happy hands learning center Ages 2 mos. thru 5 yrs. Happy Hands Learning Center Parents’ Handbook Bilingual curriculum 202-714-2645 [email protected] www.happyhandslc.com INTRODUCTION Welcome to Happy Hands Learning Center. We are committed to provide the highest quality child care. We are happy that you have chosen our Center to assist you in these important years of your child’s growth and development. We are proud of our staff and facility and believe that we are able to offer quality care at a reasonable cost. We are pleased to have your family join our Center. We are sure that both parents and children will benefit from the opportunities our programs offer. This handbook is designed as a reference tool for all parents of children enrolled in Happy Hands Learning Center. It contains all policies and procedures currently in place regarding the Center’s philosophy and services. Please familiarize yourself with it and refer to it as often as needed. Any questions can be discussed with your child’s teacher, the Program Director, Assistant Director or Finance Manager. Please remember that many of our policies are dictated by state and county licensing regulations. In Many cases we have limited flexibility in defining our own policies, such as the illness policy. If you have any questions please bring them to our attention. It is the intent of our center to provide quality child care and age-appropriate pre-academic programs in a nurturing environment. The Center has an “Open Door” policy and encourages parents to visit and participate in activities with their children as often as possible. The one exception to this is that parents are requested not to visit children enrolled in our (Toddler through Preschool programs) during the scheduled nap-time (noon to 3 p.m.) without prior notification. Once a room of preschoolers has been coaxed into naps we prefer they not be disturbed. This handbook will require occasional updating due to changes in licensing regulations, changes in our own internal structure and to keep pace with newly acquired knowledge about early childhood development. As policies are modified, updated or added new pages will be distributed so as to keep the handbook current. No part of this handbook is meant to be contractually binding. We reserve the right to make policy changes as required by circumstances. If you have any questions, please let us know. A copy of the Maryland and Montgomery County Child Care regulations is located in each classroom and in the Administrative area for easy reference by parents. We do not expect every parent to thoroughly read the state and county regulations; they are both lengthy and tedious! However, you may wish to read certain portions of them that pertain to your child’s particular age group. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. THE BASICS - p. 4 A. History B. Philosophy C. Facility D. Parents’ Visits E. Parent Volunteers II. PROGRAMS AND GOALS - p.6 III. ABOUT OUR STAFF - p.7 IV. COMMUNICATION - p.8 A. FORMAL MODES OF COMMUNICATION 1. Scheduled Student Reporting 2. Parent Meetings 3. Individual Parent/Teacher Conferences 4. Memoranda 5. Daily Sign-In Sheet B. INFORMAL MODES OF COMMUNICATION 1. Telephone Lines 2. Parent Information Centers 3. Classroom Bulletin Boards 4. Drop Off, Pick Up Time, & Visits 5. Social Events C. COMMUNICATION WITH ADMINISTRATION 1. Program Director’s Responsibilities 2. Assistant Program Director’s Responsibilities 3. Lead Teacher Responsibilities V. ENROLLMENT PROCEDURE - p.10 VI. FEES AND SERVICES - p.11 A. Late Payment assessment B. Late pick up charges C. Registration Fee D. Security Deposit E. Tuition F. Services Provided VII. DAY TO DAY OPERATIONS - p.12 A. Accidents and Injuries B. Birthdays C. Biting Policy D. Discipline E. Drop Off, Pick Up and Parking F. Emergency Evacuation and safety procedures G. Illness Policy H. Liability Insurance I. Medication J. Nap Time K. Personal Belongings L. School Pictures M. Requirements for Reporting suspected child abuse or neglect N. Smoking and Alcohol P. Snow closing policy Q. Visiting VIII. YOUR CHILD’S DAY - p.19 A. Infant Day B. Preschooler day C. Field Trip Procedures D. Reporting Procedures IX. STUDENT DISMISSAL - p.23 A. Causes for Dismissal B. Procedures Followed for a dismissal I. THE BASICS A. Happy Hands History Happy Hands Learning Center offers a bilingual (English-Spanish) early childhood development program that serves children and families from birth through five years of age. Our teachers, administration and families are combined to form a small but vibrant community dedicated to providing a consistent, nurturing, creative and responsive environment in which each of our children will develop bilingual skills, grow and flourish using The Arts as a learning tool. Happy Hands Learning Center was founded by Lea and Ruth Zepeda. Their idea of an early childhood center that could use The Arts as a learning tool was developed by them while both sisters were attending Art school and working as teachers at a local learning center. They came up with the idea of combining their Art knowledge and the experience they acquired in the many years they worked with children to create fun possibilities for children of all learning styles. Proud of their Hispanic origin they wanted to create a program that offers children and families bilingual instruction too. They saw in The Arts the perfect vehicle to do both things at the same time. In the Summer of 2011 they saw the opportunity to start working towards seeing their dream come true, decided to start the licensing process and as well as the hiring and training process of all staff needed to create the successful team they had in mind. Lea and Ruth are thankful to every person, friends and family that have support them and have been involved in the process to complete this project, they are sure that all efforts and hard work will be rewarded in many ways. They consider themselves blessed to have the opportunity to work in a project that supports families of the community in their parenting journey. B. Philosophy We at Happy Hands Learning Center are committed to meet the developmental needs of the children entrusted to us and to providing as much support as we can to their families. In meeting our children’s developmental needs, we believe that: Children learn in many different ways - it is our responsibility to address all the needs of child - emotional, intellectual, social and physical; Parents are the most significant adult in a child’s life and must be supported in developing themselves both as parents and as individuals. In order to accomplish our goals, we provide: A dedicated and experienced