OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF GWRRA Region E Illinois District IL-Z2 Chicagoland Wings Chapter Directors: Jim & Barb Kopchok [email protected] Asst Chapter Director: Doug Koglin [email protected] Treasurer: Chris Shore [email protected] Chapter Educator: Ron Walldren [email protected] 847-698-4247 Secretary: Danni Schwieger [email protected] Volume 18 Issue 06 News from the CD June 2015 Chapter IL -Z2 News Jim and Barb Kopchok Chapter Directors It sure seems like a strange month has elapsed since we last met. The weather has been less than desirable, causing us to cancel our Ride Captain Training on May 30. We will work with Kris Andre to reschedule at some point after looking at our calendar. The good news is we are reaching the peak of the riding season. Had a fantastic ride yesterday to the East Troy Electric Railroad in Wisconsin. We put on about 210 miles door-to-door. Initial idea was from Butch and Mary Thielenhouse and Don Shore put together and excellent route! The weather broke from clouds into sunshine and mid 70's. The electric railroad took us on a trip to the Elegant Farmer where we found the best apple pie ever! We found a great roadhouse on the way back for lunch and it was a perfect topper to a great day. Thanks to all who attended. We were joined by friends from Chapter B2. Great to have them to share the fun! Membership Enhancement Tony Sundt [email protected] 708-287-5613 Ride Coordinator: Don Shore [email protected] Wednesday AB-Ride Coordinator: John Meyers [email protected] Asst. Ride Coordinator: Don Schwieger [email protected] Historians: Butch & Mary Thielenhouse [email protected] Special Events Coordinator Bill Bijou [email protected] Ambassadors: Earl & Pat Hobbs [email protected] John and Katie McHugh have offered to host a chapter cookout at their home on July 11th. The Chapter will have burgers, dogs, pop and chips for our consumption, and it’s up to you to bring a dish for sharing and any special drinks you might like. Make sure to sign up at our meeting so we can plan for all the goodies! Looking ahead at the calendar we have a dinner ride that we are scheduling for June 20. Due to a lack of interest in the Freedom Ride that same day, we are going back to our original plan to have the dinner ride. Current plans call for the ride to leave in the afternoon to Mandile’s Italian Restaurant in Algonquin for an early dinner. Please make sure to sign up at our meeting on June 14th so we have an accurate count for the restaurant. Expected meetup time will be 2:00 at Rt.38 and Rt. 59. The Phillips 66 station is just north of Rt.38 on the east side of the road. We will do some riding before dinner at about 4pm. Please stay tuned for more up-to-date details on time, etc. In this issue Newsletter Editor: John McHugh [email protected] Visit us on the web at News from CD Meeting Notes Shirt/Hat Order Form Ride Coordinator ABR Ride Guy Chapter Educator Tour de Cure Pg. 1-2 Pg. 3 Pg. 4 Pg. 5 Pg. 6 Pg. 7 Pg. 8 Chapter Schedule Pg. 9 Chapter Communication Pg. 10-11 Overnight Rides Pg. 12-14 Directory Pg. 15 Sponsors Pg 16 Member Benefits Pg. 17 1999 GL1500 SE Page 2 Chapter Meeting Location GWRRA Chapter IL-Z2 Meetings: Denny’s Rest. 17 W 660 22nd Street Oakbrook Terrace, IL When: Second Sunday of every month. Breakfast at 8:00 AM, Meeting at 9:00 AM. Ride after the meeting!! (weather permitting) Additional updated information at June 2015 Chapter IL-Z2 News The Ride for Kids on June 28 will take place in South Bend. Rather than make this an official Chapter ride, I’d like to gauge anyone’s interest in attending this event at our June meeting. Getting to the South Bend destination in time to depart for the ride will mean leaving extra early in the morning and probably taking I80 most of the way. The Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation is a key charity sponsored by Honda and the parade route is normally populated by many supporters, which gives you an incredibly good feeling. Again, a very inspiring day! But to this point, there has not been any interest or leadership for the ride. Next Chapter meeting will be July 12th with a ride led by Don Shore. Currently scheduled is the Illinois Railway Museum in Union, IL