PDC_Content - Fundacja Harmonia Kultury

Example Detailed Schedule for the PDC
Richard Perkins, Director & Lead Designer Ridgedale Permaculture
Planting the Permaculture seed
•Orientation + Tour of Site
•Class Introductions, Schedule Overview
•Intro “buddy” session
•Definitions of Permaculture
•Brief History of Permaculture
•Where are we at today?
•Permaculture in landscape/ society/ community
•The evidence of why we need to act, key global challenges
•Understanding Exponential Function
•Evidence for PC
•History of Agriculture in last 10,000yrs> Social consequences
•Philosophy and concepts
•Ethics Interactive> “Anthrographs”
•Principles of Permaculture
Example Evening/ Additional/Practicum/ Design information; Neural Ecology (Edward De Bono)
Understanding patterned individual thinking and tools
for collaborating
Fermented food/ beverages Practicum
Food Preservation & Nutrition Presentation
Design Process and Methodology
•Design Process Intro
•Design Process Intro
•Underlying principles and natural laws
•Tradition, culture anthropology perspective of learning/ governance
•Design/ strategy & Techniques
•Keyline Scale of Permanence
•Methods of Design
•Articulate Goals •Analysis and Assessment
•Design Phase: Methods of Design
•Slope, Key Points, orientation, aspect, data overlay
•Zones and their placement
•How it relates with Sector Planning
•Designing in zones 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
•Random assembly
•Effective collaboration
•Incremental design
•Functional Interconnections and Leverage in design
•Succession on the land and of projects
•Mapping, GIS systems, Advanced Design
Richard is a certified teacher with the Permaculture Research Institute of
Austalia (Certified Trainer No. 24) and the Permaculture Association of Great Britain
Practicum, making 18 day compost
Trust Building activity & reflection
Pattern Understanding
•Observation walk
•Slideshow global patterns
•Extrapolate key forms and identify function
•The Scale of Permanence as an effective organizing
pattern for Permaculture Design
•Core model pattern
•Modern patterns & images in culture
•Universal patterns micro to macro, emptiness and
•Powers of Ten, the pattern of the universe
•Extending and optimizing edges
•Boundary conditions
•Compatibility/ Tessellation/ Communication
•Traditional use of patterns globally
•Pattern Understanding •Pattern Languages •Whole System integrated design
Quick Group Design, Redesigning the space with a
Pattern Language
Evening Activity
Social space
•Group Check In
•Properties/ chemistry of water
•The water cycle. Regional + global concerns
•Rain water harvesting
•Anti Evaporation Strategies
•Biological water cleaning systems
•WET systems
•Water harvesting & water reduction in sewage systems
•Drinking water solutions
•Tree bogs
•Water reduction in sewage systems
•Understanding water in landscapes> sandpit
•Water Storage Placement
•Climatic Variances
•Mulch Systems
Contour Practicum
Water layer group design
Evening Activity
Integral Theory and Spiral Dynamics Presentation
Earthworks and Aquaculture
•Geography & Geometry of Keyline
•Topography & Cartography
•Catchment/Watershed Analysis
•Priority of Water in Master Planning
•GIS/CAD Design
•Low-Med-High Tech Survey
•Land Capability/Component Analysis
•Erosion Restoration
•Irrigation and gravity designs
•Constructing dams, swales, banks, terraces, roads and
•Appropriate Machine Selection
•Understanding aquatic systems
•Climatic Variances
Water layer group design
Evening Activity
Soils, Garden to Farm
•Soil Web Roleplay
•How to act in garden context
•Various Mulch systems
•Bare soil = public enemy no. 1
•Climatic Variances
•Traditional methods observation walk>
•Plant indicators
•Seed Saving
•Bioregional Strategies
•Structure & Composition
•Soils direct link to health
•Soil pores and crumb structure importance.