teaching staff; A safe and stimulating physical environment; A diverse daily program of activities designed to encourage age appropriate development and a positive self-image, curiosity, language, cognitive, social abilities and to enhance fine and gross motor skills; Opportunities for our children to explore the world outside our center; 4 Frequent events in which we encourage parent participation so that they can share in their child’s growing and learning; A support system for families providing them with services including weekly Parents Night Out Evenings, and school-wide social events such as picnics and potluck dinners. We are firm believers in the following statement made by Dr. Maria Montessori who did much of the seminal work in early childhood development. “It is not the university years which are the most important in one’s life, but the years from birth to age seven.” C. Facility Happy Hands Learning Center’s physical facility was professionally designed to create a comfortable, safe and highly functional area for children, parents, and staff. This includes: a dedicated fire alarm system, specialized lighting and plumbing. The Center is equipped with a wide selection of safety equipment, in the classroom, and a range of appropriate learning materials. By placing a variety of wall decorations in the hallway as well as rotating displays in classroom seasonally, we have created an environment that is visually colorful and pleasing to your child as well as instructive. In our infant and Toddler programs, there is a crib area, diapering area, food preparation area, and a carpeted play, crawling and tummy area too. The center is divided in developmental areas (House area, Dramatic area, art area, Manipulative area, Musical area, Math area, and Library area) which are going to be shared throughout the day. The hall is lined with vertical cubbies for each pre-school child. In the summer we do water play involving water tables, and a small pool and hosing down. Children will rotate and will be able to use all the areas of the center. D. Parents’ Visits Parents are welcome to join their children for lunch or take them out to lunch at a nearby park for a noontime treat. We encourage nursing mothers to feel free to come at any time to be with their baby. Parents are often able to join us on excursions to nearby museums or art galleries and other field trips. We invite all parents to share with us in our fall party, parades, Holiday parties, Potluck dinner or any of the numerous events held throughout the year during the lunch hour, afternoon snack time or at the end of the school day. E. Parent Volunteers Although we know that either a dual career couple with a child (ren) or a single-parent-head of household already has a very full schedule, we appreciate any form of parental involvement on a volunteer basis. 5 This would include: Accompanying their child and being a parent driver on field trips, Assisting in the annual Holiday staff project and Teacher Appreciation Days, Providing some of the refreshments and paper goods for our classroom parties, Making suggestions about viable fund-raisers, Spending some time in the classroom reading or talking about a special knowledge you might have that would be interesting to the older children, Graduation Day field day trip, ceremony and reception planning and set-up, Anything else you might be able to offer. II. PROGRAM AND GOALS Happy Hands Learning Center has been developed on the basis of the NAEYC guidelines for ageappropriate early childhood development. We use a combination of different curriculum methods such as phonics and whole language techniques in preparing our children for later language arts learning. We also encourage the natural propensity of children to learn through hands-on experience. The ultimate goal is to ensure that each child acquires both a basis for future math, science and language arts education as well as develops self-confidence, self-esteem and problem-solving skills. The curriculum included in the appendix of this document is a summary of the set of age-appropriate goals as defined by the National Association for the Education of the Young Children. It is more a set of guidelines than of absolute goals since every young child develops at their own pace which is more of a step function than a smooth curve. We place a particularly strong emphasis in all of our preschool programs on verbal skills development and cultural enrichment through exposure to the arts, music and literature. To further enhance the use of this methodology we have an art teacher and a music teacher on a weekly basis. There are regularly scheduled library field trips and others that might be seasonally appropriate such as a visit to the National Zoo expeditions, to the Smithsonian museums, of outside providers for puppet shows, magic shows and sea-life exhibits. All of these activities are meant to assist in the developing the “whole “child by exposure to a variety of events. Children are moved to the next age group within two to eight weeks before or after their birth day. We try to move two or more children at the same time so as to maintain the bonds which they have formed with each other. As the older children, do many activities together on the playground or on field trips they are all familiar with the other students and teachers. However, we also help prepare the children (and their parents) for a move to a new classroom and teacher by having a transition week during which they gradually spend increasing period of times in their new classroom. 6 Happy Hand’s Learning Center’s school year is divided into two (2) pre-academic semesters and a Summer Program. The first semester begins on the Tuesday after Labor Day and goes through the end of December. The Second semester Begins on January 2 and ends in June. The summer program starts in June and goes until the Friday before Labor Day. During each of the pre-academic semesters we follow the outlined curriculum in a very structured day which also includes several periods of free-play. In the summer the emphasis of the developmental program shifts to more recreational activities. We spend more time outdoors on the playground. We schedule field trips to nearby parks and other locations, the firehouse and the local library. We have more in-house activities such as Ocean Encounters, puppet shows and magic shows. III. ABOUT OUR STAFF Under the daily management of the Program Director and Assistant Director Happy Hands Learning Center Staff of qualified professionals work as program teams to meet the overall goals of the Center is developmentally progressive curriculum. There are four paid