with a lunch stop at Cafe20. Been to this before and everyone should have a fun time. Quickly coming up is our Covered Bridge Ride to Indiana on July 17-19th. If you haven’t already, make your reservations at the hotel so you can make sure to have a space. Looking to good weather and great riding as Don has laid out a route to visit most of the bridges in the area. The Illinois District Summer Rally is scheduled for July 24-25th in Rock Falls, IL. Make your reservations, since hotel discounts will expire soon and space is limited. Don’t forget the $1000 raffle. Visit their website or see the information on our own web site for a schedule of the activities set to take place over the weekend. Don’t forget we are always looking for ride ideas and we need someone to step up as the Chapter Educator. I would like to offer my thanks to Ron Walldren, who has served us in this position for several years. We look forward to having Ron at our meetings and on our rides and wish him well and all our support as he manages his health. As always, enjoy your summer riding days, and STAY SAFE! BREAKFAST CLUB Are you free on Wednesday mornings? Come and join our“Breakfast Club” it meets every Wednesday at 9am at the Sunmist Restaurant & Café located at 501 E. Lake Street in Addison. Weather permitting we will schedule an ABR (after breakfast ride.) Jim & Barb Kopchok Chapter Director Volume 18 Issue 06 Page 3 Z2 Meeting Notes 5/3/2015 – Submitted by Danni Schwieger Upcoming Events (ck PDF Calendar on web site for details for scheduled rides) 5/9/15 – Matthiessen State Park, lunch 9th Street Pub, LaSalle 5/11/15 – Fox Valley Cycle, Aurora, training session 11:00 5/16/15 – Niehaus Ride 5/30/15 - Ride Captain training 1:00 6/6/15 – East Troy Railroad Museum Ride 7/17-7/19 – Indiana Covered Bridges adventure ride 7/19/15 – Ride for Kids, Northern IN 7/24-7/25/15 – Summer Rally, Rockfalls 8/8-8/9/15 – Gypsy Wheels 3rd Annual Amazing Challenge (flyer passed out) 9/12-9/19/15 – Wisc. Adventure Ride 10/2-10/3/15 – Fall Color Ride Guests: Bob Jim Kopchok, Chapter Director: Motorcycle Awareness Month; ride after today’s meeting to Volo Museum; Illinois District Rally tickets still available; Check on line to see new line of Z2 Apparel and to order; be sure to record your beginning bike mileage in the book. Doug Koglin, Asst. Chapter Director: Rooms for the Covered Bridge Adventure Ride in July will only be available up to 1 month ahead of the ride, so call for your room soon! Don’t forget about the Wisconsin trip in Sept., too! Don Shore, Ride Coordinator: Ride to Volo after meeting; Matthiessen State Park ride with lunch after at 9th Street Pub in LaSalle on 5/9 Earl Hobbs, Ambassador: Il Dist Rally 7/24-25/15 Sterling, IL; Remember to do a ―head check‖ (look over shoulder) before changing lanes, don’t just trust mirrors. Ron Waldren, Chapter Educator: Chapter Educator for 3 ½ years, now stepping down. Bill Bijou, Special Events: 5/25 Memorial Day, Bellwood VFW and going to Hines VA after with donations collected. If anyone can join me, please let me know. Billy Naughton: for sticking buttons on bikes, push all buttons regularly and use silicon spray 50/50: John Mc, Bill B., Al N. Progressive #: Not present Des Plaines Honda Gift Certificate: Doug K., John Mc (2X) Happy June Birthdays!!! Maria Bijou —- 27-June Russ Prichard —- 27-June If your birthday is this month and it is not listed here, please contact John McHugh at [email protected] and let us know!!! Page 4 June 2015 Chapter IL-Z2 News Style and Stitches by Coralie 815-744-4718 [email protected] Club Wear for Chicagoland Wings ILZ2 Name______________________ Phone______________________ Email ______________________ Long sleeved twill shirts and polos for the group are the natural color tan from the Blue Generation Catalogue. Other colors may be chosen from the catalogue at Just cite the page # ,Item # , and color etc. Additional items may be chosen from the S & S Activewear catalogue at Again cite page # and item # then size etc.. I can give you pricing with your inquiry. Long sleeve twill—S-XL $35.00 /XXL+ $37.00 Size charts are in each catalogue. Short sleeve twill—S-XL $32.00 / XXL+ $34.00 The sizing is pretty true. Windshirt---S-XL $35.00/ XXL+ $37.00 Short sleeve Polo – S-XL $25.00 / XXL+ $27.00 * Price includes left chest logo and Long sleeve Polo – S-XL $28.00 / XXL+ $30.00 name on right chest if desired. Cap--$12.00 one size Item_________ Name____ Size______Color______Price_________ ___ Total______ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Sub Total ____________ IL Tax (.0875%)_ _________ Total_____________ Email the order or any questions. Cash , Check, Paypal Thank you for your order. I will call with any questions. Volume 18 Issue 06 Page 5 Ride Coordinator After our May meeting, 16 bikes headed out north to the Auto Museum in Volo, and it was another beautiful day for a ride. After spending a couple of hours touring the museum we noticed that the rain that was predicted for that evening was heading in early, so some of the group headed home while the rest headed towards the Snuggery for a late lunch. Upon arriving at the snuggery we discovered that most of McHenry decided to go to the Snuggery as well. So with rain imminent, we decided to start heading south to a different eating establishment and hopefully out run the rain. We ended up at Alley64 in Palatine for some great food, and an added bonus of arriving there dry. Afterwards everyone headed home and we all made it home long before the rain. May 9th was our ride to Matthiessen State Park. It was a foggy start to the day with rain expected, however 5 bikes showed up. We headed southwest to the park. Once we arrived in Seneca, the clouds parted and the sun came out. It ended up being a beautiful day at the state park with temps around 70. Afterwards we headed over to the haunted 9th street pub in LaSalle. The next upcoming rides we have on our calendar is June 6th, to the East Troy Electric Railroad. This ride will hopefully have taken place before you read this newsletter. On June 14th, our after meeting ride is scheduled for Sheridan Road. I recently drove through the City and northern suburbs and couldn't believe all the road construction. That being said, this ride would not be fun so we will not be doing this ride at this time. Our new destination will be Air Classics Museum in Sugar Grove, you can visit the website at for more info. After our visit, we’ll head down the road about 8 miles into Hinckley for lunch at South Moon BBQ. On June 20th, our Grand Poobah, Jim Kopchok, will be leading a chapter dinner ride to Mandiles in Algonquin, more details to come at the meeting. Remember to sign up in the book at the monthly meetings so we have an idea of how many of you will be attending the rides. Don’t forget to sign up and reserve your hotel rooms for our adventure rides. The first adventure ride is July 17-19, and the destination is Indiana where we will be seeing and visiting at least a dozen covered bridges. Next is our Wisconsin Adventure ride to Hillsboro Wisconsin, the dates are September 12-19 The earlier you sign up and reserve the hotel for our adventure rides the better. Don Shore Z2 Ride Coordinator Page 6 June 2015 Chapter IL-Z2 News A NOTE FROM THE ABR RIDE GUY ABR REPORT FOR JUNE As I write this, the AB riders still have not had an after breakfast ride. Weather and numerous other commitments have kept us from riding activities, but we got hope that things will look better this month.. Joe Hughes who we just welcomed back from 3 months in Florida went off to England for a few weeks. He said it was to check out the homeland, but we think it was to check out the baby. He reports that he had an unexpected brush with the royalty. It seems he was at the tower of London and to his surprise the Queen, Prince Phillip and Carmelia were there for a special occasion, Joe was about 20 feet away from them. Harry returned from his first of ten trips to Arkansas, claims the weather was great and riding, as always, fabulous. Something little known by our Z2 members, the Breakfast riders have their own logo. The ABR regulars are: Tony, Ron W, Steve, Alyce, Harry, Doug B, Ron M, Russ, Joe, Nick, John, Al, & Robert. Rent a Spyder IMotorsports of Elmhurst is now renting Spyders. Unlimited miles,$ 149 -$169 per day. The units are 2014-15 automatics. They may be offering a discount for Z2. Who are the Breakfast Riders? Well we