HMXP 102 Spring 2015 Final Oral Presentation Assignment

HMXP 102 Spring 2015 Final Oral Presentation Assignment
(adapted from Dr. Gregory Oakes and Dr. Christina Brooks)
Course Requirements: Counts as 15% of overall grade.
Assignment: Your final oral exam will consist of two separate components:
1) A personal reflection:
As we've learned in this class, every experience in our life changes us in some way and helps
shape who we are and who we may become. Describe how this class has changed you, even if
ever-so-slightly. How are you different here at the end of the semester than you were when
you walked in on the first day? What did you learn in this class that you believe has had an
impact on who you are today? What articles could you really relate to and why? Was there
something that someone in class said that really made you think and change your perspective
on a topic?
2) A presentation on your Essay #3 topic OR a topic from The Self and the Sacred:
Summarize the “big idea” from one of our readings that you chose to investigate, describe
some real world examples where this idea is relevant, and then tell us what your viewpoint of
the idea is. Do you agree or disagree with the author’s idea? Why? Note that if you use your
Essay #3 topic, you should not read your paper to us, but instead highlight the important ideas
and arguments found within your paper.
Make sure that you allot time for both of the above components. You may also construct a
PowerPoint presentation, if you wish, but this is not necessary.
Other Notes:
Please keep your presentation to around 8-9 minutes (minimum 7, maximum 10).
Your presentation will be graded on the following (also see Oral Presentation Rubric on
course website for more specific criteria):
o Clarity and quality of exposition and presentation
o Effectiveness in conveying a message to your audience
o Relevance to our materials; addressing the question “Who Am I?”
o Specificity
o Thoughtfulness
o Attentiveness and attendance during others’ presentations