MINUTES SELECT BOARD MEETING 6:00 P.M. Thursday, March 19, 2015 HARDWICK MEMORIAL BUILDING 3RD FLOOR MEETING ROOM Select Board Eric Remick, Chair Kathleen Hemmens, Vice Chair Lawrence Hamel Shari Cornish Elizabeth Dow - absent Others Present Jon Jewett, Town Manager Brittany Cote, Executive Assistant Aaron Cochran, Police Chief Tom Fadden, Road Foreman Others Present Mike Bielawski-Gazette Joyce Mandeville, PC candidate Ken Davis, PC candidate Brice Simon, A Vermont Place 6:03 P.M. Meeting called to order- Eric Remick, Select Board Chair, called the regular Select Board meeting to order. 6:03 P.M. – Approval of the minutes of the Regular Select Board meeting of March 5, 2015. Upon motion by Kathleen Hemmens, seconded by Larry Hamel, the Select Board voted to approve the minutes of the regular Select Board meeting of March 5, 2015 as written. 6:03 P.M. - Set/Adjust Agenda – Eric asked to add an executive session to discuss the appointment for the Planning Commission. Upon motion by Shari Cornish, seconded by Larry Hamel, the Board voted to adjust the agenda as stated. 6:04 P.M. - Communication from the Audience – Joyce Mandeville of East Hardwick introduced herself and asked to be considered for the Planning Commission spot although she missed the deadline to apply. She felt as though she was a good candidate as she believed in planning and the by-laws. She noted that she is also a writer and wanted to help write the next Town Plan. Eric said the Select Board would discuss her request when they came to Item 1. 6:05 P.M. – 6:10 P.M. Road Foreman Report – Given by Tom Fadden Tom reported that the Town Manager had asked the Highway Department to stop spending for the remainder of the year. He said that Mike had been out with the grader in East Hardwick pushing back snow banks. He said that he felt as though the roads were holding up well aside from one spot on Hopkins Hill. He stated that the roads were posted, but that with permission truckers were being allowed on them in the mornings while the roads were still frozen. He said they were still facing water problems and one line was still frozen in the West End and there had been many frozen sewer lines too. Tom noted that he was trying to follow the Town Manager’s request to save as much as they could as they were $20,000 over budget in salt and the sand supply was nearly used up as well. Eric asked about a heater for the sewer jetter. Jon said it would cost $5,500 and they could discuss this during water/sewer budget time which may be the next meeting. Lastly, Tom said that Dollar General was on its way and they would start with clearing trees along the bank south of Town. He said that he would be keeping an eye on them as they laid their sewer lines and tapped into the municipal systems. 6:10 P.M. – 6:29 P.M. Town Manager Report – Given by Jon Jewett Jon reported on the audit bids and asked for a volunteer from the Select Board to join the office group who would look over the bids. Kathleen Hemmens volunteered. He also reported about a $1,000 grant Brittany received from Dept. of Health to fix up a room designated for breast feeding. Additionally, he mentioned a conference Brittany would attend to receive the Town's award. In addition, he told the Board that Brittany and Alberta had saved $1,300 on doing the work on the Town Report themselves. He noted that Brittany also found an $800 billing mistake on the CAI tax mapping contract. Jon reported on progress with the water system upgrade and provided a brief overview of updates needed on the wastewater ordinance in which he asked the Board what they would like to do. The Board gave him the go-ahead to update the language on the wastewater ordinance. Lastly, he updated the Board on the Shatney lawsuit against the Town. (See attached for more detail) 6:30 P.M. – 6:47 P.M. Police Department Report – Given by Aaron Cochran Aaron reported about the upcoming bridge closure in Walden and how it would affect Hardwick. He explained how the Town could see a small payment for use of Hardwick roads as alternative routes if Walden chose to use a local bypass route that included Belfrey Road, a Hardwick Class 3 Road. The Chief's concern was the speed on that road as it is a 35 mph zone as well as the extra use of the road. He went on to say that the State will fix any potholes on the local bypass chosen by Walden. Aaron also had some concerns relating to how the detour would affect the police calls towards Walden. He was concerned that it could lead to focusing on Hardwick for police support. He noted that the project is slotted for a 28 day closure from June 22-July 20. Shari if there would be signage relating to