finally got around to taking some photos. Well that’s a wrap for another month. Happy riding JohnM Volume 18 Issue 06 Page 7 Chapter Educator A Final Word to my My Fellow GWRRA IL-Z2 Chapter Members As mentioned during our last monthly meeting, due to ongoing health issues I am unable to continue in my position as your Chapter Educator. For the past 3 1/2 years I have generally enjoyed & usually never regretted my volunteering my time, sometimes direction and input to our Chapter so we could continue to operate as a legitimate GWRRA certified Chapter. So now it is up to somebody else to step up to the plate and pick up this position. As for me I will continue to be nothing but a JAMER (just a member), and enjoy my retirement. Remember folks, be careful out there, and if you can't ride it safely, park it and walk! And as usual, drive safe, be safe, watch out for those crazy cagers and politicians, and avoid those nasty Illinois potholes.... Ron Walldren and Missy — Former Z2 Chapter Educator — Retired Ron, Thank you so much for your many years of dedication and sharing of your knowledge with all at IL-Z2. You are appreciated by all and we will miss your contribution to our newsletter each month. We will continue to look forward to seeing you at the meetings, on the rides and enjoying the enhancement you bring to all our lives with your caring persona, humor and knowledge. HAPPY RETIREMENT! GWRRA Chapter IL-Z2 Newsletter Editor IL-Z2 is currently accepting applications for Chapter Educator! To Apply see Jim Kopchok (CD) he will have an application form and let you know the pay scale. June 2015 Chapter IL-Z2 News Page 8 Organizers of TourdeCure have asked area motorcycle organizations for help in the form of route management assistance, for three of the bicycle routes at this ADA fund raising event. This will be a day full of fun and excitement, based around an expected 1,200+ bicycle riders enjoying one of five different routes, to raise money for diabetes research, education and advocacy in support of the American Diabetes Association. There are rides of 10, 20, 40, 65, and 100 miles planned, with food and entertainment at a post-ride party. When: Sunday June 14, 2015 Where: Two Brothers Roundhouse Address: 205 N Broadway St, Aurora, IL 60505 Event management expects that the on-course duties of motorcycle volunteers will likely include actively riding the courses to ensure rider safety, assisting or communicating assistance needs which may exist with riders, traffic management, etc. The organizing committee would like to have assistance from at least 30 riders who: Are licensed motorcycle riders with registered and insured motorcycles Are wearing helmets Can be available from 6am – 4pm on Sunday June 14th The G2 chapter has offered to work with the event organizers to raise interest and encourage participation within GWRRA Toward the goals of helping with a coordinated GWRRA response, and creating an opportunity for a multi-chapter gathering at this event, IL-G2 requests that interested members confirm their intent to volunteer with the IL-G2 MEC ( Jim Fairman ) at [email protected]. Page 9 June 2015 Chapter IL-Z2 News IL-Z2 2015 SCHEDULE FEBRURAY 8, CHAPTER MTG FEBRURAY 21, MEDIC 1ST AID ($20 Fee) 1:00pm Immanuel Lutheran Church Elmhurst, IL FEBRUARY 22, CHAPTER DINNER 5:00pm @ Al’s Charhouse LaGrange, IL. MARCH 8, CHAPTER MTG. MARCH 14, TRAINING DAY & POT LUCK 1pm @ Immanuel Lutheran Church Elmhurst APRIL 12, CHAPTER MTG, Ride: Dependent on weather APRIL 25, Billy’s Biker Workshop MAY 3, CHAPTER MTG, Ride: Volo Auto Museum Lunch: Firewood Restaurant JULY 11, Chapter Picnic/BBQ John & Katie’s, Downers Grove 1 pm, Bring a dish to pass JULY 12, CHAPTER MTG Ride: Illinois Railway Museum Lunch: Cafe20 *JULY 17—19, ADVENTURE RIDE Indiana Covered Bridges & Fair Oaks Farm AUGUST 1, MOVIE NIGHT Robert & Char’s, Addison AUGUST 9, CHAPTER MTG Ride: Sugar Grove Lunch: Calamity Jane’s AUGUST 15, DINNER RIDE Kelsey’s Road House, Barrington *SEPTEMBER 3-6, WING DING Huntsville, AL SEPTEMBER 6, CHAPTER MTG. Ride: Illinois Beach State Park Lunch: The Chancery MAY 9, DAY RIDE Ride: Matthiessen State Park Lunch: Hanks Farm *SEPTEMBER 12-19, WISCONSIN ADVENTURE Hillsboro, Wisconsin Led by: Don Shore MAY 16, Niehaus Customer Appreciation Day Litchfield, IL SEPTEMBER 26, ICE CREAM RIDE DeKalb Ice Cream MAY 30, TRAINING DAY 1pm @ Fox Valley Cycles Aurora Ride Captain training JUNE 6, DAY RIDE East Troy Electric Railroad East Troy Wisconsin JUNE 14, CHAPTER MTG. Ride: Sheridan Road Lunch: Twin Peaks JUNE 20, DINNER RIDE Mandiles, Algonquin OCTOBER 2-4, FALL COLOR RIDE Destination: TBA OCTOBER 11, CHAPTER MTG Ride: Silver Springs State Park Lunch: Smokey’s woodpit BBQ NOVEMBER 8, CHAPTER MTG. Ride: Port Barrington Lunch: Broken Oar NOVEMBER 14, Chapter Planning MTG 1pm @ Immanuel Lutheran Church DECEMBER 8, CHAPTER MTG Page 10 Volume 18 Issue 6 Communications Options for our Chapter We now have several different ways to communicate within our Chapter. It’s always a challenge to keep everyone informed and up-to-date as we all have busy schedules, travel, can’t always make the meetings, and so on. The Chapter Newsletter remains a staple for our monthly written document. It is typically mailed out several days before our scheduled meeting, and almost immediately is also available for download via our website. Unfortunately, the newsletter needs to be written a week or more before the meeting in order to allow time for production and printing, and so things may change or need to be updated. Hard copy versions of the newsletter are available to anyone who needs one, just let us know. The meeting itself is important way for us to share information not to mention a lot more fun, but again, not everyone can always make the meeting and may still want to engage with us in our rides and other activities. Our website ( is probably the central means for everyone to stay abreast of the latest information. Articles from our newsletter are published in the “Chapter IL-Z2 News & Articles” section. You can search/view these without the need to open the entire newsletter. Further, you can subscribe to these articles by following three easy steps, shown below. Whenever an article is added or modified you will be sent an email notification. You can always unsubscribe. Newsletters are available for download, links to helpful sites, our updated Ride/ Event Calendar and more. STEP ! – Click on menu for Chapter IL-Z2 News and Articles STEP 2 – Enter your email address (e.g. [email protected]) Continued on Page 12 Page 11 STEP 3 – Confirm your email June 2015 Chapter IL-Z2 News (Continued from Page 11) STEP 4 – Receive Confirmation in your email Another method is to use Facebook. Many people do not use or like Facebook but we have almost 35 members of the GWRRA IL-Z2 Facebook group. This group is private and if you choose to join, Tony will approve your full participation. You can then see posts and some active communication chats between members, questions being answered and some impromptu rides or other being established. I personally wasn’t a big Facebook fan until I saw how valuable this is. For example, at our recent dinner, due to some cancellations, Doug found we had some extra room. He put this on Facebook so any last minute dinner goers or their guests would feel welcome – and it worked! Another Facebook option is the new Facebook page (not the same as the group) that was recently created. This is more for publishing information about our Chapter and what is going on so that we might be able to connect with non-members and encourage new participation. This Facebook page is at, We have posting on different topics and even will post events as reminders for currently scheduled activity. If you should have any questions on how to sign up or use Facebook please just ask, as we have several members who are very good using this application. In all cases, we are trying our best to keep you informed about what is going on in your Chapter. If you should have any questions or concerns, please let us know. Jim Kopchok – Chapter Director Volume 18 Issue 06 Page 12 Covered Bridges ADVENTURE RIDE JULY 17-19 Rockville Indiana, area ITINERARY: FRIDAY, JULY 17 Assembly, Denny’s Restaurant, 17 W 660 22nd Street, Oakbrook Terrace, IL , KSU; 9:00 AM Head South on Route 83, pick up south side riders Continue on predetermined route, seeing 4 different covered bridges along the way to Rockville