Chapter “J” NEWSLETTER GoldWings Along The Allegheny **** Destination Friendship **** MARCH 2015 ISSUE –GWTA CHAPTER “J” NEWSLETTER *** For the latest in chapter updates, please check our website for details *** Chapter Directors: Jerry & Wendy Chapman Asst Chapter Directors: Bob & Sheila Uzmack Treasurer: Pete King Newsletter Editors: Ron & Carol Bevlin Ride Coordinators: Larry & Colleen Powell Chapter Webmaster: Bob Sweed Chapter Family Couple: Bob & Diane Sweed From the desk of Chapter Directors: Hello Everybody, Another month is melting away (pun intended). Only nine. Count them - 9 days left of March. Less than that by the time you'll be reading this. Then we're into April, I'm excited!! The 1st ride to Murrysville, on the 19th, will kick off our season. Anyone not familiar, with this ride, should consider it. It's pretty amazing! Thousands of riders gather for the blessing of the bikes, at the Murrysville Alliance Church, 4130 old William Penn. Hwy, Murrysville Pa. It's well worth your effort. TRUST ME! Our Ride season looks pretty darn good. There are a lot of nice rides planned. Make sure you read and mark your calendars from the Proposed and Scheduled Ride list that is on page 9 of the newsletter. I think our March meeting went well in spite of the fact that we had to wing it at Kings Restaurant this month. Everyone was able to make it except for Marlene Long. We decided to continue to meet there until other arrangements can be made. For our unseasonal February dinner ride, we met at the Alleghany Mariner in Kittanning Pa. We had a good turnout, as we did for our January ride. Unfortunately, Bob and Dianne Sweed were unable to attend due to a death in her the family. We offer our deepest sympathies to Dianne and her family! Chapter “J” NEWSLETTER - GoldWings Along The Allegheny – Page 2 Our last dinner ride for the season will be at Villa Ballanca in Lower Burrell. Dinner is at 5:00 pm. So be sure to come a little before that. Till then - take care. Be safe and God Bless us all! See you there! Jerry and Wendy Chapman Chapter Directors GWTA Pa. Chapter "J" Goldwings Along The Alleghany 2740 Leechburg Road, Lower Burrell, PA 15068 724-339-6111 March 28, 2015 Reservation: 5 pm Chapter “J” – Dinner Ride Cass Railroad Hotel Information: Colonial Williamsburg Hotel Information June 12 to 14, 2015 (Two night stay) July 22 to 26, 2015 (Four Night Stay) Inn at Snowshoe 10 Snowshoe Drive Comfort Inn Historic Area Building 19 706 Bypass Road US 60 Snowshoe, West Virginia 26209 Williamsburg, VA Phone: (757) 229-9230 Phone: (877) 441-4386 (Talk with Wendy for info) 2 Night Total: $130.99 4 Night Total: $343.68 Chapter “J” NEWSLETTER - GoldWings Along The Allegheny – Page 3 Remember with your Thoughts and Prayers: Health & Welfare Please keep the following on your list of prayers: Bob Long, Bob Vennard, Jerry Chapman’s mother, Colleen Powell’s brother and mother, Wendy Chapman’s father, Larry Powell’s daughter, and Patty Hoffman’s father. We need to keep Sheila Uzmack on our list. Keep it up Sheila – you are looking so much healthier every time we see you. Sheila said the doctors changed some of her medication and that it is working much better. Great news. Bob Uzmack needs to remember to take care of his diabetes and do what the doctors tell him. He needs to stay healthy so he can help Sheila. Carol Bevlin had surgery February 04th and was able to walk out of hospital without crutches. Although she is still under the watchful eye and care of Ron, she is making great progress. The doctor told them she can now drive and do some chores and cooking. But not to run the sweeper or lift heavy things. Colleen Powell is having knee pain again. Is it time for new knees? Don’t put it off too long. Condolences to Diane Sweed on the loss of her brother. Although she only knew him for a short time she will greatly miss him. Diane Sweed is progressing well since her bout with vertigo. If I have missed anyone, please let us know. If you are over 50 and have had chicken pox as a child, seriously think of getting the shingles shot. My cousin has suffered over a week in the hospital and will be off work several more weeks with pain and discomfort. They are something you don’t want to have. Creamy Layered Squares Would be cool and light for Easter. 