teaching position levels that make up the staffing of a program team under the supervision of the Program Director. Minimum position requirements correspond with the responsibilities of each teaching level as defined in the Maryland State regulations for a licensed center. Each of our programs, Infant through preschool, has a Lead Teacher and an Assistant Lead Teacher. The Lead Teachers and Assistant Teachers work closely with the support of the Program Director and the Assistant Program Director in the administration of their program, and in working with the Aides in Each Classroom. The four teaching position levels are: Lead Teacher Assistant Lead Teacher Senior Aide Aide The lead Teachers are responsible for preparing the lesson plans and activities for their room, maintaining classroom organization and supervising all staff assigned to that program, Infant or Preschool, Within the parameters and standards set by the Center. All lead Teachers hold a CDA Credential. The assistant Lead Teachers are responsible for preparing the lesson plans and activities for their room in the absence of the Lead Teacher, maintaining classroom organization and working with the Lead Teacher in following through with overall direction of the program. 7 The Senior Aides and Aides work with the Lead Teachers and Assistant Lead Teachers in following through with the lesson plans and activities and assisting in maintaining classroom organization. In all programs there are aides which are both full-time and part-time employees. Senior Aides are ones who are either excellent long-time employees who prefer to remain at the Aide level or who are awaiting an opening as a Lead or Assistant Teacher. All employees including seasonal must have a criminal record check done by the Maryland State Police and Child protective Services, have a TB test, Have proof of citizenship or Green Card and have three positive references, each staff member is trained prior to classroom work on appropriate discipline. Each year they must complete eight hours of continuing education work in an appropriate area of early childhood development. Each year we offer in-house CPR and First Aid certification with is a job requirement. We have regular staff meetings and in-house workshops. We also send all levels of staff to outside workshops, seminars and conferences. We have a tuition assistance program to promote continued professional development for all staff and management. Each room has a full quota of assigned staff. We also have “floaters” and part-time staff. When required by staff absences a floater or staff member from another room may be temporarily assigned. In addition, we are fortunate to often have high school students who volunteer time either because of school requirements or to broaden their experience base. Volunteers must be at least 14 years of age and meet the same employment criteria as paid staff. Volunteers do not count in ratio and are never left alone with children. However, they provide a valuable extra set of hands for assistance in art projects, room or project clean-up, field trips, etc. IV. COMMUNICATION This section is undoubtedly far too lengthy, but it is the keystone of our Center is being able to provide quality service. Communication between parents, staff and administration is a critical factor in ensuring that the center provides the best care for your children and for you as parents. Any classroom questions or concerns or compliments you have should first be addressed to the Lead teacher. If you feel that you need additional information or you are not fully satisfied with the answer or fallowup from the Lead Teacher, please make an appointment to speak with the Program Director. Please remember that neither the classroom staff nor we in administration can resolve any issue that is not brought to our attention There are only four situations when we request that a staff member not have a discussion with a parent: To disclose confidential information about another family in the classroom; To disclose personal information about another staff member in the Center; To discuss issues going on in another classroom; To discuss classroom issues which have not previously been discussed with the Lead Teacher and If necessary, The Assistant Program Director or Program Director. 8 The children at Happy Hands learning Center should always address their teachers by their title and surname or title and first name. Teachers should address each other similarly in front of the children. It is up to the individual teachers and parents as to how they address each other. Any personal information which a teacher is told about a child and /or their family must be kept confidential unless it an issue that should be brought to the attention of the administration so as to resolve or avoid a potential problem. For example, if a child begins exhibiting destructive behavior or cries excessively and cannot be comforted or becomes disruptive and a teacher has been told of some home circumstance which might be the cause of this changed behavior, the teacher should discuss the information with the Program Director or Assistant Program Director to determine how best to both help the child and maintain order in the classroom. Otherwise, that there should be no disclosure of this data to any other person- staff, parent or administration. A. FORMAL MODES OF COMMUNICATION Happy Hands learning center has a range of formal modes of communication between parents and teachers: Scheduled Student Reporting: For the Infant - Pre School programs each teacher prepares a daily written report for your child giving a summary of how the day went. Please be sure to pick them up. Occasionally, a day will be so hectic that the teacher may not get any or all of the reports prepared on time. In such cases, feel free to speak with the teacher (and please be forgiving of the lapse!). Parent Meetings: Information about upcoming lesson plans activities and excursions are discussed in the individual classroom meetings. Parents are encouraged to raise any general concerns and make suggestions. If a parent feels a need to discuss specific issues pertaining to their child a parent/ teacher meeting should be scheduled. Individual Parent/ Teacher Conferences: Individual parent/Teacher Conferences are held twice a year for all the ages, and also at the request of a parent(s) or if a teacher feels one is needed. Memoranda: We distribute informational memoranda to parents via e-mail whenever we feel we have important news to exchange or request to make. Please be sure to check your e-mail daily for such notices. Memoranda are also posted on the bulletin boards of each