.---. ;;t =**"=*r . .. l - Ed'slion -*--l)irdrotolcElc|ffiilty / dF6 oF HA'RYANA / tf{qtqt o*on d-Rffi fte{r frtqlrnq The orders of following Sr. Transfer ld ------------- idtll?tl Elem et1tary Education Directorate ET-l (3) oRDrirr NO. l3/50-2015 flEtl Name ' mt. Kou JBT E m p l DP : l00l154 qr *ltl!r'l.rq DATED, PANCIIKULA :09/062015 : JBT/HT i.lrn teachers is hereby adjusted/transferred Present Place of Posti to Transfer/Adjusted unlyarpur (Kurukshetra) ll4476l with immediate Remarks acancy (Kurukshetra) u45o3l Note :- with in 3 days failing which he/she will be liable for 1, The officialwilt be relievedimmediatelyand in any case aciton. disciplinary after to the officjalif he/shehasbeenshiftedon his/herrequest 2. NoTA/DAandjoiningtimewill be admissible oPtion. exercising to join in the girlsschools' 3. Nomaleteacherbelowthe ageof 50 yearsbe allowed in the destinationschoolfor any reasonthe post/worktoad sanctioned and vacancy 4. If there is no plice of posting and also inform to concerned p."uiour his/her incumbenttransferredshall re-join branchat HQ. poliry,the concemedDEEo is noticedin this orderor thereis a violationof transfer If any discrepancy not implemented' be order the and days branchwithinthree shouldbringit to the noticeof concerned that the transferee ensured be may it orders, the transfer implemenung 5, In caseof urbanareastationswhile J' policy' per transfer as the ruralseruice hascompleted transfermaynot be implemented' 6 if no workload, & sancuonedposq he witl be responsible 7 ifDDOmakesthe transferreJoin inspite of without worktoad f or th e p a y me n to fs a | a ry to b e g i ventothetransferee. R.S Kharb. Education DirectorEtementarY llaryana,Panchkula 10'06'2015 DATEDPANCHKULA: E NDS TN.O.E VE N necessaryaction :A copyis forwardedto the following for informationand kshetra 1. District eremJiti-ry Eduiiti on-Offi cer Kuru t. Head of the institution concerned' 3. Secv.OSD/CM 4. S r . PS /E.M. 5. Sr. PS/ACSSE 6. P A /D E E 7. TechnologYofficer (HQ) HaryanarPanchkula Fax:91(0172F2560188 91(0172)-2560189 (lndla)'-Tel: 134109 Haryana ptotNo"18,Shiksha 5,Panchkula, sector sadan, *an:Sr{otn)rsootee : sr iorn)zsOOras (cgniqrriil * t*, n*n*, rtEe,s orqdT-rvros {FJhs.rr-d'e Pagelofl - \ -,ffi GovERNMENT oF no*"o*o / rlttrr"ri*'*uul"""'"'"'"'o*cn"il i,'iigl.l;',,lllli1;--*, ,,.,jl1iij,. Directorate Elementary Education W W R r e n - P { * $ r f i q l , e i X l l y } * ( i { } l 1 } l , . } i } I k I l t i ; 5 t l : i l , . | g | { t I edtrprim aryhry@gmail-com O R D B RN O . 3 / 2 7 - 2 0 1E5E ( l ) The orders of following Sr. 5 DATED, PANCHKULA: 10/06/201 : JBT/HT 'l-ransl'er lrl Name , Designation rBr EmplD: P1025744 under Rationalization teachers is hereby adjusted/transferred P r e s e n tP l a c eo f P o s t i n g Remarks T r a n s f e r / A d i u s t e dt o (Fatehabad) (Fatehabad)lrts44l trri32l ['nffffii1i!)Siii GPS Badalgarh (Fatehabad)[11944],if notjoined. Note :and in any casewith in 3 daysfailingwhichhe/shewill be liablefor 1. The officialwilt be relievedimmediately aciton. disciplinary to the officialif he/shehasbeenshiftedon his/herrequestafter 2. NoTA/DAandjoiningtimewillbe admissible oPtion. exercising to join in the girlsschools. 3. Nomaleteacherbelowthe ageof 50 yearsbeallowed in the destinationschoolfor any reasonthe post/Workload 4. If there is no vacan"y and sanctioned concerned incumbenttransferredshall re-join hisiher-previousplaceof postingand also inform to branchat HQ. DEEO If any discrepanryis noticedin this orderor there is a violationof transferpolicy,the concerned implemented. not be order the days and three within branch Concerned of notice the shouldbiingit to the transferorders,it maybe ensuredthat the transferee In caseof urbanareastationswhileimplementing 5 has completedthe rural serviceas per transfer policy. if no workload,transfermay not be implemented. 7 post, he will be responsible if DDO makes the transferre Join inspite of without worktoad & sanctioned given transferee' to the be payment to of salary for the R.S Kharb. Education DirectorElementarY Ilarvana.Panchkula 12.06.2015 DATEDPANCHKULA: NO.EVEN ENDST. A copy is forwarded to the following fo-rinforlngU.on.andnecessaryaction :t. Oi6trict Elementary Education Officer Fatehabad 2. Head of the institution concerned. 