HARTSBURG-EMDEN CUSD NO. 21 APRIL 2015 NEWSLETTER FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT’S DESK Don Beard, Interim Superintendent FUNDING FOR SCHOOLS STILL A MAJOR ISSUE During the March meeting of the Board of Education I presented an amended budget for the 2014-2015 school year. The process of developing a budget for a school district defies how most of us develop our household budgets and certainly does not reflect what is done in most private sector businesses. First, the fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30 each year. However, in many years we are not informed by the State of Illinois until late summer or early fall how much money we are going to actually receive. Even this information is a bit uncertain because funding is often prorated (i.e. General State Aid currently being prorated at 89%) or payments withheld entirely. So, the best laid plans in terms of revenues and expenditures in order to develop a balanced budget often go awry. Therefore, many school districts are required to file amended budgets such as District # 21 did recently or worse yet file a deficit budget. The amended budget projects approximately $ 18,000 less in revenues than was first projected when the budget was crafted last summer. This projection is based on the fact that districts are not likely to receive full reimbursement for special education and transportation costs contained in the original budget. After the amended budget was presented, information is now being sent to school districts stating that Governor Rauner’s latest proposal to fill a $ 1.5 billion hole in this year’s budget is to make an across-the-board cut of about 2.25% in General State Aid payments. For Hartsburg-Emden this would amount to about $6,000-$7,000. While this is not a huge amount it is compounded by the earlier cuts mentioned previously. Also, in the amended budget projected costs were increased by approximately $25,000. The district is still projecting a balanced budget for FY15 but the surplus in our operating funds is less than $100,000 which is a pretty thin line in a $2.5 million budget. Currently, there is pending legislation that attempts to improve the funding for public school districts. Specifically, Senate Bill 1 is Senator Andy Manar’s proposal to overhaul the school funding formula. Under this model as now proposed our district would see an increase of about $25,000 in state funding. However, this bill is still a long ways from being approved by the General Assembly and signed into law by the governor. However, I think this type of reform is needed to a formula that essential hasn’t changed in over 20 years. Still another piece of legislation co-sponsored by Senator Andy Manar and Senator Jason Barickman calls for an evidence-based school funding solution. What does this mean? Under this legislation a method would be used to determine per-pupil costs for each school district to guarantee that each student has access to a high quality education. Other facets of this legislation are: The framework defines a prototypical cost for every student in every school in Illinois The model is scalable so that it can be implemented over time by first targeting lowincome school districts The model focuses on inputs such as student needs, class size, tutoring programs, full day kindergarten, adequate resources for special education, a set dollar amount per student for technology, and summer school programs There would be adjustments for factors such as poverty, transportation, capital equipment needs, technology, and geographic cost differences. Evidence-based models are being used in other states such as Wyoming, Arkansas, Texas, and North Dakota. Again, these measures are being driven by the budget crisis in Illinois that has resulted in drastic cuts to local school district programs. Funding for our public schools has dropped below 2006 funding levels and in testimony recently given to the ISBE by Dr. Marguerite