9. Performance

Board Meeting
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24th March 2015
Integrated Performance Report – Q3 Progress Update
HEE Mar 15.7(i)
Zaheer Mohammed, Business Intelligence Manager
Nicki Latham, Chief Operating Officer
Integrated Performance Report – Quarter 3
The Integrated Performance Report (IPR) is provided in two sections
and provides the HEE Board with:
 An Executive summary of HEE’s progress against 163
deliverables mapped against the 2014/15 HEE Business Plan
and HEE Mandate, including exception reports where risks
have been identified to delivery by the due date.
 a summary of progress against HEE’s Business Plan
priorities .
The complete IPR is available on-line and accessible using
AspireView. Since Q1, Health Visiting and Apprenticeship data has
been added to the Benchmarking Dashboards on AspireView.
To Note
Board members are requested to:
 note HEE’s performance at Q2 2014/15 and
 confirm assurance that performance is continually
improving and appropriate action is being taken to remedy
any risks to delivery
The development of the Integrated Performance Report (IPR) is
aligned with the 2014/15 Business Plan and HEE Mandate, using
the HEE’s Business Plan domains as the common thread for aligning
and developing performance reporting.
Identified risks
and risk
There are no RED rated deliverables, however, exception reports
have been provided for 13 deliverables rated AMBER for those
deliverables that have experienced slippage to the due date.
Support to NHS
This report assists HEE to understand its performance in addressing
its objectives, including those within the Constitution.
Legal implications
including equality
and diversity
HEE will be considered as a failing organisation if it does not perform
well against The Mandate deliverables, this includes addressing
equality and diversity within the Widening Participation domain.
Cross Directorate work continues to maximise resources and
facilitate reporting.