classroom. Daily Sign-In/Sign-Out Sheet: PLEASE REMEMBER TO SIGN IN AND OUT DAILY; THIS IS THE ONLY WAY THAT WE CAN BE PRESENT IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY. B. INFORMAL MODES OF COMMUNICATION Informal communication between parents and teachers should be an everyday occurrence either in person or by telephone. Parent interaction is an essential part of Happy Hands Learning Center’s Philosophy and parents should feel welcome at all time. If you are speaking with a teacher and are unsure of an answer to a question, please feel free to talk to a Lead Teacher, the Program Director or the Assistant Program Director. Telephone Lines: In addition to the formal modes of communication, the center provides two private telephone lines which allow parents to contact their child’s teacher at any time. This accommodation 9 is exclusively available for parents’ use in calling to check on (or speak to) their children or speak to a teacher. Parent Information Centers: There is a bulletin board in every classroom. The bulletin has monthly calendar, monthly schedule of events and birthday announcements posted on it. Drop Off, pick Up Time and Visits: These are time when it is possible to meet and greet your child’s teachers (understanding that they have other children in their care) for brief conversations. If an issue requiring a one on one detailed discussion arises, please schedule a conference to ensure that you have sufficient time and privacy to meet your needs. Social Events: Though these are primarily occasions for socializing with other parents as well as with staff, they also provide the opportunity for parents to observe student/teacher interactions, discuss topics of concern and exchange information. C. COMMUNICATION WITH THE ADMINISTRATION It is the teachers who are in constant daily contact with your child and, in most cases, they are your most valuable and comprehensive source of information about your child’s development and behavior. However, there are certain issues which may be more appropriately addressed with either the Program Director or Assistant Program Director. The Program director is responsible for your overall relationship with Happy Hands Learning Center. He/she can address questions on Center standards, policy or procedure issues, and other administrative matters. However, please remember that it is the belief of the administra tion that any information pertinent to your child or your family’s general satisfaction with the center can be addressed to any staff member as required. Our philosophy is to keep our staff fully informed and educated regarding the center’s goals and, therefore, any of our staff mem bers should feel free to assist you with any question you may have. The program Director, Assistant Program Director and classroom teachers are responsible for the program curriculum and day-to-day staff management at Happy Hands Learning Center. They are the people with whom you should discuss general and specific issues and concerns about your child’s program, development and teacher(s); to whom you should address any questions pertaining to the quality of the program or issues regarding the teaching staff. As parents you are your child’s primary care giver, nurturer and role model. However, while at Happy Hands Learning Center your respect for and compliance with the Center’s policies is important. Please check with your child’s teacher regarding the specific policies and rules for your child’s classroom. Please let staff know if you have any questions or concerns about our rules and policies. V. ENROLLMENT PROCEDURE The State regulations recommend that parents of a prospective student personally tour the facility at least once prior to enrollment. We encourage parents to explore and visit as many other options of care for their child as possible. Happy Hands Learning Center does not use any form of testing or screening as part of the application process. 10 If a family is satisfied with our philosophy, staff, facilities and programs and, if there is space available, it will take the parents an hour or less to complete the forms in our enrollment packet. You must also have your child’s pediatrician fill out the State Immunization Record and health Inventory. We also need your child’s birth certificate or some other form showing that you have legal custodianship. All these forms must be completed prior to the child’s first day of attendance. At the time your child’s enrollment is confirmed you will be charge a non-refundable registration fee and security deposit. (These two fees are listed in the current tuition schedule.) The security deposit will be refunded upon termination of the contract with the specified number of weeks’ notice as listed in the enrollment agreement. Wait List The Center maintains a waiting list for all the programs. There is a fee to place a name on the wait list. Children will be place on a first-come/first-serve basis with the exception of siblings of enrolled students who will be given priority. VI. Fees and services A. Late Payment Assessment: Tuition received after the due date will be assessed late fees at the rate stated on the current tuition schedule. Accounts not current by the fifteenth day of the month may result in the dismissal of your child. B. Late Pick-Up Charges: Fifteen dollars will be assessed for the first five minutes or any part therefore for each child picked up after 6:00 p.m. After 6:05 p.m., one dollar ($1.00) is assessed for each additional minute. The parent(s) will be requested to note the arrival time and initial it on a special sheet. The cost will be charged on the next month’s statement. C. Registration fee: There is a non- refundable registration fee required upon registration for enrollment in any of Happy Hands Learning Center programs in which a child will be attending for more than a month. Each September we request that you complete a new Enrollment Agreement and update your child’s records including the Maryland Medical Form. The annual fee for this will be included in the August memo announcing the new Tuition Schedule. D. Security Deposit: A security deposit is required of all children enrolled in our regular programs and is due upon enrollment. The security deposit will be refunded when a child leaves the center provided that we are given written notice of withdrawal within the required period stated on the enrollment Agreement, or that we give you at least thirty day written notice that we will no longer be able to accept your child at Happy Hands Learning Center. 