIntyre right after Easter. The date on your form said March 31, but it has been extended. Grad Legacy The Grad Legacy Committee and the CPS staff and students would like to say THANK YOU to the Family and Friends Community Foundation for the grant of $1000. This money will be used to place flagstone stone at the base of the outdoor classroom and to build a medicinal Herb Garden. Students from K-12 will enjoy the use of the outdoor classroom and will learn about medicinal herbs and will be involved with the planting and tending of these herbs. Once again thank you for investing in the education of our students and contributing to the CPS motto "Learning without limits.....Achievement for All." YEARBOOK – Mrs. Kaminski, Mrs. McIntyre and Mrs. Basken Our yearbook sales blitz started on Monday, March 16. Order forms have been sent home with each student but a copy is also available as an attachment to the announcements. We are going to extend our sale until April 2; if you would still like a yearbook for the low price of $30 there are still a few extra days! After April 2 however, the price will increase to $36 until April 20 which is the last date to order a yearbook. Please note that there is no guarantee that extra yearbooks will be available for purchase when they arrive in midSeptember. Thank you for supporting our yearbook committee! NEWS FROM THE GUIDANCE OFFICE – Mrs. Kaminski Here is some information that I would like to remind grade 10-12 students and their parents about: Student high school transcripts requests are available online using VISA, VISA debit and Master at For students who have ordered transcripts, please ensure that you receive two confirmation emails after your order is placed online to the Ministry of Education. One will confirm your order, and the other will confirm payment. Keep a copy of these emails to show that these were ordered and paid for. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please contact the Ministry of Education to see if there was an error in processing. You may order up to 5 copies for $20. Any additional copies will be $2.00 each. All requests are summarized on your confirmation email so please check to see that all of your requests were submitted correctly. Saskatchewan Polytechnic: Students that will be attending the Saskatchewan Polytechnic campuses in the fall should check the website for any available scholarships at Grade 10, 11 and 12 students who are interested in taking a course offered at the Saskatchewan Polytechnic may want to apply as soon as possible if they are applying for programs that they have already met the minimum requirements for (grade 10 or grade 11). Please check the Sask Polytechnic website or talk to Mrs. Kaminski if you are unsure what the grade requirements are for the program you are interested in. If they are accepted, they can defer their seat until they graduate from high school. For all other high demand programs, entry is competitive and there is a designated time frame to apply within. Application forms are available at the website where you can send them electronically or print off a copy to send in the mail. The Saskatchewan Youth Apprenticeship program is for students in grade 10-12 who are considering a skilled trade as a career. It is designed to help students earn 300 apprenticeship hours prior to entering an apprenticeship after leaving high school. Students who are enrolled in Millwright 10, 20 and/or PAA 10, 20 or 30 should already be registered as part of these classes. If you are interested in completing the passport required to earn these 300 hours, you can find a copy of this on the Saskatchewan Youth Apprenticeship website. Please see Mrs. Kaminski, Mr. Helgesen or Mr. Hrywkiw for more details about this program or visit their website at All of the Local Scholarships for grade 12 students were handed out to students on February 25. The deadline to return these common applications to Mrs. Kaminski is May 1, 2015. Students who are applying for scholarships outside of the school or that require separate applications will need to apply for these by the deadline. The Parkland Regional College is planning to have its Trades and Technology Centre open for the fall of 2015. Students in grade 11 and 12 may have the opportunity to take their training closer to home when the school opens. At the present time, they are hoping to offer the following programs: Machining, Welding, Power Engineering, Motive Power Technicians, Mechanics and Construction Trades. The Parkland Regional College has a number of scholarships available for students planning to attend Parkland College in the fall. Students can receive a copy of this booklet from Mrs. Kaminski. The deadline to apply for these scholarships is May 20, 2015. University of Alberta – deadlines for