3. Secv.OSD/CM 4. Sr. PS /E.M. 5. Sr. PS/ACSSE 6. P A /D E E 7. Technology officer (HQ) . _"i..... r*,' ,'-.f SuperitendantEE*' for Director Elementary Education Haryana,Panchkula Fax:91(0172)-2560188 (lndia)- Tel:91(017-2)'2560189 134109 ptotNo,18,ShikshaSadan,Sector5, Panchkula, Haryana qi,nT, /0172) ?560188 s1i0172} 25$0tgg s qrgr-tvroe i:-;*I)F{rq: 91 a#aq, ri-r3=or*, ,frxnfiiTq*u--ct Page I of I OFFICE OF DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA PANCHKULA. To The Manager/Chairman, Divine Education Society. Housing Board Colony (find) Subject Memo No. 24/18-2014PS(1) Dated Panchkula, the Recognition Certificate for the School under sub-rule (4) of rule 12 of Haryana State Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules, 2011 for the purpose of Section 18 of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009. . With reference to your application and subsequent correspondence with the school/inspection in this regard, I convey the grant for provisional recognition to Cambridge An ideal Hiah School. Shiv Colony for Class 1 to I with effect from 01-04-2015 run by Managing Committe, Divine Education Society. Housing Board Colony (Jindi The above sanction is subject to fulfillment of following conditions:The grant for recognition is Class not extendable and does not in any way imply any obligation to recognize/affiliate beyond Class VIII. The school shall by the provisions of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 and the Haryana State Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules 2011. 3. The school shall admit in class I, to the extent of the Strength of that class. Children belonging to weaker section and disadvantaged group in the neighborhood and provide free and compulsory elementary education till its completion : Provided, that in case of pre primary classes also, this norm shall be followed. 4.For the children referred to in paragraph 3, the school shall be reimbursed as per sub section (2) of section 12. To receive such reimbursements school shall provide a separate bank account. 5. The school shall not collect any capitation fee and subject the child or his or her parents or guardians to any screening procedure. 6.The school shall not deny admission to any child for lack of age proof. If such admission is sought subsequent to the extended period specified for admission, the same shall not be denied and the child shall not be discriminated on the ground of religion, caste or race, place of birth or any of them. The school shall ensure that :no child admitted shall be held back in any class or expelled from school till the completion of elementary education in a school; no child shall be subjected to physical punishment or mental harassment; no child is required to pass any board examination till the completion of elementary education. every child completing elementary education shall be awarded a certificate as laid down under rule 22; inclusion of students with disabilities /special needs as per provision of the Act; the teachers are recruited with minimum qualifications as laid under section 23(1) of the Act. Provided further that the current teachers who, at the commencement of this Act do not posses minimum qualifications shall acquire such minimum qualification within a period of 5 years; the teacher performs its duties specified under section 24(1) of the Act; and the teachers shall not engage himself or herself for private teaching activities. The school shall follow the syllabus on the basis of curriculum laid down by academic authority. The school shall enroll students proportionate to the facilities available in the school as prescribed 19. 9. The school shall maintain the standards and norms of the school as specified in section 19 of the Act. The facilities reported at the time of last inspection are as given under :Area of school campus total built up area. Area of play ground Number of class rooms Room for Headmaster-cum-Office-cum-Storeroom (v) Separate toilet for boys and girls Drinking Water Facility Kitchen for cooking Mid Day Meal Barrier free Access Availability of Teaching Learning Material /Play Sports Equipments/Library. 10.No unrecognized classes shall run within the premises of the school or outside in the same name of school. 11.The school buildings or other structures or the grounds are used only for the purposes education and skill development. 12.The school is run by a society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860(21 of 1860), or a public trust constituted under any law for the time being in force. 13.The accounts should be audited and certified by a Chartered Accountant and proper accounts statement should be prepared as per rules. A copy each of the statements of accounts should be sent to the District Elementary Education Officers every year. 14.The recognition code Number allotted to your school is 2876/JND/8th/BOSE/2015 This may please be noted and quoted for any correspondence with this office. 