)t )t ROAD DEPARIMENT RUMBLES 2-( /- HARPERSFIELD TUIP CALENDAR FOR 20 I 6 The Harpersfield Township Calendar crew is working on the 2016 edition of the calendar which will be available in October of this year. The calendar will be a size 8% x 1 1 , consisting of 36 pages. There is limited sponsor and advertisement space available. This will be filled on a first come first served basis. We will continue with the family picture section since many of our Harpersfield calendars are being shared with out of state family members and friends. Each sponsor and advertiser will receive calendars to distribute. The calendar portrays with pictures what Harpersfield Township has to offer. We need your help with pictures of Harpersfield Township and its' residents that can be featured. Pictures can be the Harpersfield.US website or mailed to Jim Pristov, 631 Hanson Place, Harpersfield, Ohio 44041. Take a little time and submit some photos of your family and friends, (remember to smile). We would like to see you in 20'l 6 calendar, Harpersfield Township is "where it is happening', and it has a lot to offer. Tovrnship Trustæ BU¡tP! Ihis is my that Ju" prøør, t aexeft, l&ug, Harpersfreld Township Pre-Sort Standard U.S. Postage 4858 Cork Cold Springs Rd. Geneva, OH 44041 Flt AÞ Road Superintendent PAID Geneva, Ohio Permit No. 479 æ 201, Clen¡r, Up 4. 2 , I AM I M RESIDENT -{r-.ñiå;!Jç.hs-- Pnnk C[enr,¡,Uo 327 STATE RD ' ,., l9 AM GENEVA, OH 44O41 -úâeîåsî-rõuTnnsh To TREASUREs ,,16 I9AM,4PM -sñC?¿r:éç91'¿." Mrruoninl Dny Pnnnde ,.2, lll:7O AM -+tÞ{<èi3ç,h!r - Bnnk Ar 6.28 Thr Bnidqr lr.7 PM *Úâ€r¡ttÉçgoü-" Dirunen o¡r - rhe Rivrn . 8.1 ¡i,ritri,iilii,,iili!¡i,liì,,i¡,i¡,,t¡iìt,,li¡¡ir¡illi¡,i i¡,iriii ¿i.-¡i.lj;.'.F.--_ï1.-..-.- ]IARPERSFI EtD T0t¡lli{Sll I P GEN IRUSTEES, lim Pristov, Chaiçnan ]lome466-4864 Home 4S6-5425 Rohrbaugh tÍIice486-2242 Cliff llenry, Vice flsGtt 0tflGtR, Sharon llewsletter Editon ]lome 428-3677 State Route 307 just ttest 0f llarpersfield Rd. Cork Cold Springs Rd. west of State Route 534. Cork Cold Springs Rd. west of State Route 534. lesTinner #l Fire Station Fire Station #2 Community Center HIP CLEAN-UP DAY 20 15 ERAI I tl t0RMATl0l'l Chairman lcctings' TRUSTEES, At the Aqua Bldg. - ls and 3d i,londays at 7,00 Pil l48l (lld }larpersfield Rd. Z0llltG C0ttlSSl0t,2ndilonday At the Aqua Bldg. - 1491 Zoning Commission llembers= of Zoning lppeals l{embers, Board at 7,00 Pt flld llarpersfield Rd. Jeff Burkholder hte - Roper -Tom Ron Gilbert - Ed fti$ol Smü lanet Boland - 0on Bowling - Matt llouvk Angie Riffle - Dave Snyder - td Spoor - Ed Sulecki Z0tltE 0ttlCE, 1491 Old Harpersfield Rd. - 4S6-424{¡ I0lltslllP GlRlGE, Rt.307west of Harpersfield Rd. - 4S6-n70 g ld m i n st rat o r: Peggr Miller 466-42 n / 64ß-9220 Z n Zoning Glerk' Peggy lliller harpersfieldzoning(ã/ahoo.com o in i chemicals, roof shingles, tanks, barrels yard wastes can be accepted. Please, commercial businesses o r haulers. or TRU'TEEI REPORT I have t0 start this newsletter article by giving great kudos to our road crew. We've had a tremendous amount of snow and ürüpütriiliülii ruffiidtrt FltrüMuch of our winter training was held indoors, due to cold temperatures. Sgt. Brad Kemp, with the Drug Task Force, taught us about 2 S \) We are continuing to work 0n the by-laws \ et (¿ for our three Joint Economic Development Districts as required by the Ohio identifiing and dealing with d rugs and meth labs. He showed us all the co I of a drug lab that are common all homes. It is the combination of these fire scene that give us reason activity. He showed us even picking up litter along the roadway can srnce often . The activity makes our'jobs" as volunteer more difficult. In addition to protecting the ives and property of our residents, we need to be re of the increa sed danger to ourselves. Chief Warner from the Concord Fire Depaftment gave a class on incident command on the emergency scene. Fire ground tactics have changed considerably over the years, and it was good for us to be informed of changes. Since we are part of mutual aid agreements in several Revised Code. We would like to congratul ate our triends 0f The Park Committee. Their Pasta Dinner raised over $3700, which will be used to im proJe the Grand River Park. We can't thank the com munrty h for the the year th su pport they give to all of our events I 4 5 ent/t¡.¿, Town sh p Tru stee i t srñ e. k'n/. tire Chief NAD 40 YEARS OF PUTTING THE PATIENT FIRST Northwest Ambulance District, run by Administrator Vince Gildone and his wetl trained staff, had another good year making 7329 ambulance catts/runs, teaching CPR and other health classes and atways being availabte at community functions. Ha rpersfield Township had 285 ambutance catts for the year 2014 with an average response time of 4.9 minutes. Northwest Ambulance District is atways tooking for w ays to be the best it can be in serving the residents of our communi ty. Northwest Ambutance District is staffed with 7 futl-time EMTs and a large group of well trained auxiliary to back them up when the catls get heavy, (sometimes there can be 3 and 4 catls at one time). Some of their calts were for patient support visits, cardiac arrest, tift assist, falts, medical/generat, drug overdose, fire, water rescue and station watk-ins. The Northwest Ambutance District meeting room was used 134 times for meetings and ctasses , (665 students for CPR ctass), for a total of 448.5 hours. For information on using the room or for available ctasses, ptease call alt types of emergencies and other events support we have received from the people for the past for Northwest Ambutance District. For S15.00, your fami to renew your ambulance membershipforzot5bycatting466-49oo.Thankyou!@ MEMOR!4It EAYOESERTøATION FRIENDS OF THE HARPERSFIEII) Jn Jltpnor¡un
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