Roza, Director of Edunomics Lab at Georgetown University, Illinois school funding is one of the least equitable systems in the nation. It is my hope that somehow legislation will pass that addresses our current funding crisis. We must have a process in place that will give local school districts the flexibility to provide programming and fund priorities. (Superintendent’s message cont. next pg) We have to continue our efforts to oppose legislation and rulemakings that will require implementation of new unfunded mandates. Having said all of that, I am of the opinion that the school funding crisis will get worse before it gets better. The key for most school districts like ours is how much worse and how much longer before it gets better. I think we all realize that many districts are on a limited shelf life unless funding improves drastically over the next 2-3 years. PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Terry Wisniewski, District Principal Another Great March! All the activities, the warmer weather finally coming, it was a busy month. But before we get on to that, the PARCC testing for grades 3 – 8 & 11 for phase 1 has been completed and now our students are preparing for phase 2 beginning April 27th. We also completed the ACT and Work Keys tests for all Juniors. The ACT is the biggest piece in determining what colleges your son/daughter will be accepted into. The State has indicated that this may be the last year they pay for this exam. Every year I enter into discussions about these tests with many parents and fellow educators. There are many pros and cons to State testing. Many years ago we had the Iowa Basic Skill Test, and then came the IGAP, ISAT, and now the PARCC. Illinois has been testing its students for decades. We can argue the validity of these tests and there are some great points both for and against them. I understand the frustration among educators with changing standards and increased cut-off scores. When the target keeps changing and there is a deliberate adjustment in the grading scale so only around half (50%) the students are considered passing, it is hard to figure out the logic. However, testing is here to stay. To me, it doesn’t matter if it is the Iowa Basic Skill, IGAP, ISAT, or the PARCC or what the cut-off scores are. I believe we ask the students to do the best they can on everything they do, whether it is testing, athletics, academics, extracurricular, family, religious beliefs, work, etc. Education, hard-work, determination, commitment all go a long way to student success. Here at Hartem, we will continue to do all those things that make our students successful. Over the last several weeks, I spent many hours interviewing for a new Hartsburg-Emden District Principal. The Board Approved Mr. Jon Leslie as the next principal. More information will come over the next few months. Thanks to the interviewing panel that consisted of parents, teachers, and board members, for providing input during the process. Mr. Leslie will officially begin July 1st. I also would like to thank all the parents for participating in the 5Essentials Survey. I look forward to seeing what you had to say about our district. March Madness – Hartem Style!! It started with the 8th Grade Volleyball Team winning the State Championship, four years in a row now. Congratulations to the team!! Junior High Scholastic Bowl is in full swing now and doing very well this year. Several of our Junior High students attended the Music Contest, some amazing talent there, thanks to Mr. Snyder. We hosted the Logan County Music Festival. March also has brought us the start of the Junior High Track, High School Baseball and Softball. We also have several students participating in High School Track co-op with Delavan. It has been a few years since we have had anyone participate in it. Hopefully the weather will cooperate with us for our outdoor sports. Ms. Fanning and the FFA are working on all the usual activities for this time of