What`s Unique with HATSS

Heart-Based Hospitality
Our Speciality
Creating a Heart-Based Hospitality Guest Experience
 We create an energetic Heart-Based Hospitality guest experience, which is very soft and gentle,
and strong in loving kindness, compassion, and heart-warming care.
We are the only company, which creates this kind of guest experience.
 We developed the guest experience by applying to hospitality ancient knowledge about energy;
energy techniques; knowledge from thought and heart energy research; and discoveries in branches
of quantum science; while making loving kindness, compassion, and heart-warming care the focus.
 The tangible energy affects the staff, the guests, the guest outlets and facilities, and the whole
property. The resulting guest experience is very different to the emotionless and mechanical SOPCustomer Satisfaction experience, which you find everywhere.
Why You Would Hire Us
 Because you have a vision of what the guest experience will be like in the future.
 Because you understand that energy can be used to create levels of guest experience far above
the artificial ceiling called “5 Stars”.
 Because you are tired of the mechanical, cookie cutter SOP-Customer Satisfaction guest experience.
 Because you see through the eyes of compassion that creating a guest experience, which is strong in
the energy of loving kindness, compassion, and heart-warming care is what guests really want.
 Because you want to create change in the hotel industry by taking the lead and making a statement
about what the guest experience should be like.
 Because you understand the financial benefits of being known globally for creating an energetic
Heart-Based Hospitality guest experience.
What We Are Offering
What We Can Do For You
 We can help you to create Heart-Based Hospitality in your hotel. This can either be during the preopening training or while the hotel is already operating.
The Key Elements in Creating Heart-Based Hospitality
 The Mission and Vision Workshop to set the new direction. (2 days)
 The Heart-Based Hospitality guest experience workshop for all staff. (2 or 3 days)
 The Leadership workshop for all leaders so that they know how to create Heart-Based Hospitality
in their team or department. (2 days or 3 days)
 The extensive Follow-Up Programme called “The 11 Elements” so that the hotel can intensify the
spirit of loving kindness, compassion, and heart-warming care on its own every day.
 Additional help in how to use, send, change, and condition energy in the hotel.
 Complimentary follow-up guidance and suggestions by internet or in person.
The Results and Benefits for the Hotel
A higher occupancy level and increased revenue because people want and need a lot of loving
kindness, compassion, and genuine care, and they will stay at a hotel, which provides this.
The staff are happier because they become their real, authentic loving, compassionate, and
caring selves, which is how we human beings are by nature.
The energy of the hotel changes. It feels pleasantly different.
A few hotels, which have implemented Heart-Based Hospitality consistently, have won
prestigious awards, including World Travel Awards.
The Spirit of the Guest Experience We Create
 The following quotations reflect the spirit, direction, and purpose of Heart-Based Hospitality:
How to Create a Truly Memorable
Heart-Based Hospitality Guest Experience,
Which is Strong in Loving Kindness, Compassion,
and Heart-Warming Care
The energy of loving kindness, compassion,
and warmth of the employees is so intense
that the guests “… can breathe in the
sweet scents of loving kindness from
the garden of their heart”.
The Objectives of the Workshop
 The main objectives are to show how to create a soft and gentle guest experience, which is strong
in loving kindness, compassion, and heart-warming care, and to instill in the participants the desire
to want to create it.
 Heart-Based Hospitality is the future of the guest experience. To create it you must
understand energy. The feelings experienced are very different to those in the pervasive SOPCustomer Satisfaction guest experience, and both the staff and the guests feel happier.
 The workshop will show the participants how to change their energy and that of the guests,
guest rooms, facilities, and hotel areas; how to send energy and how to condition the energy of
guest areas; and how to create a truly memorable Heart-Based Hospitality guest experience,
while touching t h e h e a r t s o f t h e p a r t i c i p a n t s hearts and instilling the desire to want to do
so. The workshop is a very uplifting experience.
 The employees and guests are happier. TripAdvisor scores and the hotel’s occupancy increase.
 Some hotels have won international awards by implementing Heart-Based Hospitality consistently.
Who Should Attend?
 All hotel employees, especially front-of-the-house staff.
The Need for the Workshop
 The guest experience is changing already from the traditional,
narrow focus on emotionless standards of performance (SOPs)
about quality and efficiency to a focus on touching the heart
and creating dream-fulfilling, emotional experiences. This is
where the money will be made over the coming years.
 Being able to create a soft and gentle guest experience, which is
very high in emotional value, warm energy, loving kindness,
compassion, and heart-warming care will become essential for a
hotel to be competitive and successful.
 The energetic guest experience will become mainstream in
the hotel industry. The focus o f h o s p i t a l i t y will c h a n g e
more and more t o increasing the emotion and heart-based
energy of the guest experience.
 The workshop will show you some of the ways to create this kind
of hospitality.
 Heart-Based Hospitality
changes the energy of the
guest experience.