15.The school furnishes such reports and information as may be required by the Director of Education/District Elementary Education Officer from time to time and complies with such instructions of the State Government/Local Authority as may be issued to secure the continued fulfillment of the condition or recognition or the deficiencies in working of the school. 16.Renewal of Registration of Society, If any be ensured. 17.Other Condition as per Annexure III. Endst.No.Even VIRENDER DAHIYA ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR (ELEMENTARY) 0/o DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA,PANCHKULA Dated Panchkula,the /e Read. A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:District Education Officer Jind District Elementary Education Officer,Jind 3. Secretary, Haryana Board of School Education, Bhiwani. 4 adMaster, Cambridge An Ideal Hiah School, Shiv Colony (Jind) 5 echnology Officer(I.T.) /5SUP INTENDENT (P ) FOR DIRECTOR LEMENTARY EDUCATION HAR ANA,PANCHKULA Gal Directorate of School Education efil %PSI flaw, ttlf Cultur;,;(16prii- GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / dram Vrtrrq Directorate School Education Del f4raiT nit* AT aiiitt.14 Lead me from Darkness Eo ight www.schaoleducationharyana.gov.in I edusecondaryhryagmail.com Order No.24/18-2014PS(11 Dated, Panchkula The 18/05/2015 The Managing Committee of Cambridge An Ideal Hiuh School. Shiv Colony (Jind) is hereby approved with the following members:Priority 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Member Name(ShiSmt.) Ram Charan Manisha Sharma Bhal Chand Sharma Mukesh Sharma Raj Singh Anil Kumar Arti Panday Santa Surender Kumar Ramphal Endst.No.Even Designation President Vice President Manager Secretary Cashier Headmaster(Ex- Officio Member) Teacher Representative Female Member Parents ,Representative Eductionists VIRENDER DAHIYA ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR (ELEMENTARY) 0/0 DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA,PANCHKULA Dated Panchkula,theio —i--'( A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:District Education OfficerAnd District Elementary Education Officer Jind 3. Mena r,DIvIne Education Society. Housing Board Colony (Jind.) 4 He Master Cambridge An Ideal High School. Shiv Colony (Jin 5t, chnology Officer(I.T.) S RINTENDENT FOR DIRECT i R SECONDARY E e UCATION pAR'YANA,PANCHKULA OFFICE OF DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA PANCHKULA. To The Manager/Chairman, '774,l'1 ed# .0- 15 Shri Tridev Group of EdupatIonal Society. B-468. 469. Ist Floor. Nehru Ground IFaridabadi Subject Memo No. 13/13-2014 PS(1) Dated Panchkula, the Recognition Certificate for the School under sub-rule (4) of rule 12 of Haryana State Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules, 2011 for the purpose of Section 18 of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009. . With reference to your application and subsequent correspondence with the school/inspection in this regard, I convey the grant for provisional recognition to Delhi Public School. Kallgaon. Sikri. Ballabgarh (Faridabadi for Class 1 to with effect from 01-04-2015 run by Managing Committe, Shrl Tridev Grow) of Educational Society. B-468. 469. Ist Floor. Nehru Ground IFarldabad) The above sanction is subject to fulfillment of following conditions:The grant for recognition is Class not extendable and does not in any way imply any obligation to recognize/affiliate beyond Class VIII. The school shall by the provisions of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 and the Haryana State Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules 2011. 3. The school shall admit in class I, to the extent of the Strength of that class. Children belonging to weaker section and disadvantaged group in the neighborhood and provide free and compulsory elementary education till its completion : Provided, that in case of pre primary classes also, this norm shall be followed. 4.For the children referred to in paragraph 3, the school shall be reimbursed as per sub section (2) of section 12. To receive such reimbursements school shall provide a separate bank account. 5. The school shall not collect any capitation fee and subject the child or his or her parents or guardians to any screening procedure. 