the year. Mr. Parker coached the WYSE (Worldwide Youth in Science and Engineering) Team, an academic competition, this year and we had one regional winner who advanced to sectionals and then to STATE, congratulations to Erica Wolpert. Another successful Blood Drive brought to us by the Beta Club. We held our annual Book Fair at the Grade School, March 16th to March 20th, with Family Reading Night on March 19th. As we go close out March and enter into April, we have our Winter Sports Awards on March 30th. We will have our Easter Break from April 1st to April 7th. There will be lots of Baseball, Softball, and Track going on all month, please try to come out and see us compete. Junior High Scholastic Bowl Regionals is later in the month. The Beta Club Induction Ceremony will be approaching. April will also be the time we begin registering students for next year’s classes. Yes, our school year will quickly be coming to a close. Soon we will have Prom and then we will begin intensely working on High School Graduation (May 16th) and 8th Grade Promotion (May 28th). I cannot believe how fast this year is flying by. As I conclude my last year as Principal of Hartsburg-Emden, it seems to be busier than ever. Hartsburg- Emden 2014-2015 HONOR ROLL – 3rd Nine Weeks * denotes 4.00 GPA HIGH 6th Grade Tyson Andrade* Grace Beekman* Jade Darlington* HONORS HONORABLE MENTION Gage Daniels Jonelle Baker Brianna Grabowski Hattie Langley Collin Schriber Connor Zinser Trinity Lawson Lanie Hamilton Jaedyn Rybolt Starlei Miesner Lillian Escobedo Seth Evans Addam Hoerbert Mayci Maaks Nathan McAfee Payge McCree Matthew Nowatney Samantha Perschall Zoi Dunse Wyatt Hopkins 8th Grade Alexis Barry* Anna Hayes* Hunter Buck Austin Hayes Megan Benner Justin Cannon Abbigail Hoerbert Ivy Merz Sierra Smith Brody Baker Dawson Watt 9th Grade Joseph Garcia* Emme Olson* Hayley Matson Tearaney Eads Hana McMullen Zachary Phillips Shawn Bridge Talia Andrade Alex Vetter Noah Watts Ashley Zinser Brady Wolpert Hunter Langley Hope Moos Maddie Shawgo Alexus Buckles Jarrett Rohlfs Antonio Coit-Kirk Emma Moats Clay Olson Brooklyn Swinford Adreanna Vetter Kyle Johner Danielle Evans Kaylee Beekman Zachary Bryan Shelby Grigg Arrianna Hoerbert Dustin Woolard Max Boch Josiah Gass Ava Patterson 7th Grade Spencer Davis* Liam Evans Olivia Garcia Denver Merz Evan Rohlfs 10th Grade Alec Hayes 11th Grade Alyssa Bridge* Erin Lessen 12th Grade Jordan Detmers* Meg Meeker* Madelyn Thomas* Erica Wolpert Paige O’Brien Raegan Rich Randy Grohmann APRIL BREAKFAST & LUNCH COSTS 19 Student Breakfasts @$1.85 $35.15 19 Reduced Student Breakfasts @$0.30 $5.70 19 Student Lunches @$2.35 $44.65 19 Reduced Student Lunches @$0.40 $7.60 Students at Hartsburg will need to pay for seconds. Entrées are $.90, vegetable/fruit are $.50 and milk is $.40. Seconds need to be paid for at the time they are served. Adult lunches purchased are $2.85. ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT Matt Stoltzenburg, Athletic Director I would like to take this time to give a huge thanks to all of those who helped with the home basketball and volleyball games. I know it’s a lot of time and energy. We received many compliments (again) on how well our games run and how nice our facilities are. Your time and effort is greatly appreciated. A big congratulations goes out to Coach Hayes, Coach Eeten, and all the girls on another spectacular season. At the time of this newsletter, the 7th grade girls had won a regional and lost a tight match in the sectional, while the 8th grade girls had just won a barnburner against Decatur Our Lady of Lourdes to advance to the state tournament. The month of April is filled with high school baseball and softball games as well as jr. high track meets. So, get out and enjoy the nice weather while cheering on those Stags. I would also like to welcome Coach Tyler Hopkins as our assistant high school baseball coach, Coach Corey McNeil and Coach Hannah Michalsen as our girls’ track