HAMERSLEY 10 HASH HOUSE HARRIERS Envied, Emulated, but Never Equalled NEXT RUN: 1901 on Mon 13APR2015 @ 6.30PM HARE: SQUIRT CO-HARE: BARON THEME: TONK’N & SWAN’N ON 1900 + 1ST RUN LOCATION: CLAUGHTON RESERVE, BAYSWATER. Exit Tonkin Hwy @ Guildford Rd head east, 1st Right into Katanning Rd all the way to river end large carpark, LFF/Bus UBD Map: 270 J-1 Food: Yes st For Hyperlinks to 1901 Runsite go: www.hamersleyhash.com.au HareLine Run # Run Date Run Day Hare Co-Hare Run Location Food R Yes West off freeway a Turn $10 Exit Freeway on V left on Britannia R x4 Perth Clubs 185 F11 268 A1 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Yes Yes TBA TBA tba tba Yes tba tba tba Yes tba Donka 1903 2015/04/28 Tue Joint Run Just Do It - You Need to Run UBD Pinnaroo Point Car park (on the beach) Britannia Road Reserve, ANZAC Day Run Leederville 1902 2015/04/20 Mon Kazi 1904 2015/05/04 Mon Sgt Bilko 1905 2015/05/11 Mon C-Man Theme/Special Run 1906 2015/05/18 Mon Mac-T-Mouth Sir Kumsize 1907 2015/05/25 Mon Arseholio tba TBA th Note: Hares required from Mon 29 June on. Please advise JMs Concord/SirKumsize Run Report 1900: No More Explanation Needed! Preamble: Turned up early to give a hand......just the GM his ‘squeeze’ and a couple of Labradors in attendance (Labradors or Golden Retrievers, or are they both the same?...I was never ‘into’ pets)...no that is NOT what I meant, wash your mind out with soap! GeeGee & dogs depart in a dimpled SUV and the GM and I hang around waiting for the bus, lads & visitors. Visitors start arriving, and a few of the lads, then the bus and more Hashers....wait, no Acting Hash Cash to take the fees...wasn’t told to arrive early... we used to have a couple of small copper coins called the common cents, hard to find these days....(is that too subtle for the lads I think????) Start unpacking the bus, the Haberdash trailer turns up, Pumpkin is hard at it with a flashing kitchen knife & steaming pots (that’s ‘steaming pots’ not ‘smoking pot’ although I can understand the confusion). Visitors from West Coast, Bullsbrook & Harriettes in multiple numbers. As the cloud cover starts to darken Popeye sends the pack on its way on what is promised to be a short trail. The Run #1900 Wasn’t on it but, as promised, it was fairly short, a few sweaty members return to the bus with the odd complaint regarding the lack of a drink stop. Walkers wander in, and the heavens open and the rain starts to fall......... Two tables of nibblies are getting wet, soggy biscuits, potato chips washed clean of salt, small pieces of wet pet roll glistening in the lamp light. The lads grab the tables and head around the corner to the relative haven of the veranda on the other side of the building...dry but no light...well you cant have everything! Popeye gives the ‘five minute warning’ and the JM’s set up the table and get the down-downs ready Jeez its a long five minutes in the cold and the wet. Still waiting.....then... Visitors/Returniks: Popeye takes the crate and calls the circle to order. Run number....duh! Visiting GMs only for a drink, 3 real ones ... not, ‘Well I’m close enough ‘cause they aint here’GM’s, but MrWong still creeps in for a free drink. General Business: MtM on the ice and ends up on the floor, sent home with a bumcrack filled with sand. MrWong advised SoP have a mens only Anzac Day Run on the 23rd April at Booragoon Tyres (wow, thats near my place!) 6:15, I think $15 was mentioned but I might be wrong (that’s ‘wrong’ not ‘Wong’!) Mulloway advertised 4th Cambodian Nash Hash pre-lube 4th May, all welcome 28th April Awesome Fouresome Run FishHead recons bring $10 for the food. Bullsbrook 2000th in October.... Barralina told tales of his voluntary work in the burns unit making ears that smell.......of fish. Charges: The wet weather seems to have put most people off. Screwy charged DickVan for having a folded umbrella and questioned the origin of the ‘Dick’ bit…… C-Man tried to heap sh*t on Wimpy & Mase for falling over while on holiday,,,neither have a drinking problem, they drink, they fall over, no problem! Kazi apparently likes to watch…and take photos,,,maybe he is short of funds in his Super Account! Apparently C-Man had Hamersley lads stacked one on top of the other..steady on lads, we are close but not THAT close! C-Man tried to charge the ‘clown that picked the venue’ but as that was the GM not the cook (Pumpkin) the result was inevitable. Jokes: Yes, a few.. not a ‘c-word’ heard all night, though, well done you lads, C-Man must have felt like his tongue was cut out! Badge organized Historian: No, but we all got a 1900 Run badge! by BARON Well Done!! Popeye’s 1700 the previous week but it can wait. Run Assessment: Wasn’t one WOW: C-Man had no word and the Wanker was a carry over as Dags was not in attendance. He called out past H4 GMs for a drink and an accolade. GM back on the crate, next weeks run???? Squirt doing the honours. Check the box at the top of the first page. Lots of future runs starting at ‘TBA’ … hard to find that on a map & my gee-pee-ess doesn’t want to know either. Hares Act: Nope, but The Perth Harriettes had a little song for the Hamersley lads. Then it was the turn of the other visiting hashes … including SoP, or rather MrWong and 4 Hamersley lads! Two visitors from England but no song, probably brought the bloody English weather instead! Half a chorus of ‘God Save the Queen’…incidentally Harry didn’t turn up even though he was in the country..probably turned up to the Harriettes run instead! Wenchy was seen in an H4 Cummittee Hat.. hope the real owner got what was due to him! MtM led us in Song No1 and H-A-M-E-R-S-L-E-Y spells, yep, you guessed it! Back around to the bus for steaming bowls of rice & curry, served hot and on-time! Some pleasant small talk and chatter while sheltering under whatever overhang was available (a small crowd gathered under MelAdjusted’s gut). Should have been a longer evening but the weather gods were against us on the night… Reet Grand Yorkshire Lads: Another Break I’m Afraid Cummittee Meeting: Tuesday 14th April @ Barralina’s place 7pm sharp. Local Event’s Bunburys Red Dress Run for the Flying Doctors 18th April rd SoP Anzac Day Run (men only) Booragoon Tyres 6:15 23 April th Awesome Foursome Tues 28 April (Monday is a Public Hol), check the rag for details th Bully 2000 in October..wait for details International Events: Event Cambodia Nash Hash Pre-amble PJAnimales Pan-Asia 2015 Seletar 25th Interhash 2016 Where/When? Go to: 14th -17th of May 2015, Phnom Penh, Cambodia http://www.p2h3.com Perth visit See C-Man 25-27 Sept Pondicherry (India) http://panasiapondy.com/ 20 / 21 June 2015 19-22 May 2016, Bali contact Coops for accommodation Seletar.org.hash.sg www.interhash2016.com Popeye/AssAssIn: What’s the line in the song..and we were only 19(00)..
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