6.The school shall not deny admission to any child for lack of age proof. If such admission is sought subsequent to the extended period specified for admission, the same shall not be denied and the child shall not be discriminated on the ground of religion, caste or race, place of birth or any of them. The school shall ensure that :no child admitted shall be held back in any class or expelled from school till the completion of elementary education in a school; no child shall be subjected to physical punishment or mental harassment; no child is required to pass any board examination till the completion of elementary education. every child completing elementary education shall be awarded a certificate as laid down under rule 22; inclusion of students with disabilities /special needs as per provision of the Act; the teachers are recruited with minimum qualifications as laid under section 23(1) of the Act. Provided further that the current teachers who, at the commencement of this Act do not posses minimum qualifications shall acquire such minimum qualification within a period of 5 years; the teacher performs its duties specified under section 24(1) of the Act; and the teachers shall not engage himself or herself for private teaching activities. The school shall follow the syllabus on the basis of curriculum laid down by academic authority. The school shall enroll students proportionate to the facilities available in the school as prescribed 19. 9. The school shall maintain the standards and norms of the school as specified in section 19 of the Act. The facilities reported at the time of last inspection are as given under :Area of school campus total built up area. Area of play ground (iii) Number of class rooms Room for Headmaster-cum-Office-cum-Storeroom Separate toilet for boys and girls Drinking Water Facility Kitchen for cooking Mid Day Meal Barrier free Access Availability of Teaching Learning Material /Play Sports Equipments/Library. 10.No unrecognized classes shall run within the premises of the school or outside in the same name of school. 11.The school buildings or other structures or the grounds are used only for the purposes education and skill development. 12.The school is run by a society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860(21 of 1860), or a public trust constituted under any law for the time being in force. 13.The accounts should be audited and certified by a Chartered Accountant and proper accounts statement should be prepared as per rules. A copy each of the statements of accounts should be sent to the District Elementary Education Officers every year. 14.The recognition code Number allotted to your school is 2872/FBD/8th/BOSE/2015 This may please be noted and quoted for any correspondence with this office. 15.The school furnishes such reports and information as may be required by the Director of Education/District Elementary Education Officer from time to time and complies with such instructions of the State Government/Local Authority as may be issued to secure the continued fulfillment of the condition or recognition or the deficiencies in working of the school. 16.Renewal of Registration of Society, If any be ensured. 17.Other Condition as per Annexure III. Endst.No.Even VIRENDER DAHIYA ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR (ELEMENTARY) 0/0 DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA Dated Panchkula,the A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:District Education Officer,Faridabad District Elementary Education Officer,Faridabad 3. Secretary, Haryana Board of School Education, Bhiwani. ster, Delhi Public School. Kailgaon. Sikri. Ballaboarh (Fa abed) 4 He chnology Officer(I.T.) tc SUP INTENDENT P ) FOR DIRECTOR E EMENTARY EDUCATION HRYANA,PANCHKULA OFFICE OF DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA PANCHKULA. To The Manager/Chairman, Vaidya Fateh Singh Memorial Educational Society. VIII. Meghot Halla. Teh. Narnaul (Mahendergarh) Subject Memo No. 29/10-2012PS(2) Dated Panchkula, the Recognition Certificate for the School under sub-rule (4) of rule 12 of Haryana State Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules, 2011 for the purpose of Section 18 of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009. . With reference to your application and subsequent correspondence with the school/inspection in this regard, I convey the grant for provisional recognition to Villa Shiksha Niketan. Meghot Halla (Mahendergarh) for Class 1 to 8 with effect from 01-04-2015 run by Managing Committe, Vaidya Fateh Singh Memorial Educational Society. VIII. Meghot Halla. Teh. Narnaul 1Mahendergarh) The above sanction is subject to fulfillment of following conditions:The grant for recognition is Class not extendable and does not in any way imply any obligation to recognize/affiliate beyond Class VIII. The school shall by the provisions of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 and the Haryana State Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules 2011. 