coaches. Good luck to all our student-athletes and coaches as we end our school year on a high note. CONGRATULATIONS 8-1A VOLLEYBALL STATE CHAMPS “FIT FOR HARTEM” May Brooks, Junior High/Grade School PE Teacher This month’s grade school “Fit For Hartem” student is Peyton Swinford. Peyton is upbeat, shows positive sportsmanship, respectful and eager to participate every day in class. He definitely is a true example of what it means to be a “Fit For Hartem” student of the month. At the junior high level, this month’s student for “Fit For Hartem” is Collin Schriber. Collin is competitive, respectful, and enthusiastic and brings the true example of real sportsmanship to class every day! Both students are a true example of Hatem Stag Sportsmanship! ED AND BEULAH SCHMIDT SCHOLARSHIP Carrie Schmidt, Guidance Counselor Ed and Beulah Schmidt Scholarship applications are now available. This scholarship is open to any graduate from Hartsburg-Emden Jr/Sr High School that will be attending college in the fall of 2015. Contact the Guidance office to receive the application. Application deadline is May 1, 2015. FFA News Liz Fanning, FFA Sponsor Congratulations to Dustin Woolard, Meg Meeker, and Wyatt Conrady for being district winners in their SAE areas. Meg and Wyatt were also District winners and will be going to State with their SAE's. This month Hartem FFA will be participating in Dairy Judging, two Livestock Judging Contests, an Ag Mechanics Contest, and Meg Meeker will be competing at State for Prepared Public Speaking. We would like to thank everyone who purchased strawberries. We hope you enjoyed them!! HUNTER SAFETY COURSE On, Friday, April 10th and Saturday, April 11th there will be a Hunter Safety Course at the Hartsburg Legion. This will be a “First come, first serve” basis. Please no one younger than 10. Please contact Miss Fanning at [email protected] if interested and for further information. 2015 APRIL Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 Thu 2 HSBB @ Athens 4:15 HSSB @ Athens 4:15 School Calendar 2:00 Dismissal Fri 3 No School No School 5 6 HSBB @ Home vs. W-L 4:30 HSSB @ Home vs. W-L 4:30 No School 12 13 HSBB @ Eureka 4:30 HSSB @ Eureka 4:30 19 HS Play “The Breakfast Club” @ HS Gym 2:00 26 7 HCC Meeting@ GS Cafeteria 6:30 HSBB @ Delavan 4:30 HSSB @ Delavan 4:30 JH Sch. Bowl @ Home vs IC 4:00 FFA Livestock Judging @ Springfield 8:00 8 Distracted Drivers Assembly @ HS 2:00 14 HSBB @ Home vs. MWC 4:30 HSSB @ Home vs. MWC 4:30 JH Sch. Bowl @ IC 4:30 15 Jr/Sr Beta Club Induction Ceremony @ HS Café 6:00 JH Sch. Bowl @ Zion Lutheran 4:00 20 Board Mtg. 7:00 HSBB @ Home vs. IC 4:30 HSSB, HSBB, and JHTRK Pictures 3:30 21 JHTRK @ IC vs. Delavan 4:00 HSSB @ Home vs. IC 4:30 HSBB @ Home vs. LeRoy 4:30 JH Sch. Bowl @ Home vs. ZL 4:00 HSSB @ Home vs. LeRoy 4:30 27 JHTRK @ IC 4:00 HSBB @ Home vs. Havana 4:30 HSSB @ Home vs. Havana 4:30 28 Senior Graduation Pictures 10:15 HSBB @ MP 4:15 HSSB @ Pleasant Plains 4:30 9 JHTRK @ MWC 4:00 HSBB @ Home vs. Tri-Valley 4:30 HSSB @ Home vs. Tri-Valley 4:30 16 HSBB @ Williamsville 4:30 HSSB @ Home vs. Tremont 4:30 JH Sch. Bowl @ WLB 4:00 2nd Grade Field Trip to Lincoln Hospital 11:30 23 HSBB @ IWU vs. EPG 7:00 22 2:00 Dismissal HS Play “The Breakfast Club” @ HS Gym 7:00 24 6-12 Grade Spring Concert @ HS Gym 7:00 HSSB @ Tremont 4:15 JH Sch. Bowl @ Home vs. WLB 4:00 29 JH Sch. Bowl Reg. @ Morton Blessed Sacrament TBA 10 HSBB @ Home vs. Peoria Heights 4:30 HSSB @ MaroaForsyth 4:30 Hunter Safety Course @ Hartsburg Legion 17 4th Qtr. Progress Reports HSBB @ Home vs. Peoria Manual 4:30 30 HSBB @ Home vs. Blue Ridge 4:30 HSSB @ Home vs. Blue Ridge 4:30 Bass Fishing IHSA Sectionals TBA Sat 4 HSBB @ Home vs. Roanoke Benson 11:00 (DH) HSSB @ PORTA Inv. TBA 11 HSBB @ Springfield Lutheran 11:00 (DH) HSSB @ Home vs. EPG 11:00 (DH) Hunter Safety Course @ Hartsburg Legion 18 HSBB @ Home vs. GCMS 10:00 (DH) HSSB @ MWC Tourn. TBA HS Play “The Breakfast Club” @ HS Gym 7:00 25 JHTRK @ Olympia MS OLY