•N Fixers/ Dynamic Accumulators
•18 day Compost and Vermicompost
•Actively Aerated Compost Tea
•Terra Pretta
•Jean Pain
•Non- Inversion ripping
•Biological Monitoring
•Holistic Management Grazing Planning
•Pasture Cropping
Practicum, eg, Making Bio Fertilisers
Mulch systems/ types, Biochar
Evening Activity
Slideshow/ Film
Short group design exercise or Teacher demonstration of design approach with participant’s site/ data projected
Trees and their functions/ uses
•Trees and their Energy Transactions
•Soil biology/ complexity pasture/horti/food
forest/ forest
•Understanding trees>
•Forest & Functions
•Climatic Variances
•Trees in a wider landscape/ cycle context
•Root, mineral and rain interactions.
•Implications for design, Windbreaks
•Various types of forest.
•Establishing trees
•Ground Prep
•Establishing a nursery seed collection and in
ground plant stock
•Fruit trees from seed
•Nursery Considerations
•Sustainable Forestry & Coppice
•Forest Gardening
•Guilds and stacking
•Mycology & Mushroom production
Decision Making exercise & reflection
Evening Activity
Film night/ World café
•Propagation and Grafting Practicum
•Pollination and Seed Saving
Climate, Microclimate and Building Design
Tropics/ Sub Tropics
•Global weather patterns
•Precipitation, radiation and wind
•Microclimate features and leveraging in design
•Group Observation/ Species assembly Design
Exercise onsite or on maps of own properties
•Humid Vs Brittle landscapes, how it effects design
•Implications for Climate Change,
•Micro/Local/ Regional Climate Implications
•Latitude and altitude
•Major landscape features/design components/
cropping strategies/ Energy considerations/
•Natural building slideshow
•Materials/ Techniques
•Animal considerations/building requirements
with regard to>
oTemperate strategies
oCold Temperate strategies
oArid Strategies
oSub-tropics/ Tropics strategies
•Climate types, tropical soils and
•Earthshaping for soil/ water conservation
•House design and zone 1 planning
•Integrated land management
•Elements of a village complex in the tropics.
•Evolving a polyculture, themes on a palm dominant
•Pioneering, animal tractor systems and grassland and
rangeland management.
•Humid tropical coast stabilization and shelterbelts.
•Case Studies & References.
Temperate Strategies
•Characteristics of a humid cool climate, soils, landform
and water conservation.
•Settlement and house design, the home garden, berry
fruits, glasshouse growing.
•Orchards, farm forestry, free range forage systems, the
•Grasslands, rangelands, cold climates, wildfire.
•Designers check list.
•Case Studies & References.
Creating value in our community, gift economy
Short group design, eg, small enterprise/ social
enterprise/ urban garden design
Urban Permaculture and Money
•Urban slideshow
•Food in the city
•Bio- intensive food production
•Biological pest control>
•Recap soil health, Mulch, Preparations, Interventions, Last resorts
•Allotments/ Community gardens
•Schools for the future
•Understanding money, energy flows
•Getting over “green” money blocks
•Right Livelihood
•Different forms of capital
•Social Enterprises, case study
•Intercepting waste streams, case study
•Crowd Sourcing, case studies
•Transition Towns
Major group design exercise begins>
Flow chart to recap process, standard expected
Major group design exercise time
Evening Activity
Film night/ World Cafe
Animals in Permaculture
•Recap on 10,000yrs of farming
•Right animals for the job
•Regenerative Agriculture
•Allowing animals to express their “animalness”
•Input/ Output analysis
•Case studies, regenerative agriculture eg, Polyface and
•Integrative systems, pulling it all together connecting
all the dots
Leadership exercise & reflection on leadership models
Major group design exercise time
Evening Activity
Social evening, eg, Pizza Party
Invisible Structures
•Eco villages
•Governance & Decision-making
•Legal considerations
•Land Access
•Project Costing & Scheduling
•Due Diligence
•Holistic Management Decision/ Economic planning
Harvesting what we’ve sown…
•Major group design wrap up
•Energiser activities
•Presentations and feedback
•Tidy up, photographs with all design work, discuss development over course
Major group design final wrap up session
Evening Activity
The great, the only, (NO) TALENT SHOW! Sustainable participatory fun and celebration of all that has been
achieved and all that we will do from here…
Moving on…
•What’s next?