 It is the result of applying
to the guest experience
knowledge and energy
techniques from ancient
cultures, the knowledge
Heart-Based Hospitality Creates a Soft Spirit of Service
and techniques from
 Heart-Based Hospitality provides for guests a soft and gentle
heart energy research,
spirit of service and guest experience because the employees
scientific knowledge
infuse all aspects of their service with loving kindness,
about thought energy
compassion, and heart-warming care.
and energy in general,
 In Heart-Based Hospitality everything that the employees do
and ways to open the
aims to touch the heart of the guests; even simple tasks, such as
heart of hotel staff so that
placing a cup of coffee next to guest. Everything becomes an
their natural loving, kind,
experience, which creates warm feelings.
compassionate, and
 The desire to do this grows as the staff open their heart more
caring nature blossoms.
and more, and become the person they really are. They change.
 The result is very good
for the hotel’s business.
It Enables You to Move Beyond the 5-Star Experience
 There are unlimited levels of guest experience above the 5-star
level, which can be created by breaking away from current ideas,
particularly those relating to staff development. Heart-Based
Hospitality enables you to reach those higher levels.
 The heart produces the body’s electromagnetic energy field, and
when you know how to change the body’s energy, you can
change the energy of the property and the guest experience.
 The employees change and become happier. They show much
more loving kindness, compassion, and heart-warming care, and
their service becomes softer and gentler. The guests love the
guest experience, and this translates into increased revenue.
 Tradition and obsolete paradigms have m a d e 5 S t ar s the
highest level, and hotels believe it is the highest level possible.
5 Stars is just the highest possible with current obsolete
paradigms. Hotels need to understand that there is a better and
more profitable path to go down than SOP-Customer Satisfaction
- one which makes both the employees and guests happier.
 One day, the hotel industry will wake up to the business
potential that Heart-Based Hospitality offers.
is now launching the
energetic Heart-Based
Hospitality Guest
Experience in the
Middle East.
The Workshop’s Contents
SOP-Customer Satisfaction is an out-of-date concept. Period.
Opening the heart of the participants to create the desire to
show loving kindness, compassion, and heart-warming care.
The transformation in the guests, which the staff should create.
The power and energy of thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
What heart energy is, and how to change it to increase one’s
own happiness, and to influence the feeling and spirit of the
guest experience and the hotel.
The most important thing we can do for other people.
How guests really feel; what they need most from hotel
staff; and how the staff can provide it.
The softness, gentleness, and spirit of the Heart-Based
Hospitality guest experience, and how to create this spirit.
How to send love energy to people and spaces.
Discovering one’s strongest motivation for taking care of guests.
The effect of one’s thoughts on the guest experience, and how to
use one’s thoughts to influence its energy, to improve one’s job
skills, and to improve one’s life.
How to create positive body language with one’s thoughts.
How to create truly memorable experiences.
What We Will
Do For You
 The workshop will introduce
your hotel to Heart-Based
Hospitality. The more staff
who attend the workshop,
the more significant will be
the effect on your hotel’s
guest experience.
 We will provide free of
charge to hotels, which hire
us to implement HeartBased Hospitality in their
hotel, all the training and
deepening material and
supporting systems (The 11
Elements) and guidance,
which they will need to
develop and increase
continuously the energy of
the guest experience. The
process will then be selfsustaining.
 Because we want you to
succeed, we will provide
guidance by internet
afterwards for no charge.
The Workshop Experience
The workshop is a very uplifting experience, which not only
shows the employees how to create a truly memorable,
energetic guest experience in practical ways, but also develops
the emotional desire in the employees to want to do so.
It takes the participants beyond the level of SOP-Customer
Satisfaction, and makes them want to show loving kindness,
The Differentiator
compassion, and heart-warming care.
The workshop uses stories, videos, energy techniques, and  A Heart-Based Hospitality
music to touch the hearts of the participants; to help them to
guest experience is strong
in loving kindness,
open their heart; and to become more loving and caring. Role
Websites www.rshore.com www.hatsglobal.com
compassion, and heartplays give them the opportunity to practise service at this
warming care.
The participants will learn energy techniques, which change  It feels very different to
the emotionally weak
their energy, increase their happiness, and improve their
health; ways to send energy to the guests and guest facilities;
Satisfaction guest
and they will learn some of the science about why and how
experience, which one
heart energy affects people and spaces.
finds in most hotels.
 Peter McAlpine - Creator of the Heart-Based Hospitality guest
 Your staff and guests will
be happier.
 The hotel’s occupancy
and revenue will increase.
Leadership in
Heart-Based Hospitality
Practical, Effective, and Inspiring
Leadership Actions to Create a Truly
Memorable Heart-Based Hospitality
Guest Experience
The Main Focus of the Workshop
This workshop has been created for hotel Senior Managers, Team Leaders, and Supervisors to
support the process of creating a Heart-Based Hospitality hotel guest experience, which is
strong in loving kindness, compassion, and heart-warming care.