3. 'The school shall admit in class I, to the extent of the Strength of that class. Children belonging to weaker section and disadvantaged group in the neighborhood and provide free and compulsory elementary education till its completion : Provided, that in case of pre primary classes also, this norm shall be followed. 4.For the children referred to in paragraph 3, the school shall be reimbursed as per sub section (2) of section 12. To receive such reimbursements school shall provide a separate bank account. 5. The school shall not collect any capitation fee and subject the child or his or her parents or guardians to any screening procedure. 6.The school shall not deny admission to any child for lack of age proof. If such admission is sought subsequent to the extended period specified for admission, the same shall not be denied and the child shall not be discriminated on the ground of religion, caste or race, place of birth or any of them. The school shall ensure that :no child admitted shall be held back in any class or expelled from school till the completion of elementary education in a school; no child shall be subjected to physical punishment or mental harassment; no child is required to pass any board examination till the completion of elementary education. every child completing elementary education shall be awarded a certificate as laid down under rule 22; inclusion of students with disabilities /special needs as per provision of the Act; the teachers are recruited with minimum qualifications as laid under section 23(1) of the Act. Provided further that the current teachers who, at the commencement of this Act do not posses minimum qualifications shall acquire such minimum qualification within a period of 5 years; the teacher performs its duties specified under section 24(1) of the Act; and the teachers shall not engage himself or herself for private teaching activities. The school shall follow the syllabus on the basis of curriculum laid down by academic authority. The school shall enroll students proportionate to the facilities available in the school as prescribed 19. 9. The school shall maintain the standards and norms of the school as specified in section 19 of the Act. The facilities reported at the time of last inspection are as given under :Area of school campus total built up area. Area of play ground (iii) Number of class rooms Room for Headmaster-cum-Office-cum-Storeroom Separate toilet for boys and girls Drinking Water Facility Kitchen for cooking Mid Day Meal Barrier free Access Availability of Teaching Learning Material /Play Sports Equipments/Library. 10.No unrecognized classes shall run within the 'premises of the school or outside in the same name of school. 11.The school buildings or other structures or the grounds are used only for the purposes education and skill development. 12.The school is run by a society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860(21 of 1860), or a public trust constituted under any law for the time being in force. 13.The accounts should be audited and certified by a Chartered Accountant and proper accounts statement should be prepared as per rules. A copy each of the statements of accounts should be sent to the District Elementary Education Officers every year. 14.The recognition code Number allotted to your school is 2880/MGR/8th/BOSE/2015 This may please be noted and quoted for any correspondence with this office. 15.The school furnishes such reports and information as may be required by the Director of Education/District Elementary Education Officer from time to time and complies with such instructions of the State Government/Local Authority as may be issued to secure the continued fulfillment of the condition or recognition or the deficiencies in working of the school. 16.Renewal of Registration of Society, If any be ensured. 17.Other Condition as per Annexure III. Endst.No.Even VIRENDER DAHIYA ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR (ELEMENTARY) 0/o DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA Dated Panchkula,the /14g Regd. A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:District Education Officer,Mahendergarh District Elementary Education Officer,Mahenderaarh 3. Secretary, Haryana Board of School Education, Bhiwani. 4 HeadMaster, Villa Shiksha Niketan. Meohot Halle (Mahendergarh) J5""Technology Officer(I.T.) C /5SUPERINTENDENT (P ) FOR DIRECTOR E EMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA
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