entrance vary depending on the program. There is a scholarship for grade 11 students interested in attending the U of A in the fall of 2016. Application deadline is in June of 2015. University of Saskatchewan – Admission deadline for most colleges is May 1, 2015. Please remember to keep your PAWS password available as you will need this to access any information online. University of Regina – deadline for early conditional acceptance is June 1, 2015. Priority deadline for other colleges is also March 15, 2015. You may register on-line as well. Keep in mind that registration for U of R classes begins in May. Students should contact their faculty/college prior to this date to set up academic advising. All new students must receive advising before they can go on-line and register in classes. There will be advising sessions offered in many places across Saskatchewan for students wishing to attend the U of R. These are important for students who are new to the university and want more information about registering for classes. A list of dates and places that these sessions are offered should be available through Mrs. Kaminski Please contact Mrs. Kaminski if you need more information about any of the items mentioned within the guidance news. YEARBOOK – Mrs. Kaminski, Mrs. McIntyre and Mrs. Basken Thank you to everyone who purchased a yearbook at our reduced price of $30. This was a great success as we sold over 90 books! If you missed that deadline, remember that you can still order your 2013/2014 yearbook for $36 until April 17. Order forms are still available at the office and will be available online with our announcements during that last week before Easter break. Jr. and Sr. Badminton Thank you to all the players for coming out to play badminton this season. We have had such a good turn out that we have had to split up the practice times. The grade 6 to 8 practice is from 3:30 to 4:30 and the grade 9 to 12 practice from is 4:30 to 5:45. Senior districts will be held on Wednesday, April 16th at Sacred Hearst High School. The junior districts will be held on Saturday, May 3 at Yorkton Regional High School. Archery – Mrs. N. Clarke, Mr. J. Blair and Mr. A. Biemann I am happy to report that archery is going well and that all the kids are really enjoying it. With such large numbers coming out to shoot we have had to split the kids into two groups. One groups shoots on Mondays after school and the second group shoots on Wednesdays after school. Practices on both days run from 3:30 to 4:30. Steve Nash Basketball Program There will be Steve Nash basketball on the following dates; April 1, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29 and 30. Gr. 3/4 girls tournament in Moosomin on May 2 and Gr. 3/4 boys on May 3. Gr. 5/6 girls will have a tournament in Esterhazy on May 9 and the 5/6 boys on May 10. Parents are responsible for transportation to and from the event. Don’t forget your jersey! Cross Country Skiing Ms. Kentel, Mrs. Werle & Mrs. Haacke Our season was shortened due some cold, stormy weather, but none the less the students who participated did have a chance to enjoy some skiing. A wind up was held on March 18 with an Amazing Race and a wiener roast. Thank you to all the parents who drove to the ski trails and helped out at the wind up. Thanks also to Mrs. Brenner, Todd, Breanne, Jessica G., Jordan, Devynn, and Brayden for helping with the beginner skiers. We hope to see you all skiing again next year. Track Meet CPS had a great showing at the GSSD Standard track meet on March 10. Congratulations to following students who qualified for the Showcase meet on March 13; Ashley Ada, Garrett Bewcyk, Joel Groeneveld, Samuel Harrison, Brody Johnson, Abigail Juhaszk, Kendra Laboucane, Reece Lubiniecki, Kadeance Melynk, Kayla Purvis, Tessa Rathgeber, JJ Reyes, Jahyha, Rodgers and Carson Wowchuk. Special mention to our medal winners Ashley Ada - Bronze in and Kadeance Melynk - Silver in the 600m. Floor Hockey It was great to participate in the tournaments in both Saltcoats and here at CPS. The floor hockey results are as follows; Gr. 3/4 girls - 1st place - Gold, Gr. 3/4 boys - 3rd place - Bronze, Gr. 5/6 Girls 1st place - Gold and Gr. 5/6 boys - 4th place - milk. 2015 Senior Winter Outdoor Ed Experience -Mrs. Kornaga From March 13th-15th a group of Grade Ten and Eleven students which consisted of Lexi Morash, Bailey Munson, Michael Margarit, Brock Lenouaille, Jake Basken, Carter Cyhla, Jarred Groeneveld, Lucas Thies, and Brayden Fraser ventured to an area of land just outside of the Moose Mountain Provincial Park called Saskairie. Throughout the two and a half days this group conquered an array of challenges such as shelter construction, fire building, orienteering, team building, and even cooking. Even though other students in the past