Haddinton Tennis Club Membership Form 2015 Please Print off and Complete MEMBER DETAILS Title: Forename: Surname: Address: Postcode: Email: Home Phone: Mobile: o Please tick this box if you are NOT happy for your contact details - telephone and email only - to be circulated to other club members. SUBSCRIPTION RATES FOR THE PERIOD 1.4.2015 to 31.3.2016. Players must be of the appropriate age as at 1st April 2015. Adult (18 yrs or over) £90 Junior /Full time Student / UB40 £40 Mini (8 yrs or under) £15 Concession (65 yrs or over) £70 Family £210 Non-Playing £10 Total amount enclosed: £ Membership Type: For all additional members please include their contact details and date of birth if req'd : Name Date of birth Email: CLUB TOURNAMENTS Do you wish to play in the Annual Tournaments (Singles)? Yes o No o Do you wish to play in the Annual Tournaments (Mixed Doubles)? Yes o No o Do you wish to be considered for selection for the Club Teams? Yes o No o Adult Yes o No o Junior Yes o No o COACHING Are you interested in receiving coaching? SIGNATURE Signed: Date: PAYMENT OPTIONS o PREFERRED METHOD – Internet banking payment to Haddington Tennis Club Account No. 00441119, sort code 80-08-23. Please use your surname and last 4 digits of Tel No. as the payment reference (eg Brown 1234) ALTERNATIVE METHODS – 1) By Paypal via our website. 2) By payment directly at the Bank of Scotland to the Haddington Tennis Club account as above. Payment receipt to be sent to the Treasurer. Please ensure the Bank records your surname & Tel No for identification when recording the transaction. 3) By cheque payable to Haddington Tennis Club, sent c/o B.A. East, 3 St Martins Close, Haddington, EH41 4BN, or handed over at the courts to Brian or a committee member. NO CASH PLEASE. THE SMALL PRINT By filling in this form, you are also being automatically signed up as a British Tennis Member for free. This will enable you to take advantage of the many benefits offered to British Tennis Members including Wimbledon tickets, exclusive news and discounts and a player rating. For more information visit: www.LTA.org.uk/membership o Please tick this box if you do NOT wish to become a British Tennis Member By giving your consent to you/your child becoming a British Tennis Member, you agree that you/your child will abide by the Terms and Conditions of British Tennis Membership (at www.LTA.org.uk/BTMTC) and that the LTA and its directly affiliated bodies (see www.LTA.org.uk/affiliatedbodies) can use the personal data of you/your child, including sensitive personal data that you provide, for the purposes of your involvement in British Tennis, and to send you/your child by post, e-mail or SMS information related to those purposes (for more information see www.LTA.org.uk/privacy). Occasionally, the LTA may also use your details to: o send you information about LTA offers and offers from third parties that the LTA work with by post, email or SMS. Please tick this box if you do NOT want to hear about these offers. o pass your contact details on to carefully selected third parties so that they can send you, by post, details of their products and services. Please tick this box if you do NOT want the LTA to pass on your details Please return completed form to [email protected] or by post to The Treasurer, 3 St Martins Close, Haddington, EH41 4BN
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