11 E. Tuition: Happy Hands Learning Center’s tuition is based on a monthly schedule of payment and is due no later than the third working day of the month. If you need to arrange payment schedules varying from our standard monthly requirement, please see the Program Director to determine if we can mutually work out a payment schedule to better meet your needs. A 5% discount is offered to families who enroll more than one child in the center. If children are enrolled in different programs the discount will be applied to the higher tuition. There are no additional fees of any type (unless you enroll your child in one of the special programs.) Tuition is adjusted annually as of the September 1 first payment. Increases are based on rises in our operating costs such as rent, health insurance premiums, staff salaries and other staff benefits. Please note that on your enrollment agreement it is stated that any absences due to illness or vacation do not reduce the monthly tuition you are obligated to pay. We are reserving a space for your child and maintaining a teaching staff to meet the required ratios irrespective of either or not your child is present. F. Services Provided: We offer two levels of care. Full-Time Care- Children who attend the program five days a week are considered full-time. Potential full-time children on the wait list receive priority as space become available. Drop-In Care- When spaces allows children may be left at the center on an as-needed-basis when prior arrangements have been made with the Program Director and Assistant Program Director. We provide care to children between the ages of eight weeks through six years. The classrooms are divided by age according to the following age and staff/child ratio breakdown. VII. DAY-TO-DAY OPERATIONS A. Accidents and Injuries Depending upon the severity of the injury, parents are notified immediately. For example, any accident requiring a 911 call would obviously result in an immediate call to the parents. A minor abrasion or bruise would not. If we feel that a visit or call to the child’s pediatrician might be necessary we always contact the parent. If we cannot contact the parent or an emergency contact the child will be taken to the Emergency Room at (National Naval Medical Hospital). If a child incurs a minor injury the appropriate first aid measures are taken at the Center. These would include cleaning a cut or abrasion, we will clean with water and soap, if needed, covering with a Band-Aid. Bumps and bruises have an ice bag applied. For all injuries, the circumstances of injury, its extent and an account of the measures taken should be relayed to the parent(s) in a calm, professional manner. 12 An “Incident Report” must be filled out, signed by the parents and then filed in the child’s folder. If one child injures another report is also given to that child’s parents. All names must be held in confidentiality. It is vital for parents to keep their emergency information up-to-date and inform staff of temporary or permanent changes of address, phone numbers, emergency contact people and immunizations. B. Birthdays Birthdays are special days to children, and we like to be in on the fun. You are welcome to have a small party in your child’s classroom during the afternoon snack time. Please check with the classroom teacher prior to the birthday regarding the type and amount of treats that you bring in. If you wish to bring paper goods or party favors, Please arrange that with the teacher also. Remember that another child in your child’s classroom may have an allergy to certain foods - another consideration to check on with the Lead Teacher. C. “Biting” Policy Over the years we have spoken to several child care professionals, including our state and country licensing specialists, regarding the development of a reasonable “Biting” policy. In general, any center that accepts children less than thirty months of age will have some issues with biting. Biting is ageappropriate within this age group. That does not mean that we condone It and do not try to correct it. It poses a physical danger to other children. Happy Hands Learning Center reserves the right to assess each case of biting on an individual basis and to work with the parents to remedy it. We will follow the procedure outlined below to eliminate the behavior problem. The initial procedure to be followed as soon as it appears that a child is biting excessively without apparent provocation will be: To schedule a meeting with the Program Director, child’s teacher and the parents to develop a plan to resolve the situation; Note any other changes for a period of two weeks; To maintain a file of documentation on the situation and pertinent meetings (parents will be given a copy of this file.) If, after pursuing this initial procedure the problem persists, we shall initiate a second procedure: If the child continues excessive biting with no obvious provocation, we shall notify the parents in writing that we need to meet with them to discuss the problem, request that they consult a behavioral specialist to do an on-site observation and decide upon a joint course of action which will be in the best interest of both the child doing the biting and the other children in the program. 13 If, after pursuing this second procedure, the problem still persists for a period of two weeks, we shall give the parents two weeks’ notice to find another childcare arrangement which will be more appropriate to the child and family’s needs. D.Discipline Policy Happy Hands Learning Center uses age appropriate methods of positive reinforcement combined with a responsive attitude displayed by teachers towards negative behavior. (We consider negative behavior as actions that threaten in any way the development of a group of children or the child himself) Children are praised for displaying positive behavior; negative behavior is immediately discouraged and given minimal attention unless it is potentially dangerous to another person or property. Staff should always try to eliminate behavior which is disruptive to the program or is dangerous to another child through distraction and diversion. In a disciplinary situation teachers should always deal with the child face-to-face, never from across the room by shouting (unless there is an immediate physical danger posed.) Whenever possible a reprimand should be phrased in a positive manner. We do not use denial of food, toys or class participation, threats that Mommy or Daddy will be told of the negative behavior or threatening language. The Center does not allow the use of any physical punishment of any kind, nor does it allow children to be isolated, shamed or verbally abused. In case of biting, Happy Hands learning Center reserves the right to assess each case of behavioral problems