Indiana, Overnight Friday & Saturday will be at: Econo lodge, Rockville SATURDAY, JULY 18 After breakfast, KSU at 9:00am We will be taking a relatively short ride of about 60 miles through the country side and visiting at least 12 different covered bridges, most of which are still in use and allowing motor vehicle traffic over them. During the ride there will be many stops as well as a lunch stop. SUNDAY JULY 19 We will be departing the hotel, KSU at 9:00am Our return route will take us to Fair Oaks Indiana to visit the Fair Oaks dairy farm We will spend some time here touring the farm, possibly having lunch in their restaurant or café Then we will proceed to our final destination…..home Page 13 June 2015 Chapter IL-Z2 News Covered Bridges ADVENTURE RIDE 2 Nights, JULY 17 & 18, Econo Lodge 1659 East US Hwy 36, Rockville, IN, US, 47872 Phone: (765) 569-3430 15 Rooms reserved as CHICAGOLAND WINGS Cost is $ 79.99 plus tax per night Our Thanks to Doug Koglin for Housing Arrangements Page 14 June 2015 Chapter IL-Z2 News Wisconsin Adventure Riders Accommodations SEPTEMBER 2015 Hotel Hillsboro, Hillsboro, Wisconsin DATES: Check in; Saturday, Sept. 12, 2015 Check out; Saturday, Sept. 19, 2015 Room rates: Rate based on room selection STD room: Fri & Sat $76.49 per night, Sun—Thurs $67.49 per night Suite: Fri & Sat $80.99 per night, Sun—Thurs $71.99 per night (prices do not include any applicable taxes or fees) Reserved Name; CHICAGOLAND WINGS PHONE: 608-489-3000 Thanks to Doug Koglin for housing arrangements. Volume 18 Issue 06 GWRRA National Web site Wing World Region E Directors Bruce Watkins [email protected] Assistant Region Directors Bob & Nicki Fowkes Lance & Diane Brozek Lonnie & Diane Borseth Page 15 Illinois District Directors Mary Adams [email protected] Assistant District Directors Steven & Diane Gottschalk- S IL Jack & Hazel Burton - Western IL Earl & Pat Hobbs - Chicagoland Greg & Annette Shields - North IL Tom & Pam Waller - E IL District Educator/MAD Dan & Linda Davis Sponsorship Coordinator Chet Stephens Region E Educator Jerry & Sue Allhands District MFA Coordinators Mike & Jan Buzick Region E Medic First Aid Mike & Jan Buzick District Treasurers Nikki Fowkes Region E MED Coordinators Brian & Tammy Anderson District MED Coordinator Position Open Region E Treasurer Glen & Carol White Leadership Training Division Steve & Sandy Schlager Couple of the Year Region E Leadership Trainers Bill & Nancy James Photographer Walter & Jean Potwora Region E Vendor Coordinators Mike & Jane Hultine LTD Instructors George & Ketra Wanamaker Don & Cindy Janas Dave & Sherre Leavans Jim & Jean Stout Ron & Cheryl Deckard Mike & Jan Buzick Steve & Sandy Schlager Walter & Jean Potwora Dan & Martha Ribbing Kimberly Morgan Ed Haggerty Region E Public Relations Coord. Walter & Jean Potwora Dist. COY Coordinators Steven & Diane Gottschalk Region E Indie. of the Year Belinda Schearf District Couple of the Year Jim & Helen Rusher Region E Patch Shop Wally & Jan Wallace Region E Webmaster Don & Cheri Walloch Region E Newsletter Editor Don & Cheri Walloch District Individual of the Year Ruth Skelton District Patch Coordinator Lori & Ron Heffelfinger Chapter IL-Z2 IL-Z2 monitors CB Channel 2l Chapter Directors: Jim & Barb Kopchok [email protected] Asst Chapter Director: Doug Koglin [email protected] Treasurer: Chris Shore [email protected] Chapter Educator: Ron Walldren [email protected] 847-698-4247 Secretary: Danni Schwieger [email protected] Membership Enhancement: Tony Sundt [email protected] 708-287-5613 Ride Coordinator: Don Shore [email protected] Wednesday AB-Ride Coordinator: John Meyers [email protected] Asst. Ride Coordinator: Don Schwieger [email protected] Historians: Butch & Mary Thielenhouse [email protected] Special Events Coordinator Bill Bijou [email protected] Ambassadors: Earl & Pat Hobbs [email protected] District Newsletter Editor Dennis and Jean Bose Newsletter Editor: John McHugh [email protected] District Webmaster Roy & Cheyrl Miller Emporium: POSITION VACANT Page 16 June 2015 Chapter IL-Z2 News Des Plaines Support our Sponsors! Tell them: ―I saw your message in the Chicagoland Wings Newsletter!‖ Volume 18 Issue 06 Page 17
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