have participated in a similar experience, this year was full of firsts. These students: 1. Slept outside BOTH nights of the trip. (with a little help from mother nature) 2. Navigated to the furthest geocache 3. Consumed the largest amount of food out of any group I have taken in the past. Special thanks go out to Mr. and Mrs. Leidl for helping facilitate and participate in this adventure. Without the two of you the trip may not have proceeded this year. Also, thank you to the students who attended! You have set the bar high for the next group and left me with some memorable moments; some of which I will cherish and a few I hope to shake from my consciousness! Lunch Program Lunches in April will start with pizza on Wednesday, April 1. After the Easter break hamburgers will be offered from the Churchbridge Co-op on Wednesday, April 15. The school will support the Co-op Equity Day with the sale of the hamburgers. The proceeds will go towards the Churchbridge Arena. Subway will be served on Wednesday, April 22. On Wednesday, April 29 the hot lunch program will serve chicken burgers, potatoe salad, and cucumber salad and carrot cake for dessert. Reminders: Payments – Please send your payment of cash or cheque along with the remittance form from the online program. If you are unable to print the remittance form indicate the amount you are sending and the name of the student. If you are sending cash we recommend you send cash in a sealed envelope. On the front of the envelope indicate the student's name and the amount of cash. - Payments are to be given to your child's homeroom teacher, Mrs. Basken or Mrs. Hawcutt. - All orders need to be paid in order for the student to receive their lunch. - 48 hours notice must be given to cancel any orders. - Any questions or concerns can be directed to [email protected] or you can contact the school at 306896-2712 and ask for Mrs. Basken or Mrs. Hawcutt. - The online system will send you weekly reminder of the lunches. No paper forms will be sent home. If you need a paper copy of the lunches please contact Mrs. Basken. Creating an Account: If you have not created an account and would like the opportunity to order the lunches follow the instructions below. Here's how to create an account Go to Click on "Click Here to Register" Enter Access Code CPSHL Complete the rest of the registration form. (Including your email address will ensure you receive reminder emails about hot lunch order deadlines, and your child's hot lunch order for the upcoming week) Click the "Register Now" button at the bottom Follow the instructions to add each child in your family who attends Churchbridge Public School Once your child(ren) are registered, click on "Orders" Proceed to order hot lunch for your child(ren) Volunteers Needed Hot lunch will also be served on Wednesday, April 30 and Wednesday, May 13. If any of these days would work for you to volunteer your time contact Cindy Basken at the school. Intervention: The Earlier, the Better In speech and language pathology, early intervention refers to providing services and supports to young children, and their families, who have or are at risk for developing communication delays/disorders. Other professionals and organizations provide early intervention services as well. The first few years of life for children are particularly important for building a strong foundation to support learning and help children reach their full potential. Children may face challenges between the ages of 0 and 5 that can impede their development. If your child is late in attaining developmental milestones, this may be an indicator. Ask your family physician or public health nurse regarding any signs you notice. It is important to develop skills at a young age to ensure a strong foundation is present to build on. Speech and language risk factors to be familiar with include: A family history of speech and/or language difficulties 0-36 months: child does not make eye contact or smile 4-7 months: child does not babble or make many sounds 9-36 months: child has trouble understanding information or following directions 12-18 months: child does not say many words 18-24 months: child does not put 2 words together 2-3 years: child does not put 3 or more words together, has trouble playing with other children, speech is hard to understand Important Dates: Upcoming Events Friday, April 3 - Good Friday - No School Monday, April 6 - Friday, April 10 - Easter Holidays Wednesday, April 15 - Churchbridge Co-op Wednesday, April 22 - Subway Lunch Friday, April 24- In-School Mentoring Soup Sale Wednesday, April 29 - Hot Lunch Monday, May 11- SCC meeting 7:00 Monday, May 18- Victoria Day- No School Tuesday, May 19- No School for Students- Staff In-service & Convention
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