Invitational 10:00 HSSB @ Delavan Tournament 10:00 Grand March 5:30 @ HS Gym, PROM @ Emden Community House 7:00 IT’S A ROLLER SKATING WORLD AT EMDEN HARTEM CLASS OF 2017 The Class of 2017 will be selling Fannie May Candy Bars starting Mar. 29. The flavors are Milk Chocolate, Milk Chocolate with Crisped Rice, Milk Chocolate with Roasted Almonds, Milk Chocolate with Caramel, and Milk Chocolate with Peanut Butter. The bars will sell for $2 each. Please see a member of the sophomore class to purchase your candy in time for Easter! It is that time of year again! ROLLER SKATING AT EMDEN and the kids are loving it! Grades 2nd5th get five hour-long sessions to rock and roll in the gym! You know it is finally Spring when the skates are out! Exciting times! Thanks Ms. Brooks! LIBRARY NEWS Susan Wilson, Librarian Many thanks to the community members of Hartsburg-Emden who visited the Scholastic Book Fair this week and so generously purchased books. Thanks to your purchases, I was able to provide K6th grade teachers with $549.03 worth of books; all of the books on their wish lists. I also took over $600 worth of books for the high school and grade school libraries, as a result of books purchased in the fall book fair. Your support of the Scholastic Book Fair greatly helps us provide a wealth of good books for our students!! MUSIC DEPARTMENT NEWS The High School Band and Choir will have their Spring concert on Friday, April 24th at 7p.m. With pep band ending with the basketball season, the band students are beginning their new music with enthusiasm. The choir will be performing a selection of songs that they personally chose for the concert. The spring play “The Breakfast Club” an adaptation of the movie, will also be in April, running Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, the 17th-19th. The performances will be at 7PM on Friday and Saturday, with Sunday’s performance at 2PM. The High School Band and Choir were approved to take an overnight field trip, scheduled for Friday and Saturday, May 1st and 2nd. Students and parents will be contacted soon for a meeting explaining the details. Until then, all questions can be directed to Mr. Snyder at [email protected] or (217) 6425244. NEW END OF YEAR SCHEDULE As of right now, pending no more snow/emergency days, the end of the school year will be as follows: Senior Graduation Pictures-Tuesday, April 28th at 10:15 p.m. (Seniors must be dressed appropriately and bring their cap/gown). Seniors Last Full Day of School-Wednesday, May 13th Senior Finals-Thursday, May 14th and Friday, May 15th (Seniors must take finals if they missed more than 8 days this semester, have discipline referrals or have a D or F in a class). Seniors only need to attend for the finals that they need to take. Senior Graduation Practice-Friday, May 15th at 10:30 a.m. High School Graduation-Saturday, May 16th at 3:00 p.m. No School-Monday, May 25th (Memorial Day) 8th Graders Last Full Day of School-Wednesday, May 27th 8th Grade Promotion Practice-Wednesday, May 27th at 2:00 p.m. 8th Grade Promotion-Thursday, May 28th at 7:00 p.m. Finals for Freshmen, Sophomores and JuniorsThursday, May 28th and Friday, May 29th (2:00 p.m. dismissal both days) Teacher Institute-Monday, June 1st ALUMNI BANQUET GRAND MARCH AND PROM The Class of 2016 has planned an elegant prom night in hopes of adding to the special memories for this year’s senior class. They would like to invite the communities of Hartsburg and Emden to be a part of this special night by attending Grand March. It will be held in the high school gymnasium on Saturday, April 25, 2015 at 5:30p.m. The Junior Class would also like to thank everyone for supporting them in their efforts to raise funds for Prom. POST PROM 2015 Plans are wrapping up for the 2015 Post Prom event to be held at Logan Lanes in Lincoln, Illinois on Sunday, April 26, from 12:15 a.m. to 2:45 a.m. The theme for this year is “Old Hollywood Glam”. Those attending can just wear comfy street