新潟県立大学大学院国際地域学研究科 2015 年度秋入学・2016 年度春

公開日:2015 年 6 月 22 日
Uploaded on June 22nd, 2015
2015 年度秋入学・2016 年度春入学外国人留学生特別選抜
University of Niigata Prefecture
Graduate School of International Studies and Regional Development
Admission Examination for International Students
使用言語は日本語と英語のどちらかでもよい。ただし、日本語の場合は 5,000 字、英語の場
合は 2,500 語程度で記述すること。
Write an essay about ONE of the following topics. Include a list of references at the end of your
essay. You may write in English or Japanese. Please choose the language you are more comfortable
in. If you choose to write in Japanese, the essay should be about 5,000 characters. If you choose to
write in English, the essay should be about 2,500 words.
・ 小論文は文章作成ソフトで作成し、印刷したものを出願時に提出すること(Email で
・ 小論文の様式は任意。ただし、A4 またはレターサイズの白色用紙使用のこと。
・ 問題の番号と氏名を小論文の全ページの右上に明記すること。
・ ページ番号を小論文の全ページの下中央に明記すること。
・ 小論文の末尾に参考文献を必ず明記すること。なお、参考文献の字数/語数は、小
Instructions for essay submission
・ Your essay should be typed and printed. Handwritten essays will not be accepted. The essay
must be included in your application materials. Essays sent through email will not be
・ There are no rules for formatting. Use either A4 or letter size white paper for printing.
・ Include the essay topic number and your name at the upper right corner of each page of your
・ Include page number at the bottom center of each page of your essay.
・ Include a list of references at the end of your essay. The number of characters/words of
references will not be counted in the total number of characters/words of the essay.
公開日:2015 年 6 月 22 日
Uploaded on June 22nd, 2015
問題1(Essay topic 1)
自国の輸出増加および雇用創出を目標に、アメリカは 2009 年に環太平洋戦略的経済連携協
定(TPP)への参加を正式に表明しました。この協定の拡大交渉に参加している国々の GDP
が世界全体のそれの約 40%を占めている。現在、アメリカは日本、オーストラリア、マレ
ーシア、ベトナムを含む 11 の「価値観を共有する」国々と交渉を進めています*。一方で、世
界第 2 位の経済大国であり、アメリカの第 2 位の貿易相手国である中国は交渉参加国に入
っていません。なぜ中国がアメリカの TPP 交渉に参加していないかについて論じなさい。
With the proclaimed objectives of ‘increasing American exports’ and ‘supporting American jobs’,
the United States announced in 2009 its intention to participate in the Trans-Pacific Partnership
(TPP). The negotiating partner countries of this trade agreement would represent almost 40 percent
of global Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Currently, the United States is negotiating the TPP with 11
other ‘like-minded’ countries, from Australia and Japan to Malaysia and Vietnam*. However, China,
which is now the world’s second largest economy and second largest trade partner of the United
States, is not on the list. Why do you think China is not involved in the negotiation?
* United States Trade Representative Office Homepage, ‘Overview of TPP’.
(URL: https://ustr.gov/tpp/overview-of-the-TPP, accessed: June 10, 2015)
問題2(Essay topic 2)
Despite the repeated United Nations (UN) Security Council Resolutions demanding denuclearization
and calling for the imposition of economic sanction, North Korea continues to refuse to renounce its
nuclear weapons programme. Why do these coercive means fail to achieve their objectives?