which pose a danger to other children on an individual basis and to work with the parents to remedy it. We will follow the same procedure outlined for biting to eliminate the behavior problem. E.Drop off, Pick -up: Please remember how important it is to sing in and out your child daily. Please remember also that our regular hours of operation are from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. We are prohibited from opening the doors prior to 7:30 a.m. to accept children into the classroom as we do not have staff on duty until that time. Please allow yourself enough time in the evening to read the parent bulletin board in your child’s classroom, to stop at your child’s cubby to pick up any art work or other information being sent home, to dress your child in any necessary outer -wear and to sing out prior to 6:00 p.m. If you wish to speak with a staff person, please allow the necessary additional time. F. Emergency Evacuation and Safety Procedures: Fire drills: Fire drills are conducted monthly. These monthly drills are unannounced and occur at various time of the day. Teachers follow the Center’s evacuation plan and procedure for exit routes and head count confirmation. It is extremely important that parents sing their children in and out each day. The Sing In/Out sheet is one of the backup forms of confirming head counts during these drills. Children should be encouraged to stay calm and file out in an orderly manner without stopping. Staff assignments are made so that teachers who are required to assist with the evacuation of infants know for which infants they are responsible and what they must do. Neither children nor staff may take time to retrieve anything prior to exiting the premises with the exception of the classroom attendance sheets which must be brought outside to the gathering point so that an accurate head count can 14 be taken and whatever outdoor clothing or coverings are needed. Please acquaint yourselves with our evacuation routes in case you are here when a fire drill is conducted. There is a floor plan in each room with the evacuation route from that room marked on it. G. Food And Meals: Children are given snacks and their own food brought from home, between the hours of 9:00a.m. And 5:00 for the children enrolled in the Toddler, and Preschool programs. We do not provide lunch; we provide morning and afternoon snacks everyday. A copy of the current week menu is posted on the information boards. If you wish to have your own copy, please ask to one of the teachers of the classroom. Although only the foods shown are served, they might vary from day to day depending upon our stocks. H. Illness Policy: Happy Hands Learning Center is not equipped to care for sick children. We have neither the facility nor the staff to care for any child who cannot fully participate in the day’s activities a healthy environment is an important factor at the center. We ask your cooperation in making the decision to keep your child at home if you suspect it is necessary. Your child should be at home whenever he/she exhibits any of the symptoms listed below. When we observe any of these symptoms we will notify you to come get your child immediately. The Administration reserves the right to decide when a child needs to be sent home for illness. At the time that you pick up your child we will give you a Sick Child Dismissal Form showing when the child may return to Center. The symptoms of an illness requiring that a child be taken home are: A fever of 100 or more; A nasal discharge of yellow or green mucus; An unexplained rash on any part of the body; A known communicable disease that has not been treated for a full 24 hours by the appropriate medication - we reserve the right to request an approval notification from the child’s physician under these circumstances; Any unexplained vomiting; Two or more loose bowel movements within four to six hours ( unless the child’s physician has said that such diarrhea is the result of a medication being taken by the child); Any time a child is obviously too miserable to be here, complaining of “not feeling well,” unwilling or unable to participate in any activity (group or individual.) We realize that adherence to this policy can cause logistical problems for parents of sick children. We regret this. However, please consider two factors: Do you want to see an obviously sick child in your 15 child’s classroom? Would you want your child to attend a center which had been repeatedly in violation of the licensing codes pertaining to sick children? Parents of infants, take note, your infant was not born with a fully developed immune system- he/she will catch everything contagious. Additionally, you are just beginning your bout of shots and should be kept home for a half day or so. (Hint, schedule these appointments at the end of the day.) If the Center determines that there is an ongoing problem with a family disregarding this policy there will be a meeting scheduled to discuss the issue with them. I. Liability Insurance: As a licensed facility we are required to carry several forms of insurances. Our coverage consists of four components: Liability coverage for non-enrolled children and adults; Liability coverage for enrolled children who are injured in an accident which is due to negli gence on the part of enter personnel; Property coverage for loss or damage to Center property; Workmen Compensation Coverage for Center personnel; J. Medication: We realize that there is time when your child could require medication during the day. Children who are able to participate in regular daily activities, but who are receiving prescription medication will be given such medication by the Program Director. According to the state regulations our staff may administer only dated, labeled, prescribed medication or physician-prescribed “over-the-counter” medications in the original bottle. Please complete a Medication Authorization Form for each period your child is to receive medication. Please give the form and medication to your child’s teacher. The time and dosage given by the Program Director will be written on the Medication information Form. Please do not ask any staff member to administer an over-the -counter medication which does not have a physician’s prescription label on it. Otherwise we are not only violating state regulations, but potentially such an action could be the cause of insurance liability. Of course, any time a parent is present he/she may give their own child any medication. Also, you can fax us permission to give your child OTC medicine such as Tylenol. All medications must be taken home each night. K. Nap time: Nap time is an important