Board Meeting Meeting Date Report Title Paper Number Report Author Lead Director FOI Status Report Summary Purpose (tick one only) Recommendation Strategic Objective Links Identified risks and risk management actions Resource implications Support to NHS Constitution Legal implications including equality and diversity assessment 24 March 2015 HEE’s transition to Non-Departmental Public body: update on progress, changes and governance arrangements HEE Mar 15.5 Mike Jones Lee Whitehead Applicable This paper provides an update on arrangements for HEE to become a Non-Departmental Public Body. Approval To Note Decision The Board is asked to note progress, changes and governance requirements relating to HEE becoming a Non-Departmental Public Body. HEE’s status change is a legislative requirement. The risk of any delay to HEE’s scheduled transition from Special Health Authority status to that of Non-Departmental Public Body has been mitigated through the allocation of dedicated resource to this work, and regular liaison with HEE’s Departmental sponsor team and others to resolve any issues as they arise. Resource for the transitional work is in place. The values of the NHS Constitution are integral to and underpin all HEE activity. The Care Act 2014 stipulates that HEE becomes an NDPB. 1 1. Background The Care Act 2014, which came into force in May 2014, stipulates that Health Education England (HEE) shall become a Non-Departmental Public Body (NDPB). Secondary legislation to give effect to the provisions outlined in the Act was prepared and Statutory Instruments (SIs) made. The latter were laid in Parliament in December 2014 so, these having passed into law, HEE is now set to become a NDPB on 1 April 2015. 2. Regulations The HEE Regulations laid in December 2014 will come into effect on 1 April, along with the Commencement Order which gives effect to the powers in the Care Act, that establish HEE as a NDPB. The following legislation is relevant and applicable: The Care Act 2014 (Commencement No.3) Order 2014 SI 2014 No 3186 The Health Education England Regulations 2014 SI 2014 No 3125 The Health Education England (Transfer of Staff, Property and Liabilities) Order 2014 SI 2014 No 3218 3. Reasons for change of status • • • Establishing HEE as an NDPB, as specified in the Care Act 2014, means its role and responsibilities relating to health and the wider education and training system are enshrined in primary legislation NDPB status means HEE will operate on a new statutory basis with clearly defined duties and powers The Secretary of State has regulation making powers in respect of HEE’s activities; the Care Act ensures these powers are subject to parliamentary control, which makes relevant control measures more transparent. 4. Summary benefits of HEE becoming an NDPB • • • HEE is established in primary legislation It gives HEE parity with other key bodies in the system It gives stability to the education and training system for health and social care in England 5. HEE duties and powers defined by the Care Act The Act places a number of duties on HEE, including: • • • • Exercising the Secretary of State’s duty to ensure an effective education and training system Ensuring the supply of sufficient numbers of health workers with the right skills and behaviours Publishing annual workforce priorities and expected outcomes Exercising functions with a view to securing continuous quality improvement 2 • • Obtaining necessary advice from patients, professional regulators, Royal Colleges etc. Having regard to the NHS Constitution and to promoting research activity The Act requires HEE’s Local Education and Training Boards (LETBs) to: • • • • Meet rigorous establishment criteria Represent the interest of all providers in their area Prepare and publish workforce plans, with sign off by HEE Fulfil rigorous establishment criteria and deliver workforce plans using delegated authority from the HEE Board The Act requires that commissioners ensure all providers of NHS services co-operate with, and provide necessary support, to the LETB in their area. The Act establishes a tariff based system for funding clinical education and training. 6. HEE’s accountability as an NDPB HEE, in its role providing national leadership for education and training for the NHS and public health system, will continue to be accountable to the Secretary of State for Health The Secretary of State will continue to have regulation making powers in respect of HEE’s activities but these will be subject to Parliamentary control and as such fully transparent The Secretary of State will no longer be able to issue new Directions to HEE and will instead rely on powers set out in the Care Act or on regulation making powers provided by the Act: the Act also provides powers to direct with regard to financial and accounting matters. Accountability between HEE and the Department of Health (DH) will remain the same. The DH / HEE Framework Agreement sets out the critical elements of this relationship including reporting arrangements. HEE’s Chief Executive will remain the designated Accountability Officer for HEE as an NDPB Ministerial