10 graham crackers, finely crushed (about 1-1/2 cups) ½ cup sugar, divided 6 Tbsp. butter or margarine, melted 2 pkg. (8 oz. each) PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese, softened 3 cups cold milk, divided 2 pkg. (3.4 oz. each) JELL-O Lemon Flavor Instant Pudding 1 tub (8 oz.) COOL WHIP Whipped Topping, thawed MIX graham crumbs, 1/4 cup sugar and butter until blended; press onto bottom of 13x9-inch pan. BEAT cream cheese, remaining sugar and 1/4 cup milk in medium bowl with whisk until blended; spread over crust BEAT pudding mixes and remaining milk with whisk 3 min. Pour over cream cheese layer in pan. Let stand 5 min. or until thickened; cover with COOL WHIP. Refrigerate 4 hours. Chapter “J” NEWSLETTER - GoldWings Along The Allegheny – Page 4 From the Assistant Chapter Director's desk LOOKING FORWARD TO AN ACTIVE SUMMER I have had enough of this winter. As a matter of fact I have had more than enough of it. And that's coming from a snow lover. I absolutely love being out in the woods with snow on the ground and in the trees, but this winter I couldn't even get into the woods. This is the first winter I did not go to my camp. I couldn't get there most of the time with the bad roads, while fully aware that if I did get to camp I couldn't get into the driveway without using a pick and shovel to dig through the frozen berm the snow plows create. I did that once before and that won't happen again. Today it rained instead of snowed. That is a very encouraging trend. I can only believe the lying, two-tongued groundhog is hiding deep in his den shivering right along with me. That is my only consolation in all this. BUT, I did see the predicted temperature one day next week will be in the 60's. That got me all excited. And at my age (which by the way today is my birthday) anything that excites me has to be good. So, what are my summer plans? Most likely the same as yours. To do a lot of riding and be home as few days as is absolutely necessary. With Sheila's problems last summer we didn't get to do much of anything. We hope to make up for it this summer. I would like to see much more of the USA this summer like Utah, Montana, and even Gold Rush in New Mexico in July. I want to see more than that but that would be a good start. We both are feeling good now and most of our problems are behind us so we are anxious to go. I also want to spend a lot of time at the LEEK hunting preserve for wounded veterans in northern Pa. Nothing makes me feel better than to be there with these wounded veterans and help to do what needs to be done to help the work progress. This summer they plan to build a new mess hall to feed the veterans when they are there, and build a new barracks to bed them down. It's a rather aggressive project so I wanna be there to help build it. I am so excited about the summer coming and so many things I want to do in the short warm months. I know I will never get to do all I want to do but even if I get to do half of what I would love to do, I will have had a very exciting and successful summer. I hope you make a lot of plans and get to do most of them as well. At the close of summer, we will all get together again and tell our stories to each other and use them as a basis to plan our next summer's activities. Till then.........happy trails Bob & Sheila Uzmack Assistant Chapter Directors Chapter “J” NEWSLETTER - GoldWings Along The Allegheny – Page 5 Jerry and Wendy Chapman would like to announce the birth of their first Granddaughter: Harper Julianna Theiss Born: March 24, 2015 @ 3:30 p.m. Weight: 7 lb 13 oz Length: 21 ½ inches Has light hair color for now Chapter “J” NEWSLETTER - GoldWings Along The Allegheny – Page 6 Birthdays and Anniversarys Happy Birthday To You! Bob Uzmack March 04 Bill Lewis March 04 Sheila Uzmack Jerry Chapman April 05 April 29 Wedding Anniversaries Coming Up Jerry & Wendy Chapman Congratulations March 10 March winner of drawing Carol Bevlin (really Ron) Chapter “J” NEWSLETTER - GoldWings Along The Allegheny – Page 7 Bob & Diane Sweed Thank You to Theresa’s Royle for letting us meet at the restaurant for the past several years. Theresa’s Royle Allegheny/Crouse’s Restaurant 411 Butler Road Kittanning PA (724) 545-7981 Note: There has been a change in place of the next meeting. It will still be on the Third Saturday of month (unless noted) Dinner: 6 pm Meeting: 7 pm Next meeting will be at King’s Restaurant on April 18th. In the plaza where Wal-Mart is located in Kittanning. Chapter “J” NEWSLETTER Our chapter is on - GoldWings Along The Allegheny – Page 8 as GWTA, PA Chapter "J" Chapter J’s website address is: We would like to welcome you as a new member to Chapter “J” If you would like to join us – please contact either: Chapter "J" Directors Assistant Chapter "J" Directors 2015: for 2013-2014-2015: Jerry & Wendy Chapman Bob & Sheila Uzmack 347 Pershing Lane Strattanville, PA 16258 1202 Bakerstown Road Tarentum, PA 15084 Home: 814-764-3354 Jerry’s cell: 814-316-5300 Wendy's cell: 814-227-6444 Home: 724-224-8069 Bob’s cell: 412-526-0586 Email Bob: [email protected] Email Jerry: [email protected] Email Wendy: [email protected] Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Chapman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Uzmack Chapter “J” NEWSLETTER - GoldWings Along The Allegheny – Page 9 GWTA Chapter J Proposed 2015 Events & Schedule Mar 21 Mar 28 Apr 18 2015 Theresa’s Royale Allegheny GWTA Chapter J meeting Villa Ballanca Restorante & Pizza May 03 King’s Restaurant GWTA Chapter J meeting Murrysville Alliance Church Blessing of the Bikes Tionesta Blessing of the Bikes May 09 Ride for Kids – Collection Day May 16 King’s Restaurant GWTA Chapter J meeting Rolling Thunder Ride to the Wall GWTA East Picnic Flight 93 Memorial in Somerset Apr 19 May 22-24 May 30-31 Jun 06 Jun 12-14 Jun 20 Jun 28 Jul 18 Jul 22-26 Aug 02 Aug 08 Aug 15 Cass RR Two night stay over King’s Restaurant GWTA Chapter J meeting Ducky Tour Station Square Penn’s Cave GWTA Chapter J meeting Colonial Williamsburg 757-229-9230 Ride for Kids Seneca Valley High School Denny’s Beer Barrel Pub Aug 28-30 King’s Restaurant GWTA Chapter J meeting Hartville Flea Market Sep 10-13 PA GWTA State Rally Sep 19 King’s Restaurant GWTA Chapter J meeting Franklin Applefest Festival Oct 03 Oct 17 Nov 21 Dec King’s Restaurant GWTA Chapter J meeting King’s Restaurant GWTA Chapter J meeting Christmas Party 2015 Dinner: 6 pm Meeting: 7 pm Gather: 4:30 pm Dine: 5:00 pm Dinner: 6 pm Meeting: 7 pm Service: 11 am Outside service: 12:30 pm German Hill Road Tionesta PA Start: 8:00 am End: 4:00 pm Dinner: 6 pm Meeting: 7 pm Contact & Meet at Bob & Diane Sweed’s Hosted by: Chapter Z Meet: 10 am Lunch at Walat’s Meet: King’s Restaurant Delmont PA Dinner: 6 pm Meeting: 7 pm Meet: Sheetz, Kittanning PA at RT 422 & RT 28 Meet at Indiana Wal-Mart 2015 411 Butler Road Kittanning, PA 2740 Leechburg Road Lower Burrell, PA 411 Butler Road Kittanning, PA 4130 Old William Penn Hwy Murrysville PA Meet: Sheetz 422/TraderHorn Kittanning PA at 11 am Wal-Mart Indiana, PA 411 Butler Road Kittanning, PA Washington D.C. Meet at Indiana Wal-Mart Comfort Inn Historic Area 706 By-pass Rd US 60 128 Seneca School Road Harmony, PA Clearfield, PA Meet: TBA Meet: 10 am Indiana Wal-Mart Dinner: 6 pm Meeting: 7 pm Clarion Inn & Conference Center (800) 392-1019 Happy Acres Resort & Campground Dinner: 6 pm Meeting: 7 pm Meet 10 am: Burger King Barkeyville, PA Dinner: 6 pm Meeting: 7 pm Dinner: 6 pm Meeting: 7 pm TBA Ebensburg, PA 10 Snowshoe Drive Bldg 19 Snowshoe WV 411 Butler Road Kittanning, PA Pittsburgh, PA Centre Hall, PA 411 Butler Road Kittanning, PA 6625 Dean Memorial Parkway Hudson, Ohio 3332 Little Pine Creek Rd. Waterville, PA 411 Butler Road Kittanning, PA Franklin, PA 411 Butler Road Kittanning, PA 411 Butler Road Kittanning, PA The schedule is tentative and may be changed if necessary. But please mark your calendars so you don’t miss something “FUN” ! Chapter “J” NEWSLETTER - GoldWings Along The Allegheny – Page 10
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