•Diploma/ GU
•The wider networks
•Careers in Permaculture
•Group Photos
•Email lists/ Contact groups
Certificate ceremony
“Permaculture consciously and intelligently integrates regenerative agricultural ecosystems with socially just environments to produce fulfilling, stable
and ethically sound livelihoods through whole systems management. Reflecting natural patterns, flows
and relationships, permaculture design functionally interconnects diverse elements in highly cooperative and mutually beneficial arrangements that
display robust energy efficiency and abundance of
yield. The ethic of reinvesting surplus into natural
and social forms of capital promotes care of all beings and the planetary systems.” Richard Perkins
Recommended Reading
Permaculture , Keyline Design, Holistic Management,Whole Systems Design and Ecological Design
This is a small selection of good books. We have an extensive library at the
farm, there are plenty more good books we can recommend;
The Permaculture Designer’s Manual Bill Mollison
An exhaustive text oriented to specific design techniques, landscape profiles,
management systems and philosophies of regenerative design.
The Introduction to Permaculture Bill Mollison
The primer on the beginnings of design science as if humans mattered.
Permaculture: Pathways Beyond Sustainability David Holmgren
The Co-founder of Permaculture, David re-defines and expands on permaculture principles and prognosticates about the end of the Oil Age, stimulating.
A bit Aussie centric.
Cradle to Cradle William McDonough and Eric Braungart
Aims to revolutionize how we make things and how they can be part of a
closed system of biological and technical nutrients in place of our traditional
throughput system.
Ecological Design Sim Van Der Ryn and Stuart Cowan
This work is a great treatise on ecological design and whole systems, many
good examples of real world situations.
From Eco-Cities to Living Machines John and Nancy Jack Todd
Fantastic visions, plans, and designs for a truly permanent culture. Recommended.
Edible Forest Gardens Volume 1 Edible Forest Gardens Volume 2 David
Jacke and Eric Toensmeier Two volume set of forest garden design for temperate climates to USDA zone 5. Impressive plant lists, good design specifications
and the books are extensively researched and written.
The Timeless Way of Building Christopher Alexander
A Pattern Language Christopher Alexander
Plants For a Future Ken Fern
An exhaustive reference for useful temperate plants for permaculture. The database is even more impressive on the website at www.pfaf.org
The Backyard Orchardist Stella Otto
The Backyard Berry Book Stella Otto
The Grafter’s Handbook RJ Garner The “Bible” concerning all facets of grafting from simple propagation techniques to cotyledon grafting and top-working.
The One Straw Revolution Masanobu Fukuoka
The classic treatise on no till and zen agriculture/forestry/orcharding.
Freshwater Aquaculture William McLarney Considered to be a “bible” for freshwater aquaculture. Extensively researched.
Nourishing Traditions Sally Fallon Keeping it real in the Kitchen. Flies in the face
of food pyramids, lists, scientific data and all other nonsense.
Healing with Whole Foods Paul Pitchford 5 Elements approach to human health,
yin-yang and food combining, cool, hot, colors, seasons, recipes. EXCELLENT.
Water For Every Farm P.A. Yeoman’s Classic text for large-scale water storage in
ponds, swales and catchments, features many water harvesting techniques. This
book also features Yeoman’s scale of landscape permanence. This scale is essential
for land planning, design, and usage.
The City Forest P.A. Yeoman’s
The Challange of Landscape P.A. Yeoman’s
Humanure Handbook Joseph Jenkins
Small is Beautiful E.F. Schumacher Classic treatise that outlines economics “as if
people mattered” steady state economic theory and community based economics
are covered.
Regenerative Enterprise Ethan Roland & Gregory Landua Defining the principles
of a regenerative enterprise
Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms Paul Stamets. This work includes a
short chapter on Permaculture design and how to intergate fungi into one’s designs.
Mycelium Running The latest and greatest work of Paul Stamett’s on using mushrooms to clean up pollution & build soil
Salad Bar Beef Joel Salatin
Backyard Poultry-Naturally Alanna Moore
Free-Range Poultry Katie Thear
Small Scale Poultry Keeping Ray Feltwell
Raising Poultry Successfully Will Graves
Rabbits for Food and Profit Lee Schwanz
For the Love of Ducks Nyiri Murtagh All of the above are informative publications
from Storey publications.
Holistic Resource Management Alan Savory
The “bible” concerning ecological based land management decision making processes as well as flexible formulas for planned grazing land management.