It focuses on 20 essential aspects of leadership that are essential when creating a soft and
gentle Heart-Based Hospitality guest experience. In addition, the participants will be trained
in the 11 Elements (the long-term support system of leadership activities for creating HeartBased Hospitality) so that they can deepen their Team Members in the core values above, and
thereby develop in them the desire to practise them and create a Heart-Based Hospitality
guest experience. This desire is created by the deepening process and related leadership skills
and abilities, which feature in this workshop.
The workshop also trains the participants how to be more inspiring and encourages them to
want to be so. It is a very practical and inspiring workshop that makes it very clear to
the leaders what leadership actions, practices, and behaviours are needed to create HeartBased Hospitality.
The Guest Experience at the 5-Star level is changing from the
traditional, narrow focus on rather emotionless standards of
performance (SOPs) about quality and efficiency to a focus on
creating truly memorable experiences for the guests. This is
where the money will be made over the coming years, and
being able to create a guest experience that is very high in
emotional value and strong in warm heart energy will become
essential for a hotel to be competitive and successful.
This change requires new leadership skills, behaviours, and
actions as it cannot be created in the usual traditional ways.
Heart-Based Hospitality Has a Soft Spirit of Service
Creating Heart-Based Hospitality is about softening the spirit
and feel of the guest experience by infusing everything one
does with the spiritual core values of hospitality mentioned
above. At this level, everything that the employees do should
aim to touch the heart of the guests; even mundane tasks, such
as placing a cup of coffee next to guest. Everything becomes an
experience that creates warm feelings.
The New Skills, Knowledge, and Abilities Leaders Need
Hotel leaders who are used to being controlling managers will
not be able to create such a guest experience. Heart-Based
Hospitality requires leaders to be able to deepen their Team
Members in the core values of hospitality (loving kindness,
compassion, and heart-warming care); to be able to touch their
hearts so that they want to create a Heart-Based Hospitality
guest experience; to know how to plan their own day so that
everything is focused on such a guest experience; to study a
little quantum science in order to understand the nature of
thought energy and heart energy as Heart-Based Hospitality is
also created by knowing how to change the body’s energy so
that it emits tangibly warmer energy; to know how to clear the
energy blocks in their Team Members so that they have greater
self- confidence, self-belief, and self-esteem; etc.
This workshop teaches Leaders the skills and knowledge, and
develops the abilities they need to create levels of guest
experience higher than what one encounters in a typical SOPCustomer Satisfaction hotel.
The heart
produces the
energy field.
changes the
energy of
the guest
experience by
working on the
body’s heart
Leaders need
to understand
to create
the guest
experience of
the future.
Launching the
Heart-Based Hospitality
The 11 Elements
The participants will be taught 11 ways to deepen their Team
Members about the vision statement so that they can achieve it.
This includes energy techniques, which change the energy and
spirit of the team, and create the desire in the Team Members to
want to practise the core values in the vision statement.
The Leaders should implement some of these 11 Elements daily
and in combinations to deepen the staff and themselves about the
meaning and feeling of the core values; and to create in both their
Team Members and themselves the required attitude, frame of
mind, and desire to want to create a Heart-Based Hospitality
guest experience. The workshop will teach the participants
everything they need to know.
The Typical Weak Areas of Leaders
This is not a typical hotel supervisory skills workshop. Apart
from the above, it also addresses the typical weaknesses of hotel
Team Leaders and Department Heads, including the important
leadership actions and activities that they often do not carry out.
These are addressed in 20 important areas of leadership, which
include: how to make the hotel’s vision become reality; how to be
an inspiring leader; how to adapt to the changing times; how to
increase revenue; how to develop the “soft” side of the business;
how to increase the feeling of well-being and happiness of one’s
Team Members so that they feel motivated and happy; how to
train skills and core values at the same time; how to coach so as
to focus on both the job skills and core values; how to increase
the heart energy of one’s Team Members; how to connect with
one’s Team
hearts and www.hatsglobal.com
win them over; amongst other
It is a nuts-and-bolts, very practical kind of leadership workshop,
100% practical and down to earth, which meets the daily needs
of the operation. There is nothing boring and theoretical about it.
If the Leaders practise the 20 points and the 11 Elements
continuously, they will have a major impact on the hotel
operation, and one would expect both the hotel to become
famous for its guest experience, and the Leaders’ market value to
HATSS creates for
hotels a Heart-Based
Hospitality guest
experience that is
strong in loving
compassion, heartwarming care,
empathy, creativity,
and mystery.
It is very different
to the pervasive
Satisfaction guest
experience, which
most hotels have.
We can start you off,
and then provide you
the means and
assistance to
develop the guest
experience and
make the process
Launching the
Heart-Based Hospitality