clothes such as jeans, shorts or capris and comfy t-shirts. We will be providing fun, food, drinks and prizes. This event is free to all Juniors, Seniors and their prom dates as well as the attendants for the prom. Any Junior or Senior who does not attend prom is also invited. Your hosts will be Stacy and Tracy Olson and Brad and Betty Jo Lessen. There will be bowling, games, trivia questions, minute to win it games and great prizes. Every Junior and Senior will receive one large prize, plus a chance to win games and drawings. Everyone in attendance will go home with something. Some of the larger prizes include a 50”flat screen television, mini fridge, popup tail-gate tent, IPad mini, Coach purse, camp chairs, luggage, cooler, and much, much more. Juniors and Seniors will be receiving their invitation to this event and are requested to sign up in the high school office as well as fill out a permission slip for themselves and their date. Our committee has worked very hard over the last six months to raise funds to provide this safe and wonderful event for our students here at Hartem. If you would still like to make a donation whether it is monetary or a prize, you can still contact either Betty Jo Lessen at 217-871-0694, Stacy Olson at 217737-4519 or Lori Beekman at 217-871-3036. We will gladly accept any contribution you might have. Hope to see you all there and we are looking forward to a great event to cap off an already wonderful evening for our Juniors and Seniors! The 88th Annual Hartsburg-Emden High Alumni Banquet will begin at 6:30pm on June 13, 2015. This year the banquet will be held at the Community House in Emden, Illinois. The banquet will be catered by the Stag-R-Inn. Invitations to the banquet will be sent out in early May. Anyone who does not receive an invitation, but would like to attend the banquet may send a request via email to Ron Spencer at [email protected] or you may call/text him at 309-838-0360. Anniversary classes being honored this year include: 1935, 1940, 1945, 1950, 1955, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, and the Senior Class of 2015. If you are a member of one of these classes and want to insure you are on the mailing list, please email your address to Ron Spencer at [email protected] or call/text 309-838-0360. All HARTEM graduates are welcome to attend. The Alumni Committee is currently researching addresses with the help of members from each anniversary class. The winner of the “Wall of Fame” award will be selected and announced at the banquet. This year’s award will be represented in the category of Athletics. Please mail nomination letters to Ron Spencer, 8923 Blooming Grove Road, Bloomington, IL 61705. The Association will also be accepting donations to help out with the cost of the event and to continue funding the Alumni Scholarship. Donations are payable to the Hartem Alumni Association and may be sent to Greg Phillips, 208 Market Street, Emden, IL 62635. Officers of the Alumni Association are President Ron Spencer (’89); Vice President - Janell Wibben Woolard (‘95); Secretary - Angie Guyer (’95); Treasurer - Greg Phillips (’89); Corresponding Secretaries - Thais Teaney Eads (’95) & Ginny Sparks Smith (‘00). HARTEM STAGS HOOPS Craig Lessen, Contributor Hartsburg-Emden basketball fans be sure to check out our basketball history website at www.hartemstagshoops.weebly.com for statistics, pictures and articles. Please contact me by email at [email protected] with any questions. APRIL 2015 Sun Mon A variety of milk is available every day. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. Tue Breakfast Menu 5 6 No School Wed 1 Donut Toast Apple Chips Orange Juice Thu 2 Fri 3 No School Sat 4 No School 7 Cereal Bar Toast Trail Mix Grape Juice 8 Pancake & Sausage On A Stick Pears Grape Juice 9 Biscuit w/Egg Patty Pineapple Grape Juice 10 Bagel with Cream Cheese Peaches Grape Juice 11 12 13 Assorted Cereal Toast Applesauce Apple Juice 14 Apple Frudel String Cheese Mandarin Oranges Apple Juice 15 Eggo Mini Waffles Pineapple Apple Juice 16 Sausage Bagel Peaches Apple Juice 17 Donut Toast Applesauce Apple Juice 18 19 20 Scrambled Eggs Toast Mixed Fruit Orange Juice 21 French Toast Sticks Applesauce Orange Juice 22 Biscuit Sausage Patty Pears Orange Juice 23 Nutri-Grain Bar Toast Apricots Orange Juice 24 Trix Yogurt Toast Peaches Orange Juice 25 26 27 Breakfast Pizza Pineapple Grape Juice 28 Waffles Peaches Grape Juice 29 Peanut Butter & Jelly Jamwich Applesauce Grape Juice 30 Pop Tart Toast Pears Grape Juice APRIL 2015 Sun Lunch Menu 5 Mon Tue A variety of milk is available every day. Chef salad and side salads are available every day at the high school. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. 6 No School 7 Toasted Cheese Sandwich Tomato Soup Crackers Mini Carrots Pears 14 Spaghetti with Meat Sauce Green Beans French Bread Pineapple 12 13 Fun Fish Macaroni & Cheese Peas Mandarin Oranges 19 20 Hamburger On Bun Nacho Chips Hummus Green Beans Applesauce 21 Chicken Fajita Salsa Refried Beans Corn Pears 26 27 BBQ Rib On Bun Pasta Salad Peas Pudding Peaches 28 Nacho Supreme Salsa & Lettuce Refried Beans Corn Applesauce Wed Thu Fri 3 Sat 1 Chicken Sticks Spinach Salad Cooked Carrots Bread Applesauce 2 8 Creamed Chicken On Bun Green Beans Pineapple Jello 9 Pork Tenderloin On Bun Baked Beans Tomato/Onion Slices Peaches 10 Quesadilla Pizza Salsa Romaine Salad Corn Applesauce 11 15 Chicken Patty On Bun Spinach Salad Nacho Chips Bean Salsa Peaches 22 Sloppy Joe French Fries Mixed Vegetables Apricots 16 Beef Nuggets Corn Mini Carrots Bread Applesauce 17 Corn Dog Soft Pretzel Cooked Carrots Mixed Fruit 18 23 Pizza Romaine Salad 3 Bean Salad Trail Mix Peaches 24 Deli Turkey Sandwich Fresh Veggies Dip Pretzels Pineapple 25 29 Chicken & Noodles Green Beans Roll Pears 30 Assorted Sandwiches Tri Tater Cole Slaw Strawberry Cup No School 4 No School GRADE SCHOOL HAPPENINGS We have had a very busy March. Not only have we completed the PARCC test with the 3rd-5th graders, we have also wrapped up our Scholastic Book Fair and Spring Family Reading Night. The Family Reading Night was a success! We had a celebrity author come and read her new book to all students, parents, friends, and families who came out for the event. Lisa Baker-King from Springfield, Illinois came to read The Zealous Zebecs from the Midnight Ocean’s Zenith. To read along with Lisa, we had some special celebrity readers, her ZReaders from Hartsburg-Emden. A student was chosen from each grade level, K-8, to stand up and read Lisa’s book. Lisa then signed copies of her book afterward. The students then enjoyed reading activities that spanned across the curriculum, from reading to science. Along with these stations, our families got to purchase books from our Scholastic Book Fair. The classes also had displays they created in class showing their favorite authors. The authors and genres each class displayed were derived from the author studies and genre studies each grade level has done throughout the school year. The classes read multiple books and did research on each author and genre. This is part of our HARTEM LIFE reading model, and using authentic literacy to enrich our students and create a love for life-long reading and learning. The theme for Family Reading Night was “Under the Sea.” Students created sea art projects that were proudly displayed in the hallway for all to see. During Family Reading Night, students could color their favorite sea animals and hang them on our undersea mural. Gina Horn made snack bags that were sea inspired with fish crackers and Swedish fish. Lisa Baker-King’s book fit perfectly into our “Under the Sea” theme. Our celebrity author wanted to pass along that she was very impressed with our district. She enjoyed the night and felt our students were very polite and respectful. She wanted to thank the students, parents, and families for coming out to such a great event. She will be coming back to