and necessary quiet interval during your child’s day. While we provide cribs with bumpers and sheets or mats for children over one year of age, you need to supply a blanket for your infant still in a crib and a top and bottom cover for your child sleeping on a mat. Cribs are assigned to a specific child and crib linens are laundered at least twice weekly. Mats are disinfected 16 daily. All cribs and mat linen should be taken home on a weekly basis for laundering. L. Personal Belongings: Happy Hands Learning Center provides areas for each child’s personal storage of outer wear, extra clothing and other belongings. Please do not bring any item which is of high monetary or sentimental value. We cannot track all children’s belongings. All bottles, clothing, food containers, spoons, blankets, bibs and topical medications must be labeled with the child’s name. Clothing, toys, books, tapes, jewelry, sheets, blankets, etc. can easily be misplaced or accidentally taken home by another child. We cannot be held liable for the loss or damage to valuable or unlabeled items unless there is obvious negligence on the part of Center personnel. This also applies to items brought in for “show and tell” Each child in the Toddler through Preschool programs must have a toothbrush at the Center (replaced every three months, please!) In addition, all children must keep a complete change of clothing (infants and not yet toilet trained children must have at least two sets) that are replace regularly depending on the season and their growth. The toothbrush is used as a part of our self-care hygiene program and the clothing will be used in the event of a spill or mishap which requires a change of clothes. Children should be dressed in comfortable, easy-care; seasonally appropriate clothing that you will not mind getting paint stains or glue upon. Since self-care skills are an important learning objective tricky buttons and hard to manage fasteners should be avoided. Shoes with non-slip soles are best for the children. Children should wear only sandals that do not expose the toes and should always wear socks. During the winter months, please be sure that your child has mittens or gloves, a hat, scarf and boots if the ground is wet. During the summer we need to have sunscreen. Unless the weather is exceptionally inclement, the children go outside every day. Please do not allow your child to come to the Center with money or toy weapons of any type. M. School Pictures We will have a photographer come to the Center to take both individual and class pictures. There are a variety of backdrops including both holiday and garden. Proofs are delivered within ten days to two weeks for you to choose a pose and background. N. Requirements for Reporting suspected Child Abuse or Neglect As administrators and teachers in a licensed center we are required to immediately report any suspicion of child abuse or neglect by any person inside or outside of the Center to the proper Montgomery County and Maryland State agencies. Any concerns of this nature should be discussed with the Program Director or the Assistant Program Director who has the responsibility of following up on the matter. 17 O. Smoking, Alcohol and Drug Usage: Smoking: Happy Hands is a “smoke-free” work place. Smoking is not permitted anywhere within our premises. Alcohol: No opened alcoholic beverage is to be brought onto the Center premises at any time when children are present. Illegal Drugs: The possession of any illegal drugs on the premises is cause for immediate removal of the possessor from the premises. P. Snow Closing Policy: It is our policy to close the first day each time that the Montgomery County School system announces a closing bye 6:30 a.m. If an announcement is made after 6:30 a.m., we shall be open since staff and families that are on their way might not know if the Montgomery County School systems changed status. If Montgomery announces their closing after 6:30 a.m., we shall still expect staff to report to work. Our nominal default will be that we shall close at 3:00p.m. on these days. We will try to be open on any subsequent contiguous days that the Montgomery County School system is closed unless we are obviously in the middle of a blizzard, ice storm, etc. In either case we will updated our regular voice mail (301-986-7965) with the appropriate message as soon as feasible. Please continue to monitor the news stations. Although we will definitely close the first day that the Montgomery County School system is closed please do not make the assumption that we will definitely be open on subsequent day even if the roads in your neighborhood are passable. The key to our opening is our knowing that we will have sufficient staff to meet our required ratios. Legally we cannot operate without being in ratio. Most of our staff relies upon public transportation and use buses for at least part of their commute. If they are unable to get to the Center because of a lack of transportation we have no option but to remain closed. We know that our being closed can be a hardship on our families. We will try our best to ensure that we are adequately staffed to allow us to open even when the Montgomery County Schools remain closed for a second or third day. For example, we will allow staff to bring their children (up to age twelve) to the Center at no cost and, when possible, we will pick up staff. Delayed openings by Montgomery County School and early closings may or may not have an effect on our hours of operation. Please be aware of this on days when the weather seems to be deteriorating so that you can prepare for this possibility. If your absence due to this type of closing is unacceptable to your employer, we suggest that you make arrangements now for coverage. Perhaps a neighbor or nearby family member would be able to provide a day’s care. Q. Visiting Happy Hands Learning Center is located close to the workplaces of many of our parents, enabling families to spend more time together both while traveling and during the day. As noted above we have an open door policy; we encourage parent visits or parent/child outings at any time. Our only exception to this is a request that you do not make an unscheduled visit during the scheduled Toddler 18 and Preschool nap time (12:30-3:00.) Parents and Visitors Regulations: All persons visiting the Infant program must always remove their shoes before entering the infant area. Upon entering an infant area, any person who intends to pick up a child must wash his/her hands. No parent should pick up, feed, change or in any other way attend to a child other than their own. If they perceive that a child is in distress and no staff