appointments to HEE’s Board will continue to be made in accordance with the Commissioner for Public Appointments’ Code of Practice HEE Board members will continue to adhere to the Guidance on Codes of Practice for Board Members of Public Bodies HEE will be expected to continue to publish Annual Reports and Accounts and have these lain before Parliament The Care Act gives LETBs clearly defined functions in their own right LETBs, as sub-committees of HEE Board, will continue to operate under formal schemes of delegation from HEE LETBs will continue to be accountable for managing budgets efficiently and will report upwards to HEE through annual accountability arrangements Once HEE becomes an NDPB, legislation specifies that LETBs must include a minimum of three members with clinical expertise – a doctor, a nurse and someone from another regulated health profession 3 7. Finance A letter will be issued to the HEE Chief Executive conferring Accountability Officer status for HEE as a NDPB HEE’s Schedule of Delegation is issued annually. There will be no fundamental change as approval limits are the same for Special Health Authorities, i.e. what HEE is now, and NDPBs – what it is set to become. HEE will work with the DH Finance Team to ensure assets are shown moving from HEE as a Special Health Authority to HEE as NDPB Accounts Directions will be provided to HEE by the DH Finance Team; no additional work is envisaged as a result of HEE’s status change 8. International activity DH is due to write to HEE to confirm the international activity powers we will have as a NDPB. This is due to be received during the week commencing 16 March 2015. 9. LETB Accountability Frameworks HEE will not be making any changes to the LETB Accountability Framework ahead of 1 April 2015, but this will be reviewed during 2015/16. 10. HEE Board appointments Provision has been made for relevant Non-executive Director Board members to receive updated terms of appointment letters before 1 April 2015. 11. Seal HEE has procured a seal, as required, for use on official agreements and documents from 1 April 2015. 12. Board Governance requirements As described above, HEE will be formally established as an Executive Non-Departmental Public Body with effect from 1 April 2015. This will replace HEE, the Special Health Authority, which was originally established on 28 June 2012. This change in the organisation’s status means the Board will need to complete a number of governance tasks at its first full meeting as a NDPB on 21 April 2015. This will help to ensure that our business occurs on a sound legal basis. Please note that there is no provision in the Care Act for the HEE Special Health Authority Board to complete required actions in advance, i.e. at its final meeting on 24 March 2015. 4 On 21 April 2015, the Board will need to do the following: a. Appointment of Executive members to the Board: the Chair and Non-executive Directors will need to ratify the appointment of Executive members to the Board. (The Chair and Non-executive Directors will convene on 1 April 2015 to confirm Executive appointments). This is a formal governance requirement that relates to Board appointment only, not ratification of employment; the latter is assured under the provisions of the applicable Transfer Order. b. Confirm Non-executive Director roles: further to the above, for completeness and transparency, the Chair will confirm Deputy Chair, Audit & Risk Committee, and Remuneration Committee, Chair roles c. Approval of key governance and policy documents: the Board will be asked to adopt or approve various essential governance documents. The change in the organisation’s status will not require an intrinsic, radical overhaul of existing governance arrangements, but it will require the NDPB Board to approve and endorse them formally. Documents that will require approval include: Standing Orders, including Terms of Reference for HEE sub-committees: LETBs, Audit and Risk Committee, Remuneration Committee. Standing Financial Instructions Scheme of Delegation Approach to Risk Management Amendments may be minimal but necessary: all references to HEE as a Special Health Authority will be expunged and replaced by references to HEE as NDPB. In addition, the opportunity will be utilised to refresh documents, e.g. Standing Financial Instructions will now refer to updated procurement guidelines. Work is currently ongoing to ensure existing policies and procedures are updated to reflect HEE’s change of status (and recent structural revisions). The Board will be provided with a summary of policies revised and an explanation of what key changes have been applied consistently to those policies. d. Declarations of Interest: the Chair will ask Board members to confirm that they have completed new declarations of interest (declarations will be completed prior to the meeting). e. Appointment of Local Education and Training Boards: the Board will be required to confirm appointment of its LETBs. As per 9 above, this will be done utilising existing accountability arrangements, subject to future review. 5
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