the bridge closure. Aaron explained the State roads would have detour signage, but there would be none for the local bypass road. Aaron also reported that he had started the process for purchasing a new K-9. He explained that he had greatly researched and found a highly recommended breeder out of North Carolina and that both the dog parents are full blood German Shepard service dogs. He said that it was his opinion that going with a puppy was the most cost effective since Officer Tetreault would be the new handler, he and the puppy could learn together. Aaron said that they should have the puppy by about the end of June, but it would take about one year for the dog to be on the road. He reported that donations and drug seizure funds have been used towards the purchase and training of dogs in the past and might work this time too. He also said that donations are still being collected for future expenses. Aaron reported that it had been a busy few weeks with some large cases including an animal neglect case, severe child abuse case, burglary case from last fall, and a car theft - operation without the owner's consent. He also reminded people that spring was approaching and to continue to think safety as the snow melts because it is leaving a layer of ice patches in certain places on the roads and could cause accidents. 6:47 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. Item #1, Planning Commission Appointment – Select Board to Appoint a Candidate to the Planning Commission for a 3 year term with 2 years remaining – a seat given up by Patrick Sullivan. Eric thanked Patrick Sullivan for his time on the Planning Commission and explained that the position had been posted and closed on a particular date. He noted that Ken Davis was the only one who applied on time. He also mentioned there would be more Commission openings in the future for any others interested in participating. Larry and Kathleen agreed with Eric that the application process had ended. After hearing Eric’s explanation, Joyce withdrew her interest for a future date. Shari suggested that the Select Board could chose to not appoint anyone at that time and reopen its request for candidates. Ken Davis introduced himself and stated that he had many years of dedication to the Town of Hardwick including 4-5 times in which he served on the Planning Commission, sometimes by phone if he was away for business. He said that he believes in being fair, following the rules and that he felt that zoning, planning, the Town, and the citizens were all important. Eric asked why the Town Plan had not been finished in a reasonable time the last time when Ken had been on the Board. Ken said that the NVDA had done much of the work and controlled the progress of the Plan. Kathleen mentioned she would like an update of where they are with working on the new Town Plan and the bylaws from the Zoning Administrator for next meeting. She also said that the bylaws needed updating and would require a lot of work. She then asked Ken to tell the Board his philosophy, specifically the idea that less zoning is better. Ken stated that he was aware that several surrounding towns did not have zoning, but they seemed to operate just fine without it. He said that he felt as though having a 90 page document was not needed to run a Town effectively. He brought up that he was well aware of the by-laws and could interpret them and that zoning did help the Town in some ways. He said one example was the discussion of Dollar General, in which he was in favor. He felt as though he added a good balance to the Board as he had an opinion and would voice it. He wanted to see Hardwick continue to be a good place to live, shop and just be in. 7:01P.M. –7:11 P.M., Item #2, Select Board to Discuss and Approve the Mackville Road Construction Engineering Representative for the Town of Hardwick Jon explained how they could switch engineers for the construction of Mackville Road now that the engineering portion was finished and that the State preferred that Towns to do so when possible. Eric explained that Dufresne Group had not done anything wrong but had not listened well when it came to the budget and had to be asked multiple times to make the total project come out under what the Town could afford. He also was upset that he and Jon had to drive the engineers out to the road to explain to them about the bad portions of the road where the Town wanted a major upgrade. Tom said he was not impressed either especially when they cut into a water main, which he felt never should have happened. Kathleen asked if this new engineering company had any references. Jon said that the company he was talking