our district April 17th for national Drop Everything and Read Day to join us at our elementary school reading assembly. Parents and students can follow the Zebecs on her website www.zebecs.com. There is also an Interact feature the students love that allows them to chat with the characters (with parents’ permission). The evening’s activities were partially funded by Title I, federal funds. HCC CORNER The Hartem Community Club exists to provide funds for student and teacher activities throughout the school year. It was formed in August of 2010. Since that time the HCC has been able to generate over $30,000.00 to provide students with field trips, supplement uniforms, provide educational equipment and supplies, as well as coordinate all of the efforts and volunteers for the fundraising activities. All parents, teachers, and community members are a part of the HCC. We encourage you to GET INVOLVED! We are looking for people who are committed to enhancing the student experience. This is an opportunity to use your gifts and talents to support the students K-8. We can use ideas, time, and talents. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome! The next HCC meeting is on Tuesday, April 7th at 6:30 pm in the Emden Grade School cafeteria. In the meantime, if you have any questions please contact Marsha Darlington or Heather Read at [email protected] or [email protected]. Thank you! Hartem Community Club Funding The listing below contains item categories that the HCC has funded for the benefit of students in grades K-8 beginning in August of 2010 through December 2014. Elementary – Tire Chips Arlee Movies Drug Free Field Trips Field Day Extra Programs - $1540.00 $1270.00 $1045.00 $2659.47 $500.25 * $509.98 * $7524.70 Junior High – Extra Events 2012 7th/8th trip 2013 trip 2014 7th/8th trip 8th flowers - $1755.50 $2922.00 $969.00 $3407.00 $309.00 $9362.50 Teachers – Teacher Requests Teacher AppreciateRetirement - $1178.39 * $1278.00 * $200.00 $2656.39 Promethean Boards Library Shelves Insurance - $3600.00 $1057.00 $2100.00 $6757.00 Misc. - Junior High Extra Curricular Softball Baseball – Basketball Volleyball Cheerleading Track Band/Chorus Student Council Speech Scholastic Bowl - $834.59 $500.00 $800.00 $750.00 $500.00 $292.80 $260.00 $600.00 $90.00 $53.69 $4681.08 * These categories could have more since it is hard to know what each Walmart and Sam’s Club receipt is for specifically. Dear Parents, Our school district compiles a list of children living in the community that are age birth to 5 yrs. old. This helps us plan our future enrollment. If you are the parent of a child, infant to 5 yrs. old, please fill out the form below and mail to: Emden Grade School Box 259 Emden, Illinois 62635 Or call: 217-376-3151 Your help is greatly appreciated. Parent’s name Parent’s address Child’s name/birthday Summer Reading Program Survey Please help us understand what needs and preferences you have for a summer reading program at our school. Please take a few minutes to fill this out and return to either the grade school or the high school office. Thank you! Are you interested in a being able to come to the school library this summer? _____ yes ___ no How many children would attend? ____ birth- pre-school ____ 1st-5th grade ___ 6-8th grade ____ 9-12th grade What kinds of activities are you interested in? Check all that apply. ___ book check-out ___ book movie night (i.e. Hunger Games, Where the Wild Things Are) ___ book clubs (read and discuss a book as a group) ___ arts/ crafts ___ games ___ story time ___ sign language story time ___ other (Please suggest ideas…) Which times would work best for you? Please select all that apply. ___ morning ___ afternoon ___ evening Hartsburg-Emden C.U.S.D. #21 400 West Front Street Hartsburg, IL 62643 ___ weekdays ___ weekends Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Hartsburg, IL 62643 Presort Standard Permit #001 BOXHOLDER LOCAL
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