member appears to be aware of it, they should bring this to the attention of a classroom staff member. Children’s daily reports are confidential. There is no reason for anyone other than the child’s parent to read the child’s report. Memos addressed to staff should not be picked up and read. Please observe the same courtesies as you would in any other workplace. VII. YOUR CHILD’S DAY A. Infant & Toddler INFANTS & TODDLER’S DAILY ROUTINE 7:30-8:00 Arrival /Free Play/ Diapering 8:00-8:05 Washing Hands for Breakfast 8:05-9:00Breakfasts 9:00-9:15 Cleaning Up From Breakfast 9:15-9:30 MORNING CIRCLE TIME (Spanish) Buenos Dias Song Morning Activities 9:30-10:00 Art Project 10:00-10:15 DIAPERING/ get ready to go for a walk 10:15-10:45 Park/Outdoor Time 10:45-11:15 Free Play/Puzzles/Coloring 11:20 -11:30 Washing hands for lunch 11:30-12:15 Lunch time 12:15-12:30Diapering 12:30-1:00 Preparing For Nap 19 1:00-3:00 Nap Time/ Diapering 3:00-3:25 Snack Time 3:25-3:30 Washing Hands for Lunch 3:30-3:45 AFTERNOON CIRCLE TIME (English) Good Afternoon song 3:45-4:15 Park/Outdoor Time 4:15-5:00 Music (Dancing), Puzzles, house area 5:00-5:10 Diapering/Potty Washing Up For Departure 5:10-5:45 Free Play (Play with balls, blocks, & more) 5:45-6:00 Cleaning up and PICK UP Time Afternoon Activities TWO’S DAILY SCHEDULE 7:30-8:25 Arrival /Free Play 8:25-8:30 Washing Hands for Breakfast 8:30-9:00 Breakfast 9:00-930 Cleaning Up From Breakfast Diapering/Potty 9:30 -10:00 MORNING CIRCLE (Spanish) Buenos Dias Song 10:00-10:45 Art Projects 10:45-11:25 Park/Outdoor Time 11:25-11:45 Diapering/Potty/ Washing Up For Lunch 11:45-12:25 Lunch Time 12:25-1:00 Preparing For Nap Time, Potty, Washing Hands-Brushing Teeth 1:00-3:00 Nap Time 3:00-3:15 Diapering/Potty Washing Hands For Snack 3:15-3:30 Snack Time 3:30-3:35 Washing Hands 20 3:35-3:50 AFTERNOON CIRCLE TIME (English) Good afternoon song 3:50-4:25 Park/Outdoor Time 4:25-5:00 Music (Dancing), Puzzles, house area 5:00-5:10 Diapering/Potty Washing Up For Departure 5:10-5:45 Free Play (Play with balls, blocks, & more) 5:45-6:00 cleaning up and PICK UP TIME B. Preschooler day PRESCHOOL’S DAILY SCHEDULE 7:30-8:25 Arrival /Free Play 8:25-8:30 Washing Hands for Breakfast 8:30-9:00 Breakfast 9:00-930 Cleaning Up From Breakfast Diapering/Potty 9:30 -10:00 MORNING CIRCLE (Spanish) Buenos Dias Song 10:00-10:45 Art Projects 10:45-11:25 Park/Outdoor Time 11:25-11:45 Diapering/Potty/ Washing Up For Lunch 11:45-12:25 Lunch Time 12:25-1:00 Preparing For Nap Time, Potty, Washing Hands-Brushing Teeth 1:00-3:00 Nap Time 3:00-3:15 Diapering/Potty Washing Hands For Snack 3:15-3:30 Snack Time 3:30-3:35 Washing Hands 3:35-3:50 AFTERNOON CIRCLE TIME (English) Good afternoon song 3:50-4:25 Park/Outdoor Time 21 4:25-5:00 Music (Dancing), Puzzles, house area 5:00-5:10 Diapering/Potty Washing Up For Departure 5:10-5:45 Free Play (Play with balls, blocks, & more) 5:45-6:00 Cleaning up and PICK UP TIME C. Field Trip Procedures: In addition to regular excursions to parks, libraries and museums field trips which relate to classroom lesson plan themes are scheduled throughout the year. Parents are always welcome to participate in field trips. Ample notice should be given when additional adult supervision is required for a safe, successful field trip. A detail agenda and organizational requirements of the outing should be distributed to all parents and to staff members who are participating. Identification, listing only Happy Hands Learning Center and its phone number, must be worn by each child. The Teacher in charge of the field trip is to carry a First Aid Kit, portable phone and emergency information card for each child on the trip. Food and beverages will be taken as required. D. Reporting Procedures: SCHEDULED PARENT REPORTS: Infant and Toddler programs have individual daily report forms filled out for each one of them. The Two year olds and preschool programs, there are daily reports forms which are a combination of general and child specific information. INCIDENT REPORT: This form must be filled out completely whenever an injury or accident occurs. The signatures of the parent(s) of the child (ren) involved must be on the form before it is filed. These forms are returned to the office to be field. The correct completion of this form is a state regulation. PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION FORM: This form must be filled out by the parent as indicted on the front of the form. Staff person who administers the medication must complete the lower portion of the form as indicated. The correct completion of this form is a state regulation. MONTHLY ATTENDANCE SHEET: The attendance must be taken each morning and updated as late children arrive. The attendance sheet should be posted on the requirement that these sheets be maintained for a year. STUDENT INFORMATION FOLDER: There is a form for recording special information on a student. Teachers are utilize this form as well as other methods, samples of artwork, pictures from class outings, to record the progress of a child while in their care. This folder should “follow” the child when they move to the next program. It should always be available to the teachers only. 22 IX. STUDENT DISMISSAL A. Causes for Dismissal Since we do not subject young children to the stress of testing or screening as part of the application process, we may accept a child who is not well-suited to our Center’s programs. Dismissal may become necessary. Generally this would occur if a child does not adjust to our program after a reasonable period of time. Cause for such dismissal would include areas such as being a chronic discipline problem, attempting to hurt other children or one’s self attempting to hurt a staff person or being generally disruptive to the program. B. Procedures Followed for a dismissal The administrative and staff of Happy Hands Learning Center will utilize all methods to avoid a dismissal. We will work with the teacher and parents of the child in question to try to work out a problem that may conceivably lead to dismissal. Under such circumstances the teacher and Program Director and Assistant Program Director would meet with the parents to discuss the problem and possible corrective action. We will work with any Educational Consultant, child psychologist or county program to develop a remedial program. Such a corrective program would be developed in writing and followed for thirty (30) day. If there was insufficient improvement there would be a second meeting at which time the parents would be given written notification of dismissal within two weeks and the reasons for such an action. 23
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