with had a very good reputation. The engineer that would be working with the Town also worked part of the time for Aldrich and Elliot. He came with good references. He also added that he had received a draft of a contract from this company and had asked them to revise a few things such as the Town owning their own plans and the company to show proof that they carry their own insurance. Upon motion by Shari Cornish, seconded by Larry Hamel, the Board voted to allow Jon to pursue and sign the contract with Municipal Public Works Consulting, LLC for the engineering of the construction of Mackville Road. Eric mentioned that construction season was coming. Jon said he was meeting next week with this company so long as the Board agreed and hoped to get the bids out immediately. 7:12 P.M. – 7:15 P.M. Item #3, Select Board to Review and Approve the Town of Hardwick Breastfeeding Policy Brittany described the breastfeeding policy and told the Board that she had gotten this policy from a sample from the Vermont Department of Health. She told the Board that they had to adopt some sort of policy in order to receive the $1,000 grant, but that the Town already essentially followed this policy anyways as most of it is a repeat of what the State Statutes require. Upon motion by Larry Hamel, seconded by Shari Cornish, the Select Board voted to adopt the Town breastfeeding policy drafted by Brittany. 7:15 P.M. – 7:22 P.M. Item #4, Class 2 Liquor and Tobacco License Renewals – Rite Aid, Kwik Stop, and Hardwick Village Market – and others as requested. The Board asked if there were any issues relating to approving any of the liquor licenses. Aaron said he had no issues. Brittany said that the Town had no issues either. Brice Simon introduced himself, as President of the Vermont Lifestyle Company, which would be operating under the name “A Vermont Place”. He said that his company was taking over the Vermont Super Club. He said they would be offering local food at a lower price point with would be offering live music as often as possible. He asked for a conditional approval of his liquor license as it was still in the works and a few things needed to be completed . Upon motion by Shari Cornish, seconded by Kathleen Hemmens, the Board voted to approve the Rite-Aid and Kwik Stop class 2 liquor licenses. Upon motion by Shari Cornish, seconded by Larry Hamel, the Board voted to conditionally approve the Class 1 and Class 3 liquor and tobacco licenses for Vermont Place. 7:22 P.M. – 7:28 P.M. Item #5, Announcement of the Upcoming Tax sale on March 31, 2015 Jon updated the Board on the amount of delinquent water/sewer and tax amounts as well as the properties and amounts that would be going up for tax sale on March 31, 2015. He explained that the balances left over would either be paid through contracts or be put up at the next tax sale. Brittany added that a few properties were not eligible for tax sales such as ones that needed to be abated or ones in bankruptcies. Select Board Reports Shari reported that the Town House would be officially open the last week of March and that volunteers were welcome to help clean before opening. She said that April 7th would be the first event, the VT Historical Society forum. They would be collecting information about Vermont of the 1970s. She also mentioned that the Town House website would be updated in the near future. Larry reported that he had a customer for his services as the Town Service Officer. He said that the Vermont Department of Children and Families has only helped 1 out of 9 families so far that he had to work with. This latest service need involved Lamoille County Mental Health who dropped a 19 year old off to his home and then told him he was not safe there. The person came to Larry for help. Larry eventually drove the guy to a place that he could stay at. New Business - No new business. Old Business- Kathleen asked about the loan application, if it was complete. She said they would like the office staff to do a better job of reviewing the applications before the Select Board had to evaluate them for funding. 7:37 P.M. Upon motion by Kathleen Hemmens, seconded by Larry Hamel, the Select Board voted to enter into an Executive Session to include the Town Manager to discuss Town appointments. 7:57 P.M. The Select Board came out of Executive Session. The Board voted 3 to 1 in favor of appointing Ken Davis to the Planning Commission for the remainder of a 3 year seat. 8:03 P.M. Eric adjourned the regular meeting. Minutes approved by: Eric Remick, Chair of the Select Board Minutes taken by: Brittany Cote, Executive Assistant
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